Ballfield Improvement Update 4.1 1-17-23 Item 4.1
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: January 12, 2023,
RE: Ballfield Improvement Update
Ballfield improvements at Prairie Park were identified as a need when the Parks and Recreation
master plan was completed in 2019. Athletic associations have mentioned the lack of shade at
the facility and need for covered dugouts, taller backstops, and ADA connections from the trail.
These ideas were heard and used for the design of the initial ballfield complex. Commissioners
were presented with an initial cost estimate in 2021. The project HKGi had originally designed
cost a little over $1 million dollars. Commissioners directed staff and HKGi to cut that project
down to fit closer to the initial $400,000 budget.
At the September 2021 Commission meeting, the modified ballfield improvements were again
reviewed. The modified project was closer to the $400,000 budget number and the
commissioners recommended the City Council approve the project. It was agreed that any
costs over and above the $400,000 allotted would be supported by grants or other fundraising.
In 2022 staff and HKGi worked together to put the bid packet together and bids were posted in
mid-August with the bid opening being September 1st. There was only one bid provided by G
Urban Companies and it was well over budget at $645,945.00. When speaking with G Urban
Companies and other potential contractors prices were high due to supply issues and lack of
available labor. City Council formally rejected the bid at the September 12th meeting.
Now in 2023 the project has come to the point to rebid. Staff was informed by HKGi that the
budget of $400,000 will not be sufficient for the completion of this project. They advised staff to
ask to increase the budget by $200,000 to allow enough room for any contingencies. Staff
would like to hear how the Parks and Recreation Commission would like to proce ed with the
Prairie Park Ballfield Improvements.
Item 4.1
Possible recommendation:
• To table the project or look for additional funding.
• Memorandum from HKGi
• Bid Tab for Prairie Park Ballfields
• Concept Designs