12-05-05 PH CITY OF OTSEGO 2006 PROPOSED BUDGET • CITY OF OTSEGO OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 2006 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Transmittal Letter 1 - 2 Revenue Summary 3 Expenditure Summary 4 Departmental Budgets Mayor & Council 5 Administration 6 Elections 7 Finance 8 Assessor 9 Legal 10 Planning Commission 11 Planner 12 Economic Development Authority 13 City Hall & Peavey House 14 -15 Police 16 Building Inspection & Code Enforcement 17 Engineering 18 Street Lighting 19 • Streets & Roads 20 - 21 Animal Control 22 Recycling 23 Recreation Services /Other Community Service Activities 24 Park Maintenance 25 Recreation Services - Park Commission Activities 26 Heritage Preservation Commission 27 Building Inspection Special Revenue Fund 28 1999 Overlay Project 29 2003 G. O.Improvement Bond Levy and Debt Service Schedule (Waterfront West & 85th) 30 2004 G. O.Improvement Bond Levy and Debt Service Schedule (Quaday to 78th) 31 - 32 Debt Service Requirements For All Issues 33 Graphs and Other Supporting Documentation MEMO Date: December 5, 2005 To: Mayor & Council Otsego Property Owners From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Proposed 2006 Tax Levy & Budget Approvals You have before you a proposed budget to fund City operations for 2006. This budget balances revenues against expenditures, and is the product of Council and staff work that began in August 2005. The budget has expected revenues of $2,518,678 and projected expenditures of $2,518,678. The budget has the following changes in City services. 1) Additional personnel are planned for the Public Works Department. These personnel help maintain the increased amount of City parks and City streets. 2) There will be additional costs due to elections in 2006. • 3) Additional funds have been provided for the City's recreational program run by the Park & Recreation Commission and City Council. 4) More financial management time has been added to the budget due to the growth in the financial operations in the City. 5) Additional equipment has been purchased for the Public Works Department. 6) Assessing costs have increased due to the increased number of parcels. 7) Dust Control funding has been removed from the budget. Though the State budget situation and continuingly changing tax laws provide challenges, the City of Otsego is committed to providing services to City residents and property owners in the most cost effective manner it can. cc: City Staff City of Otsego General Fund Revenue Budget Revenue Summary Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Source Description Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget 31010 Property Taxes $ 1,161,351 $ 1,197,790 $ 1,575,620 $ 28,810 $ 1,863,490 32100 Business Licenses 11,820 9,405 15,000 13,390 15,000 32210 Dog Licenses 155 480 250 90 250 525 250 100 250 1,547 32250 Sign Permits 32260 Building Permits 75,000 82,000 82,000 - 75,000 32270 Septic Permits - 7,227 - State Grants & Aids 33401 Local Government Aid 1,170 1,170 123,264 - - - - 33402 Homestead Credit 168,561 162,970 - - - 33404 Recycling Grant 1,977 - 20,000 33405 Police Aid 19,176 20,096 14,000 33406 MSA Maintenance 83,916 105,287 100,000 49,757 100,000 33404 Other State Aid 1,872 2,350 34050 Administrative fees - 235,658 30,000 83,577 35,000 25,000 Administrative fees - Finance 15,000 15,000 - - 10,000 - 10,000 34100 CUPNariance 240 10,000 - 15,000 - ,500 - 5,000 34102 Subdivision 80 , 2 34103 Zone /Ordinance 9,060 - 700 4,000 34107 Assessment searches 5,645 2,800 5,000 34130 Streets 2,014 3,272 7,000 2,643 4,000 34105 Maps /copies 4,199 1,517 3,000 782 3,000 34150 Topo Sales 17,132 5,802 10,000 3,441 8,000 15,871 15, 34301 Street, sidewalk & curb 38,920 _ 30,000 34320 Street Light Fees - Dev. 18,420 43,200 25,000 34201 Mining Fees 18,616 - 12,000 4,270 8,000 - 190 2,000 34710 Recreation Fees - 2,012 36100 Special Assessments 2,108 36210 Interest Earnings 31,997 33,880 40,000 20,262 60,000 - - 36230 Donations 350 - 22,500 38000 Rent 9,927 9,350 8,000 38050 Franchise Fees 19,196 59,562 17,500 10,801 35,000 1,979 1, 39000 Other /River Rider Reimb. 1,533 4,877 - - - - 34408 Clean Up Day 11,010 - - - - - 39400 Refunds & Reimbursemei 1,622 - Total Revenue $1,759,614 $2,045,150 $ 2,105,384 $ 236,663 $ 2,340,490 Special Tax Levies 1999 Street Improvements - 55,000 55,000 45,000 Public Works Equipment - 29,188 29,188 133,188 $1,759,614 $2,129,338 $ 2,189,572 $ 236,663 $ 2,518,678 I -3- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Expenditure Summary Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30 2006 Department Activity Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget General Government 41100 Mayor & Council $ 48,283 $ 38,665 $ 59,642 $ 18,650 $ 59,642 41400 Administration 251,082 277,636 372,117 164,782 419,145 41410 Elections 680 11,000 - - 22,000 41600 Finance 73,128 74,369 146,067 60,399 194,032 41550 Assessing 39,838 50,176 53,695 28,581 75,000 41700 Legal 35,024 23,553 27,000 21,545 31,500 41530 Planning Commission 2,715 1,648 5,487 1,249 5,237 41570 Planner 26,459 58,514 42,500 26,475 26,350 41900 EDA 9,673 9,547 11,000 - 6,500 41940 City Hall 78,951 92,795 90,098 14,962 86,730 41950 Peavey House 6,913 8,974 - 2,508 - Total 572,746 646,877 807,606 339,151 926,136 Public Safety 42100 Police 382,060 455,454 558,800 278,860 584,000 42150 Police Commission 472 266 1,300 710 800 42410 Building Inspection - - - - - 42420 Code Enforcement 13,691 - - - - Total 396,223 455,720 560,100 279,570 584,800 Public Works 41560 Engineering 37,513 58,983 42,500 26,398 46,750 43200 Street Lighting 33,504 39,521 41,000 22,923 50,000 43100 Street Maintenance 540,160 577,264 605,984 160,207 715,357 42710 Animal Control 3,867 3,692 3,000 1,302 3,000 41610 Recycling 100 3,954 - 490 - Total 615,144 683,414 692,484 211,320 815,107 Community