03-12-24 OHPC AGENDA SPECIAL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, March 14, 2024 7:00 PM Lily Pond Conference Room at City Hall 1. Call to Order 2. Announcements and Introductions 3. Annual Business: 3.1 Election of 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary 4. Consider Agenda Approval 5. Consider approval of meeting minutes 5.1 December 12, 2023 6. Discuss the move; storage bins and their contents; cabinets in Prairie Center 7. Initiative Foundation 8. Interview Agreement Forms 8.1 Carol James 8.2 Swenson Farm 8.3 Guardian Angels 8.4 Other ideas 9. Round Barn PowerPoint 10. Naming of Ashwood Park 11. Updates: 11.1 Council updates 11.2 Heritage Preservation commission updates 12. Adjournment Note: On occasion, there may be a quorum of the City Council in attendance for the purpose of observation and receiving information.