April 6, 2020 Email from Resident4/6/2020 Gmail - Questions for April 6th meeting concerning Riverwood Inn Bernadette Moriarty <bmrnoriarty@gmail.com> Questions for April 6th meeting concerning Riverwood Inn Bernadette Moriarty <bmmoriarty@gmail.com> Draft To: DDL@plann!ngco.com To Otsego City Council Re: Planning/development of Riverwood property From Bernadette Moriarty 10940 95th Street Otsego, Mn Questions for the City Council members: IF 6, 2020 at 6:15 PM 1) We see that a medical office is within the guidelines for a commercial property by "permitted use". However, when a person thinks of a medical office, they think of a dentist, chiropractor, etc. patients come, are seen by a doctor and then leave. How can we redefine a medical office from a daily patient office to a long-term treatment facility? How is this consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance as stated. 2) From the Wright County officer's letter, we see that he states the proposed facility would not over burden the city's resources, namely the police force. It seems that the officer is stating that since there is already crime at the Riverwood facility, it is ok to have another facility come in KNOWING that there will be crime coming with it. In fact, I believe there would be more crime in the surrounding areas due to these residents, who are addicted to using drugs/alcohol, as well as their friends, who would probably be visiting them on a routine basis, are more than likely also addicted to drugs. There is no containment or barrier to the surrounding public except two security guards. 3)What level of liability does North Star have if they fail to patrol/contain the residents who cause personal harm, damage to surrounding property, etc.? Do they have insurance which would be offered to the city and or victims to cover the increase of crime that WILL happen? Or will itjust be left up to the victims of the crime to deal with the residents that North Star treatment brings into the area? 4) It was stated that the traffic pattern would not increase as residents far the treatment facility would not typically have vehicles. Has this information actually been verified by the city or are we just taking North Star's word for this? Also, not only would employees of the facility be coming and going (how many is that again?), but also friends and family coming to visit up to 160 patients along with some of the residents coming and going with their vehicles? The traffic would indeed be greater than what it is now and the way the intersection is along with where the entrance to Riverwood is located would increase traffic accidents! 5) Directly to the south of the Riverwood location (across the street), a property is for sale and being advertised as a possible future home development. Has the city and the county contemplated how having a drug rehab facility would affect that property owners value and other surrounding existing property values in the amount they would decrease them by? The net loss of surrounding property taxes would be less than what would be gained from having North Star acquire the property. In addition, and more importantly the safety and well being of the general public would be. in jeopardy! 6) I and many other Otsego residents are asking the City Council to denied the application based on the finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Thank you for your consideration and service. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=d9e99f8acc&view=pt&search=drafts&permmsgid=msg-a%3Ar5845088727334999881&dsgt=1&simpl=%23msg-a.., 1/1