Item 3.1 Wright-Henneping Maciver Substation3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 27 December 2023 120-DAY DATE: 14 February 2024 RE: Otsego: Wright-Hennepin MacIver Substation TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (Wright-Hennepin) is proposing development of an electric substation south of 95th Street (CSAH 39) and west of Mason Avenue to serve existing and future electric service needs in Otsego. The proposed development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment zoning the substation site to INS, Institutional District; a Conditional Use Permit for an essential service use within the INS District and reduction in required minimum lot area and minimum lot width; and a preliminary and final plat to subdivide the proposed substation lot and dedicate right-of-way for future MacIver Avenue. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, 2 January 2024 at 7:00PM Exhibits:  Site Location Map  Urban Service Area Staging Plan Map  Future Land Use Plan Map  Transportation Plan Map  Civil plans dated 12-11-23 (12 sheets)  Foundation Plan dated 10/3/2023 (2 sheets)  Substation profile dated 12/27/2023  Switchgear Layout dated 10/3/2023 Item 3.1 2 ANALYSIS Existing Conditions. The subject site consists of portions of three existing parcels. The northern most existing parcel is 6.0 acres in area and developed with a single family dwelling and detached accessory buildings. The two south existing parcels are under common ownership and are 74.7 acres in area, which are cultivated for agricultural purposes. Proposed Use. The proposed electric substation is to be located on a 4.13 acre lot subdivided at the northwest corner of the southern most existing parcel underlying an existing east-west electric transmission line. Service lines will be extended underground north and south of the substation to connect to Wright-Hennepin’s existing distribution system. The proposed development also includes dedication of 3.64 acres of right-of-way from the three existing parcels for future MacIver Avenue from the south line of the proposed lot to 95th Street (CSAH 39). Comprehensive Plan. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for future Low Density Residential land uses at such time as City sewer and water utilities are available to the area. The subject site is located within Urban Service Expansion Area W1, which will not be extended City utilities until the existing available land within the West Sewer District is almost fully developed and a lift station is constructed near Mason Avenue and 87th Street to serve Area W1. City staff estimates City sewer and water utilities will not be extended to Area W1 for at least 10 years based on the amount of developable land within the current West Sewer District and the estimated pace of development. Until City sewer and water utilities are available, the Interim Land Use Plan policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan guides the area for continued rural uses. Zoning. The proposed electric substation is defined by the Zoning Ordinance as an essential service regulated by Chapter 32 of the Zoning Ordinance. Electric substations are allowed in all zoning districts as a conditional use by Section 11-32-5.A of the Zoning Ordinance. Conditional uses require Wright-Hennepin to comply with performance standards and criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance If a developer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City that the proposed use is consistent with the requirements and criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, there is an expectation that the City must approve their request. The subject site is zoned A1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The developer is requesting amendment of the Zoning Map to zone the proposed electric substation lot to INS, Institutional District. The intent of the INS District is to provide a specific zoning district for facilities devoted to serving the public and essential services such as the proposed electric substation are incidental to and required by the existing development and planned growth occurring within the City. Rezoning to INS District is also necessary to allow for development of the proposed lot without minimum frontage to an improved public street and for lot area, width, and depth dimensions only to the extent needed for the electric substation facility. 3 Surrounding Land Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing/planned uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field Rural single family East LD (LL) Residential A-1 District Cultivated field Rural single family South LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field West LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field The area where the electric substation is to be located is generally isolated from existing uses surrounding the subject site by cultivated fields. There are existing stands of trees to the east and south of the proposed electric substation and additional plantings will be installed upon the subject site with development. Wright-Hennepin provided the following area map illustrating the distances from the proposed electric substation to surrounding rural single family homes, with all at least one-quarter of a mile away. 4 Lot Requirements. Section 11-90-7 of the Zoning Ordinance requires lots within the INS District to be a minimum of five acres in area unless reduced by approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for efficiency in the development of essential services. The proposed lot is 4.13 acres in area. Section 11-32-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance allows the minimum lot area requirements for an essential service to be reduced by Conditional Use Permit provided that lot is of sufficient dimensions to allow the setbacks from all property lines to be equal to the height of the various structures on the parcel or the setback requirements of the district, whichever are greater. Lesser structure setbacks may be allowed by the City Council upon demonstration that the facility's design is such that the collapse of said structure will not endanger surrounding property. Section 11-90-7 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum 50 foot setback for essential services uses from the perimeter of the lot on which it is located. The fence enclosing the electric substation facility is setback 80 feet from the MacIver Avenue right-of-way, 180 feet from the north lot line, 80 feet from the east lot line, and 127 feet from the south lot line. The area and dimensions of the proposed lot and setbacks of the electric substation comply with the provisions of the INS District and reductions allowed for essential services by Conditional Use Permit. Right-of-Way. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan includes a Transportation Plan that establishes a network of existing and future arterial and collector streets for efficient movement of traffic within the City. The Transportation Plan designates MacIver Avenue as a residential collector street between 60th Street (CR 137) and 95th Street (CSAH 39) to move traffic from adjacent development, including existing and future residential development, Prairie View Elementary School, and Prairie View Middle School, north-south to connect to minor arterial roadways and regional transportation corridors. MacIver Avenue has been constructed between 60th Street (CR 137) and 85th Street with future construction to occur between 85th Street and 95th Street (CSAH 39) as conditions warrant and funding is available in accordance with the City’s Capital Improvement Plan. The proposed development includes dedication of 1,780.96 feet of right-of-way between the south line of the substation lot and 95th Street (CSAH 39) for future MacIver Avenue. The proposed right-of-way is 80 feet in width consistent with the City’s requirements for an Municipal State Aid Collector Street. The preliminary plat also includes dedication of 75 feet of right-of-way for the south half of future 95th Street (CSAH 39) as a minor arterial roadway designated by the Wright County Transportation Plan with additional right-of-way as needed to allow for construction of a future roundabout at the intersection of 95th Street (CSAH 39) and MacIver Avenue. Right-of-way dedication for MacIver Avenue is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and right-of-way dedication for 95th Street (CSAH 39) is subject to review and approval of the Wright County Engineer. 5 Until the City constructs MacIver Avenue as a public street, Wright-Hennepin proposes to utilize a 20 foot wide gravel private drive within the right-of-way for access to the electric substation. Locating the private driveway within the MacIver Avenue right-of-way will require execution of an encroachment agreement between Wright-Hennepin and the City to address allowed access, construction and maintenance of the private drive, and future removal of the private drive for public street construction. The electric service lines within the right-of-way will be installed along the west edge. Because extensive grading will be needed for construction of future MacIver Avenue to meet design requirements, relocation of the electric service lines is likely necessary. In consideration of the full-width of the right-of-way needed for MacIver Avenue being dedicated with the proposed substation, the City will agree as part of the encroachment agreement to be responsible for the cost of relocating the electric service lines in the future when the public street is constructed. The encroachment agreement will allow access to utilize the private driveway for the abutting properties from which the right-of-way is being dedicated. The south property owner has requested consideration of a gate to prevent access to the private drive, which may be beneficial from a public safety perspective. Installation of a gate is to be subject to further discussion by the City, Wright-Hennepin, and the involved property owners. Off-Street Parking. Section 11-32-4.D. 2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires provision of off- street parking for vehicles anticipated to be at the electric substation, which is anticipated to be limited to occasional service vehicles. There is sufficient space within the site outside of the MacIver Avenue right-of-way and within the gated area to accommodate necessary vehicle parking. Section 11-21-7.C of the Zoning Ordinance allows gravel surfaced parking areas and driveways for essential services. Structures. The electric substation facility consists of a 566.25 square foot enclosure for switchgear that is 14 feet in height with slab mounted transformer(s) and other equipment under 20 feet in height. There are two 59 foot poles at the east and west sides of the facility for connections to the overhead transmission lines to the north and to service lines in MacIver Avenue right-of-way. Fence. The proposed substation is to be surrounded by a seven-foot chain link fence with one- foot of barbed wire above, which is allowed by Section 11-19-4.H.3.d of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed fence complies with the requirements of Section 11-19-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. The foundation plans indicate that two security lights are to be installed at the northwest and southwest corners of the substation fence perimeter. The proposed light fixtures must comply with the provisions of Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance including not being mounted higher than 25 feet, providing a 90 degree horizonal shield, and to not cast light at more than 0.4 foot-candles to adjacent properties. Installation of exterior lighting is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6 Screening. Section 11-32-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that essential services be screened from view of adjacent properties as provided for by