95-28CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGST STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 95- a s PtHSOLLMON AY'MOVING AN TO THE OTSFAO PLAN ADJUSTING TM aiTL URBAN SMVICE AREA BOUNDARY TO INCLUDE THAT RECENTLY OBTAINED BY LANG HAUL TRUrZ3NG, INC. AND MENDED FOR INDUSTRIAL USE. VVHB.REAS, Long Haul Trucking, Inc. is the owner of a certain tract of land (subject property) dowmlied on Exhibit A to this resolution, and consisting of 35.9 acres, on which flutum industrial type uses are to be established; and W" EREAS, the subject pmoparty is now within the City's Long Range Ulban Service Area; and W133MrAS, the City's Camprehe,tsive Pian (Land Use Plan) suggests industrial use of the subject property; and WMERIZARt the placement of the subject property into the City's Immediate urban service am is consistent with the provisions of the Comp:+ehensive Man and its suggested use of the subject property; and Long Haul Trucking, Inc. has requested rezoning of the abject Party which has necessitated amendment to the City's GompYehenairre Plan to remove the subject tract from the City's Long Range Urban Service Area and placr. it in the Immediate Urban service and Wal KRIMAS,aaid request has boon appro'v'ed by the Otsego PWwft Conmaission and they have made Findings of Fact and ecommendations that such requests be approved which are attached h reto as Exhibit B; and it appears to the City Council that: a. The subject property is not considered "prime" for agricalmral purposes. b. A limited amount of undeveloped land handed for genazal indwMdal use c urr+antly exists in the immediate urban service area. WERREAS, the land does not qualify as a premature development in that: a. The land holds adequate stormwater drainage rapacity. b. The land has a safe water supply. C. Adequate roads save the property. d. The site holds the ability to acxommodate a safe sewage disposal system. NOW, TECEREFORE, TBE CITY OF OTSLGO RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City t', r wprrhensive Plan be and hereby is anmx1ed to remove the subject property I iom the ImmediaWl =9 Rouge itiialn Service Area and placing it within the Immediate Service Area. 2. That the text of the Cormprahe+asive Plan and all maps showing the subject area attached to and iuoorporabod into the Comprehenslvo Pian shall, be adjusted to slow the changes made in the boundary around the subject property. 3. That the Findings of Fant and of the Otsego Planning Commission are hmcby adopted in thdr andriey and Ioxporsted herein by rrft, rence along with the Stiff Report.by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. dated 30 May 1995. PASSED this 26th day of June 1995. iff, 00"Aw ��►� 77 CITY OF OTSEGO CIM A Norman F. Fred w, Mayor 2 { PROPERTY DBSCRIIa'IION: The Em 1142.12 feet, as measured at A& to the east line, of that pct of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota lying south of the Burlington Northern Railroad Right -of -Way.