Item 3.1 Zachman Meadows 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 11 April 2024 60-DAY DATE: 20 April 2024 RE: Otsego – Zachman Meadows; Preliminary Plat TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Boyd Dollansky, LLC has acquired 58.67 acres located at the northeast quadrant of Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. The developer has submitted plans for 117 single family villa lots and 160,200 square feet of multiple tenant office/warehouse space within 14 buildings plus an office/clubhouse to be developed within the property to be known as “Zimmer Meadows”. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment; a PUD Development Stage Plan addressing requirements of Conditional Use Permits pertaining to residential lot requirements, setbacks, and private drives and multiple industrial buildings on one lot either for rental or individual ownership; preliminary plat; and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 15 April 2024. Exhibits:  Site Location Map  Single Family Villa Plans (16 sheets)  Industrial Building Plans (18 sheets)  Preliminary Plat dated 08 Apr 2004 (6 sheets)  Civil Plans dated 21 Feb 2024 (32 sheets) 2 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for three different future land uses. The property is divided by a large wetland complex into a north and south portion. The area north of the wetland complex is planned for Medium-to-High Density Residential land uses (4.0 to 8.0 dwellings per acre) and Low-to-Medium Density Residential land uses (5.0 to twelve dwellings per acre) with extension of Kittredge Parkway from its current terminus within the Windsong plat to Kalder Avenue as the dividing line between the two residential land use designations. These land uses reflect the recommendations of the 2018 Multiple Family Housing Study that identified the property as an opportunity for higher density back-to-back style townhouse and multiple family dwellings. The net density of the proposed single family villa lots is 6.22 dwelling units per acre and is within the range of expected density guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed dwelling units are an alternative form of housing between the spectrum of a traditional single family home and an attached townhome dwelling that addresses both life-cycle and affordability housing goals. The south portion of the property is guided for industrial land uses to promote development of businesses that expand the City’s tax base and increase employment opportunities. The proposed development consists of 124 multiple tenant office/warehouse spaces that could be rented or purchased by small businesses as a location for their operation. This type of use was discussed by the Planning Commission during the Comprehensive Plan process as desirable for the City to provide a unique opportunity for service and trade type businesses that also provides an option for relocation of existing home based businesses. Zoning. The property is zoned A1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan outlines an Interim Land Use Plan whereby parcels are kept zoned A1 District until such time as a development proposal is presented that is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan and satisfies the criteria for amendment of the Zoning Map, including adequate transportation and utility infrastructure. The property was at one time part of the development plans for Kittredge Crossings to include a mix of residential dwelling types with commercial, office, and industrial businesses. The original plans for Kittredge Crossings were not realized due to the impacts of the Great Recession, but were later continued by other developers within the initial Kittredge Crossings plat and Windsong plat. Kittredge Crossings and Windsong were developed under the provisions of a PUD, Planned Unit Development District to allow for the range and mix of different uses and performance standards specific to the developments. To continue this character of development, particularly for the residential element of the proposed development of the property, City staff recommends use of a PUD District for the current applications. 3 The PUD District for the proposed development would be based on the allowed uses and standards of the R6, Residential Medium Density District and I2, General Industrial District. The R6 District allows for single family villa uses. The I2 District allows for multiple tenant buildings with a range of office and industrial type uses. A use specific to Blocks 23, 24, and 25 would be intended for private recreational uses, including the office/clubhouse on Block 25. Surrounding Uses. The table below summarizes existing and planned land uses in the area surrounding the property: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LMD Residential A1 District Horse farm East LMD Residential LD Residential Office PUD District A1 District Windsong Kittredge Crossings Rural single family South Albertville Albertville Manufacturing West Industrial I1 District Undeveloped The proposed development continues the land use pattern from Kittredge Crossings west through Windsong to Kadler Avenue with density increasing towards Kalder Avenue and transitioning to industrial uses. The proposed residential and industrial portions of the development are separated by significant wetland areas and residential uses are separated from existing industrial uses west of Kadler Avenue by a 150 foot wide right-of-way. Access. The property abuts Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. The Transportation Plan designates 70th Street as a minor arterial street as a planned extension of CSAH 38 west of Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) to I-94. The Transportation Plan designates Kadler Avenue as a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street with a future Minor Arterial designation as a possible Wright County roadway between 70th Street (future CSAH 38) and 95th Street (CSAH 39). City staff consulted with Wright County and the City of Albertville regarding right-of-way dedication for Kadler Avenue and 70th Street based upon the long-term plans that these roadways would become Wright County jurisdiction in the future. Right-of-way dedication for Kadler Avenue and 70th Street is subject to approval of the City Engineer, including:  The City has required dedication of 75 feet for one-half the right-of-way from industrial developments abutting Kadler Avenue. The preliminary plat illustrates the same 75 foot wide right-of-way dedication for the east half of Kadler Avenue.  Wright County recommends that 65 feet of right-of-way for 70th Street be dedicated accommodate future CSAH 38. The preliminary plat illustrates only 50 feet of right-of- way for the north half of 70th Street and must be revised.  The preliminary plat must also be revised to illustrate a schematic design of a roundabout at the intersection of Kadler Avenue and 70th Street for planning purposes. 4 Trails. The Future Parks and Trails System map designates trails on Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. City staff does not recommend that the section of these trails abutting the preliminary plat be constructed at this time due to lack of connections and that neither street has been constructed to its ultimate standard. The trail sections can be added in the future as part of a street improvement project if it is determined that the trails are beneficial. Single Family Villas. The following paragraphs address the residential component of the proposed development:  Building Plans. Lennar is the planned builder for the residential lots within the preliminary plat. Three of the submitted plans (Biscayne, Cascade, and Sequoia) are the same slab-on-grade two story homes as those being constructed in the Hunter Hills plat, which are planned for the lots within Blocks 1 and 2 at the north and west line of the preliminary plat. The builder is also proposing a new series of home plans for the remaining blocks within the preliminary plat as slab-on-grade single level homes (Gerson and Brower). Section 11-17-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires that single family dwellings with three bedrooms have a minimum floor area of 1,040 square feet. The finished floor area of the Gerson and Brower plans are smaller than the smallest townhouse dwelling (Revere) being built by Lennar at Parrish Meadows. However, the submitted plans comply with the minimum floor area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Plan Bedrooms Finished Area Garage Area Seqouia 4 2,505sf. 396sf. Cascade 4 2,049sf. 399sf. Biscayne 4 1,828sf. 406sf. Gerson 3 1,281sf. 384sf. Brower 3 1,129sf. 380sf. The City has required single family villa and townhomes to provide an attached garage for each dwelling unit that is a minimum of 400 square feet for space for two cars. The City did approve exceptions for Lennar-specific single family villas and townhomes in Hunter Hills and Parrish Meadows, respectively. The smallest garage allowed for the single family villa dwellings in Hunter Hills is 396 square feet (Seqouia) and 370 square feet (Madison) for the townhomes in Parrish Meadows. The Planning Commission may recommend similar allowances for the garage areas for the single family villas within this development to provide for lower cost to construct detached single family dwellings in lieu of townhouse or multiple family dwellings. 5 Block 8 has double frontage to Kittredge Parkway and the private driveway. Consideration should be given to house plans for Block 8 that have front elevations facing Kittredge Parkway with rear garage access to the private drive. Alternatively, rear facing units along Kittredge Parkway will require a residential buffer yard be planted in the yard adjacent to Kittredge Parkway.  Blocks. Section 10-8-3.A of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes that blocks within a subdivision are to be a minimum of 300 feet and not more than 1,200 feet in length. The blocks within the preliminary plat comply with the Subdivision Ordinance.  Lot Requirements. Traditional single family lots within the R6 District are required to be a minimum of 60 square feet and 9,000 square feet in area. Townhouse uses are required to provide a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling. The developer is proposing the single family villa lots within the preliminary plat as 45 feet wide by 115 feet deep for a minimum area of 5,175 square feet on the basis of substituting lower cost to construct single family dwellings for townhouse or multiple family dwellings. The Windsong plat was approved with similar allowances for a minimum 5,000 square foot lot area per dwelling unit requirement.  Setbacks. The table below summarizes proposed setbacks for the preliminary plat: Kadler Avenue Local1 ROW Side Rear Wetland Buffer Required 65ft. 25ft.2 30ft.3 7ft. 20ft. 20ft. Proposed 30ft. 25ft. 7ft. 20ft. 20ft. Notes: 1. Also private drive 2. House 3. Garage The rear yard setback from Kadler Avenue is reduced 35 feet based on the difference in right-of-way dedication for a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street (40 feet) versus that required for a potential future Minor Arterial County road (75 feet). With no timeline as to when or if Kadler Avenue would become a Minor Arterial roadway, the setback between the homes and the existing street would be the same as if a 65 foot setback is required. To off-set negative effects of potential future expansion of Kadler Avenue, the developer will be required to plant eight-foot evergreen trees in two staggered rows not more than 25 feet on center as part of the required residential buffer yard. 6 Front yard setbacks for the proposed dwellings are shown as 25 feet based on the 115 foot depth of lot and up to 73 foot depth of the house plans. The R6 District allows a 25 foot setback, but only for the house, requiring 30 feet from the garage door to the right- of-way. The proposed house designs are all garage forward, so the proposed setbacks equate to a five foot reduction in the front yard setback requirement. The City required 30 foot setbacks for the single family villas in Windsong to the east, except for those units on Kahl Court. To maintain a consistent building line along Kittredge Parkway and 74th Street, we would recommend a 30 foot garage setback be maintained.  Streets. The preliminary plat includes public streets for access to Blocks 1 through 9 and Lots 4-6, Block 10. The public streets include extension of 74th Street west of Windsong 3rd Addition and Kittredge Parkway between Windsong Addition and Kadler Avenue. Kittredge Parkway is a minor collector street connecting Kadler Avenue to 70th Street through the property, Windsong, and Kittredge Crossings. Kittredge Parkway is designed with an 80 foot wide right-of-way and 46 foot wide street section, which is consistent with the design of the existing street to the east. The local residential streets within the preliminary plat are designed with 60 foot rights-of-way as required by Section 10-8-5.B.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Two public street connections are provided for future access to the portion of property to the north guided for residential uses as required by Section 10-8-5.A.7 of the Subdivision Ordinance. A temporary cul-de-sac will be required at the north terminus of Kaeding Avenue based on the number of lots accessing the street past 74th Street. The temporary cul-de-sac is shown on the property to the north, which will require a temporary roadway easement to be provided at the time of final plat approval. Section 8-8-4 of the City Code specifies installation of street lighting for new subdivisions at the corners of intersecting streets and midblock locations for blocks longer than 900 feet. The developer is to provide plan sheet with application for final plat showing proposed street lighting and street signs for the preliminary plat. The number and location of proposed street lights and street signs is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. All street design and construction plans, lighting, and signs are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Street names are to be assigned in accordance with the Wright County grid system and Section 10-8-5.B.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance and are subject to review and approval of City staff. 7  Private Drive. The proposed preliminary plat includes a private drive to access the lots within Block 7-9 and Lots 1-3, Block 10 south of Kittredge Parkway. The private drive is designed to be 28 feet wide consistent with the width of a local residential street. There is no right-of-way for the private drive and, thus, no boulevard which reduces the length of the driveways behind the curb. Because of the narrow width of the lots and no right-of-way, parking for vehicles outside of the garage is more limited for the homes on the private drive. Three guest parking stalls are shown on the preliminary plat at either end of Block 9. Kittredge Parkway provides opportunity for on-street parking on the east side of the roadway to allow guests convenient proximity to the homes within Blocks 7 through 10. Consistent with the approvals for Villas of Kittredge Crossings abutting Kittredge Parkway, we recommend parking zones be established concurrent with the final plat approval allowing parking from 6:00AM to 2:00AM on the south side of Kittredge Parkway and no parking on the north side of the street. The private drive is also to be posted as a fire lane to prohibit parking.  Sidewalks. Section 10-5-8.D of the Subdivision Ordinance requires a five foot wide concrete sidewalk on one side all public streets. The preliminary plat provides for extension of the existing sidewalks on the south side of Kittredge Parkway and 74th Street from Windsong. The preliminary plat must be revised to include a sidewalk on Kaeding Lane and Kagen Avenue. We also recommend that the sidewalk on Kaeding Avenue be shifted to the west side of the street.  Landscaping. For residential uses, Section 11-19-2.B.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that two shade trees be provided per lot (one of which must be in the front yard) at the time of house construction. Plantings are also required in the yard abutting Kadler Avenue to meet the requirements of Section 11-19-3.B of the Zoning Ordinance for a residential buffer yard and the rear yards of Block 9 if not developed with dwellings front facing to Kittredge Parkway having rear garages accessed from the private drive. The residential buffer yard requirements are in addition to the two trees required for each lot.  Homeowners Association. A homeowners association will be required, at a minimum, for Blocks 7, 8, 9 and Lots 1-3, Block 10 to address shared ownership and maintenance of the proposed private drive. Proposed homeowners association documents are to be submitted concurrent with application for final plat approval and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 8 Office/Warehouse. The following paragraphs address the industrial component of the proposed development:  Uses. The PUD District establishes allowed uses for the industrial portion of the development. Those permitted, permitted accessory, conditional, and interim uses and uses allowed by administrative permit would be allowed within the development subject to the same performance standards as the I2 District. Additionally, the developer intends the Luxury buildings and club house to appeal to those seeking what are commonly referred to as “car condos”. City staff proposes that this use be defined as follows for the purpose of the PUD District. Enthusiast Garages: One or more buildings for the primary purpose of recreational storage and social gatherings with uses that include storage of vehicles and recreational vehicles and equipment together with social and entertainment spaces for individuals and groups of people, but not including residential occupancy or business activities. City staff further recommends the following specific use standards to be adopted as part of the PUD District to regulate such uses: o The following uses are prohibited:  Residential occupancy.  Business activities. o Overhead doors for access to garage units shall remain closed at all times between 10:00PM and 7:00AM except for the purpose of moving vehicles in or out of the garage. o Open houses, car shows, swap meets or other activities open to the public shall be allowed subject to approval of a special event permit as provided for by the City Code. o All flammable liquids and materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Code. o Adequate on-site parking shall be provided within the property such that parking does not occur on adjacent public streets.  Building Requirements. The developer has submitted plans for the Trades buildings (Blocks 11-15), Classic buildings (17-22), Luxury buildings (Blocks 23 and 24), and club house (Block 25). There are 15 buildings with 160,200 square feet of floor area. The area of the 124 individual units range from 1,500 square feet (Trades) up to 2,456 square feet (Luxury) 9 The exterior materials are comprised of metal wall panels and roofs other than windows and doors and wood panel accents on the Luxury buildings. Section 11-17-4.E.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance limits use of metal panels for exterior finishes for buildings within the I2 District to not more than 25 percent of the wall area. Masonry brick, veneer, or block; precast concrete panels with textures; or fiber-cement siding in a board and batten or vertical seem pattern are examples of materials required to be used for at least 75 percent of the wall area. The building plans must be revised to comply with the exterior finish requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Buildings within the I2 District may be up to 48 feet in height in accordance with Section 11-86-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Building height is defined by Section 11-2-2 of the Zoning Ordinance as measured from finished grade to the mid-point of a pitched roof. The proposed Trades (25 feet), Classic (25 feet), Luxury (26 feet) and club house (21 feet) all comply with the height allowances of the Zoning Ordinance.  Lot Requirements. Lots within the I2 District are required to be a minimum of two acres in area with a minimum width of 200 feet to a public right-of-way. The industrial portion of the development is proposed in a unit/block configuration to allow for potential individual ownership of the units with common areas surrounding each building. The total area of the unit and base lots is identified as 29.27 acres, but will be reduced by required platting of outlots encompassing stormwater basins, wetlands, and wetland buffers outlined below.  