Services Clean Up Day 9,267 11,678 13,000 7,969 13,000 River Rider Transportation - - - - - 45100 Community Recreation - - - - - 45200 Park Maintenance 9,564 36,912 64,000 24,129 141,836 Recreation Services 2,231 13,251 22,000 3,047 31,500 45300 Heritage Preservation 1,987 184 4,600 - 500 Total 23,049 62,025 103,600 35,145 186,836 Other Uses 49360 Transfers - capital outlay - 252,000 87,497 - 169,182 Total Expenditures $1,607,162 $2,100,036 $2,251,287 $865,186 2,682,060 Less Allocation to Building Inspections - See Page 30 (61,715) (163,382) Net General Fund Expenditures $2,189,572 $ 2,518,678 -4- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Mayor & Council Service Activity Number 41100 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 25,775 $ 26,925 $ 28,000 $ 13,600 $ 28,000 122 FICA & Medicare 1,960 2,062 2,142 1,040 2,142 Total Personal Services 27,735 28,987 30,142 14,640 30,142 Supplies - - 203 General supplies - - - _ - 204 Insurance - - - _ - Total Supplies - - Other Services and Charges 500 321 Mileage/Travel 41 375 500 - 355 Dues & Memberships 5,709 7,156 7,500 150 7,500 360 Education/Training /Conf. 250 554 1,500 860 1,500 Total Other Services and Charges 6,000 8,085 9,500 1,010 9,500 Other Uses 801 Contingency 14,548 1,593 20,000 3,000 20,000 Total Service Activity $ 48,283 $ 38,665 $ 59,642 $ 18,650 $ 59,642 Dues& Memberships include the LMC membership dues which are based on population. The Mayor and Council budget includes a contingency amount of $20,000 which may be used for projects or expenditures not anticipated by the approved budget. -5- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Administration Service Activity Number 41400 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 131,251 $ 136,622 $ 198,000 $ 93,392 $ 205,270 Administrative Intern - - 10,000 10,000 104 Part -time 250 - 3,718 17,000 121 PERA/ICMA 10,657 11,438 12,444 5,268 13,936 122 FICA & Medicare 8,507 12,909 15,912 6,958 17,769 123 Health & Dental 15,623 30,008 36,000 14,352 40,320 130 Disability 554 934 - 457 1,000 Total Personal Services 166,842 191,911 272,356 124,145 305,295 Supplies 201/203 Office supplies 5,625 6,464 6,500 3,034 6,500 206 Postage 1,696 1,248 2,200 519 2,200 Total Supplies 7,321 7,712 8,700 3,553 8,700 Other Services and Charges 204 Insurance 25,327 28,240 35,561 - 45,000 310 Miscellaneous 4,032 2,184 2,500 6,196 2,500 320 Telephone 1,520 2,115 1,800 570 1,900 321 Mileage - 30 200 - 200 340 Recording Fees 460 290 500 168 1,000 347 Newsletter 8,331 7,381 8,100 3,765 8,550 348 Maps 4,568 3,821 5,400 5,758 7,000 350 Printing & Publishing 8,358 8,570 8,500 6,545 10,000 355 Dues & Memberships 1,237 979 1,000 230 1,000 360 Education/Training /Conf. 2,010 2,710 4,000 744 4,000 Total Other Services and Charges 55,843 56,320 67,561 23,976 81,150 Contractual Charges 390 Contracted Services 5,753 11,610 7,500 4,295 8,000 400 R & M - Equipment - - - - 410 Rentals (copier /office equip. /internet) 6,385 10,083 6,000 4,832 6,000 430 Miscellaneous Charges - 501 Equipment 8,938 - 10,000 3,725 10,000 Total Contractual Charges & Services 21,076 21,693 23,500 13,108 24,000 Total Service Activity $ 251,082 $ 277,636 $ 372,117 $ 164,782 $ 419,145 -6- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Elections Service Activity Number 41410 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget 103 Election Judges $ - $ 5,500 $ - $ - $ 6,500 205 Election supplies 680 5,500 - - 15,500 Total Service Activity $ 680 $ 11,000 $ - $ - $ 22,000 Additional election booths will be purchased to handle the increasing number of voters. -7- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Finance Service Activity Number 41600 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 32,561 $ 22,467 $ 40,000 $ 31,863 $ 41,200 104 Part -time - - 14,000 - 90,698 121 PERA/ICMA 1,656 1,737 2,986 1,678 7,914 122 FICA & Medicare 2,414 2,558 4,131 2,401 10,090 123 Health & Dental 6,600 7,448 9,000 4,214 10,080 130 Disability 211 194 - 106 250 Total Personal Services 43,442 34,404 70,117 40,262 160,232 Supplies 201/203 General supplies 144 538 500 523 1,000 Total Supplies 144 538 500 523 1,000 305 Printed forms - - 500 - 500 321 Mileage - - 350 Printing & publishing - - - 111 500 .355 Dues & memberships - - 195 500 360 Education/Training /Conf. - - Total Other Services & Charges - - 500 306 1,500 Contractual Charges and Services 304 Audit 8,768 15,401 18,750 9,300 25,000 390 Contracted services 20,739 24,026 53,700 7,756 2,000 400 BDS Annual Support - - 1,500 - 1,800 430 Miscellaneous 35 - 1,000 125 - 570 Office Equipment - - - 2,127 2,500 Total Contractual Charges & Services 29,542 39,427 74,950 19,308 31,300 Total Service Activity $ 73,128 $ 74,369 $ 146,067 $ 60,399 $ 194,032 Contracted services include: $0 Accounting services includes 30 hours per weel(IdtdtlV�d in payroll part -time) 2,000 ADP payroll service Total $2,000 The budget for 2005 includes a new 1/2 time bookkeeper position. -8- 11 /30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Assessor Service Activity Number 41550 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 34,843 $ 43,573 $ 47,000 $ 25,275 - - 121 PERA 1,958 2,726 2,599 1,192 122 FICA & Medicare 2,709 3,507 3,596 1,934 - Total Personal Services 39,510 49,806 53,195 28,401 - Other Services and Charges 328 370 500 180 - 360 Education/Training /Conf. - _ - 75,000 390 Contracted services - Total Other Services and Charges 328 370 500 180 75,000 Total Service Activity $ 39,838 $ 50,176 $ 53,695 $ 28,581 $ 75,000 To UPDATE CALCULATION The City was at 3,650 parcels at August 1, 2003 and 3979 actual parcel's in 2004. We estimated 4500 parcels in 2005 and fell short. The final count for 2005 is The current estimate for 2006 is 5900 parcels. The budget estimate is $10 (Pete's contract) per parcel plus $2,000 for additional services. • -9- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Legal Service Activity Number 41700 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 301 Legal services $ 35,024 $ 23,553 $ 27,000 $ 21,545 $ 31,500 Total Service Activity $ 35,024 $ 23,553 $ 27,000 $ 21,545 $ 31,500 This estimate is based on the prior year. All application and developer costs are billed to those individuals & businesses and not included in this total. The expenditures budgeted here are the general city legal expenditures. Code enforcement costs are under the code enforcement budget. 