02-27-06 CCITEM 5 -1 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 27, 2006 TO: Judy Hudson Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 02 -15 -2006 $ 90,015.19 02 -23 -2006 $ 350,097.17 *Includes Hakanson ($143,035.91) and Couri ($23,996.15) checks to be printed. PAYROLL 2 -15 -2006 $ 32,875.24 GRAND TOTAL $ 472,987.60 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper u CITY OF OTSEGO 02/23/06 10:32 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register© FEBRUARY 2006 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $102 77 2005 MEETINGS 9 UnPaid AARON STRITESKY UnPaid ALVIN MC CLURE UnPaid ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFIT UnPaid BLACK RON UnPaid BRAUN INTERTEC UnPaid CAMPBELL KNUTSON UnPaid CARLA RANSOM UnPaid CASSADY ROSE UnPaid CHRIS WILSON UnPaid DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC UnPaid EDGAR PEARSALL UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY UnPaid EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES IN UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTE UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC UnPaid . HALLMAN OIL COMPANY UnPaid HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOG UnPaid JANE M THEISEN UnPald JOHN THELEN UnPaid KATHY ROBERTS UnPaid KURT NEIDERMEIER InPaid LILIA ROUSSELET UnPaid MICHAEL R BRUMM UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE UnPaid MN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - UnPaid MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION UnPaid - MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL UnPaid OFFICEMAX UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. UnPaid PETER TORRESANI UnPaid PHILIP LARSEN UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION UnPaid REED BUSINESS INFORMATION UnPaid RUDY THIBODEAU UnPaid RUSS LANGER UnPaid SANDRA MICHAELSON UnPaid SOFTRONICS UnPaid SPRINT UnPaid SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. UnPaid SWENSON JOY UnPaid THOMAS CARTER UnPaid TOM KOERWITZ UnPaid TR COMPUTER SALES LLC UnPaid VINYL GRAPHICS UnPaid VIRGINIA DURAN UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TRE UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DE UnPaid • WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 $307.80 ADMIN - MARCH $40.00 2005 MEETINGS 4 $1,329.75 EAST WWTF $26.00 194 /CSAH 37 $30.00 2005 MEETINGS 3 $70.00 2005 MEETINGS 7 $50.00 2005 MEETINGS 5 $105.00 TIM - 5/10 SEMINAR ST. CLOUD $463.60 PUBLIC HEARING $50.00 2005 MEETINGS 5 $291.81 ENVELOPES $749.47 FIN - MARCH $713.73 UNIFORMS $469.75 LOCATE TICKETS $1,133.96 DIESEL $5,444.81 METER ADAPTOR $70.00 2005 MEETINGS 7 $55.41 REPLACE 7/20 PLAN COMM CHECK $110.00 2005 MEETINGS 11 $67.86 2ND HALF PYMT FOR FRAMING OF NEWS $30.00 2005 MEETINGS 3 $110.00 2005 MEETINGS 11 $161.70 PW - MARCH $1,727.12 1ST QTR WATER SUPPLY CONN FEE $182.25 QUADAY PROJECT $155.00 JAN ANIMAL CONTROL $381.21 OFFICE SUPPLIES $45,757.00 MONTHLY SERVICE $183.18 2005 MEETINGS 11 $50.00 2005 MEETINGS 5 $159.76 8899 NASHUA AVE $466.40 W/S BORING & JACKING $20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 $80.00 2005 MEETINGS 8 $40.00 2005 MEETINGS 4 $5,198.55 HAROLD & BARB COMPUTERS $154.84 LAP TOP CONNECTION $8,844.65 PARKS CONSULTING $20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 $70.00 2005 MEETINGS 7 $20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 $731.66 WINDOWS XP PRO UPGRADE $80.00 CUT /APPLY VINYL FOR STREET SIGNS $90.00 2005 MEETINGS 9 $97,333.34 JAN & FEB SHERIFF PATROL $9,270.73 SALT _ $46.00 ADMIN PERMIT - BOULEY Total Checks $183,065.11 FILTER: None 02/23/06 10:32 AM CITY OF OTSEGO Page 1 *Check Detail Register© FEBRUARY 2006 eck 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER _... .... ._...... _ .... .. _.. _. Uripad ' AARON STRITESKY $12,77 SANTA DAY SUPPLIES E 101- 45250 -310 Miscellaneous Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) $90.00 2005 MEETINGS 9 E 101- 45250 -100 Total AARON STRITESKY $102.77 .Unpaid M ALVIN MC CLURE E 101 -42150 -101 Full Time Employees Regular — $20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 Total ALVIN MC CLURE $20.00 ' ASSU RAN T EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Unpaid E 250 - 42410 -130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) 080 BLDG -MARCH pyy _ PW E 101 -43100 -130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $$27. MARCH -MARCH E101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $72 00 FIN MARCH E 101- 41600 -130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $18.00 Total ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $307.80 Unpaid ,, . �, ._� BLACK RON 2005 MEETINGS 4 E 101 -45300 -101 Full -Time Employees Regular $40.00 Total BLACK RON $40.00 �BRAUNINTERTEC� E 475 -43100 -30 Engineering Fees $168.75 257463 WF EAST . EAST WWTF E 432 - 43256 -302 Engineering Fees $996.00 258362 $ 258364 MISSISSIPPI SHORES E 475 -43100 -302 Engineering Fees Total BRAUN INTERTEC $1,329.75 $26.00 194 1CSAH 37 E 480 -43100 -30 Legal Services Total CAMPBELL KNUTSON $26.00 Unpaid E101-45300-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $30.0 2005 MEETINGS 3 Total CARLA RANSOM $30.00 „ tMR y CASSADY ROSE Unpaid E 101 -45250 -100 Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) $70 .00 2005 MEETINGS 7 Total CASSADY ROSE $70.00 Unpaid .....,.. <„, 2005 MEETINGS 5 E 101 -45300 -10 Full -Time Employees Regular $50.00 Total CHRIS WILSON $50.00 < DEPT LABOR & INDUSTRY Uripaid $35.00 HAROLD - 512 SEMINAR PLYMOUTH E 25042410 -360 Education/Training /Conferences $35.00 JOE - 512 SEMINAR PLYMOUTH E 250-42410 -360 Education/Training /Conferences $35.0 TIM - 5/10 SEMINAR ST. CLOUD E 250-42410 -360 Education/Training /Conferences Total DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY $105.00 Unpaid'� < � <.,. � ...ECM � PUBLISHERSINC Print/Binding (GENERAL) $44.15 206711 BLDG INSP HELP WANTED AD E 250 -42410 -35 E 443 -43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $326.65 206764 $44.15 207076 AD FOR BIDDERS HWY 101 PROJ BLDG INSP HELP WANTED AD E 250 -42410 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $48 207122 PUBLIC HEARING E 101 -41400 -35 Print/Binding (GENERAL) _ Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $463.60 PEARSALL E 101 - 42150 -10 Full -Time Employees Regular $50.00 2005 MEETINGS 5 CITY OF OTSEGO *Check Detail Register© FEBRUARY 2006 Check Amt Total EDGAR PEARSALL $50.00 Unpaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E 101- 41400 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $ 22786 Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $291.81 'Unoaid ri r � EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES INC E 250 -42410 -123 Health E 101 -41400 -123 Health E 101 -43100 -123 Health E 101- 41600 -123 Health Total EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES INC $351.37 $242.94 $120.51 $34.65 $749.47 02/23/06 10:32 AM Page 2 ENVELOPES BLDG - MARCH ADMIN - MARCH PW - MARCH FIN - MARCH __. &'K TEXTILE LEASI SY5TtM Unpaid� E 101 -41940 -390 Contracted Services $91.14 1043116102 1043116103 MATS UNIFORMS E 101- 43100 -225 Uniforms $80.03 $74.57 1043121112 UNIFORMS E 101 -43100 -225 Uniforms $91.14 1043126136 MATS E 101 -41940 -390 Contracted Services $123 79 1043126137 UNIFORMS E 101 -43100 -225 Uniforms $81.89 1043131085 UNIFORMS E 101 - 43100 -225 Uniforms $91.14 1043136039 MATS E 101 - 41940 -390 Contracted Services $8 1043136040 UNIFORMS E 101 - 43100 -225 Uniforms — Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $713.73 4. � ry � �GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC paid $469 75 6010683 LOCATE TICKETS E 250-42410-310 Miscellaneous Total GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $469.75 n HALLMAN OIL COMPANY Unpaid $955.45 174652 DIESEL E 101 -43100 -20 Gas &Oil $178.51 174653 GAS E 101 -43100 -20 Gas & Oil Total HALLMAN OIL COMPANY $1,133.96 HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOGY INC Unpaid� E 601 -49400 -203 Supplies - General $5,271.75 32136 METERS METER ADAPTOR E 601 -49400 -20 Supplies - General $173.06 32137 Total HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOGY INC $5,444.81 w Unpaid .:,.Y JANEMTHEISEN"" E 101 -42150 -101 Full -Time Employees Regular $70.00 2005 MEETINGS 7 Total JANE M THEISEN $70.00 Unpaid .. JOHN THELEN $55.41 REPLACE 7/20 PLAN COMM CHECK G 101 -10100 CASH & INVESTMENTS Total JOHN THELEN $55.41 ,,.� � .��__�, ,,. , � .W ��. �,- KATHY ROB ERTS` Unpaid Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) $ 110.00 2005 MEETINGS 11 E 101 -45250 -10 Total KATHY ROBERTS $110.00 � KURT NEIDERMEIER Unpaid 2ND HALF PYMT FOR FRAMING OF N • E 601 -49400 -310 Miscellaneous Total KURT NEIDERMEIER $67.86 — $67.86 W Unpaid LILIA ROUSSELET 2005 MEETINGS 3 E 101 -45300 -10 Full -Time Employees Regular _ _$30.00_ Total LILIA ROUSSELET $30.00 Unpaid � MICHAEL R BRUMM � 02/23/06 10:32 AM CITY OF OTSEGO Page 3 *Check Detail Register© FEBRUARY 2006 E 101 - 45250 -100 Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) _ $110.00 2005 MEETINGS 11 Total MICHAEL R BRUMM $110.00 Unpaid � � � � MINNESOTA LIFE ADMIN - MARCH E 101 -41400 -130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $22 10 FIN - MARCH E101-41600-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $4 $4.110 PW - MARCH E 101- 43100 -130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $1 0 BLDG - MARCH E 250 -42410 -13 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $28 50 Total MINNESOTALIFE $161.70 .... . MN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH -WATE Unpaid 1ST QTR WATER SUPPLY CONN FEE E 601 - 49400 -375 WATER TEST FEE $1, 7 2 7_12 Total MN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - WATE $1,727.12 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION E 426- 43100 -530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs _ $182 .25 122821 QUADAY PROJECT Total MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION $182.25 _.. .,•_, F ,.. � A, . ,• MONTICELLO ANIMALCONTROL, z ., Unpaid $155.00 590 JAN ANIMAL CONTROL E 101 - 42710 -390 Contracted Services Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $155.00 A xuP aNrxpyM YU Unpaid ..» ~ � OFFICEMAX $159.39 200398 ' OFFICE SUPPLIES E 101-41400-201 Office Supplies $59.48 372225 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 101 -41400 -201 Office Supplies $ 538917 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 101- 41400 -201 Office Supplies Total OFFICEMAX $381.21 $14,661.39 10217 MONTHLY SERVICE E 601 -49400 -390 Contracted Services $31,005.61 10217 MONTHLY SERVICE E 602 -49450 -390 Contracted Services $90.00 10217 LABOR E 430 -43256 -500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $45,757.00 PUMPKIN PATCH DAY SUPPLIES E 101 -45250 -310 Miscellaneous $73.18 $110. 2005 MEETINGS 11 E 101 -45250 -100 Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) Total PETER TORRESANI $183.18 Y m Y rµ PHILIP LARSEN E101-42150-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $50.00 2005 MEETINGS 5 Total PHILIP LARSEN $50.00 Unpaid•• p...,.,r � RANDY'S SANITATION $66 43 13474 95TH STREET E 101 -43100 -325 Garbage Service $ 6333 8899 NASHUA AVE E 1 01 - 41940 -325 Garbage Service . — Total RANDY'S SANITATION $159.76 Unpaid E 443 -43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $233.20 3167368 W/S BORING & JACKING E 443 -43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $233.20 3170743 W/S BORING & JACKING Total REED BUSINESS INFORMATION $466.40 4 0 1 npaid ,: � THIBODEAU E 101 -42150 -101 Full -Time Employees Regular --$20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 Total RUDY THIBODEAU $20.00 _ d - a. Unoai�1 - � - - ���1,' — � ' RUSS LANGER �n n� �C CTI AI(_C R E 101 -45250 -100 Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) $80.00 CITY OF OTSEGO 02123106 10:32 AM Page 4 *Check Detail Register© FEBRUARY 2006 E 101- 43100 -393 Street Signs Total VINYL GRAPHICS $80.00 �__ „, .,...�,, U Unpa VIRGINIA D id �.�� s ._ .. ,�,.. .,.... �. AN E 101 -45250 -100 Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) $90.00 2005 MEETINGS 9 Total VIRGINIA DURAN $90.00 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDIT EA OR•TRSURE Unpaid E 101 - 42100 -390 Contracted Services $97, 333.34 JAN & FEB SHERIFF PATROL Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE $97,333.34 ° WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT E 101 - 43100 -372 Salt & Sand $9,270.73 4792 SALT Total WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $9,270.73 Unpaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER E 101- 41400 -340 Recording Fees $46.00 ADMIN PERMIT - BOULEY Check Amt Invoice Comment Total RUSS LANGER $80.00 SANDRA MICHAELSON Unpaid E 101 - 42150 -101 Full -Time Employees Regular $40 .00 2005 MEETINGS 4 Total SANDRA MICHAELSON $40.00 Unpaid E 101 -41400 -390 Contracted Services $37.26 2154 ADMIN - NAV UPDATE ADMIN - LABOR E 101 -41400 -390 Contracted Services $165.00 2154 $165.00 2154 FIN - LABOR E 101 -41600 -390 Contracted Services $186.38 2154 ADMIN - PIER/PRINTER E 101 -41400 -570 Office Equip and Furnishings $1,095.89 2154 TAMI COMPUTER E 101 -41400 -570 Office Equip and Furnishings $37.26 2154 BLDG - NAV UPDATE E 250 -42410 -390 Contracted Services $1,320.00 2154 BLDG - LABOR E 250 - 42410 -390 Contracted Services $2,191. 2154 HAROLD & BARB COMPUTERS E 250 - 42410 -570 Office Equip and Furnishings Total SOFTRONICS $5,198.55 Unpaid`.. SPRINT�.._ ..,._ ._, _., ......_. $154.84 LAP TOP CONNECTION E 250-42410-320 Telephone Total SPRINT $154.84 n, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Unpaid E 203 - 45210 -390 Contracted Services $8,844 5521 -4 PARKS CONSULTING Total SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. $8,844.65 . e SWENSON JOY unpaid E 101 -45300 -101 Full -Time Employees Regular $20 .00_ 2005 MEETINGS 2 Total SWENSON JOY $20.00 THOMAS CARTER E 101 -42150 -101 Full -Time Employees Regular $70.00 2005 MEETINGS 7 Total THOMAS CARTER $70.00 M.., _ a. m �TOM KOERWITZ Unpaid" E 101 -42150 -101 Full Time Employees Regular $20.00 2005 MEETINGS 2 Total TOM KOERWITZ $20.00 , TR COMPUTER SALES LLC Unpaid $731.66 16308 WINDOWS XP PRO UPGRADE E 250 - 42410 -390 Contracted Services Total TR COMPUTER SALES LLC $731.66 $ 80 00 3014 CUT /APPLY VINYL FOR STREET SIG E 101- 43100 -393 Street Signs Total VINYL GRAPHICS $80.00 �__ „, .,...�,, U Unpa VIRGINIA D id �.�� s ._ .. ,�,.. .,.... �. AN E 101 -45250 -100 Wages and Salaries (GENERAL) $90.00 2005 MEETINGS 9 Total VIRGINIA DURAN $90.00 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDIT EA OR•TRSURE Unpaid E 101 - 42100 -390 Contracted Services $97, 333.34 JAN & FEB SHERIFF PATROL Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE $97,333.34 ° WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT E 101 - 43100 -372 Salt & Sand $9,270.73 4792 SALT Total WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $9,270.73 Unpaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER E 101- 41400 -340 Recording Fees $46.00 ADMIN PERMIT - BOULEY CITY OF OTSEGO 02/23/06 10:32 AM Page 5 *Check Detail Register© FEBRUARY 2006 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $46.00 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $183,065.11 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 203 PARK DEVELOPMENT 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 426 Quaday & CSAH 37 430 West Trtmnt Plant -Phase 1 432 East WWTP Phase III 443 HWY 101 Project Costs 475 Waterfront East/Miss. Shores 480 194 /CASH 37 Project 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $113,324.18 $8,844.65 $5,568.44 $182.25 $90.00 $996.00 $793.05 $333.75 $26.00 $21,901.18 $31,005.61 $183,065.11 01 Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. AlacArthur Robert T. Ruppe— •.also ! icensed in Illinois — .Also licensed in California February 22, 2006 City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 CO URI,114 CARTHUR & R UPPE, P. L.L.P. Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. IVlichael, AV 55376 -0369 (763) 497 -1930 (763) 497 -2599 (FAA? co urimaearthur @.earthl ink net David R. Wendorf Kristen H. Carr Alison K Alarwitz SUINIINL4RY OF SERVICES RENDERED GENERAL S 1,678.00 SCHOOL DISTRICT $ 55.00 DARKENtiVALD S 1,160.00 GREAT RIVER CENTRE S 145.00 FEATHERWIND FARMS $ 1,319.50 -SRF CONTRACT $ 0.00 CRIMSON PONDS WEST 2 S 551.00 LEAPS & BOUNDS S 72.50 PINNACLE CROSSING S 43.50 RIVERWOOD NATIONAL $ 6 TERRA DEV. S 1,189.00 WINTER FAMILY EASEMENT $ 473.00 LENZ S 165.00 MOORE $ 242.00 OTSEGO CREEK S 116.00 OERTEL CONTRACT S 165.00 QUAILE AVENUE $ 55.00 RHEA VACATION S 165.00 CITY CAMPUS PLAT S 4,256.65 WATERFRONT EAST S 29.00 RIVERPLACE 2 $ 594.50 KITTREDGE CROSSING 10 $ 725.00 HIGHWAY 101 S 1,914.00 MISSISSIPPI COVE $ 319.00 DUKE INDUSTRIAL PARK S 362.50 DRAINAGE PROJECT 2003 S -------- 1,575.00 - - - - -- ' TOTAL NOW DUE AND OWING: $23,996.15 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. February 21, 2006 3601 Thurston Ave. Suite 101 Anoka, SIN 55303 76 t 763 - 427 -0520 Statement of Account For: CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NASHUA AVE. N.E. OTSEGO, iVEN 55330 PHEASANT RIDGE 5TH ADDITION; PUD OT2232 Invoice Due Current Payments/ Amount Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2//7/2006 3/19/2006 0.00 350.00 17492 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 350.00 OT2242 CRIMSON PONDS WEST Due Current Payments/ Amount Invoice Date Date Credits(Discounts Due Invoice Refer Type Ref 2'17/2006 3119!2006 0.00 2,400.85 17493 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 2,400.83 OT2246 RIVERWOOD NATIONAL Due Current PaymenW Amount Invoice Date Date Credits!Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/21/2006 3/23/2006 0.00 8,407.80 17551 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 8,407.80 OT2248 RIVER POINTE SECOND ADDITION Current Payments! Amount Invoice Date Due Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 11 7/2006 3/19/2006 0.00 100.00 17511 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 100.00 OT2252 PHEASANT RIDGE 6TH ADDITION current Payments/ Amount Invoice Date Due Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2120/2006 3122/2006 0.00 119.23 17548 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 119.23 OT2260 ARBOR CREEK Due Current PaymenW Amount invoice Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/1312006 3!15/2006 0.00 411.47 17373 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 411.47 OT2261 KITTREDGE CROSSING Due Current Pmen Amount Invoice Date Date Credits /Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 211312006 3 /15/2006 0.00 3,560.90 17372 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 3,560.90 0 2265 SUNRAY FARMS ADDITION Invoice Due Current Payments/ Amount Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Statement of account CITY OF OTSEGO 17371 Invoice Pale 2 /13/2006 3/151/2006 0.110 462.00 Project Totals 0.00 161.111) 02266 ZINIMER FARMS ADDITION Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date Credits /Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 463.26 2/13/2006 3/15/2006 0.00 17370 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 463.26 OT2267 ROLLING MEADOWS ADDITION Invoice Due Current Payments Amount Date Date Credits, Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 100.00 2/13/2006 3/15i2006 0.00 17367 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 100.00 OT2268 MARTIN FARMS ADDITION Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date CreditsrDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 0.00 3,248.41 2/13/2006 3/15/2006 17368 invoice Project Totals: 0.00 3,248,41 OT2270 OTSEGO PRESERVE, LLC Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date CreditsrDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/1312006 3/15!2006 0.00 579.22 17341 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 579.22 OT2274 FOREST HILLS Amount Invoice Due Current Payments) Date Date CreditsDiscounts Due nvoice Type Refere 0.00 26.81 2/13/2006 3/15/2006 17353 Invoice 26.81 Project Totals: 0.00 OT2275 KITTREDGE CROSSING 2ND, 3RD AND 4TH ADDITIONS Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date CreditsrDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 0 300.00 2/13/2006 3 /1/5 /..006 17361 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 300.00 OT2277 REMINGTON COVES Invoice Due Current Payments/ Amount Date Date Credits0iseounts Due Invoice Type Reference 1,515.83 2/13/2006 3115/2006 0.00 17362 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 1,515.83 OT2280 DUERR CREEK Amount invoice Due Current Payments/ Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 0.00 160.33 2/10/2006 3/12/2006 17337 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 160.33 OT2281 LEFEBVRE FARMS Amount [nvoice Due Current Payments) Date Date CreditslDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 313.35 2/13/2006 3/15/2006 0 •� 17354 Invoice 313.35 Project Totals: 0.00 t F2283 ARBOR CREEK SECOND ADDITION Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Statement of Account Pave 3 CITY OF OTSEGO Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date Credits; Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2;/3;'_006 3it5 /"'006 0 00 191.60 1 7340 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 191-60 OT2284 SUNRAY FARMS SECOND ADDITION Current Payments! Amount Invoice Date Due Date Credits /Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/10/2006 3//'_/2006 0.00 46'_.00 17335 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 162.00 ZIMMER FARMS ADDITION THIRD ADDITION Amount OT2286 Invoice Due Current Payments' Date Date Credits, Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2!13/2006 3/15/2006 0.00 333.31 17355 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 333.31 KITTREDGE CROSSING 5TH AND 6TH ADDITIONS Amount OT2287 Invoice Due Current Payments` Date Date Credits•Discounts Due Invoice Tvpe Reference 2/13/2006 3/15/2006 0.00 2,951.48 17357 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 2,951.43 PLEASANT CREEK FARMS THIRD ADDITION Amount OT2289 Invoice Due Current Payments/ Date Date CreditvDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/10/2006 3/12/2006 0.00 422.81 17328 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 422.81 T2291 OTSEGO PRESERVE SECOND ADDITION Amount Invoice Due Current PaymenW Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2!10/2006 3/12/2006 0 1,266.13 17329 Invoice • Project Totals: 0.00 1,266.13 ZIMMER FARMS ADDITION FOURTH ADDITION Amount OT2292 Invoice Due Current Payments' Date Date CreditsDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 21 3/15/2006 0.00 514.91 17359 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 514.91 OTSEGO PRESERVE THIRD ADDITION Amount OT2294 Invoice Due Current Payments( Date Date CrediWDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/13/2006 3/15/2006 0.00 1,228.43 17358 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 1,228.43 OT2295 ROTTLUND HOMES Due Current Payments/ Y Amount Invoice Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/10 /2006 3//2/2006 0.00 3,420.56 17317 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 3,420.56 OT2296 GREAT RIVER CENTRE Due Current Payments/ Amount Invoice Date Date Credits Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/13/2006 3115/2006 0.00 1,370.20 17356 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 1,370.20 ' KITTREDGE CROSSING NINTH ADDITION OT2303 Hakanson 1--ni Anderson Assoc., I n c. Statement of Account CITY OF OTSEGO Invoice Tvpe Reference 17321 Invoice Invoice Due Date Dat 2/10/2006 3112'2006 Project Totals: Paee 4 Current Payments/ Credits; Discounts Amount Due 0.00 72.19 0.00 72.19 OT2305 KITTREDGE CROSSING 10TH ADDITION Invoice Due Current Paymentst Amount Date Date Credits'Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2110/2006 3/12/2006 0.00 1,922.16 17322 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 1,922.16 OT2306 RIVER PLACE SECOND ADDITION Amount Invoice Due Current Payments! Date Date CrediwDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2i 10/2006 � � 311 -/ -006 0.00 808.50 17523 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 808.50 OT2307 FEATHERWIND Invoice Due Current Payments/ Amount Date Date Creditsmiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 21i 10/2006 3/12/2006 0.00 68.00 17324 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 68.00 OT2308 RIVER PLAZA Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date Credits,Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/1012006 3/12 /2006 0.00 143.50 17325 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 148.50 OT2310 ARBOR CREEK FOURTH ADDITION Amount Invoice Due Current Payments Date Date CreditsDiscounts Due +nice Type Reference 2/20!2006 3/22 %2006 0.00 810.21 .7513 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 810.21 OT2311 ZIMMER FARMS 5TH ADDITION Amount Invoice Due Current Payments! Date Date CreditsDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/20/2006 3/2_/2006 0.00 875.23 17514 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 875.23 OT2312 ZIMMER FARMS 6TH ADDITION Current Payments Amount Invoice Date Due Date Credits/Discounts are Invoice Type Reference 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 435.12 17515 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 435.12 MISCELLANEOUS DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS OT2500 voice Due CurrtntPa}'menW Amount Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/20/2006 3122/2006 0,00 13,096.36 17535 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 13,096.36 OT315 2006 MUNICIPAL STATE AID ADMINISTRATION Amount -2006 Invoice Due Current Payments` Date Date CreditvDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/17/2006 3/19/2006 0.00 753.13 17508 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 753.13 A 340 QUADAY AVENUE - 78TH STREET TO CSAH 37 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Statement of Account Pale CITY OF OTSEGO Invoice Due Current Payments amount Date Date Credits, Discounts Due Invoice Tvpe Reference 2/17/3006 3/19/3006 0.00 738.38 '7509 Invoice Project Totals' 0.00 728.38 OT357 TRUNK HIGHWAY 101 Due Current Pavments! Amount Invoice Date Date Credits, Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2 %20/'_006 3!32!'_006 0.00 1,438.74 17518 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 1,438.74 STREET LIGHTING- WATERFRONT E. /MISSISSIPPI SHORES ROAD Amount OT365 Invoice Due Current Payments' Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Tv Reference 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 871.91 17519 Invoice 0.00 871.91 Project Totals: CHRISTIAN ACRES AREA ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Amount OT368 Invoice Due Current Paymentst Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Tvpe Reference 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 7,780.33 17520 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 7,780.38 2006 OTSEGO ROAD NIAINTENANCE PROJECT Amount OT369 Invoice Due Current Payments/ Date Date Credits Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference �� 2/20/2006 3/__/2006 0.00 8,666.80 17521 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 8,666.80 1- 94 /ALBERTVILLE TRAFFIC STUDY Amount OT372 Invoice Due Current Payments Date Date CreditsDiscounts Due .voice Type Reference 2120/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 10,208.56 17543 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 10,208.56 OTSEGO CREEK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Amount OT424 Invoice Due Current Payments Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2120/2006 3/22/2006 000 2,185.94 1754.4 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 2,185.94 WEST OTSEGO PUMP HOUSE AND PNEUMATIC TANK Amount OT516 Invoice Due Current Payments Date Date CreditsDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 0 306.81 17523 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 306.81 4 & 5/ WATER TOWER #2 CONNECTION OT517 TRUNK WATERMAIN -WELLS Current Payments Amount Invoice Date Date CreditslDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/20 /2006 3/2212006 000 240.00 17516 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 240.00 OT520 CITY WELLHEAD PROTECTION Current Payments Amount invoice Due Date CreditsMiscounts Due Invoice Date Type Reference 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 0,00 1, 135.58 17517 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 1,135.58 4P T618 WEST OTSEGO LIFT STATION El Hakanson 111" 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. Statement of Account CITY OF OTSEGO Pzwe 6 Project Totals: Invoice Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date Credits, Discounts Due Invoice Typo Reference 213013006 322 /3006 0.00 210.O ti 175- Invoice 17538 Project Totals: 0.00 210.00 OT623 OTSEGO WATER FRONT EAST UTILITIES OT626 Amount CurrentPaymentsr Amount Invoice. Due Current Payments/ Due Invoice Type Reference 2!20/2006 3/22/2006 Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 1 3/22 '006 0.00 1.006'8 17545 Invoice Current Paymentsi Amount Date Date Project Totals: 0.00 1.006.=8 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN ^ CSAH #42 AND TH101 OT625 Due Current Payments' Amount Date Date Credits "Discounts Due Invoice Tvpe Reference 2/20/2006 3122:2006 0.00 741.12 17538 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 711.12 & FORCENIAIN ALONG TH #101 FRONTAGE RD. OT626 TRUNK WATERMAIN Invoice Due CurrentPaymentsr Amount Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2!20/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 3,616.83 17539 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 3,616.33 TH 101 1CSAH 37 /CSAH 42 SANITARY SEWER AND WATER BORINGS OT628 Invoice Due Current Paymentsi Amount Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Tvpe Reference 2720/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 24,414.83 17524 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 24,414.83 SCADA REVISIONS AND RADIO FREQUENCY LICENSE OT629 Invoice Due Current Payments/ Amount Date Date Credits /Discounts Due voice Type Reference 2 2/20/2006 3/..2J2006 0.00 2.118.06 .1525 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 2,118.06 OT630 KADLER AVENUE FORCEMAIN Amount Invoice Due Current PaymenW Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Typc Reference 212012006 3/22/2006 0.00 12,000.00 17526 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 12,000.00 OT717 CITY PARKS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Amount Invoice Due CurrentPaymentsi Date Date CreditsiDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 557.63 17540 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 557.63 OT901 -2006 MISCELLANEOUS ENGINEERING Current Payments' Amount Invoice Due Date Date Credits'Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2120/2006 3/22/2006 0.00 881.50 17547 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 881.50 OT904 CITY MAP Due Current Payments/ Amount Invoice Date Date Credits/Discounts Due Invoice Type Reference 2/20/2006 3/2212006 0.00 2,67702 17530 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 2.677.02 k914-2006 STAFF MEETINGS ATTENDED IN 2006 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Statement of Account CITY OF OTSEGO Invoice Tvpe Reference 7528 [nvoice Invoice Due Date Date 2/20/2006 3/22/2006 Project Totals: Page 7 Current Payments' Amount Credits Discounts D ue 0.00 1,280.0: 0 1,280-05 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. ALBERTVILLE AND THE CITY OF OTSEGO ISSUES Current Payments Amount OT918 Invoice Due Date Credi[sDisaounts Due Invoice Tvpe Reference Date 2/ ?0/2006 3/'"12006 0.00 . 2 -53.35 t7512 Invoice Project Totals: 0.00 253.35 OT923 GOPHER ONE CALL MAPS Due Current Payments Amount Invoice Date Credits'Discounu Due Invoice Type Reference Date 2/2 3/22/2006 0.00 627.38 17529 tnvuice Project Totals: 0.00 627.38 OT924 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Due Current Payments! Amount Invoice Date CreditsDiscounts Due Invoice Type Reference Data 2/20/2006 3/22x 2006 0 .00 5,388.17 17537 Invoice Project Totals: 0 5,388.17 Report Totals: 0.00 5113,035.91 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO 02/15/06 11:23 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register© FEBRUARY 2006 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF UnPaid BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLI UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST UnPaid OERTEL ARCHITECTS UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREME FILTER: None $9,172.00 MARCH - FINANCE $26,068.73 WWTP EAST PHASE 2 $537.31 PPE 2/11 CK DTD 2/15 $51,260.00 PUBLIC WORKS BLDG $2,977.15 PPE 2/11 CK DTD 2/15 Total Checks $90,015.19 • CITY OF OTSEGO 02/15/06 11:24 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Register© FEBRUARY 2006 441 Otsego City Campus — $51,260.00 $90,015.19 Check Amt Invo Com 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER �...,.. .., ........ . . . ..._ .., ..... _... _ ... . " Unpaid " y BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN E 250 - 42410 -123 Health $4,559.00 MARCH - BKDG E101 -41400 -123 Health $2,599.00 MARCH - ADMIN E 101 -43100 -123 Health $1,272.00 MARCH - PW E 101 -41600 -123 Health $742.00 MARCH - FINANCE Total BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN $9,172.00 � BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK Unpaid E 429 -43256 -302 Engineering Fees $163.50 126643 WWTP EAST PHASE 2 E 430 - 43256 -302 Engineering Fees $5,911.00 126644 WWTF WEST E 432 -43256 -302 Engineering Fees $19,994.23 126648 WWTF EAST PAHSE 3 Total BONESTR00 ROSENE ANDERLIK $26,068.73 Unpaid >–,....._. G 101 -21705 Other Retirement $345.00 PPE 2111 CK DTD 2/15 E 101 -41400 -121 PERA $192.31 PPE 2111 CK DTD 2/15 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $537.31 Unpaid E 441 - 43100 -302 Engineering Fees $ #5 PUBLIC WORKS BLDG Total OERTEL ARCHITECTS $51,260.