Item 3.2 Well No.43601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 15 February 2024 RE: Otsego – Utilities; Well House #4 TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND The City of Otsego is proposing to expand the water utility facilities at Well House #4 to include water treatment components. The expansion of the utility building requires consideration of a Condition Use Permit for a government utility building within the INS District. A Conditional Use Permit is also needed for variance from the front setback requirements from 90th Street. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on TUESDAY, 20 February 2024 at 7:00PM. Exhibits: Site Location Map Site Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan establishes that water utilities are to be provided for the purposes of accommodating anticipated growth with a compact, urban form with staged expansion polices to manage development, provide for a balance of residential use types, and increase commercial and industrial development. The City has adopted a Water System Management Plan to facilitate long-range development of utility infrastructure to meet the service needs of existing and future users. The addition of water treatment facilities for the water system is being undertaken to improve water quality for all users. The expansion f Well House #4 with water treatment facilities is an essential service necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan policies in accordance with the Water System Master Plan. Item 3.2 2 Structure. The proposed facility expansion includes an addition onto the existing structure as well as installation of below-grade tanks with less than three feet visible. The south wall of the new building section will be moved 28 feet to the south and the new section of the building will move 12 feet to the east. The existing 1,280 square foot building will be expanded to 2,660 square feet. Zoning. The lot is zoned INS, Institutional District. Government utilities are allowed as a conditional use within the INS District as provided for by Section 11-90-6.G of the Zoning Ordinance. Expansion of the utility building requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Section 11-4-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Requirements. Section 11-90-7.A.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires uses within the INS District to have a minimum lot area of five acres unless reduced by Conditional Use Permit. There is no minimum lot width requirement within the INS District. Well House #4 and Well #10 are located on two lots with a combined area of 1.34 acres. Expansion of the Well House #4 building does not effect the area of the City properties. Setbacks. Section 11-90-7.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the utility structures be setback 30 feet from public rights-of-way and 50 feet from side or rear lot lines.  The proposed building is setback 98 feet from the Kadler Avenue right-of-way, 28 feet from the 90th Street right-of-way. Well House #4 and Well #10 are located on two lots with a combined area of 1.34 acres. Sections 11-36-1 and 11-90-6.K of the Zoning Ordinance allows for a variance from required setbacks for service facilities by approval of a Conditional Use Permit. A two foot encroachment at the southwest corner of the proposed into the required setback from 90th Street is necessary to incorporate the water treatment facilities within the Well House #4 building. It is not practical or efficient to design the proposed building to comply with the setback requirement. The variance from the setback requirement will not impact the functionality of 90th Street or cause compatibility issues with surrounding properties.  The proposed tanks located west of the expanded Well House #4 building are located mostly below grade. The tanks are setback 55 feet from the Kadler Avenue right-of-way and 10 feet from the 90th Street right-of-way. As the tanks will be less than three feet above grade, they are not subject to building setback requirements. The location of the tanks will not impact the functionality of 90th Street or cause compatibility issues with surrounding properties. 3 Exterior Materials. Section 11-17-4.F.2 of the Zoning Ordinance exempts City of Otsego public utility building from exterior finish requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The existing Well House #4 building is constructed with rock face block with a pitched roof having asphalt shingles. City staff will provide information regarding the building design at the Planning Commission meeting. Building Height. Section 11-90-8 of the Zoning Ordinance allows structures within the INS District to be up to 3 stories or 40 feet in height. The existing Well House #4 building is a single story structure that complies with the Zoning Ordinance. City staff will provide information regarding the height of the building expansion at the Planning Commission meeting. Access. Well House #4 and Well #10 are accessed via an existing driveway from 90th Street that is surfaced with asphalt and the City is adding surmountable curb as part of the project in compliance with Sections 11-21-7.C and 11-21-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit for expansion of Well House #4. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit for expansion of Well House #4. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map 230 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels Torrens 90TH ST NEKADLER AVE NE&/ &/ &/ &/ &/&/&/&/&/&/ &/ &/ &/&/&/&/&/ &/ &/&/&/&/&/&/&/66!66!66!66!66 !S/&& /&&///WELL HOUSE NO. 410000 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO MN 55362F.F.E. 100.00' = 939.15'RECLAIM TANKTOP EL: 942.00:::::::::12" DIP W M 12" DIP WM66!66!66 !66 !S66!S6'6'6'6'6'6'DD2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(2+(*******************77 777777777777777777 777777 8*(8*(8*(8*(8*(8*( 7 6'!!6'!! :::6'!!::::::66!66!66 !66 !66 !66 !66!66!66!66!66!66!: : : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::66!66!66!66 !66!66!66!66!66!66!66!66 !66!66!66!66!940939941942943944940939941942939939938940940939939941941940940939939941941940 940939939941 940938939941Scale in Feet015File: W:\O\Otsego\05409-2020-010\CAD Dwgs\01-Civil\Plan Sheets\CS-Restoration.dwgPlotted: By: Richard Marohl Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024File: W:\O\Otsego\05409-2020-010\CAD Dwgs\01-Civil\Plan Sheets\CS-Restoration.dwgPROJECT TITLE:PROJECT NO:DATE:ALT. PROJECT NO:SHEET DESIGNATOR: SHEET NO:CLIENT:SHEET TITLE:PREPARED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:SYMDATEAPPRSTATUS:Certification of Individual Project Design Disciplines AreIncluded On Their Individual Drawings, RespectivelyAdvanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC www.ae2s.comPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONOTSEGO WELLHOUSE NO. 4 WATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTSSITE PLAN RESTORATIONCITY OF OTSEGOOTSEGO, MINNESOTA05409-2020-010FEBRUARY 2024SWC106RFMTRFJTK60% PRELIMINARY DESIGNSEEDINGRESTORATIONCOORDINATE SYSTEM:MINNESOTA DOT: WRIGHT COUNTY,US SURVEY FOOT (NAD83)VERTICAL DATUM:NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICALDATUM OF 1929 (NGVD 29)HTRON&/&/&/&/&&/&&/&&/!66!66!!!!6/&&&&//&666!!!!:::::::666666!!!66666666!!!!6''''6''&/&/6'66DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD7777777777777777777777777777:&/&/&/&/&&//&&&&/&&:666666612" DIP WMWMDIW1D11DDDIDIWWWMWM6'66'666'6'6'666'7777777777DD94000000000400404040404040940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940DD"2"94094094094094094094094094949494949494942299999999838393399888888883838383838383838938938938938938938938938938938938938938938938938339389389389389389389389389389389393939393939939399999999999DIP DIP99999999993939393939393939939939939939939939939939939939939939393999993993993993993993993993999399399399399399399393939393939393999999999919411111111111414141414141941941941941941941941941941941149419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419494949494949494999999999977777777777777777766!!66!!!9399939339393399999999999939939999999996CONCRETETURF GRASSPRARIE MIX&/& &&/&/&/&/&/ &/ &/ &/&/&/&&/&/&& & & &/&/&///&&&& && &&&&&:::::::::::**8*(**(8*****::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :::::::00000000940999990040404040404040409409409409409409409409409409409409409409404494094094094094094094094094094094949494949494949499999999993993999999999993939393939393939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939939393939393939399999999411114149941111111141414141414141419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419494949494949494999999992424949422222222422424242424242942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942942949494949494949499999999934394333333334343434343434343943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943943949494949494949499999999444444494444444444444444444449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449449444444499999949494949494999999999940949999999999999999994949494949494949409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409404404040404040404040400000000000009399399999999999993939393939393939399399399399399399399399399399399399399399393939393939393939999999999999419419999999999999494949494949494949494194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194141414141414141411111111111119429999999999999494949494949494949494294294294294294294294294294294294294294242424242424242424242422222222222222294090440000000004040404040404040940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940940949444999494949494949999999900404409400000000004040404040409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409409494994949494999999999999399399999939393939393939399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399393939393939999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999399993939333333333399999999999939393939393939399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399399393939393939393999999999999941449111111414141414141414194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194194949494949499494999999999911111141491111141414141941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941941419499419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419419494949499999999004044040000000000004040940000940000940000000000009409409999999999999993999399999999999939939999999999999939399399999999999999399399999999991111111111111941941999999999999&/& &//&/&/&/&/&/ &/ &/ &/&/&/&&/&//&& & /&&&&&&&& /// :::40404099999&/&:::::::::::::::::12" DIP W M W 1212" DIP W M 11 2"DD I P WW M 12121 DIPI WMM 6'666'6666'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD77777777777777777777779409499499409409999999999999999411411111194194199999994099404409999999999940940000000000000 940999400000000094094099999999999993939999393999999999399399999999999999999399999999999999939939999999999999944441999999999999419411111111111 &/&04404004404099999LOW/NO MOWGRASSGRAVEL STOPROOF