ITem 4.1 School Knoll Park Renovation Update 4.1Feb. 2023 Item 4.1
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: February 16, 2023
RE: School Knoll Park Renovation Update
School Knoll Park
At the October 2022 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, Mr. Solomonson from HKGi,
presented a site plan and proposed renovations to School Knoll Park. At that meeting it was
unanimously determined to scale the project from two basketball courts and two tennis courts
down to one basketball court one tennis court. At that time, it solved the issue of the project
being over budget. Mr. Solomonson has used that input and created a new site plan and put
together a bid package. In the finalization of this project to go out to bid, it has been determined
costs have increased again.
Mr. Solomonson has offered a solution to bid the tennis court as an alternate for the School
Knoll project. This would alleviate the issue of the cost estimate being over budget. It does not
mean that the tennis court will not be built, it means if the budget allows and the bidding
environment is better than anticipated the tennis court can be constructed. Mr. Solomonson will
be presenting his recommendation and justification for bidding the tennis court as an alternate.
Possible recommendation:
• To recommend to City Council the School Knoll Park Project go out to bid
• PDF Presentation of School Knoll Park Renovation