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD Unpaid $560.29 PPE 2/11 CK DTD 2/15 E 250 - 42410 -121 PERA $1,423.85 PPE 2111 CK DTD 2/15 G 101 -21704 PERA $498.57 PPE 2/11 CK DTD 2/15 E 101- 43100 -121 PERA $307.28 PPE 2/11 CK DTD 2/15 E 101 -41400 -121 PERA $187.16 PPE 2/11 CK DTD 2/15 E 101- 41600 -121 PERA Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $2,977.15 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $90,015.19 Fund Summary 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER 101 GENERAL FUND $7,567.17 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $5,119.29 429 WWTP -East Phase 2 $163.50 430 West Trtmnt Plant -Phase 1 $5,911.00 432 East WWTP Phase 111 $19,994.23 441 Otsego City Campus — $51,260.00 $90,015.19 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2006- 14 RESOLUTION VALUING DONATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS FROM D &Y FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP WHEREAS, D &Y Family Limited Partnership ( "D &Y ") owned certain property abutting Highway 101 within the City of Otsego ( "CITY ") as set forth on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation ( "MNDOT ") has proposed construction to upgrade those portions of Highway 101 lying within the CITY to freeway status commencing construction in the Spring of 2006; and WHEREAS, portions of that property are to be ultimately conveyed to MNDOT for the purpose of construction of a freeway interchange and frontage roads at the intersection of Highway 101 and County 37 and County 42; and WHEREAS, the CITY has agreed to approve the transaction and the appraised value of the contributions for D &Y's tax purposes and to provide appropriate documentation of the transfer and valuation; and WHEREAS, the property has been transferred from D &Y to the CITY; and WHEREAS, an appraised value of the D &Y property has been determined by the appraiser and is hereby approved by the City. • NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the CITY; 1. The City has previously accepted the donation of those properties as set forth on Exhibit A. 2. The value of those properties donated to the City is hereby established at $8,935,000.00, pursuant to the breakdown of parcels as set forth on attached Exhibit A. ADOPTED this 27 day of February, 2006 by the Otsego City Council. INFAVOR: Mayor Fournier; Councilmembers: Heidner, Scharber, Stockamp and Thorsted OPPOSED: None CITY OF Fournier, Mayor .I • • 2 EXHIBIT A D &Y LAND DONATIONS TO CITY OF OTSEGO Parcel 312- 9.98 acres (NE corner of 101 and 42) Parcel 310C- 5.76 acres (SW corner of 101 and 42) Parcel 308A- 8 acres (SW corner of 101 and 37) Appraised Value- $3,000,000.00 Appraised Value- $4,235,000.00 Appraised Value- $1,700,000.00 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE- $8,935,000.00 0 ITEM 6_1 MEMO Date: February 23, 2006 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Public Works Building Financing I have enclosed updated information from Oertel Architects on the proposed new Public Works garage. Tom Somstodt of Oertel Architects will be at the Council meeting to answer any questions about the plans. Oertel's cost estimates are that construction cost on the building will be $3,400,000. If all of the alternates are accepted that will be an additional $350,000. Furnishing (desks, telephone system, etc.) are estimated to cost $70 -80. To finance this I propose roughly the following; 2005 Building Fund $ 925,000 Bonding $2.5- 2,825,000 I recommend that the furnishings be funded.out of the 2006 Building Fund. 0 OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 SAINT CLAIR AVENUE, SAINT PAUL, MN 55105 TEL: 651/696-5186 DATE: February 17, 2006 TO: City Council and staff FROM: Jeff Oertel RE: OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: FINAL COST ESTIMATE FAX: 65 1/696-i 188 The following is an updated, final cost estimate prepared for the scope of work, based on the final contract documents which are now 80% complete. The total cost includes vehicle storage, vehicle maintenance, office area, lunch room, restrooms, shops and associated building components /equipment, along with site work, paving, utilities, fueling island and related components. Note that some of the line items increased and others decreased. Except for one item, the added well -fire pump system, the final number was slightly under the previous estimate. The one item that impacted and increased the project cost was the inclusion of on -site domestic wells, tanks and the associated back -up pump systems for the fire suppression system. We originally planned for connection to the city well to the southwest of the site and the cost for this was not previously included in this project estimate. The base bid project cost and proposed alternates are as follows: BASE BID: General conditions $ 110,000.00 Overhead, bond, profit $ 150,000.00 Excavation, site work $ 190,000.00 Wells, pumps and rooms $ 115,000.00 Utilities $ 40,000.00 Paving $ 130,000.00 Concrete / masonry $ 290,000.00 Precast concrete $ 375,000.00 Steel $ 290,000.00 Carpentry, millwork $ 50,000.00 Roofing $ 165,000.00 Doors and hardware $ 40,000.00 Overhead doors $ 40,000.00 Windows, glazing, sunsc. $ 220,000.00 Framing /Wallboard $ 35,000.00 Flooring $ 15,000.00 Ceilings $ 6,000.00 Painting $ 40,000.00 Specialties $ 20,000.00 Equipment $ 20,000.00 Elevator $ 40,000.00 Lifts $ 15,000.00 Mechanical $ 640,000.00 Electrical $ 330,000.00 Total of all items: $3,366,000.00 ALTERNATES: The following proposed alternates can be added to the contract and scope of work at discretion of council and are proposed to be line items in the bid forms: Alternate # 1: Add additional skylights at the VS: Alternate #2: Add Fueling island /system: Alternate #3: Add overhead cranes system: Alternate #4: Add ceramic tile at locker restrooms: Alternate #5: Add for 2nd floor build -out: Please contact me with any questions you may have. Jeff $8,000.00 $140,000.00 $40,000.00 $7,500.00 $150,000.00 2 ITEM 4_1A MEMO Date: October 20, 2005 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Public Works Building Financing I have enclosed six pages of information prepared by Paul Donna of Northland Securities. Paul has updated his projections for borrowing one or two million dollars and added projections for borrowing three million dollars. The pages show the required debt service and the tax impacts of borrowing one, two, or three million dollars across periods of 15 or 20 years. Footnotes: (1) Assumes current market interest rates for an "A" rated Lease Revenue Bond plus .50 %.. (2) Assumes current 2005 Net Tax Capacity remains constant. ni,.. - fi,i ,,.i c,., .,..:F.,., P� IOi19i2005 Page t c }'Inane(` MrIA 11NARY x1.OM Proircf 115 Year Scenario $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 "UU,000 yovv,vw .v—,— -------- - -- I ilk Prninrf /')11 % Srrnnrin $ $ $ Footnotes: (1) Assumes current market interest rates for an "A" rated Lease Revenue Bond plus .50 "G... (2) Assumes current 2005 Net Tax Capacity remains constant. c Finance P. I (Ui I Ji2UU.i VRFLIMINARY Pagti 2 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 Wuu,uuu yiw,uw sl nnn o.....,,,.t / iC� v,,.,,- Footnotes: (1) Assumes current market interest rates for an "A" rated Lease Revenue Bond plus .50 %.. (2) Assumes current 2005 Net Tax Capacity remains constant. l u IOi 19 /2005 iic Financr PRELIMINARY Page :3 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 WU,uuu a/w,uw �. - -- - -- - -- I 1 IIAA D.. g— /')11 Vnnr L�ntiatt,i Footnotes: (1) Assumes current market interest rates for an "A" rated Lease Revenue Bond plus .50%,.. (2) Assumes current 2005 Net Tai: Capacity retrains constant. PRELIMINARY - _ P) loi l9i2003 rays C Finance $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 WUU,UW a /Uu,vw �,. -- --- - Footnotes: (1) Assumes current market interest rates for an "A" rated Lease Revenue Bond plus .50 %.. (2) Assumes current 2005 Net Tax Capacity remains constant. C,, 1 IJi 19i200� Page iR Financr $3.OM Project 15 Year Scenario PRELIMINARY $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 WU.000 a /w,vw Footnotes: (1) Assumes current market interest rates for an "A" rated Tease Revenue Bond plus .50 (2) Assumes current 2005 Net Tax Capacity remains constant. Itc Finanir 1 d 10/ 1 9/2003 Page b I'RFLIMINARY V:3 OM Proiert / 20 Year Scenario $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $soo,uuu Y /uu,Uuu 'D- v W - - -- - - -- i 0 CIERTEL ARCHITECTS OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY M . L x OTSEGO, W4 TRIXf W-0 w NOW ML NM4 0 0 0 0 0 MwA 0 o 0 m 0 0 E 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 7 10 0 COMM PAD FM FUTURE RIDMBICT mo 6114RATUR wrm W-0 OF UNCRETE w 0 FUEL ftA?V E AM40"TELY -------------------- u UTY PM 011- M.1 at= .9a Elicr. RR RW IND REM. 90TH STREET NE SITE PLAN AO.1 0 CIERTEL AR CHITECTS U. V 111 '�D- - - -- OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY OTSEGO, MN BUILDING PLAN All �•,„�;; q".v """' *...�..,�e.N BUILDING FLOOR PLAN <? wwar., I yr . ro DERTEL ARCHITECTS OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY OTSEGO,MN A -4 F , O BUILDING PLAN UPPER LEVEL A1.2 Amk W'Tr.� \1 —wuv ww.M , w�.ml ((�OanwvwM MM �°7 �n�lYm ws! Maas #wr cimu wll q, I 5ECOND FLOOR PLAN n OERTEL ARCHITECTS ' 1 793 a — 0—. A—.. 6T. PA­. MIHNK— 33103 (8311696 T[L (a 6963198 — IflN 1 roux I i ma I jm ® I I I I I I I Z l I I ORIOE I I ® I pl 7. I I px I I Lt I I Offla I I wr o wAw I s i I I I I I I I B I I 1 I FIRST FLOOR r ammm weowr war 0 �= allow t Gowan wa 5w AM* 9 S a w ww w r m. Qe sd S -nIaACL noun arr. wuArol © M=umC1mssmwr mu" a v awoae n1hom uw W W mrrAL om 4lP m. mum 0 SVM waG Aw rAy, MP REAL wYa w 1p w► AT PIOaNa r1AII! Rw OYWYL MNL TICKIM 0 If FIww A% LL Pon W IV MAL MW 4 V m. /alw/. N I mp x O ODO1m��m wvm Ar © Mmmn am 4m mm 200" F9R IM 0 ' r wmm wmc .aw nww saw" Fm TV" OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY OTSEGO, MN -R - FEBRUARY 21, 2W6 w.. m rw0. wDY ' JLO 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ENLARGED PLANS w A1.3 I 1 I I I I 1 1 M K n ow I0"IAP I Y 1_ I I I II�N A110 I I I year. mrAr4N FL� -- 1 ® I F I II II I -- -- --i - - - -- -- LL ----------- --- r�� - -J AYR wma1�1 v o1RrAw Nri an.Llei I I 7.B 8.9 FIRST FLOOR r ammm weowr war 0 �= allow t Gowan wa 5w AM* 9 S a w ww w r m. Qe sd S -nIaACL noun arr. wuArol © M=umC1mssmwr mu" a v awoae n1hom uw W W mrrAL om 4lP m. mum 0 SVM waG Aw rAy, MP REAL wYa w 1p w► AT PIOaNa r1AII! Rw OYWYL MNL TICKIM 0 If FIww A% LL Pon W IV MAL MW 4 V m. /alw/. N I mp x O ODO1m��m wvm Ar © Mmmn am 4m mm 200" F9R IM 0 ' r wmm wmc .aw nww saw" Fm TV" OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY OTSEGO, MN -R - FEBRUARY 21, 2W6 w.. m rw0. wDY ' JLO 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ENLARGED PLANS w A1.3 0 CIERTIEL ARCHITECTIS OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY OTSEGO, MIT *i EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ALT ELEVATION l l�wiv - ll� N011035 cam Wall ar" arx •al � yea. O'ff 'AM ng-- UN41Nd � : WOOM 39 21015/ Mau alwym • 'I'13M dW Ina 'eeu woe 'iz �avnaeaa La ■ � I �•.. KWI Avis+ dl �nrMn�oatrod QYM MUZU" m "A urn Metro form be .0-11-p9/I NOI1:)3S Nw'003SIO N011�3S Allll:)Vj sNaonn nand O J3slo ]..1 1J3r91. Nw •a�311Nantl •rani✓. �'� BBIS -969 (lS9) 131 913 t 5 -969 f I S 91 SOISS tl1oB3NNIW '- ntld '1S 31111143AW n1Yl'„] 1NItlg S6L 1 S- L331-IHOHV ' '13.LH 3 0 G I 1 I I I I �J1 ' : 1110ddf16 'YWD llliN 1i7 ' I II /e 11AMYl71fD I I I I {yam- S M 7 � 181p' ■ I I it bb b'Q ars rori � 13 <n IVAP Q ,� F An *YW ■ ' 7ND'JJ 16Y1AY A : : mom K■■ : mum ■ /'a um 1119GIiIG ■■■■■■ • . YNJQ liCll 10.1 t • \`(LV��Q] � o v ' 7p1rY J/IrJltli A 0 A�OF • �IX Nw'003SIO N011�3S Allll:)Vj sNaonn nand O J3slo ]..1 1J3r91. Nw •a�311Nantl •rani✓. �'� BBIS -969 (lS9) 131 913 t 5 -969 f I S 91 SOISS tl1oB3NNIW '- ntld '1S 31111143AW n1Yl'„] 1NItlg S6L 1 S- L331-IHOHV ' '13.LH 3 0 G I 1 I I I I �J1 ' : 1110ddf16 'YWD llliN 1i7 ' I II /e 11AMYl71fD I I I I {yam- S M 7 � 181p' ■ I I it bb b'Q ars rori � 13 IVAP Q ,� F An *YW ■ ' 7ND'JJ 16Y1AY A : : : mum ■ /'a um 1119GIiIG • . YNJQ liCll 10.1 t • \`(LV��Q] � o 'R1I'9 '0'1 ' 7p1rY J/IrJltli A A�OF • �IX • auamr •uvea Bern ITEM 6_3 MEMO Date: February 23, 2006 To: City Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park Construction for 2006 I have enclosed copies of the plans and specifications for the City parks proposed to be constructed in 2006. Please review the cost estimates at the back of the specifications to be certain you are comfortable with the costs of irrigating and lighting the parks. With regard to the tennis courts Carol McNaughten- Commers of Community Education has confirmed that tennis is one of the most popular programs in Otsego and they have not been able to find enough courts to meet all the needs for lessons. The City has $ in the Park Development Fund as of January 1, 2006. The total cost of the three parks if all alternates are accepted is $1,772,977. 0 CIERTEL ARCHITECTS W OWN NUNN WEEMS OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY OTSEGO, MN va T-1 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.2 Adak I EIUIL.DIN SECTION I L .• as I i ;.• - - - J .. Y. 1` \ '1`1\ rn /���` � � L. i � •• -- " \' \ Ili f Y � r NOGHIORHOOD PARK SRE IMPROVMENTS ary of asp Mbn..om HAUDRY MEADOWS PARK • ���_ r i ll B n OVOYLL LAYOUT PLAN I n zq ................. ---------- - /III � r� •. >+� .. 7 , 1 'All -K 10 i I LI X� . . . . . . . . . . . NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SITE VAPROV#BENMTS r • '&I f- City of Ohm% MkWalwo fA OTSEGO PRESERVE PARK r. rill OVERALL LAWOUT PLAN z R 0 N� i5•a r� \rrol �� \5lfl \Lt \elm \N�Hrlpprsl!! plm.0m vuizoos � �IP ® .......... •..... � � l .. `- z n� P • a� J. i N J ZZ NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SITE IMPROVMMM € Chy d O�>"%Mwmwo KITTREDGE CROSSINGS PARK F 'gyp �.L ! D n 1 �` �# � �� � � � o z La r S OVNMN LL LAYOUT PLAN z :� l y x ° '3eaudry Meadows Park Cost Estimate Otsego, MN SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 UNIT LEGENDS: LS =Lump Sum, SF= Square Feet, SY= Square Yards, EA =Each, LF= Lineal Foot, FF =Face Feet, CY =Cubic Yards BEAUDRY MEADOWS PARK - PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1 -25 -06 Estimated Unit Price Total No. Section 1 - Site Surveying Description Oty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Provide all necessary construction surveying and staking to meet 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 layout and grading requirements for all facets of work - complete Section 1 - Site Surveying Total: $10,000.00 Estimated Unit Bid Total Bid No. Section 2 - Earthwork Description Bid D Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 " -site earthwork as required to achieve plan grades and an on- 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 site balance - complete, including 1) stripping, stockpiling, respreading and fine grading; 2) common excavation of subsoil materials to subgrade elevations identified around pathway areas, playground, tennis and basketball courts, and parking lot; 3) grade maintenance as necessary for duration of construction period; 4) use of erosion control measures as required to prevent migration of soils to down -slope locations (includes silt fencing, as necessary, under this item) 2 Import, spreading and fine grading 4" depth topsoil 3,400 CY $12.00 $40,800.00 3 Furnish and install 12" depth shredded wood fiber mulch and 1 LS $12,500.00 $12,500.00 geotextile fabric for play containers - complete Section 2 - Earthwork Total: $73,300.00 Estimated Unit Price Total No. Section 3 - Bituminous & Concrete Description Qty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Furnish and install bituminous paving for trails including 3" 2,035 SY $15.00 $30,525.00 Mn /DOT 2331 Type 41A asphalt wearing course and 6" Mn /DOT 3138 ; Class 5A aggregate (100% crushed limestone) base- COT fete -- 2 1' .and install place 3" depth bituminous paving for parking 1,052 SY $18.00 $18,936.00 lot, a86ding 8" Class 5A aggregate base, paint striping, and I F si n `" "e - com' fete 3 Furnish and install B -618 concrete curb for parking lot - complete 535 LF $18.00 $9,630.00 4 Furnish and install 3" depth bituminous paving for basketball 1/2 420 SY $18.00 $7,560.00 court and shoot around court including Class 5A aggregate base complete 5 Furnish and install 4" concrete paving around play containers, for 4,500 SF $6.00 $27,000.00 pavilion, satellite enclosure pad, trash receptacle pads, bench pads, and bike rack - complete 6 Furnish and install 4" concrete paving and rubberized safety 450 SF $30.00 $13,500.00 surface connections to playground transfer stations 7 Furnish and install 6" x 18" concrete play container curb 664 LF $30.00 $19,920.00 tion 3 - Bituminous & Concrete Total: $127,071.00 'Beaudry Meadows Park Cost Estimate Otsego, MN SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 No. Section 4 - Site Furnishings / Miscellaneous Estimated Q Unit Unit Price in Dollars Total In Dollars 1 Furnish and install bench Furnish and install 1 1/2" B &B ornamental tree 10 - complete $250.00 6 EA $800.00 $4,800.00 2 Furnish and install picnic table j $3,500.00 Section 5 - Storm Sewer Total: Furnish and install 5 gal. deciduous shrub 50 4 EA $1,200.00 $4,800.00 3 Furnish and install trash receptacle Q . Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Furnish and place sod in designated areas- complete 2,420 SY $4.00 $9,680.00 2 EA $500.00 $1,000.00 4 Furnish and install bike rack L-Ction 6 - Landscaping Total: IAAII ■ 3 Furnish and install no-mow fescue seed mix in designated areas- nmm�lnb. 5.1 AC $2,000.00 $10,200.00 $50,580.00 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 4 Furnish and install 10' high basketball goal 1 EA $1,800.00 $1,800.00 5 Furnish and install 8' high basketball goal 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 6 Furnish and install K -5 play equipment 1 LS $54,000.00 $54,000.00 7 Furnish and install Pre -K play equipment 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 8 Furnish and install belt and bucket swings and mats 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 9 Furnish and install 20' x 20' prefabricated shelter structure 1 EA $16,000.00 $16,000.00 10 Furnish and install satellite enclosure 11 Furnish and install two tennis courts including bituminous paving, 1 1 EA EA $5,000.00 $120,000.00 $5,000.00 $120,000.00 aggregate base, 12' high vinyl clad chain link fence with gate, posts, nets, striping, color coating, and all required appurtanances - complete 12 Furnish and install park identification sign 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 13 Furnish and install drinking fountain 1 EA $5,500.00 $5,500.00 Section 4 - Site Furnishing / MiscellaneousTotal: $252,200.00 Estimated Unit Price Total �• I7WULIHJ1 5 - Srvrm Sewer vescn tion 1 Furnish and install play container sub surface drainage system - QtV. Unit in Dollars 1 In Dollars including all perforated draintile, non - perforated pvc pipe, LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 connectors, appurtenances, geotextile fabric wrap and pea gravel Furnish and install 1 1/2" B &B ornamental tree 10 - complete $250.00 $2,500.00 2 Furnish and install path culvert crossing to tennis court area - 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 complete j $3,500.00 Section 5 - Storm Sewer Total: Furnish and install 5 gal. deciduous shrub 50 $5,500.00 7No.Section 6 - Landsca in Estimated Unit Price Total Furnish and install 5 gal. coniferous shrub Q . Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Furnish and place sod in designated areas- complete 2,420 SY $4.00 $9,680.00 2 Furnish and install blue grass seed mix in designated areas- 2.9 AC $2,000.00 $5,800.00 complete $2,400.00 L-Ction 6 - Landscaping Total: IAAII ■ 3 Furnish and install no-mow fescue seed mix in designated areas- nmm�lnb. 5.1 AC $2,000.00 $10,200.00 4 Furnish and install 2 1/2" B &B overstory tree 30 EA $400.00 $12,000.00 5 Furnish and install 1 1/2" B &B ornamental tree 10 EA $250.00 $2,500.00 6 Furnish and install 6' -8' B &B coniferous tree 10 EA $350.00 $3,500.00 7 Furnish and install 5 gal. deciduous shrub 50 EA $40.00 $2,000.00 8 Furnish and install 5 gal. coniferous shrub 50 EA $50.00 $2,500.00 Furnish and install perennial 200 EA $1200 $2,400.00 L-Ction 6 - Landscaping Total: IAAII ■ $50,580.00 $eaudry Meadows Park Cost Estimate Otsego, MN SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 Estimated Unit Price Total 'lo. Section 7 - Irrigation System of Unit in Dollars In Dollars irrigation system for coverage of entire park 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 1 Furnish and install lawn area- complete $35,000 00 Section 7 Irrigation System Total: Estimated Unit Price Total Unit in Dollars In Dollars No. Section 8 - Electrical Furnish install electrical system including pedestrian lights 1 LS $49,000.00 $49,000.00 1 and (14 fixtures), shelter lighting and electrical outlets, circuitry, conduit, and all required appurtances - complete $49,000.00 Section 8 - Electrical Total '. a._x .. .. ' .kf 3p 1 r. - $602,651.00 Estimate (Sum of Sections 1 to 8) $30,458.00 5% Construction Contingency $633,109.