Setbacks. Section 11-86-7.C of the Zoning Ordinance requires buildings within the I2 District to be setback a minimum of 30 feet from public rights-of-way, which all of the buildings comply with, but will require adjustment based on right-of-way dedication requirements for 70th Street. The buildings within Block 19 and 22 are setback 50 feet from the west line of the exception parcel, which exceeds the side yard setback requirement of 20 feet. All other setbacks are defined by the minimum 20 feet from the wetland buffer required by Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance and comply with this standard.  Building Coverage. Section 11-86-8 of the Zoning Ordinance limits building coverage within lots zoned I2 District to not more than 50 percent. The preliminary plat identifies the gross area of the industrial property as 29.27 acres and building area of 160,200 square feet. The proposed buildings cover only 12.6 percent of the gross area of the industrial portion of the development.  Driveways. The industrial uses have proposed direct accesses to Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. Section 11-21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance regulates the location of driveways to public streets. 10 One access to Kadler Avenue is shown 900 feet north of 70th Street (centerline), which is more than the 220 feet required by the Zoning Ordinance. This access is located to align with a potential access to Kadler Avenue from Lot 4, Block 2 Otsego I-94 Industrial Park 4th Addition. Two accesses are shown from the industrial uses to 70th Street. One access is 350 feet east of Kadler Avenue and the second access is 1,020 feet from Kadler Avenue (centerline). o Wright County has recommended that the west access be removed due to proximity to Kadler Avenue and potential interference with a future roundabout. The west access is proposed because the area where Blocks 24 and 25 are located is separated from the balance of the industrial uses by wetlands. The only alternative to the proposed street access would be impacting these wetlands, which would require approvals in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act. The location of the west access is to be subject to further review by the City Engineer once revised plans are submitted illustrating a schematic roundabout intersection at Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. o The east access complies with the minimum spacing requirement of 660 feet from Kadler Avenue and both Wright County and City of Albertville agree with this access. The east access also includes dedication of additional right-of-way to allow for shared access by the exception parcel to the east to allow for redevelopment of that property. This right-of-way should be extended further north to allow the shared access to align with the parking lot drive aisle south of Block 23.  Off-Street Parking. The interior of the industrial portion of the development has private drives for access and circulation between the proposed buildings and individual units. No gates are shown on the preliminary plat that would restrict access to the property. The City Engineer and Emergency Services Director have reviewed the site plan and found access and circulation to be adequate. The preliminary plat illustrates 22 off-street parking stalls adjacent to the club house as the only off-street parking stalls within the industrial portion of the development. Section 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance requires industrial uses such as would occupy the proposed buildings to provide one off-street parking stall for each 1,000 square feet of net building area, which would equate to a minimum of 145 off-street parking stalls for the proposed buildings. However, the expectation is that the proposed building units will be used primarily for storage purposes and some incidental office activities without the need for on-site employees, parking of vehicles while employees work off- site jobs, or customer visits. The interior drive aisles are to be posted as fire lanes to ensure access to all units for other tenants or emergency vehicles. Parking will need to occur either within the individual units or the club house parking lot. 11 Parking stalls are shown to be 9-feet wide by 18-feet deep (with available two foot overhang) accessed by a drive aisle 24 feet in width, which complies with the provisions of Section 11-21-7.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance. The drive aisles and parking areas are required to be surfaced with asphalt and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.C.3 and D of the Zoning Ordinance. The construction of the off-street parking area is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The off-street parking stalls and drive aisles are all setback a minimum of 15-feet from public rights of way and more than five-feet from the side or rear lot lines as required by Section 11-21-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance.  Outdoor Storage. No outdoor storage is indicated on the submitted plans. Unless approved as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan for the industrial portion of the development, outdoor storage will be prohibited. Outdoor storage would include parking of any vehicles, trailers, or equipment outside of designated parking stalls, use of land/sea or detached accessory buildings for storage, material stockpiles, waste and recycling storage, etc.  Landscaping. The submitted plans do include proposed plantings for the industrial portion of the development. The plantings are generally located in the yards adjacent to Kadler Avenue and 70th Street with emphasis at the site entrances and some interior locations. The types and sizes of proposed plantings are appropriate and comply with Section 11-19-3.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5-2-3.C.2 of the City Code requires installation of in-ground irrigation for the yards and planting areas within the property.  Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the intensity of light at the property lines to not more than 0.4 foot-candles. Light fixtures are required to have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off as required by Section 11-16-6.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The height of freestanding light fixtures is limited to 25 feet by Section 11- 16-6.C.4.a of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer must submit plans and photometric information with application for a building permit identifying installation of exterior light fixtures to verify compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.  Waste Storage. The preliminary plat does not identify locations for waste storage within the industrial portion of the development. The floor plans do not specifically identify interior waste storage areas. The developer must identify how waste storage and collection is to be handled. If any exterior trash containers are to be employed, enclosures will need to be identified on the site plan that comply with enclosure meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance.  Signs. The submitted plans do not identify proposed signs. A comprehensive signage plan addressing freestanding signs, wall signs, and any directional signage be submitted concurrent with final plat application. Signs are to comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance unless approved by the City Council. 12  Common Interest Community. The industrial portion of the development can exist as rental units under single ownership or with individual ownership by Common Interest Community. If a Common Interest Community ownership arrangement is planned, declaration documents are to be submitted construction with a final plat application and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. Utilities. The subject site is within the West Sewer District designated by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. There are trunk sewer and water utilities available to the property to serve the proposed development. The plans include dedication of right-of-way and construction of a portion of the sewer line necessary to extend trunk sewer between the west line of Windsong 3rd Addition and Kadler Avenue to serve future industrial development to the north along Kadler Avenue. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will pay Utility Availability Charges at the time of final plat approval. Title 8, Chapter 1 of the City Code provides that Utility Availability Charges for residential uses are calculated by the number of dwelling units. Utility Availability Charges for industrial uses are calculated at 3.5 Residential Equivalent Connections per acre final platted. Utility Connection Charges based on either residential use or occupancy of the industrial buildings or tenant spaces is determined and paid at the time a building permit is issued. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted preliminary grading, drainage, and erosion control plans. The grading plans are to be updated to be consistent with the layout of the most recent preliminary plat. Proposed stormwater basins, wetlands, and wetland buffers are required to be platted in outlots and deeded to the City by Section 10-8-12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance for stormwater management purposes. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Wetlands are identified on the submitted plans and shown to be protected with a designated buffer area, which is to average 20 feet but be not less than 10 feet in accordance with Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed development includes impacts to existing wetlands and those will be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The property is within the Otsego Creek watershed. The developer will be required to pay a Stormwater Impact fee for Otsego Creek at the time of final plat approval. Outlots. The preliminary plat illustrates four outlots. As noted above, all stormwater basins, wetlands, and wetland buffers are required to be platted in outlots deeded to the City. The preliminary plat must be revised to separate the stormwater basins, wetlands, and wetland buffers from the residential private driveway and drive aisles and other common areas of the industrial portion of the development to convey the sensitive natural resource areas to the City. The revision of the preliminary plat to provide for the necessary outlots between private and public ownership is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13 Easements. There are existing drainage and utility easements recorded over portions of the property related to trunk sewer and water utilities. These are to be replaced by dedication of new drainage and utility easements or public right-of-way with the recording of a final plat for the proposed development. The existing drainage and utility easements serve no public purpose and are to be vacated. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes requirements for drainage and utility easements to be dedicated with the proposed subdivision. These easements include the perimeter of all lots, over any in ground utilities or overland drainage ways. The preliminary plat illustrates such easements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The 2019 Parks + Recreation System Master Plan does not identify acquisition of additional park lands from the area of the property. Park dedication requirements are to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval. Section 10-8-15.I of the Subdivision Ordinance and City Fee Schedule provides that park dedication fees in lieu of land for residential development is calculated on a per lot basis whereas industrial uses are calculated based on net acreage platted. Criteria. Consideration of the applications by the Planning Commission is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria set forth in Section 11-3-2.F and 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The residential and industrial elements for the proposed development are consistent with the 2023 Comprehensive Plan, including the following policies:  Cluster land complementary uses and activities into functionally related sub-units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogeneous land use characteristics, and service area boundaries.  Accomplish transitions between different land uses in an orderly manner so as not to create negative impacts on adjoining developments; changes in types of land use shall occur either at mid-block points, so that similar uses front on the same street, or at borders of areas separated by physical barriers.  Recognize the need to develop of a variety of twin homes, townhouses, and multiple family dwellings to supplement conventional single family homes giving due consideration to local market demands and desired community character. 14  Define distinct areas for varying types of industrial activities and establish respective standards governing development quality.  Identify sites for industrial expansion with consideration as to the physical implications of industrial park planning for traffic generation, rail use, sewer and water demands, and environmental issues. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The proposed development continues the land use pattern from Kittredge Crossings west through Windsong to Kadler Avenue with density increasing towards Kalder Avenue and transitioning to industrial uses. The proposed residential and industrial portions of the development are separated by significant wetland areas. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed development will comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code including those provisions established as part of the PUD District. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The property is accessed by existing Minor Arterial and Commercial/Industrial Collector streets that have capacity to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed development is located within the West Sewer District and includes land uses consistent with the Future Land Use Plan. The City has adequate capacity available to serve the proposed development with it being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the applications for Zimmer Meadows subject to the conditions outlined under Possible Actions. 15 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment, PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat, and vacation of drainage and utility easements for Zachman Meadows subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The PUD Development Stage Plan approval for Blocks 11 to 25 and the stipulations, limitations, and conditions therein shall be applied to the property in question. All written and graphic materials officially submitted to the City shall be treated as a formal agreement between the applicant and the City. Once approved, no changes, modifications or alterations shall be made to any plan detail, standard, or specifications without prior submission of a plan modification request to the Zoning Administrator for review and approval. 3. All plans shall be revised consistent with the preliminary plat dated 08 Apr 2004 prepared by Landform Professional Services, Inc. subject to the modifications outlined herein. 4. All right-of-way dedication shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer, including revising the preliminary plat to: a. Provide for dedication of 65 feet of right-of-way for the north half of 70th Street. b. Illustrate a schematic design of a roundabout intersection for Kadler Avenue and 70th Street for planning purposes only. c. Dedicate additional right-of-way at the east access to 70th Street sufficient to allow the exception parcel shared access to 70th Street at this location in compliance with setback requirements. 5. All street design and construction plans, street names, lighting, and signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Private drive accessing Blocks 1-9 and Lots 1-3, Block 10: a. The design and construction plans for the private drive shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 16 b. The private drive shall be posted as a fire lane and on-drive parking shall be prohibited except withing designated parking stalls. 7. Parking zones shall be established on Kittredge Parkway at the time of final plat approval to: a. Allow on-street parking on the south side of the street only between 7:00AM and 2:00AM b. Prohibit on-street parking on the north side of the street at all times. 8. The preliminary plat shall be revised to include a sidewalk on Kaeding Lane and Kagen Avenue and shift the sidewalk on Kaeding Avenue to the west side of the street. 9. A landscape plan shall be submitted for the residential portion of the development with application for final plat approval meeting the requirements of Section 11-19-2 and Section 11-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance. a. The landscape plan shall provide for a staggered double row of 8-foot evergreen trees not more than 25 feet on center planted in the yards abutting Kadler Avenue. 10. Proposed homeowners association documents are to be submitted concurrent with application for final plat approval and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 11. Allowed uses buildings and units within Blocks 11 thorough 22 shall include those permitted, accessory, conditional, and interim uses allowed within the I2 District: a. Outdoor storage as defined by the Zoning Ordinance shall be prohibited. 12. Allowed uses of the buildings and units withing Blocks 23, 24 and 25 shall include: a. Enthusiast garages consisting of one or more buildings or individual units within such buildings for the primary purpose of recreational storage and social gatherings with uses that include storage of vehicles and recreational vehicles and equipment together with social and entertainment spaces for individuals and groups of people, but not including residential occupancy or business activities, subject to the following: 17 (1) Residential occupancy shall be prohibited. (2) Business activities shall be prohibited. (3) Outdoor storage as defined by the Zoning Ordinance shall be prohibited. (4) Overhead doors for access to garage units shall remain closed at all times between 10:00PM and 7:00AM except for the purpose of moving vehicles in or out of the garage. (5) Open houses, car shows, swap meets or other activities open to the public shall be allowed subject to approval of a special event permit as provided for by the City Code. (6) All flammable liquids and materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Code. (7) Adequate on-site parking shall be provided within the property such that parking does not occur on adjacent public streets. b. Private clubs. 13. The building plans for Blocks 11-25 shall be revised to comply with the exterior finish requirements established by Section 11-17-4.E.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance. 14. All accesses for Blocks 11-25 to Kadler Avenue and 70th Street shall comply with Section 11-21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance, except as may be approved by the City Engineer. 15. All drive aisles accessing the buildings and individual units within Blocks 11-22, 24, and 25 shall be posted as Fire Lanes. 16. All landscape areas within the base lots of Blocks 11-25 shall be irrigated as required by Section 5-2-3.C.2 of the City Code. 17. An exterior lighting plan that complies with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted and is subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 18. Waste and recycling container storage shall be within individual units or within an enclosure that complies with Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance. 18 19. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 20. Subdivision of Blocks 11-25 by Common Interest Community shall require submission of declaration documents at the time of final plat approval, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 21. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 22. Sewer Availability Charges and Water Availability Charges shall be paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code. 23. The preliminary plat shall be revised to provide outlots encompassing stormwater basins, wetlands, and wetland buffers to be deeded to the City at the time of final plat approval for stormwater management purposes. 24. All grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 25. A stormwater impact fee for Otsego Creek shall be paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code. 26. All easement shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 27. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 6:126:126:12ROOF VENTS10:12 SHED ROOFBELOW1'-0"OH6' TYPICAL ICE & WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS & 3' FOR ROOF VALLEYSROOF VENTS BY ROOFING CONTRACTORSIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ADDRESS LOCATION1x4 MANTEL &SLL, TYP.1x8 TRIM1x6 TRIM1x4 TRIMTYP. UNO4" CORNERBOARD, TYP.BOARD &BATTEN1x4" TRIM, TYP.7'-8"8'-4"AT HOUSET/CONC. SLABT/1st FLR. PL.9'-1 1/8"T.O. PLATE8'-1 1/8"T.O. SUBFL.T/WDW. R.O.6'-11"WINDOW GRIDSAS SHOWNHORIZONTALSIDING61261210127'-8"2'-0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS ELECTRICAL PLANSA6MAIN AND UPPER FLOOR PLANS A2A3A5A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3STRUCTURAL DETAILSS4SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"GARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 396 SF1,055 SFSLAB ON GRADE 1,055 SFUPPER FLOOR: 1,450 SFTOTAL FINISH: 2,505 SFVENTURE SERIESE090 C2 - SEQUOIAGARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECS DW10" OH3068ENTRY DOOR32x60 W/SHR&S4 SH.16' x 7' OVERHEAD DOOR3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 6/0x6/8 PATIO DR.3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 4 1/2"R&S3/0x5/0 SH 20'-0"5 1/2"15'-10"10'-7"2'-1"5 1/2"3'-0"3'-4 1/2"5'-10 1/2"12'-5"5'-4"30'-0"5 1/2"6'-10 1/2"3'-7"3'-1"8'-8"5'-8 1/2"5 1/2"20'-0"50'-0"5 1/2"26'-0 1/2"8'-4 1/2"8'-11"5 1/2"17'-9 1/2"3'-4 1/2"5'-4"45'-0"10'-0"2'-2"1'-1114"16'-1 1/2"1'-1114"30'-0"FLR BRK5'-3 1/2"3'-8"2'-4 1/2"2"4'-11 1/4"4'-9 1/2"7'-1"7 1/2"4'-6 1/2"2'-5"19'-5"2'-412"3'-1"3"4'-5 1/2"2'-1014"24" T.B.P.H.4'x6' CONC. PAD5'-0"5'-0"5'-8"2'-2"CBRACKETS ABOVE10:12 SHED ROOFUP 17R4'-0"4'-1"36" H.HALFWALLW/ WOOD CAP9'-11 1/2"5'-6"3'-7"FLR BRK2'-3 1/2"6'-9 1/2"(2) 2x6GIRDER TRUSS(2) 2x10(2) 2x6(2) 2x10GIRDER TRUSS(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 2x10(2) 2x10TRUSSESTRUSSES(2) 9 12 LSL3 12" x 7" PSL POST(2) 20" LVL EXTENDED HEADERCONSTRUCT PORTAL FRAME AS SHOWN IN 2/S43 12" x 7" PSL POST(3) 2x10MONO TRUSS LOWROOF BY SUPPLIERTRUSSESTRUSSESGREAT ROOMFLEX ROOMDININGBATHKITCHENMUD RM.GARAGEFOYERSTORAGESLOPEDFPHBFPHB4068 BI-PASSLCLCLOPEN2'-5"2x6246824682468OPTIONAL ELECTRICFIREPLACE, SEEDETAIL THIS SHEET34 1/2" H.2x4 KNEEWALL(2) 2x103/1x8/0 SRO3/1x8/0 SRO(2) 2x10END PNL4 1/2"TEMPERED5 1/2"PLUMBING CLEANOUTMUST BE WITHIN 10' OFFRONT WALL OF HOME10'-0" MAX3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 4 1/2"R&SFLR BRKFLR BRK30"30"FLR BRKR&SR&SR&S3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 4 1/2"3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 3'-3"R&SR&SR&S5 1/2"7'-2"5 1/2"6'-5 1/2"5'-2"2'-7"14'-0"5 1/2"5'-9 1/4"3'-4 1/2"5'-3 3/4"30'-0"5 1/2"16'-0"7'-10"2'-1"11'-0"11'-0"5 1/2"13'-11 1/2"15'-9 1/2"8'-6"50'-0"5 1/2"10'-2 1/2"14'-10"12'-10"5'-7 1/2"5 1/2"17'-9 1/2"3'-4 1/2"4'-7 1/2"45'-0"6'-5 1/2"2'-9"5'-0"2'-11"2x62x63'-6"4'-0"3'-7"10'-11"2'-1014"3'-3"2'-0"19'-1"5 1/2"5 1/2"3'-8"6'-4"3'-8"30'-0"5'-0"10'-3"4'-1"6"4'-2 3/4"3'-11"P.H.24" T.B.4/1x7/0 SROP.H.24" T.B.5'-0"5'-0"2'-1"3/0x5/0 SH 6'-4"FLR BRK(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 2x10(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10 (2) 2x10 (2) 2x10TRUSSESSEE 2/S3 FOR TALL WALL FRAMING266826685068 BI-PASS4068 BI-PASSOWNER'S SUITEW.I.C.OWNER'S BATHLOFTUTILITYBEDROOM #2BEDROOM #4BEDROOM #3W.I.C.BATHFURNFURNRETURNRETURNAIREXCHG.W.S.286822x30SKTL.ATTIC22x30ATTICSKTL.DN 17RSH34604 SH30" 30"20682468246824682468W.H.TANKLESSNOTE:WINDOW FALL PROTECTION TO BE PROVIDEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH R312.2GENERAL NOTES:xFIRST FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 9'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 7'-11" (U.N.O.)xSECOND FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 8'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. SECOND FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 6'-11" (U.N.O.)xALL EXTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xGARAGE/HOUSE COMMON WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.0.)xGARAGE WALLS TO BE 2x4 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xINSTALL 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARD ON ALL GARAGE CEILINGS AND ADJOININGHOUSE WALLSxALL INTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO HAVE 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD, ALL HOUSE CEILINGS TOHAVE 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARDxINTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x4, WITH EXCEPTION TO THE 2x6 PLUMBING & BEARING WALLSPER PLAN (U.N.O.) ALL INTERIOR WALLS FRAMED @ 16" O.C.xALL ANGLED WALLS ARE 45 DEGREES (U.N.O.)xBEARING WALLS SHALL BE FRAMED W/ DBL. TOP PLATE & STUDS ALIGNING W/ FLOORTRUSSES ABOVE, REFER TO FLOOR TRUSS LAYOUTSxALL POINT LOAD SUPPORTS (JACK STUDS) TO BE CARRIED THRU EACH FLOOR LEVELTO BEAR ON FOUNDATION, INSTALL BLOCKING IN FLOOR SYSTEM BELOW ALL POINTLOAD SUPPORTSxALL WOOD IN CONTACT W/ CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED WOODxALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO ROUGH FRAME (U.N.O.)xS.R.O. SIZES LISTED ARE THE FINISHED SHEETROCK OPENING WIDTH AND HEIGHT PERPLAN (EXAMPLE: 2680 OR 2/6x8/0 = 2'-6"x8'-0")xFLOOR BREAK INDICATES CHANGE IN FLOORING MATERIAL, REFER TO THESPECIFICATIONS FOR ACTUAL FLOORING MATERIALS SELECTEDxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCES & THE APPROPRIATEELECTRICAL OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS FOR EACHxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL TUB AND SHOWER SURROUNDMATERIALSxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION & CABINET SHOP DRAWINGS FOR KITCHEN &BATH CABINET LAYOUT, SIZES & FEATURES PER CABINET SUPPLIERxALL BATHROOM FANS TO BE VENTED TO EXTERIORxTOWEL BARS MOUNTED AT 54" AFF, TOILET PAPER HOLDERS MOUNTED AT 24" AFFxALL PANTRY & LINEN CLST'S. TO RECEIVE WIRE SHELVING, (U.N.O.)xALL CLOSETS TO RECEIVE (1) ROD & (1) WIRE SHELF (U.N.O.)xALL WASHERS ON LEFT SIDE, ALL DRYERS ON RIGHT SIDExAT ALL BATHROOM VANITIES, INSTALL WOOD STUD FRAMING SO ELECTRICAL OUTLETIS CENTERED ON VANITY.4'-8 1/8" R.O.5'-11" FRAMED7 1/4"6'-0" FINISHED9'-0"4'-8 1/8" R.O.7 1/2"FRAMED7 1/2"FRAMED1'-6"1'-6 3/4"R.O.DRYWALL BACKTO WALLALLUSION 60 ELECTRICFIREPLACE5'-11"FRAMED2x8 FRAMING,FLOOR TO CLG1/2" DRYWALL FINISH4'-8 1/8" R.O.1'-6 3/4" R.O.CEILINGRECEPTACLETECH.TUBE2x10 BLOCKINGBACKER8"8"8"8"CL6'-6"EQ.EQ.CL1'-6"INSTALL OUTLET ONDEDICATED CIRCUIT NEARTOP RIGHT OF FP UNIT2x STUDS,SIZED PERFLOOR PLANSCALE:A31MAIN FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A32UPPER FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A33ELECTRIC FIREPLACE OPTION3/8" = 1'- 0"FIREPLACE FRAMING DTL. 1'-0"OHROOF VENTS6' TYPICAL ICE & WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS & 3' FOR ROOF VALLEYSROOF VENTS BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR8:128:128:128:128" O.H.1'-0" OH10:12 SHEDROOF BELOWSIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.AT HOUSET/CONC. SLABT/1st FLR. PL.9'-1 1/8"T/WDW. R.O.7'-11"T.O. PLATE8'-1 1/8"T.O. SUBFL.T/WDW. R.O.6'-11"ADDRESS LOCATION81210:128'-0"BOTTOM OF SHEDROOF TRUSS1x8 TRIM1x8 TRIM1x6 MANTEL(3" O.H. EA. END1x6 SILL(3" O.H. EA. ENDBOARD &BATTEN STYLESHUTTERS4" CORNERBOARD, TYP.HORIZONTALSIDINGACCENT COLORSIDING(HATCHED)5'-11"BOARD &BATTENWINDOW GRIDSAS SHOWNHORIZONTALSIDING1x6 TRIM1x4" TRIM, TYP.1x4" TRIM, TYP.6" FASCIA,TYP.8:128:1210128:128'-0"BOTTOM OF SHEDROOF TRUSS@ HOUSET/SLAB2'-0"VENTURE SERIESE080 C2 - CASCADEFOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS ELECTRICAL PLANSA6MAIN AND UPPER FLOOR PLANS A2A3A5A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3STRUCTURAL DETAILSS4SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"GARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 399 SF825 SFSLAB ON GRADE 825 SFUPPER FLOOR: 1,224 SFTOTAL FINISH: 2,049 SFGARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECS PED3068ENTRY DOOR2/0x4/0 SH 16' x 7' OVERHEAD DOOR3/0x5/0 SH OPEN6/0x6/8 PATIO DR.3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 4 1/2"3/0x5/0 SH UP 17R36H. HALFWALLW/ WOOD CAP8'-0"29'-1"38'-0"2'-5 1/4"TRP.H.21'-0"22'-0"5 1/2"5 1/2"6'-3 1/2"3'-4 1/2"12'-6 3/4"7'-9 1/4"30'-0"42'-0"5 1/2"6'-6"5 1/2"13'-2"9'-3 1/2"16'-1 1/2"2'-5 1/4"9'-0"15'-1 1/2"7'-3 1/2"7'-10"4'x4'-8"CONC. PADBRACKETABOVE10:12 SHEDROOF4'-8"4'-0"30'-0"R&SFPHBFPHBOPTIONAL ELECTRICFIREPLACE, SEEDETAIL THIS SHEETREFR30"PANTRYDW10" OH5'-1 1/2"4'-0"6'-9 1/2"2'-7 1/2"34 1/2" H.2x4 KNEEWALL12'-5"19'-5"5'-6"3'-4 1/2"3'-7"2'-11"5'-1 1/2"5/6x8/0 SRO11'-10"HVAC CHASE1'-3"11'-0"4'-0"18'-10"5'-2 1/2"8'-0"4'-8"2'-0 3/4"2'-9 1/2"2"(2) 16" LVL EXTENDED HEADERCONSTRUCT PORTAL FRAME AS SHOWN IN 1/S4(2) 16" LVL EXTENDED HEADERCONSTRUCT PORTAL FRAME AS SHOWN IN 1/S4TRUSSESTRUSSES(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 9 12" LSL(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10GIRDER TRUSS(2) 2x4 (2) 2x4 (2) 2x6(2) 2x6(2) 2x10(2) 9 12" LSL(2) 2x8GIRDER TRUSS(2) 2x8(2) 2x6(2) 2x6TRUSSESTRUSSESTRUSSESTRUSSES(2) 2x4 GARAGEPOWDERFOYERKITCHENDININGGREAT ROOM24682468286824682'-4"4'-5"2'-3"18'-8 1/2"5 1/2"5'-9 1/2"13'-4 1/2"2'-1"20'-0"5 1/2"SLOPEDSTORAGECONCRETETEMPERED3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH SH346032x60 W/SH13'-6"30"30"DN 17RWASHERDRYERFLR BRK4 SHFLR BRK5068 BI-PASSR&S5068 BI-PASSR&SR&SR&SR&S3/0x5/0 SH 2/0x4/0 SH 3/0x5/0 SH 10'-0"10'-7"10'-2"9'-11"9'-10 1/2"5'-7"6'-6"15'-0"2x62'-1"2'-1"FURNRETURNRETURN30'-0"R&SR&SFLR BRK4 SHW.S.TRP.H.4'-6"24" T.B.P.H.2x68'-6"5 1/2"5 1/2"5'-6 1/4"5'-0 3/4"3'-4 1/2"5 1/2"5 1/2"2'-3"8'-4"42'-0"10'-4 1/2"8'-6 1/2"4'-6"4'-6"5'-3 3/4"10'-3 1/4"5'-5"5 1/2"8'-6"7'-2 1/2"14'-11"5 1/2"6'-11 1/2"7'-11 1/2"38'-0"2'-0"42H. HALFWALLW/ WOOD CAP4'-6"3'-2 1/2"5'-0"3'-7"6'-6"3'-3"5'-0"13'-6"2'-10 1/2"11'-4"3'-8"8 1/2"5'-5"1'-6"4'-0"6'-4"3'-1"3/3x7/0 SRO3/3x7/0 SRO3'-0"5 1/2"5 1/2"5 1/2"9'-0"30'-0"3/0x5/0 SH 21'-0"9'-10 1/2"4'-1"6'-11 1/2"22x30ATTICSKTL.FLR BRK48H. HALFWALLW/ WOOD CAPSEE 2/S3 FOR TALLWALL FRAMING(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10 CONT.(2) 2x10(2) 2x10TRUSSESBEDROOM #3BEDROOM #4BEDROOM #2LOFTBATHUTILITYWICOWNER'S BATHOWNER'S SUITEAIREXCHG.246820682668266826682468266826682468206824683'-5"3'-3"6"7'-5 1/2"4'-6"10'-10 1/2"W.H.TANKLESSNOTE:WINDOW FALL PROTECTION TO BE PROVIDEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH R312.2GENERAL NOTES:xFIRST FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 9'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 7'-11" (U.N.O.)xSECOND FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 8'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. SECOND FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 6'-11" (U.N.O.)xALL EXTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xGARAGE/HOUSE COMMON WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.0.)xGARAGE WALLS TO BE 2x4 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xINSTALL 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARD ON ALL GARAGE CEILINGS AND ADJOININGHOUSE WALLSxALL INTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO HAVE 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD, ALL HOUSE CEILINGS TOHAVE 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARDxINTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x4, WITH EXCEPTION TO THE 2x6 PLUMBING & BEARING WALLSPER PLAN (U.N.O.) ALL INTERIOR WALLS FRAMED @ 16" O.C.xALL ANGLED WALLS ARE 45 DEGREES (U.N.O.)xBEARING WALLS SHALL BE FRAMED W/ DBL. TOP PLATE & STUDS ALIGNING W/ FLOORTRUSSES ABOVE, REFER TO FLOOR TRUSS LAYOUTSxALL POINT LOAD SUPPORTS (JACK STUDS) TO BE CARRIED THRU EACH FLOOR LEVELTO BEAR ON FOUNDATION, INSTALL BLOCKING IN FLOOR SYSTEM BELOW ALL POINTLOAD SUPPORTSxALL WOOD IN CONTACT W/ CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED WOODxALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO ROUGH FRAME (U.N.O.)xS.R.O. SIZES LISTED ARE THE FINISHED SHEETROCK OPENING WIDTH AND HEIGHT PERPLAN (EXAMPLE: 2680 OR 2/6x8/0 = 2'-6"x8'-0")xFLOOR BREAK INDICATES CHANGE IN FLOORING MATERIAL, REFER TO THESPECIFICATIONS FOR ACTUAL FLOORING MATERIALS SELECTEDxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCES & THE APPROPRIATEELECTRICAL OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS FOR EACHxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL TUB AND SHOWER SURROUNDMATERIALSxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION & CABINET SHOP DRAWINGS FOR KITCHEN &BATH CABINET LAYOUT, SIZES & FEATURES PER CABINET SUPPLIERxALL BATHROOM FANS TO BE VENTED TO EXTERIORxTOWEL BARS MOUNTED AT 54" AFF, TOILET PAPER HOLDERS MOUNTED AT 24" AFFxALL PANTRY & LINEN CLST'S. TO RECEIVE WIRE SHELVING, (U.N.O.)xALL CLOSETS TO RECEIVE (1) ROD & (1) WIRE SHELF (U.N.O.)xALL WASHERS ON LEFT SIDE, ALL DRYERS ON RIGHT SIDExAT ALL BATHROOM VANITIES, INSTALL WOOD STUD FRAMING SO ELECTRICAL OUTLETIS CENTERED ON VANITY.4'-8 1/8" R.O.5'-11" FRAMED7 1/4"6'-0" FINISHED9'-0"4'-8 1/8" R.O.7 1/2"FRAMED7 1/2"FRAMED1'-6"1'-6 3/4"R.O.DRYWALL BACKTO WALLALLUSION 60 ELECTRICFIREPLACE5'-11"FRAMED2x8 FRAMING,FLOOR TO CLG1/2" DRYWALL FINISH4'-8 1/8" R.O.1'-6 3/4" R.O.CEILINGRECEPTACLETECH.TUBE2x10 BLOCKINGBACKER8"8"8"8"CL6'-6"EQ.EQ.CL1'-6"INSTALL OUTLET ONDEDICATED CIRCUIT NEARTOP RIGHT OF FP UNIT2x STUDS,SIZED PERFLOOR PLANSCALE:A31MAIN FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A32UPPER FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A33ELECTRIC FIREPLACE OPTION3/8" = 1'- 0"FIREPLACE FRAMING DTL. 10:12 SHEDROOF BELOW16" DEEP BARGE LADDEROVERHANG6' TYPICAL ICE & WATER SHIELDFOR EXTERIOR WALLS & 3' FORROOF VALLEYSROOF VENTS BY ROOFINGCONTRACTOR6:126:121'-0" OHROOF VENTS1'-0" OHT.O. PLATE8'-1 1/8"AT HOUSE9'-1 1/8"T/CONC. SLABT/1st FLR. PL.T.O. SUBFL.10:12T/WDW. R.O.6'-11"ADDRESS LOCATION6:121247'-8 3/8"BOTTOM OF SHEDROOF TRUSS1x4" TRIM, TYP.WINDOW GRIDSAS SHOWNBOARD /BATTEN6" FASCIA4" FRIEZE16" DEEP BARGELADDER OVERHANG1x8 TRIM1x4 TRIMTYP.4" CORNERBOARD, TYP.4" FACE TRIMSTACKED ON TOPOF 6" FACE TRIM3'-8"1'-1"1'-1"9'-6"TO CL OF GABLE1x6 TRIM1x4 TRIMTYP.1x83'-7 3/4"3'-7 3/4"10127'-8"BOTTOM OF SHEDROOF TRUSS@ HOUSET/SLAB612SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.VENTURE SERIESE070 C2 - BISCAYNEFOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS ELECTRICAL PLANSA6MAIN AND UPPER FLOOR PLANS A2A3A5A1DETAILSA4GARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 406 SF734 SFSLAB ON GRADE 734 SFUPPER FLOOR: 1,094 SFTOTAL FINISH: 1,828 SFSLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3STRUCTURAL DETAILSS4SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECS 2'-7 1/2"15'-1 1/4"4'-2 1/4"7'-6 1/2"10'-0 1/4"7'-4 1/2"SLOPE SLAB 4"TO GARAGE DOOR2" R-10 RIGIDINSULATION-TYP.16" W. X 8" D. CONTINUOUSCONCRETE FTG. AT PERIMETER(MIN. 5,000 PSI TYP.)**NOTE:**PLUMBING/DRAIN LOCATIONSSHOWN FROM ABOVEOFFSETS PER LENNAR STD.-V.I.F.2" LEDGE AT GAR. WALL (TYP)4"4"6'-0"10'-0"SLOPE SLAB1/4" / FOOT30'-0"18'-0"20'-0"6"2'-0"16'-1 1/2"2'-2"9'-8 1/2"6"6"10"10"10"38'-0"44'-0"20'-3 1/2"9'-8 1/2"DROP FDTN 8" @GARAGE DOOR4" CONC. PORCHSLAB**NOTE:**SEE STRUCTURAL DESIGN ONPAGE S3 FOR STRUCTURALINFORMATION9'-5"16"W. x 8"D. THKND.SLAB FOOTING4'-2 1/4"BASE (3500 P.S.I.)4" CONC. SLABGARAGE SLAB4" CONC. SLAB OVER6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIEROVER DEPTH OF FOOTING GRAVEL BASE (2500 P.S.I.)BASEMENT SLAB24"x 24"x 8"D CONCRETEPAD FOOTINGCL20'-0"30'-0"2" LEDGE ATCOMMON WALLS (TYP)KITCHEN ISLAND ABV.CLCLCLPOUR GARAGE SLAB FLUSH2'-3"6" GRANULAR FILL16"x8" CONC. FOOTINGW/ SILL SEALER(TR) 2x6 SILL PLATEGRADER-20 BATT INS.BOLT AT 72" O.C.1/2" DIA. x 10" ANCHOR8" POURED CONC.FOUNDATION WALL CONC. SLABEXT. FIN. PER PLANDOUBLE TOP PLATEHEADER AT WIN.4 MIL POLY8"2"TYVEK WITH SIDINGPER PLAN(EXT. PER PLAN)VAPOR BARRIERR-10 RIGID INSUL.OR APPROV. STRAPMIN. 42"WATERPROOFINGREQ'D. @ TOPFDN. WALL5/8" DRYWALL1/2" DRYWALL6" GRANULAR FILL CONC. SLAB10"VAPOR BARRIERR-10 RIGID INSUL.8"CONC. STOOPAT FOUNDATION2" D.x8" H. LEDGEWATERPROOFING2'-7 1/2"15'-1 1/4"4'-2 1/4"C7'-6 1/2"10'-0 1/4"7'-4 1/2"2" R-10 RIGIDINSULATION-TYP.16" W. X 8" D. CONTINUOUSCONCRETE FTG. AT PERIMETER(MIN. 5,000 PSI TYP.)2" LEDGE AT GAR. WALL (TYP)4"4"6'-0"11'-8"2" LEDGE ATCOMMON WALLS (TYP)SLOPE SLAB1/4" / FOOT30'-0"18'-0"20'-0"6"1'-6"16'-1 1/2"2'-8"9'-8 1/2"6"6"10"10"10"38'-0"44'-0"20'-3 1/2"9'-8 1/2"DROP FDTN 8" @GARAGE DOOR4" CONC. PORCHSLABSLOPE SLAB 4"TO GARAGE DOOR9'-5"16"W. x 8"D. THKND.SLAB FOOTING4'-2 1/4"1'-9"16'-7 1/2"BASE (3500 P.S.I.)4" CONC. SLABGARAGE SLAB4" CONC. SLAB OVER6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIEROVER DEPTH OF FOOTING GRAVEL BASE (2500 P.S.I.)BASEMENT SLAB**NOTE:**SEE STRUCTURAL DESIGN ONPAGE S3 FOR STRUCTURALINFORMATION**NOTE:**PLUMBING/DRAIN LOCATIONSSHOWN FROM ABOVEOFFSETS PER LENNAR STD.-V.I.F.24"x 24"x 8"D CONCRETEPAD FOOTING36"x 36"x 12"D w/ #5 BARS @ 12"O.C. CONCRETE PAD FOOTINGKITCHEN ISLAND ABV.LCLCLCLPOUR GARAGE SLAB FLUSH2'-3"2'-7 1/2"9'-5"15'-1 1/4"4'-2 1/4"7'-6 1/2"10'-0 1/4"7'-4 1/2"2" R-10 RIGIDINSULATION-TYP.16" W. X 8" D. CONTINUOUSCONCRETE FTG. AT PERIMETER(MIN. 5,000 PSI TYP.)16"W. x 8"D. THKND.SLAB FOOTING2" LEDGE AT GAR. WALL (TYP)4"4"30'-0"18'-0"20'-0"6"1'-6"16'-1 1/2"2'-8"9'-8 1/2"8"10"10"38'-0"38'-0"20'-3 1/2"9'-8 1/2"4'-9 3/4"SLOPE SLAB1/4" / FOOT4'x5'4" CONC. PORCH SLABDROP FDTN 8" @GARAGE DOORSLOPE SLAB 4"TO GARAGE DOOR4'-2 1/4"1'-9"16'-7 1/2"BASE (3500 P.S.I.)4" CONC. SLABGARAGE SLAB4" CONC. SLAB OVER6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIEROVER DEPTH OF FOOTING GRAVEL BASE (2500 P.S.I.)BASEMENT SLAB**NOTE:**SEE STRUCTURAL DESIGN ONPAGE S3 FOR STRUCTURALINFORMATION**NOTE:**PLUMBING/DRAIN LOCATIONSSHOWN FROM ABOVEOFFSETS PER LENNAR STD.-V.I.F.24"x 24"x 8"D CONCRETEPAD FOOTING36"x 36"x 12"D w/ #5 BARS @ 12"O.C. CONCRETE PAD FOOTINGCL2" LEDGE ATCOMMON WALLKITCHEN ISLAND ABV.CLCL4'-0"20'-3 1/2"30'-0"CLPOUR GARAGE SLAB FLUSH2'-3"SCALE:A21SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION PLAN - A21/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A24SLAB ON GRADE DETAIL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A22SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION PLAN - B2, D2, E2, F21/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A23SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION PLAN - C21/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A25DETAIL AT STOOP3/4" = 1'- 0" 1'-0"1'-0"ROOF VENTS6:126:126:126:126' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:126:126:12 PITCH 4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATEADDRESS LOCATION1266" TRIMNOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.6:12 6:12LAP SIDING8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE1267'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** A2 - GERSONSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 384 SF1,281 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,301 SF 1'-0"1'-0"ROOF VENTS6:126:126:126:126' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:126:123'-1"3'-1"6:12 PITCH 4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6" TRIM6:12126NOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.ADDRESS LOCATION8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE1267'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** B2 - GERSONSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 384 SF1,281 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,301 SF 1'-0"1'-0"ROOF VENTS6:126:126:126:126' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:128"4"6:126:12 PITCH 4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6" TRIM6:126:12BOARD / BATTEN126NOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.ADDRESS LOCATION8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE1267'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** C2 - GERSONSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 384 SF1,281 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,301 SF 1'-0"1'-0"ROOF VENTS6:126:126:126:126' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:12 PITCH 4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATELAP SIDING6" TRIM126NOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.ADDRESS LOCATION8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE1267'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** D2 - GERSONSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 384 SF1,281 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,301 SF 306816'x7' O.H. GARAGE DOORDWREFRKITCHEN48" VANITYPHFLR. BRK.286836"x36"x4"DR & SR & S26682668R & SR & SFURNAIREXCHG.FL DRW.H.TANKLESS3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SHFLR. BRK.FLR. BRK.2668FLR. BRK.2868OWNER'S SUITE3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SHGREAT ROOMDININGGARAGENOTE:SHEETROCK & FIRETAPEENTIRE GARAGEBEDROOM #2BEDROOM #3SEALED22x30ATTICACCESSW.I.C.52'-2"4'-0"25'-0"9'-9 1/2"51'-3"4'-4"3'-8"FLR. BRK.