10% of the budget estimate is allocated to the Building Inspections Fund. • -10- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Planning Commission Service Activity Number 41530 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 2,220 $ 1,380 $ 4,400 $ 1,160 $ 4,400 122 FICA & Medicare 170 106 337 89 337 Total Personal Services 2,390 1,486 4,737 1,249 4,737 Supplies & Other 350 Printing 101 162 - - - 360 Education/Training /Conf. 224 - 750 - 500 Total Supplies & Other 325 162 750 - 500 Total Service Activity $ 2,715 $ 1,648 $ 5,487 $ 1,249 $ 5,237 The Planning Commission is paid twice each year. The Planning Commission members are paid $20 per meeting. -11- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Planner Service Activity Number 41570 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 302 Planning Services $ 26,459 58,514 42,500 $ 26,475 26,350 Total Service Activity $ 26,459 $ 58,514 $ 42,500 $ 26,475 $ 26,350 2005 Estimate This budget consists of: 1. Meetings $ 20,000 $ 20,500 2. General Assignments 20,000 10,500 3. Special Projects - Council-directed 10,000 - Allocation to Building Inspections 15% Estimated (7,500) (4,650) Total As Above $ 42,500 $ 26,350 The budget estimates are provided by the City Planner. -12- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Economic Development Authority Service Activity Number 41900 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ - $ - $ $ - $ - 121 PERA - - - - - 122 FICA & Medicare - - - - - 123 Health & Dental - - - - - 130 Disability - - - - - Total Personal Services - - - - - Contractual Charges 390 Contracted Services - - - - - 430 Miscellaneous Charges - - - - - Development incentives 9,673 9,547 11,000 - 6,500 Total Contractual Charges & Services 9,673 9,547 11,000 - 6,500 Total Service Activity $ 9,673 $ 9,547 $ 11,000 $ - $ 6,500 The Long Haul Trucking financial assistance is provided for seven years commencing in 1999. The City will make reimbursements not to exceed a total of $45,500. The annual contribution will be made from the proceeds of the annual tax levy and will be equal to the lesser of $6,500 or the City's portion of property taxes collected from the Development property. Financial assistance paid by the City has been $3,162, $2,844, $2,774, $2,924, $2,491 and $3,415for the years 1999 - 2004. There is one year's payment left. The Apex Business Center total financial assistance is equal to 3.75% of the buildings market value as of 1/2/99. This assistance computes to a total of $69,082. Financial assistance paid by the City is 30% of taxes paid and has been $5,277, $5,637, $8,435, $7,182 and $6,132 in the years 2000 -2004 and leaves a remaining balance of $36,419 before the payment of the 2005 taxes. Based on the current payout amounts this will be paid out in 5 - 6 years. -13- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget City Hall Service Activity Number 41940 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 122 FICA & Medicare - - - - - Total Personal Services - - - - - Supplies 203 General supplies 507 978 700 150 700 204 Insurance - 1,677 - - - 220 R & M supplies 501 49 1,750 - 1,750 Total Supplies 1,008 2,704 2,450 150 2,450 Other Services and Charges 322 Utilities 9,165 9,370 12,000 5,979 13,000 410 Rent/Debt Service 45,879 38,928 39,648 - 35,280 Total Other Services and Charges 55,044 48,298 51,648 5,979 48,280 Contractual Charges 325 Garbage service 765 895 1,000 398 1,000 389 Cleaning service 6,935 12,491 10,000 3,025 10,000 390 Contracted service 9,380 22,967 18,000 5,285 18,000 400 R & M - Equipment 457 691 2,000 125 2,000 402 R & M - Building 3,752 2,816 5,000 - 5,000 403 R & M - Improvements - 256 - - - 430 Miscellaneous 1,610 1,677 - - - Total Contractual Services 22,899 41,793 36,000 8,833 36,000 Total Service Activity $ 78,951 $ 92,795 $ 90,098 $ 14,962 $ 86,730 Contracted services include pest control, security services, water services & lawn services. The rent/debt service represents the payment due on the EDA bonds which were used to finance the City Hall building. The rent/debt service is reduced by the amount of the payment which will be made from the Building Inspections Fund. The allocation is based on the estimated use of the building by the inspections department which is $11,760. The total EDA building debt for 2006 is estimated at $47,040. The bonds are held by the Bank of Elk River. The balance due on these bonds is $84,000 at December 31, 2005. The final payment on this debt is December 1, 2007. -14- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Peavey House and Old Town Hall Service Activity Number 41950 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget 204 Insurance $ - $ 852 $ - $ - $ - 310 Miscellaneous - OTH 2,642 4,922 - 392 - 322 Utilities - OTH 2,540 2,864 - 2,116 - 400 Repairs & Maintenance 1,731 336 - - - Total Service Activity $ 6,913 $ 8,974 $ - $ 2,508 $ - OTH is the Old Town Hall expenses -15- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Police Service Activity Number 42100 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 390 Contracted police service $ 382,060 $ 455,454 $ 557,800 $ 278,860 $ 584,000 Drug Task Force - - 1,000 - - Total Service Activity $ 382,060 $ 455,454 $ 558,800 $ 278,860 $ 584,000 Hours increased from 24 /day to 32 /day as