Item 4.3 Les Schwab Tire Center3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 29 February 2024 60-DAY DATE: 17 March 2024 RE: Otsego – Les Schwab Tire Center TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Graham Engineering, LLC has submitted plans on behalf of Les Schwab Tire Center for development of a minor auto repair use on Lot 1, Block 28, Parrish Meadows, which is at the southwest corner of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street. The proposed use requires consideration of a Conditional Use Permit. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for 6 March 2024. Exhibits: Site Location Map Conditional Use Permit Drawings dated 02.26.2024 (8 sheets) Site Photometric Plan dated 02/26/2024 ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned B1, Retail Service District. Minor auto uses such as proposed for the subject site are allowed within the B-1 District subject to the performance standards established by Section 11-75-6.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Consideration of the Conditional Use Permit application is to be based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria established by Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: Item 4.3 2 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site commercial land use as part of the City’s primary retail, service, and office area within the community. The proposed minor auto repair expands serves businesses for local and regional patrons consistent with the intended land uses for this commercial area. The proposed use is consistent with the recommendations of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is located at what the PUD Design Guidelines identify as the gateway to the Great River Center of Otsego and access to the primary anchor tenant. The table below outlines the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial B1 District ALDI East Commercial PUD District Wings Financial Tires Plus South Commercial A1 District Farmstead West MHD Residential R6 District Townhouses The proposed minor auto repair use at this location expands service businesses within the City’s primary commercial area, as well as creates opportunity for business interchange with other uses in the area. Minor auto repair uses do have inherent characteristics such as noise and outdoor storage of vehicles that can affect compatibility with surrounding uses. It is therefore necessary through the Conditional Use Permit process to ensure that the proposed use will be compatible and complimentary to existing and planned land uses in the area by requiring conditions to mitigate potential negative effects of the use. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use will comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed by Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) via and 87th Street and Parkview Avenue. The Transportation Plan designates Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) as a minor arterial street and 87th Street and Parkview Avenue as local commercial streets. Future development in the area will provide connection of Parkview Avenue to 90th 3 Street (CSAH 39) and 85th Street further dispersing traffic in the area. respectively, designated by the Transportation Plan. The streets accessing the property have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is to be developed within the East Sewer District where the City has established infrastructure and service capacity necessary to support the proposed use. As a conditional use within the B-1 District, the decision to approve or deny an application is to be made based on compliance with the criteria and performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance. The City may impose such stipulations as it deems necessary to mitigate potential adverse impacts of a conditional use for a specific development proposal. If the development proposal complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and reasonable conditions can address potential adverse impacts of the conditional use, then the developer has an expectation that the City will approve the request. Operations. Section 11-75-6.F of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards intended to ensure that operation of a minor auto repair use is compatible with surrounding uses:  Hours. Section 11-75-6.F.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the hours of operation for minor auto repair uses to 7:00AM to 10:00PM unless otherwise extended by the City Council. City staff recommends this requirement be made a condition of approval.  Noise. Section 11-75-6.F.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that all repair activities be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. City staff recommends this condition be made a condition of approval.  Fire Code. Section 11-75-6.F.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that storage of all flammable materials, including liquids and rags conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota State Fire Code. City staff recommends this requirement be made a condition of approval, subject to review and approval of the Emergency Services Director.  Outdoor Storage. Section 11-75-6.F.5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired, and vehicle parts and accessory equipment be completely inside a principal or accessory building. City staff recommends a condition prohibiting overnight parking of any vehicles outside of the principal building or that the site plan designate specific areas where such parking is to be allowed. 4 Exterior Materials. The exterior materials used on the proposed building consist of 89 percent Custom Masonry Units in three colors and two surface textures. The reception area on the north and east elevations and overhead doors to the service bays on north elevation have large amounts of glass for visibility of activity within the building visible to Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street. There are also faux window shown on the south elevation. Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the exterior finish of the proposed building to be comprised of a minimum 65 percent Grade A materials, and not more than 35 percent Grade B materials, or not more than 10 percent Grade C materials. Grade A materials include Custom Masonry Units provided they have a brick-like appearance. The exterior materials used for the proposed building comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, but in general the elevations lack changes in materials, off-sets, or articulation to improve the aesthetics of the building. Building Height. Buildings constructed within the B1 District are limited to 35 feet in height by Section 11-75-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed building is a one-story structure with a height of approximately 27 feet measured to the midpoint of the shed roof as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. The height of the proposed building complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Requirements. There are no minimum lot area or width requirements for subdivision of lots within the GRC PUD District. Lot 1, Block 1 is 1.01 acres in area and is 184 feet in width as measured at the front setback line parallel to 87th Street. The necessary area and width of a specific lot is to be based on required setbacks and a functional site plan in terms of access and circulation. Setbacks. The following setbacks are required of the subject site based on the requirements of the B-1 District set forth in Section 11-75-7.C of the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan complies with these requirements. Parrish Ave (CSAH 42) 87th St. West North Parking ROW Interior 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 0ft. 15ft. 5ft. Vehicle Access. The subject site is accessed via a driveway to Parkview Avenue. The location of the driveway is aligned with the private driveway west of Parkview Avenue, which although the private driveway does not access Parkview Avenue, the location of the driveway to the subject site will minimize headlight glare cast direct at the residential dwellings on the west side of the street. The location of the driveway to the subject site is setback more than the minimum of 50 feet from the Parkview Avenue and 87th Street intersection required by Section 11-21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance. 5 Off-Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that automotive repair uses provide one off-street parking stall for each 200 square feet of net building area. The proposed principal building is 10,745 square feet in area thus requiring 49 off-street parking stalls. The site plan provides for 57 parking stalls, a surplus of eight off-street parking stalls. The off-street parking stalls are designed as nine feet wide by 20 feet deep that are accessed via 25 foot wide drive aisles, which complies with Section 11-21-7.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking area is shown to be surfaced with asphalt and concrete and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.C and D of the Zoning Ordinance. The construction specifications for the off-street parking area are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Pedestrians. There are existing concrete sidewalk along Parkview Avenue and 87th Street abutting the subject site. The developer will construct a 10 foot asphalt trail along the west side of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) abutting the subject site from 87th Street to the south lot line of the subject site. The site plan provides for a five foot wide concrete sidewalk to the trail on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) to allow for pedestrian access. The site plan is to be revised to provide a five foot wide sidewalk along the south side of the driveway access to Parkview Avenue to provide pedestrian access from that direction. Exterior Lighting. The design and location of exterior lighting within the subject site must comply with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. An exterior lighting plan, including photometric measurements, has been submitted. The intensity of the lighting measured at the property lines complies with the Zoning Ordinance except at a couple points where the allowed 0.4 foot-candles is exceeded by 0.1 foot-candles. We recommend that the exterior lighting plan be revised to ensure that light measured at the property line does not exceed 0.4 foot-candles in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. We also recommend that the location of the fixtures on the west portion of the site be adjusted such that light cast at the west property line measures 0.0 foot-candles to minimize potential impacts to the residential uses to the west. Street lighting is installed on Parkview Avenue in accordance with the City Code ensuring adequate light for traffic on the street or vehicles entering/exiting the subject site. The freestanding fixtures all use a 90 degree horizontal and are 25 feet in height as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The wall pack lighting shows two proposed fixtures, one of which does not have a full horizontal cut-off. Only wall lighting with a 90 degree horizontal shield will be allowed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the lighting plan must be revised to specific this change. 6 Waste Storage. The site plan illustrates an enclosure for trash and recycling container storage west of the principal building. The waste storage enclosure is shown being eight feet in height, but materials are not specified to verify compliance with Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance. The waste container storage enclosure is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Signs. Section 11-37-5.C of the Zoning Ordinance allows for the following signs to be placed on the subject site:  One freestanding sign not to exceed 100 square feet in area, a maximum height of 20 feet, and setback 10 feet from all property lines.  One freestanding sign not to exceed 64 square feet in area, a maximum height of 15 feet, and setback from all property lines to be located in the yard abutting Parkview Avenue.  Wall signs on two of the exterior elevations facing public streets with the area of individual signs not to exceed 100 square feet or the total area of all wall signs not to exceed 15 percent of the wall area of the two elevations facing public streets upon which the signs are mounted. The site plan illustrates a freestanding sign at the northeast corner of the lot to be visible from the Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street intersection. The sign is setback more than 10 feet from property lines as required by the Zoning Ordinance. No plans have been submitted for the free standing sign at this time, which will be required with application for a sign permit. The building elevation plans illustrate wall signs on the north, east and south elevations of the proposed building. The south elevation does not face a public street and a sign would not be allowed at this location by the Zoning Ordinance. The area of the proposed wall signs will be reviewed with an application for a sign permit. Installation of any signs upon the subject site requires issuance of a sign permit in accordance with Section 11-37-7.A of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Landscape Plan. An initial landscape plan had been submitted based on a previous site plan that located the principal building facing south in the northeast corner of the lot. Through discussions between the developer and City staff the location and orientation of the principal building was revised to the current site plan. The developer has not had an opportunity to submit a landscape plan reflecting the proposed site plan. City staff provided direction that the landscape plan is to be consistent with the type, sizes, and quantities of plantings installed on the ALDI site to the north, especially for the yard abutting Parkview Avenue to provide screening of the proposed use for the residential dwellings to the west. The proposed landscape plan is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7 Stormwater. The developer has submitted grading, erosion control, and stormwater management plans for the subject site. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. City sewer and water utilities are available at the subject site with all plans for connections to utilities subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will be required to pay Utility Availability Charges for the lot in accordance with the provisions of Title 8, Chapter 1 of the City Code at the time the PUD Development Stage Plan is approved. Utility Connection Charges for the proposed use will be required to be paid in accordance with the provisions of the City Code at the time a building permit is issued. SIPA. A Site Improvement Performance Agreement (SIPA) is required by Section 11-9-7 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide for construction of the project improvements within the subject site. The City Attorney will draft the required documents, which are subject to approval by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the Conditional Use Permit application. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Les Schwab Tire Center is an allowed use based on the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The propose development complies with the requirements for such uses as established by the Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Les Schwab Tire Center, subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject site shall be developed in accordance with the site and building plans submitted to the City subject to the stipulations, limitations, and conditions as approved by the City Council in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Operations: a. The allowed hours of operation shall be between 7:00AM to 10:00PM. b. All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building and overhead doors to the service bays shall be closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. c. Storage of all flammable materials, including liquids and rags shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota State Fire Code. 8 d. All vehicles shall be stored completely inside the principal building between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM except for a designated overnight parking stalls to be shown on the site plan, subject to approval of the City Council. 3. The construction specifications for the off-street parking area are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The site plan shall be revised to provide for a five-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the south side of the driveway access to Parkview Avenue, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 5. The exterior lighting plan shall be revised subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator to conform with the following: a. All exterior lighting fixtures shall have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off. b. The intensity of exterior lighting shall not exceed 0.4 foot-candles at the north, east, or south property lines. c. The intensity of exterior lighting shall not exceed 0.0 foot-candles at the west property line. 6. The exterior materials and design of the waste container enclosure shall comply with Section 11-18-4 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and shall require issuance of a sign permit subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. A landscape plan shall be submitted as required by Section 11-19-2 and Section 11-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance, which is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 9. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall pay Utility Availability Charges for the lot concurrent with approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan and execution of the Site Improvement Performance Agreement. 9 12. The developer shall pay applicable Utility Connection Charges for the proposed use at the time a building permit is issued. 13. The developer shall execute a Site Improvement Performance Agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the Conditional Use Permit application. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map 921 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels 27246NCONTACTSCITY OF OTSEGOOtsego Planning DepartmentContact: Dan LichtOtsego, MN 55330Phone: 612-991-2230Email: ddl@planning co.comCIVIL ENGINEERGraham Engineering LLCContact: Zack Graham, PEBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406-624-2686Email: zack@grahameng.comLAND SURVEYORStantec, Inc.Steven L. Hough, PLSPlymouth, MN 55447Phone: 612-991-9989Email: steve.hough@stantec.comCONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRAWINGSPREPARED FORLES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER8690 PARKVIEW AVE NE, OTSEGO, MN 55330SHEET INDEXSHEET DISCRIPTIONC001 COVER SHEETC020 PHASE 1 E&SC PLANC021PHASE 2 E&SC PLANC022 E&SC DETAILSC100 SITE PLANC200 GRADING PLANL100* LANDSCAPE LAYOUT*L200*LANDSCAPE DETAILS*A2.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA2.2EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSE1* SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN*E2* SITE FIXTURE CUTS SHEETS*87TH ST NEPROJECT SITE85TH ST NEPARRISH AVE NE87TH ST NEGEOTECHNICALBraun IntertecContact: Charles Dickhut, PEBismarck, ND 58504Phone: 701-934-1618wdickhut@braunintertec.comLANDSCAPELand Design, IncContact: Pete Boyle, PLAWest Fargo, ND 58078Phone: 701-271-2108Email: pete.boyle@kjleng.comARCHITECTPSArchitects, LLPNathan Coombs, NCARBBoise, ID 83703Phone: 208-345-1462Email: nate_c@psarch.comVICINITY MAP(NOT TO SCALE)LOCATION MAP040SCALE IN FEET80DRAWING:Print Date: Copyright 2023, Graham Engineering LLC2/26/2024 3:03 PMC:\USERS\DENNYKIELY\DC\ACCDOCS\ZACK@GRAHAMENG.COM\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN\PROJECT FILES\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN_C001.DWGDRAWING NUMBER:Checked:Drawn:PROJECT NO:GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLCDATE DESCRIPTIONREVISIONSThis drawing and all related documents (including those on electronic media) were prepared by GRAHAMENGINEERING LLC, except as noted otherwise herein, as instruments of service, and shall remain the property ofGRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC. The information shown herein shall be used only by the client to whom the service arerendered and only for the purpose of constructing or installing the work as shown at the designated location and site.Any other use of said documents, including (without limitation) any reproduction or alteration, is strictly prohibited, andthe user shall hold harmless and indemnify GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC from all liabilities which may arise fromsuch unauthorized use. Such use hall cause the waiver of expressed or implied warranties and shall serve anyliabilities which may arise from construction, use or result of such unauthorized use or changes.ORIGINAL DATE:PERMIT DATE:IFC DATE:02.26.20242####_CLIENTST_NAMEOTSEGO, MN8690 PARKVIEW AVE NEDJKZWGC001LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERSCOVER SHEETPARKVIEW AVE NE PARRISH AVE NE PARKVIEW AVE NE*SHEETS TO BE SUBMITTED AT A LATER DATEPRELIMINARY -NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFORJURISDICTIONALREVIEW ONLY L=7.966, R=5.000'=091.2819S89° 51' 25.18"E403.568S36° 43' 37.18"E50.000S00° 08' 34.82"W188.411N89° 51' 31.79"W426.537N04° 47' 16.18"W92.643N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431DRAWING:Print Date: Copyright 2023, Graham Engineering LLC2/26/2024 8:51 AMC:\USERS\TONYRHODES\DC\ACCDOCS\ZACK@GRAHAMENG.COM\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN\PROJECT FILES\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN_C020.DWGDRAWING NUMBER:Checked:Drawn:PROJECT NO:GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLCDATE DESCRIPTIONREVISIONSThis drawing and all related documents (including those on electronic media) were prepared by GRAHAMENGINEERING LLC, except as noted otherwise herein, as instruments of service, and shall remain the property ofGRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC. The information shown herein shall be used only by the client to whom the service arerendered and only for the purpose of constructing or installing the work as shown at the designated location and site.Any other use of said documents, including (without limitation) any reproduction or alteration, is strictly prohibited, andthe user shall hold harmless and indemnify GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC from all liabilities which may arise fromsuch unauthorized use. Such use hall cause the waiver of expressed or implied warranties and shall serve anyliabilities which may arise from construction, use or result of such unauthorized use or changes.ORIGINAL DATE:PERMIT DATE:IFC DATE:02.26.202423013_LSMN_OTSEGOOTSEGO, MN8690 PARKVIEW AVE NETMRZWGC020LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERSPH1 E&SC PLAN030SCALE IN FEET60NPARRISH AVE NEPARKVIEW AVE NEUNDEVELOPEDPARCEL NUMBER:11836002801087TH STREETRESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000310RESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000280RESIDENTIALPARCELNUMBER:11836000024087TH LN NEPARCEL NUMBER:118360000120EXISTINGRETENTION PONDPARCEL NUMBER:118360000010EXISTINGAGRICULTURALPARCEL NUMBER:118500221301LEGENDLIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCEGENERAL FLOW PATHSTABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESOIL STOCKPILEMATERIALS HANDLING AREA-5.00%SLOPEINLET PROTECTIONLANDSCAPED AREACONCRETEASPHALTKEYNOTESSILT FENCE - SEE 1/C022CONCRETE WASHOUT - SEE 2/C022CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - SEE 3/C022123PRELIMINARY -NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFORJURISDICTIONALREVIEW ONLYRESTROOM AREAMATERIALS HANDLINGAND EQUIPMENTSTORAGE AREASOIL STOCKPILE.COVER OR STABILIZETRASH COLLECTIONAREA321 27246WL=7.966, R=5.000'=091.2819S89° 51' 25.18"E403.568S36° 43' 37.18"E50.000S00° 08' 34.82"W188.411N89° 51' 31.79"W426.537N04° 47' 16.18"W92.643N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431860861862863864865866867869868870871872873874875867868867868868867868867 866865866867867865DRAWING:Print Date: Copyright 2023, Graham Engineering LLC2/26/2024 10:11 AMC:\USERS\TONYRHODES\DC\ACCDOCS\ZACK@GRAHAMENG.COM\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN\PROJECT FILES\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN_C021.DWGDRAWING NUMBER:Checked:Drawn:PROJECT NO:GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLCDATE DESCRIPTIONREVISIONSThis drawing and all related documents (including those on electronic media) were prepared by GRAHAMENGINEERING LLC, except as noted otherwise herein, as instruments of service, and shall remain the property ofGRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC. The information shown herein shall be used only by the client to whom the service arerendered and only for the purpose of constructing or installing the work as shown at the designated location and site.Any other use of said documents, including (without limitation) any reproduction or alteration, is strictly prohibited, andthe user shall hold harmless and indemnify GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC from all liabilities which may arise fromsuch unauthorized use. Such use hall cause the waiver of expressed or implied warranties and shall serve anyliabilities which may arise from construction, use or result of such unauthorized use or changes.ORIGINAL DATE:PERMIT DATE:IFC DATE:02.26.202423013_LSMN_OTSEGOOTSEGO, MN8690 PARKVIEW AVE NETMRZWGC021LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERSPH2 E&SC PLAN030SCALE IN FEET60NPARRISH AVE NEPARKVIEW AVE NEUNDEVELOPEDPARCEL NUMBER:11836002801087TH STREETRESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000310RESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000280RESIDENTIALPARCELNUMBER:11836000024087TH LN NEPARCEL NUMBER:118360000120EXISTINGRETENTION PONDPARCEL NUMBER:118360000010EXISTINGAGRICULTURALPARCEL NUMBER:118500221301RESTROOM AREAMATERIALS HANDLINGAND EQUIPMENTSTORAGE AREASOIL STOCKPILE.COVER OR STABILIZETRASH COLLECTIONAREALEGENDLIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCE - SEE DETAIL 1/C022GENERAL FLOW PATHSTABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - SEE DETAIL 3/C022SOIL STOCKPILEMATERIALS HANDLING AREA-5.00%SLOPEINLET PROTECTION - SEE DETAIL 4/C022LANDSCAPED AREACONCRETEASPHALTKEYNOTESSILT FENCE - SEE 1/C022CONCRETE WASHOUT - SEE 2/C022CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - SEE 3/C022INLET PROTECTION - SEE 4/C02212343214PRELIMINARY -NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFORJURISDICTIONALREVIEW ONLY4 PRELIMINARY -NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFORJURISDICTIONALREVIEW ONLYSCALE: NTSSCALE: NTSSCALE: NTSSLOPE 2.5% MIN.SUMPLINED WITH10 MIL PLASTIC15' MIN.10' MIN.6" WASHED STONELIMITS OF 10 MILPLASTIC LININGSTRAW BALE(TYP.)LIMITS OF 10 MILPLASTIC LININGLIMITS OF 10 MIL PLASTIC LININGAASECTION A-ASLOPE 2.5% MIN.KEY IN REMOVABLE LINING6" WASHED STONE10 MIL PLASTIC LINING10 MIL PLASTIC LINING10 MIL PLASTIC LININGSTAKE (2X4, (2) PER BALE)STRAW BALE10 MIL PLASTICLINER24"MIN.ALTERNATE SECTIONSUMP10 MILPLASTIC LINING3/4" WASHED STONE8"8"8"ALL CONCRETETRUCKS SHALLWASHOUT HEREWASHOUT SIGNPLANNOTES:1. PIT IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED, DIKED, AND IMPERVIOUS CONTAINMENT TO PREVENT CONTACT BETWEEN CONCRETEWASH AND STORMWATER.2. WASH WATER SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO FLOW TO SURFACE WATER.3. FACILITY MUST HOLD SUFFICIENT VOLUME TO CONTAIN CONCRETE WASTE WITH A MINIMUM FREEBOARD OF 12".4. WASHOUT SHALL BE CLEANED OR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES CONSTRUCTED WHEN FACILITY IS 75% FULL, OR THERE ISLESS THAN 4" OF FREEBOARD FOR AN ABOVEGROUND FACILITY OR 12" OF FREEBOARD FOR A BELOWGRADE FACILITY.5. SAWCUT PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE, RESIDUE FROM SAWCUT & GRINDING TO BE DISPOSED OF IN THE PIT.6. CONCRETE WASHOUTS SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 100' FROM DRAINAGE WAYS, INLETS, & SURFACE WATERS.7. MANUFACTURED CONCRETE WASHOUT DEVICES MAY BE USED IF REMOVED FROM THE SITE WHEN 95% FULL CAPACITY.SCALE: NTSDRAWING:Print Date:Copyright 2024, Graham Engineering LLC2/26/2024 10:54 AMC:\USERS\DENNYKIELY\DC\ACCDOCS\ZACK@GRAHAMENG.COM\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN\PROJECT FILES\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN_C022.DWGDRAWING NUMBER:Checked:Drawn:PROJECT NO:GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLCDATE DESCRIPTIONREVISIONSThis drawing and all related documents (including those on electronic media) were prepared by GRAHAMENGINEERING LLC, except as noted otherwise herein, as instruments of service, and shall remain the property ofGRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC. The information shown herein shall be used only by the client to whom the service arerendered and only for the purpose of constructing or installing the work as shown at the designated location and site.Any other use of said documents, including (without limitation) any reproduction or alteration, is strictly prohibited, andthe user shall hold harmless and indemnify GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC from all liabilities which may arise fromsuch unauthorized use. Such use hall cause the waiver of expressed or implied warranties and shall serve anyliabilities which may arise from construction, use or result of such unauthorized use or changes.ORIGINAL DATE:PERMIT DATE:IFC DATE:2.26.202423013_LSMN_OTSEGOOTSEGO, MN8690 PARKVIEW AVE NEDJKZWGC022LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERSE&SC DETAILS L=7.966, R=5.000'=091.2819S89° 51' 25.18"E403.568S36° 43' 37.18"E50.000S00° 08' 34.82"W188.411N89° 51' 31.79"W426.537N04° 47' 16.18"W92.643N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431N01° 08' 19.95"W95.4312724UGE6GASGASUGEUGEUGEFOWDRAWING:Print Date: Copyright 2024, Graham Engineering LLC2/26/2024 3:31 PMC:\USERS\DENNYKIELY\DC\ACCDOCS\ZACK@GRAHAMENG.COM\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN\PROJECT FILES\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN_C100.DWGDRAWING NUMBER:Checked:Drawn:PROJECT NO:GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLCDATE DESCRIPTIONREVISIONSThis drawing and all related documents (including those on electronic media) were prepared by GRAHAMENGINEERING LLC, except as noted otherwise herein, as instruments of service, and shall remain the property ofGRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC. The information shown herein shall be used only by the client to whom the service arerendered and only for the purpose of constructing or installing the work as shown at the designated location and site.Any other use of said documents, including (without limitation) any reproduction or alteration, is strictly prohibited, andthe user shall hold harmless and indemnify GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC from all liabilities which may arise fromsuch unauthorized use. Such use hall cause the waiver of expressed or implied warranties and shall serve anyliabilities which may arise from construction, use or result of such unauthorized use or changes.ORIGINAL DATE:PERMIT DATE:IFC DATE:02.26.202423013_LSMN_OTSEGOOTSEGO, MN8690 PARKVIEW AVE NETMRZWGC100LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERSSITE PLANLEGENDLANDSCAPED AREACONCRETE PAVEMENT - SEE DETAIL 3/C400REGULAR DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT - SEE DETAIL 1/C400HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT - SEE DETAIL 2/C400SITE DATA BLOCK030SCALE IN FEET60NSCALE: 1" = 10'1C100EXISTING 10' DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTPARRISH AVE NEPARKVIEW AVE NEUNDEVELOPEDPARCEL NUMBER:11836002801087TH STREETRESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000310RESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000280RESIDENTIALPARCELNUMBER:11836000024087TH LN NEPARCEL NUMBER:118360000120EXISTINGRETENTION PONDPARCEL NUMBER:118360000010EXISTINGAGRICULTURALPARCEL NUMBER:118500221301KEYNOTES1.5" COPPER DOMESTIC SERVICE8" DUCTILE IRON FIRE SERVICEFIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONSTORM INLET. SEE C200.STORM MANHOLE. SEE C200.6" SDR 26 PVC SEWER SERVICE1,000 GALLON SAND OIL INTERCEPTORASPHALT TRAIL PAVEMENTTRANSFORMER PAD LOCATIONKEY KEEPER KEY DROP12345678BENCHTRASH RECEPTACLEADA STRIPINGBOLLARD (9)ADA PARKING SIGNNO PARKING SIGNCONCRETE PAVEMENTREGULAR DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTHEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT16' X 12' TRASH ENCLOSURE11121314151617918191020PROPOSEDPOLE SIGNPRELIMINARY -NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFORJURISDICTIONALREVIEW ONLY88.28'R15.00'43.17'R3.00'18.73'240.00'19.03'R3.00'6.06'R3.00'18.46'40.00'5.00'40.56'R15.00'90.43'4.00'R3.00'R3.00'34.00'10.00'17.00'R3.00'R25.00'12.00'R3.00'R3.00'12.00'17.00'25.00'23.00'38.63'243.67'267.69'42.00'75.71'45.00'5.00'58.67'20.00'15.00'40.00'25.00'20.00'(TYP)22.00'50.00'212.67'6.00'15.00'EXISTING 20.00' DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENT5.00'5.00'10.00'(TYP)10.00'(TYP)10111214161513171919181819392022.00'36.00'EXISTING 10' DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENT20.00'(TYP)10.00'(TYP)8PROPOSED 10'ASPHALT TRAILR10.00'R10.00'6.25'5.00'6.25'5.00'1261. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTYCOORDINATE SYSTEM RELATIVE TO THE NAV83(11) CONTROL ADJUSTMENT.2. ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS SHOWN HERON ARE ESTABLISHEDWITHGPS AND ARE RELATIVE TO THE NGV29 VERITCAL DATUM.PROPOSED 7'TRAIL EASEMENT75544PROPOSED 6'LANDSCAPE BLVDEXISTING FIRE HYDRANT55.79'17 STSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTWL=7.966, R=5.000'=091.2819S89° 51' 25.18"E403.568S36° 43' 37.18"E50.000S00° 08' 34.82"W188.411N04° 47' 16.18"W92.643N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431N01° 08' 19.95"W95.431-3.32%-1.30%-3.67%-0.82%-0.80%-2.36%-2.68%-0.53%-7.25%-18.22%-10.91%-11.25%-10.10%-3.28%865860861862863864859866867866865864868868869870871872865 870865860867.12 TBC867.23 TBC867.66 TBC867.74 TBC868.34 TBC868.34 TBC868.18 TBC868.17 TBC868.14 TBC868.12 TBC867.39 TBC867.31 TBC867.52 TBC868.26 TBC867.86 TBC867.86 TBC867.36 TBC867.26 TC867.59 TC867.59 TC867.37 TC867.05 TC867.35 TC867.35 TC867.35 TC867.65 TC867.23 TBC867.73 TBC866.81 TBC866.10 TBC868.40 TBC868.14 TBC867.70 TBC868.09 TBC867.65 TBC866.81 TC867.11 TBC867.16 TBC867.50 TBC867.52 TBC867.55 TBC867.60 TBC867.78 TBC867.47 TBC867.45 TBC867.19 TBC867.05 TBC867.29 TBC867.31 TBC867.22 TBC867.29 TBC867.24 TBC867.05 TBC867.86 TC867.41 TC867.41 TC867.41 TC865.27 TC864.65 TC864.66 TC865.27 TC865.27 TC865.27 TC867.41 TC867.86 TC867.38 TC-3.05%-3.00%-4.72%-6.04%-1.93%-2.44%-2.29%868.64 TBC866.62 TBC866.05 TBC866.05 TBC866.62 TBC865.96 FL867.17 TBC866.65 TBC866.64 TBC867.15 TBC866.62 FL867.53 TC MEG867.33 TA MEG867.07 TA MEG867.49 TC MEG864.13 TA864.08 TA864.59 TA864.83 TA864.48 TC MEG864.77 TC MEG867867867868867867868868867866865868868867866 N89° 51' 31.79"W426.537DRAWING:Print Date: Copyright 2024, Graham Engineering LLC2/26/2024 3:24 PMC:\USERS\DENNYKIELY\DC\ACCDOCS\ZACK@GRAHAMENG.COM\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN\PROJECT FILES\LES SCHWAB - OTSEGOMN_C200.DWGDRAWING NUMBER:Checked:Drawn:PROJECT NO:GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLCDATE DESCRIPTIONREVISIONSThis drawing and all related documents (including those on electronic media) were prepared by GRAHAMENGINEERING LLC, except as noted otherwise herein, as instruments of service, and shall remain the property ofGRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC. The information shown herein shall be used only by the client to whom the service arerendered and only for the purpose of constructing or installing the work as shown at the designated location and site.Any other use of said documents, including (without limitation) any reproduction or alteration, is strictly prohibited, andthe user shall hold harmless and indemnify GRAHAM ENGINEERING LLC from all liabilities which may arise fromsuch unauthorized use. Such use hall cause the waiver of expressed or implied warranties and shall serve anyliabilities which may arise from construction, use or result of such unauthorized use or changes.ORIGINAL DATE:PERMIT DATE:IFC DATE:02.26.202423013_LSMN_OTSEGOOTSEGO, MN8690 PARKVIEW AVE NETMRZWGC200LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERSGRADING PLAN030SCALE IN FEET60NEXISTING 10' DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTEXISTING 10' DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTEXISTING 20' DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTPARRISH AVE NEPARKVIEW AVE NEUNDEVELOPEDPARCEL NUMBER:11836002801087TH STREETRESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000310RESIDENTIALPARCEL NUMBER:118360000280RESIDENTIALPARCELNUMBER:11836000024087TH LN NEPARCEL NUMBER:118360000120EXISTINGRETENTION PONDPARCEL NUMBER:118360000010EXISTINGAGRICULTURALPARCEL NUMBER:118500221301CONSTRUCTION NOTES1. SITE GRADING SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL THE SWPPP HAS BEENIMPLEMENTED.2. ALL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SHALL PROCEED IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECTBY BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION DATED OCTOBER 24, 2023.3. NO MATERIAL SHALL BE EXCAVATED, MOVED, OR COMPACTEDWITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF AUTHORIZATION OF THE OWNER'SREPRESENTATIVE.4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY EXISTINGCONDITIONS AND LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TOCOMMENCING EARTH MOVING OPERATIONS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OFANY UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS.5. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, SIGNS ANDEXISTING STRUCTURES AND REPAIR BACK TO ORIGINAL CONDITIONIF DAMAGE HAS OCCURRED DURING CONSTRUCTION.6. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES.7. GRADES SHOWN REPRESENT FINISH GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED.8. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT WITH THELATEST STANDARDS OF OSHA DIRECTIVE OR ANY OTHER AGENCYHAVING JURISDICTION FOR EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING.9. THE EARTHWORK FOR ALL BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND SLABSSHALL BE IN ACCORDIANCE WITH BUILDING PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS.10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CALL 1-800-424-5555 (OR 811)AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO ANY EARTH DISTURBINGACTIVITIES OR UTILITY EXCAVATIONS.11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF THE TOP 6" OFSOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT AS WELLAS ANY HYDROCARBON STAINED SOIL BELOW THAT ELEVATION.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION TOLES SCHWAB FOR THE FINAL DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL.LEGENDSPOT SLOPEPROP. MAJOR CONTOUR - 5' INTERVALPROP. MINOR CONTOUR - 1' INTERVALEX. MAJOR CONTOUR - 5' INTERVALEX. MINOR CONTOUR - 1' INTERVALBREAKLINEELEVATION - TOP OF CONCRETEELEVATION - TOP BACK OF CURBELEVATION - SURFACE RIMELEVATION - MATCH EXISTING GRADEELEVATION - FLOWLINE2.00%193519345966.19 TBCSPOT GRADEFEATUREINDICATORSPOT GRADE193519345966.19 TC5966.19 TBC5966.19 RIM5966.19 MEG5966.19 FLKEYNOTES1234567STORMWATER DROP MANHOLERIM: 866.534'N INV EL IN (12"): 862.533'S INV EL OUT (12"): 862.400'STORMWATER DROP MANHOLERIM: 867.00'N INV EL IN (12"): 862.873'W INV EL IN (12"): 863.870'S INV EL OUT (12"): 862.750'TYPE 2 CURB INLETRIM: 865.601'S INV EL OUT (12"): 862.600'TYPE 2 AREA INLETRIM: 865.958'E INV EL OUT (12"): 863.600'6" STORMWATER CLEANOUT4" ROOF DOWNSPOUNT (TYP 4)15" HDPE STORM PIPE @ 0.5%(77.80 LF)15" HDPE STORM PIPE @0.5% (64.17 LF)15" HDPE STORM PIPE @ 1.20% (59.25 LF)12" HDPE STORM PIPE @ 1.07% (172.18 LF)12" HDPE STORM PIPE @ 0.5% (10.00 LF)12" HDPE STORM PIPE @ 1.75% (133.70 LF)3' VALLEY GUTTER @ 0.5%5' CURB CUT1PRELIMINARY -NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFORJURISDICTIONALREVIEW ONLY268910789101112LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER10,745 SF867.746 FFE341112131414141. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTYCOORDINATE SYSTEM RELATIVE TO THE NAV83(11) CONTROL ADJUSTMENT.2. ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS SHOWN HERON ARE ESTABLISHEDWITHGPS AND ARE RELATIVE TO THE NGV29 VERITCAL DATUM.5EX. CURB INLET RECEIVINGBASIN 5OS RUNOFFRIM: 863.35'INV EL IN (15" N): 859.42'INV EL OUT (15" SE): 859.42'EX. CURB INLET RECEIVINGBASIN 6OS RUNOFFRIM: 863.35'INV EL IN (15" N): 859.42'INV EL OUT (15" SE): 859.42'EX. 15" RCP STORM PIPESEE EXH 1.1 & 1.2 FORCAPACITYEX. 36" RCP STORM PIPESEE EXH 2.1 & 2.2 FORCAPACITY100-YR EVENTHIGH WATER LINEEL: 864.51'13C.O. 0$7(5,$//(*(1'%/.%/.%/.636)(3635)%$6$/,7(&0863/,7)$&( &+$5&2$/ %$6$/,7(&08*5281')$&( :+,7( %$6$/,7(&0863/,7)$&( ,1&$5(' 62)),73$1(/3$&&/$')/86+62/,':39'):22'*5$,1),1,6+ &233(5 6,7()851,6+,1*6,1'$5.%521=(75$6+5(&(37,&/($1'%(1&+3$,17$1'2535(),1,6+('0(7$/ 0$7&+.$:1((5'$5.%521=( 62)),73$1(/3$&&/$')/86+62/,':39'):22'*5$,1),1,6+ &233(5 67$1'6($00(7$/522),1*'$5.%521=(+25,=217$/6/$767((/)(1&,1*&2/25'$5.%521=(*5281')/225 *5281')/225 /2:(5&08&+$1*( 833(5&08&+$1*( 72+,*+522) 7229(5+($''225 723$5$3(7 %/.%/.63(3(3(3(3(3%/.%/.%/.%/. 723$5$3(763*5281')/225 *5281')/225 /2:(5&08&+$1*( 833(5&08&+$1*( 72/2::$// 72+,*+522) %/.%/.%/.%/.(36)(3%/.0$7(5,$/3(5&(17$*()5217(/(9$7,21727$/$5($*5$'($ &08 */$=,1*'22566)0$7(5,$/3(5&(17$*(6+2:5220(/(9$7,21727$/$5($*5$'($ &08 */$=,1*6)5(9,6,21630(;7(5,25(/(9$7,216$‹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‹_$//5,*+765(6(59('352726(74'(6,*1('%<_1&'5$:1%<_'0/(66&+:$%7,5(&(17(5 276(*201%$<5+/,1($56725( 352727<3(43$5.9,(:$9(1(276(*201_3URMHFW_352-(&7_  5($5(/(9$7,21  /2$',1*(/(9$7,21  75$6+(1&/2685()5217(/(9$7,21  75$6+(1&/2685(5($5(/(9$7,21  75$6+(1&/2685(/()7(/(9$7,21  75$6+(1&/2685(5,*+7(/(9$7,213(563(&7,9( I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature:___________________Typed or Printed Name:_Bruno Loza_______Date:______________ License Number:____62048____//_________________________________________________________________________________tdNB I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature:___________________Typed or Printed Name:_Bruno Loza_______Date:______________ License Number:____62048____//____________________________________________________________________tdNB