Item 4.1 10-10-23 OHPC Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER October 10, 2023 7:00 PM Call to Order. This mee1ng was called to order at 6:57 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek; Commissioners: Chris Wilson, Kathleen Beaudry, Brooke Nault, and Tami S1nski City Council: CM BriGany Moores Announcements: 1.Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner Chris to approve the agenda as wriHen, seconded by Commissioner Tami. All in favor. MoMon carried 5-0. 2.Consider the following minutes: 2.1 September 12, 2023. CorrecMon: Gene Olson not Wilson; BriHany’s name under 8 and roll call. Brooke will update file. Commissioner Chris moMoned to approve the minutes as wriHen aXer corrected, seconded by Commissioner Tami. All in favor. MoMon carried 5-0. 3. SHPO Commissioner Tami passed out MN statewide historic preservaMon plan. She shared that her favorite part was the private tour of Hubbard House and the mural on the silo. She also met Linda from the Elk River historical preservaMon commiHee. 4. Round Barn Poster The commissioners picked out 5 photographs to use for the poster. 5. Otsego Prairie Fes1val Review It was noted that the historic Otsego sign and the pipe for the banner were not brought down to the tent even though they were flagged to be at the fesMval. Commissioner Toni reiterated that Connie wants a permanent list for future fesMvals. Toni also sold two books at the Item 4.1 fesMval. Commissioner Brooke noted a sign-up sheet for interest in OHPC may be beneficial at future events. The commissioners discussed adding something in the View as well. 6. Elk River Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Toni is going Friday morning at 9am and will give an oral history of Otsego uMlizing the driving tour on the website and the park map. 7. Guardian Angels Interviews CM BriHany stopped in and dropped off the interview sheets with Carissa. Carissa is filling in for Mindy Smith. There is also a new hire and BriHany has had some trouble ge_ng a solid answer on interviewing residents on Otsego’s history. Commissioner Brooke will call and also try to stop in to get more guidance on the process. 8. Cemetery Sign Updates Per CM BriHany, the city is willing to try to help the cemetery with the sign and pillar. They are currently waiMng on a quote. Commissioner Toni does not want the sign lost or scrapped. BriHany advised the city currently has the sign and will donate it, if the sign cannot be fixed. 9. Naming Ashwood Park Updates Commissioner Toni menMoned that parks & rec usually name the parks, not OHPC. OHPC wrote the story for all the park signs but didn’t come up with the names. OHPC made suggesMons on names, but did not name the other parks. 10. Updates: 10.1 Updates on City Council ac1ons. City Council CM BriGany updated OHPC on City Council Ac1on Items. 11. Adjourn. Commissioner Kathy moMoned to adjourn the meeMng at 8:00 PM, seconded by Commissioner Chris. All in favor. MoMon carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Brooke.