RES 2023-70 Establishing Precinct Boundaries and Polling PlacesCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2023-70 ESTABLISHING PRECINCT BOUNDARIES AND POLLING PLACES WHEREAS, the City of otsego currently has four voting precincts; and WHEREAS, Precinct 3B located at Otsego Elementary has approximately 6,000 registered voters, which is more than the recommended size; and WHERAS, Christ Church Otsego located at 15849 90 th Street NE has agreed to partner with the City as a polling location; and WHERAS, Precinct 3B located at otsego Elementary will be divided along with a small business portion of Precinct 4B located at Guardian Angels, creating Precinct 5B located at Christ Church otsego; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statue §204B.14, Subd. 4 states any changes in the boundary of an election precinct must be adopted at least ten weeks before the date of the next election and, for the state primary and general election or presidential nomination primary, no later than December 1 in the year prior to the year of the state general election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the following voting precincts and polling places are established as described: Prairie Center, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE -Precinct 1A That Part of the City lying west of the 30A/30B congressional district boundary excepting Precinct 2A. Prairie View Middle School, 8300 Maciver Ave NE -Precinct 2A That part of the City lying east of CSAH 19 {CSAH 38 to 80 th Street NE), south of 80 th Street NE (CSAH 19 to Maciver Avenue NE), east of Maciver Avenue NE {80 th Street NE to 85 th Street NE), south of85 th Street NE (Maciver Avenue NE to Mason Avenue NE) and west of Mason Avenue NE (85 th Street NE to CR 137). Otsego Elementary School, 8125 River Road -Precinct 3B That part of the City lying south of the south property lines of parcels 118379000010, 118379000031, and 118180001020 (boundary between 30A/30B congressional district to west property line of Parcel 118500273301), west of west property line of Parcel 118500273301 (south property line of Parcel 118379000010 to CSAH 38), south of CSAH 38 (west property line of Parcel 118500273301 to east property line of Parcel 118500273301), east of east property line of Parcel 118500273301 {CSAH 38 to south property line of Parcel 118312000030), south of south property line of Parcel 118312000030 (west property line of Parcel 118500273301 to Palmgren Avenue), east of Palmgren Avenue (south property line of Parcel 118312000030 to south property line of Parcel 118297000040), south of the south property line of Parcel 118297000040 (Palmgren Avenue to west property line of 118500271400), east and south of west property line of Parcel 118500271400 (south property line of Parcel 118297000040 to 78th Street), north of 78th Street (west property line of Parcel 118500271400 to Page 1 Avenue), and east of Page Avenue (78th Street to 85th Street) south of 85 th Street (Page Avenue NE to CSAH 42), west of CSAH 42 (85 th Street to TH101), west ofTH101 (CSAH 42 to CSAH 38), south of CSAH 38 (TH101 to CSAH 42), south of CSAH 42 (CSAH 38 to the Crow River), east of the 30A/30B congressional district boundary (border of St. Michael to south property line of 118180001020). Guardian Angels, 9200 Quantrelle Avenue NE -Precinct 4B That part of the City lying east of Nashua Avenue (Mississippi River to CSAH 39), north of CSAH 39 (Nashua Avenue NE to TH101), east of TH101 (CSAH 39 to property line between Parcel 118059001010 and Parcel 1180590000201), south of the property line between Parcel 118059001010 and Parcel 118059000020 (TH101 to 88 th Street), south of 88 th Street (Quaday Avenue to CSAH 42), east and north of CSAH 42 (88 th Street to TH101), east of TH101 (CSAH 42 to CSAH 38), north of CSAH 38 (TH101 to CSAH 42), and north and east of CSAH 42 (CSAH 38 to the Crow River). Christ Church of Otsego, 15849 90 th Street Avenue NE -Precinct SB (NEW -formerly part of 3B and 4B) That part of the City lying south of CSAH 39 (Nashua Avenue NE to TH101), west of TH101 (CSAH 39 to property line between Parcel 118059001010 and Parcel 118059000020), north of property line between Parcel 118059001010 and Parcel 118059000020 (TH101 to 88 th Street), north of 88 th Street (Quaday Avenue to CSAH 42), west of CSAH 42 (88 th Street to 85 th Street), north of 85 th Street (CSAH 42 to Page Avenue), west of Page Avenue (85 th Street to 78 t h Street), south of 78 th Street (Page Avenue to west property line of Parcel 118500271400), west and north of west property line of Parcel 118500271400 (78 th Street to south property line of Parcel 118297000040), north of the south property line of Parcel 118297000040 (west property line of 118500271400 to Palmgren Avenue), west of Palmgren Avenue (south property line of Parcel 118297000040 to south property line of Parcel 118312000030), north of south property line of Parcel 118312000030 (Palmgren Avenue to west property line of Parcel 118500273301), west of east property line of Parcel 118500273301 (south property line of Parcel 118312000030 to CSAH 38), north of CSAH 38 (east property line of Parcel 118500273301 to west property line of Parcel 118500273301), east of west property line of Parcel 118500273301 (CSAH 38 to south property line of Parcel 118379000010), north of south property lines of parcels 118379000010, 118379000031, and 118180001020 (west property line of Parcel 118500273301 to boundary between 30A/30B congressional district), and east of the 30A/30B congressional district boundary (south of Parcel 1181800001020 to CSAH 39). 2. That the Precinct Boundary Map attached for illustrative purposes is a map showing said precincts and the location of each polling place. 2 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 13th day of November, 2023. MOTION BY: Dunlap SECONDED BY: Goede IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Dunlap, Goede, and Moores OPPOSED: none 3 CITY OF OTSEGO ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk "©38§¨¦94 rÉ MI N NE SOTA 101 "©39 "©42 "©19 "©36 "©18 "©37 Precinct 1A Precinct 3B Precinct 4B Precinct 5B Precinct 2A p 1,500 0 1,500 3,000Feet K:\GIS\Projects\Municipal\OTSEGO\OT925\2023 Precinct Boundary Map.mxd November, 2023 Legend Precinct 1A Precinct 2A Precinct 3B Precinct 4B 30B30A Otsego Precinct Boundary Map "©137 "©137 Precinct 1A Polling Location - Prairie Center - 8899 Nashua Ave NE Precinct 5B Precinct 2A Polling Location - Prairie View Middle School - 8300 Maciver Ave NE Pre cin ct 3B P olling L ocation - Otseg o E le me ntary S ch oo l - 8 12 5 R iver Roa d Precinct 4B Polling Location - Guardian Angels - 9200 Quantrelle Ave NE Precinct 5B Polling Location - Christ Church Otsego - 15849 90th Street NE