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE Otsego Preserve Park Cost Estimate Otsego, MN UNIT LEGENDS: LS =Lump Sum, SF= Square Feet, SY= Square Yards, EA =Each, LF= Lineal Foot, FF =Face Feet, CY =Cubic Yards SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 OTSEGO PRESERVE PARK - PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1 -25 -06 -77 Estimated Unit Price Total I No. Section 1 - Site Surveying Description I oty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Provide all necessary construction surveying and staking 1 LS $8,000.00 $8,000.00 to meet layout and grading requirements for all facets of work - complete Section 1 - Site Surveying Total: $8,000.00 Estimated Unit Bid Total Bid No. Section 2 - Earthwork Descri tion Bid D . Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 'On -site earthwork as required to achieve plan grades 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 and an on -site balance - complete, including 1) stripping, stockpiling, respreading and fine grading; 2) common excavation of subsoil materials to subgrade elevations identified around pathway areas,playground, tennis and basketball courts, and parking lot; 3) grade maintenance as necessary for duration of construction period; 4) use of erosion control measures as required to prevent migration of soils to down -slope locations (includes silt fencing, as necessary, under this item) 2 Import, spreading and fine grading 4" depth topsoil 2980 CY $12.00 $35,760.00 3 Furnish and install 4" depth ag lime infield for ball field - 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 complete 4 Furnish and install 12" shredded wood fiber mulch and 1 LS $14,400.00 $14,400.00 geotextile fabric for play containers - complete Section 2 - Earthwork Total: $70,160.00 M7 . Estimated Unit Price Total No. Section 3 - Bituminous & Concrete Description �t . Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Furnish and install bituminous paving for trails including 2" 1810 SY $15.00 $27,150.00 Mn/DOT 2331 Type 41 A asphalt wearing course and 12" Mn/DOT 3138 Class 5A aggregate (100% crushed limestone) base - complete 2 Furnish and install 3" depth bituminous for parking lot, 1043 SY $18.00 $18,774.00 including 8" Class 5A aggregate base, paint striping, and signage - complete 3 Furnish and install B -618 concrete curb for parking lot - 594 LF $18.00 $10,692.00 complete 4 Furnish and place 3" bituminous for full basketball and 734 SY $18.00 $13,212.00 shoot around court including Class 5A aggregate base - 5 complete Furnish and install 4" depth concrete paving around play 4915 SF $6.00 $29,490.00 containers, for pavilion, satellite enclosure pad, trash receptacle pads, bench pads, and bike rack - complete 6 Furnish and install 4" depth concrete paving and rubber 450 SF $30.00 $13,500.00 ' safety surfacing to playground transfer stations- complete 7 Furnish and install 6" x 18" concrete play container curb 570 LF $30.00 $17,100.00 Section 3 - Asphalt & Concrete Total: $129,918.00 . -�. .. ...., r.. 4. .nv ,., .., .. ., na s w... , m .#a: ..h r fa.aR., . ... .$'� x.8' � ..'S- `,�w`�. - . {e k w M=,?t .r X59 mK` :� .�` n- ' 4•i Otsego Preserve Park Cost Estimate Otsego, MN SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 4 - Site Furnishin s / Miscellaneous Estimated G1t Unit Unit Price in Dollars Total In Dollars No. Section 1 Furnish and install bench 6 EA $800.00 $4,800.00 and install trash receptacle 2 EA $500.00 $1,000.00 2 Furnish 3 Furnish and install players bench 2 EA $400.00 $800.00 4 Furnish and install bike rack 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 and install 10' high basketball goal 2 EA $1,800.00 $3,600.00 5 Furnish 6 Furnish and install 8' high basketball goal 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 7 Furnish and install K -5 play equipment 1 LS $54,000.00 $54,000.00 8 Furnish and install Pre -K play equipment 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 9 Furnish and install belt and bucket swings and mats 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Furnish and install prefabricated shelter structure 1 LS $16,000.00 $16,000.00 10 Furnish and install satellite enclosure as per plans, details, andspecifications Furnish and install 10 x 10 x 10 back stop 1 1 EA EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 11 12 13 Furnish and install tennis court including asphalt, aggregate base, 12' high vinyl chainlink fence with gate, posts, nets, striping, color coating, and all required appurtanances - complete Furnish and install park identification sign 1 1 EA EA $65,000.00 $3,000.00 $65,000.00 $3,000.00 14 15 ISection'4 Furnish and install drinking fountain 1 EA $5,500.00 $5,500.00 No. 1 - Site Furnishing / MiscellaneousTotal: Estimated Unit Price Section 5 - Storm Sewer Descri tion 0tv. Unit in Dollars Furnish and install all play area sub surface drainage 1 IS $3,000.00 system - complete as indicated on Grading Plan - including all perforated draintile, non - perforated pvc pipe, connectors, appurtenances, and geotextile fabric wrap - complete $200,000.00 Total In Dollars $3,000.00 Section No. 5 - Storm Sewer Total: Estimated Unit Price Section 6 - Landscaping City. Unit in Dollars $3,000.00 Total In Dollars 1 Furnish and place sod in designated areas- complete 2,420 SY $4.00 $9,680.00 2 3 [ Furnish and install blue grass seed mix in designated areas- complete Furnish and install no -mow fescue seed mix in designated areas- complete Furnish and install 2 1/2" B &B overstory tree 3.8 1.8 30 AC AC EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $7,600.00 $3,600.00 $12,000.00 4 5 Furnish and install 1/1/2" B &B ornamental tree 10 EA $250.00 $2,500.00 6 Furnish and install 6' - 8" B &B coniferous tree 10 EA $350.00 $3,500.00 7 Furnish and install deciduous shrub 50 EA $40.00 $2,000.00 8 Furnish and install coniferous shrub 50 EA $50.00 $2,500.00 9 Furnish and install perennial 200 EA $12.00 $2,400.00 ' 45 78 Section 6 Landscaping Total . D Otsego Preserve Park Cost Estimate n+-- hAN SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Kittredge Crossings Park Project No. 0025521 Cost Estimate 2/8/2006 Otsego, MN UNIT LEGENDS: LF= Lineal Foot, FF =Face Feet, CY CubQ Y ards, EA =Each, c Yards KITTREDGE CROSSING PARK - PRELIMINARY COS EST No Section 1 - Site surveymg eescnpua+�lli 111 =work necessary construction surveying and stakinc yout and grading requirements for all facets of mplete Section 1 - Site Surveying Total: Estimated Unit Price Total Qty Unit (in Dollars) in Dolla 1 LS $7,000.00 $7,00( $7,000.00 Estimated Unit Bid Total Bid No. Section 2 - Earthwork Descri tion Bid �t Unit In Dollars . in Dollars LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1 'On -site earthwork as required to achieve plan grades 1 and an on -site balance - complete, including 1) stripping, stockpiling, respreading and fine grading; 2) common excavation of subsoil materials to subgrade elevations identified around pathway areas and parking lot; 3) g rade maintenance as necessary for duration of construction period; 4) use of erosion control measures as required to prevent migration of soils to down -slope locations (includes silt fencing, as necessary, under this item) 2 Import, spreading and fine grading 4" depth topsoil 1490 CY $12.00 $17,880.00 $12,$12.00 $12,000.00 4 Furnish and install 12" shredded wood fiber mulch and 1 LS fabric for play. containers - complete geotextile $44,880.00 Section 2 Earthwork Total: -. . >.o.. . . .� . .... -.. . .,. Estimated Unit Price Total No. Section 3 - Bituminous &Concrete Descri tion Qt . Unit in Dollars In Dollars SY $ 15.00 $18,960.00 1 Furnish and install bituminous paving for trails including 2" 1264 Mn /DOT 2331 Type 41A asphalt wearing course and 12" Mn /DOT 3138 Class 5A aggregate (100% crushed limestone) base - complete 802 SY $18.00 $14,436.00 2 Furnish and install 3" depth bituminous for parking lot, including 8" Class 5A aggregate base, paint striping, and signage - complete B concrete curb for parking lot - 492 LF $ 18 $8,856.00 3 Furnish and install -618 complete 3" bituminous for half court basketball 816 SY $18.00 $14,688.00 4 Furnish and place and hard court including Class 5A aggregate base - complete Furnish and install 4" depth concrete paving around play 12684 SF $ 6.00 $76,104.00 5 containers, for pavilion, satellite enclosure pad, trash receptacle pads, bench pads, and bike rack - complete 6 Furnish and install 4" depth concrete paving and rubber 450 SF $30.00 $13,500.00 safety surfacing to playground transfer stations- complete ' II 6" x 18" concrete play container curb Furnish and install 392 LF $30.00 $11,760.00 7 . $158,304.00 Section 3 - Asphalt & Concrete Total: k Kittredge Crossings Park SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Cost Estimate Project No. 0025521 Otsego, MN 2/8/2006 No. Section 4 - Site Furnishin s / Miscellaneous I Estimated 0tv. I Unit Unit Price in Dollars Total In Dollars 1 Furnish and install bench 6 EA $800.00 $4,800.00 2 Furnish and install trash receptacle 2 EA $600.00 $1,200.00 3 Furnish and install bike rack 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 4 Furnish and install 10' high basketball goal 1 EA $1,800.00 $1,800.00 5 Furnish and install K -5 play equipment 1 LS $54,000.00 $54,000.00 6 Furnish and install Pre -K play equipment 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 7 Furnish and install belt and bucket swings and mats 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 8 Furnish and install prefabricated shelter structure 1 LS $16,000.00 $16,000.00 9 Furnish and install trellis structure as per plans, details, andspecifications 2 LS $25,000.00 $50,000.00 10 Furnish and install fire pit as per plans, details, and s ecifications 1 LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 11 Furnish and install satellite enclosure as per plans, details, and specifications 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 12 Furnish and install tennis court including asphalt, aggregate base, 12' high vinyl chainlink fence with gate, posts, nets, striping, color coating, and all required appurtanances - complete 1 EA $65,000.00 $65,000.00 13 Furnish and install park identification sign 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 14 1 Furnish and install drinking fountain 1 EA ,500.00 $5,500.00 Section 4 - Site Furnishing / MiscellaneousTotal: 4(in $242,600.00 No. Section 5 - Storm Sewer Description Estimated Unit Price ollars Total In Dollars 1 Furnish and install all play area sub surface drainage system - complete as indicated on Grading Plan - including all perforated draintile, non - perforated pvc pipe, connectors, appurtenances, and geotextile fabric wrap - complete 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Section 5 - Storm Sewer Total: $3,000.00 No. Section 6 - Landsca in Estimated Q . Unit Unit Price in Dollars Total In Dollars 1 Furnish and place sod in designated areas- complete 2,420 SY $4.00 $9,680.00 2 Furnish and install blue grass seed mix in designated areas- complete 1.2 AC $2,000.00 $2,400.00 3 Furnish and install no -mow seed mix in designated areas- complete 1.1 AC $2,000.00 $2,200.00 4 Furnish and install 2 1/2" B &B overstory trees 30 EA $350.00 $10,500.00 5 Furnish and install 1/1/2" B &B ornamental trees 10 EA $250.00 $2,500.00 6 1 Furnish and install 6' - 8' B &B coniferous trees 10 EA $400.00 $4,000.00 7 Furnish and install deciduous shrubs 50 EA $40.00 $2,000.00 8 Furnish and install coniferous shrubs 50 EA $50.00 $2,500.00 9 Furnish and install perennials 200 EA $12.00 $2,400.00 Section 6 - Landscaping Total: 1 $38,180.00 Kittredge Crossings Park Cost Estimate n...,.,,., Rnni SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 0025521 2/8/2006 PRELIMINARYCOST ESTIMATE SUMMARY 2/08/06 Beaudry Meadows Park $633,609 Total Base Bid Estimate (includes 5% contingency) - $35,000 Irrigation Alternate - $49,000 Lighting Alternate -$120000 Tennis Court Alternate (2 courts) $429,609 Revised Base Bid Estimate Otsego Preserve Park $557,151 Total Base Bid Estimate (includes 5% contingency) - $35,000 Irrigation Alternate - $38,500 Lighting Alternate -$65 ,000 Tennis Court 0 court) Alternate $418,651 Revised Base Bid Estimate Kittredge Crossings Park $582,217 Total Base Bid Estimate (includes 5% contingency) -$23,000 Irrigation Alternate -$38,500 Lighting Alternate -$65,000 Tennis Court (1 court) Alternate -$ 50,00o Trellis Structures ' $405,717 Revised Base Bid Estimate ITEM 7 - NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.256 plan nersCa-nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM updated TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Mayor and City Council Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Featherwind Farms; Final Plat 22 February 2006 ACTION DATE: 30 March 2006 176.02 — 05.23 CITY FILE 2006-02 Shadow Creek Corporation is requesting final plat approval for the first phase of the proposed Featherwind Farms subdivision located north of CSAH 39 roughly between La Beaux Avenue and Mason Avenue and south of the Mississippi River. The proposed first phase will include 61 single family lots within the eastern portion of the 320 acre parcel. The remainder of the development will be platted as outlots. The subject site is guided for rural residential development by the Comprehensive Plan. A rezoning from A -1, Agricultural District to R -C, Rural Open Space Cluster District was approved by the City Council on 24 October 2005 in conjunction with approval of the PUD- CUP /preliminary plat. The City Council tabled discussion of the application to allow the developer to revise the submitted plans based on their direction and comments by City staff. The revised plans were submitted to City staff on 22 February 2006 and are reviewed herein. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Revised Preliminary Plat C. Revised Final Plat D. Construction Plans ANALYSIS Consistency with Preliminary Plat. The revised preliminary plat illustrates 115 home sites on the eastern portion of the subject site. The developer has revised the preliminary plat to address staff and officials' concerns regarding the proximity and visibility of homes from CSAH 39. The proposed lot sizes and setbacks are consistent with the preliminary plat and are compliant with the requirements of the R -C District. Access. The proposed subdivision will ultimately access off of CSAH 39 at three points. The access for the first phase of development is proposed to be at Maclver Avenue and at Mason Avenue. All accesses to CSAH 39 are subject to City Engineer and Wright County approval and will likely require construction of bypass, turn and acceleration lanes. The construction plans show a temporary cul-de -sac is provided at the terminal end of 97 Street as required. The final plat also includes Outlot I to the east of the westerly exception parcels that will allow for potential future extension of Large Avenue north of CSAH 39 if the exception parcels are developed. Streets. Construction plans have been submitted for local streets and are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer based on the direction of the City Council with regards locations where concrete curb is to be provided. Street names are to be subject to approval of the City Engineer, with the recommendation that 97 Street, 97 Court and 99 Street within the "Dancing Branch" neighborhood be designated as Lasso Lane or Loop (77 Street and 99 Street) and Lasso Court (97 Court) School Districts. Section 21 -7-4.M of the Subdivision Ordinance states that no lot may be intersected by any school district boundary. Although the applicant is not proposing to final plat any single family lots that are divided by a school district boundary, a portion of the northwest corner of Outlot H is divided by the school district boundary separating District 728 and 882. The developer must revise the final plat to correspond with school district boundaries. Landscaping. The applicant submitted a landscape plan with the preliminary plat. This landscape plan was reviewed and found to be acceptable by City staff. A cost estimate for materials and installation must be submitted to determine a security amount for the development contract. Park Dedication. Section 21 -7 -8 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires a land dedication of at least ten percent (10 %) of the gross area of the development for park and trail purposes. For the proposed Featherwind Farms development, the required dedication is 32.5 acres. The applicant is proposing to dedicate Outlots C, G,. and N to the City for City park and trail purposes. The gross area of these parcels is 39.8 acres. 