(4) SH.PANTRYR & SPORCH6" BOX COLUMN,TYP.5 1/2"14'-0"5 1/2"3'-0"9'-7 1/2"12'-4 1/2"5 1/2"5 1/2"16'-4"22'-4"10'-5"19'-5"72'-6"5 1/2"10'-2 3/4"2'-1"8'-0"2'-1"10'-2 3/4"5'-0"5 1/2"11'-6 1/2"5 1/2"20'-4"8'-2 1/4"18'-6"19'-3"6'-2 3/4"72'-6"1'-414"16'-1 1/2"1'-414"6'-2"18'-10"32x60 W/SHPHFLR. BRK.2x6 WALLHALLBATH36" VANITY2x6 WALL2x6 WALL6'-2"3'-4"1012"512"3'-1"3'-0"3'-4"12'-10 3/4"7'-10 1/4"34 1/2" H. 2x6 WALL TO EXTEND1" PAST FACE OF CABINET10'-2"3'-10"3'-3"3'-3 1/2"3'-4"5'-0"2'-4 1/2"7'-2 1/2"5 1/2"11'-10 1/2"2'-912"2'-6"2'-1"2'-2"14'-2"4'-1"2'-6"7'-1"TR.6"6"2'-10"3'-4"5'-8"3 1/2"3 1/2"18'-3 1/2"2A42A43A43A424'-1"FPHBFPHBUNFINISHED2068246824682068206826682668NOTE:WINDOW FALL PROTECTION TO BE PROVIDEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH R312.2.1GENERAL NOTES:xFIRST FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 9'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 7'-11" (U.N.O.)xSECOND FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 8'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. SECOND FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 6'-11" (U.N.O.)xALL EXTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xGARAGE/HOUSE COMMON WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.0.)xGARAGE WALLS TO BE 2x4 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xINSTALL 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARD ON ALL GARAGE CEILINGS AND ADJOININGHOUSE WALLSxALL INTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO HAVE 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD, ALL HOUSE CEILINGS TOHAVE 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARDxINTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x4, WITH EXCEPTION TO THE 2x6 PLUMBING & BEARING WALLSPER PLAN (U.N.O.) ALL INTERIOR WALLS FRAMED @ 16" O.C.xALL ANGLED WALLS ARE 45 DEGREES (U.N.O.)xALL POINT LOAD SUPPORTS (JACK STUDS) TO BE CARRIED THRU EACH FLOOR LEVELTO BEAR ON FOUNDATION, INSTALL BLOCKING IN FLOOR SYSTEM BELOW ALL POINTLOAD SUPPORTSxALL WOOD IN CONTACT W/ CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED WOODxALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO ROUGH FRAME (U.N.O.)xS.R.O. SIZES LISTED ARE THE FINISHED SHEETROCK OPENING WIDTH AND HEIGHT PERPLAN (EXAMPLE: 2680 OR 2/6x8/0 = 2'-6"x8'-0")xFLOOR BREAK INDICATES CHANGE IN FLOORING MATERIAL, REFER TO THESPECIFICATIONS FOR ACTUAL FLOORING MATERIALS SELECTEDxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCES & THE APPROPRIATEELECTRICAL OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS FOR EACHxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL TUB AND SHOWER SURROUNDMATERIALSxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION & CABINET SHOP DRAWINGS FOR KITCHEN &BATH CABINET LAYOUT, SIZES & FEATURES PER CABINET SUPPLIERxALL BATHROOM FANS TO BE VENTED TO EXTERIORxTOWEL BARS MOUNTED AT 54" AFF, TOILET PAPER HOLDERS MOUNTED AT 24" AFFxALL PANTRY & LINEN CLST'S. TO RECEIVE WIRE SHELVING, (U.N.O.)xALL CLOSETS TO RECEIVE (1) ROD & (1) WIRE SHELF (U.N.O.)xALL WASHERS ON LEFT SIDE, ALL DRYERS ON RIGHT SIDExAT ALL BATHROOM VANITIES, INSTALL WOOD STUD FRAMING SO ELECTRICAL OUTLETIS CENTERED ON VANITY.DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETDUPLEX OUTLET ABOVE COUNTERWEATHERPROOF DUPLEX OUTLETHALF-SWITCHED DUPLEX OUTLETDUPLEX OUTLET IN FLOOR220 VOLT OUTLETWALL SWITCHTHREE-WAY SWITCHFOUR-WAY SWITCHCEILING MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURERECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURELIGHT FIXTURE WITH PULL CHAINFLOURESCENT LIGHT FIXTUREEXHAUST FANCHIMESSMOKE DETECTORTHERMOSTATELECTRIC PANELELECTRICAL KEY DUPLEX OUTLET (GROUND FAULT PROTECTED)RECESSED INCANDESCENT EYE BALL FIXTURECARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER ROUGH-IN (OPTIONAL)LED FIXTURELMULTI-MEDIA JACKEVCMMTCMSDCHPLUGMOLD PM34FURNAIREXCHG.FL DRW.H.TANKLESS32x60 W/SHLBLOCKFOR FANLLLSDMMGASGFIP LLLGFIP (WP)LLTSDCMLL33LL4'-8"4'-0"MICROGFIP GFIP GFIP GFIP GFIP LBLOCKFOR FANLBLOCKFOR FANSDSDSDCMMMLLBLOCKFOR FANLGFIP (WP)LLLFPHBFPHBSERVICEPANELPRIMARYLOCATION3'-0"GFIP EVCGFIP CLG. MNT.FOR G.D.O.AND HEATING PIPE LOCATIONS AND WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS1. THIS ELECTRICAL PLAN MAY VARY DEPENDING UPON PLUMBINGSUCH AS JOISTS, TRUSSES AND STUDS.GENERAL NOTES ELECTRICAL AND/OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS, THIS INCLUDES2. REFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCEBUT IS NOT LIMITED TO WASHER, DRYER, RANGE/COOKTOP,MICROWAVE, OVEN AND/OR ADVANTIUM (WHERE APPLICABLE),DISHWASHER AND REFRIGERATOR.5. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, INSTALL SWITCHES & RECEPTACLESAT THE FOLLOWING HEIGHTS ABOVE FINISH FLOOR:REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING CODES.AS REQUIRED BY NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) AND MEETING THE4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERUPTERS (GFI)AND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING CODES.TELEVISION.........14"TELEPHONE........14"OUTLETS.............14"SWITCHES...........42"AS REQUIRED BY NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA)3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL LOCALLY CERTIFIED SMOKE DETECTORSDESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BID ROOF VENTS6:126:121'-0"6' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"6:126:121'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:126:126:12 PITCH4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6" TRIM6:12ADDRESS LOCATION126NOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.6:12LAP SIDING1268'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE7'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** A2 - BROWERSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 380 SF1,129 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,129 SF ROOF VENTS6:126:121'-0"6' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"6:126:121'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:126:12 PITCH4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6" TRIM6:12LAP SIDINGADDRESS LOCATION126NOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.1268'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE7'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** B2 - BROWERSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 380 SF1,129 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,129 SF ROOF VENTS6:126:121'-0"6' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"6:126:121'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:126:12 PITCH4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATEADDRESS LOCATION1266" TRIMNOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.6:12BOARD / BATTENLAP SIDING1268'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE7'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** C2 - BROWERSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 380 SF1,129 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,129 SF ROOF VENTS6:126:121'-0"6' TYPICAL ICE &WATER SHIELD FOREXTERIOR WALLS &3' FOR ROOFVALLEYSROOF VENTS BYROOFINGCONTRACTOR1'-0"6:126:121'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6:12 PITCH4' AWNING BELOW8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATEADDRESS LOCATION1266" TRIMNOTE:4" TRIM & CORNER BOARDS, U.N.O.LAP SIDING1268'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE7'-6"8'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:128'-1 1/8"T.O. FOUNDT.O. PLATE6:12SIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.ROOF VENT INSTALLATION NOTES:1. ALL ROOF VENTS TO BE INSTALLED OVER 8" WIDE x 9" HIGH OPENINGS INTO THEROOF SHEATHING.2. STANDARD LOCATION OF ROOF VENTS ON GABLE ROOFS TO BE 12" DOWN FROM THEROOF RIDGE TO THE TOP OF THE 8"x9" OPENING.3. HIP ROOFS MAY REQUIRE THE OPNG'S. TO BE CUT FURTHER DOWN FROM ROOFRIDGE TO ALIGN W/ REQUIRED SIDE ROOF VENTS. SEE ROOF PLAN.4. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE REMOVED FROM UNDERNEATH OVER-FRAMED ORPERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEMS FOR PROPER AIR MOVEMENT.5. NO ROOF VENT OPENINGS WITHIN 36" OF ANY VALLEY'S.DESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BIDCORE SERIES**** D2 - BROWERSCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS A6MAIN FLOOR PLANS A2A3A1DETAILSA4SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION GUIDESA1GENERAL NOTES & DETAILSS-0STEM WALL SLAB FOUNDATION PLANS-3SWASECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS-4AROOF FRAMING PLANS-5ABRACED WALL DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2GARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECSGARAGE: MAIN FLOOR: 380 SF1,129 SFSLAB ON GRADE: 1,129 SF 16'x7' O.H. GARAGE DOOR6" BOX COLUMN,TYP.3068DWREFRKITCHEN(4) SH.PANTRYTR.FURNAIREXCHG.W.H.TANKLESS286826682068206832x60 W/SH36" VANITY32x60 W/SHR & S286836"x36"x4"D3/0x5/0 SHR & SR & SGREAT ROOMDINING3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SH3/0x5/0 SHOWNER'S SUITEBEDROOM #3BEDROOM #29'-6"9'-6"11'-0"20'-4"9'-8"21'-6"3'-7"2'-9 1/2"2'-6"3'-3 1/2"5'-0"5'-0"FPHB34 1/2" H. 2x6 WALL TO EXTEND1" PAST FACE OF CABINETTBPHTBPHGARAGENOTE:SHEETROCK & FIRETAPEENTIRE GARAGEFPHBMECH.FLR. BRK.FLR. BRK.FL DR65'-6"2A43A43A42A45 1/2"13'-11 1/2"9'-10"5 1/2"4'-11"7'-8"12'-5"25'-0"5 1/2"2'-11 1/2"18'-2"15'-1"8'-11 1/2"5 1/2"44'-3"5 1/2"4'-0"16'-11 1/2"9'-11 1/2"18'-3"16'-4"45'-2"6"6"6'-4"1'-314"16'-1 1/2"1'-314"18'-8"25'-0"HALL BATHBATH2x6 WALL2x6 WALL2x6 WALL2'-512"3'-1012"1'-10"1'-11"14'-0 1/2"18'-1"5'-10"1'-734"1'-734"2'-812"3'-3"11'-10"3'-7"5'-6"48" VANITY1'-10"FLR. BRK.5'-3"2'-1"6'-0 1/2"3'-7"FLR. BRK.2'-2"4'-2"7'-2 1/2"2'-1"7'-9 1/2"4'-4"3'-3 1/2"27" WIDESTACKEDW/D2468246865'-6"NOTE:WINDOW FALL PROTECTION TO BE PROVIDEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH R312.2.1GENERAL NOTES:xFIRST FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 9'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 7'-11" (U.N.O.)xSECOND FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 8'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)xT.O. SECOND FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 6'-11" (U.N.O.)xALL EXTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xGARAGE/HOUSE COMMON WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.0.)xGARAGE WALLS TO BE 2x4 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)xINSTALL 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARD ON ALL GARAGE CEILINGS AND ADJOININGHOUSE WALLSxALL INTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO HAVE 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD, ALL HOUSE CEILINGS TOHAVE 5/8" FIRECODE GYPSUM BOARDxINTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x4, WITH EXCEPTION TO THE 2x6 PLUMBING & BEARING WALLSPER PLAN (U.N.O.) ALL INTERIOR WALLS FRAMED @ 16" O.C.xALL ANGLED WALLS ARE 45 DEGREES (U.N.O.)xALL POINT LOAD SUPPORTS (JACK STUDS) TO BE CARRIED THRU EACH FLOOR LEVELTO BEAR ON FOUNDATION, INSTALL BLOCKING IN FLOOR SYSTEM BELOW ALL POINTLOAD SUPPORTSxALL WOOD IN CONTACT W/ CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED WOODxALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO ROUGH FRAME (U.N.O.)xS.R.O. SIZES LISTED ARE THE FINISHED SHEETROCK OPENING WIDTH AND HEIGHT PERPLAN (EXAMPLE: 2680 OR 2/6x8/0 = 2'-6"x8'-0")xFLOOR BREAK INDICATES CHANGE IN FLOORING MATERIAL, REFER TO THESPECIFICATIONS FOR ACTUAL FLOORING MATERIALS SELECTEDxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCES & THE APPROPRIATEELECTRICAL OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS FOR EACHxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL TUB AND SHOWER SURROUNDMATERIALSxREFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION & CABINET SHOP DRAWINGS FOR KITCHEN &BATH CABINET LAYOUT, SIZES & FEATURES PER CABINET SUPPLIERxALL BATHROOM FANS TO BE VENTED TO EXTERIORxTOWEL BARS MOUNTED AT 54" AFF, TOILET PAPER HOLDERS MOUNTED AT 24" AFFxALL PANTRY & LINEN CLST'S. TO RECEIVE WIRE SHELVING, (U.N.O.)xALL CLOSETS TO RECEIVE (1) ROD & (1) WIRE SHELF (U.N.O.)xALL WASHERS ON LEFT SIDE, ALL DRYERS ON RIGHT SIDExAT ALL BATHROOM VANITIES, INSTALL WOOD STUD FRAMING SO ELECTRICAL OUTLETIS CENTERED ON VANITY.DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETDUPLEX OUTLET ABOVE COUNTERWEATHERPROOF DUPLEX OUTLETHALF-SWITCHED DUPLEX OUTLETDUPLEX OUTLET IN FLOOR220 VOLT OUTLETWALL SWITCHTHREE-WAY SWITCHFOUR-WAY SWITCHCEILING MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURERECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURELIGHT FIXTURE WITH PULL CHAINFLOURESCENT LIGHT FIXTUREEXHAUST FANCHIMESSMOKE DETECTORTHERMOSTATELECTRIC PANELELECTRICAL KEY DUPLEX OUTLET (GROUND FAULT PROTECTED)RECESSED INCANDESCENT EYE BALL FIXTURECARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER ROUGH-IN (OPTIONAL)LED FIXTURELMULTI-MEDIA JACKEVCMMTCMSDCHPLUGMOLD PM34LL4'-0"MICROGFIP GFIP GFIP GFIP FURNAIREXCHG.W.H.TANKLESS32x60 W/SHL32x60 W/SHLBLOCKFOR FANLLGFIP (WP)FPHBMMGFIP SDSDCMSDLSDLLLLBLOCKFOR FANLBLOCKFOR FANLBLOCKFOR FANCLG. MNT.FOR G.D.O.FPHBSERVICEPANELPRIMARYLOCATION3'-0"GFIP EVCGFIP LMMGFIP TLGFIP (WP)LLLFL DRSDCMAND HEATING PIPE LOCATIONS AND WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS1. THIS ELECTRICAL PLAN MAY VARY DEPENDING UPON PLUMBINGSUCH AS JOISTS, TRUSSES AND STUDS.GENERAL NOTES ELECTRICAL AND/OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS, THIS INCLUDES2. REFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCEBUT IS NOT LIMITED TO WASHER, DRYER, RANGE/COOKTOP,MICROWAVE, OVEN AND/OR ADVANTIUM (WHERE APPLICABLE),DISHWASHER AND REFRIGERATOR.5. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, INSTALL SWITCHES & RECEPTACLESAT THE FOLLOWING HEIGHTS ABOVE FINISH FLOOR:REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING CODES.AS REQUIRED BY NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) AND MEETING THE4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERUPTERS (GFI)AND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING CODES.TELEVISION.........14"TELEPHONE........14"OUTLETS.............14"SWITCHES...........42"AS REQUIRED BY NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA)3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL LOCALLY CERTIFIED SMOKE DETECTORSDESCRIPTION:OPTIONAL INFO:MODEL:REV. #REMARKSDATELENNAR HOMES, INC. EXPRESSLYRESERVES ITS COPYRIGHT AND OTHERPROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANSAND DRAWINGS. THESE PLANS ARENOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED INANY FORM OR MATTER.PAGE NUMBER12 / 2023 ISSUE FOR BID XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>>>>>>>I>>>>>>TBXTBXTBXTBXTBXSSSSSS5281CB965.76TBXWWW972.7WWW965.7TBXOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEUEUEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCUCUCUCTXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTTTEXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONEXCEPTION260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of theWest 1/2 of the SW 1/4West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/41102.00 STST>>>>>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%57' - 24" CMP @ 1.24%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSSSS>>>>>SS>>SS>>>SS>>>SSSS>>>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%42' - 18" CMP @ 1.19%16" WM (per city As-Builts)SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%45' - 15" RCP @ 0.36%5' - 15" RCP @ 3.40%STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10STRUCTURE - (9)INV: 954.40IP 1/2IN 15233957.6IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.6ft South of property corner963.0IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.3 ft South of property corner961.7PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM160.001003.00612.56 1001001001031008060 753375338075337533I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" DIP16" DIP16" DIP16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35STMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CBMH 402RIM: 960.43INL (E): 956.63INV: 956.63FES 403INV: 956.80CB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09CBMH 426RIM: 961.46INL (E): 957.93INL (N): 957.93CB 425RIM: 961.46INV: 958.0912" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)I16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET W E T WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T W E T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETSSIIIIIIIIIIII12" DIP10" DIP12" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)108' ROWSouth line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the NWcorner of the West 1/2 of the SW1/4 of Sec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 24Wright County CIM at the SWcorner of the West 1/2 of the SW1/4 of Sec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 24260.75West line of the East 160.00 ft of the West1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South612.56 ft of the West 1/2of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WE T WET WET WETWETWETArea = 58.68 ACRESSTSTMHRE=962.94IP OTTO 40062IP REBAR 1X X X X X X S88°50'53"W 160.00N01°00'48"W 560.18N01°00'48"W 560.55S00°58'00"E 2504.21S88°43'05"W55.24N88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38S46°08'51"E 141.09N89°25'33"E33.00N88°43'05"E 710.01STRUCTURE (66)INV: 939.8113' - 24" HDPE @ 0.40%XXXXXXXT48°37'24"W 324.34N66°03'13"W 39.44S88°28'33"W 34.91Public Right of Way Easement per Doc. No. 0404209Public Right of Way Easement per Doc. No. 0404209Public Right of Way Easement per Doc. No. 0404209WV967.4WV966.9WV965.7WV960.9STIPSTRUCTURE - (69)INV: 942.93STRUCTURE - (70)INV: 943.2219' - 30" Reinforced Concrete Pipe @ 1.56%PondWater Elevation = 945.7(2024-03-29) NGVD29FMFMFM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WETWET4-2023) NGVD29Elevation 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29STMH 416>>>STWWETWETWETETETWETWW E T ET W 0.4INL (E): 956.6INV: 956.6RIM: 960.4INLI>>IWest 1/2KITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NE74TH STREET NE74TH STREET NEKEADING AVENUE NEKEADING LANE NEKAGAN AVENUE NEKAG73RD LANE NEKAGAN AVENUE NE1BLOCK 223456789101112131415BLOCK 3BLOCK 4BLOCK 1BLOCK 9BLOCK 8BLOCK 10BLOCK 72345678910111213141511121314151617181920201918171615141312111234567891012345678910123456781212121245620' BUILDING SETBACK75' R.O.W. DEDICATION30' BUILDING SETBACKBLOCK 5112375' R.O.W. DEDICATION9KEADING AVENUE NEEEKEADING LANE NEKAGAN AVENUE NEBLOCK 6KNENNKAGAN AVENUE NE34534567891011345678910111269.46 .3146.1142.'28'BtoB60.0'28.0'R40.0'R20.0'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'60' ROW 28'BtoB 60'ROW28'BtoB60'ROW28'BtoB80'ROW46'80' ROW 46'28'BtoB28' BtoB 28'BtoB 5' 5'5'5'5'TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACBITUMINOUS SURFACE AND CURBINGWETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)20'20'WETLANDWETLANDWETLANDWETLAND1059.5OUTLOT BOUTLOT ADRAINAGEANDUTILITYEASEMENTR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONWETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)20'20'WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 15123456121110987BLOCK 1612345BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 231BLOCK 24BLOCK 25 12345123456Outlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot D20' BUILDING SETBACK 5' PARKING SETBACK 20' BUILDING SETBACK 5' PARKING SETBACK WETLAND EDGE20' BUFFER20' BUFFERWETLAND EDGE 20' BUFFER 5' PARKING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACKWETLAND EDGE20' BUILDING SETBACK 75' R.O.W. DEDICATIONEDGE20' BUFFERWETLAND1059.45N90°00'00"E25' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK>>>>>>>>>>SWALE 72ND STREET NEKEADING C O U R T N EKAGAN AVE NE20'20'20''50'80'180'30'30'40'40'60'40'100'40'60'ALL OF OUTLOT B IS DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT45.071.3R44.98'R45'45.0SIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK436.1377.775.030.075.0692.22406.480.0427.6502.0237.483.6KADLER AVENUE NEKADLER AVENUE NEALL OF 'OUTLOT A' COVEREDBY A DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASMENT.R20'R20'44.243.931.523.445.045.010.7108.577.6115.173.913.9146.1146.213.945.045.0142.6128.880.131.0TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC& DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTBY DEEDR.O.W.DEDICATIONR20'R20'28'BtoB30'30'30'20'15'15'30.0'20' 25' 20'NORTH RESIDENTIAL ZONING & SETBACK SUMMARYARE SHOWN THUS:DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTSBeing 5 feet in width and adjoining lot lines, unless otherwise shownand 10 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines as shown onthe plat.10(Not to Scale)1055The Property is currently Zoned: A-1 Agricultural Rural Service AreaCurrent Land Use: Rural UndevelopedAdjacent Properties Zoning:North: A-1 Agricultural Rural Service AreaSouth: I-2 IndustrialEast: PUD Planned Unit DevelopmentWest: I-2 General IndustrialProposed Zoning: PUD Planned Unit DevelopmentBuilding Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard = 25 ft.Rear = 20 ft.Rear Blocks 3 & 4 = 15 ft.Rear Kadler = 30 ft. (65 ft. from typical City 80 ft. R.O.W.)Side = 25 ft.Corner Side Yard = 15 ft.R.O.W. Side Yard = 25 ft.Lot Coverage Information is as follows:Minimum Lot Area = 5,000 SFTotal Site Area = 1,281,071 SF = 29.4 Ac.R.O.W. Dedication = 89,919 SF = 2.06 Ac.Wetland and Wetland Buffer = 156,832 SF = 3.6 Ac.Net Developable = 1,034,320 SF = 23.74 Ac.LEGAL DESCRIPTIONThe South 1102.00 feet of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 24, lying West of the East 260.75feet thereof; except for Minnesota Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plat No. 86-5, and also except the East 160 feet of theWest 1003 feet of the South 612.56 feet thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.ANDThe West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota lying west of the East 260.75feet and north of the South 1102.00 feet thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.C2.1C2.2ImperviousPerviousTotal 1,281,071655,991625,080s.fs.f.s.f.ImperviousProposed:TotalPerviousExisting:1,281,07112,6691,268,402s.f.s.f.s.f.29.415.0614.3429.40.2929.12Obtain all necessary permits for construction within, or use of, public right-of-way.The digital file, which can be obtained from the Engineer, shall be used for staking. Discrepancies between