of August 1, 2004. The hourly rate for 2005 was $47.75. The hourly rate for 2006 is $50. per Hour and 2007 is $52.50. We have budgeted for a total of 32 hours coverage each day for 2006 which is the same level of coverage since August 1, 2004. $146,000 adds 8 hours /day for entire year and $73,000 adds 8 hours for 1/2 year. City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Police Commission Service Activity Number 42150 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 400 $ - $ 800 $ 710 $ 800 122 FICA & Medicare 72 - - - - Total Personal Services 472 - 800 710 800 Supplies and Other 310 Miscellaneous - 77 500 - - 350 Printing /Binding - 189 - - - Total Supplies & Other - 266 500 - - Total $ 472 $ 266 $ 1,300 $ 710 $ 800 -16- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Building Inspection Service Activity Number 42410 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 390 Inspection services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ Total Service Activity $ - $ - $ - $ $ Other Services and Charges The building inspection activities are accounted for in a separate special revenue fund beginning in 2002. City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Code Enforcement Service Activity Number 42420 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget 301 Legal service $ 8,469 $ - $ - $ - $ 310 Miscellaneous 5,222 - - Total Service Activity $ 13,691 $ - $ - $ - $ - The code enforcement activities are accounted for in a separate special revenue fund beginning in 2004 Both code enforcement and building inspections are accounted for in Fund 250. -17- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Engineering Service Activity Number 41560 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 390 Engineering Services $ 37,513 $ 58,983 $ 42,500 $ 26,398 $ 46,750 Total Service Activity $ 37,513 $ 58,983 $ 42,500 $ 26,398 $ 46,750 The engineering department budget has been prepared in consultation with the City's engineering firm. 15% of the engineering estimate is allocated to the Building Inspections Fund. All engineering costs related to specific general capital projects are charges to that project/fund and are not included in the general engineering costs of this budget. All application and developer costs are billed to those individuals and businesses and are not included in this total. -18- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Street Lighting Service Activity Number 43160 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 322 Electrical Services $ 33,504 $ 39,521 $ 41,000 $ 22,923 $ 50,000 Total Service Activity $ 33,504 $ 39,521 $ 41,000 $ 22,923 $ 50,000 -19- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Streets & Roads Service Activity Number 43100 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 140,376 $ 137,605 $ 131,000 $ 88,278 $ 182,556 102 Overtime 8,154 4,563 8,000 - 8,000 Part-time 15,218 - 20,000 - 33,165 121 PERA 7,678 11,299 8,793 4,218 13,423 122 FICA & Medicare 11,972 10,277 12,163 6,632 17,115 123 Health & Dental 18,126 23,900 27,000 8,605 40,320 130 Disability 1,303 1,648 - 828 750 Total Personal Services 202,827 189,292 206,956 108,561 295,329 Supplies 202 Gas, oil & propane 18,967 14,864 24,000 9,772 24,000 210 Operating supplies 3,673 8,224 16,000 7,342 14,000 220 R & M supplies 37,922 17,573 18,000 4,306 18,000 392 Stormwater maintenance 320 - 2,500 166 2,500 393 Street signs 5,723 1,931 6,000 1,660 6,000 Total Supplies 66,605 42,592 66,500 23,246 64,500 Other Services and Charges 225 Uniforms 4,634 3,491 4,500 1,380 4,500 204 Insurance/W.Comp. 13,890 13,334 13,340 - 13,340 240 Small tools 623 1,309 1,750 1,377 1,750 310 Miscellaneous 3,838 3,932 2,000 861 2,000 320 Telephone /Comm. 1,407 1,712 1,750 777 1,750 322 Utilities 3,908 4,998 7,500 3,278 7,500 360 Education /training /conf. 750 750 1,000 750 1,000 370 Sand & gravel 12,049 6,578 7,500 55 30,000 373 Salt & sand 43,289 30,122 40,000 12,165 40,000 394 Rock 292 - - - - Total Other Services and Charges 84,680 66,226 79,340 20,643 101,840 Public works staffing for 2006 includes one additional full time position. The department in 2006 will include four fulltime employees. In addition, there will be two part time and two on -call employees. Salaries are computed as follows for the part time and on -call positions: Part-time A Six months yearly @ 40 hours per week © $16.10 $16,745 Part-time B Three months © 20 hours per week © $17 4,420 On -call positions Two on -call for twenty weeks © 20 hours per week ©15 12,000 Total Part time and on -call $33,165 -20- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Streets & Roads Service Activity Number 43100 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Contractual Charges 302 Engineering - 6,473 - - - 390 Contracted services 3,381 200 - 244 1,000 400 R & M - Equipment 1,318 40,760 - 1,371 2,500 402 R & M - Bldgs - 253 4,000 604 2,000 410 Rentals 242 385 5,000 - 5,000 430 Misc. Other Charges - - _ 431 Gravel contracting 434 Blacktop supplies 1,107 1,064 4,000 168 4,000 437 Pavement Management 150,000 * ** Crackfilling - 735 15,000 - - * ** Sealcoating 46,877 132,455 80,000 - - - * ** Bituminous overlay - * ** Street sweeping 6,360 8,790 8,000 - * ** Dust coating - 676 40,000 - - 720 1999 Overlay Projects 70,000 55,000 55,000 - 45,000 - (For Debt Service) - Total Contractual Charges & Services 129,285 246,791 211,000 2,387 209,500 Capital Outlay 501 Equipment - Lease /CI payment 56,763 26,033 29,188 - 29,188 Capital outlay - small equipment - 6,330 13,000 5,370 15,000 Total Capital Outlay 56,763 32,363 42,188 5,370 44,188 Total Service Activity $ 540,160 $ 577,264 $ 605,984 $ 160,207 $ 715,357 ** The debt service contribution for the 1999 overlay has been adjusted to reflect transfers and prepaid special assessments since 1999. The City's share of the 1999 Overlay