0 The area of outlots C, G and N parcels include Northwest Creek, wetlands and the required 20 foot wide buffer zone that are not credited towards park and trail dedication. Additionally, requires stormwater drainage ponds have been located within the proposed park outlots. The net area of Outlots C, G and N eligible for park dedication credits must be specified. The applicant is also to be required to construct trails for public use through the park outlots in addition to private trails through the development to fully satisfy park and trail dedication requirements. Portions of the public trail along Northwest Creek are shown to be located within outlots that are not proposed to be dedicated to the City on the revised preliminary plat. So that the trail along the creek is entirely within public - lands, outlot G and a 50 -foot wide area beyond the trail within outlots C and D must be dedicated to include the proposed trail shown on the grading plan. The access to outlot N from 97 Court provides approximately 105 feet of frontage to the public street. The construction plans show that this corridor includes both Northwest Creek and existing tree vegetation to the extent that installation of a trail would likely require removal of trees. We recommend that Block 19 be revised to increase the width of the frontage of outlot N to 97 Court to be a minimum of 20 feet beyond the tree line. Private Open Space. The final plat designates outlots A, B, D, E, F, H, J, K, L, M, O, P and Q as private open space. Outlot L is not identified on any of the final plat sheets and must be and is to include a drainage and utility easement over the entire parcel. These parcels shall be deeded to a Homeowners Association. Easements. The applicant has shown drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all of the single family lots, as required. Drainage and utility easements are also required over private open space outlots A, B, D, E, F, H, J, K, L, M, O, and P. Easements have also been shown over Outlots C, G and N that are to be deeded to the City and as such, no easement is required. All easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The applicant has submitted grading, drainage and utility plans for the proposed final plat. The grading plan idlocations m submitted the primary and secondary drainfields for each lot and the applicant has required soil test data. All grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Outiots /Future Phases. outlots R and S are designated over the western portions of the subject site to be developed as future phases. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development agreement with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities upon approval of a final plat. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 3 RECOMMENDATION The proposed Featherwind Farms final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat approval and Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. We recommend approval of the application as set forth below subject to additional comments by other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a final plat for Featherwind Farms based on the submitted plans with rural section streets, subject to the following conditions: 1. The location of principal dwellings on each lot shall conform to the approved grading plan unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 2. The keeping of horses shall be an allowed accessory use for the any and all lots within Blocks 8 -18, subject to the following conditions: a. The density of horses does shall not exceed one (1) horse per acre. b. A shelter or stable facility shall provide a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of enclosed area per horse. C. Detached accessory buildings used to shelter or stable horses shall conform to the accessory building requirements of the R -C District, except that such buildings are not required to be within 150 feet of the principal buildings on the same lot. d. A manure management plan to be implemented by the Homeowner's Association shall include provisions addressing horses within outlots deeded to the City and compliance with Chapter 27 of the Zoning Ordinance must be submitted. 3. Outlot J shall be overlaid by an ingress /egress easement in favor of the Featherwind Farms Homeowner's Association and conveyed to the owner of PID 118 - 500 - 131100. 4. Outlot I shall be deeded to the City. 5. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by the dedication of Outlots C, G, and N and construction of trails within these outlots as shown on the grading plan. 6. Outlots A, B, D, E, F, H, J, K, L, M, O, and P shall be deeded to a homeowners association. 0 �, I 7. Block 19 shall be revised such that Outlot N has a minimum 20 foot wide corridor beyond the tree line along Northwest Creek extending to 97 Court. 8. That portion of Outlot H within ISD 882 shall be established as a separate outlot. 9. The final plat is revised to establish drainage and utility easements over Outlots H, J, K, and L. Drainage and utility easement designations shall be removed from Outlots C, G and N. 10. All streets, street names, easements, grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City prior to consideration of a final plat by the City Council specifying all conditions of approval, applicable fees and required securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that it is inconsistent with the provisions of the subdivision ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk / Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lucinda Gardner, Shadow Creek Corporation Brian Johnson, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. • 5 I II 11A L �' I a �4 tt ♦J _LCA -I R'— Il �•� — A�. A ��� Ell N I � I 1 a � � n/ / i t / � ,� a j E a 1\ \ 1 1� N \ _I� I I a ���� Il�i� II \ ..\ � .�•h'I "cw �__ °# � i _7_S'+ I air IL /` a /.s,, - /\ I , I ^ •F f � ��� v I, l S�X' . �`s i i 41 �\� a te;. "° un •'� �b i a i!. w -- ___ - _ _ - , ��-y a " �° �" - - -_ -.� ✓ r I VIII I, t'� r -- sorm•.ic wa�i \ ,�' � -- Y .� --" l .-. 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I o 0 E g o g S / I I I I`r I g I 1v �o w 'o C ID Wl M 0 a 30> • o ;mm eOm j � n 3ti •g' p2 S3 3A0 �.S I i gs8 �, Fr — oo- go i e i u 3 `;Y u•�e � F 3 �sS I 3 I e�/ _ so• °n ue. m c a O a PRELIMINARY I ID FA Z O CL — I -� a � 1 jl' k ■ I 8 I I I I I I _________ ___ _ __ _ 4i 1 '� se — �f_ —_ -- -- --- k& I I I I I I — del sro%- — :..9s I __ _______ __ ___ ___________ —7 - At I II II II 11 118 i t I I I I I I 18 1 1 I II II it o1� II 1 J L - -- 1 1 --- / E o Na. e9•zoT en.ar .ra � I ID FA Z O CL xo9rorarc rra r ---------- - - - - -� a � 1 ■ I 8 I I I I I I _________ ___ _ __ _ 4i 1 '� se sro%- — :..9s I __ _______ __ ___ ___________ —7 - I I i // i t I . _ oa9r9rr �9..1a _ _ J L _s F o1� / E o al / CI / / / 5' o / / I I / rSr.aJ Saa aTar'a' I ID FA Z O CL N a 1 CL a T O a e e _ W r •ca<.4� Y39 b 8 b4 a°+n= 9s ra I , , °bgy a \4? l�L ______________________________J ` ' I- ` °al I , I _ ____ ___________ _______ _____ _� $ gr$ c I 8 klk 8i 1 a $ 0 mo � `----------------------------------- ____ _____— ____- RI r ____________ E I I lo J_ wW ul � 4 j8 ______ ____ ____ D IN X11 ° _______________________ 300 °80'SlT °311D 1 I $ b ____ __ _________ _� I I 1' 81 I I D H 500 °80'SYF 338.St 300 °80'SYE ]39./I • ° A \ $� � $ a T O a a �a 0 0 S 0 R z 0 a o S � g3 3 3 3 0 IL z 0 a mb i `• ? alpa , Ia g� ie ^^ °• r� �y4 ICI 'a'rq M � 1g �,•, s — g o8 �:. i&,iff AMMEAE I I � b I I o i e % 1 o I I I L I , ; - -.ems ✓GJ u� :U.' e��: • ° ty,v 'erg pie ro a . 0 I 3 R ev" i. �$ L 8 I ID In T 0 a \ oN - ....1M..a,q .., '� Hm `omx rnu5HEO7 x�rom - sHw,tt o .Pwroeva wea.a sz wg1N LOCAL RESIDENTIAL RURAL STREET SECTI NO SCALE AaSH ?P ft va .uE SICNA NtB 5ITU1I1,005 SIiBGNADE 5 ^.IL CLASS SURFACE NEAR NON -NEAR 2}50 A- RECITE BASE C1A55 5/B CLASS 7/1 2350 LVNE150JOC LVNW3503OB 31 JB }1 }g C. 0, a -a (fl -20 < 90.000) 11/2' 2' S' - SAND WBGRADE a -6 0 -tS < 90.000) 1 1/2 2' 5' 12 CLAY SUBGRADE SOBS •• . M ALL011511 DESIGN 11ICY.NE$I V •`c^ NCI ES,R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETENMINED Bl' THE HVEE. STABILOMETER MElHW S`NA H1B VALVE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE FFFECT OF VEHICLES DI.HC THE GESION LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT E B IT,n, L o .avRalcq sww.a v' Nqm sHa,�RF.mc LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN / RURAL ST S NO SCALE Ctll IB Houn O.Iw. tligglnq: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL T.Ia City A,.. 551 -151 -0002 Yn. Tml Fro 1- 500 - 252 -1155 X 72.. 200' 300' 10D' MACIVER AVENUE NORTH ACT (TYPICAL SECTION ENTRANCE ROADS) z ,ir .� T.Aa. . PEDESTRIAN TRAIL SECTION B' PUBLIC TRAIL k 5' PRIVATE TRAIL Shadow Creek Corporation 111111stwood ".""'°°*'s" or mrwae „�, 21W — -- Asr. �...,.A.. _._ —. 1n Hu W W HI M,,A 1. 55510 LEGEND; DENOTES B' PUBLIC TRAIL DENOTES S' PRIVATE TRAIL DENOTES 10' HORSE TRAIL IL- D STNH-5 k .E DETA0. CS-D FTs-3 -30.o NNC 1.5 NnA [LEV _912 4a, PCP .,Do Ji _12 A 9 0 W 23 12 ROP MORDON AO-Y POURN JMKA MORETE W MC�V POND n SK IMME R :ZTpllr a I 9,MI DIM. —Alkx CLM8 CIM,,D, u's 0EN01E5 —In MI. CLIRII & GU7IER RURAL DCNGI[S R— — I RANA 0-57 OtIn OR EMIALENT / sled RM. 21-15 Nil 15 r--4 Ramouw�, mm CGRCREX OR PRECAST POND H SKIMMER NO SCALE CIA.0111 !AJF%:TAB IM LE CONCRM C. . ..,. b.f.. GOPHER STATE T.", City k. 651- W. TNI VIM 1-110E. 0 1% 971h Circle NE Maciver Avenue NE 5. 1W JD — ---------- 9 9 N.P. ELEV - 905.M 895 PROFILE 2 895 915 895 P. STA � 42+02.91 ISHED GRADE P. STA : 42+10 TES -6 L.P. ELEII M.58 PM El.EV 907.6 t -990.90 LP. STA - 39.3&9 910 A.0 _8.58 890 W-15 OW-7 090 910 $90 PM STA - 39+20 24.Q 5 a 10, SEE BELON PW ELEV - 888.11 2,000' CL FIN-ED CA GRADE— K Q.04 C9MH-6A C 35*-15' RIP CA SUBGRA VA.38+2 L 5 0 3 ' = 305 ..... DE-\\ 885 42 CASnW R_3057-V 885 905 885 �E a- 03.1 M`5 7 ?00 SEA 39+00 EINISHED CA GRADE PM QEv M&22 900 880 EINIS,,ED GRADE AA I 0D CA SUB"ADE W.W - 21 895 875 FES-20 IE .875.30 ssTM,-2!. 10 15 ' RCP IE -874� 0 04M CAS'FWG# R-1733 nNWED GRABE -- _ 4-11- _-C (441 - ) STA.5 ii.-U 3W-W RCP M-H V-12 E ' 3s• - 390. IS �04 CL 5 0 0 RE - 8]9.00 CP R RO, 1 0 &Q. -901.M 3V 40 F M 5 33.905 = INISH 72V 890 870 F11-1 IE �90 ED GR�DE s ( RE ' M".). PROFILE - 909.00 CEMH-7 IE .886.57 T&M, 1 7 PROFILE 3 RA 885 865 CS-D RE -912.50 (54 IE :91000 2J - 12. . RE RC, 892,21 IE 905.60 n CL a I , eftla ftx _M7.. RRn RRn S! 2 = - , Storm Sewer Se N7 and street Creek Corporation V2 H..W R-d Wert—d H—L be— S" -b'A 11 M I-" collstruction Plans 0IMP, Mi— "Ch 0.1. M . — - WI 4a H— Del— dl"MT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL T*� 011 4- . . ,.. 631 - 451 -0002 OW 52-1166 13 ' RC APRON ./TRASH WARD KS-19C 1 . 4 C .Y. 3 .-RAP 2 C.T. FUR MATERIAL T 06 06 — 4 1 rm Shadow Creek Corporation 0 er .,d S -- W- 211M M M..W Rd 11 IsMt Co nsbuction Plam kg--L M� low -IfA I -O.6^. mi— [%.Ib Clk INS I wWo!— 96th Circle NE 0 8 P - r H.P. EUV "114 Is I I N.P. STA - 46.44.19 PM STA 464 -_2 : PM ELE 1193.23 A.D. - -1,50 9 . 31.68 W - SOW' 890 885 005 -881.50 4 2Y-IY RCA CL 5 0 .3GX 880 41'-W RCP 880 R 1 0 1,IX 215' -I NDF�E M-9 SIA.38�36 875 CASnN-GA-R-,30fi7-V S A.M+M CASTING/ R-3067-V sw—m NODE • 0.76x RE -887.711 (. A.) CASTING/ R-1733 FES—C -a,. 0 87$ K -aso.96 M7,79 IE 0110.66 M.) RE -851.50 PROFILE 4 E -a77.65 06 06 — 4 1 rm Shadow Creek Corporation 0 er .,d S -- W- 211M M M..W Rd 11 IsMt Co nsbuction Plam kg--L M� low -IfA I -O.6^. mi— [%.Ib Clk INS I wWo!— -006 rrotoR:md sermcl, mc. - -- 2 \ \ Ca11 b H wive OI99bxF ? - � ] GOPHER STATE ONE CALL \ �•YL,� �� ///••�ippeeC _ rn TO F M i aDD -551-454-0002 2 - 6 _ \ •� 9/"i I e S Ai SEE SX _ \ SECTION R (TTP I NIB DE DE COTOTIETE %MYWTASE CAS s DUM R �'\ W J I Late IIOrzs WxarTE eels aRa ' I A \ - awAt oENO1E8 URAL STMH -13 1. Ir RC APRON /TRASH WARD " - -• ._- M gRYALEM T - 5 . C TER RI E BA - yfM �fES 0 C.Y. II 3 CBMH -15A/ POU0 1 �.. - EES I eiso I\ EDGE OF SHCIILOG i ��` ,\ ! aMO x9t -ts WLW L ` - _ \ B Q� -t6 RCP Y ff -e)LS I 0615 CONCRETE EDGE OF CURB Y W77ER SUM PAVEMENT _ � j �` � / •� .:. .. R ]5000 r! CUR • MONWIM I CRE1E 011 F�iST E 0. -15 °311'38• _� - � �J \ I WETUND ( \\ TRU R now. a Z 60 A / ` ) i \ \ \, \ t / a 6 t6• ne evRaN \ eyl WAR \� POND F SKIMMER C ( 4 sTMN -IZ �lJ Tro i \ ( G.Y. 0. 3 RIP -RAP \ NO SCAL! 5 . R. (ra, \ ] C.Y. FILTER MA ER AL \ DE TA \�``' ° -?!,, W - t \ G6 -F J ( \ \ I \ \ " LO "B LEU- 6 / /l \ -• ? lt► 3- HYL -9BIA ♦ ------ �= EDGE W BIT. ' \ I ' - •� \ w t . �\ \ I s 10 WITT CONCRETE /�• \ ` 1 \ ��,' / CINiB k WTTER 41 O IEAPoRASA `\ Z ' I O.L. H \ \ \`, \ - \ A C CUL -OE -SAC } SEE DETAIL SM I . \\ : 4 EDGE OF SHWLDER I WETLAND I 3 O.L. F W PRIVATE PEOESTWAN 7AAL IOC 150' r a r n ��__�_ o N h Street NE. Lasso Avenue 97t tr t r' �- -. � -- � - �-- ?- -- - -g- -- -a _ 910- 895 ce -13A \ \ _ s2A.36 +10 890 CA STING/ R- LP EIEV 66368 306] -V 905 \ LP. STA - 57+45.77 RE -BBA 50. / \. PM STA - 56+60 fINISNCD CA GR:10E FINISHED C GRADE J \ \' PM E .D. .883.23 _ _ CA SUBGf1ADE e90 SIMH 1] /L J/ \ ELE -5.95 ST 3 ] K C/L WBGRAOE \ - \ \ - 36.99 - CASTING? R -1733 900 - \ - VE - 220.00• .- ._ (49 DIA) RE - 865.53 -� - 885 .. IE (NE)-879.97 - _ ..LIE (NV4 -875 W . \ E (e)- 6]5,]5 53' -12 RCP crt I - F98SHED GRADE E SE) -6]S.W CL 5 O OUx 1. RNISHED GRADE 885 PROFILE 7 .860 ` siuH -1z 1 3L • -ls RCP a 7 sTA3A,17 5 e 0.n; _ CAN R I]!J -�- --� (IB' f 8901 CBMH -7A SEE SHEET 3 IRE -66]26 /--RNISHED 2 - - - - 1 / lg `13•R .. P ROFILE 6 680 ,. 67S I GRADE 70. FES -8 . ' - CBMH 15A ' Q 3, E... - 876.70 IE - 876 39 RE -961.10 5 • D. 870 WO' -IS• RCP CL 5 STA.]5 +57 685' - E- 6]9.00 - 90. 17; - -- GASRNC n, 875 30' -15• RCP E - 676.]0 - 11' 1Y RCP R -3067 YV STMH -11: CL 5 WI{ r SIYH 11 CL 5 e 0 A9% (b DIA.) Q¢� • 18' RCP : SEE RIGHT I STAfi2 +]0 I RE $T - BB5.36 BP- FES-]c usTIH . u W R_R-1733 1 PROFILE 5 IE -L7s.x AIH -79 5 e a80x IE - 879.99 - " - 1 60 • -15 RCP C0. • 0.gx SE RIp1T _ _ - - - {AB DIA.) 880 ST .57+00 I I RE - 888.]2 - PROFILE 20 CA STING? R -1]33 I - ; LIE - 677.12 MS -11 �. BWABB ... _ _ _1_ __ -_..._ __ _ _ -._ 865 IE- 67fi.00 FES -15 $¢Q _____ L___ _________ � A2' -19• RCP E - 8)5.15 E -879.18 CL 5 O 0.1]x. A7' -19• RCP _875 - - Si 57 58 59 sEC ABOVE a s e o sox -- 51 - -- -- _ -- 52 53 84 55 56 -- h60 _ 60 61 62 - -- 63 2i 35 -- -- --- ' -- - 36 - ��• �... d _ _ --. ration D�,DSe wer -° - ^ n°P•t°d ?9G Storm Se _ k I Iff 5 12 I -- -- - -- -- - -- I `Y -A. �..,... Co rpora tion -- - -- -- .Eta Street .���"'�- - -- - - _ I Rw� _ „7_ Shadow Creek , L ,�itM4, YYaLlrrlod ......:�._. o . oi/m /ag_R -•- _ my - --- -- .. - Rs1 �uRl IVHIIA - -- Er+ � 988E6 f NWa>root,� co st k L PA NB N H.m. Wf.. d"I., GOPHER STATE ONE CALL v. ]w. / T­ CRY Alm 951 - 451 -OOD2 2C a (rYP.) MA. T- h.. 1- 500 - 252 - 1188 13 6 \ \ ! IW HORSE SE TRA T \ �'4 - )' BUILT AND LOCATED .F\ BY OVOdER r 0 i /� %�� `.� / / " s - DENOTES 10HURE E TE S�RMON)ABLE G a Wr1E11 0 D UIDIES RURAL S 8615 a Q/fl5 CIIfIER R URLL OOlOIES RURAL SEC110N / / EDGE OF BIT 14 . . EDGE OF SHOULDER \ j r \ \ 19' Rc OWN /TRASH GUARD 5.9 C.T. CL 7 RIP -RAP - \ \ \ 7.0 C.T. M1ER MATERIAL FES -25 HAMA 0-57 'WDe L M13A. A l \ \ \ / OR FOUIVAL04T AtExi� 9)^ N. 875.5 \ \ X If•6]).7 -IS R \ NEnAnD l DETAIL \•_�\ ��\j _ - �, % 3 $ \ \ �\ 732 NL : 0 i 2- _ _ \ lO , I / 2� ` - FU -60 `� a .� L A HONOOT . ULY POURED OUTLOT D 15' RC APRON .%TRASRG11A114 CONCRETE DR PRECAST 'S.9 C.Y. CL 3 RIP -RAP \ 7.0 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL 12' RC APRON a/IRASN GUARD ', \ 4 C.Y. CL 3 R.Z -` \ q POND I SKIMMER STRUCTUR \ RETU9D 2 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL \ 97th Street \ ', 6 5 \\ 0. 10 100 - - - 150 a— 895 3a .. - N.P. ELEV - W7,95 - - M.P. STA - 45+2153 PIA STA _ 45 +75 PM FLEV _ 989.31 LP: ELEV - 552.39 - A.D.. -4.53 L.P. STA - 3Y /L n 82 ISNED C CRAOE N - 70.58 89f aM srA . 35+75 vc .,4o oD' _8�5- PM ELEV. eex.31 /L SUeQ)AOE - Ael 880 A.D.. 1.m — _ ._ _ _ _. -- _ _ — — -.. — 885 . - SOS ..885 885 880 .880 `. "*SHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE @S ,. �j/I�H FES-23 875 880 _. _. CL 5 O.00S B80 .880 . 880 875 rES -zx OB 7 E u So• - 1e• Rep 875 - I -eaz0 CL s O IS - FES -25 FES -24 lY -,5" RCP IE - 975.50 FES-60 _Q.70 875 Sp•_18 RCP R .976.00 875 - Ll s � 06A 875 s3' - MDPE IE .975.50 875 87G CS -I 870 CB -61 O 1.O,S - RE .9755[1 AN : IE -8]7.20 PROFILE 8 - STA.39 +3e - IE .e]7 zo - 85_S CASRNG# R- 3067 -v PROFILE 9 (213') n n R - 878.04 PROFILE 21 32 33 : o r 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 ---- - -- _ --- 4 fi--- -�-- _- 47 .._— $64 4 Shadow Creek err ., 6 „ Corporation ) N7,R ..., PN...N]r...__._- V2 H&MM1 Rmd I)]� I l M COnBtmchon Plw HMWIL Wms4 IBM OM.SC, i il- aNN RM�. vP 'Or H1DI?SE V�'� IV RC APRON ./ GUARD 4. C.Y. CL 3 AP 12 CIT. FILTER MATERIAL Pp..d f- M. - — I I Shadow Creek Corporation 172 H-d Kmd Himi.1, Wfi— 36610 Irr - 11,11'-l'-, I'll - I 1OBt0,6 — 7 . 12 Storm Sewer and Street Construction Plans 9" MINNA NR EDGE OF SHOULDER- GOPHER STATE ONE CALL --- I- City A,W 651- 454 -0052 TA F-1 I-BOD-252-11" 3 19 EDGE OF SHOULDER F FM:34 9 I 12 RC APRON ASH GUARD 10 RIP-RAP I C. Y. y F Y, WERI& EDGE OF MT. 115• K A PRO N ASH GUARD TO .0, 0 C. 4 C.Y. CL. 3 RIP-RAP - 1 2.2 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL 12 FES-70 -- - ---- CIMM-35 mom Pp..d f- M. - — I I Shadow Creek Corporation 172 H-d Kmd Himi.1, Wfi— 36610 Irr - 11,11'-l'-, I'll - I 1OBt0,6 — 7 . 12 Storm Sewer and Street Construction Plans 9" MINNA NR EDGE OF SHOULDER- I ' Ij III --- EDGE OF SHOULDER F FM:34 9 I SURN DEND- DONCREN, .—I 10 Y, .1. DONOM min 12 a 9 X 10 HORSE PAN 13 BUR MD L�Tm By OWNER 99th Street NE 9 s H.P. ELEV $81,84 FINISHED CA GRADE H.P. STA 51+75.67 PM STA 51+75.117 LP. ELEV - 579.90 85 LP ELEV - 971.05 CA "MADE P. ELEV . 811.72 L.P. STA - 48.52,50 PO STA � 48,00 L.P. I 1121 - 57+99. A-D -1.20 PM ELE� - 879.M PM STA K 41.67 A.D. . -3 P" ELEV- VC K 37.50 Bo A.D. . 1 .21 75 - 880 880 Sao "NED MADE 880 WISHED GRACE 70 "ED MADE DES -32 575 It .6) 5.20 14FS_m 875 875 875 Boo RS-34 It .6T/ . 880 -- 57 - 5 SO E .874.70 875 3r-I V� 875 I ROP C1.5645051 C11.11-5 ""12' HOPE W 0 SIA,48+ 65 870 870 0 J.,, STA,54 '95 870. CAS11'G# R-3087 -V (W A-) PROTIME 11 CASTWG# R-3 0157-V 'Y) 870 870 RE =879.41 It -675.36 370 RE -11-2. It -673.59 PROFILE 10 60 � PROFILE 22 _,. 55 Pp..d f- M. - — I I Shadow Creek Corporation 172 H-d Kmd Himi.1, Wfi— 36610 Irr - 11,11'-l'-, I'll - I 1OBt0,6 — 7 . 12 Storm Sewer and Street Construction Plans 9" MINNA NR C011 IB Houn Oafor Oy9 ',� `� '. `. .� IV MORSE PATH BUILT LOCATED OWEN GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 9wW OO101ES COMQEIE MMMONTABI CURB ! GUTTLA I 8616 DENOTES CCNCREIE M18 I CMRe GITIFR INaAL BENOIES aMK 9EC1gN I � iwln CITY Area 651 51 2- T Mn. ull F— I -600 252 -1166 ✓/ 1 \ OF SHOULDER E DGE W T ,-. / I To - I �/ e ;. 17 1 f _49s I \ 1 890 2 M.P. ELEV - 85310 M.P. STA . 8] +08.79 ._ CONCR OU T CABLE I A. ]0' N. (iVP.) pia �S.SO TI STA - 87 +09 88 PN ELEV . \ LP. ELEV - 861.58 I.P. . N.P. STA 76+9836 - PN STA . 77 +00 % ' AVE N E. I �9Q \ 1\ 10' HORSE PATH BUILT AND LOCATED BY O'ANER . , `-mans a .. `39N STA . 70 +36 -. R9N6KD•G AGE PN E EV . 961.50 .... PM EIEV - 665.1) AN'- -1.26 OUTLOT L 2222- 1B• aC APRON . /TRASH WT 89 C.T. 0.. 3 RP 50' —RAP / l.0 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL AOF.G. OWGRAOE R .1897 VC -5000' \ o „ / ' C � 9wW OO101ES COMQEIE MMMONTABI CURB ! GUTTLA I 8616 DENOTES CCNCREIE M18 I CMRe GITIFR INaAL BENOIES aMK 9EC1gN 1 / EDGE ✓/ OF SHOULDER E DGE W T ,-. / I To - \ o ;. 