Item 3.1 11-14-23 Public Safety Meeting MinutesPUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER November 14, 2023 6:30 PM Call to Order. This mee�ng was called to order at 6:34 PM. Roll Call: Chair David Greeman; Commissioners: John Braun, Gregory Hubbard, Mark Wolf, and Kyle Heltemes; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, CM Tina Goede & Ryan Dunlap & Emergency Services Director Rausch 2.Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Mark Wolf mo�oned to approve the agenda as writen. Seconded by Commissioner Gregory Hubbard. All in favor. Mo�oned carried. 5-0 3.Consider the following minutes: 3.1 September 12, 2023 Commissioner Gregory Hubbard mo�oned to approve the minutes as writen. Seconded by Commissioner Mark Wolf. All in favor. Mo�on carried. 5-0 4.Open Forum. No comments were made. 5.Review received monthly reports. 5.1 No fire department or EMS were present for the mee�ng. 5.2 Wright County Sheriff Department. - Sergeant Jason Oltmanns discussed entering new businesses into their system so dispatch could easily locate the establishment when a ci�zen called in. Also discussed winter parking rules and the placement of warning cards. 5.3 Daryl Rausch – Finalized truck orders. Daryl will call to obtain pagers and get Otsego entered 911 so he can be no�fied of urgent calls. He stated a 27TH resolu�on to formally create the Otsego Emergency Services. Once in place Otsego can start gathering data on calls as three years of data is needed to apply for grants. 6.Set Next Mee�ng. December 12th, 2023 7. Adjourn. Commissioner Mark Wolf mo�oned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Greggory Hubbard All in favor. Mo�on carried. 5-0 Adjourned at 7:10 PM. Minutes taken/writen by Commissioner Kyle Heltemes Item 3.1