is estimated at $45,000 annually. The $45,000 is financed by a special levy as authorized by current tax law. The $45,000 tax levy is reported as revenue on the Revenue Summary on page 3. * ** Pavement management (#437) includes the line items for sealcoating, crackfilling,contract blacktop patching, and striping - small overlays A new five year lease for the plow truck started in 2000 and will be paid from a special tax levy on page 3. Repairs will be coded by vehicle to monitor total vehicle cost by vehicle. Public works department would like unexpended budgeted amounts to be added to capital outlay on a yearly basis. This would include the unexpended balances in accounts 501 - capital outlay for small equipment and account 437 - pavement management only. -21- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Animal Control Service Activity Number 42710 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges 390 Animal control services $ 3,867 $ 3,692 $ 3,000 $ 1,302 $ 3,000 Total Service Activity $ 3,867 $ 3,692 $ 3,000 $ 1,302 $ 3,000 -22- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Recycling Service Activity Number 43610 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges $ - $ $ - $ - $ _ 203 Supplies - 490 - 390 Contract services 100 3,954 Total Service Activity $ 100 $ 3,954 $ - $ 490 $ - 2004 expenditure is for recycling containers The recycling subsidy by the County was discontinued in 2002. We will continue to include this item in the budget for information purposes. -23- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Recreation Services - Joint Recreation Board Service Activity Number 45100 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Other Services and Charges $ - $ - $ 390 Community Rec. prgm $ - $ Total Service Activity $ - $ - $ $ $ The City discontinued its participation in the Joint Recreation activities in 2002. We will continue to include this item in the budget for its past history. City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Other Community Service Activities - 43620 & 45400 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Clean Up Day $ 9,267 $ 11,678 $ 13,000 $ 7,969 $ 13,000 River Rider Transport. $ - $ - $ $ $ -24- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Park Maintenance Service Activity Number 45200 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,825 0 26,52 Part -time 1,591 121 PERA 3,086 122 FICA & Medicare 8 3,0 0 123 Health & Dental - - - 1 130 Disability - _ _ - 52,763 Total Personal Services - Contractual Charges - 3,000 • 202 Gas & oil 210 Operating supplies 10,874 - 3,000 - 874 - - 13,323 204 Insurance _ 250 240 Small tools - 1,005 - - 310 Miscellaneous 400 R & M equip /park maint. - 371 6,000 968 5,000 R & M equip /bike maint. - - 6,000 410 Rentals 1,996 - - . 2,225 7,500 390 Contracted mowing 7,568 24,662 40,000 20,936 40,000 Ballfield maintenance - - 12,000 Total Contractual Charges & Services 9,564 36,912 64,000 24,129 74,073 Capital Outlay _ _ - 15,000 501 Equipment Total Service Activity $ 9,564 $ 36,912 $ 64,000 $ 24,129 $ 141,836 Park maintenance department will add one full time employee effective on April 1, 2006. This employee will work part time in the public works department from 1/1 to 3/31/06. There will be two part time summer employees in addition to the one full time position. Contracted mowing is the contractual services provided to maintain the City's parks. Ballfield maintenance is the estimated time spent by the City street department in maintaining (raking, chalking, etc.) the City's ballfields. Beginning in 2006 this will be tracked as employee under salaries and wages. -25- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Recreation Services - Park Commission Activities Service Activity Number Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Park Commission $ 640 $ 464 $ 1,000 $ 760 $ 1,000 122 FICA/Med - 36 - - Total Personal Services 640 500 1,000 760 1,000 Supplies 202 Gas & oil 203 General supplies 776 1,717 - - 210 Operating supplies - 250 Merchandise for resale 220 R & M supplies - Total Supplies 776 1,717 - - - Other Services and Charges 320 Telephone 423 423 - 175 - 355 Dues & memberships - - 360 Education /training /conf. - 350 Printing & publishing 392 576 - 406 500 Fertilizer /weed control - 310 Miscellaneous - 200 - 375 Total Other Services and Charges 815 1,199 - 956 500 Contractual Charges 410 Rentals - 4,843 - - 440 Recreation programming - 4,992 21,000 1,331 30,000 Total Contractual Charges & Services - 9,835 21,000 1,331 30,000 Total Service Activity $ 2,231 $ 13,251 $ 22,000 $ 3,047 $ 31,500 Recreation programming is the local activities organized by the Parks Commission, and administered by the Elk River School District's Community Education Office. -26- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Heritage Preservation Commission Service Activity Number 45300 Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Code Item Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & wages $ 470 $ - $ 1,000 $ - $ 500 122 FICA - _ _ _ 126 Medicare - Total Personal Services 470 - 1,000 - 500 Supplies - - - 203 General supplies 27 - - - - 206 Postage _ - 240 Small tools & equipment - - - Total Supplies 27 - Other Services & Charges - 350 Printing & Publishing 952 161 2,000 - - 355 Dues & Membership 20 - 100 - 360 Education /training /conf. 145 - 500 - 390 Contracted services 160 - 1,000 - 310 Miscellaneous 213 23 Total Other Services and Charges 1,490 184 3,600 - - Total Service Activity $ 1,987 $ 184 $ 4,600 $ - $ 500 -27- 11/30/2005 City of Otsego Building Inspection Special Revenue Fund 2006 Proposed Budget Thru Proposed 2003 2004 2005 June 30, 2006 Actual Actual Budget 2005 Budget Building Inspection Revenues Building Permits $ 539,772 $ 716,786 $ 405,929 $ 609,859 725000 Plan Check Fees - - 257,195 - Mechanical Permits 