August 11, 2014
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jason Warehime, Tom
Darkenwald and Doug Schroeder
Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director; Daniel
Licht, City Planner and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing.
1. 2015 Budget.
City Administrator Johnson briefly reviewed the August 4 budget work session and stated that
the Public Safety, Planning, HPC and Building Safety budgets would be discussed tonight.
City Administrator Johnson stated that the Police contract is a signed contract and is up 3.2%
from last year, just under $30,000. The need to increase patrol hours has no yet been
identified. No changes were requested by Council.
City Administrator Johnson stated that the Public Safety Commission has a budget of $1,350,
same as last year. The Council concurred.
City Administrator Johnson stated that the City of Albertville is considering a full time Fire
Chief position at their August 18 City Council meeting. She noted that if the Albertville Fire Chief
position goes through, the chief should be able to assist with emergency management functions
in Otsego. She stated that Rogers had been notified of the City's desire to update the fire
contract and renegotiate the payment calculation method and amount. Administrative Services
Director Jordet is compiling the parcel count and values in each fire district from the data
supplied by Wright County. The Council concurred with the budget.
City Administrator Johnson said that the budget for Animal Control has not changed. The
Council concurred at this time.
City Administrator Johnson reviewed the Planning Commission budget. Dan Licht, City Planner
stated he requested $65,000 for TPC to perform City related planning services in 2015; code
enforcement costs are listed under the building department budget. The Council suggested
that planning commission members are encouraged to attend training and suggested increasing
the training budget. Staff will adjust the budget after reviewing the cost of available training
City Administrator Johnson reviewed the building department budget. Dan Licht estimated
Metro West contract hours based on current activity and budgeted for hours per week. City
Services Director Jordet gave an update on vehicle replacement costs noting that no
replacement is needed at this time. The Council had no changes at this time.
City Administrator Johnson stated the Heritage Preservation Commission budget is the same as
last year. It will be included in the Planning budget when the final budget is adopted. The
Council concurred with the budget at this time.
City Administrator Johnson reviewed the IT budget. Staff and Council both expressed concern
about backup arrangements for IT services and emergencies. Options for providing such service
were discussed with no clear conclusions drawn. Administrative Services Director Jordet said
that $41,900 is budgeted for IT contractual services assuming all Softronics invoices are
receipted to that account. CM Heidner would like to see more detail on the breakdown of IT
costs between labor, materials, software and software maintenance costs. Administrative
Services Director Jordet will separate those costs and bring a report and budget plan to a future
budget meeting.
City Administrator Johnson gave an update on the GIS system project. Proposals have been
received and evaluated from Hakanson Anderson/Precision Ventures and from Bolton and Menk.
City Administrator Johnson discussed advantages and drawbacks of each system and the
reactions of the participants in the discussions. Following discussion it was concluded by
consensus that the Hakanson Anderson/Precision Ventures proposal should be pursued further
and final proposals should be developed for Council action.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor.
Adjourned at 8:25 PM.
ATTEST: Jyy"G'—�' i" %
Tami Loff, City Clerk
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser
Mayor Jessica Stockamp