Urban Township Certification'' � � • � Wright County Courthouse -Buffalo, Minnesota 553I3 Phone: (6I2) 682-3900 Metro: 339-b88I 3une 27, 1983 Floyd Roden, Chairman Otsego Township Board 8337 LaBeaux Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Urban Township Certification Dear Chairman Roden: I hereby certify that the Town of.Otsego has therein platted portions in which there reside 1,200 or more people. I further certify that the Town of Otsego has complied with Chapter 368; Subd. 30 and such written notice is on file with the Wright County Auditor and the Secretary of State as a public record. SIGNED: - SEA L 0. J. Arl�n WRIGAT COUNTY AUDITOR cc: Jerome Perrault Otsego Township Clerk TOWN OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ADOPTING MINNESOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 368 The Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, does resolve as follows: 1, That the Town of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, does have within its boundaries platted land in which there reside 1,200 or more people. 2. That the Town shall exercise such of those special Town powers as provided for in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 368 as the Town Board from time to time shall deem expedient. 3. That pursuant to Minnesota Statute 368.01, Subdivision 30, the Town Clerk shall notify the Wright County Auditor that the Town of Otsego shall from time to time exercise the special powers granted in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 368 by filing with the said County Auditor a true and correct copy of these resolutions. Dated: Attest: Town Clerk -;41 Chairman of Town Board j�1�(� 1 0 T, ,1(1i1�'�� �11VDI'iiSO!\� G�IOWI�', Secretary �� State of the Slate of t1lirtne�ola, clo hereLy cer(.i�y thrtl, the anne.i"ed is a ftcll, tr�tc and t:orrec•1 phulocor�y t,f Certificate of Approval of a �pecia7 Law by governing Body of the Totrn of C+sego, in regard to Chapter 804, Lat��s 1967 as approved by a majorit�i vote at the meeting held on June 1 5, i 96', as f-i 1 ed i n this (lffi ce„ rr. the .�unte nl�l,cru:e n�'rr�rortt in !his o�%ice, nnrl oj'lhc tr�hofe !hereof. In '!'estimouy Whereof, 1 Wave kereunto set rrry lrartd oral affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in St. Paul, this 17th day �f PJovember /� cZ ZI G L "�� L C(�G SGCKE`I'AKY Uh S"l;l'1'L-' �,��: 7 t _ ;:: -- -.:,, �� �: 1 �*-� f �~�; �F�. _� + � r`7�v ter r �( �` w � � �, f' �. _ x _ r � �i �" � �_; ��, .a _ �_ ,, � :v r �% �� ! � � �, _�� - . .� _ ; �: -�, _�• 4;t �. per.; , -�. � �: - _�� � �r �- fa � .� r :. .� , �� � �' �' /�c �� - �„ �- ��-� �;� r % 'r r., �'� a.�� .- t.��� ,, - - o 777 ".it CU1'i:lin �.iJ�' ,. --- `.ul'li Ci �Iteturn this certificate with >y o^ re u'.,ltion of aPp;o:al to .;ecre'v.rr-, ate, 5j101, `attention Forrest i& l' `t, Asst. Sec. of State. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes) 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of TO TI[E SECRETARY OF S TE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAIE NOTICE' That llthe undersigned chief clerical officer of the r-; ,L (name of overnmental unit) ;t. Fein DOES i� RESY CERTIFY, that in complian e with the provisions of Laws, 1967, Chapter a04 — requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body ,of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the t _ y (desipa a eoverel a body) at a meeting duly held on the�_day of 19�,�by resolution did ap drove said Laws, 1967, Chapter 804 (If other than resolution, specify) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes; Noes Absent or not votin g ) and the following additional steps, if any) required by statute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. Signed: SEAL (Qificial desi/enation of olfi er t (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and fu:-1_sher' by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 64,5.021) if extraordinary majority is required by the special lain insert fraction or percent. aqe here. L_ L DEG l C I_ lwl," pt c_ W c�Jd 1674 1 Z SLSSION LAWS CHAPTER 804 11. P. No. 1730 [Not Coded] - _-- An act relating to towns in lyright corm!}; conferri;rg certain village powers on these towns. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. \Yrit;tlt counly;Cotisns; iitt:�ge pourers. Each town in the county of \Vright, name yI ;"iTlbion, Bulralo Chatham, Cokato,,�Qgrj_M�,. Clearwater, Frankrort, "171iFI-ii i rcr. h Lake, Maple Lake, Marysville, Middlevillc, I`'lonticello' Otscro, Rockford, Silver Creek, Southside, Stockholm, Victor, and Woodland, shill bave and 'may exercises in addition to all other powers now or here- 00 conferrcd upon it µhy gcneral'or spcctal iiw; itic sam"-" c liowcr _ .___ and tIic slme authority now possessed v�lla'gcs__undc r (lie T rws of this state to acquire, owe =1pen, and tividcn any street or road in a tatted area or subilivrsron in the town -,and to ini o c �tlic e , cnn_ strucuon, reconstruction ' h malntainyLg. Cj)s, and Vchtclpa)rk1-ijEslrnps ,of an_y-,in;,terial or by gra-ding,. giavchng, oiL'n or paving the same, and. -the authority to levy special assess- nien[s therefor zl�y_ tlrc._proc d-ttrc��c�qui in Minnesota-St;itutes ha 9 The town board of supervisors thereof sfialM deemed a eoe-ncH as defined in section 429.011, subdivision 3, of such chapter. Sec. 2. This. act shall become c(Tcciivc as to c:,ch town named in section 1 upon its approval. by a majority of tl,c town board of supervisors of such town, and upon conipliance with Min- nesota Statutes, Section 6456021a Approved May 24, 1967.