Dale Lehrke Lights requestFigure 15. Project Proposal Worksheet ... MAKE .. Y O.U.R .. 0 WN .. PR.OJ.E CT .. P.R O PO SAL .......................................................................... (Complete this worksheet and submit it to the Otsego Parks and Recreation Department) Please fill out the following questions to the best of your ability, and feel free to attach any additional information if needed What is it? Who does it? Where would you do it? Please check all that apply and include a brief description of how each applicable question is addressed Will the project... serve an unmet need? provide a new recreational opportunity? inspire community pride? increase awareness of history, culture, and art? advance outreach, communication, and community building with cultural groups? build community awareness, advocacy, and passion for recreation and parks? support healthy living and choices? improve efficiency of parks and recreation se1vices? fulfill other city goals or policies? affect the environment positively or negatively? help engage and connect people, parks, trails, and open spaces? address a geographic or programming need identified in the system planning process? improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity? be economically sustainable in the short and long term? have adequate future funding for life cycle and operational costs? be a catalyst for private sector investment? be served by partnership and volunteer opportunities? Pagel Otsego Parks+ Recreation System Master Plan ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Proposer's Name/Organization Goa I/Motivation What is the primary reason for proposing this idea? What do you hope to achieve? Objectives What are the tangible/measurable outcomes you'd like to see in the short term (next 6 months)? Action Steps What needs to happen for your idea to become a reality? Who do you think would be responsible? Set a deadline! Action Responsibility Deadline Page2 List Additional Resources & Considerations for the Projec t '······························------------------------················-·························-------------------························································--···············-········································ Implementation