Citizen Committee- Snowmobile March 8, 2001The meeting started with Ron Zackmanexplaining this is a city project, we need to focus not on our individual needs but the needs of the community. Ron read a portion of the meeting minutes from the 5t. Michael ordinance meeting that developed the most recent amendment to that ordinance. Within the meeting minutes he found: • Because St. Michael contracts with Wright County for 24 hours per day deputy patrol, Wright County will give St. Michael priority when it comes to having deputies patrolling on snowmobiles. Ron produced examples of ordinances printed in the Monticello paper that were written in simple terms. Vern explained we spend $25000 per year with the paper. Otsego can do something like that. 1) Snowmobile speed limit signs should be posted throughout the city. • Where should they be placed? • On County roads, the County should post the signs (whatever the City Council recommends). Recommendation - leave it up to the discretion of the City Council as to where the signs should go. 2) Clean snow from sidewalks and bike paths. =:> Recommendation - the City should plow the bike paths. 3� Post fines Recommendation - this would not be part of the ordinance, but included with the mailing of the ordinance. Also, post the fines along the trail. 4) Include ATV's in the ordinance � Recommendation -this is a notification issue -include in the paper &the Otsego View that ATVs may not be operated in the urban areas. 5) Let people know utility poles (power lines) may not always be easement areas where people may travel. 6� Require orange flags on snowmobiles. Conversation: • People who are creating the trouble wouldn't use flags anyway. • to make it enforceable, there would have to be a penalty. • You are trying to get to young people, if you need to prevent kids from driving in traffic. Restrict them to their property. • Don't see the need for a flag. • Low priority => Our job is to make a list of recommendations to the City Council. Right now it doesn't apply. At some time it might. County Road 39 Issue - Ron Zackman. - after investigating, he found County Road 39 is not a legal trail, They straightened the road and the right -of -way isn't wide enough. City needs to investigate. The proposal of the flyer that would be passed out to snowmobilers left the impression that you can ride on the inside of the ditch on County Roads, but you can't ride on the inside slope on County 39. The State Statutes reflect the County can change the rules on a County Road. 11) Establish trail head parking areas. • Possibly park at City Hall • In the near future, there will be a meeting with the developer of the land near the City Hall, The City can maybe plan an "easement" to use as a trail from City Hall to the Trail. Increased snowmobile traffic from outside the City would come to our area. • If park & ride was at City Hall, there would be increased traffic on Nashua. • Option would be to go to Park & Ride or ride their snowmobile to the trail. =:> Recommendations - a) Let the City Council decide if a park & ride is feasible. b) Possibly the snowmobile club could find a place to park and ride in a farm area. 12) Have a ban on snowmobiling in specific areas of the City:. . • Possibly a ban in the new developments, there isn't much room there. • Doesn't seem like it's the right time to ban. • What is the clarification of the ban - • Explanation - when we started with this list, a ban seemed to be the option. • A ban means no snowmobiling - we are talking about regulation of how when the snowmobiles can move. Recommendation - do not ban snowmobiles. 13) Require snowmobiles to ride on roads in residential areas. Prohibit riding in right of way. If curbed street, snowmobile must ride on the street. Comments - • If there is a shoulder there is room. • St. Michael's ordinance states they ride in the street. • For residential streets • Our current ordinance says to ride as close as possible to the road. • Ron T. - Question - they cannot snowmobile in the ditch on some streets in the City. Suggestion - in residential areas, they should ride on the street. Recommendation - on streets with curbs, they must stay between the curbs. Residential area, must stay on the most right hand edge of road surface and cannot go more than 6 feet past road surface. Prohibit riding more than 6 feet off the road surface. Cannot ride on the boulevards. Ron -all areas of the City that are within the Urban Service Areas A suggestion was made for the snowplow to leave some snow next to the curb on a curbed street - it was determined this can't be done as the snow creates a backup of ice and problems when the snow melts. n Use the wording in draft of the ordinance that was prepared by Jay, The City Council will determine the what the hours are that a snowmobile can be operated. The proposed ordinance included a statement "unless you are on the most direct route returning to your residence". The City Council will determine if this should or should not be included. ,n Include - continuous use may violate Nuisance Ordinance. I� Use the wording in draft of the ordinance that was prepared by Jay -remove the last part of the statement "or towing a disabled snowmobile". L) Use the wording in draft of the ordinance that was prepared by Jay. 1V>n Use the wording in draft of the ordinance that was prepared by Jay. 1� Use the wording in draft of the ordinance that was prepared by Jay. 8-1-6 Snowmobile Operations/Restrictions outside of designated areas. All State Statutes will apply. 8-1-8 Change to - Recreational motor vehicles other than snowmobiles within the designated areas, 8-1-9 Change to -.Recreational motor vehicles outside of the designated areas. A Legal Summary would not be included with the ordinance. At the Monday, March 12, City Council meeting they will schedule a workshop to go over the recommendations,