2024.03.25 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY0 MARCH 25, 2024 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order: Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmembers: Tina Goede, Brittany Moores, Jeff Dahl, and Ryan Dunlap. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Assistant City Administrator/Human Resources Sabrina Hille, Emergency Services Director Daryl Rausch, City Engineer Ron Wagner, City Planner Daniel Licht, City Attorney Jack Brooksbank, and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Attended via video conference (*) Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Open Forum: Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:01 PM. Wright County Commissioner Jeanne Holland provided an update on the Missing Middle Housing legislation. Commissioner Holland also noted that property valuation statements should be in the mail by the end of the week. Russ Langer, 7830 Padgett Avenue NE commented on his support of developing a fire and emergency services department in the City. Tom Reger, 14857 92"d Circle NE commented on his support of developing a fire and emergency services department in the City. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:12 PM. 2. Consider Agenda Approval: CM Dunlap asked if Item 3.4 is still needed, with the news Commissioner Holland shared. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty suggested the City Council still consider the resolution as the legislative session is still ongoing. CM Dunlap requested to remove Items 3.4 and 3.5 from the consent agenda to Items 8.1 and 8.2 for further discussion. Page 1 of 7 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 CM Dunlap motioned to approve the agenda as amended. A second was not provided. Attorney Brooksbank said the consent agenda must be unanimous. CM Dunlap motioned to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by CM Moores. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes, A. March 11, 2024 Meeting. 3.3 Approve Pay Application #2 (Final) for the Well #10 Internals Protect. 304 ten+ Reset Linn 2024 2:7 CllnnnFteng Retnn+iAn of Ci+.. I -.nd I Irn and Zoning Moved to Item 8.1 for further discussion. J'• discussion. 3.6 Approve Plans and Specifications and Order Advertisement for Bids —Well #11 Raw Water Project, 3.7 Approve Grading Permit Subject to Findings of Fact and Decision —15815 70th Street NE (Farm Valley). 3.8 Accept Employee Resignations. 3.9 Approve Hiring for a Seasonal Utilities Maintenance Position, CM Dunlap motioned to approve the consent agenda as amended, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Engineering: 4.1 2024 Street Reconstruction Project: A. Presentation by City Engineer. Be Conduct Public Hearing. C. Consider Resolution 2024-28 Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications. City Engineer Wagner reviewed the staff report and presentation. The 2024 Street Renewal Project includes the residential developments of Vasseur's Oal< Grover 3rd and Ott, Additions and Halls 15t, 2"d, and 3rd Additions. Mayor Stocl<amp opened the Public Hearing at 7:21 PM. Brian Sorum, 8359 Oakwood Avenue NE asked to clarify the assessment amount. City Engineer Wagner said the amount is $1,092 per parcel. Mayor Stocl<amp closed the Public Hearing at 7:22 PM. Page 2 of 7 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 CM Dahl asked about the concrete driveways and now they will match with the new street surface. City Engineer Wagner said they try not to disturb the concrete driveways and will cut asphalt driveways as close as possible and replace that section with new asphalt to match the new street surface. CM Dunlap asked if any residents were opposed to the project during the open house. City Engineer Wagner said only one resident was opposed to the assessment, but agreed the work needed to be completed. CM Dunlap noted he does not agree with the funding mechanism but supports the project. CM Goede motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-28 Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2024 Street Renewal Project, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Planning: 5.1 Everbrook Acade A. Presentation by City Planner. B. Consider Resolution 2024-29 Vacating Drainage and Utility Easements. C. Consider a PUD, Preliminary Plat, and Final Plat Subject to the Findings of Fact and Decision. D. Consider Resolution 2024-30 Approving a Development Contract, City Planner Licht reviewed the staff report and presentation. Oppidan Holdings, LLC representative Paul Tucci agreed with the staff report and was present to answer questions. CM Dunlap asked about the costs associated with the conditions of approval. Mr. Tucci reviewed cost estimates for the additional conditions requested by the Planning Commission. CM Dahl motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-29 vacating existing drainage and utility easements, approve a preliminary plat and final plat of the Shoppers at Great River Centre Third Addition, a PUD Development Stage Plan for Everbrook Academy subject to the stipulations listed by the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented, and adopt Resolution 2024-30 approving a development contract, seconded by CM Dunlap. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 5.2 Tamarack Be Land Development (Kurtti Property): A. Presentation by City Planner. Consider Ordinance 2024-04 Amending the Zoning Map. C. Consider Approval of a Preliminary Plat/Conditional Use Permit Subject to the Findings of Fact and Decision. Page 3 of 7 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 D. Consider Resolution 2024-31 vacating Right -of -Way, and Drainage and Utility Easements, City Planner Licht reviewed the staff report and presentation. Tamarack Land Development representative Brendan Sullivan agreed with the staff report and was present to answer questions. CM Dunlap asked if any other developments have boardwalks. City Planner Licht said the Meadows of Otsego will have a boardwalk. CM Dunlap asked about the City's requirements for the boardwalk. City Planner Licht said there are detailed engineering standards. CM Dunlap motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024-04 amending the Zoning Map; approve a preliminary plat and Conditional Use Permit subject to the conditions as stated on