Costco_Holen_email_5Feb241 D. DANIEL LICHT From:allison holen <abstractally@msn.com> Sent:Monday, February 5, 2024 7:01 PM To:D. DANIEL LICHT Subject:Costco and my neighborhood I am choosing to not go to the public hearing. I am very worked up over Costco. You see I live at 6171 maclynn Ave. The costco would literally be across the street. Let me ask you if you were sitting outside, would you enjoy a nice view of Costco? Would you like the lights of Costco coming through your child's window in the evening? I highly doubt it. When we moved here I figured yeah something will be in that lot someday. Wether a neighborhood or some sort of smaller business not a Costco. I'm also very concerned about the increase traffic. It's already a hard spot to get in and out of. If I am taking a left onto maciver from marlowe it's almost a blind intersection and cars from the north just whip around. And assuming that there will be a possible entrance there too will make traffic worse for a neighborhood area. I personally just don't think Costco makes sense right there. Maybe on the other side of Otsego by the mall or over off of 101. I know many people want a Costco but I dare them to think. How would they enjoy a view of a Costco from their backyard. My husband has even looked at other Costco's to see if any of them were in a "neighborhood" setting and there is only one. And if I'm correct it was apartments across from it. So please try to come up with another area for Costco. If the plan does go through please consider putting up a sound wall to maybe help prevent extra sound and light from the area so it can still feel like living in a neighborhood vs living in a Costco parking lot. Thank you for your time Allison Holen-Zellmer