2024.03.25 Special City Council MinutesSPECIAL OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024 5:30 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order: Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmembers: Tina Goede, Brittany Moores, Jeff Dahl, and Ryan Dunlap. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Assistant City Administrator/Human Resources Sabrina Hille, Emergency Services Director Daryl Rausch, City Planner Daniel Licht, and City Clerk Audra Etzel. 1. Discussion of Phase 2 —Fire and Emergency Services Building Protect: Emergency Services Director Rausch noted Phase 1 has been completed and was presented to the City Council and Public Safety Commission on March 12, 2024. Rausch asked for additional input or questions from the City Council on Phase 1 deliverables. CM Moores asked about the potential for the building to expand. Rausch noted that future expansion capabilities have been incorporated into the concept design, specifically noting that additional bays could be added. Rausch additionally noted the combination training room/EOC/public use space could be used as a polling location and could be expanded. CM Moores said during the tours at other cities, the training rooms were important for their departments. Mayor Stockamp asked if the space was not used for public uses, what would be different. Rausch noted the separate public parking lot would not be needed at this time. CM Dunlap asked if the Wright County Sheriff's is proposed to be located at this building. Rausch said yes the plan be to offer use of the building due to space needs at Prairie Center. Mayor Stockamp noted the probation officers also use this space. CM Goede asked how many additional bays could be included in the future. Rausch discussed future expansions for additional bays and why that would become necessary. CM Dahl asked who covers the Mississippi River. Rausch said the Sheriff's office would be the main response agency if there were issues on the river, with assistance from the City. CM Dunlap asked about the bunl<rooms. Rausch said there are six rooms with three bathrooms; a Jacl< and Jill style to save on maintenance and cost. Page 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 Mayor Stockamp asked about the spacing on the road to enter the parking lot. City Planner Licht said there is sufficient distance for stacking and the setbacks can accommodate a future round about. Rausch said a warning light would be installed to signify emergency vehicles will be approaching. Rausch presented documents for Phase 2 —Fire and Emergency Services Building Project. The City Council noted the Phase 1 building design proposed by Wold will meet the City's needs. Rausch noted the staff discussed and worked with Wold to design a cost-efficient building. CM Goede said the wording on the building should be placed higher. Rausch said the signage will be reviewed in the future. CM Dunlap said the building should look like a fire station, including red doors and a hose tower. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said Wold and Kraus -Anderson are present tonight and will take the design comments into account. CM Goede asked it the training center will be similar to the Coon Rapids station? Rausch said they are proposing a training center with similar options; live fire will not be an option. CM Dunlap asked what if there was no training center. Rausch said the City would have to contract with a neighboring community to use their training facility, noting some departments would have limited space and could not guarantee the space. Rausch said Hennepin Technical would also be an option for a training center. Mayor Stockamp asked how many live fire trainings are required a year. Rausch said one live fire training per year is required. Rausch explained the challenges with setting up live fire training, costing a minimum of $5,000. Rausch said a presentation will be made to the public tomorrow evening with Wold Architects and Kraus -Anderson present. Mayor Stoclamp asked if the retention pond will be used by the Emergency Services Department. Rausch said they do not intend to use it as it may be a dry pond. CM Dunlap does not support the Emergency Services Department, but noted the building proposed is very modest. Rausch said the building is the right size and allows for growth. Flaherty noted the fire and emergency services building project is on the agenda tonight for considerationA Page 2 of 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2024 2. Adjourn. CM Goede motioned to adjourn at 6:14 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. � _ a r / i ATTEST: t. Audra Etzel, City Clerk City of Otsego I1 Page 3 of 3