the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented; and adopt Resolution 2024-31 vacating existing right-of-way and drainage and utility easements, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Utilities: 6.1 West WWTF Improvements Phase 1 Protect: A. Presentation by AE2S Engineer, Be Consider Approval of Change Orders #32 and #33. AE2S Engineer Scott Schaefer (*) reviewed the staff report and presentation. Engineer Schaefer apologized for the review bypassing the Public Works Subcommittee and explained the reasoning. Mayor Stocl<amp asked about the process and if there were issues with this technique. Engineer Schaefer said this process has been used on three projects in the past and is unaware of any known issues; there is only one licensed company that can perform this process. CM Goede asked about the geotech reports not catching this issue. Engineer Schaefer said the soil borings have more variability closer to the creek, possibly encountering some of the fill material from when the creek was straightened; further noting you can't see everything until you look underground. CM Dunlap asked if the project was still 60% of the way through the process? Engineer Schaefer said the project is in the 65-75% range; noting the project completion is still one year out. CM Dunlap noted about half of the contingency has been used. Engineer Schaefer said this is the last major structure. CM Dahl motioned to approve Change Order Proposals as indicated above in the amount of $218,779 to Rice Lake Construction Group, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Page 4 of 7 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 7. Public Safety: 7.1 Fire & Emergency Services Building Prolect: A. Presentation by Emergency Services Director. Be Consider Accepting Proposal and Approval of Amendment to Agreement Architectural Services, Emergency Services Director Rausch reviewed the staff report and presentation. CM Moores motioned to accept the Proposal from Wold Architects and Engineers for Phase 2 Architectural Design and Engineering Services in an amount not to exceed $1,031,469 and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Amendment to AIA Document B132 pending approval of the final contract amendment by City Attorney Kendall, Motioned to authorize Kraus -Anderson to complete Preconstruction Phase 2 Construction Management Services in the amount of $10,000, seconded by CM Goede. CM Dunlap said he does not believe the data presented is correct and feels the current contracts should be continued. CM Dahl said the contracts date back to 1993 and at the end of the contracts, the City has no equipment, no station, or no staff to show for all the funds paid over the years. CM Dahl said the studies indicate a need to create an emergency services department. CM Dahl asked what percent of the city is built out. City Planner Licht said about 50% has been built out. CM Moores said the City is growing and has a lot of area to cover; safety is an issue. CM Dunlap said a financial study has not been completed to go with the project and doesn't feel the project should move forward. Mayor Stocl<amp said the project has been in discussion for many years. Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion carried 4-1. 8.1 Adopt Resolution 2024-27 Supporting Retention of City Land Use and Zoning Authority. This item was removed from the consent agenda for further discussion by CM Dunlap. CM Dunlap does not support the motion as written and suggested zoning goes too far, stating the example tonight for the extras required for the daycare buildout. City Planner Licht noted the developer of the project required the architectural design in the PUD to be consistent, this as not a zoning requi wrement. Flaherty noted the bill has changed significantly since last wepl< Page 5 of 7 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 and reviewed the changes and noted it removes significant local control in land use and zoning authority. CM Dahl motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-27 supporting retention of city land use Cl" zoning authority, seconded by CM Moores. Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion carried 44. 8.2 Approve Hiring for the Recreation Programmer Position. This item was removed from the consent agenda for further discussion by CM Dunlap. CM Dunlap feels the City should be in a hiring freeze and does not support filling this position. CM Moores motioned to approve the hiring of Madeline Champa for the position of Recreation Programmer, at Pay Grade 4, Step 2, and Paid Time Off Accrual at 2 years of service, seconded by CM Goede. Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion carried 44. 8. City Council Reports and Updates: A. Heritage Preservation Commission CM Moores said the HPC met in March and they are meeting with farmers to get history of their properties. Be Parks and Recreation Commission Liaison CM Moores said 1,900 people attended the recent egg hunt event and program registrations continues to grow. Co Planning Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp said the April 15t meeting was canceled and provided an update on approved applications. D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Goede noted the commission had a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss the emergency services building. CM Dahl thanked the employees that recently resigned. CM Dunlap asked about the flag purchase on the claims list and wanted to know if the City was purchasing the new state flag. Flaherty will confirm and report back to the City Council. 9. Staff Reports and Updates: Assistant City Administrator/Human Resources Director Hille provided an update on active recruitments and noted the vacant position recruitments will post soon. City Planner Licht said there will not be a Planning Commission meeting April 1st Emergency Services Director Rausch said there will be a public presentation tomorrow, March 26, to share progress on the City's Fire &Emergency Services Department. Sergeant Jason Oltmanns, Wright County Sheriff's Office provided an update on incidents due to the recent snow event and mental health calls within the City. Page 6 of 7 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 10. Adjourn, CM Goede motioned to adjourn at 8:36 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerl< City of Otsego: Page 7 of 7