1 f _49s I \ 1 890 2 M.P. ELEV - 85310 M.P. STA . 8] +08.79 ._ CONCR OU T CABLE I TI STA - 87 +09 88 PN ELEV . LP. ELEV - 861.58 I.P. . N.P. STA 76+9836 - PN STA . 77 +00 I �9Q 885 . name M 4 .. `39N STA . 70 +36 -. R9N6KD•G AGE PN E EV . 961.50 .... PM EIEV - 665.1) AN'- -1.26 OUTLOT L 2222- o „ 5 Lasso Avenue NE _49s 890 M.P. ELEV - 85310 M.P. STA . 8] +08.79 ._ - - M.P. ELCV - 865 39 TI STA - 87 +09 88 PN ELEV . LP. ELEV - 861.58 I.P. . N.P. STA 76+9836 - PN STA . 77 +00 I �9Q 885 . - AD. - 1.31 N .11.. 18 .. STA . 70 +36 -. R9N6KD•G AGE PN E EV . 961.50 .... PM EIEV - 665.1) AN'- -1.26 50' AOF.G. OWGRAOE R .1897 VC -5000' . 1167 50 4° PROFILE 12 fl64 " _875. 880 FINISHED GRADE 880 MSHED GRADE . IE 8]6.80 07&60 685 885 97L �n 570 _ 875 ]09' - IB• HOPE 0 8401I • 11 87$ - FE5- IE - 6)5.69 cASnaGO R 306)�v 880 880 : N. OIA.) .691.07 .670 . 870 11 .9)713 IT .876.93 870 FES -16 FES 17 IL -6)600 .865 - G E 875 .., 100' -16 RCP IE +6)8 50 675 CL 5 ! 0.50% s _860 - 63 PROFILE 13 m _ + + + p p _ R 64 66 67 68 69 70 + 71 72 73 75 77 32 ,..12 "• »,..r.n.r..1.+.. e.. ...... w+r. .-•—' — r.a. ou. 2 - --- ° 2222 -- ^'P"'°la Shadow Creek Corporation o Storm Sew and Sam � Roed f A T w A � r•__.._. _.. - -2OD6 Wl,tA..d PlIfIA11.11 Svdtta. I- GOPHER I m6sls-1 R I RC APRON w/M&sH GL, Alt D W.. Ta F., I; 0 ---870 FES 29 � IA C.T. CL 3 RP -RAP C.Y. FI KATERAL SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE 5 - 15• RC '/MASH WARD T� SNH-28 APRON 24 PC APRON BUARD R ON 1 C.Y. CL 3 RP -RAP 2 2 C.V. FILTER MATERIAL I 20 .0 CY.Ict 1 B 3 c Y CL I RIP -RAP Z2 C�Y! FILTER 141111M. 10.0 C.Y. nL --REMOVE EX. TREES —N 20' OF PIPE IL ID loo* 15o A, A - DIAR I I COMH-35 GOPHER I PEON I RC APRON w/M&sH GL, Alt D W.. Ta F., I; I IA C.T. CL 3 RP -RAP C.Y. FI KATERAL SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE 5 15• RC '/MASH WARD BEGIN R ON 1 C.Y. CL 3 RP -RAP 2 2 C.V. FILTER MATERIAL I 20 .0 CY.Ict MOSILIN 10.0 C.Y. nL ------------ -- EDGE OF SHOULDER I FES-W FIES-3 W PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN MAL 2 II ii i iI 2 i 20 AWRI& NOTE. FULL SUPER —FUN FROM STA. 35.50 TO 39+00 X. CULVERT OUTLOT P M RNM SUNA, CONCRETE SUIANLE CURS. DUMP, SE-CONCREDI Is DEN-SSIGOURB. — RU AL moms RUMU. SECTION 4 ) 0 ` - L. Q - SEE OETAR ONE' I. ME HAA.A 4e- MAR t�: "THIN OF PI PE RE.OVE EX. CULVERT OR �ALENT A., ,d_ll OUTLOT N OR E—"ENT REMOVE EX -878e rREMOVE * REPLACE EX. OMIT AY M.E-9713 SL SEE ET FES-26 KIND LET . 2,., 2� I, G FE.- L St:. 6 110 NK-910.0 I 1,11,11, . q - fES-40 HWL-911.5 W—b 'RO,RLB ED 12 RC APRON C.Y. MATERIAL i 2 W RC APRON "/TRASH GUARD I ROP I' 4 .1 C RUP-R 87 0 . C MOXGL�� KURED 4 N -876D CONCRETE OR PRECAST NOROUTHICA.Ly PORED M / ASH GUAM ift-878.5 R 4 1 CY. CL 3 P-RAP F7 POND E SKIMMER STRUCTURE CONCRETE OR RECAST 2.1 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL POND L SKIMMER STRUCTURE NO -ALE FINISHED MAX lao 915 'ES 915 97th Court NE & Green Areas N.P. ELEV 8830. R 91 H.P. STA . 30,411.54 P. STA - 38.50 P`A ELEV - BILL 2 FINISHED CA MADE A.D. - -191 L.P. ELEV - an+" 910 FES-2 910 K : 30.73 LP STA - 10+75.92 IE -910.00 LP. ELEV - 876.68 CA SUBGRADE VC 12000' PIA STA - 0.57.M 885 PROFME17 LP. ST 34.51.70 PM ELEV - 079.47 PM STA 3-50 A.D. - 2.60 PM ELEV - 876.00 W.77 A. . 191 K 35.a5 ,C 140100' 875 880 Boo 880 -FINISHED GRADE '7 PROFILE 18 IE -874.20 870 8BQ ��GRWDE N ED GRADE 1,NSHSEDGRADE 880 875 FES-36 875 875 FE _42 87Q HE -8)38 Lj FES FE -40 SO JE 9 880 M MS-39 _ M RE -W& RCP AS 12. ROP �NISHED � PROFILE 15 --E HE .70 W -869 so IW-12 'R`9 CL 5 0 ODOR L ;S 2 2Z CS-E FES-26 8 S_L 875 870 870 70 RE -072.30 RCP ""S RE -078,60 2W-21- BE 875 PROFILE 14 65'-'W-5' PROFILE 16 1 IN S-2a :E :. C, "P SOX POP • 031% CASTING/ R -1 ]3] DOOR 870 111-21 j NEK lA.4i+Nl 2 560 IE -870.00 RE (45 * DA.) ­ DO 870 . CAS R-3067- FIE -35A V-24* POP CL 0.40. RE :870=w (AS- RE -873.01 870S RE -879,41 1 ; IE -an.36 PROFILE 23 0 1 + Storm Sewer ft".W f– Shadow Creek Corporation mid Street V2 HRRNI R-d 101451NMaod FIRS4 hlb-NaR, MM PA I I Ni CovIstruction Plam 0..". Mi-- 9711, c— NB I — — GOPHER I W.. Ta F., I; SURMOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURB & GUTMR BEGIN M I AN. ON NOTE. FULL SUPER —FUN FROM STA. 35.50 TO 39+00 X. CULVERT OUTLOT P M RNM SUNA, CONCRETE SUIANLE CURS. DUMP, SE-CONCREDI Is DEN-SSIGOURB. — RU AL moms RUMU. SECTION 4 ) 0 ` - L. Q - SEE OETAR ONE' I. ME HAA.A 4e- MAR t�: "THIN OF PI PE RE.OVE EX. CULVERT OR �ALENT A., ,d_ll OUTLOT N OR E—"ENT REMOVE EX -878e rREMOVE * REPLACE EX. OMIT AY M.E-9713 SL SEE ET FES-26 KIND LET . 2,., 2� I, G FE.- L St:. 6 110 NK-910.0 I 1,11,11, . q - fES-40 HWL-911.5 W—b 'RO,RLB ED 12 RC APRON C.Y. MATERIAL i 2 W RC APRON "/TRASH GUARD I ROP I' 4 .1 C RUP-R 87 0 . C MOXGL�� KURED 4 N -876D CONCRETE OR PRECAST NOROUTHICA.Ly PORED M / ASH GUAM ift-878.5 R 4 1 CY. CL 3 P-RAP F7 POND E SKIMMER STRUCTURE CONCRETE OR RECAST 2.1 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL POND L SKIMMER STRUCTURE NO -ALE FINISHED MAX lao 915 'ES 915 97th Court NE & Green Areas N.P. ELEV 8830. R 91 H.P. STA . 30,411.54 P. STA - 38.50 P`A ELEV - BILL 2 FINISHED CA MADE A.D. - -191 L.P. ELEV - an+" 910 FES-2 910 K : 30.73 LP STA - 10+75.92 IE -910.00 LP. ELEV - 876.68 CA SUBGRADE VC 12000' PIA STA - 0.57.M 885 PROFME17 LP. ST 34.51.70 PM ELEV - 079.47 PM STA 3-50 A.D. - 2.60 PM ELEV - 876.00 W.77 A. . 191 K 35.a5 ,C 140100' 875 880 Boo 880 -FINISHED GRADE '7 PROFILE 18 IE -874.20 870 8BQ ��GRWDE N ED GRADE 1,NSHSEDGRADE 880 875 FES-36 875 875 FE _42 87Q HE -8)38 Lj FES FE -40 SO JE 9 880 M MS-39 _ M RE -W& RCP AS 12. ROP �NISHED � PROFILE 15 --E HE .70 W -869 so IW-12 'R`9 CL 5 0 ODOR L ;S 2 2Z CS-E FES-26 8 S_L 875 870 870 70 RE -072.30 RCP ""S RE -078,60 2W-21- BE 875 PROFILE 14 65'-'W-5' PROFILE 16 1 IN S-2a :E :. C, "P SOX POP • 031% CASTING/ R -1 ]3] DOOR 870 111-21 j NEK lA.4i+Nl 2 560 IE -870.00 RE (45 * DA.) ­ DO 870 . CAS R-3067- FIE -35A V-24* POP CL 0.40. RE :870=w (AS- RE -873.01 870S RE -879,41 1 ; IE -an.36 PROFILE 23 0 1 + Storm Sewer ft".W f– Shadow Creek Corporation mid Street V2 HRRNI R-d 101451NMaod FIRS4 hlb-NaR, MM PA I I Ni CovIstruction Plam 0..". Mi-- 9711, c— NB I — — ,20G6 W--d P-1-d Nkl. — d,,N� GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 6 4 3 7 5 2 - T c :"r 65 , --Z.— 8 8618 CONCRETE- C URB & GUTTER is' Bot To� I ED. OF IT. EDGE OF SHOULDE PRONIL,I, j I EDGE Q. R. OF SHOULDER S-43 -4 PROP" - - - - - is O.L. E FIS - --- ---- - ------------- - - - - - - - 3 ---- ---------------------- -- s . 9 q --------- - -------- -- --- - 20 R. (rM)---" RC APRON 20' R. (TYP RC APRIJN GUARD FES-0 15' RC APRON GUARD R �:- 4.4 C.Y. CL 3 RIP-RAP 2.2 C.Y. FILTER A Z2 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL R 4.4 C.Y. CL. 3 r2.R (TYP) A R APRON. R' -R M GLANG Cy C Cy FILTER R Iry IAL IV NO APRON W/'tRASH GUARD 4.4 C. Y. CL 3 RIP-RAP 2. 2 C.Y. FILTER MATERIAL 15' RC APRON SH GUARD gWo 4 C z 3 .4 Y. CL. 3 - 3 12 C.Y. FILTER YAIEW 4P co OUTLOT B Z 5' PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN TRAL --pool o 50' 1w ISO 96th Court NE a 51 R R 2 :R Mason Avenue NE 9 9201 -HP V 920.32 'TA - P;R STA 39+50 - -Q SON PM ELE�- 9. L P , - ALD �- 1 22 FTNISHED CA uE- IT 'i 915 K 41.14 L.P. STA - 33,25 . a 1 . 8 . 9 vc • w.w CA stfill�� STA - ..25 1 z Pw ELE - 216.65 al r &D. 1.20 910 �c - K - 41.67 LP. ELE�-� 915.44 MINX L.P. sTA 5,96.M 910 920 FINISHED CA GRADE A- IS* 70- V_ PM STA 15.70 CA SUBGRAK IELE _ - 2 915.20 FINISHED GRACE &D. - 2 62 905 920 920 920 920 920 SIT I STAG GG - 5 FINISHED GRAM 920 905 J115- Mocr FINISHED GRADE FES-43 6,o IE -91 �FES-45 PROFILE 19 -FRR!IlEO GRADE 915 N. Fll- 915 915 -915. 915 915 CL 5 .,, 7% IE - I !,I. 50'-15* M -91..50 FES-48 FE -47 900 910 915 CL 5 * Dox 5 915 915 'E -9'3 W W-IV RCP IE GO OL 5 6 1.00% s-SO FES-49 PROFILE 22 910 910 910 895 905 912 6o NCp IE -912.00 PROFILE 21 910 CL 5 6 ODOR 910 PROFILE 20 -205 860 900 17 18 900 4 - 5 16 15 1 40 35 34 33-32 Ip 1 n « I 41 39 38 37 31 lat 02 ./06 f- Storm Sewer Shadow Creek Corporation and Stred V2 H..W R-d 1 0 0-�. - 4 1 ft­­ Prof —i— Swnic, Inc. .IT R. (T`fP.)_\ ' MMI1 z, SAW CUT A, ROAM SOLID EM PRIG BITUMINOUS ORITE PLANT NOTE,. ROWT TUFbi ANO By PASS LANE I. Lu IS CIO) 40' I CS.A.H. NO. 39 (95TH STREET NE.) R. (TvP.) 4• Souo In P, NOM RIGHT TURN MY & REMOVE MM..WS call 413 Hwls b,W, dIgg,,,q GOPHER STATE ONE C ALL T.. a k. 1 4- 6 5-45DOD2 W. Tdly _ 1 GN-252-1146 BY -PASS LANE .1 'T' INTERSECTION no S.• ... .... ......... L 1 4 MM. rMMGN ­ $dP-160w& Right-Turn Lane Section Design for Bituminous We" C ourse Bituminous Binder Course Bituminous Base Course Aggregate Base Cours The above section 10 be constn3cted on an acceptable subg RiCiff-IURN tANL � 114L Is IMPLKE a � \ OR is, . U., On TOM LAW ONTO IS 14 11. VON M M COTTER MCr POSEN, 12 FT. OIHMIM. CRT raw Risht-Turn Lane section Design f B ituminous We" Course B ituminous Binder Course Bituminous Base Course Aggregate Base Course TlicaMvc section to he wnstm led -n an acccrItable SlAhmaile. IF 02LOS/06 Tum Lane Shadow Creek Corporation co-ft.-tio. pl. 1110.4—od "MASS ,".. 210,10 In H." R.W — I I .2006 .., ... j GOPHER S TATE blMl. d4gMg: ONE CALL TIM City �1- *51-111 ODDI ... ., ,. , -BOD- '52-1166 r w - OF A&WP al l , =zm — Bf r V-l� I, rILITI SEAL 'IT DETAIL SECTIONAL Htjm!,Ey SE, jfikt!�Flt nk OL RE SAC HUM SECTION —LE . . .......... . R—RAP TLLT --u r Shadow Creek Corporation Westwood V2 It..W Rd H..4 Uinor.h am 'L M xtt "MH MULTI-PL - ARCH - OF A&WP — Bf r V-l� I, rILITI SEAL 'IT DETAIL R—RAP TLLT --u 17 -TE7Z. L Shadow Creek Corporation Westwood V2 It..W Rd H..4 Uinor.h am 'L M xtt "MH MULTI-PL - ARCH Review No. 4 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lucinda Gardner, Shadow Creek Corp. Brian Johnson, P.E. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Joseph J. MacPherson, E.I.T. Brent M. Larson Date: February 23, 2006 Proposed Development: Featherwind Farms Street Location A 325 acre portion of the northwest % of Section 18, T121 N, of Property: R23W, and the north 'h of Section 13, T121 N, R24W, north of CSAH 39, and south of the Mississippi River. Applicant: Lucinda Gardner Shadow Creek Corporation 172 Hamel Road Hamel, MN 55340 Developer: Shadow Creek Corporation Owners of Record: Vernon C. Kolles & Sons Purpose: Phase One of Featherwind Farms is a 62 -unit single - family residential open space cluster development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with private septic systems, private wells, storm sewer, and public streets typical of a rural setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, DNR (but not limited to) Ma0fthared dots\ Municipal\ Aotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW4.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS GRADING PLANS HYDROLOGY REPORT SPECIFICATIONS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION \ \Ha0l\shared dots\ Municipal Wotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW4.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Natural Features and Survey, 11/04/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Site Plan, 11/04/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plat, 1/27/06 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan, 11/04/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Street and Utility Construction Plans, 2/20/06 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Final Plat for Featherwind Farms, sent 2/22/06, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan for Featherwind Farms, dated 2/20/06, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Grading, Erosion Control, Storm Sewer and Street Construction Specifications, 2/6/06 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Environmental Investigation for Plating, 1/27/06 revision, by Miller Environmental Inc. Geotechnical Evaluation Report, 8/18105, Braun Intertec Corporation Preliminary Landscape Plan, 8/01/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Environmental Assessment Worksheet Draft, 7/12/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report, July 2005, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Flood Insurance Rate Map, 9/30/92, by Federal Emergency Management Agency City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003. Ma01\shared dots\ MunicipaMotsego23xx \2307\ot2307RVW4.doc FINAL PLAT 1. Drainage and utility easements are required over all wetlands, ponds, and city trails not located within outlots dedicated to the city. 2. Outlot K in the turnaround for 97 Circle NE shall be covered by a drainage and utility easement. All outlots located within the turnarounds shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners association. 3. The high water level of the creek in the rear yards of Lots 1 through 3, Block 3, Lots 1 through 6, Block 2 and Lots 3 and 4, Block 20 shall be covered under drainage and utility easement. It appears that the high water level of the creek is going to affect the secondary septic drain field areas depicted for Lots 1 through 6, Block 2 and both septic drain field areas depicted for Lot 4, Block 20. 4. All storm sewer pipe running between or through lots shall be covered by a 20' wide drainage and utility easement centered over the pipe. 5. Documentation must be submitted describing the easement covering the trail depicted on the adjacent property south of Lot 5, Block 2. 6. Maciver Avenue NE is misspelled on Sheets 2 and 8. Please revise. 7. The delineated edge of all wetlands and the edge of the creek shall be depicted on the final plat. 8. The street surrounding the 2 -acre lots, adjacent to Outlot M, shall be renamed Lasso Circle NE. 9. 97"' Court NE shall be renamed Lasso Court NE. 10. Many of the Outlots are not depicted in the final plat (i.e. Outlots L and P have not been described /called out on the final plat.) 11. A temporary easement is required for the temporary cul -de -sac at the west end of 97 Street NE. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET 1. A signature line shall be provided for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer. 2. The sheet index shall be revised to reflect the new street names. OVERALL PLAN \\Ha01\shared docs\ Munic7ipal Wotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW4.doc 1. Please specify on the plans which survey datum will be used (City of Otsego Standards require the 1929 datum to be used.) 2. Benchmarks shall be called out on each sheet. 3. The street surrounding the 2 acre lots shall be renamed Lasso Circle NE. Also, 97 Court NE shall be renamed Lasso Court NE. 4. The construction limits shall be clearly depicted on the plans (a thick dashed line is very helpful.) 5. The typical street sections read "2' Max." for the ditch section. Please revise to read "2' Min." STORM SEWER AND STREET CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1. Sheet 3, the pipe grade depicted in the detail for the Pond H skimmer structure outlet pipe does not agree with that shown in the profile view. Please revise. 2. Sheet 3, the sag vertical curve at station 39 +35.91 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 05- SA -01, dated January 14, 2005. 3. Sheet 3, we recommend flattening the grade on the pipe between FES -6 and CBMH -6A provided it still meets the required carrying capacity of the incoming runoff. 4. Sheet 4, the crest vertical curve at station 46 +44.19 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 04- SA -05, dated October 22, 2004. 5. Sheet 4, it appears that additional catchbasins are required along 96 Circle NE to collect runoff. Please provide inlet spread calculations for this area. 6. Sheet 5, the rim elevation of STMH -11 does not agree with the centerline elevation. Please revise. 7. Sheet 5, the outlet invert elevation of the outlet pipe depicted in the detail for the Pond F skimmer structure does not agree with that shown in the profile view. Please revise. 8. Sheet 6, the sag vertical curve at station 35 +76.62 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 05- SA -01, dated January 14, 2005. 9. Sheet 7, the pipe grade between FES -34 and CBMH -35 does not agree with the corresponding invert elevations. Please revise. Ma01\shared dots\ Municipal\ Aotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW4.doc 10. Sheet 7, the sag vertical curve at station 57 +99.88 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 05- SA -01, dated January 14, 2005. 11. Sheet 7, the crest vertical curve at station 51 +75.87 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 04- SA -05, dated October 22, 2004. 12. Sheet 8, the crest vertical curves at stations 67 +08.79 and 76 +98.38 do not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 04- SA -05, dated October 22, 2004. 13. Sheet 8, the sag vertical curve at station 70 +38 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 05- SA -01, dated January 14, 2005. 14. Sheet 8, please verify that the rim elevation of CBMH -73 includes a 2" sump. 15. Sheet 8, station 32 +00, the match point where Lasso Circle ties back into itself, is not depicted correctly in the profile. Please revise. 16. Sheet 9, the sag vertical curve at station 40 +57.39 does not meet the minimum length requirement for a design speed of 30 mph per Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Division Technical memorandum No. 05- SA -01, dated January 14, 2005. 17. Sheet 9, the grade of the outlet pipe for the Pond L skimmer structure does not agree with the corresponding invert elevations. Please revise the detail and profile. GRADING PLANS 1. Revised grading plans have been received and are under review. One concern at this time is the high water level of the creek. It appears that the high water level of the creek is going to affect the secondary septic drain field areas depicted for Lots 1 through 6, Block 2 and both septic drain field locations depicted for Lot 4, Block 20. HYDROLOGY REPORT The hydrology report has been received and is in the process of being reviewed. The sizing of the culverts at the creek crossings is under review. SPECIFICATIONS 1. Grading, Erosion Control, Storm Sewer and Street Construction Specifications have been received. No comments are offered at this time. MaMshared docs\ Municipal Wotsego23xx\2307\ot2307RVW4.doc OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The Geotechnical report has been submitted. 2. Identify the streets each typical street section pertains to. (Which streets have clay subgrade and which have sand subgrade) SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION Concrete curb and gutter has been added to the front of all 1 acre lots along with a storm sewer collection system that will alleviate the necessity for curb cuts at each property line. We believe this will prohibit unwanted sand and salt from accumulating in residents' lawns, possibly damaging lawns and sprinkler systems within this high -end home development. At this time we recommend approval of the final plat contingent upon completion of the above comments and any forthcoming grading plan and /or storm sewer review comments. MaMshared docs\ Municipal\ Aotsego23xx62307\ot2307RVW4.doc ITEM 7 - NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners @nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 22 February 2006 RE: Otsego — Otsego 1 -94 West Industrial Park 4th Addition NAC FILE: 176.02 - 05.36 BACKGROUND RHEA Company has submitted a final plat application for the Otsego 1 -94 West Industrial Park 4th Addition that essentially replats the 3rd Addition Final Plat approved by the City Council on 12 December 2005. The subject site is guided for industrial use by the Comprehensive Plan and is zoned 1 -2, General Industrial District. Exhibits A. Site Location B. 3 rd Addition Final Plat C. 4 Addition Final Plat ANALYSIS Replat. The City Council approved the Otsego 1 -94 West Industrial Park 3 rd Addition on 12 December 2005, a development contract was executed and the final plat recorded with Wright County. The 3 Addition established one lot north of 71 Street and two lots south 71 Street. The prospective buyers of two of the lots established by the 3 Addition did not follow through on the purchase of the properties causing the current application to replat. Proposed 4 th Addition. The proposed fourth addition would establish four lots north of 71 Street and three lots south of 71 Street. Lots within the 1 -2 District are subject to minimum lot area and lot width requirements of 2.0 acres and 200 feet. All of the proposed lots of the 4 Addition exceed the minimum 1 -2 District lot requirements and have sufficient area within required setbacks to allow reasonable use of the property. Access. Access to all three lots will be required to come off of 71 Street for which right -of -way was dedicated and the street constructed with the first final plat of the Otsego 1 -94 West Industrial Park. The final plat provides for 75 feet of right -of -way for Kadler Avenue consistent with the NEWC Transportation Plan. Utilities. No utility plan has been submitted for the proposed final plat. With approval of the final plat for Kittredge Crossings 10 Addition pending, sanitary sewer and water services will be within one - quarter mile of the subject site. Consideration should be given to extending sanitary sewer and water services to the subject site. Easements. The proposed final plat illustrates perimeter drainage and utility easements for each lot and over ponding areas and wetlands. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park and Trail Dedication. Park and trail dedication requirements for the subject site were satisfied as a condition of final plat approval for the 3` Addition. No additional park dedication is required for the proposed 4 Addition. Development Contract. There are no public utilities, streets or other improvements being constructed as part of the 4 Addition final plat. As such, there is no need for a development contract unless determined otherwise by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed final plat of the Otsego 1 -94 West Industrial Park 4 Addition is consistent with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. We recommend approval of the application as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the Otsego 1 -94 West Industrial Park 3�d Addition Final Plat subject to the following conditions: 1. All lots shall access from 71 St Street. 2. All utilities and easements shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. 3. The developer shall record the final plat within one hundred (100) days of City Council action or the final plat approval shall be voided. 2 B. Motion to deny the request. C. Motion to table. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur Rhea Company cr i f_ � z -oc$o— x ■ o 4 as SF N �.3 d t 6 it3 fs 4 4 �5 � f ..1 � 9 FiF a f�a I 1 I , 1 ----- ------- 1 g r ♦ I """o 3.1Z.91.00N 04 r 1 EXHIBIT B s a I i b I b m ------------- � .... s - - - - - -J � R -- - - - _ ------- - - n �. It.. AL —_- -_ - -- - -- ri�l •.SS.LtJION - - - - 2 �- -------- - -- ____� _— -- - 3di.T° ��. L� -n, W9 6i il. I 4 I Q � a 1 fl 9 E y 1� '6 I Uj 1 96 � I a FYI I 1 I , 1 ----- ------- 1 g r ♦ I """o 3.1Z.91.00N 04 r 1 EXHIBIT B I � j � s N s Yi • I M �a ( ^� fi 6 g'"a + - -i Ni $ I II 8 :3� i IF Pz I by ) I I -- - - - - - ------- - - - - -- I m _ /j� _ _ — m R 3'N 3nN3AY U31=4 It O O _ _ man r.as t*.m I "d60f ---------------------- F W a n IL a PS w) s /`v, 3.99A1.00N x I a am 3.R.aW N I t - I a a LL uj ►— e - - - - -- - -- _ I a+ ' ` n 1 . O I I ti -- SIQI I ' aaua A61ami a 1•sOUICii'sV {lldi }:33:i I . ^ ci '1 ieii 1 d ' f10IN., r EXHIBIT C Hakanson 67� 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., Inc. Phone: 763/427 -5860 Fax: 763/427 -0520 MEMORANDUM To: John Oliver & Associates, Inc. cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer From: Brent M. Larson Date: February 22, 2006 Re: Otsego I -94 West Industrial Park Fourth Addition After review of the Final plat of the above referenced development we have two concerns. First, the City would like to extend the R.O.W. on the west side of 71 Street NE to follow 10' inside the depicted drainage and utility easement at the intersection of 70 Street NE. In the event of a future connection of Kadler Avenue NE to I -94 the street will require realignment. Second, in the future, sanitary sewer and watermain may be extended south along Kadler Avenue NE to serve the development. The utilities will be extended from Kadler Avenue NE along the lot line between Lots 3 & 4, Block 2. Adequate drainage and utility easement must be provided along this lot line to allow for the installation and maintenance of these future utilities. If you need any additional information or have any other concerns, please contact myself or Mr. Ron Wagner, P.E., City Engineer. Thank you. MaMShared Docsl Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\2006\memol -94 industrial 4th.doc ITEM 7 -3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners @nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 21 February 2006 RE: Otsego — Crimson Ponds North; Revised Concept Plan NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.05 Backes Companies has again revised its concept plan for Crimson Ponds North based on the discussion at the City Council meeting. on 28 November 2006. We have the following comments regarding the revised plan: 1. The proposed lots would be required to conform to the standards of the proposed R -4A zoning district, which was discussed by the Planning Commission on 6 February 2006 and is scheduled for a public hearing on 6 March 2006. The proposed R -4A District requires a minimum lot with of 90 feet for interior lots and 130 feet for corner lots with a minimum area of 18,000 square feet. 2. The provision of a park in the central portion of the site was suggested by City staff to address two issues. First, there is a need for a neighborhood park in the area of the subject site currently developed with one acre lots. The Parks and Trails plan identifies a search area at the intersection of 85'" Street and Odean Avenue, but this opportunity for a park is more certain and will be a benefit to the area. Second, the provision of a park within the project reduces the potential density of any development of the site responding to neighborhood, Planning Commission and City Council concerns. The developer must specify the net developable area of the proposed park parcel not including the proposed ponding area or existing wetlands, wetland buffers, steep slopes exceeding 3:1 or other unusable areas such as the land at the south end of the parcel that is south of existing wetland. 3. The corridor extending between Lots 26 and 27 is intended to provide driveway access to the park that would also serve to provide emergency vehicle access at the end of the public street, which would exist as a long -dead end until such time as the exception property at the southwest corner may subdivide. The corridor must provide for a minimum 10 foot wide paved surface, five foot gravel shoulders and five foot greenspace buffer beyond the shoulder for a total width of 30 feet. We recommend that the construction of the paved surfaced through the park would be the developer's responsibility because of the public safety issue related to the dead -end street along the east line of the plat. 4. The sketch plan should be revised to provide for a 30 foot wide trail corridor between Lots 19 and 20 at the north line of the subject site to allow for a trail to be extended from the north to the subject site utilizing the existing Odell Avenue right -of -way. We would note that a boardwalk structure will be required to extend a trailway through the right -of -way. 5. The developer should be required to obtain all necessary easements for the extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to the subject site prior to application for approval of a preliminary plat. Submission of an application without the necessary easements would be deemed incomplete and not be processed. This concept plan has been placed on the City Council agenda of 27 February 2006 for discussion and direction. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur Dave Hagen 2 rm IATES (3- Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., Inc. Phone: 763/427 -5860 Fax: 763/427 -0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dennis Backes, Backes Companies David Hagan, Loucks Associates From: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Date: February 22, 2006 Re: Crimson Ponds North — Concept Plan We have reviewed the Concept Plan, dated February 2006, for the above - referenced project and would offer the following comments: 1. Most of the wetland filling proposed appears to be for the sole purpose of gaining lots. We suggest removing Lot 7 along the east side of the plat and work around the wetland. 2. A 30' wide trail easement is required between Lots 19 and 20 along the north side of the plat (adjacent to Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates.) 3. A 20' wide drainage and utility easement is required for an outlet pipe between the existing wetland along the west side of the plat and the existing wetland in the center of the plat. 4. Temporary cul -de -sacs shall be provided for the stub streets in the southeast portion of the plat. 5. A 20' wide drainage and utility easement shall be provided for a watermain loop connection point between Lots 4 and 5 of the southern block, adjacent to Deer Field Acres. 6. The existing easement provided for the sanitary sewer and watermain through the exception parcel in the southeast portion of the plat shall be depicted on the plans. Ma01\shared docs\Nlunicipal\Aotsego22xx \2500 \ot2500CPNrvwl.doc Page 2 of 2 7. The alignment of the street that connects to Odean Avenue NE from the northern portion of the plat should be adjusted to avoid impacting the existing wetland as much as possible. 8. Knock -down bollards shall be installed on both ends of the proposed bituminous trail proposed to run through the center block to provide a secondary emergency vehicle access route to the stub street that runs along the north and east portion of the plat. \ \Ha01 \shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx \2500 \ot2500CPNrvwl.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. ITEM 8_7 Hakanson Anderson �� 11 01 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., /�ssoc.� Inc. �nc. Phone: 763/427 -5860 Fax: 763/427 -0520 February 22, 2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Construction Bids, Improvement Project No. 06 -07, TH101, CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 Water and Sewer Boring and Jacking Dear Mayor and City Council: Bids were received and opened on February 21, 2006, for the construction of TH101, CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 Water and Sewer Boring and Jacking, Improvement Project No. 06 -07. A total of five bids were received as shown on the attached Bid Tabulation. Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. of Ramsey Minnesota is the low bidder with a Base Bid of $940,391.00. Dave Perkins Contracting has previously worked on other projects with Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. and has successfully completed numerous projects in the Twin Cities area. Based on the above, we recommend award of the contract to the low bidder, Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc., 14230 Basalt St. N.W., Ramsey, MN 55303 Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. No Mner,.= RJW: dmb Enclosure cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk OT628 AWARD REC BID TA°ULATION CITY TSEGO TH101, CSAH 37AND CSAH 42 WA. 1ND SEWER BORING AND JACKINGS Project 06 -07 Bids opened 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 21, 2006. There were 5 bids received, as shown herein. Bid Schedule "A" - Site Construction Dave Perkins Contractinginc. Burschville Construction, Inc. Three Rivers Construction ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Mobilization 1 LS $30000.00 $30000.00 $30000.00 $30,000.00 $11000.00 $11,000.00 2 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement Sawina Bit Pavement Full Depth) 63 40 Sy LF $10.00 $5.00 $630.00 $200.00 10.00 $5.00 $630.00 $200.00 $10.00 $5.00 $630.00 $200.00 4 Salvage & Reinstall Sin 1 EACH $150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1.992.00 $1,992.00 5 Granular Fill 150 CY $19.00 $2,850.00 $16.00 $2,400.00 $10.00 $1,500.00 6 Class 5 Apareoate Base 151 TON $25.00 $3,775.00 $20.00 $3,020.00 $19.00 $2,869.00 7 Mill Bituminous Surface 4 SY $50.00 $200.00 $400.00 $1600.00 $515.00 $2,060.00 8 T e LV 4 Wearina Course Mixture B 10 TON $150.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $3,000.00 $206.001 $2,060.00 9 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 2 GAL $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 $206.00 $412.00 10 11 Traffic Control Silt Fence Type Machine Sliced 1 1,050 LS LF $5,000.00 $4.00 $5,000.00 $4 $15,000.00 $2.50 $15,000.00 $2,625.00 $65,000.00 $2.00 $65,000.00 $2 0.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" $48.525.00 $58.795.00 $89,823.00 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain Dave Perkins Contrsctinglnc. Burschville Construction, Inc. Three Rivers Construction ITEM ESTIMATED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 12 Conned to E)dsfina Watermain 1 EACH $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $2.800.00 $2,800.00 13 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 464 LF $90.00 $41,760.00 $145.50 $67,512. $110.00 $51,040.00 14 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 468 LF $75.00 35100.00 133.25 2 361.00 $97.00 $45,396 .00 15 8" Ductile Iron Pipe C152 40 LF $65.00 $2,600.00 122.55 902.00 $100 .00 $4,000.00 16 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 25 LF $60.00 $1,500.00 118.45 $2,961.25 $90.00 $2 250.00 17 Ductile Iron Fittings 3,545 LB $5.00 $17 725.00 $4.50 S15.952.50 $5.00 $17,725 .00 18 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 3 EACH $2.200.00 $6,600.00 $2,700.00 $8100.00 $2,150.00 $6,450.00 19 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 3 EACH $1.400.00 $4.200.00 $1.950.00 $5,850.00 1,280.00 $3,840.00 20 8" Gate Valve and Box 1 EACH $950.00 $950.00 950.00 $950.00 $1,030.00 $1,030.00 21 6" Gate Valve and Box 3 EACH $750.00. 2 250.00 750.00 $2 250.00 $770.00 $2 22 Hydrant 3 EACH 2100.00 6300.00 $2 200.00 $6 600.00 $2,245.00 $6,735.00 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite JtJ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and 23 Boring of 20" Steel Casina 525 LF $240.001 $126,000.00 $207.00 $108675.00 $227.00 $119,175.00 1 24 . 1 16" DIP CL 52, Fastite AJ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 24" Steel Casino 406 LF $233.00 $94,598.00 $218.50 $88.7 11.00 260.00 1 $105,560.00 Total Bid Schedule "B" $344,583.00 $378,824.75 $368,311.00 OT628bidtabBID TABULATION BT- 1 OF 1 BID T' -" ILATION CITY TSEGO TH101, CSAH 37AND CSAH 42 WA - i _ -- AND SEWER BORING AND JACKINGS Project 06 -07 Bid Schedule "C". Sanitary Sewer - Gravi Dave Perkins Contractinglnc. Burschville Construction, Inc. Three Rivers Construction ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 25 8" PVC SDR 35 8-10' Deep 20 LF $130.00 $2,600.00 $127.00 $2,540.00 $95.00 $1,900.00 26 8" PVC SDR 3512 -14' Deep 20 LF $130.00 $2,600.00 $135.00 $2,700.00 $95.00 $1,900.00 27 12" PVC SDR 3512 -14' Deep 50 LF 1 $60.00 $3.00000 $142.00 $7 100.00 $100.00 $5 28 12" PVC SDR 3514 -16' Dee 20 LF $60.00 $1,200.00 $146.00 $2 920.00 $110.00 $2,200.00 29 12" PVC SDR 3516 -18' Dee 20 LF $60.00 $1,200.00 $150.00 $3 $135.00 $2,700.00 30 8" DIP CL 52 10 -12' Deep 24 LF $150.00 $3,600.00 $142.00 $3,408.00 $110.00 $2,640.00 31 12" DIP CL 5212 -14' Dee 195 LF $175.00 $34,125.00 $160.00 $31,200.00 $127.00 $24,765.00 32 8" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt.w/Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Bodna of 16" Steel Casino 84 LF $190.00' $15,960.00 $196.00 $16,464.00 $214.00 $17 33 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite JI.w/Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borina of 20" Steel Casina 381 LF $321.00 $122,301.00 207.00 17R 867.00 $243.00 $92 34 Standard 48" Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Dee 5 EA $3,200.00 $16,000.00) $2 900.00 $14 500.00 $2,590,00 $12,950.00 35 Standard 48" Manhole Overde th> 8 ft. 37 VF $250.00 $9,250.00 $250.00 $9.250.00 $165.00 $6 36 Standard Sanitary Sewer Drop-Manhole 0-8'Deep $4,500.00 $4.5M.