125 82,666 55,300 63,242 65,000 Plumbing Permits 140 78,102 48,482 60,208 60,000 Assessor's Fee - 15,650 - 11,800 10,000 Septic Permits 9,350 6,000 - 1,575 3,170 Interest Earnings - 3,172 - Total Revenues 549,387 902,376 766,906 746,684 863,170 Inspection Department Expenditures Personnel costs 77,830 201,843 274,500 110,157 289,432 Fica /Medicare 6,759 10,590 20,999 8,140 22,142 PERA 2,249 8,496 15,180 5,600 17,366 Health Insurance 15,325 25,440 54,000 25,078 60,480 Assessor's fee - - - 5,000 General Fund Salary Allocation - - 61,715 - 163,382 Total Personal Services 102,163 246,369 426,394 148,975 557,802 Office Supplies 4,224 4,077 5,000 1,998 4,000 Continuing education 1,511 3,470 5,000 418 5,000 Dues & memberships 100 715 300 85 500 Clothing Allowance - 2,500 - 2,500 Software 5,000 - 5,000 Telephone 4,563 11,031 5,400 3,112 12,700 Printing 1,330 2,300 3,500 551 3,500 Office Space /Rent 7,675 9,912 9,912 - 34,260 Vehicle Operating Expenses 1,249 10,464 17,500 3,781 19,000 Professional Services Inspections 134,580 25,534 25,000 21,153 30,000 Engineering 65,783 14,372 7,500 519 8,250 Planner 10,051 7,500 7,500 1,037 4,650 Legal - 3,745 3,000 3,500 Computer - 1,500 8,000 Highway 101 Project - 10,978 - 10,357 - Code enforcement - 19,465 15,000 3,601 10,000 Miscellaneous 100 12,590 1,900 5,216 5,950 Office Equipment 49,227 8,437 10,000 436 10,000 Building improvements 39,536 1,969 25,000 1,604 35,000 Vehicles (2 @$28,750) 47,524 108,000 50,739 57,500 Total Expenditures 422,092 440,452 684,906 253,582 817,112 Net Revenue (Expenditures) $ 127,295 $ 461,924 $ 82,000 $ 493,102 $ 46,058 ,rote: This is accounted for in a separate Special Revenue Fund and only $75,000 of the net revenue is recorded as a revenue of the General Fund -28- City of Otsego 1999 Overlay Project Analysis of Debt Service Fund and Required City Contributions Cash on Hand at December 31, 2004 (estimated) - Debt Service Fund $ 52,928 Deferred Assessments to be collected in future years 178,090 Deferred Assessments to be collected in future years - interest on assessments 34,174 City annual tax levy 250,000 Estimated interest earnings 3,480 Total Assets $ 518,672 Bond Principal Due for 2005 - 2009 $ 460,000 Interest Due for 2005 - 2009 28,525 Estimated uncollected factor of 5% 24,426 Total Liabilities $ 512,951 Total Available Total Capitalized Prepaid Deferred Assessments Assessment City Estimated Cash Year Debt Service Interest Collections Principal Interest Collections Contribution Interest Balance $ 52,928 2005 108,870 35,618 10,696.00 46,314.00 55,000 1,323 46,695 2006 102,520 35,618 9,208.75 44,826.75 45,000 1,167 35,169 2007 95,905 35,618 6,982.63 42,600.63 45,000 879 27,744 2008 94,105 35,618 4,756.50 40,374.50 45,000 694 19,707 2009 87,125 35,618 2,530.38 38,148.38 45,000 493 16,223 2010 - 16,223 Totals 488,525 $ - $ - $ 178,090 $ 34,174 $ 212,264 $ 235,000 $ 4,556 The actual special assessments certified against the benefiting properties is the total of $524,280 plus $87,797 or $612,077. This decreased assessment total is offset by the unused bond proceeds left in the construction fund which affects the City's contribution. The deferred special assessment information is based on the 2005 information from the county. The debt service payments include actual principal and interest plus a 5% uncollected factor. Interest is calculated using a conservative 2.5% interest rate on the prior year available cash balance. -29- FINAL $4,970,000.00 City of Otsego, Minnesota General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 2003 (Waterfront Improvements) REVENUE VS DIS Capitalized * Tax Levy Cycle Oate Assessments' Interest Total Revenues Scheduled P +I Tax levy Levy @ 105% Certified /Collect 2/01 /2004 - 91,778.34 91,778.34 91,778.34 - - 2/01 /2005 546,827.71 - 546,827.71 822,667.52 275,839.81 289,631.80 0 /- 2003/2004 2/01/2006 546,825.26 - 546,828.26 801,842.52 255,014.26 267,764.97 2004/2005 2/01/2007 546,828.52 - 546,828.52 802,942.52 256,114.00 268,919.70 2005/2006 2/01/2008 546,827.66 - 546,827.66 808,742.52 261,914.86 275,010.60 2006/2007 2/01/2009 546,827.76 - 546.827.76 811,405.00 264,577.24 277,806.10 2007/2008 2/01/2010 546,828.44 - 546.828.44 727,655.00 180,826.56 189,867.89 2008/2009 2/01/2011 17,772.78 - 17,772.78 192,105.00 174,332.22 183,048.83 2009/2010 2/01/2012 17,772.30 - 17,772.30 192,005.00 174,232.70 182,944.34 .2010/2011 2/01/2013 17,773.62 - 17.773.62 191,755.00 173,981.38 182,680.45 2011/2012 2/01/2014 17,773.58 - 17,773.58 196,175.00 178,401.42 187,321.49 2012/2013 Total 3,352.060,63 91,778.34 3,443,838.97 5.639,073.42 2.195,234.45 • * Based on $2,845,000 of principal assessed over various terms at 4.25 %. • • Northland Securities Inc. File = 0 TSEGO.SF -2003 Improvement Bonds - FINAL -Issue Summary Public Finance 5/30/2003 1:52 PM • • r, i- A -- sot ._. q. 3 4 30 FINAL i S1,675,000.00 City of Otsego, Minnesota General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A Revenue vs D/S Assessment WAC & SAC Park Fee Storm Sewer Total Scheduled Net Cash Date Revenue • Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenues P +I DIS Fund Flow 12/15/2004 - - - - - 12/152005 83,179.14 31,691.33 7,065 19 85,250.64 207,186.30 195.981 62 11204.68 11,204.58 12/15(2006 83,179.49 33,170.00 6,417.50 86,082.50 208,54949 199,540.00 9,30949 20,514 12115/2007 83,179.03 32,607.50 6,305.00 84,620.00 206,711.53 201.165.00 5,546.53 26,060.70 12/151:008 83,178.51 31.982.50 6,18000 07,995.00 209,336.01 202,290.00 7,046.01 33.106.71 1 83.179 59 31,95 00 6.042.50 86.07000 206.587.09 202,890.00 3,697 09 36,903.80 121151:010 83,179 45 35,545.00 5,892.50 83,970 00 208,586.95 202.940.00 5,646.95 42,450.75 . 12(15(2011 83.179.79 34,570.00 5,73000 86.69500 210,174.79 202,415.00 7,75979 50.210.54 • j 12115.2012 83,178.57 33,520 00 5.555. 