the drawings and thedigital file shall be reported to the Engineer. The building footprint, as shown on these drawings, and the digital file, shall becompared to the structural drawings prior to staking.Building layout angles are parallel with or perpendicular to the property line at the location indicated.Dimensions shown are to back of curb and exterior face of building unless noted otherwise.Delineate parking stalls with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe. Delineate access aisles with 4-inch wide white painted stripes 18inches on center and at 45 degree angle to direction of travel.Trash / Recycling areas: See Architectural drawings. NOTESNORTH RESIDENTIAL AREA SUMMARYSITE PLAN NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.100.0%51.2%48.8%100.0%1.0%99.0%ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.C2.3C2.4PRELIMINARY PLATWETLAND DELINEATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SHEETS RESUBMITTALETLETLETL20 FEB 202411 MAR 202408 APR 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL23001W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C201BDL001-CombinedPRELIMINARY PLAT- INDEX & NOTESC2.0XBENCHMARKSOUTH COMMERCIAL AREA SUMMARYTotal Existing Site Area = 1,274,939 SF = 29.27 Ac.Wetland Area: 246,581 S.F. = 5.66 AC.Upland Area: not applicableTotal Site Area = 1,274,940 SF = 29.27 Ac.R.O.W.Dedication = 93,408 SF = 2.14 Ac.Wetland and Wetland Buffer = 370,378 SF = 8.5 Ac.Wetland and Impact = 7,558 SF, 0.17 Ac.Net Developable = 811,154 SF = 18.79 Ac.Net Site Area = 1,181,532 SF = 27.12 Ac.Impervious Coverage Calculation:Buildings Total Area = 160,200 SFPavement Total Area = 460,776 SFTotal Impervious Coverage= 620,976 SF, 14.26 Ac.Impervious Coverage Percentage Calculation = 52.56%SOUTH COMMERCIAL ZONING & SETBACK SUMMARYThe Property is currently Zoned: I-2 Industrial. The subject property is in the process of rezoning to Residential-Medium DensityDistrict (R-6), Residential-High Density District (R-7), and General Industrial District (I-2).Current Land Use: Rural UndevelopedAdjacent Properties Zoning:North: A-1 Agricultural Rural Service AreaSouth: I-2 Industrial (City of Albertville)East: PUD Planned Unit DevelopmentWest: I-2 General IndustrialBuilding Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard (ROW) = 30 ft.Rear = 25 ft.Side (Interior) = 20 ft.Side (Street) = 20 ft.Parking Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard (from right-of-way lines) = 15 ft.Rear = 5 ft.Side (Interior) = 5 ft.Side (Street) = 5 ft.LEGENDExisting EasementProposed EasementProposed SetbackProperty LineUnderlying Parcel LineInterior Lot LineNORTH0 200 400MNDOT NAME: 8680 KGSID Station # 34925Location: 2.0 miles northwest of Albertville, 1.3 miles northwest-along Interstate Highway 94 from the junction of Interstate Highway 94and County Road 19 in Albertville, 179.4 feet east-southeast of milepost 200, 92.0 feet north-northeast of westbound Interstate Highway94, at Interstate Highway 94 milepoint 200.0, 6.5 feet southwest of a fence, 6.6 feet south-southwest of a witness post.Elevation = 965.74 feet NGVD29 PRELIMINARY PLATWETLAND DELINEATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SHEETS RESUBMITTALETLETLETL20 FEB 202411 MAR 202408 APR 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL23001W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C201BDL001-CombinedPRELIMINARY PLAT- TABLESC2.0AXSOUTH COMMERCIAL LOT AREA TABLEWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭϭ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰϭϮ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϭ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰϭϮ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϭ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰϭϮ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϭ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϭϮ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϭ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰϭϮ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭϯ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϰ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϯ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϰ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϯ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϰ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϯ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϰ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϯ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϰ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭϱ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϲ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϵϰϯϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϲ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϲϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϲ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϲϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϲ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϲϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϲ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϲϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϲ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϵϮϱϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭϱ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϴ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϱ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϴ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϱ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϴ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϱ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘Ϭϰϭϴ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϭϬ͘Ϭϯϭϴ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϭϬ͘ϬϯWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭϴ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϭϬ͘Ϭϰϭϳ͕>Žƚϭ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘Ϭϱϭϴ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϰϵϬ͘Ϭϰϭϳ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϴ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϰϵϵϬ͘Ϭϯϭϳ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϴ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϰϵϵϬ͘Ϭϯϭϳ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϴ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϳ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϴ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘Ϭϯϭϳ͕>Žƚϲ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘Ϭϱϭϴ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭϵ͕>Žƚϭ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘ϬϱϮϬ͕>Žƚϭ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘Ϭϱϭϵ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϬ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϵ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϬ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϵ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϬ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϵ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϬ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘Ϭϰϭϵ͕>Žƚϲ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘ϬϱϮϬ͕>Žƚϲ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘ϬϱWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϮϭ͕>Žƚϭ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰϮϮ͕>Žƚϭ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘ϬϱϮϭ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϮϮ͕>ŽƚϮ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϭ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϮϮ͕>Žƚϯ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϭ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϱϬϭϬ͘ϬϯϮϮ͕>Žƚϰ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϭ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϱϬϭϬ͘ϬϯϮϮ͕>Žƚϱ ϭ͕ϴϭϰϬ͘ϬϰϮϭ͕>Žƚϲ ϭ͕ϳϱϭϬ͘ϬϰϮϮ͕>Žƚϲ Ϯ͕ϭϭϲϬ͘ϬϱϮϭ͕>Žƚϳ ϭ͕ϳϰϵϬ͘ϬϰϮϭ͕>Žƚϴ ϭ͕ϰϵϵϬ͘ϬϯWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϮϭ͕>Žƚϵ ϭ͕ϰϵϵϬ͘ϬϯϮϯ͕>Žƚϭ ϵ͕ϲϬϬϬ͘ϮϮϮϭ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯϮϭ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϭ͕ϱϬϬϬ͘ϬϯWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϮϭ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϭ͕ϳϱϬϬ͘ϬϰϮϱ͕>Žƚϭ Ϯ͕ϴϴϬϬ͘ϬϳϮϱ͕>ŽƚϮ Ϯ͕ϰϱϯϬ͘ϬϲWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϮϱ͕>Žƚϯ Ϯ͕ϰϱϯϬ͘ϬϲϮϰ͕>Žƚϭ Ϯ͕ϴϴϬϬ͘ϬϳϮϱ͕>Žƚϰ Ϯ͕ϰϱϯϬ͘ϬϲϮϰ͕>ŽƚϮ Ϯ͕ϰϱϯϬ͘ϬϲϮϱ͕>Žƚϱ Ϯ͕ϴϴϬϬ͘ϬϳϮϰ͕>Žƚϯ Ϯ͕ϰϱϯϬ͘ϬϲϮϰ͕>Žƚϰ Ϯ͕ϰϱϯϬ͘ϬϲWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϮϰ͕>Žƚϱ Ϯ͕ϳϬϬϬ͘Ϭϲ KƵƚůŽƚϵϱϳ͕ϲϭϭϮϭ͘ϵϴZKtĞĚŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĂƚ<ĂŐĂŶǀĞϭ͕ϵϱϱ Ϭ͘ϬϰWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&Ϳ ƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϭ͕>Žƚϭ ϭϬ͕ϲϵϭϬ͘ϮϱϮ͕>Žƚϭ ϱ͕ϭϲϳϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>ŽƚϮ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>ŽƚϮ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϯ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϯ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϰ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϰ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϱ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϱ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϲ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϲ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϳ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϳ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϴ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϴ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϵ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϵ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>ŽƚϭϬ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϭϭ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>ŽƚϭϮ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϭϯ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϭϯ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϭϰ ϲ͕ϱϳϰϬ͘ϭϱϮ͕>Žƚϭϰ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϭ͕>Žƚϭϱ ϭϭ͕ϰϬϱϬ͘ϮϲϮ͕>Žƚϭϱ ϳ͕ϭϲϴϬ͘ϭϲWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&ͿƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿWĂƌĐĞů;ůŽĐŬ͕>ŽƚͿ ƌĞĂ;^&Ϳ ƌĞĂ;ĐƌĞƐͿϯ͕>Žƚϭ ϳ͕ϯϲϳϬ͘ϭϳϰ͕>Žƚϭ ϳ͕ϰϰϮϬ͘ϭϳϯ͕>ŽƚϮ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϰ͕>ŽƚϮ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϯ͕>Žƚϯ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϰ͕>Žƚϯ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϯ͕>Žƚϰ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϰ͕>Žƚϰ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϯ͕>Žƚϱ ϱ͕ϭϳϱϬ͘ϭϮϰ͕>Žƚϱ 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DEDICATION30' BUILDING SETBACKBLOCK 519KEADING AVENUE NEEEKEADING LANE NEKAGAN AVENUE NEBLOCK 6 AVENUE NENUE NE345678910111269.46 .3146.1142.'28'BtoB60.0'28.0'R40.0'R20.0'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'60' ROW 28' BtoB 60'ROW28'BtoB60'ROW28'BtoB80'ROW46'80' ROW 46' 5' 5'5'5'5'TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACBITUMINOUS SURFACE AND CURBINGWETLANDOUTLOT BDRAINAGEANDUTILITYEASEMENTR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONALL OF OUTLOT B IS DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT45.071.3R44.98'R45'45.0SIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK436.1377.775.030.075.0692.22406.480.0.6E NEKADLER AVENUE NER20'R20'44.243.931.523.4115.173.913.9146.1146.213.945. CUL-DE-SAC& DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTBY DEED30'30'30'20'15'15'30.0'25'IEast line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4IP RXXXXXW 34.91STINSEE SHEET C2.2MATCH LINEPRELIMINARY PLATWETLAND DELINEATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SHEETS RESUBMITTALETLETLETL20 FEB 202411 MAR 202408 APR 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C201BDL001-NPRELIMINARY PLAT- INSET 1C2.1XNE corner of the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4NORTH0 50 100 >>>>>>>TBXTBXSSTBXWWW972.7UEUEUCTXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCST260.75West line of the East 260.7West 1/2 of the SW 1/4ST>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSS>>>SS>>>>25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29FMFMFM80807533I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I 16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.0016" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETIIII10" DIP10" WM (per city As-Builts)108' ROWNorth line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Area = 58.68 ACRESS01°00'48"E 2406.38WETWET(12-14-2023) NGVD2-14-2023) NGVD29STMH 416>>STWWETTWETWETETWETWETTWWETETWKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKEADING AVENUE NEKEADING LANE NEKAGAN AVENUE NEKAG73RD LANE NE101112131415BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK 9BLOCK 8BLOCK 10BLOCK 71112131415161615141312115678910567891067812121212456BLOC12375' R.O.W. DEDICATION9BLOCK 6KEADING AVENUE NKNENNKAGAN AVENUE NE34534567891011345678910111245.045115.045.045.0115.045.0115.045.0115.045.045.0115.'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'80'ROW46'80' ROW 46'28'BtoB28' BtoB 28' BtoB 5'5'5'WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)20'20'WETLANDWETLANDWETLANDWETLAND1059.5OUTLOT BOUTLOT AR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATION1059.45N90°00'00"E25' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACKALL OF OUTLOT B IS DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT45.071.3R44.98'R45'SIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK436. AVENUE NEALL OF 'OUTLOT A' COVEREDBY A DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASMENT.44.243.931.523.445.045.010.7108.577.645.0142.6128.880.131.0R20'R20'28'BtoB30'30'20' 25' 20'IEast line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4SEE SHEET C2.1MATCH LINEPRELIMINARY PLATWETLAND DELINEATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SHEETS RESUBMITTALETLETLETL20 FEB 202411 MAR 202408 APR 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C201BDL001-NPRELIMINARY PLAT- INSET 2C2.2XSEE SHEET C2.3MATCH LINENORTH0 50 100 >>>>>>West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/41102.00 STST>>>>>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SS45' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%45' - 15" RCP @ 0.36%5' - 15" RCP @ 3.40%IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2612.56 7533I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16" DIP16STMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35STMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CBMH 402RIM: 960.43INL (E): 956.63INV: 956.63FES 403INV: 956.80CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09CBMH 426RIM: 961.46INL (E): 957.93INL (N): 957.93CB 425RIM: 961.46INV: 958.0916" WM (per city As-Builts)WET WET WET WE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWET WET 260.75North line of the South612.56 ft of the West 1/2of the SW 1/4North line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WArea = 58.68 ACRESS88°50'53"W 160.0001°00'48"W 560.18Public Right of Way Easement per Doc. No. 0404209STMH 416>>STWWETTWETWETETETWETTWWETETW RIM: 960.4INL4INL (E): 956.6INV: 956.6I>>IWETLANDWETLAND1059.5OUTLOT AR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONWETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)20'20'WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 15123456121110987BLOCK 1612345BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19123456123456121110987123456Outlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot D20' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK 20' BUFFERNG SETBACKNG SETBACKWETLAND EDGEDEDICATION1059.45N90°00'00"E25' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK72ND STREET NE20'20''50'80'180'30'30'40'40'60'40'100'40'60'BY A DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASMENT.East line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4SEE SHEET C2.2MATCH LINEPRELIMINARY PLATWETLAND DELINEATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SHEETS RESUBMITTALETLETLETL20 FEB 202411 MAR 202408 APR 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C201BDL001-NPRELIMINARY PLAT- INSET 3C2.3XSEE SHEET C2.4MATCH LINENORTH0 50 100 ITBXTBXTBXWWW965.7TBXOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCUCUCEXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONWest line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 oST>>>>>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%57' - 24" CMP @ 1.24%45' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%42' - 18" CMP @ 1.19%16" WM (per city As-Builts)STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10STRUCTURE - (9)INV: 954.40IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.6ft South of property corner963.0IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.3 ft South of property corner961.7160.001003.00612.56 1001001001031007533IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CBMH 402RIM: 960.43INL (E): 956.63INV: 956.63FES 403INV: 956.8012" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETSouth line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the SWcorner of the West 1/2 of the SW1/4 of Sec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 24260.75West line of the East 160.00 ft of the West1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South612.56 ft of the West 1/2of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WE T WETWETWETS88°50'53"W 160.00N01°00'48"W 560.18N01°00'48"W 560.55S00°58'00"E 2504.21S88°43'05"W55.24S46°08'51"E 141.09N89°25'33"E33.00N88°43'05"E 710.01Public Right of Way Easement per Doc. No. 0404209RIM: 960.4INL (E.4INL (E): 956.6INV: 956.6>>IR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONR.O.W.DEDICATIONWETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)NOPARKINGBLOCK 11234561110987BLOCK 12234561110987BLOCK 13234561110987BLOCK 14345610987BLOCK 15345610987BLOCK 345BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 231BLOCK 24BLOCK 25 12345123456Outlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot DOutlot D20' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK WETLAND EDGE20' BUFFERWETLAND EDG E 20' BUFFER 5' PARKING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACK 75' R.O.W. DEDICATIONEDGE20' BUFFERWETLAND>>>>>>>>>>SWALE 72ND STREET NEKEADING C O U R T N EKAGAN AVE NE20''30'40'60'40'100'40'60'R.O.W.DEDICATIONEast line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4PRELIMINARY PLATWETLAND DELINEATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SHEETS RESUBMITTALETLETLETL20 FEB 202411 MAR 202408 APR 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C201BDL001-NPRELIMINARY PLATINSET 4C2.4XSEE SHEET C2.3MATCH LINESE corner of the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4NORTH0 50 100 OTSEGO, MNOTSEGO, MINNESOTANORTHNO SCALEAREA LOCATION MAP9494ABBREVIATIONSMODULAR RETAINING WALLFIELDSTONE RETAINING WALLNEWCATVUNDERGROUND CABLE/TVEXISTING DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONSTORM SEWER WATERMAINFORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER-WASTEROOF DRAIN SYSTEMGAS LINE-UNDERGROUNDFIRE LINE (IF SEPARATE) FIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONSOIL SUBDRAINTELEPHONE-UNDERGROUNDELECTRIC-UNDERGROUNDLAWN SPRINKLER SLEEVE>>>>RIPRAP>>FMSTSRDGATE VALVEWTRSANBLDG.FIREGASHYDTELEELECX"SSDLSSC.O.MAJOR CONTOURBUILDINGSPOT ELEVATION120CONCRETE SLOPE DIRECTIONCONCRETE CURBGUARD RAILFENCINGCONCRETE RETAINING WALLHEIGHT, TYPEPOWER POLELIGHT STANDARDEXIT LOCATIONUNDERGROUND STRUCTUREEDGE OF PAVEMENTBOLLARDCANOPY/OVERHANGBIT. EDGEFESCATCH BASINMANHOLESYMBOLSLANDSCAPINGGRAVELFLAG POLE>>>POWERPOLEGUARD POSTGAS METERTREESTRAFFIC SIGNWATER MAINSANITARY SEWER LINESTORM SEWER LINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICMAJOR CONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONCONCRETE BUILDINGCANOPY / OVERHANG120GM12"STS8"SANLTFENCINGCONCRETE CURBRETAINING WALL OEMANHOLEWATER VALVEFIRE HYDRANTFLARED END SECTIONCATCH BASIN6"WTRXXHEIGHT, TYPE1NOTE NUMBERGUY WIREIRON MONUMENT FOUNDWATER SHUT-OFF VALVEllMEASURED DISTANCEDISTANCE PER RECORDED PLATUNDERGROUND TELEPHONEUTUNDERGROUND ELECTRICUEGAS LINEGPAVING BLOCKPAVING BLOCKSET 1/2" X 14" IRON PIPETRANSFORMERTREE LINEMBMAILBOXSURVEY DISK (BENCHMARK)WSOBITUMINOUSSOIL BORINGB-X123.45%1.00LIGHT POLEMINOR CONTOUR123MINOR CONTOUR123SILT FENCESYMBOL DESCRIPTIONREVISED AREA (THIS ISSUE)REVISION - ADDENDUM, BULLETIN, ETC.NOTE REFERENCELARGE SHEET DETAILCOORDINATE POINTPARKING STALL COUNTDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLEROSION CONTROL SYMBOLSDRAWING SYMBOLSLEGAL DESCRIPTIONBENCHMARKINLET PROTECTIONC21C7.31122MNDOT NAME: 8680 KGSID Station # 34925Location: 2.0 miles northwest of Albertville, 1.3 miles northwest-along Interstate Highway 94 from the junction of Interstate Highway 94and County Road 19 in Albertville, 179.4 feet east-southeast of milepost 200, 92.0 feet north-northeast of westbound Interstate Highway94, at Interstate Highway 94 milepoint 200.0, 6.5 feet southwest of a fence, 6.6 feet south-southwest of a witness post.Elevation = 965.74 feet NGVD29The South 1102.00 feet of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 