03-15-06 PHITEM 3_2 Public Hearing Improvement 62nd Street and Quale Avenue NE 7 PM, March 15, 2006 Otsego City Hall 1. Mayor Fournier will open the Public Hearing. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 7:07 PM. Judy Hudson attested that all proper noticing, posting and published was completed. She also entered into the record, a letter from Russ and Pam Lowman dated March 14, 2006 regarding the proposed project. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm; Brad Belair, Public Works Director; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 2. City Attorney comments. Mr. MacArthur explained the purpose and process of the Public Hearing. 3. Project presentation by City Engineer. Ron Wagner presented the project which included the construction design and proposed assessment. 4. Public Comments. Mayor Fournier opened for Public Comment at 7:21 PM. James Watry, 15992 62nd Street NE, stated that they had previously discussed using a 24 foot width street, which he requested. Ron Wagner replied that since the City was going to pay for 50% of the project he would recommend that the street would be 28 feet wide. Public Works Director, Brad Belair, said he preferred a 28 foot width for maintenance and snow plowing. Glen Beltrand, 16093 62nd Street, asked about the difference in assessment amounts. Mr. Wagner explained that Option 2 includes curb and gutter. Karen Nelsestuen, 6475 Quale Avenue, asked if curb and gutter are installed are the culverts removed and what will happen to the driveways. Mr. Wagner explained that with curb and gutter there are no ditches and therefore no culverts. Erick Bergren, 16098 62nd Street, stated he is concerned about going under the 5 acres and losing his rights to build a detached accessory building allowed with over 5 acres of land. The Council agreed they would allow him the same rights as if he has five acres. Mr. Bergren also asked how often is this gravel road graded and maintain. Mr. Belair explained it is done on a two week rotation according to weather and that this area does need gravel. Glen Beltrand asked what is planned for the future in this area and will this new street enhance development rights and the construction schedule. Mr. Wagner explained about a future frontage road of Quam Avenue connecting up to 70th Street and would be a 54 foot width road. That would be the road used by new development. Public Hearing of March 15, 2006. Page 2. Brain Johnson, 15971 62nd Street, asked the Engineer about the location of the cul-de- sac going in front of his property. He agrees it should be off set and that he would be absorbing most of it on his land. Mr. Wagner went over the location. Brenda Simons, 6345 Quale Avenue NE, asked how far into her property will the street go and asked about her culvert. Mr. Wagner explained the street would move in four additional feet and if curb and gutter go in she wouldn't need a culvert and if a rural section was done her culvert would be replaced. Brenda Simons said she supports the project and supports curb and gutter. 5. Close the Public Hearing Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 7:54 PM. 6. City Council Discussion. Andy MacArthur explained what would affect this project going through is if the City can get the easements and costs for the easements would drive up the project cost. Mayor Fournier stated that it seems that the property owners prefer Option 2C and that the City would not pick up any additional costs for easements. This item will be on the March 27, 2006 City Council Agenda. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Mayor Fournier seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:55 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.