02-05-24 Planning Commission Minutes OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER February 5, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order: Chair Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman, Vice Chair Aaron Stritesky; Commissioners, Charles Foster, Pam Black, Vern Heidner, Tracy Kincanon, and Laurie Jones* Also Present: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Councilmembers Ryan Dunlap, Tina Goede*, Jeff Dahl*, and Brittany Moores* Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Deputy Clerk Katie Kalland Attended via internet conference (*) 1. Announcements City Planner Licht noted the public hearing for the Kurtti Property/Tamarack Land Development was canceled and a Public Hearing Notice will be resent for the March 6 meeting. 2. Consider the Following Minutes 2.1 January 2, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the January 2, 2024 minutes as written. Commissioner Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 6-0. 3. Public Hearing Item: 3.1 Coborns Realty Group; Parkview Retail 4th Addition City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Tom Bruce, Rice Companies, was present and agreed with the planning report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m. No public comment was heard. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:12 p.m. Commissioner Foster asked when construction would start. Mr. Bruce answered they hope to be open for business in June. Chair Offerman asked about the location of the building and making it look nice from all four sides. City Planner Licht stated that the building has the required Grade A materials on all four MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION February 5, 2024 Page 2 of 5 elevations and the location will be visually screened with landscaping. Chair Offerman asked about the overhead door on the eastside of the site plan. City Planner Licht stated that it is a delivery door and not a loading dock. Vice Chair Stritesky suggested adding an overhang element to the door. Mr. Bruce stated he is willing to work with the City to add the additional architectural elements. Vice Chair Stritesky motioned to approve vacation of existing drainage and utility easements within Outlot C, Parkview Retail; approval of the Parkview Retail 4th Addition final plat; and approval of Site and Building Plans for Lot 1, Block 1, Parkview Retail 4th Addition, subject to 15 conditions listed on the January 30, 2024 planning report. Commissioner Kincanon seconded. Motion passed. 6-0. 3.2 Costco Whole Corporation; Zoning Map and Preliminary Plat City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Stephen Cross, Cross Engineering & Associates, applicant was present and agreed with the planning report. Michael Stratis, Costco Real Estate Consultant, gave a summary of Costco operations benefiting the City. Adam Burghdoff, Kittelson & Associates, gave a summary on the traffic and parking stall statistics for the proposed development. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:58 p.m. Jamy Hanson, 12165 66th Court NE, voiced opposition of the Costco store. She feels the location would be better suited for a business that just served the local area. She voiced concern for the traffic at the Marlowe/MacIver intersection. Brian Merkley, 7551 Ogren Avenue NE, welcomes Costco and stated he was in favor. Mr. Merkley asked about having bike stalls at the store. Dave Henderson, 6113 MacLynn Avenue NE, stated he is not opposed to having a Costco, but is concerned with the potential traffic at the Marlowe/MacIver intersection. Lance Eggert, 11579 50th Street NE, voiced concern with potential traffic. Mr. Eggert also asked if construction workers would be local. Deb Iverson, 9450 Odean Avenue NE, stated she is in favor of the Costco store, but has concerns with the parking at the store and with traffic at the Marlowe/MacIver intersection. MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION February 5, 2024 Page 3 of 5 Annette Lamb, 12184 66th Court NE, voiced concern of the potential traffic and feels this isn’t a good place to put a Costco. Tom Reiger, 14857 92nd Circle NE, is in favor for the Costco store and thinks it would be a great asset for the City. Mr. Reiger stated he does agree with the other statements regarding concerns about traffic. Brie Tillman, 6012 Marx Court NE, stated she has concerns with the potential back up traffic on I-94. Ms. Tillman also suggested lowering the speed limit on 60th Street (CR 137). Dale Zachman, 5563 McAllister Avenue NE, asked for an explanation of stormwater management plans. Deke Weinblatt, 6830 Marlowe Avenue NE, stated he is opposed to the Costco store because of traffic concerns on I-94, 60th Street (CR 137) and at MacIver Avenue/Marlowe Avenue. Mr. Weinblatt asked about the location of bald eagles in the area and what protections are in Statute. Mr. Weinblatt also asked about fire services. Marvin Valerius, 13701 70th Street NE, stated Wright County has jurisdiction on 60th Street (CR 137), not the City, and concerns about plans for roundabouts must be directed to County officials and staff. Eric Lamb, 12184 66th Court NE, stated Costco could bring a lot of opportunity to the City but has concerns over potential traffic. Abdou Majang, 7582 Lannon Avenue, stated (via internet conference) that he is in support of the Costco and would like the convenience of having one nearby. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 8:39 p.m. Chair Offerman asked City Planner Licht to address some of the questions from the public. City Planner stated this is the County Road 137 preliminary design for 2025 regardless of whether this project goes forward or not. He stated Wright County is anticipating and estimating the traffic projections for the existing properties and every undeveloped property in the area. Commissioner Heidner stated roundabouts have a significantly helped with traffic and are less expensive to maintain. City Planner Licht noted that the proposed parking stalls exceed the Zoning Ordinance requirements. MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION February 5, 2024 Page 4 of 5 City Planner Licht noted the store will open once road improvements are completed and that projects will be done parallel. City Planner Licht stated trail and pedestrian sidewalks are in the design plans along 60th Street (CR 137) as well as internal to the Costco site. City Planner Licht stated County Road 137 speed limits are set by Wright County and MacIver Avenue is set by the City and has been set to 40 mph, when by statue, it could be 55 mph. City Planner Licht stated this property is located in the Albertville fire services area and will transition to protect of the Otsego Fire Department. City Planner Licht said that the Otsego Emergency Services Director has reviewed the proposed development and approved the plans from a fire protection standpoint. City Planner Licht provided information showing the location of a bald eagle nest in the area next to the subject site and explained that under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act there are limitations on construction however; anything that is more than 660 feet away is not subject to those limitations. Mr. Licht said no approval is required for the proposed development. Mr. Stratis commented on the cleanliness standards of Costco. Mr. Cross noted they have construction general managers that work all over the country but they do source the labor force from the local area. Mr. Cross stated the storm water will be managed in accordance with local regulations so that there is no net increase of stormwater runoff from the subject site from current conditions. Commissioner Foster asked how Costco finds their customer base, and how much time a customer is in the store. Mr. Stratis answered they look at many things but one part is the home values of the area. He stated that the average shopper is in the store for over 45 minutes and the average trip for a family is 3 times a month. Chair Offerman asked about redevelopment around a Costco store. Mr. Stratis commented that Costco is halo store that creates stability within an area and other businesses want to be near a Costco. Commissioner Heidner clarified that this is not the approval of a Costco store but a way for Wright County and Costco to work together to figure out transportation needs. Vice Chair Stritesky motioned to approve the application of Costco Wholesale Corporation for a Zoning Map amendment; preliminary plat; Conditional Use Permit allowing proposed MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION February 5, 2024 Page 5 of 5 minimum lot width and shared access to public streets; and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements, subject to 13 conditions listed on the February 1, 2024 planning report. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. 5. Updates 5.1 Updates on City Council actions Mayor Stockamp updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 5.2 Updates on future Planning Commission Items City Planner Licht updated the Planning Commission on upcoming planning items. 6. Adjourn. Vice Chair Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Kincanon. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. Adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Katie Kalland, Deputy Clerk