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.2Q $3.786.00 $3,786.00 37 Drop-Manhole Outside Drop Overde th> 2 ft. 7 VF $250.00 $1,750.00 $250.DO $1 750.00 $240.00 $1 38 ITelevise Sanitary Sewer L 814 LF $3.00 $2,442.00 $2.00 $1,628.00 $3.00 $2,442.00 Total Bid Schedule "C" $220.528.00 $178.727.00 $178,627.00 Bid Schedule "D" - Sanitary Sewer - Force Mains Dave Perkins Contracting,lnc. Burschville Construction, Inc. Three Rivers Construction ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 39 Connect to ExisBn 8" Force Main 2 EACH $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $3 $6,000.00 $1,300.00 $2,600.00 40 8" Force Main - DIP CL52 90 LF $45.00 $4.050.00 $123.00 $11.070.00 $107.00 $9 41 12" Force Main - DIP CL52 447 LF $55.00 $24,585.00 $134.00 $59 898.00 $102.00 $45 42 16" Force Main - DIP CL52 446 LF $70.00 $31,220.00 $146.00 $65,116.00 $115.00 $51,290.00 43 B" Gate Valve /Valve Box 4 EACH $950.00 $3,800.00 $950.00 $3,800.00 $1,030.00 $4,120.00 44 12" Gate Valve /Valve Box 3 EACH $2.000.00 $6,000.00 $1,800.00 $5,400.00 $1,680.00 $5,040.00 45 16" Gate Valve / Valve Box 1 EACH $4 $4,500.00 $4.800.00 $4,80 .00 $4.450.00 $4,450.00 46 Ductile Iron Force Main Fittin s 3,050 LBS $5.00 $15,250.00 S4.001 $12,200.00 $5.001 $15,250.00 47 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borina of 20" Steel Casino 545 LF $200.00 $109.0()0.00 S207.00 $112,815.00 226.00 $123,170.00 1 48 1 16" DIP CL 52, Fastite JtJ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 24" Steel Casing 545 LF $230.001 $125,350.00 $218.50 $119 082.50 $256.00 $139,520.00 Total Bid Schedule "D" SUMMARY OF BIDDING: Total Base Bid Schedule A through D $326,755.00 Dave Perkins Contracting,Inc. $940,391.00 $400,161.50 Burschville Construction, Inc. $400,664.00 Three Rivers Construction OT628bidtabBID TABULATION BT -2OF2 $1,016.528.25 $1,037,425.00 BID T - - 'LATION CITY TSEGO TH101, CSAH 37AND CSAH 42 WAl Lr. AND SEWER BORING AND JACKINGS Project 06 -07 Bids opened 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 21, 2006. There were 5 bids received, as shown herein. Bid Schedule "A" - Site Construction Northdale Construction Company, Inc. R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineers Estimate ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Mobilization 1 LS $174,000.00 $174,000. $75 000.00 $75,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 2 Remove Bituminous Pavement 63 SY $20.00 $1,260.00 $4.00 $252.00 $2.00 $126.00 3 Sawino Bit Pavement Full Depth) 40 LF $10.00 $400.00 $6.00 $240.00 $3.25 $130.00 4 Salva e & Reinstall Sin 1 EACH $79.52 550.00 $250.00 $250.00 $110.00 $110.00 5 Granular Fill 150 CY $65.36 $8 097.50 $12.00 $1,800.00 $5.00 $750.00 6 Class 5 A re ate Base 151 TON $5.53 146.46 20.00 $3,020.00 $11.00 $1,661.00 7 Mill Bituminous Surface 4 SY V$275.00 $110.00 $100.00 $400.00 $17.50 $70.00 8 T e LV 4 Wearin Course Mixture B 10 TON $3,648.47 $2 750.00 $200.00 $2 000.00 $50.00 $500.00 9 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 2 GAL $2169.83 22.00 6.00 $12.00 $2.50 $5.00 10 Traffic Control 1 LS $11,000.00 $11 000.00 $65,000.00 $65 000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 11 Silt Fence Type Machine Sliced 1 LF 1 $5.00 $5,250.00 $3.00 $3,150.00 $3.00 $3 Total Bid Schedule "A" $205.585.96 $151.124.00 $76,502.00 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain Northdale Construction Company, Inc. R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineers Estimate ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 12 Connect to Existing Watennain 1 EACH $5,622.75 $5,622.75 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 13 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 464 LF $90.64 $42,056.96 $142.00 $65,888.00 $50.00 $23,200.00 14 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 468 LF $78.86 $36,906.48 $132.00 $61,776.00 $40.00 $18,720.00 15 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 40 LF $79.52 $3 $114.00 $4,560.00 $30.00 $1.200.00 16 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 25 LF $65.36 $1,634.00 $112.00 $2,800.00 $25.00 $625.00 - 3 LB $5.53 $19603.85 $4.50 $15952.50 $4.00 $14,1130.00 18 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 3 EACH $4,418AS $13,255.38 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 19 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 3 EACH $3,648.47 $10,945.41 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 20 8" Gate Valve and Box 1 EACH $2169.83 $2,169.83 $1.000.00 $1.000.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 21 6" Gate Valve and Box 3 EACH $1,951.50 $5,854.50 $800.00 $2,400.00 $800.00 $2,400.00 22 Hydrant 3 EACH $2,965.38 $8,896.14 $2,350.00 $7,050.00 $2,225.00 $6,675.00 23 12" DIP CL 52, Fas6te JL/ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borina of 20" Steel Casino 525 LF $213.69 $112,187.25 $250.00 $131,250.00 $240.00 $126 24 16" DIP CL 52, Fas6te JtJ Fast Grip Gasket Installed by Jacking and Boring of 24" Steel Casino 406 LF $231.80 $94110.80 275.00 $111 650.00 $300.00 $121,800.00 Total Bid Schedule "B" $356,424.15 $421.326.50 $328,350.00 OT628bidtabBID TABULATION BT- 3 OF 3 BID T' - I ILATION CITI TSEGO TH101, CSAH 37AND CSAH 42 WA.- . AND SEWER BORING AND JACKINGS Project 06 -07 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanity Sewer - Gravi Northdale Construction Company, Inc. R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineers Estimate ITEM ESTIMATED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 25 8" PVC SDR 35 8.10' Dee 20 LF $69.89 $1.397.80 $112.00 $2,240.00 $16.00 $320.00 26 8" PVC SDR 35 12 -14' Deep 20 LF $69.89 $1,397.80 $112.00 $2 $25.00 $500.00 27 12" PVC SDR 35 12 -14' Deep 50 LF $75.21 $3,760.50 $118.00 $5,900.00 $35.00 $1,750.00 28 12" PVC SDR 3514 -16 Deep 20 LF $75.21 $1,504.20 $120.00 $2,400.00 $45.00 $900.00 29 12" PVC SDR 35 16-18' Deep 20 LF $75.21 $1,504.20 $124.00 $2,480.00 $55.00 $1,100.00 30 8" DIP CL 52 10-12' Dee 24 LF $83.90 $2,013.60 $122.00 $2,928.00 $30.00 $720.00 31 12" DIP CL 52 12 -14' Deep 8" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt.w/Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and 195 LF $93.09 $18 $132.00 $25,740.00 $45.00 $8 32 Borino of 16" Steel Casino 12" DIP CL 52, FasBte Jt.w/Fasl Grip Gasket, installed by Jacking and 84 LF $203.04 $17,055. 6 $250.00 $21,000.00 $200.00 $16,800.00 33 Borina of 20" Steel Casing 381 LF $213.69 $81,415.89 $250.00 $95,250. 00 $240.00 $91,440.00 34 Standard 48" Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep 5 EA $3.720.00 $18,600.00 $4,000.00 $20,000.00 $2,000.00 $10 35 Standard 48" Manhole Overde th> 8 ft. 37 VF $295.32 $10,926.84 $300.00 $11,100.00 $105.00 $3 3B Standard Sanitary Sewer Drop-Manhole 0-8' Dee 1 EA $5,814.81 $5,814.81 $4.600.00 $4,600.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 37 Drop-Manhole Outside Drop Overde th> 2 ft. 7 VF $276.63 $1,936.11 $300.00 $2,100.00 $185.00 $1,295.00 38 Televise Sanitary Sewer 1 814 LF $2.991 $2,433.86 $2.50 $2,035.001 $0.501 $407.00 Total Bid Schedule "C" $167.913.82 $200,013.00 $140,692.00 Bid Schedule "D" - Sanity Sewer - Forca Mains Northda / Construction Company, Inc. R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineers Estimate ITEM ESTIMATED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 39 Connect to Existin 8" Force Main 2 EACH $5,516.25 $11,032.50 $2,000.00 $4,000-00 $1000.00 $2 000.00 40 8" Force Main - DIP CL52 90 LF $67.47 $6,072.30 $122.00 $10,980.00 $30.00 $2 41 12" Force Main - DIP CL52 447 LF $76.34 $34 123.98 $132. 00 59 004.00 $40.00 $17,880.00 42 16" Force Main - DIP CL52 446 LF $87.65 $39,091.90 $145.00 $64 $50.00 $22,300.00 - EACH - 2 189.83 $8 679.32 0,000.00 $4.000.00 - -- $1 $4,000.00 44 12" Gate Valve / Valve Box 3 EACH $4,073.40 $12 1 750.00 $5,250.00 $150000 $4,500.00 45 16" Gate Valve /Valve Box 1 EACH $6.609.17 $6.609.171 $5.000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 46 Ductile Iron Force Main FItBn s 12" DIP CL 52, Fastte JL/ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and 3.050 LBS $5.53 $16,866.50 $4.50 $13,725.00 $4.00 $12,200.00 47 Borina of 20" Steel Casing 16' DIP CL 52, FasBte JL/ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and 545 LF $213.69 $116,461.05 $250.00 $136.250.00 $240.00 $130 48 Borino of 24" Steel Casino 545 LF $231.80 126 331.00 $275.00 $149,875.00, $300.00 1 $163,500.00 SUMMARY OF BIDDING: Total Base Bid Schedule A through D OT628bidtabBID TABULATION Total Bid Schedule "D" $377.487.92 $452,754.00 $364,880.00 Northdale Construction Company, Inc. $1,107,411.85 BT -4OF4 R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. $1,225,217.50 Engineers Estimate $910,424.00 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- 15 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the H101, CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 Water and Sewer Boring and Jacking, Project No. 06 -0 , bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Base Bid Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. $ 940,391.00 Burschville Construction, Inc. $ 1,016,528.25 Three Rivers Construction $ 1,037,425.00 Northdale Construction Company, Inc. $ 1,107,411.85 R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. $ 1,225,217.50 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. of Ramsey, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. of Ramsey, Minnesota in the name of the TH101, CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 Water and Sewer Boring and Jacking, Improvement Project No. 06 -07, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the bid bonds made with their bids, except that the bid b nd of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 27 day of February 2006. Larry Fournier, Mayor ITEM 70.7 CITY OF OTSEGO FFICIAL OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL Purpose: The City of Otsego recognizes that its elected officials may at times receive value from traveling out of the state for workshops, conferences, events and other assignments. This policy sets forth the conditions under which the City will reimburse out -of -state travel. General Guidelines 1. The event, workshop, conference or assignment must be approved in advance by detailed motion by the City Council at an open meeting and must include an estimate of the cost of the travel. In evaluating the out -Of -state travel request, the Council will consider the following: Whether the elected official will be receiving trainin� on issues Mayo o relevant to the City or to his or her role as the r as a council member; Whether the elected official will be meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to ex hange ideas on topics of relevance to the City or on the official role $ of local elected officials; Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar in nature to one that is currently operating at, or under consideration by the City where the purpose for the trip is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for the consideration of the full council; Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to visit another city for the purpose of establishing a goodwill relationship such as a "sister- city" relation hip; Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to testify on behalf of the City at the United States Congress or to otherwise meet with federal officials on behalf of the City; Whether the City has sufficient funding available in the budget to pay the cost of the trip. 2. No reimbursements will be made for attendance at events sponsored by or affiliated with political parties. 3. The City may make payments in advance for airfare, lodging and registration if specifically approved by the Council. Otherwise all payments will be made as reimbursements to the elected official. 4. The City will reimburse for transportation, lodging, meals, registration, and incidental costs using the same procedures, limitations and guideli es outlined in the City's policy for out -of -state travel by City employees. Provisions 1. Limitations on paying for Council members who have announced their intention to resign, not to seek re- election, or who have been defea ed in an election (however, there may be some benefit to the City in having newly elected officials who have not yet taken office attend training beforehand); 2. Requirements for Council members to give verbal or written reports on the results of the trip at the next Council meeting; 3. The ability for the City to make exceptions to the policy; 4. The requirement for all frequent flyer miles to accrue to the City; and 5. Requirements to use the most cost - efficient mode of travel i�vailable, taking into consideration reasonable time constraints. City of Otsego Travel Reimbursement Policy Pulpose To reimburse employees for out -of- pocket expenditures when out on approved City business. Procedures the City area 1. All travel by Otsego employees requires the approval of the City Administrator or his/her designee. All conference or school related expenses shall also he approved by the City Administrator. 2. All expenses incurred for travel are to be paid by the employee, or pre -paid by the City. The employee's expenses may be covered with a travel advance, or the employee may use personal f nds and be reimbursed subsequently. Travel advances may only a requested for meals and hotel expenses, or round trip airfares that f ave not been pre -paid by the City. 3. Travel advances may be requested no later than sever] ty -two (72) hours before the date of departure. 4. All employees who travel on City business within the State of Minnesota can use a privately owned vehicle. The following mileage reimbursement rates will he allowed. i For use of City -owned vehicle actual receipted expense For use of a privately -owned vehicle current State or IR reimbursement rate S. Travel outside of the State of Minnesota shall be reimbursed at actual round trip coach rate airfare. If a personal auto obile is used, reimbursement will be paid on basis of the prevailing �inilea e allowance rate or coach airfare, whichever is less. If a employee prefers to drive, any extra time required due to driving will he taken as personal leave time. 6. Employees who depart for a conference early or remain at the conference site location after the conference are personally responsible for all costs of hotel, living expenses and any additional travel expenses. 7. Hotel accommodations shall be reasonable and shall be reimbursed at actual and necessary cost, consistent with facilities available and in proximity of the location of the conference or business meeting attended. Where double or multiple occupancy has occurred, the official or employee may only claim the actual and necessary cost of his or her cost or single occupancy. 8. A per diem for meals and miscellaneous subsistence expenses not to exceed $50.00 may he taken by employees who travel on City business within the State of Minnesota. Other expenses will be approved on a need basis. 9. The City will provide funding for out of State training and National Conferences according to funding availability and ap�roval of the City Administrator. 10. Employees, upon returning, must settle their travel a counts within ten (10) working days by filling out a Reimbursemen Summary and submitting it to the City Clerk. 11. The per diem for meals and miscellaneous subsistence expenses for employees who travel outside the State of Minnesota or Wright County shall he reimbursed for the actual cost (subject to the approval of the City Administrator and City Council) 12. If meals are included in tuition or registration fees and /or only a fraction of the day is authorized for travel, the per diem or expense allowance will he as follows, unless documented othql,rwise: Breakfast $10.00 Lunch $15.00 Dinner $25.00 Breakfast allowance shall be authorized for Minneapolis /St. Paul departures prior to 8:00 a.m. and dinner allowances shall be authorized fir Minneapolis /St. Paul arrivals after 7:00 0.m. Allowances within these parameters are the responsibility of the Finance Director consistent with the facts and good ju gment applied to each travel expense claim. 13. Other miscellaneous expenses such as taxis to and from the destination airport, buses, and phone calls that are business related will be reimbursed. (Attempts should he made to retain receipts whenever possible.) Rental car reimbursement will he made only with prior approval by the City Administrator. 14. Conferences, seminars and schools are not authorized, for temporary, part -time, seasonal employees, trainees, or members of various boards, unless approved by the City Council. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2006-11 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF EASEMENTS FOR CITY PROPOSED PROJECT — CSAH 42 IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, the City has authorized the City Engineer to proceed with a Feasibility Study for the above - entitled proposed improvement; and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested and the City Engineer has pro osed a schedule for construction of the above mentioned project that would result in con truction this summer; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the timelines set forth by the City Engineer, preliminary work to describe and appraise the easements necessary for the project needs to be completed as soon as possible in order to provide time to negotiate with affected property owners; and WHEREAS, in the event that the easements cannot be successfully negotiated in time to allow for construction of the project during this summer the City must have appropriate time to bring to Council for approval and to institute eminent domain proceedings to acquire the needed easements. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows: 1. City staff are hereby authorized to proceed with the description, esearch and appraisal of those parcels generally described on attached Exhibit A prior to City approval of the project and for purposes of entering into negotiat ons with the property owners as soon as possible regarding City acquisition o the needed easements. ADOPTED this 27 ` day of February, 2006 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk