Item 4.1 Carrick's Landing 4.1Dec. 2023 Memo Item 4.1 1 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: December 15, 2023 RE: Carrick’s Landing Update Background Information Spring/Summer 2023 In 2022 it was determined by the park commission, staff, and consultants that the Carrick’s Landing Park improvement project would be an ideal candidate for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Grant Program. The maximum amount the City of Otsego could receive was $350,000. In Spring 2023 staff worked with HKGi on the grant application for the park improvements at Carrick’s Landing Park. The grant application was submitted in April and award notices were received in June. The Carrick’s Landing Park improvement was awarded the full amount of $350,000. Fall 2023 Staff continued to correspond with the MN DNR once the grant was awarded. As outlined by the terms of the grant a Phase 1 archeological study was needed for Carrick’s Landing Park. A Phase 1 study was conducted by the Duluth Archaeology Center and it was determined no remains of historic significance were found. After the formal report to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the Outdoor Recreation Grant was released, and the City of Otsego formally accepted the grant at the November 27th City Council meeting. December 2023 With this project being awarded the grant the Parks and Recreation Commission is being presented with an update on the project. The attached slide deck is a refresher of the approved concept plans that were included in the grant submission. Ms. Grinde from HKGi will be present at the meeting to review the slides and take questions. The next step of the process will be to create construction documents and specifications to go out to bid. The Parks and Recreation Item 4.1 2 Commission will be instrumental in guiding this process. Once the park is refined it will be recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission for City Council approval. The City Council will receive a presentation before requesting the Carrick’s Landing Park improvements go out for bid, which is anticipated Spring 2024. The targeted completion date for this project if approved would be Fall 2024. Requested Commission Action Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the Carrick’s Landing Update slide deck and bring questions and comments to the meeting. Possible recommendation: • N/A Attachments: • Carrick’s Landing Update slide deck