89,070.00 211,327.87 206,290.00 5,033.87 55 .244.41 12/15/2013 83,179.37 32,440.00 5,375.00 86,190 00 207,184.37 204.63000 2,554.37 57,798.78 12115!2014 83,179.39 36,330.00 5,190.00 88,230.00 212,929.39 207,600.00 5,32939 63,128.17 Teal 5871, 792.63 5333,151.37 559,752.69 7867,177.17 52,088.869.79 52.025,771.62 563,128.1 • Based on S635,000 of assessments filed in 2004 for first collection in 2005 at a rate of 5.35% (Avg. Coupon + 2.0 %) over a term of ten years requiring equal annual installments. • , I I • G0,1enpoerner Samba 1711U20041231 PM Northland Securities Inc. Public Finance Page 3 • • • s 3 t w ' Preliminary 51,675,000.00 • City of Otsego, Minnesota General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A I Tax Levy Certification i Tax Levy Cycle Assessment Total Scheduled Net City Tax Levy Date Revenue Revenues P +1 Share' 105% Certified Collected I 12/15/2004 _ - - f • 12/15/2005 83,179.14 83,179.14 195,981.62 112,802.48 118,442.60 2004 2005 12/15/Z006 2006 83,179.49 83,179.49 199,540.00 116,360.51 122,178.54 2005 2006 12/15/2007 83,179.03 83,179.03 201,165.00 117,985.97 123,885.27 2006 2007 12/15/2008 83,178.51 83,178.51 202,290.00 119,111.49 125.067.06 2008 2007 12/15/2009 83.179.59 83,179.59 202,890.00 119,710.41 125,695.93 2008 2009 12/152010 83,179.45 83.179.45 202,940.00 119,760.55 125,748.58 2009 2016 12/15/2011 83,179.79 83,179.79 202.415.00 119, 125,196.97 2010 2011 12/15/2012 83,178.87 83,178.87 206,290.00 123,111.13 129,266.69 2011 2012 12/15,2013 83,179.37 83,179.37 204,630.00 121,450 63 127,523.16 2012 2013 12/15/2014 83,179.39 83.179.39 207,600.00 124,420.61 130,641.64 2013 2014 Total 5831,792.63 5831,792.63 52,025.741.62 51,193,948.99 _ 51 ,253,646.44 _ - ' The City anticipates using other City revenues to eliminate the tax levy each year including SAC & WAC Fees, Park Fees and Storm Sewer Revenues. • . • • I 1 I I GO. inprovementeonds20 1 7/4/2004 1 7.31 PM Northland Securities Inc. Public Finance Page 4 —3 ,.- of Otsego DeE ;e Requirements City Water & Sewer Hall Bonds Bond Issue 1999 2003A 2004 1992 2003B 2005A Totals Balance, January 1, 2005 $ 460,000 $ 4,970,000 $ 1,675,000 $ 126,000 $ 10,970,000 $ - $ 18,201,000 New Bonds Issued in 2005 - - - - - 10,855,000 10,855,000 Principal Payments in 2005 100,000 685,000 125,000 42,000 410,000 550,000 1,912,000 Balance, December 31, 2005 $ 360,000 $ 4,285,000 $ 1,550,000 $ 84,000 $ 10,560,000 $ 10,305,000 $ 27,144,000 Future Principal and Interest Payments as Scheduled Year2006 102,520 794,892 199,540 45,360 778,492 790,294 2,711,098 Year2007 95,905 795,842 201,165 43,680 785,193 788,744 2,710,529 Year 2008 94,105 800,074 202,290 786,593 790,906 2,673,968 Year 2009 87,125 802,031 202,890 790,593 786,556 2,669,195 Year 2010 717,381 202,940 793,080 786,856 2,500,257 Year 2011 189,556 202,415 798,980 785,544 1,976,495 Year2012 189,381 206,290 799,280 783,669 1,978,620 Year 2013 188,966 204,630 809,130 785,069 1,987,795 Year 2014 193,088 207,600 812,700 785,669 1,999,057 Year 2015 819,550 785,469 1,605, 019 Year 2016 825,000 784,469 1,609,469 Year2017 834,000 782,669 1,616,669 Year 2018 838,800 785,069 1,623,869 Year 2019 842,400 786,469 1,628,869 Year2020 849,800 791,869 1,641,669 Year 2021 855,800 790,262 1,646,062 Year 2022 860,400 792,625 1,653,025 Year 2023 873,600 798,750 1,672,350 797,512 797,512 $ 379,655 $ 4,671,211 $ 1,829,760 $ 89,040 $ 14,753,391 $14,978,470 $ 36,701,527 All Bonds outstanding are currently paid from revenue sources other than general property taxes with the exception of the City's share of the 2003 &1999 G. 0. Improvement Bonds. -33- City of Otsego Tax Levy Summary Final Proposed 2005 2006 General Government $ 1,575,620 $ 1,863,490 1999 Overlay Debt Service 55,000 45,000 2003 Debt Service 267,765 293,920 Public Works Equipment 29,188 133,188 Total $1,927,573 $ 2,335,598 121.17% 5.85% of the proposed levy increase is due to the City's reduction in local government aid (LGA). LGA in 2005 was $123,264 and in 2006 the LGA will be $0. The tax ievy includes $104,000 for Public Works equipment scheduled to be replaced /added in 2006. The 2003 debt service fund which included the 85th street project will require a tax levy of $25,000 more than originally projected because of the difference between the estimated and actual special assessments certified at the completion of the project. . 2006 TNT W rlgnt county State Rate C/151.000 SRR 29.000 1 County .1.°"818 School 5099391 Total Market Tax Rate Value Rate County Township 36°a' Spedal Total Market 201 AlbtonTwp ...- 0001 watgrslte 008 ! 2 18 ' Stoc kholm.Twp _ -. 00 Tax Rate Value Rate .>..,..:.. _ mow.... : " .. ' 1701 466 33.0 19.381 33,217 33.217 85.826 0 300V 2859 ( 33.D47 21.270 '' 6.671 1 876 33 047 19.361 14685 8 7 093 0.10599 1403 466 3J 047 21 270 33, 80 988 • 170 37¢ J3 047 19 36 14 685. - 2 926 :70 0'10599 3403 2687 - 3 • 047 • •. 2 2 • 170 - 65 .. 10 6 • 87 534 0 • 3 84 982 ....:: :013880 1704 2687 33.047 19.381 10.665 6 0.13680 _ T 1705. 881 33...13'.&7'.' 19 361 31094 83.502 0.1 219 Victor wp - 1706 - 881 331147 19361 31094- 2.928 86430- 01 3501 3687 42 } 0019 • ..... _... ( 71 ... :37 047 20881 106 2 02 Buff T r 3502 466 0. 3 3 217 86 1°P 0002{ PWaskl CIO C 0011 3303 2667 80 3 3047 047 2 981 10 663 1801 877 33 16.649 2 227 In 8 0.923 : 010976 l8 ) ,,,,,,,,,,;:::.,..,..„.:..94,;.... 63 013686 • 87.245 0 OS458 84 693 013680 1807. 877 L 34.997 18.649 29.227 Co Rate 82.873 0 Woodland Twp _... _ 0020 - - " °•• ` 1803 88 2 33 047 18 649 24.775 76.471 0°...301°.6°, 11 79 36 l tl 33 047 20.674 34.068 ........:! ......:. ; 3602 877 ;3J 047. ` 20 874 - - 29 227 Chatham T ....... 8 819 0 08380 • :. 82648 - - 0.10979 � "11 OOGi 3603" 879 33.047 20.874 31.881 •' 1 203 901 877 33 047 502 29.227 73 776 0.10979 2604! 2587 33.047 20.874 10.86 X812 0.09683 X 1 : 8 91:_ 3 3, 047 11.502 31094 75. 643. 014042 386 0.13880 1 204 Ckarn -ter T 101 Gry of Alb er tvi 376 0800 �. wp 0004 W9terdUd . 