Item 3.2 Wright County Comments for Costco An Equal Opportunity Employer – www.co.wright.mn.us/189/Highway Wright County Highway Department 3600 Braddock Ave NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone: (763)682-7383 Email: HwyAdmin@co.wright.mn.us CHAD HAUSMANN, P.E. Highway Engineer SARA BUERMANN, P.E. Assistant Hwy. Engineer CODY SEDBROOK, P.E. Traffic Engineer NATE HELGESON Maintenance Superintendent BRIAN JANS Shop Maintenance Superintendent JEREMY CARLSON, P.L.S. Right-of-Way Agent VACANT Accounting Mgr. – Hwy. VACANT Construction Engineer VACANT Design Engineer February 2, 2024 Adam Flaherty Otsego City Administrator 13400 – 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Preliminary Comments for Commercial Development, Costco, CR 137 Plat No. 24.## (Application not received) Dear Mr. Flaherty, Preliminary discussions have begun with a potential commercial development along Wright County Road (CR) 137 in Otsego. Wright County has not received a preliminary plat review application for this development. Wright County will have additional comments once the preliminary plat application is made to the Wright County Highway Department, prior to signing the plat, and as the project progresses to the permitting and construction phase. 1) CR 137 is a current and future Major Collector roadway with an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 11,137 (2022). Preliminary design plans proposed reconstructing the roadway as a 2-lane divided urban section, 10 ft Blvd. with separated multi use trail. Planning level capacity for a 2-lane divided urban roadway segment is 14,000-17,000 ADT. 2) A final traffic study will determine the scope of proposed improvements and roadway section carried to final design. 3) The Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) shows future volumes over 15,000 between I-94 and Maciver and assumed commercial development for this parcel. 4) The proposed right in/right out will not be allowed as it does not meet the county highway access spacing guidelines. The primary full access point is Maciver Avenue and the secondary access is Lymon Ave. The proposed highway improvements address the existing non- conforming access at 62nd St NE. It is not the desire of the highway department to introduce a new non-conforming access point to a newly reconstructed roadway. 5) In initial meetings, the developer relayed concern with internal left turning traffic at the T- intersection with the potential development of the proposed outlots. Rather than a right in/right out, traffic concerns related to the internal operations could be mitigated within the site by constructing a mini roundabout. This suggested improvement would have less site impacts than the proposed right in/right out and result in no decrease in parking. This option would alleviate the concern with heavy future lefts within the site and is a better option then non- conforming access spacing along the county highway that will contribute to congestion and driver confusion. 2 | Page Preliminary Comments for Commercial Development, Costco, CR 137 6) An access permit will be required for the Lymon Ave NE access. A right and left turn lane will be required. 7) A cooperative agreement between the City of Otsego & Wright County addressing issues related to the proposed highway improvements, must be in place & approved prior the Highway Department issuing any access and/or right-of-way permits for the above-mentioned development. 8) Right of way sufficient to accommodate the final roadway section as determined by the traffic study shall be dedicated as part of the plat. 9) The preliminary grading plan shows overland flow/drainage swales adjacent to CR 137. Storm water pipe will be required move to facilitate the drainage along the urbanized roadway and ensure the proper use of the drainage/utility/trail easement as well as minimize the right of way needed to be dedicated by the developer. 10) The proposed development drainage must not exceed existing drainage rates (i.e., the rate at which storm water is discharged from the site must not increase) into the county right-of-way. The city or project developer will need to verify that all existing drainage patters and system affecting Wright County Highway right-of-way will be perpetuated. Please contact us at 763-682-7383 if you have any questions or need further clarification. Sincerely, Sara C. Buermann, PE Wright County Assistant Highway Engineer Attachments: Wright County Access Spacing Guidelines Cc: Chad Hausmann, Wright County Highway Engineer Cody Sedbrook, Wright County Traffic Engineer D. Daniel Licht, Otsego City Planner Ron Wagner, Otsego City Engineer Future System Analysis 5-30 (1) Subject to Access Committee staff review (2) Any spacing deviations shall have a detailed traffic study completed by the requesting agency, and approved by the county engineer (3) Conditional secondary access is defined as right-in/out (with raised median) Table 5-12: Recommended Access Spacing Guidelines MnDOT Access Spacing Guidelines Functional Class Category Area or Facility Type (1) Typical Functional Class Intersection Spacing (2) Signal Spacing Private Access Primary Full Movement Intersection Conditional Secondary Intersection (3) 1 High Priority Interregional Corridors 1F Freeway Principal Arterials Interchange Access Only 1A-F Full Grade Separation Interchange Access Only 1A Rural, Exurban & Bypass 1 Mile 1/2 Mile Interim Only By Deviation Only By Deviation Only 2 Medium Priority Interregional Corridors 2A-F Full Grade Separation Principal Arterials Interchange Access Only 2A Rural, Exurban & Bypass 1 Mile 1/2 Mile STRONGLY DISCOURAGED By Deviation Only By Exception or Deviation Only 2B Urban Urbanizing 1/2 Mile 1/4 Mile STRONGLY DISCOURAGED By Deviation Only By Exception or Deviation Only 2C Urban Core 300 - 600 feet dependent upon block length 1/4 Mile Permitted Subject to Conditions 3 High Priority Regional Corridors Access Category Not Applicable for Study Area Wright County Access Spacing Guidelines 4 Principal Arterials in Primary Trade centers Access Category Not Applicable for Study Area 5 Minor Arterials 5A Rural/Urban Mobility Corridor Minor Arterials 1/2 Mile 1/4 Mile 1/2 Mile Permitted Subject to Conditions 5B Urbanizing Arterial 1/4 Mile 1/8 Mile 1/4 Mile By Exception or Deviation Only 5C Urban Core Arterial 300 - 600 feet dependent upon block length 1/4 Mile Permitted Subject to Conditions 6 Collectors 6A Rural Collector Collectors 1/2 Mile 1/4 Mile 1/2 Mile Permitted Subject to Conditions 6B1 Rural/Urbanizing Collector 1/4 Mile 1/8 Mile 1/4 Mile 6B2 Local Collector 1/8 Mile NA 1/4 Mile 6C Urban Core Collector 300 - 600 feet dependent upon block length 1/8 Mile 7 Specific Access Plan 7 All All By Adopted Plan