Chapter 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. Wright-Hennepin has submitted a landscaping plan to install a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees upon a four foot high berm to the south and east of the proposed substation. Installation of trees north of the substation would interfere with the existing east-west overhead transmission lines and screening west of the substation abuts future MacIver Avenue where the service lines are to be installed. The proposed deciduous trees are to be 2 inches in diameter as required by Section 11-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The planting schedule must be revised to specify the deciduous trees to be eight feet in height as required by Section 11-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Planting these trees now to allow them to mature in advance of planned Low Density Residential development surrounding the subject site will ensure plantings will provide an effective screen of the site as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Existing vegetation to the east and south of the proposed electric substation provides additional screening. There is a wind-row of trees along the west side of the MacIver Avenue right-of-way north of Lot 1, Block 1 to 95th Street (CSAH 39). Removal of these trees may be necessary for construction of the private drive and will be required for future construction of MacIver Avenue. City staff will work with Wright-Hennepin to preserve the existing trees to the extent possible for now. Grading. Wright-Hennepin has submitted grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for the proposed development. All grading and stormwater management issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The proposed electric substation does not require availability of sewer or water utilities. Easements. Section 11-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of platted lots. The preliminary plat illustrates the required dedication of a 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement at the perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1. The stormwater basins required for the proposed private driveway are within the MacIver Avenue right-of-way. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. Subdivision of the proposed lot would typically trigger park dedication requirements as provided for by Section 10-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance. However, the City does not require park dedication for essential service uses. No park dedication is to be required for the proposed subdivision. 7 Development Contract. The proposed electric substation does not require installation of City infrastructure and the only security needs would be for the proposed landscaping. The need for a Development Contract beyond the provisions of an encroachment agreement will be subject to review by City staff prior to consideration of the application by the City Council. Criteria. Applications for Zoning Map amendments and conditional use permits are to be considered based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan recognizes that planning for utility services, whether City facilities such as sewer and water or private utilities such as electric, gas, phone, cable, etc., are a core component of future development. These essential services are needed to support existing development and planned future uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan as part of the City’s growth management policies. The proposed development of an electric substation to serve the West Sewer District and other areas of Otsego is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The proposed electric substation is to be constructed in a rural area isolated from existing residential uses. The timeframe between construction of the electric substation and future development guided by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan is such that proposed landscaping will mature to provide effective screening mitigating potential combability issues. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed subdivision and construction of an electric substation will comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed electric substation will be accessed via a private driveway to 95th Street (CSAH 39) until such time as MacIver Avenue is constructed as a public residential collector street. Both existing 95th Street (CSAH 39) and future MacIver Avenue have or will have the capacity to accommodate the minimal traffic generated by the proposed electric substation. 8 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is will provide necessary service capacity for existing land uses and future development as guided by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION The proposed construction of an electric substation is advance planning for providing needed essential services to existing properties and future development within Otsego consistent with the policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed site of the substation provides an ideal location to separate the use from existing residential uses while allowing screening to mature to ensure compatibility with future development. The proposed electric substation use meets the performance standards for essential services established by the Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions as set forth below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Preliminary Plat for Wright-Hennepin MacIver Substation, subject to the following conditions: 1. The site and building shall be developed in accordance with the plans on file with the City as provided for by Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance and the conditions set forth herein. 2. Right-of-way dedication for MacIver Avenue shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Right-of-way dedication for 95th Street (CSAH 39) shall be subject to review by the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. 4. Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association shall execute an encroachment agreement with the City for access, construction, maintenance, and removal of a private driveway within the MacIver Avenue right-of-way. 5. All exterior lighting shall comply with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 9 7. The landscaping plan planting schedule shall be revised to specify the deciduous trees to be eight feet in height as required by Section 11-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. All plants shown on the landscape plan shall be maintained to be alive and in satisfactory health or be replaced by the property owner. 9. All grading and stormwater management issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association shall execute a development contract as provided for by Section 10-10-5 of the Subdivision Ordinance and Section 11-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance as determined necessary by City staff and subject to approval of the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map 921 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels PRELIMINARY PLANS FORMACIVER SUBSTATIONOTSEGO, MNOCTOBER, 2023Feet0 2000 4000CITY:City of Otsego13400 90th St NEOtsego, MN 55330Ph: 763.441.4414Ron Wagner, City Engineer (HAA)Ph: 763.852.0478ronw@haa-inc.comCOUNTY:Wright County3650 Braddock Ave NEBuffalo, MN 55313763.682.7383 (Highway Dept.)LEGEND:X.X%COCOC001COVERVICINITY MAPCONTACTSDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:53 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C001_Cover.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONINDEXNOTESPROJECT TITLEOWNER:Wright-Hennepin Cooperative ElectricAssociation6800 Electric DriveRockford, MN 55373Attn: Curtis CordtPh: 763.477.3000SURVEY:Meyer-Rohlin Land Services708 1st Avenue NE, #1Buffalo, MN 55313Attn: Abram Niemela, PLSPh: 763.682.1781CIVIL:Civil Methods, Inc.1551 Livingston Avenue, Ste. 104West St. Paul, MN 55118Attn: Dave Poggi, PEPh: 763.210.5713 DATESHEETSHEETSREVISIONSBOOKPAGEDRAWN BYFILE NO.OF708 1st Avenue NE, #1Ph. 763.682.1781 www.meyerrohlin.comBuffalo, MN 5531310/03/2023231881140137AAN12/06/2023 PRELIMINARY PLATMACIVER SUBSTATIONOFMeyer-RohlinLEGENDN:\Carlson Projects\23188 - WHE Maciver Substation\Proj Dwg\23188 Preliminary Plat.dwg LEGEND: C201SITE LAYOUTDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 1:04 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C201_Layout.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet050100 C401DRIVEWAY PROFILEDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:54 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C401_Street Profile.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet0 50 100 C501GRADING & DRAINAGEDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:54 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C501_Grading.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet03060LEGEND: X.X% LEGEND: X.X%C502GRADING & DRAINAGEDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:54 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C501_Grading.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet03060“” C601EROSION CONTROLDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:55 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C601_Erosion.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet03060LEGEND: C602EROSION CONTROLDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:55 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C601_Erosion.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet03060LEGEND: GENERAL PERMITAUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE STORMWATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY UNDER THENPDES/SDS PROGRAM (MNR100001):Feet0 2000 4000LEGENDHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE AHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE BHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE CHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE DLEGENDHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE AHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE BHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE CHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE DHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE BHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE CHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE A/DHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE B/DHYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP TYPE C/DC603SWPPPDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:55 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C603_SWPPP.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C701DETAILSDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:56 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C701_Details.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C702DETAILSDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:56 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C701_Details.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS WHEN ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL: N/AC801LANDSCAPING PLANDMPDESIGNED:LIC. NO.:DATE:DAVID M. POGGIDRAWN:CHECKED:DMPKEB44573I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREDBY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.12-11-2023CIVIL METHODS, INC.P.O. Box 28038St. Paul, MN 55128o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.comDATE / REVISION:SHEET NO:10-06-2023 Permit Review Set. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12/12/2023 12:56 PMPrint Date:File Loc:C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\23020_WHE Otsego Substation\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\Sheets\PRELIMINARY\C801_Landscaping.dwgMACIVER SUBSTATIONWRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVEOTSEGO, MN12-11-2023 Revised per City Comments. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFeet0 50 100