000 01011 7.1;•:. 33 043 3 1. 79.823 : 2 ^^74 -..-.- -33 , Z -SQ 136 .. , 69 701 0 119 99 0 7 82 •• - • 8 5 ... 3 2041 -- 31.378 3 1 11 0 342 0164 < :; 7 12 33047 22861 13833 2928 7 0 11989 3 8 c 97-6 0.11280 -�< ',2093 876 3 2 14.683 70 383 0105 102 City of Aaaan ale R. Waters ?2004. -871;- ::33.047 42:861 . 14.686 a + w� _...._ 2928:. 71621 07059 0 202' 8 76 ...... :33047 0 0 95 1 14.665 g g� • j p °200 ;� 882 33.047 22.861 24.775 8 ' ' 0667 0.10599 � c atl r 60°83 0 08671 0207' 876 32958 40.8 61 14 508 2926 81 374 x:105'41 a rwp . , °� ! , 2� y z 00 r c g ,.: „ r � 0.10599 c s .t:. i 103 !C 6 Y a - .f Bnffal oa <..'� p ptV o-§ �'_ 2101 466 J3 047 15.554 39.217 .. ^ y 0.4: rate 0,.33451 w41 n 11.• -_ 33 oa7 2a.et7 29327 t " • i u, ..,.. ,�„ :.:.::,.:_,•, . f ::: 6302( 877 L 34. 26 817 29327 9 .846 3a5 92.389 o 1097i!„...,,..., 206 C Tw 0D9e. Watershed + i 0 `:s•. O9 ..... R L63 h1 txx i tdj. me . 221 8 7 6 33,047 21763 14.685 69486 010699 104 G f ` r -, � 72 Waterjhed � , eM 33047 21 76 14 2.928 72413 010699 0407; o a j 30 86 840 1 3 79 3 . ' 22 03 861 ` -- 33[ 21 75 31 ... 113 866 01199 < • .,u 03 . 0 4 . 7 0 94 8 8 .82 2 .; o 1 4057 .. ... 33 924...86 54a ; 1 ng ▪ 2 920 ....116 4 r zsot 831 3 zta33 37 094 2.929 _IA .3.74 .3.7 1� : ....- " 92 F wP . 3 -5, ' x0000 ~ 00! 46 ry of,Caka 04 49 611 3 3 221 '�-r ^" F 24 rt1 111 33.047 2 1.310 34 .098 . 45 5 ,_ '8 "106."-.' u - SB 455 0 0 6360 13 2402 477 ,. 047 21.310 29227 83584 07 0 9 79 106' Caty.�ofDayytonn' t •vr+�"tii ' 24 87 9 . . 33 0 47 21.310 31 291 0 6 01 r i • �s -. „ . 8 32 t ,.. .. .:. 86249 : 0 -0 0607 T28 33.047 42b17 y 38: 11239 b • zted tai 33.047 21.310 37467 92.224 .3..34.33 k 209 Fire neh Lake 1 vIp >` - Y . 07 107, x[ 79 o o6Qq : a ..,.... ,_f R • water, ad:4 x 009:9! 0... a 1 891 250 466 33.047 16.731 33.217 '- 37 4739 614 .. : : ..1 W.462 110gB1),T • � .. i 82 995 0 Ob abB X1 07 876 33047 111731 14688 64183 010699 108 Gityo(I� x ' ¢ row Si ▪ 5 2 � 1 876 • 3 047 18 731 1 4:636 2.92 _ 67 3 91 ..., •.: 010500 0 8 0 1 677' 33 42. 2122 . - 7.97 1 07 7 0 _ q + ,0802, 88S 33.047 12989 33.218 . 1.910 111.166 0.11160 0 10 Mapla T7� - r 7 . .. : _ . 7401 877. 93107 16729. 29 •x .227 .: : 7 & 402 0 10919: 109 Cdpo - y.u. : fQ 0 0 26� 0f 881 33 .047 16129 3109. ' ...... 860 < 90.269 0 Wa 090 Y 2687 33. 03 2 3 2.807 10. '• -'� " " " w 2503 882 33 .047 16128 2 4.776 811473 0.13 i � 73.aso 0 •.39671 p t M c of I Y �21 r vex {�vr* •�rw m 'L.N"^C"a. c' nre n - I7, C ,l,. 1 3' 3aof. p..�;l2a. r ie F� 50 , z. < - �rMatysviUc t t 001! a - v...• _ :M.: :1 0 .14087 • ....k.:.:. � - ( 1 881 33.047 34.610 31.094 • 98.751 0 2f01 ; . .A _ . ,yip 12 973 29327 75.247 0.10979 =_. � • 2702 6".. 33 047 12073. 58685.. - 0 13580 155 Ct 'bf Monuccllo r § ° r' "? 2 1 • 1,2703ii 881 33 oa7 72973 31 094 77114 0 74067 "' 12 H OSpI 0 . .ea t..,. 9 p 13r01� 882 33 047 bt o49 24 778 ze 1 t 18 06871 21:2`M<ad�;tle Twp' --�� •:• «_ s z .. , 11Z C_uyof M p • r c < • :7801 466 33.047 16.114 33.217 82.378 0.06138 a = • . 73 ' 2 ; ) 361: 87 7 32894 N.738 29.096 E ;802- 2687 33047 18.114 10 BB6 69.626 0. W660 106.618 0.10979 < .280,7 881 330 16 1'14 - 31081. .. .:. . 80 285 0:14087 11 8 2,329 e7 724 00687 City of Otec t 1900 ' Husp!1a .' t r '' .:.. _ 3001! 729 33.047 27 574 36 832 2 328 09 781 015490 213 Montic Twp - ! - a 001'3 xo09Ital 217 00 2' 882 33 047 27 574 24 775 1 290/ 377 33047 ' 8 503 29 2xf, , : .• !„..2.Z3;2248,:: : : 7 31ps .. 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'�'• • ' " "' 3 8 - '' x � .} w kr),' Net4Tax Capal.AltY.€ t To 4 tat a . tt 1 . sCapacity,TaiBw i ' P r s.. a x, Val Tl i MktlVel Ex - X F ►d6 X ll) l M Value T e rt I • Watershed District Annexed Area 6 Par R odum w t €r , t fwd Tx M VaI • AP- Rr'?p nito Rate omfl ttaD Creel i . ma r �4 .• Hosplai District < Disparit Redue6on 6AM Aroa ::§.Cepsolty , Tax i +':M5r11etValue:Tak EdHat � _. axas :Due . ... ? _ r.l 10•10.2 2N y.08 Wright County Rates for P ayable 2006 2006 REVENUE k 1 Property Taxes 81.06% :P Licenses and Permits 3.59% O I ntergovernmental 4.76% C harges for Services 5.60% ® Other 4.99% $2,500,000 • $2,000,000 $1,500,000 (]2005 REVENUE ®2006 REVENUE $1,000,000 $500,000 i I 75.81% 4.45% 10.84% 5.37% 3.53% $2,041,678 $90,500 $120,000 $141,000 $125,500 81.06% 3.59% 4.76% 5.60% 4.99% Property Taxes Licenses and Intergovernmental Charges for Services Other Permits $800,000 f $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 • $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $59,642 $419,145 $31,500 $31,587 $194,032 $190,230 $46,750 $50,000 $715,357 $169,182 $584,800 $189,836 2.22% 15.63% 1.17% 1.18% 7.23% 7.09% 1.74% 1.86% 26.67% 6.31% 21.80% 7.10% Mayor & Administration Legal Planning Finance Other Engineering Street Street Public Public Community Council General Lighting Maintenance Works Safety Services & Government Equipment Other M2005 EXP. $59,642 $372,117 $27,000 $47,987 $146,067 $154,793 $42,500 $41,000 $605,984 $87,497 $560,100 $106,600 •2006 EXP. $59,642 $419,145 $31,500 $31,587 $194,032 $190,230 $46,750 $50,000 $715,357 $169,182 $584,800 $189,836 CITY OF OTSEGO TAXABLE MARKET VALUE, TAXABLE VALUATIONS, TAX LEVIES AND TAX CAPACITY RATES Preliminary TAXES PAYABLE IN 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 E 2006 TAXABLE 180, 798, 000 186, 474, 021 211, 997, 600 231, 328,100 255, 852, 800 313, 778,100 420, 264, 000 559,124, 800 670, 795, 900 - MARKET VALUE TAXABLE 2,443,580 2,495,188 2,655,747 2,915,622 3,288,990 3,242,303 4,314,665 5,773,409 6,995,262 8,477,274 VALUATIONS TAX LEVIES 790,458 844,113 827,613 838,883 877,787 1,163,468 1,318,112 1,673,967 1,927,573 2,335,600 TAX RATE 32.349 32.304 31.163 28.772 26.689 35.884 30.549 28.995 27.555 27.551% INCREASE/DECREASE AS A % -0.14% -3.53% -7.67% -7.24% 34.45% - 14.87% -5.09% -4.97% - 0.015% *" Tax Capacity Valuation was updated 11/28/05 afternoon