RES 2023-87 Adopting the 2024 Annual Operating BudgetsCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2023-87 ADOPTING THE 2024 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has on December 11, 2023, held a public meeting to allow for public comment before adopting a final budget and certifying a final property tax levy; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has reviewed the proposed General, Public Utility, Debt Service and Special Revenue fund budgets and has determined the budget is adequate to fund the respective fund operations for the year 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the General fund for 2024 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $6,324,793 Cable Franchise Fees 132,000 Licenses and Permits 11657,040 Intergovernmental 461,984 Charges for Services 258,515 Miscellaneous 159,120 Transfers from Other Funds 427,000 Total Revenues 9 420 452 Expenditures General Government $2,120,045 Public Safety 41029,903 Public Works 21035,838 Parks and Recreation 1112%706 Economic Development 104,960 Total Expenditures 89,420A52 1 2 3. 4. That the following revenues and expenses (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Public Utility funds for 2024 as follows: Revenues Operating $7,679,101 Non -Operating 31721,630 Availability & Connection Charges 31733,574 Special Assessments 382,206 Bond Proceeds 19,600,000 Total Revenues $3521160511 Expenses Operating $3,615,457 Capital Outlay 23,055,807 Depreciation 41274,943 Debt Service 4,7811299 Transfers to Other Funds 427,000 Total Expenses $36 154 506 That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Debt Service funds for 2024 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $299 144 Special Assessments 176,239 Total Revenues 475 383 Expenditures Principal $460,000 Interest and Fiscal Agent Fee's 99,406 Total Expenditures 55590406 That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Special Revenue funds for 2024 as follows: Revenues Tax Increments $532,815 Total Revenues S531815 Expenditures Economic Development $479,110 Total Expenditures 479 110 2 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 11th day of December, 2023. MOTION BY: Dahl SECONDED BY: Goede INFAVOR: St:ockamp, Dahl, Dunlap, Goede,and Moores OPPOSED: none CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stocl<amp, M ATTEST: k, Audra Etzel, City Clerk