03-22-07ITEM 3_3
March 22, 2007
Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier,
Councilmembers Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, Vern Heidner
and Tom Darkenwald.
City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk
Judy Hudson, Finance Director Gary Groen, City Engineer Ron
Wagner, and Assistant City Engineer Joe Palawa.
Rudy Thibodeau of Godfather's Pizza and Tim and Pat Phillips
of Riverview Liquorette were present.
Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 5:03 p.m.
Review of Proposed Mississippi Shores (Frontage Road)
Assessments - Ron and Joe reviewed how the assessments were
determined. They noted that review of the figures had
uncovered several errors which reduced the proposed
assessments. The business owners had a variety of questions
about the assessments. After all questions were answered,
Mayor Fournier thanked them for their participation.
Other Business:
Comp Time - After discussion, Council was in consensus to
direct staff to prepare a revised Comp Time policy.
Benefits for Part-time Employees - After discussion, Council
was in consensus to direct staff to prepare a policy for
review by the Administrative Subcommittee and the Council.
Water Usage - Staff reviewed large water users with the
Council. Council asked to have the City Engineer explain why
the Water Park was connected to the storm sewer rather than
the sanitary sewer.
With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting
at 8:27 p.m.
Michael Robertson
City Administrator