24, lying West of the East 260.75feet thereof; except for Minnesota Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plat No. 86-5, and also except the East 160 feet of theWest 1003 feet of the South 612.56 feet thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.ANDThe West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota lying west of the East 260.75feet and north of the South 1102.00 feet thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.3BOYD DOLLANSKY, LLCW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN, 53916TEL 612-309-9563FAX:CONTACT: CRAIG DOLLANSKYDESCRIPTIONSHEET NO.CIVIL & LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEETEXISTING CONDITIONS &REMOVALS INDEXNORTH EXISTING CONDITIONS &REMOVALS INSET 1NORTH EXISTING CONDITIONS &REMOVALS INSET 2SOUTH EXISTING CONDITIONS &REMOVALS INSET 3PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX & NOTESPRELIMINARY PLAT TABLESNORTH PRELIMINARY PLAT INSET 1NORTH PRELIMINARY PLAT INSET 2SOUTH PRELIMINARY PLAT INSET 3SOUTH PRELIMINARY PLAT INSET 4GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSIONCONTROL PLAN INDEX & NOTESNORTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN INSET 1NORTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN INSET 2SOUTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN INSET 3SOUTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN INSET 4SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER &WATER INDEX & NOTESNORTH SANITARY SEWER &WATER INSET 1NORTH SANITARY SEWER &WATER INSET 2SOUTH SANITARY SEWER &WATER INSET 3SOUTH SANITARY SEWER &WATER INSET 4NORTH STORM SEWER INSET 1NORTH STORM SEWER INSET 2SOUTH STORM SEWER INSET 3SOUTH STORM SEWER INSET 4STREET PROFILES INSET 1STREET PROFILES INSET 2STREET PROFILES INSET 3CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSLANDSCAPE PLANENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLANENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLANLANDSCAPE DETAILSCERTIFICATIONSCIVIL / LANDSCAPE SHEET INDEX & REVISION MATRIXOWNERC0.1C1.0C1.1C1.2C1.3C2.0C2.0AC2.1C2.2C2.3C2.4C3.0C3.1C3.2C3.3C3.4C4.0C4.1C4.2C4.3C4.4C4.5C4.6C4.7C4.8C6.1C6.2C6.3C7.1C7.2C7.3C7.4C7.5L2.1L2.2L2.3L7.1LANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: ERIC LUTHPROJECT CONTACTSCIVIL ENGINEERHOUWMAN ARCHITECTS31572 SNOWBALL ROADPENGILLY, MINNESOTA, 55775TEL 651-631-0200CONTACT: NICK HOUWMANARCHITECTLANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: LARRY HUHNSURVEYORLANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: JOSH POPEHNLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT02.20.24XXXXXXXXSHEETS ISSUED BY DATECOMPOST/BIO LOGI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.NAME HERE, P.E.LICENSE NUMBER: DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.NAME HERE, P.E.LICENSE NUMBER: DATE:XXXXX XX MONTH YEARXXXXX XX MONTH YEARD Angle&And@At100 YR. 100 Year Flood ElevationA.B. Anchor BoltA.D. Area DrainA/C Air Conditioning UnitADD. AddendumADDL. AdditionalADJ. Adjacent / AdjustAHU Air Handling UnitALT. AlternateALUM. AluminumANOD. AnodizedAPPROX. ApproximateARCH Architect / ArchitecturalAUTO. AutomaticAVG. AverageB.C. Back of CurbB/W Bottom of WallBFE Basement Floor ElevationBIT Bituminous (Asphaltic)BLDG BuildingBM BenchmarkBSMT. BasementC.F. Cubic FeetC.F.S. Cubic Feet Per SecondC.G. Corner GuardC.J. Control JointC.L. CenterlineC.M.U. Concrete Masonry UnitC.O. CleanoutC.O.E. U.S. Army Corps Of EngineersC.Y. Cubic YardsCB Catch BasinCBMH Catch Basin ManholeCEM. CementCIP Cast Iron PipeCMP Corrugated Metal PipeCONC. Concrete (Portland)CONN. ConnectionCONST. ConstructionCONT. ContinuousCONTR. ContractorCOP. CopperCU. CubicD.S. Down SpoutDEG. DegreeDEMO. Demolition / DemolishDEPT. DepartmentDET. DetailDIA. DiameterDIAG. DiagonalDIM. DimensionDIP Ductile Iron PipeDN DownDWG. DrawingE. EastE.J. Expansion JointE.O. Emergency OverflowE.O.S. Emergency Overflow SwaleE.W. Each WayEA. Each EL. ElevationELEC. ElectricalELEV. ElevationEMER. EmergencyENGR. EngineerENTR. EntranceEQ. EqualEQUIP. EquipmentEQUIV. EquivalentEXIST. ExistingEXP. ExpansionF & I Furnish and InstallF.B.O. Furnished by OthersF.C. Face of CurbF.D. Floor DrainF.D.C. Fire Department ConnectionF.V. Field VerifyFB Full BasementFBWO Full Basement Walk OutFBLO Full Basement Look OutFDN. FoundationFES Flared End SectionFFE Finished Floor ElevationFLR. FloorFT. OR (') FootFUT. FutureG.B. Grade BreakG.C. General ContractorGAL. GallonGALV. GalvanizedGFE Garage Floor ElevationGL. GlassGR. GradeH. HeightH.P. High PointHDPEP High Density Polyethylene PipeHGT. HeightHORIZ. HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air ConditioningHYD HydrantI.D. Inside Dimension OR IdentificationI.E. or IE Invert ElevationIN. OR (") InchesINFO. InformationINL. Inlet ElevationINSUL. InsulationINV. Invert ElevationJT. JointL.F. Linear FeetL.P. Low Point / Liquid PetroleumLB. PoundLGU Local Government UnitLB. PoundLB. LongitudinalLT. Light / LightingMAINT. MaintenanceMAS. MasonryMATL. MaterialMAX. MaximumMECH MechanicalMED. MediumMFR. ManufacturerMH ManholeMIN. Minimum / MinuteMISC. MiscellaneousMNDOT Minnesota Department Of TransportationMOD. Module / ModularMUL. MullionN. NorthN.I.C. Not In ContractNO. OR # NumberNOM NominalNTS Not to ScaleNWE Normal Water ElevationNWL Normal Water LevelO.F. On CenterO.G. Outside DimensionO.H. Overhead ElectricOH. OverheadOHWL Ordinary High Water LevelOPNG. OpeningORIG. OriginalP.C. Point of CurvatureP.I. Point of IntersectionPIV Post Indicator ValveP.L. OR P/L Property LineP.O.B. Point of BeginningP.S.F. Pounds Per Square FootP.S.I. Pounds Per Square InchP.T. Point of TangencyP.V.C. Point of Vertical CurvatureP.V.I. Point of Vertical IntersectionP.V.T. Point of Vertical TangencyPE PolyethylenePED. Pedestal / PedestrianPERF. PerforatedPREP. PreparationPROJ. ProjectPROP. ProposedPVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride (Piping)PVMT. PavementQTR. QuarterQTY. QuantityR RadiusRAD. RadiusRE Rim Elevation (Casting)R.D. Roof DrainR.E. Remove ExistingR.O. Rough OpeningR.P. Radius PointRC Reinforced Concrete PipeR.S. Rough SlabRSD Roof Storm DrainRE. RegardingREINF. ReinforcedREQ'D RequiredREV. Revision / RevisedRGU Regulatory Government UnitROW OR R/W Right of WayS. SouthS.F. Square FeetSAN. Sanitary SewerSECT. SectionSE Split Entry /Side ExitSEWO Split Entry Walk Out /Side Exit Walk OutSHT. SheetSIM. SimilarSLNT. SealantSPEC. SpecificationSQ. SquareSSD Subsurface drainSTMH Storm Sewer ManholeSTD. StandardSTRUCT. StructuralSYM. SymmetricalT ThicknessT/R Top of RimT/W Top of WallTEMP. TemporaryTHK. Thick / ThicknessT.J. Tooled JointTNH Top Nut HydrantTYP. TypicalU.N.O. Unless Noted OtherwiseV.B. Vapor BarrierV.C. Vertical CurveV.I.F. Verify In FieldVER. VerifyVER. VerticalVEST. VestibuleW WidthW.PT. Working PointW.W.F. Welded Wire FabricW/ WithW/O WithoutWO Walk OutVER. WetlandWP WaterproofWETL. WeightYD. YardYR. YearUNDERGROUND FIBER OPTICFOKITTREDGE PKWY74TH ST NEKADLER AVE NE 73RD ST NE80TH ST NE1970TH STREETJALGER AVE 191970TH STREET70TH STREETSITEEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C001BDL001-CombinedCIVIL & LANDSCAPETITLE SHEETC0.1ZACHMAN MEADOWS &CONDO SUITES OF OTSEGOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_Combined\C001BDL001-Combined.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:13:19 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>I>>>>>>TBXTBXTBXTBXTBXSSSSMHRE=970.17SSSSMHRE=967.46SSSSMHRE=966.205281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9TBXWWW972.7WWW965.7TBXOCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEUEUEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCUCUCUCTOEOE OEOEXXXXXXXXXXXX XTBXEBXTBXTBXTBXEBXCS3" MAPLETBX3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTTTS88°50'53"W 160.00N01°00'48"W 560.18N01°00'48"W 560.55S00°58'00"E 2504.21S88°43'05"W55.24N88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38S46°08'51"E 141.09N89°25'33"E33.00N88°43'05"E 710.01EXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONEXCEPTION260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/41102.00 STST>>>>>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%57' - 24" CMP @ 1.24%SSSS>>>MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV (S):936.44INV (N):936.44MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV (E):936.93SSMH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV (E):937.84>>>>>>>SSMH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV (E):938.56INV (W):938.56>>>>>SSMH 10-1RIM: 966.37INL (S): 946.69INV (N):946.69>>>>SSMH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV (N):947.93SS20792RIM: 964.42INV (E):951.13INV (W):951.23SS20793RIM: 962.68INL (W): 950.10>>>>>SSMH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV (N):936.03INV (E):948.18>>SSMH 12-2RIM: 958.61INL (S): 935.56INV (N):935.56>>>SSMH 12-3RIM: 959.42INL (S): 935.06INV (E):934.35INV (W):943.32INV (N):934.35>>>SSMH 13-1RIM: 958.82INL (W): 934.02INV (W):946.42SS20866RIM: 961.77INL (E): 949.72>>>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%42' - 18" CMP @ 1.19%16" WM (per city As-Builts)SS20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV (SW):951.3845' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%45' - 15" RCP @ 0.36%5' - 15" RCP @ 3.40%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.75%STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10STRUCTURE - (9)INV: 954.40967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.6ft South of property corner963.0IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.3 ft South of property corner961.7PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMABANDONED 6" HDPE FOREMAIN (PER PLANS)**approximate location**160.001003.00612.56 100100100103100SILO8060 753375338075337533I I I I I I I II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" DIP16" DIP16" DIP16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35STMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CBMH 402RIM: 960.43INL (E): 956.63INV: 956.63FES 403INV: 956.80CB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09CBMH 426RIM: 961.46INL (E): 957.93INL (N): 957.93CB 425RIM: 961.46INV: 958.09184' - 12" PVC @ 0.27%400' - 12" DIP @ 0.23%318' - 12" DIP @ 0.23%253' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.41%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.43%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.36%162' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%214' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%288' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%354' - 24" RCP @ 0.09%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.80%28' - 21" RCP @ 0.79%28' - 12" PVC @ 0.50%20' - 12" DIP @ 0.20%14' - 6" DIP @ 17.24%ABANDONED 6" HDPE FOREMAIN (PER PLANS)**approximate location**950955960965970975951952953954956957958959961962962962963963963964966967968969971972973974 976 955960965970956957958959961962963964966967968969960 960 960965961962963964960965970961962 963 964966967968969971972973960965970958959961962963964966967968969960957958959961962960956 956957957 957957958959961962963964 960965965 958 959961962963964964964964964966966967967968968 960960960958959 961962963 964 960958959961962960960960960960958958958958958959959959959959959959961961961961961962962 962963963 965 970962963 964 966 967968969966967968965970962963964966967968969962 962960960960961962960960959959961961962962963964960 95895996196212" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)I16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEGARAGESTORAGESTORAGEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWET WET WET WET WET WET W E T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET W E T WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T W E T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETSSSSMHRE=970.13STRUCTURE - (48)RIM: 952.76INL (E): 951.6829' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%IIIIIIIIIIII12" DIP10" DIP12" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)960960960 960 960960960958958958959959959959959961961961961961961962962962962 962962963 963 963963960965970961961961962962962963963963964966967968969960960960960960960960960960960960960960960960956957958959959959959959959959959959961961961961961961961962962962962963963963963 964 964960960961961962962 960960960960965970959959961961961961962962962963964966967968969960960957958958959959961961 962962963963 963965961962963964 965965970970961962963963964964966966 967967968968969969971971972972960965961962963964966967968969960957 958958958958 958958958958958959 959959958958960958958959959960959961955960960 960953954956957958959 961961961962962 955954956957958959960956957958959961962963960959961962960965961962963964966967961962108' ROWSouth line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the NW cornerof the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 ofSec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 24Wright County CIM at the SW cornerof the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 ofSec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 24260.75West line of the East 160.00 ft of the West 1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South 612.56 ft ofthe West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/46499IP962.8496968899699979799696596979666677676768896907099SSXXX979799797999997907096969999698969997799997X69989689668767677XXX669669666659659696SS68686967966969669699699996496996569966669996668966669699646449999999666766969667976997889991197297397397979997474 99995997979779799975599995979977297997707079969677991977996969999776766899999674 1241013XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX412WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20(TYP.)111111PID: 1188002632017326 KADLER AVENUE NEOTSEGO, MN 55362OWNER: BOYD DOLLANSKI, LLCPID: 1188002632007326 KADLER AVENUE NEOTSEGO, MN 55362OWNER: BOYD DOLLANSKI, LLCEXISTINGSANITARYSEWERABANDON 6" FORCEMAINWETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20 (TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20 (TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)BUFFERBUFFERBPONDNNNTop of IceoeopeoceElevation = 957.4e4ev4len .4(12-14-2023) NGVD29120G920G120NG9SSSSSMH 12-1222RIM: 961.18MM1IM1INL (S): 936.03S0S)0S0INV (N):936.03INV93V3NV93INV (E):948.18V(EE)E1E)18E1SSMH 12-2RIM: 958.6158.6195M6M6INL (S): 935.56I6I(6I)56INV (N):935.56)V35V35>>>>>>20' - 8" DIP @ 0.75%8 D"@%2"@%8"@%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%18P0.25@21 PP0.2958955895995999WETETWWEWETTETETETETWWETETWWWWWTWETTTWETWWETETWETWEETWWETWETETWEWETWET9995>96096609960WETTWETWETWEWWEWETWETWETETETWWWETWEWETTETWWWETEETWWETWEWTTTTTTTTWETWWETWETWWEWTWWWWWETETWETWEEWWETWETWETWWWWETWETWETETETWETWEWETWETETWWWWWWWETWETWETWEWETWETWETETTTTWEWEWEWETWETWEWETT20202200TYP.)YTY)YPP.)P.)))95WETWETWETWETWWEWEWETWETWETWWWWWETWETWETWETTETETETETETETETWWWWWETWETWETWTTWEWTTTTWETWETTWWWETTWWEWETWWWWWWETWETETWWEWETWETWETWETWWETWETWETWETETWWWETWETWWETWETETWETETTWEWEWEWETWETWEWETT95WETETWETWEWEWWTTWETWETETWETETETWEWEETTETTWEWEWEWEWWETWEETWWEETWETWETETWTTEWEWWEWEWEEWWEWETTETETET WETWETT>9589589589WEWEWETTTTETETETETET WETWWTWETWETWEWWWWETTWEETWWETWEWETWETWEWEWEWEWEWWEWEWEWETTTTTTETETETETETTETET WETWETWWWETTTWETWETWETWEWEWEWTTWETWETETWETWEWEWEETETTWEWEWEETEETETWEWETWETWETETTTTEWEWETWEWETSTMH 416>STSTWWETTTWETWETWWETTETWETTWW E T W E T W 20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20 (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WWETEBUBANAFFDDER TY(P.)9629969199995995WEWTLATBUFWEWNDNFELATLTUBUR (TYPDANEFEFFF)(TR 95959PTY)59595449664111020 0660616196961996464IP/2/1N1NN2325364644464/P11PN2INN22N21551152333333999969619UFBUWUEREFEFFWETWWF(TRLALLP.YDNDYP)BUBBFEEFFWEWEFR (TARTLATTARYPDTYNDNNDY)96262616196161616100660059595599595BUFFWUWWUERTEETEETETYN(TANAN(TP.)PDDP)02.010111 XXXXXXXXXXXX13FLARED ENDSECTION10GAS10WATER710STORM77IGG42' - 18" C42 'W E T ET W E T W WEWEWEGGGG8" CMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGGGGGIWETWETWETWETWETTEWETETETWEWEETETWETWEWEETWETWETWETTTWEETWETWETWEWETTTTTTTWETWWETWEWETGGGGGGGGGGGW E T W E T W E T W E T W E W E T W E WEWEGGG WWETWGGWETWETWETWETETTEETTTWETWWWETTEETTGGGGGW E T W E T W E T WW E T W E T ET WEWEWEWEGGGGGG WWTTWETWEWETWETGGWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETETWWEETTTTTTWETTWWETWETWET(T(T(T969696969996962020020.))YP.)YPP)P)P)TYP )YYPTYPP)YT(TYPTTYP((TY((YP.)))((99922(T(YP.)YPP)TYT(T(((99696YYTYPYTYPTY2022YY.))P)P)P)600960060096096099959959589599599589589006060099959995589589899599599599606000669696999696699000060666EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL23001W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563>>>>>>SAN>SAN>WETWETIIIIC101BDL001-NEXISTING CONDITIONS& REMOVALS INDEXC1.0Background information shown is from survey by Landform Professional Services, Minneapolis, MN, on December 15, 2023,expressly for this project; City of Otsego, Minnesota record drawings; and utility service providers. Landform offers no warranty,expressed or written, for information provided by others. Existing project conditions shall be verified prior to beginning construction.Errors, inconsistencies, or omissions discovered shall be reported to the engineer IMMEDIATELY.Reserved.1.2.EXISTING CONDITIONS:Tree Removal:Structure and / or Pavement Removal:Construction Limits:Tree To Be Protected and Transplanted:Tree ProtectionSee Landscape Plan (L2.1) for Relocation:Soil BoringB-XObtain permits for demolition, clearing, and disposal prior to beginning.Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning demolition and clearing.See Sheet C3.0-C3.4 for erosion prevention and sediment control measures that must be in place prior to disturbances to site.Building demolition: verify with owner that building has been cleared of regulated materials requiring special handling or disposal.Remove structure, columns, canopies, footings, foundations, and any associated construction in its entirety.Dimensions shown for removal are approximate. Coordinate with new construction to ensure appropriate removal of existing facilities.Pavement sawcut. Remove concrete walks and curbing to the nearest existing joint beyond construction limits.Complete demolition with minimal disruption of traffic. Coordinate lane closures with the regulatory authority and provide advancenotification to affected emergency response providers.Provide barricades, lights, signs, traffic control, and other measures necessary for protection and safety of the public and maintainthroughout construction.Protect structures, utilities, trees, plant material, sod, and adjacent property from damage during construction unless noted forremoval. Damage shall be repaired to equal or better condition at no additional cost.Abandon wells and remove on site sewage facilities prior to any other demolition in accordance with requirements of regulatoryauthorities.Remove trees noted, including root structures, from the site. Coordinate with owner to mark trees to be saved or transplanted prior toclearing. Protect trees indicated with tree protection fencing per Detail C7.X/X.Remove existing site features including, but not limited to, underground utilities, paving, curbing, walkways, fencing, retaining walls,screen walls, aprons, lighting, related foundations, signage, bollards, landscaping, and stairways within the construction limits unlessnoted otherwise.Coordinate removal, relocation, termination, and re-use of existing private utility services and appurtenances with the utilitycompanies. Restore electric handholes, pullboxes, powerpoles, guylines, and structures disturbed by construction in accordance withutility owner requirements.Existing piping and conduits may be abandoned in-place if filled with sand and if not in location of proposed building or in conflict withproposed utilities or structures. Terminate existing services at the supply side in conformance with provider's standards.Haul demolition debris off-site to a facility approved by regulatory authorities for the handling of demolition debris, unless notedotherwise. NOTESLEGENDDEMOLITION AND CLEARING NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.Wetland delineation completed by KLJ on January 26, 20241.2.:Utility Line Removal:Mass Tree Removal:Wetland:Forcemain:Sanitary Sewer:20' Wetland Buffer:WatermainXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNORTH0 150 300:Storm SewerC1.1C1.2C1.3:Wetland Impacts North Area = 25,063 s.f.South Area = 10,194 s.f.Total Area = 35,257 s.f.