10-17-06 WSITEM 3_2 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP October 17, 2006 Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Dan Scharber, Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson City Attorney Andy MacArthur, Building Official Tim Rochel, City Engineer Ron Wagner, Assistant City Engineer Jeff Elliot, and City Planner Dan Licht. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 12:05 p.m. Review of Grenin's Mississippi Hills Septic Issues - City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the legal issues. He noted that these properties had individual septic systems which were the responsibility of the property owners. He noted that the septic systems were not standard mound systems, but fit the definition of "other" septic systems as provided in State law. He indicated that the City had received a copy of a report prepared by Eco -Systems for the original developer Manley Brothers, which stated that the soils could handle these septic systems. Assistant City Engineer Jeff Elliot described his review of the systems and the paperwork provided. He stated that the design of the systems had been done by John Oliver and Associates. He stated that in his experience when a septic system fails it is.either due to bad design, bad installation, or to bad soils. In his opinion the primary culprit in this situation is bad soils. The soils are just so tight that they are easily saturated and once saturated there is no where for the treated water to go. He indicated that all tests so far have shown that it is clean water coming out of the bottom of the mound system. He noted that according to the system design, the homes are presently producing only one third of the water that the system design is supposed to handle. He said if they were producing the full amount of water there would potentially be a much larger amount of water in their back yards. Staff and Council discussed these issues. Council directed the City Administrator to place under the City Engineer's items at the next Council meeting the ordering of a Feasibility Study to bring City sewer to the properties. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the legal issues involved in assessing the properties for their share of the City sewer. Council and staff discussed deferred assessments and related issues. Administrator Robertson said that staff would contact all parties determined to be involved in the issue and attempt to work with them to craft a solution to this issue. Council discussed the request by the Sculthorps for compensation of their costs in dealing with their septic problems. Staff recommended no action be taken until an after Improvement Hearing was held. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 1:10 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator