Item 5.1 12-12-23 OHPC Meeting minutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER December 12, 2023 7:00 PM Call to Order. This mee1ng was called to order at 6:52 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek; Commissioners: Chris Wilson, Kathleen Beaudry, Brooke Nault, and Tami S1nski; City Council: CM BriGany Moores; Otsego resident: Kelly Kiffmeyer. 1.Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner SAnski to approve the agenda as wriKen, seconded by Commissioner Beaudry. All in favor. MoAon carried 5-0. 2.Consider the following minutes: 2.1 November 14, 2023. Commissioner Wilson - spelling update needed to Welter and LeFebvre. Commissioner Wilson moAoned to approve the minutes as wriKen, seconded by Commissioner SAnski. All in favor. MoAon carried 5-0. 3.Guardian Angels Interviews: Commissioners Wilson and S1nski went to Guardian Angels on 12/11. While they did speak with a few residents, none had grown up in Otsego. Jane Holton, who is in her 90s, grew up in Elk River. She bought OHPC books at Kemper’s and recalled the 1965 flood in Otsego, in which she helped organize food for those who helped stacking sand bags. Jane can be reached at 441-2755. Jane men1oned the possibility of having a presenta1on in the chapel at Guardian Angels. Commissioner Wilson wondered if a high school student would be willing to help with a media presenta1on for class credit. Another idea from Commissioner Wilson is to have a tour of the old buildings that are s1ll around in Otsego for Guardian Angels residents. Commissioner Seroshek wondered if Ron Black would be up for driving bus if the tour happens. Commissioner S1nski gave Cassandra at Guardian Angels a write-up to include in their next newsleGer for residents to share their stories of Otsego’s history. Cassandra requested the OHPC or Otsego logo to include in their newsleGer. Commissioner S1nski will follow-up with Cassandra aber the newsleGer goes out early January. Commissioner Nault will contact Elk River, Albertville and St. Michael Guardian Angels loca1ons to see if any residents grew up in Otsego and are willing to share their stories. Item 5.1 4. Round Barn Sign: Commissioner Seroshek proposed correc1ons that will be emailed to Dan & Kim for final approval. 5. Other Project Updates: Commissioners Wilson and Seroshek men1oned poten1al Otsego residents to contact for histories to include: Elaine Edge, Paula Coon, Sally Ebner and Sandy Lindenfelser. Commissioner S1nski will reach out to Dan (the city planner) on recent Otsego history. Otsego resident Kelly Kiffmeyer is interested in applying to the OHPC. The next OHPC mee1ng is set for Tuesday, March 12th 2024. 6. Updates from Council and Commission: Capital improvement did not pass. Levy (for new city hall) was not approved. Property taxes are decreasing. Carrick’s landing sign will soon be in it’s righjul place. Ashwood Park: meet with Parks & Rec in January. Poten1al Park Names: Wonder Woods; Birchwood Nature Center; Big Woods Nature & Wonder Trail; Big Woods Nature Trail 7. Adjourn. Commissioner SAnski moAoned to adjourn the meeAng at 7:47PM, seconded by Commissioner Nault. All in favor. MoAon carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Nault.