HKGi Work Plan_Prairie Park_2023_June14 ITEM 5.1
Creating Places that Enrich People’s Lives
June 14, 2023
Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director
City of Otsego
Prairie Center
8899 Nashua Ave NE
Otsego, MN 55330
RE: Otsego Prairie Park Work Plan
Dear Nick,
HKGi is pleased to submit the following planning and design services work plan to
support the city in the development of a Master Plan for Prairie Park.
We understand that the budget for facilitating a process to develop a park concept plan
is $48,000, which would include up to $28,000 in fees in 2023, with an additional
$20,000 in fees in 2024. The city has $240,000 identified for the playground replacement
in 2025. Our proposed process includes three meetings/presentations with a newly-
created Prairie Park Master Plan Advisory Committee, which would include members of
the Otsego Parks Commission; one public survey and one public meeting; and one
meeting with the City Council.
Phase 1 – Project Kick off & Site Analysis (Aug-Nov)
• Kick off Meeting & Site Visit at Prairie Park (Aug)
We will meet with city staff on site to review the overall goals for the park project,
identify issues and opportunities in the field, and agree on steps forward.
• Develop Plan for Public Engagement
This task includes the writing of a brief (1-2 pages) document that describes the
process for public engagement, including goals, audiences, methods, and
timelines. HKGi will write a draft and have City staff review/revise.
o Create an Advisory Committee made up of 1 City Council rep, 2 Park
Commissioners, and 5-6 community/stakeholder representatives. There
could be 3 meetings with the Advisory Committee, instead of the Park
ITEM 5.1
o Phase 1: Online survey + Interactive Mapping Tool
o Phase 2: In-person in the park open house/public meeting
• Develop Analysis Maps and List of Issues + Opportunities
• Advisory Committee meeting #1 (Sept)
• Discuss plan for public engagement
• Present Issues and Opportunities
• Virtual staff coordination meeting
• Launch public survey online (Oct/Nov)
• Promotion—develop social media graphics, flyers, press release
• Hosting of survey on Survey Monkey
• Summarizing of survey results
• Could also include interactive mapping tool (Social Pinpoint)
Phase 2 – Prepare Draft Concepts (Dec, 2023-Apr, 2024)
• Host Charrette to develop draft concept ideas
• HKGi staff will host a workshop at our office or at the Prairie Center
• Review Issues and Opportunities and community input
• Develop ideas and sketches for park improvements
• Prepare Draft Concepts
• We will prepare up to 3 high-level draft concept drawings that will identify
circulation, access, athletic fields, park features, and potential areas of
• Virtual staff coordination meeting
• Advisory Committee meeting #2 (Feb/Mar)
• Review draft concepts
• Present plan for open house meeting
• Public open house/meeting (Mar/Apr)
• Prepare materials
• Provide staff at open house to help facilitate
• Prepare summary of input
• Virtual staff coordination meeting
Phase 3 – Prepare Final Master Plan (May-July, 2024)
• Revise Concept Plan to Create Preferred Plan
• Prepare a schematic-level drawing of the park and proposed
• We will include a concept plan for the potential addition of the 20 acres,
ITEM 5.1
including a road connection from 90th to 85th St., to the south of Prairie
Park, and a long-term concept showing a potential removal of the Prairie
Center building from the park.
• Layout out concept plan and associated materials in a document/report
• Work with staff to develop a preferred plan and updated cost estimate.
• Associated sections and precedent images
• Zoom in concept areas and descriptions
• Phasing plan and priorities
• Include 3D renderings of proposal concept features and ideas
• Virtual staff coordination meeting
• Advisory Committee meeting #3
HKGi will present the preferred plan, cost estimate, and phasing plan for
implementation to the Advisory Committee for final comments.
• City Council Meeting
Following approval by the Park Commission, HKGi will work with staff to present
the preferred plan to the City Council for approval.
We estimate our fees for the above scope of work in the following table.
Phase Cost
Phase 1: Project Kick off & Site Analysis $10,800
Phase 2: Prepare Draft Concepts $13,200
Phase 3: Prepare Final Master Plan $23,500
Sub-total $47,400
Expenses (mileage + printing) $500
Total $48,000