HKGi Work Plan_Ashwood Park_2023_June14 ITEM 5.1
Creating Places that Enrich People’s Lives
June 14, 2023
Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director
City of Otsego
Prairie Center
8899 Nashua Ave NE
Otsego, MN 55330
RE: Otsego Ashwood Park Work Plan
Dear Nick,
HKGi is pleased to submit the following planning and design services work plan to
support the city in the development of a Concept Plan for Ashwood Park.
We understand that the budget for facilitating a process to develop a park concept plan
is $10,000. Following an approved concept plan, a budget range of $250,000-$600,000
has been identified for project implementation/construction. Our proposed process
includes three meetings/presentations to the Otsego Park Commission, including one
joint neighborhood/PC meeting, and one meeting with the City Council.
Phase 1 – Project Kick off & Draft Concept
• Kick off Meeting & Site Visit at Ashwood Park (Jun/Jul)
We will meet with city staff on site to review the overall goals for the park project,
identify issues and opportunities in the field, and agree on steps forward.
• Utilize developer’s survey of the site—coordinate with HAA
• Develop Draft Concept Plan + Cost Estimate (July)
Prepare a draft concept plan of the park that includes location of proposed
features, amenities, and access points. A preliminary cost estimate will be created
to align the proposed features with the budget.
• Park Commission Meeting 1 (Aug)—virtual presentation by HKGi
HKGi will prepare a presentation for the Park Commission that describes the site
analysis of Ashwood Park, describe the type of “pocket park” that is envisioned
along with a preliminary concept plan, including precedent images of nature play
features and associated amenities—park signage, benches, pathways, etc. Discuss
ITEM 5.1
process for conducting a neighborhood meeting.
• Virtual staff coordination meeting
• Neighborhood Meeting/September Park Commission meeting 2
In coordination with the September Park Commission meeting, neighbors of the
park site will be invited to learn about the future park and provide input. HKGi
will provide materials for the city to use at the meeting to describe the proposed
park concept and process for implementation, and to solicit feedback on features
and amenities. HKGi staff will be present at the meeting to present the concept
and facilitate a discussion.
Task 2 – Prepare Preferred Plan & Presentations
• Revise Concept Plan to Create Preferred Plan (Sep/Oct)
Summarize results of neighborhood meeting and work with staff to develop a
preferred schematic-level plan drawing and updated cost estimate.
• Virtual staff coordination meeting
• Park Commission Meeting 3 (Oct/Nov)—virtual presentation by HKGi
HKGi will present the neighborhood input summary, preferred plan, cost
estimate, and timeline/process for implementation to the Park Commission for
• City Council Meeting (Nov/Dec)
Following approval by the Park Commission, HKGi will work with staff to attend
the meeting and present the preferred plan to the City Council for approval.
HKGi staff will monitor the project consulting budget and fees during the process in
order to stay within $10,000.
Next Steps – Design Development & Construction Documents
(Dec 2023 – Feb 2024)
Following approval of the park concept plan, we will work with City staff to develop
implementation and construction plans in order to meet a proposed Spring 2024
construction timeline. We will work with the city engineer for civil-related items.
Proposed tasks are listed below.
• Coordinate survey and geotech
• Design Development level drawings
• Meeting with staff to review
• Develop Construction Documents
Summary of Quantities Worksheet and Bid Form
ITEM 5.1
Existing Conditions and Site Layout Plan
Grading and Erosion Control Plan
Planting and Site Restoration Plan
Site and Detail Sections and Elevations
Construction Details
Technical specifications
Final Cost Estimate