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C101BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:13:39 PM, JOrtiz >>>>SSSSMHRE=970.17SSSSMHRE=967.46SSSSMHRE=966.205281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31TXXXXXXXXXXTBXEBXTBX3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTN88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4SSSS>>>MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV (S):936.44INV (N):936.44MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV (E):936.93SSMH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV (E):937.84>>>>>>>SSMH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV (E):938.56INV (W):938.56>>>>>>SSSSMH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV (N):936.03INV (E):948.18>>SSMH 12-2RIM: 958.61INL (S): 935.56INV (N):935.56>>>SSMH 12-3RIM: 959.42INL (S): 935.06INV (E):934.35INV (W):943.32INV (N):934.35>>>SS20866RIM: 961.77INL (E): 949.72>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV (SW):951.3845' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.75%967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMABANDONED 6" HDPE FOREMAIN (PER PLANS)**approximate location**60 7533753380I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I16" DIPCB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00184' - 12" PVC @ 0.27%400' - 12" DIP @ 0.23%318' - 12" DIP @ 0.23%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.41%162' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%214' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%288' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%354' - 24" RCP @ 0.09%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.80%28' - 21" RCP @ 0.79%28' - 12" PVC @ 0.50%20' - 12" DIP @ 0.20%14' - 6" DIP @ 17.24%ABANDONED 6" HDPE FOREMAIN (PER PLANS)**approximate location**950955960965970975951952953954956957958959961962962962963963963964966967968969971972973974976 955960965970956957958959961962963964966967968969960 960 960965961962963964960965970961962963 964966967968969971960958959961962 965 970962963 964 966 967968969966967968970960 95895996196210" WM (per city As-Builts)IHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETSSSSMHRE=970.13STRUCTURE - (48)RIM: 952.76INL (E): 951.6829' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%IIIIII12" DIP10" DIP12" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per cit960961961961962960960960960 960960960960960960960960960960960956957958959959959959959959959959959961961961961 961961961962962962962963 963963 963964 96496096961961962962 960960960960965970959959961961961961962962962963964966967968969960960957958958959959961961 962962963963 963965961 962963964965963964966 967968969955960960960953954956957958959 961961961962962 955954956957958959960956957958959961962963960959961962North line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the NW cornerof the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 ofSec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 2496689965969666776779889670797SS6969996996997977X699968977676777669666965996S96964699966766969697976997119729737397974749979797999759979972977007996797799696997767668999744 WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20(TYP.)1111PID: 1188002632017326 KADLER AVENUE NEOTSEGO, MN 55362OWNER: BOYD DOLLANSKI, LLCEXISTINGSANITARYSEWERABANDON 6" FORCEMAINMH 10-2MH 10-2RIM: 969.9769.9M: 9RINL (S) 945 56 9 962995995995(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20 (TYP.)>PONDNNNTop of IceoeeopeoceElevation = 957.4e4ev4en.(12-14-2023) NGVD290G999WETWETWETWETWETTTETETETETWWWWETWEWEWETTWEWWTTWETWEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETTWWWWWETETETEWETWETWETWETWETWWETWETWETWETWETWETETETETWWWWWETWETWETWETWETETETETETTWEWWEWEWETWWETWETWEWEEE202022YP.)YYPP.)))00WETWEET996096060960ETETETETSSSSMH 12-122222RIM: 961.18M1MMM1IMINL (S): 936.03S0S)0S0INV (N):936.03INV3V3NV93INV (E):948.18V(E)E1E)18E1SSMH 12-2RIM: 958.618.61INL (S): 935.56I6I6I)6INV (N):935.56V355VV5V35>>>>>20' - 8" DIP @ 0.75%8 D2"@%2"@%2"@%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%18P2@2 295895589599599TWETWETWETWETTETETWWETTWETWWWTTWETTTTTWWETWTWETWETWEWEETWWETWETETWEWEWEWETWEWETWETWEWE9599599555ETWETETET95WETWETWETWETTTTTETETETETWWWWETWETWETWEWWWTTTWETWETWETWETTWEWETWETWETWWWWTETETTWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETETETWWWWETWETWETWETETETETWEWEWEWWETWETTWEWEWETWEW9595WETETWETWETWETWETWETWWWWWETWETWETWETWETTWEWEWEWEETETETWWEWWWETWETETWEWEWEWEWETWETWETWETEWEWEWETTWWETWEWEETTETETET WETTWETWETT>9589589589WETWETWETWWEETTETETT WETTWWTWETWETWETWETWWETWEWEETWWETEWETWETWEWETWETWEWEWETWETWETWETTTWEWWEETETETETETETTET WETWETTWETTTWETWETWETWETWWWWETWETWETWETWEWEWEWEETETTTWWWWWETETETWEWWEWEWETWETWETWETWEWEWEEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C1.2MATCH LINEC101BDL001-NNORTH EXISTING CONDITIONS& REMOVALS INSET 1C1.1\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C101BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:13:46 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>TBXTBXSSSSMHRE=970.17TBXWWW972.7OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31UEUEUCTO E OE OEOEXXXX XTBXEBXTBXTBXEBXCS3" MAPLETBX3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSTTS01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2ST>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSSS>>>MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV (S):936.44INV (N):936.44MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV (E):936.93SSMH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV (E):937.84>>>>>>>SSMH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV (E):938.56INV (W):938.56>>>>>SSMH 10-1RIM: 966.37INL (S): 946.69INV (N):946.69>>>>SSMH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV (N):947.93SS20792RIM: 964.42INV (E):951.13INV (W):951.23>>>SSMH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV (N):936.03INV (E):948.18>>>>25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV (SW):951.3845' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.75%PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29FMFMFMSILO80807533I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I 16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00184' - 12" PVC @ 0.27%400' - 12" DIP @ 0.23%318' - 12" DIP @ 0.23%253' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%20' - 8" DIP @ 0.41%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.43%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.36%162' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%28' - 12" PVC @ 0.50%20' - 12" DIP @ 0.20%14' - 6" DIP @ 17.24%960965970961962963 964966967968969971972973960965970958959961962963964966967968969960960960960958958958958958959959959959961961961961962 962963963 965 970962963 964 966 967968969965970963964966967968969961962960 95895996196216" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEGARAGESTORAGESTORAGEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETSTRUCTURE - (48)RIM: 952.76INL (E): 951.6829' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%IIII10" DIP10" WM (per city As-Builts)960965970961961961962962962963963963964966967 968969960960960960960960959959 961961961960958959961 962965961 962963964965965970970961962963963964964966966 967967968968969969971971972972960965961962963964966967968969960957 958958958958 958958958958958959 959959958958960958958959959960959961960959961962960965961962963964966967961962108' ROWNorth line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/46499IP962.849668997996596969796677677988967079SXX97999797999797696999699699977X6999689776777XXX6696669659696S68686967966966969999646996565696699969661241013XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX41220(TYP.)1111OWNER: BOYD DOLLANSKI, LLCEXISTINGSANITARYSEWERMH 10-2MH 10-2RIM: 969.9769.9M: 9RINL (S) 945 56 96962995995995(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20 (TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20 (TYP.)20(TYP.)BUFFERPONDNNNTop of IceoeopeoceElevation = 957.4e4ev4en.(12-14-2023) NGVD290G99SSSSMH 12-1222RIM: 961.18MM1IMINL (S): 936.03S0S)0S0INV (N):936.03INV3V3NV93INV (E):948.18V(E)E1E)18E1>>>>20' - 8" DIP @ 0.75%8 D2"@%2"@%2"@%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%18P2@2 295895589599599TWETWETEWETTETETETWWWWWETWETETWWWWTWETTTTTWWETWTWETWEWE95995995995WETWETETET>96966WETWETWETWETWETETTTETETWWWWETWETWETWETWETWWEWWTTTWETWWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWWWWWETETTETEWETWETWETWETWETW2022YP.)YYPP.)))00WETWETWEWEET6060960960960ETETTET95WETWETWETWETTTTETETETETWWWWWETWETWETWETWWWWTTTWETWETWETWETTWEWETWETEWWWTTTWETWETWETWETWETWEW9595WETETWETWETWETWETWETWWWWETWETWETWETWETTWEWEWEWEETETETTWWEWWWETWETETWEWEWWEWETWETWEWETEWEWEWETTWEETTWEWEETTETETTET WETTWETT>9589589589WETWETWETWEWEWETTWEWEETTTETETT WETWETTWTWETWETWETETWWWETWEWEWEETWWWETEWETWWETWEWETWEWEWETWETWETWETWEWEWEETTETETETTETET WETWETTWETTTWETWETWETWETWWWWETWETWETWETWEWEETETTETWWWWETEETWEWEWEWWETWETWETWETWEWEWESTMH 416>STSTWWETTWETWETWETETWETTWWETETWEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C101BDL001-NNORTH EXISTING CONDITIONS& REMOVALS INSET 2C1.2SEE SHEET C1.1MATCH LINENORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C1.3MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C101BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:13:51 PM, JOrtiz >>TBXTBXTBXWWW965.7TBXOEOEOEOEOEOEOEGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCS88°50'53"W 160.00N01°00'48"W 560.18N01°00'48"W 560.55S00°58'00"E 2504.21S88°43'05"W55.24S46°08'51"E 141.09N89°25'33"E33.00N88°43'05"E 710.01EXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONWest line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/41102.00 STST>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%57' - 24" CMP @ 1.24%SSMH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV (N):947.9345' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%42' - 18" CMP @ 1.19%16" WM (per city As-Builts)45' - 15" RCP @ 0.36%5' - 15" RCP @ 3.40%STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10STRUCTURE - (9)INV: 954.40IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.6ft South of property corner963.0IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.3 ft South of property corner961.7160.001003.00612.56 10010010010310075337533IIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" DIP16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35STMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47NV: 959.48CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CBMH 402RIM: 960.43INL (E): 956.63INV: 956.63FES 403INV: 956.80CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09CBMH 426RIM: 961.46INL (E): 957.93NL (N): 957.93CB 425RIM: 961.46INV: 958.092960957958959961962960956 956957957 957957958959961962963964 960965965 958 959961962963964964964964964966966967967968968 960960960958959 961962963 964 960958959961962960960960958958959959959959961961961962962963964962 96296096096096196296096095995996196196296296396412" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WETWET WET WET W E T WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWWET W E T WETWETWETW E T WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WET WET WETWETWE T WET WETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET960960960 960 960960960958958958959959959959959961961961961961961962962962962 962962963 963 963963957 958958958958 958958958959 959958958959960959961South line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the SW cornerof the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 ofSec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 24260.75West line of the East 160.00 ft of the West 1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South 612.56 ft ofthe West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1003.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4East line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4North line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/46499IP962.84STSTSTWET61611616120(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)20(TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)20 (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WETLANDBUFFER (TYP.)WWETEBUBANAFFDDER TYP.)96962629696966161619969696995959WEWLTLTUBUDNEEFF(TR 959595PTY9)5959564966102.0 60960661966962296969464PIP1/ 12I/21N515323233PP12N53396646466PIPP1/112IN22 1N52215533233396994644966990I/296161969661N1UFBUU2EREFWEWWF3(TRLALLP.YDNDP966262BUFBBFEEFFWEWWEFR (TARTLATARYPDYNDNDY)962669619669960606059955595995995999995992.001101 XXXXXXXXXXXX13FLARED ENDSECTION10GAS10WATER710STORM77GGGGIW E W E WETWWWETWETWETETWETWWETWETWWETWTWWETTTTWETETEEEWETWETETETWETWETWETTWETWETWETTTWETETWWWETWETWETWETWETWEWETWETTWWWWEWEWEWE- 18" CM818"CMW E T E T W E T W E T E T E T E T E T E T XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX42' -4''2'42'W E T E T W E T WWWWETETETWETTETWEGGGGGWETWEWWETWWWWWTETEEWETWWETETEEEEEWETTEWETTTWETWW E W E WW E T W E T W E T W E T E T E T E T WWWWWETWETWETWETWETWETWETTWEWWEWEWEWEGGWETETWETWWWWETTWWETWWTTETEEWETWWETWWETEWETWWETWETWETTWETWW(T(T96960009696969696966669999696962020020P.)P)YP.)PP)TYTTYP.)YYPYPP)(TYPTYP((TY(T((9696969602((YP.)YPP)TYT(TY((0606006600YTYPYP20Y.)P)P))600609606096096699589589559599595995995995959960006095959559595999585895899859599599599595595960000Background information shown is from survey by Landform, Minneapolis, MN, on December 15, 2023, expressly for this project; Cityof Otsego, MN record drawings; and utility service providers. Landform offers no warranty, expressed or written, for informationprovided by others. Existing project conditions shall be verified prior to beginning construction. Errors, inconsistencies, or omissionsdiscovered shall be reported to the Engineer IMMEDIATELY.Geotechnical boring locations are approximate and are based on information provided in the Geotechnical Report prepared at afuture date.1.2.EXISTING CONDITIONSNORTH0 80 160:Curb Removal:Pavement/ Gravel RemovalObtain permits for demolition, clearing, and disposal prior to beginning.Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning demolition and clearing.See Sheet(s) C3.0 - C3.2 for erosion prevention and sediment control measures that must be in place prior to disturbances to site.Reserved.Dimensions shown for removal are approximate. Coordinate with new construction to ensure appropriate removal of existing facilities.Pavement sawcut. Remove concrete walks and curbing to the nearest existing joint beyond construction limits.Complete demolition with minimal disruption of traffic. Coordinate lane closures with the regulatory authority and provide advancenotification to affected emergency response providers.Provide barricades, lights, signs, traffic control, and other measures necessary for protection and safety of the public and maintainthroughout construction.Protect structures, utilities, trees, plant material, sod, and adjacent property from damage during construction unless noted forremoval. Damage shall be repaired to equal or better condition at no additional cost.Abandon wells and remove on site sewage facilities prior to any other demolition in accordance with requirements of regulatoryauthorities.Remove trees noted, including root structures, from the site. Coordinate with owner to mark trees to be saved or transplanted prior toclearing.Remove existing site features including, but not limited to, underground utilities, paving, curbing, aprons, and landscaping within theconstruction limits unless noted otherwise.Coordinate removal, relocation, termination, and re-use of existing private utility services and appurtenances with the utilitycompanies. Restore electric handholes, pullboxes, powerpoles, guylines, and structures disturbed by construction in accordance withutility owner requirements.Existing piping and conduits may be abandoned in-place if filled with sand and if not in location of proposed building or in conflict withproposed utilities or structures. Terminate existing services at the supply side in conformance with provider's standards.Haul demolition debris off-site to a facility approved by regulatory authorities for the handling of demolition debris, unless notedotherwise. NOTESLEGENDDEMOLITION AND CLEARING NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Utility Line RemovalXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C103BDL001-SEXISTING CONDITIONS& DEMOLITIONC1.3SEE SHEET C1.2MATCH LINE:Tree Removal:Sawcut:Wetland Impacts North Area = 25,063 s.f.South Area = 10,194 s.f.Total Area = 35,257 s.f.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C103BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:14:04 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>I>>>>>>TBXTBXTBXTBXTBXSSSSSS5281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9TBXWWW972.7WWW965.7TBXOCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEUEUEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCUCUCUCTXXXXXXXXXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTTTS88°50'53"W 160.00N01°00'48"W 560.18N01°00'48"W 560.55S00°58'00"E 2504.21S88°43'05"W55.24N88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38S46°08'51"E 141.09N89°25'33"E33.00N88°43'05"E 710.01EXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONEXCEPTION260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/41102.00 STST>>>>>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%57' - 24" CMP @ 1.24%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSSSS>>>>>SS>>SS>>>SS>>>SSSS>>>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%42' - 18" CMP @ 1.19%16" WM (per city As-Builts)SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%45' - 15" RCP @ 0.36%5' - 15" RCP @ 3.40%STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10STRUCTURE - (9)INV: 954.40967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.6ft South of property corner963.0IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.3 ft South of property corner961.7PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM160.001003.00612.56 1001001001031008060 753375338075337533I I I I I I I II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" DIP16" DIP16" DIP16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35STMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CBMH 402RIM: 960.43INL (E): 956.63INV: 956.63FES 403INV: 956.80CB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09CBMH 426RIM: 961.46INL (E): 957.93INL (N): 957.93CB 425RIM: 961.46INV: 958.09950955960965970975951952953954956957958959961962962962963963963964966967968969971972973974 976 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PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL23001W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C301BDL001-NGRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSIONCONTROL PLAN INDEX & NOTESC3.0XC3.1C3.2NORTH0 150 300T/W XXX.XX :Top of WallB/W XXX.XX :Bottom of WallContact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Reserved.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Reserved.Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Reserved. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: WimcoRD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.X for additional requirements.Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoffare permanently stabilized.Contractor shall prevent sediment laden water from entering the filtration / infiltration system until the site is completely stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878 X s.f.Seed MNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31X lbs.MN Type (25-141 @ 59 lbs./ac. for General Roadside, 25-151 @ 120 lb./ac. for Residential Turf) - Permanent TurfX lbs.Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored) X tonErosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N) X s.f.Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. NOTESGENERAL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Construction Limits:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITYX ea.X ea.X ft.SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Compost or Bio LogX ft.:Erosion Control Blanket X ea.3C3.3C3.4\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C301BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:15:35 PM, JOrtiz >>>>SSSSSS5281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31TXXXXXXXXXXEBX3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTN88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>>SSSS>>SS>>>SS>>>SS>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM60 7533753380I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I16" DIPCB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00950955960965970975951952953954956957958959961962962962963963963964966967968969971972973974976 955960965970956957958959961962963964966967968969960 960 960965961962963964960965970961962963 964966967968969971960958959961962 965 970962963 964 966 967968969966967968970960 95895996196210" WM (per city As-Builts)IHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETSSIIIIII12" DIP10" DIP12" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per cit960961961961962960960960960 960960960960960960960960960960960956957958959959959959959959959959959961961961961 961961961962962962962963 963963 963964 96496096961961962962 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BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH0 50 100C301BDL001-NNORTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN INSET 1C3.1XSEE SHEET C3.2MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C301BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:15:47 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>TBXTBXSSTBXWWW972.7OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31UEUEUCTXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSTTS01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2ST>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSS>>>SS>>>>25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29FMFMFM80807533I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I 16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00960965970961962963 964966967968969971972973960965970958959961962963964966967968969960960960960958958958958958959959959959961961961961962 962963963 965 970962963 964 966 967968969965970963964966967968969961962960 95895996196216" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETIIII10" DIP10" WM (per city As-Builts)960965970961961961962962962963963963964966967 968969960960960960960960959959 961961961960958959961 962965961 962963964965965970970961962963963964964966966 967967968968969969971971972972960965961962963964966967968969960957 958958958958 958958958958958959 959959958958960958958959959960959961960959961962960965961962963964966967961962108' ROWNorth line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/46499IP962.8496962900WETWEETW95995995995996096060960WETTET(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29KITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEAPTTTKKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEENEARDGEKAVENUE A NEENAVENUE B NEAAENUE C NENNEAVAVEVPRIVATE AVENUE G NEEEPRIVATE STREET F NEENETTRR9666699PRIVATE AVENUE EEEEUEEVAAARIPPRTExisting BoundaryArea : 2556010.074.3%-1+000+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+70.99PC: 1+60.02PT: 4+57.35EP: 10+70.99BVP:963.82-1+00.00HP:964.550+26.64LP:963.072+36.84EVP:969.9510+70.71??????964.49964.11963.17963.30963.80964.30964.80965.30966.26967.66969.07???964.16964.51963.61963.08963.55964.05964.55965.05965.67966.96968.36969.7720+0021+0022+0023+00BP: 20+00.00HP:968.1322+71.43966.94967.08967.78968.06966.72967.43968.0930+0031+0032+0033+00HP:965.8732+90.24964.61964.72965.44965.87964.37965.08965.7740+0041+0042+0043+00HP:964.4743+01.39963.15963.26963.96964.47962.91963.61964.3150+0051+0051+97.14963.20965.86964.07964.96963.1767.868.067.669. 