PR Minutes 11-21-23 ITEM 3.1
Prairie Center
November 21, 2023
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Kitty Baltos called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Kitty Baltos. Commissioners: Angie Dehn, Liz Benoit, Jessica Schaffer,
Matt Danzl, and Kurt Baldry.
Absent: Commissioner: Norman Witteborg
City Council: Council Members Brittany Moores and Ryan Dunlap
Staff: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director, and Connie Schwecke, Recreation
1. Open Forum.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
Commissioner Dehn motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Schaffer. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider Meeting Minutes.
3.1 September 19 Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Dehn motioned to recommend to the City Council to
approve all meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner
Benoit. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
4.1 Ashwood Park Community Engagement.
Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs introduced Tim Solomonson from HKGi
who presented Ashwood Park Design Plans and the public outreach survey
results to the commissioners.
After discussion, it was recommended to add electricity to the shelter, move the
porta potty to a more central location within the park, move park signage to a
more visible location and possibly add edible gardens and workout equipment if
the budget allows. The commissioners agreed to proceed with this plan looking
at the recommendation that were provided.
5. New Business.
6. Parks and Recreation Update.
Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs presented the parks update. Recreation
Coordinator Schwecke presented the recreation update.
ITEM 3.1
7. City Council Reports.
City Council Member Moores presented the City Council Report.
8. Adjourn.
Commissioner Danzel motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:13 P.M.
Written by Connie Schwecke, Recreation Coordinator