2024.03.11 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING
7:00 PM
Call to Order:
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call:
Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmembers: Tina Goede, Brittany Moores, Jeff Dahl, and
Ryan Dunlap. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Assistant City
Administrator/Human Resources Sabrina Hille, Emergency Services Director Daryl Rausch, Parks
and Recreation Director Nick Jacobs, City Engineer Ron Wagner, City Planner Daniel Licht, City
Attorney Dave Kendall, and City Clerk Audra Etzel.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum:
Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:01 PM. No one from the public spoke.
Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:01 PM.
2. Consider Agenda Approval:
CM Dunlap motioned to approve the agenda as written, seconded by CM Moores. All in
favor. Motion carried S-0.
3. Consent Agenda.
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes,
A. February 26. 2024 Meetine.
3.3 .._Approve City Council Special Compensation for February 2024.
3.4 Approve Pay Application #3 (Final) for the 2023 Street Renewal Protect.
3.5 Approve Pay Application #4 for the Well #11 Protect.
3.6 Approve Pay Application #19 for the West WWTF Improvements Phase 1 Protect.
3.7 Approve Conditional Use Permit Amendment — Lot 1, Block 1 Parkview Retail (Coborn's).
3.8 Approve Conditional Use Permit — Lot 1, Block 1 Riverwood National 2"d Addition (Well
House #4).
CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda as written, seconded by CM Dahl.
All in favor. Motion carried 5-0.
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MARCH 11, 2024
4. Parks and Recreation:
4.1 Ashwood Park.
A. Presentation by Parks and Recreation Director & HKGi.
Be Consider Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Competitive Bid
Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs and HKGI representative Tim Solomonson reviewed the
staff report and presentation.
Mayor Stockamp asked about the unique sports court longevity on the screens and material.
Mr. Solomonson said the product has a lifetime warranty on the frame and hard plastic
material. CM Dahl asked if the product will fade with the sun. Mr. Solomonson said the product
will eventually fade but should do so uniformly to be less noticeable.
CM Dunlap asked if the funds for this project are from the Parl< Dedication Fund. City
Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty noted that is correct.
CM Goede asked if the other park equipment has a lifetime warranty. Mr. Solomonson said
that is not the case and that the warranties will vary with each piece of equipment.
Mayor Stockamp asked why Mr. Solomonson hesitated on the circle equipment. Mr.
Solomonson said removing the slide gives it a different dynamic and targets the 8 to 10 year -old
CM Moores noted the sports court didn't seem to fit the park, but with the lifetime warranty
and unique option she now looks forward to the installation. Mayor Stockamp asked about
another color option from the blue. Mr. Solomonson said the color will be selected at a future
The City Council discussed the nature play options and look forward to the installation.
CM Goede motioned to approve the plans and specifications and authorize a competitive bid
process for the construction of Ashwood Park, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion
carried 5-0.
5. City Council Reports and Updates:
CM Moores said an Advisory Group will have a meeting on Wednesday to review the Prairie
Park Master Plan and Thursday is the next Heritage Preservation Commission meeting.
CM Dahl asked about adding an end date of employment to the plaque in the entryway for past
City Clerl<Jerome Perrault. City Planner Licht said staff can look -up the date and add it to the
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CM Dahl thought it would be nice to have historical photos of past Mayors and City Council
Members for display with the upcoming 35-year celebration of Otsego becoming a city.
Mayor Stockamp attended a meeting at Wright County last week to certify the recent election
results, she noted all of Otsego's precincts balanced.
6. Staff Reports and Updates:
Assistant City Administrator/Human Resources Hille provided recruitment updates on the
Recreation Programmer and Communications Specialist positions.
City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said the federal funding spending bills have been
signed and the City should receive funds of $1.5 million for water treatment at wellhouse #3.
City Clerl< Etzel thanked staff and the elections judges for their hard work helping with the
recent Presidential Nomination Primary Election.
City Engineer Wagner provided an update on residential development projects that will soon
Emergency Services Director Rausch provided an update regarding his recent training in Lake
Crystal that was coordinated by the State Fire Marshalls Office. Rausch reminded the City
Council of the joint Public Safety Commission meeting tomorrow.
Sergeant Jason Oltmanns, Wright County Sheriff's Office provided an update regarding engine
breaking, noting their staff is still gathering a sample size.
7. Adjourn.
CM Goede motioned to adjourn at 7:49 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion
carried 5-0.
Audra Etzel, City Clerk
City of Otsego:
Jc�sica Stockamp, Mayor
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