04-09-24 OHPC AGENDA HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, April 9, 2024 7:00 PM Lily Pond Conference Room at City Hall 1. Call to Order 2. Announcements 3. Consider Agenda Approval 4. Consider approval of meeting minutes 4.1 March 12, 2024 5. More about the bins - #12 and #16 – need review/organization 6. Any update on interviews? 6.1 Carol James 6.2 Swenson Farm 6.3 Teachers Cooley 6.4 Living History 7. Naming of Ashwood Park 8. Updates: 8.1 Council updates 8.2 Heritage Preservation commission updates 9. May meeting 10. Adjournment Note: On occasion, there may be a quorum of the City Council in attendance for the purpose of observation and receiving information.