Item 4.1 09-12-23 OHPC Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER September 12, 2023 7:00 PM Call to Order. This meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek; Commissioners: Chris Wilson, Kathleen Beaudry, Brooke Nault, and Tami Stinski; City Council: CM BriGany Moores and CM Ryan Dunlap. 1. Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner Seroshek requested two additions to the agenda: • Discussed request from Joe Carroll at Elk River Chamber of Commerce Re: community leadership program on 10/13 to give a 30 minute presentation of Otsego history. Toni will follow-up on this. • Broken cemetery sign. Brittany will contact the City Re: hauling the sign to Chris Wilson’s home. Chris will ask Gene Wilson if he can help fix the sign. Toni will discuss this option with Terry Rask. Commissioner Wilson to approve the updated agenda, seconded by Commissioner Stinski. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Consider approval of the following minutes: 2.1 June 13, 2023. Commissioner Beaudry motioned to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Commissioner Stinski. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Park Naming: Proposing Ashwood Park A discussion commenced naming the park based on the flora/fauna/wildlife of the park if there is no historical significance to the area. Ryan suggested naming it after Otsego’s first mayor, Norman Freske, as the 35th anniversary of Otsego is coming up soon. The land is believed to be owned by either Freiderick or Praust. Toni will look up information on the property to determine whether the park should be named after the land owner. 4. Return to monthly meetings Commissioner Seroshek proposed coming back for monthly meetings for awhile due to the volume of OHPC undertakings. The commissioner’s agreed upon meeting on October 10th, November 14th, December 12th and March 12th. 5. Prairie Festival - September 16, 2023 Commissioner Seroshek requested a yearly supplies list template that we can make adjustments to going forward. Chris, Kathy, John and Brooke will set-up the OHPC booth and volunteer from 9-12; Tami, Toni, Gale and Scout will volunteer from 12-3 and tear down the OHPC booth. 6. SHPO Conference Commissioner Stinski has been approved with a scholarship to attend SHPO conference in Mankato. 7. Round Barn Poster Commissioner Wilson brought in the summer 2019 newsletter in which the Round Barn was featured and recommended using a majority of the write-up, excluding the Wikipedia reference, and some of those photos along with the newer interior photos that were captured. Toni shared her written history on the Round Barn after meeting with Kevin and also obtained pictures of John and his grandfather Noel. Toni will put everything together and send to Kim for a final decision. 8. Updates: 8.1 Updates on City Council ac1ons. City Council CM BriGany updated OHPC on City Council Action Items. 9. Heritage Preservation Commission updates A plan of action Re: visiting and interviewing residents at Guardian Angels was established. Brittany will email Lisa the activity director and/or drop off the sheets asking residents for informal interviews on Otsego history. Chris and Tami will follow-up on interviewing volunteers. 11. Adjournment Commissioner Nault motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 PM, seconded by Commissioner Seroshek. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Nault.