2024 Ordinance Index2024 ORDINANCE INDEX Ordinance Title City Council Approved Summary 2024-01 An Ordinance Amending the City Code Regarding the 2024 Fee Schedule 1/8/2024 yes 2024-02 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning ordinance of the City of Otsego to Provide for a Chane in Zoning Classification for Land Included within the Preliminary Plat of Maciver Substation 1/22/2024 no 2024-03 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordicnance of the City of Otsego to Provide for a Change in Zoning Classification for Land Included Within the Costco Preliminary Plat 2/26/2024 no 2024-04 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordicnance of the City of Otsego to Provide for a Change in Zoning Classification for Land Included Within the Kurtti Preliminary Plat 3/25/2024 no 1 of 1