ITEM 3.3B OHPC 7.8.2014 MinutesITEM 3-313 Otsego Heritage Preservation Committee - July 8, 2014 CORRECT —ED Present: John IN11oll, Zonja Matushenko, Chris Wilson, Lisa, Fa,Jaey, Toni Seroshelc, Gail Anderson. Haywr Jessica Stockamp. Meeting called to order at 7,pm. fflnutes of the las-t meeting were approved. iV,edia mail - Chris had checked the USPS site for rates of what we would charge to rnall out any Otsego history books. Each book will, need to be weighed to come up with shipping costs. Ross can put the ordering information online so that consumers can order 'Lila books online. Otsego Farm Fam illes Letters - Gail put together the names of Otsego farming families located by ,Cornmissioners and forwarded it to Tami Doff at the City. Taml sent out the letters today. We are seeking small or midsize articles from Otsego farm families, plus pictures, to display at, C-je Otsego Praide Fest. Farmers or past farwirs are urged to leave their articles, fully labelled, with Ross or Connie who will place IL -hem in our OHPC office for safety. Zonga and Lisa added some more questions to the history quiz which is now running on the P""airie Center's continuous feed. Cori mr, issioners were very pleased with Vie results and offered minor editing. Commissioners should be alert to other questions we can generate. Due to a primary election happening on our regularly scheduled time in August, the nexct -.rneaNng will be held at igen m on Tuesday, August 19. Dist. 10 Schoolhouse/former City Hall — Per Jessica, no information has been received about CAER's possible interest in this building and the deadline for that feedback has recently expired. Other ideas were discussed. Book Revisions - Lisa knh*y is still typing In the Beginning but has a major portion done. Toni has digitized about haif of the pictures needed for that book. Re the Cemetery Book, John will check with Harlan Rask about more recent burials since the last cemetery book. Otsego Prairie Festival — Gall put together the names of Otsego farming families located by Commissioners and forwarded it to Tam! Doff at the City. Tam! sent out the letters today. We are seeking small or midsize articles from Otsego farm 'families, pWis pictures, to display at the Otsego Prairie Fest. Farmers or past farmers are urged to leave their articles, fully labelled, with Ross or Connie who will place them in our OHPC office for safety. Also Commissioners discussed having a contest around the question: Who used or bought the first motorized tractor in Otsego? We would like to get one old tractor displayed at the Prairie Fast to attract visitors. John Noll has heard that the Highway 39 was used for scheduled and legitimate drag races in the early 70s. It was tarred in 1968. John will do some research on this. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm. MEXT MEETIMG lS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 19, MOT JULY 12, AT 7 PM,. Gall Anderson, Recorder