ITEM 5.1 Memo Ashwood Park Plan and Prairie Park Master Plan June. 2023 Item 5.1
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: June 14, 2023
RE: Ashwood Park Plan and Prairie Park Master Plan
Background Information
At the May Parks and Recreation Commission meeting staff was directed to gather proposals
for the planning of Ashwood Park and Prairie Park Master Plan. Staff worked with HKGi to
outline a scope of work for each project. Ashwood Park proposal came in at $10,000 which was
within the identified budget for 2023. The Prairie Park Master Plan came in at $48,000 which
was over the identified amount but will be split between budget years 2023 (up to $28,000) and
2024 ($20,000) to allow for the full scope of work to be completed.
Ashwood Park planning would start this summer 2023 and be wrapped up by the end of the
year. Mr. Solomonson from HKGi would be the lead on this park plan. The proposal includes the
usual protocol of using feedback from the Parks and Recreation Commission, residents, and
staff to develop a concept plan. An open house will be held in September where residents in the
development can voice their ideas for Ashwood Park. Feedback will then be used to create the
final designs that will be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for approval
before going to council.
The Prairie Park Master plan will be a large undertaking. Ms. Grinde from HKGi would be the
lead on the Prairie Park Master Plan. HKGi has recommended an Advisory Committee be
created to have a more diverse view on the future of Prairie Park. This committee would be
made up of 1 councilmember, 2 Parks and Recreation commissioners, and 5-6 community
stakeholders. Community input would be sought after using online engagement as well as
hosting a public open house to allow for feedback. Ultimately allowing for a draft plan to be put
together along with 3D renderings showing what the agreed upon amenities and future of
Prairie Park could look like. This plan also gives dollar amounts and phasing opportunities to
Item 5.1
guide Prairie Park for up to 20 years. Final review will be at the Park Commission in 2024 before
final council approval.
Requested Commission Action
Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the proposals and bring
any feedback/additions to the meeting for discussion. Discussion will be had before a possible
recommendation is made.
Possible recommendation:
• To recommend to City Council the approval of Ashwood Park and Prairie Park Master
Plan proposals.
• Ashwood Park Plan Proposal
• Prairie Park Master Plan Proposal