ORD 94-14ORDINANCE NO. 94-14 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT9 NIIN]NESOTA AN AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE ADDRESSING INFORMATION SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR SKETCH PLAN, PRELIMINARY PLAT, AND FIVAL PLAT SUBDIVISION REQUESTS. Section 1. Section 21-3-1 of the Otsego City Code (pre - application meeting filing procedures) is hereby amended to read as follows: 21-3-1: PRE -APPLICATION MEETING: Prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat, the applicant shall meet with the proper City officials in order to be made aware of all applicable ordinances, regulations and plans in the area to be subdivided. At such time or at subsequent meetings, the applicant shall submit four (4) large scale copies and one (1) reduced scale (S 1/2" x 1111) copy of a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision to include future phases and an estimated time table for development. In cases when the sketch plan is referred to the Planning Commission and City Council, the applicant shall submit five (5) large scale and thirteen (13) reduced scale (not less than 11" x 1711) copies of the sketch plan. If, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, reduced scale drawings (11" x 1711) are determined to be illegible, the submission of larger scale materials shall be required. The scale of such materials shall be the minimum necessary to ensure legibility. The plan shall show the proposed layout of streets to include adjacent or connecting streets, lots, proposed playgrounds and parks, unique land characteristics, general topography, 100-year flood contour line, major drainage patterns, and demonstrate that the proposed subdivision has shown consideration to the adjacent land uses and community facilities that would serve it. Additional written data shall include approximate number of lots, typical lot width and depth, and what zoning changes would be required. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to refer the sketch plan to the Planning Commission and/or City Council for review and informal comment. Section 2. Section 21-3-2.A of the Otsego City Code (preliminary plat filing procedures) is hereby amended to read as follows: 21-3-2: PRELIMINARY PLAT: A. After the pre -application meeting and following City review of the sketch plan, the applicant shall prepare a request for subdivision, as provided within this Chapter, and shall be filed with the City on an official application form. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as provided for by City Council Resolution. Such application shall also be accompanied by five (5) large scale copies and thirteen (3) reduced scale (not less than 11" x 1711) copies of a preliminary plat and supportive information in conformity with requirements of this Chapter. If, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, reduced scale drawings (11" x 1711) are determined to be illegible, the submission of larger scale materials shall be required. The scale of such materials shall be the minimum necessary to ensure legibility. The request for subdivision shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible Planning Commission meeting occurring after fifteen (15) working days from the date of submission. Section 3. Section 21-3-3.D.1 of the Otsego City Code (final plat filing procedures) is hereby mended to read as follows: D. Review of a Final Plat: 1. Five (5) large thirteen (3) � 1711) copies of the applicant. Administrator, are determined larger scale scale of sucl scale copies of the final plat and educed scale (not less than 11" x the final plat shall be submitted by If, in the opinion of the Zoning reduced scale drawings (11" x 17") to be illegible, the submission of materials shall be required. The materials shall be the minimum necessary to ensure legibility. In the event that the final plat is referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation, additional large scale copies of the plat may be required. Upon receipt of a final plat, copies shall be referred to the City Council, appropriate City staff,and to all applicable utility companies, County, and State agencies. One copy, with Abstract of Title or Registered Property Certificate and opinion title shall be referred to the City Attorney. Section 4. Section 21-10-4.B.1 of the Otsego City Code (variance filing procedures) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Procedures: 1. Request for variances, as provided within this Section, shall be filed with the City on an official application form. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as provided for by City Council resolution. Such application shall also be accompanied by five (5) copies large scale and thirteen (13) reduced scale (not less than 11" x 1711) copies of detailed written and graphic materials fully explaining the proposed change, development, or use. If, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, reduced scale drawings (11" x 1711) are determined to be illegible, the submission of larger scale materials shall be required. The scale of such materials shall be the minimum necessary to ensure legibility. The request for variance shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible Planning Commission meeting occurring after fifteen (15) working days from the date of submission of the application. The request shall be considered as being officially submitted when all the information requirements are complied with. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately uYu" its passage and publication. APPROVED by the Otsego City Council this 10TH day of October ATTEST: BY: Perrault, City Cler CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Norman F. Freske, Mayor 09 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) e being duly sworn, on oath says theft he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspa- per known as The Elk River Star News, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable lawsas amended , . which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for i uc- cessive weeks, it was first published on Wednesday, the 1 day of �A r �,_ .L p , 19�, and was thereafter printed and published on every Wednesday to and including Wednesday, the day of , 19 ; and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me on this (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the o. )q above matter