12-27-05 CCITEM 3.1 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL December 27, 2005 6:30 PM 1 Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Absent: Dan Scharber. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Brad Belair, Public Works Director; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Licht, City Planner and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2 Consider agenda approval, Mayor Fournier requested to add under Item 8.6. VFW Request, Item 8.7. Leaps and Bounds Daycare Sewer. CM Heidner requested to add under Item 8.8. Pile of dirt at CSAH 39 and Parrish Avenue. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3 Consider the following minutes. 3.1. December 12 2005 Council Meeting.. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the minutes. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 4 Open Forum: (5 minute limit) Tom Brown, Terra Development, requested that the deferred assessment currently owed on the Kolles property (River Centre) continue to be deferred until July 2006. Mayor Fournier motioned to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents to defer the current assessment to 7uly 2006. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Joe Harft, 95th Street, regarding the street vacation under Item 9.1. He is here with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kaiser (property owners to the east of this proposed street vacation). Mr. MacArthur explained the City will vacate the platted street right-of-way and the Kaisers will get half of the street and the City will keep the other half. Mr. Kaiser asked if the streets under this Old Townsite on his property could also be vacated. Mr. MacArthur explained that he would have to petition the City and pay for all costs. Mayor Fournier said that the City is receiving a few complaints on snowmobiling. Josh, a member of the Great River Riders Snowmobile Club said they have received many complaints and they are trying to respond to them. Sandy Michaelson, Police Commission, said the Police Commission is pursuing the MEADA Program. City Council Meeting of December 27, 2005. Page 2. 5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Approve Ordinance 2005-30 establishing a fee schedule for 2006. 5.3. Approve Resolution 2005-70 Emergency Successions. 5.4. Pay Estimate No.4 to Veit for Waterfront East $94,977.48. 5.5. Pay Estimate No.2 to Imperial Developers for CSAH 37 Turn Lanes C@ Quaday Ave. for $7,877.63. 5.6. Pay Estimate No.5 to Imperial Developers for $5,212.18. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Public Works. Brad Belair reported that the Public Works Subcommittee is working on the Lawn Maintenance Proposal. Brad said the City will maintain School Knoll Park, Lilly Pond and the Ballfield Complex. He and Randy Brenney will get together and bring back a new dollar amount. The Council wanted the fuel surcharge benchmarked so it will come off when fuel goes down and they were concerned with the language of weekly mowing. Brad also said he has given several signs to the Snowmobile Club to put up. These signs were in stock and he has ordered more. 7. Dan Licht, City Planner. 7.1. Mississippi Cove- Adamski Property Condemnation. Mr. Adamski said they have come to an agreement with the developers and requested to remove the Condemnation from the agenda. 7.2. Approve Park concept plans. Dan Licht presented the report. CM Heidner would prefer handicap parking ramps going to the sidewalks similar to the ones at City Hall rather than the protruding ones which would hinder snowplowing. CM Thorsted agreed. Brad Belair would like them designed so that he can use the same equipment throughout. CM Stockamp motioned to direct SRF to prepare Plans and Specs for Beaudry Meadows and the Park to be located in Otsego Preserve. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 8.1. Revised SE Otsego Sewer & Water routes. 8.2. Update on Highway 101 plans. Mr. Wagner went over both items. Mayor Fournier motioned to direct staff to proceed with preliminary steps to acquire easements. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of December 27, 2005. Page 3. 8-3. Consider Change Order #1 for turn lanes on CSAH 37 @ Ouaday Ave. in the amount of $2,156.00 CM Heidner motioned to approve Change Order # 1 for turn lanes on CSAH 37 in the amount of $2,156.00. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.4. Consider Change Order for Veit $110,822.00 for Waterfront East. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Change Order for $110,822.00 for Waterfront East. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.5. Piles of dirt at CSAH 39 and CSAH Parrish Avenue. Ron Wagner will contact S. R. Weidema regarding this dirt pile. 8.6. Update on VFW Ron Wagner distributed pictures of the VFW Parking Lot and access. The Council will review this in the spring. 8.7. Leaps and Bounds Day Care Sewer. Mr. Wagner updated the Council on the progress of installing City Water and Sewer at Leaps and Bounds. 9. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney. 9.1. Public Hearina: Street Vacation in old town site. Judy Hudson attested that the proper noticing, publishing and posting was completed. Mr. MacArthur explained the purpose of the Street Vacation. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 8:17 PM. Hearing no public comments, Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 8:18 PM. CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 2005-69 approving vacations of Public Street located between 97th Street NE and 95th Street NE. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.2. Duke Realty Agreement. Andy MacArthur went over the latest draft of the agreement. CM Heidner motioned for the City to enter into an agreement with Duke Realty Corporation relative to certain property between Trunk Highway 101 and proposed Queens Avenue with twelve year tax abatement. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.3. Resolution 2005-71 Receiving Land Donation from D & Y Family Limited Partnership. Mr. MacArthur went over the Resolution. CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 2005-71 accepting donation of certain property and easements from D & Y Family Limited Partnership. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.4. Update on Peavey House. CM Stockamp reported that the two members of the Historical Commission who attended the last meeting discussed this and they will attend the first City Council Meeting in January. City Council Meeting of December 27, 2005. Page 4. 10. Council Items. 10.1. School Board Selection Committee The Council appointed CM Stockamp to be on the Selection Committee. 11. Mike Robertson, City Administrator. 11.1. Resident Emergency Plan. Mayor Fournier motioned to adopt the Resident Emergency Preparedness Plan. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 11.2. City Facilities Emergency Plan. CM Thorsted motioned to adopt the Safety and Security Plan for City Facilities. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to give Patrick Walzeko a $500 bonus for his work as Administrative Intern. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 12. Judy Hudson, City Clerk. No updates. 13. Adjourn by 10 PM. CM Stockamp motioned to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM., Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator