12-05-05 PHITEM 3.3 TRUTH IN TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING 6:00 PM MONDAY, DECEMBER S. 2005 OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier call the Public Hearing to order: Mayor Fournier called the Public Hearing to order at 6:02 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Dan Scharber arrived at 6:14 PM. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk and Gary Groen, Finance Officer. 2. Staff presentation. City Administrator Mike Robertson briefly went over the City's 2006 tax rate. 3. Mayor Fournier open the Public Hearing for comments Dan Limoseth, 14975 95th Street, stated he was a first time homeowner and needed clarification of his statement. His main concern was the increase in valuation. Mayor Fournier explained that he should attend the Board of Review in April. Floyd Goenner, 8013 Nashua Avenue, was concerned with his increase of valuation and taxes and he said he would also attend the Board of Review this coming spring. 4. Mayor Fournier close the Public Hearing Hearing no other public comments, Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 6:26 PM. 5. Adjourn. Mayor Fournier set a Workshop for Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 10:00 AM to finalize the 2006 Budget and discuss the City Hall Remodeling. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 6:28 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk