Item 4.1 11-14-23 OHPC Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER November 14, 2023 7:00 PM Call to Order. This mee1ng was called to order at 6:54 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek; Commissioners: Chris Wilson, Kathleen Beaudry, Brooke Nault, and Tami S1nski; City Council: CM BriGany Moores and Ryan Dunlap. 1. Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner SAnski to approve the agenda as wriJen, seconded by Commissioner Beaudry. All in favor. MoAon carried 5-0. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 October 10, 2023. Commissioner SAnski moAoned to approve the minutes as wriJen, seconded by Commissioner Beaudry. All in favor. MoAon carried 5-0. 3. Addi1ons: Commissioner Wilson asked to add Otsego historical buildings to the agenda. Chris will get documenta1on on her home built in 1857 as well as checking on the history of the Swenson Farm. Toni asked Kathleen if she’d like to do a write-up on the history of her barn / homestead. Other historical buildings that were men1oned are Spencer’s and the original farm house of the Spencer’s that is now a poGery studio; the Wydenboch farm; Brad Praught; Vassers and Turnquists Proper1es. 4. Guardian Angels Interviews: Commissioner Nault will email Lisa to confirm interview date of 12/11 at 10am and get on the calendar. The commissioners came up with a few sample ques1ons to get the conversa1on going including the following: •How long have you lived in Otsego? •What is your favorite memory of living in Otsego? •What schools did you aGend? •What changes have you seen in Otsego? It was also noted that the commissioners need to get permission from the Guardian Angels residents to share their informa1on and the use of their name in any published documents. 4. Chamber of Commerce Update: Commissioner Seroshek updated everyone on the Otsego history talk. 5. Round Barn Sign: Commissioner Seroshek sent pics off to BriGany, Dane and Kim Walter for final approval. The poster will plan to use some of the narra1ve from the April 19th ar1cle as well as Toni’s history. 6. Updates on City Council Ac1ons: City Council CM BriGany updated OHPC on City Council Ac1on Items. BriGany men1oned more research needs to be done on the history of Ashwood; Dan said OHPC needs to name the park. Commissioner Seroshek advised OHPC has not named parks in the past and that most were named ader the property owners. Some poten1al names that came up were ‘Big Woods’, ‘Big Woods Remnant’, Birchwood Park, ‘Birchwood Nature Trail’. Ryan wondered if OHPC could help with a 1me capsule in the new city hall. Maple Grove City Hall has a 1me capsule for reference. 7. Addi1onal OHPC Updates: Jim LeFevre Farm: picture at OHPC needs to be distributed. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Wilson moAoned to adjourn the meeAng at 7:47pm , seconded by Commissioner Beaudry. All in favor. MoAon carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Nault.