961FB/SOTF 969GF 969((966.6BF 96FB/SOTF 96GF 96((966.6))BF 960.1FB/SOGTF 968.4GF 968.1((967.8))BF 961.3FB/SOGTF 969.6GF 969.3((967.7))BF 961.2FB/SOGTF 969.5GF 969.2((967.5))BF 961.0FB/SOGTF 969.3GF 969.0((967.3))BF 960.8FB/SOGTF 969.1GF 968.8((967.1))BF 960.6FB/SOGTF 968.9GF 968.6((966.4))BF 959.9FB/SOGTF 968.2GF 967.9((966.2))BF 959.7FB/SOGTF 968.0GF 967.7((966.0))BF 959.5FB/SOGTF 967.8GF 967.5((965.8))BF 959.3FB/SOGTF 967.6GF 967.3((967.9))BF 961.4FB/SOGTF 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967.096696696696496496496496696495095295496896896896696696696696696696496896896296860+0061+0062+0063+0064+0065+0065+71965.51968.99968.32967.66966.99966.33965.66968.66967.99967.33966.66966.00965.3315+0016+0017+0017+98966.94970.92969.32967.72970.12968.52966.9262.1EOFEOFEOFEOFEOF 57.6EOF63.063.5GF 969.5WOBF 961.5((961.0))TF 969.8GF 969.2WOBF 961.2((960.7))TF 969.5GF 969.2WOBF 961.2((960.7))TF 969.5GF 968.9WOBF 960.9((960.4))TF 969.2GF 968.6LOLO 963.6((963.1))TF 968.9BF 960.6GF 968.3LOLO 963.3((962.8))TF 968.6BF 960.3GF 968.1LOLO 963.1((962.6))TF 968.4BF 960.1GF 967.7LOLO 962.7((962.2))TF 968.0BF 959.7GF 967.5LOLO 962.5((962.0))TF 967.8BF 959.5GF 967.2LOLO 962.2((961.7))TF 967.5BF 959.2GF 966.9LOLO 961.9((961.4))TF 967.2BF 958.961.561.060.560.360.0956958950952954956958956958962954956958960962964954956958942944946948950952954956958934936938940944946948950952954956958946948950952954956958960968966964962962964966968964966968STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>70.0STS>>1059.45N90°00'00"E60III963963SSSWETWETSSTSTSTSWETTTEWWETWEWETEWEETWTWETda556010.0000sting Boundaa : 2556022WETWEWWET95995999C7.31SILTFENCEC7.31SILTFENCEC7.32ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEC7.32ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEC7.37D412 SURRMOUNTABLECURB & GUTTERC7.37D412 SURRMOUNTABLECURB & GUTTERC7.37D412 SURRMOUNTABLECURB & GUTTEREXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C301BDL001-NNORTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN INSET 2C3.2XSEE SHEET C3.1MATCH LINENORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C3.3MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C301BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:15:58 PM, JOrtiz TBXTBXTBXWW965.7TBXSTST>>>>>>>>ST>>>>>>>>SS10010010010310075337533960957958959961962960956 956957957 957957958959961962963964 960965965 958 959961962963964964964964964966966967967968968 960960960958959 961962963 964 960958959961962960960960958958959959959959961961961962962963964962 962960960960961962960960959959961961962962963964HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WETWET WET WET W E T WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWWET W E T WETWETWETW E T WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WET WET WETWETWE T WET WETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET960960960 960 960960960958958958959959959959959961961961961961961962962962962 962962963 963 963963957 958958958958 958958958959 9599589589599609599619629629629629639639646496WETWETWEW WETEWETWET WETWETEEWETETWW96196199619619619696962962962962963963 963963 963396963963 TBXTBBTBXTBXB9609609566955 956956959595957757577957956956669579579579576666 957957959577795575795795579595579589589599599619661962962963963966 958589 959959 9609609696096960960960958958959959 WETETWWWETWETWEETTWWETWETWEETWWEWETWEWETWETWWET WETETTTWEW WETEETETWWWETTEWE WETWWET WETW W E T W E T W E TTWETWWWWWWEETEWETWETWWETETWETWEETEETWETTEWETTWETETWWETWETWWEWETETETEETWWEEWETETWWETWETTWWWETWETWWETWWETETTWETWET09609609609609585895958958958958959599959599959959619696296296966464960960958958959959961961960960960960960960 960609 96096095995995995996196961961961961962629962962 96296212-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.5-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 6,013 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.25AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.00AREA = 14,400 S.F.PROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.5-UNIT LUXURY CONDOSFFE = 962.50AREA = 9,240 S.F.6-UNIT LUX U R Y C O N D O S FFE = 962.5 0 AREA = 11,0 8 0 S. F .955960954956957958959961962963964963963963963960958959961962955960956957958959961962963964964964POND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL =957.94POND 102PNWL = 957.00BTM = 953.00100-YR HWL= 959.30POND 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 949.50100-YR HWL= 959.78POND 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 948.5100-YR HWL= 959.87FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50POND 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50100-YR HWL= 959.73955960953954956957958959961962962962GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKFOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK960960957958959959GRADEBREAKSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>NOPARKINGBLOCK 10123456121110987BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 1512345BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 221BLOCK 23BLOCK 24 12345123456Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CGRADEBREAK955960953954956957958959961962963963STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>950955960949951952953954956957958959961962963964955 960 960956 957958959961961960959961962963964>>>>>SWALE GRADE BREAK GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK955956954950951952953SEE SHEET C3.5SEE SHEET C3.4))))NORTH0 80 160Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared at a future date, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: WimcoRD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Reserved.Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoffare permanently stabilized.Reserved.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878 SeedMNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N)Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheets C4.4 & C4.5 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections Preliminary (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared at a future date)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)1.5-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360, SPWEA240B)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)2-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)6-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.2B2)Compacted Subsoilb. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)2-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360, SPWEA240B)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)3-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)8-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.2B2)Compacted Subsoilc. Concrete Walkways4-inch Concrete Walk, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" slump (MNDOT 2301)4-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)Compacted Subsoild. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs7-inch Concrete, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" slump (MNDOT 2301)8-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.B2B)Compacted Subsoile. Bituminous TrailConcrete JointsInstall joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints.Joint spacing shall be as follows:a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise.b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to buildingfoundations and stoops.c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY19 ea.3 ea.19,958 ft.SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Compost or Bio Log28 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket 111,820 s.f.EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C303BDL001-SOVERALL GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.3\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C303BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:16:25 PM, JOrtiz ST>>>>>>>>ST>>>>>>>>>>>>SS961962963964964 964960958959961962960960960958958959959959959961961961962962963962960960959959961961962962963964WETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WE T WETWETWETW ET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET 960960960 960 960960958959959959961961961961961961962962962962 962962963 963 963963957958958959959958959960959961962962 962962963639964964WETWWET WETWWE WETTWEWEWETWWWWETWETTW96196196196196969696962629962962963963 96363 9636396963963 96196619629629639639696 WETWETETTE960960958589959959961966229699629629649649606096095895895995996196196009696090960960 960960 960909599959599599611969619619619619626296962962 9629625-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 6,013 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.25AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.00AREA = 14,400 S.F.955960954956957958959961962963964955960956957958959961962963964964964POND 101PPOND 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 948.5100-YR HWL = 959.87FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50POND 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50100-YR HWL = 959.732.4%2.4%1.6%4.1%2.9%2.6%2.4%2.3%1.9%2.2%2.2%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKFOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK60959STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>BLOCK 10123456121110987BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 1512345CK 1611121Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>950955960949951952953954956957958959961962963964955 960 960956 957958959961961GRADE BREAKGRADEBREAK 2.0%GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK(61.39)62.9762.4362.6063.4063.8763.2264.4364.5064.5064.5064.5064.3563.3463.6661.9863.7063.8763.5063.3463.5463.5063.0064.0064.0064.0064.0063.5463.5063.5063.4863.4863.5063.5064.2564.2564.2564.2564.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5063.0763.0763.0763.07(60.92)62.7262.7262.9862.9763.2363.2363.2263.7263.7162.9564.0064.0064.2563.6264.2564.5063.8764.5064.5064.1264.5064.5064.1264.5064.5064.1264.0064.2563.6264.5063.8764.5063.8763.3764.2563.6264.5063.8764.5063.8763.1864.5063.8763.2263.7664.2063.5061.8663.1762.72955956954950951952953C7.32ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEC7.31SILTFENCEC7.31SILTFENCE2533333333C7.37D412 SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTERC7.53VALLEYGUTTER26b26b26b26b26b26a26a26a26a33326dEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH0 50 100C303BDL001-SNORTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL INSET 3C3.4Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared at a future date, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: WimcoRD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Reserved.Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoffare permanently stabilized.Reserved.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878 SeedMNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N)Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheets C4.4 & C4.5 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections Preliminary (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared at a future date)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)1.5-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360, SPWEA240B)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)2-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)6-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.2B2)Compacted Subsoilb. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)2-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360, SPWEA240B)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)3-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)8-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.2B2)Compacted Subsoilc. Concrete Walkways4-inch Concrete Walk, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" slump (MNDOT 2301)4-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)Compacted Subsoild. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs7-inch Concrete, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" slump (MNDOT 2301)8-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.B2B)Compacted Subsoile. Bituminous TrailConcrete JointsInstall joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints.Joint spacing shall be as follows:a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise.b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to buildingfoundations and stoops.c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY19 ea.3 ea.19,958 ft.SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Compost or Bio Log28 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket 111,820 s.f.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C303BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:16:32 PM, JOrtiz TBXTBXTBXWW965.7TBXST>>>>>>>>1001007533960957958959961962960956 956 957957 957957958959961962963964 960965965 958 959961962963964964964964964966966967967968968 960960960958959 961962963962 960960960961962HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWET WET WET WET WET WET W E T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWET960960960958958958959959959961961962TBXTBBTBXTBXB96096095656 95695695959595795795795766 957957957957 9579579579579579577595757958958959959961966196296296396399 958958 959959 96096096960960960969600960958958959959 WETWETETTEWETWETWETEETWTWETWETWETWETE WETETTETEWT WET WETWWETWETWEEWEWWET WETWWWT WET WETWE WETW WETEWET W E T W E WETTTEWETTTWETWETWWWWETTWEWETWTETETWEWWETWETETWWEWETWWWWTWWETTWEWETWETWETWWETWTWEWETTWETWETWWETWETTWEWETE96096096099609589589589589585899595995959959959959961969629626229696496496096096196112-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.PROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.5-UNIT LUXURY CONDOSFFE = 962.50AREA = 9,240 S.F.6-UNIT LUX U R Y C O N D O S FFE = 962.5 0 AREA = 11,0 8 0 S. F.955960954956957958959961962963964963963963963960958959961962POND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL= 957.94POND 102PNWL = 957.00BTM = 953.00100-YR HWL= 959.30POND 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 949.50100-YR HWL = 959.789559609539549569579589599619629629621.6%4.1%2.6%1.9%2.2%4.1%2.2%3.9%2.4%3.3%2.4%3.1%1.0%3.8%1.9%5.5%2.5%3.5%3.6%0.5%0.9%0.5%0.9%GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKFOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50BTM = 952.50GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK960960957958959959GRADEBREAKSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>NOPARKINGBLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 221BLOCK 23BLOCK 24 12345123456Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CGRADEBREAK955960953954956957958959961962963963STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>960959961962963964>>>>>>>>>>SWALE GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK0.5%0.5%2.0%GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKSTS>>62.9763.3463.6661.9863.7063.8763.5063.3463.5463.5063.0063.0063.5063.0663.0663.5064.0064.0063.5463.5063.5063.5063.5063.0063.5063.0063.4263.3863.7864.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0064.0063.4563.2663.4163.9663.5363.2163.1663.1063.3963.8863.1363.0163.0363.1363.3963.7063.3962.8662.9161.8761.8261.5861.0062.2460.9262.4562.5462.5263.0863.5063.2563.0663.0363.1163.3363.2563.0463.2563.5063.5063.1062.9162.8762.8962.8962.8762.9163.1063.5062.9162.9162.9563.1363.5062.9162.9162.9563.1363.5063.0663.0663.5063.0063.5063.0063.4263.4563.2763.1463.4763.4263.4263.4863.4263.4863.5063.5064.2564.2564.5064.5064.5064.5064.5064.5062.0562.50(61.43)(61.15)(59.26)(59.32)59.8760.2861.0461.5060.3961.0561.6361.9862.5061.5061.5062.5062.5061.5062.5061.5062.1660.3262.4361.58BC60.3559.6860.87BC60.5162.6562.6463.0763.0763.0763.0762.6562.64(60.92)62.7262.9863.2363.2360.0964.0063.3763.6263.8763.8763.1863.6762.8163.7363.9062.0862.08(58.90)58.8258.5457.4259.2163.0563.5063.5063.0563.5063.5063.7664.2063.5062.1262.1362.2961.8663.1762.72955956954950951952953C7.32ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEC7.32ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEC7.31SILTFENCEC7.31SILTFENCE26c26c26c2525253333333333326c(TYP.)26c(TYP.)26c(TYP.)C7.36B612 CURB& GUTTER28C7.37D412 SURMOUNTABLECURB & GUTTERC7.37D412 SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER29C7.53VALLEYGUTTER26b26b26b26b26b26b26a26a26a26e26e))))))C7.51BIOLOG326b33C7.32ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE26d26d26dEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH0 50 100C303BDL001-SSOUTH GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL INSET 4C3.5Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared at a future date, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: WimcoRD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Reserved.Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoffare permanently stabilized.Reserved.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878 SeedMNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N)Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheets C4.4 & C4.5 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections Preliminary (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared at a future date)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)1.5-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360, SPWEA240B)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)2-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)6-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.2B2)Compacted Subsoilb. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)2-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360, SPWEA240B)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)3-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)8-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.2B2)Compacted Subsoilc. Concrete Walkways4-inch Concrete Walk, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" slump (MNDOT 2301)4-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)Compacted Subsoild. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs7-inch Concrete, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" slump (MNDOT 2301)8-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)12-inch Granular Sub-Base (MNDOT 3149.B2B)Compacted Subsoile. Bituminous TrailConcrete JointsInstall joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints.Joint spacing shall be as follows:a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise.b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to buildingfoundations and stoops.c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY19 ea.3 ea.19,958 ft.SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Compost or Bio Log28 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket 111,820 s.f.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C303BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:16:42 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>I>>>>>>TBXTBXTBXTBXTBXSSSSSS5281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9TBXWWW972.7WWW965.7TBXOCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEUEUEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCUCUCUCTXXXXXXXXXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTTTS88°50'53"W 160.00N01°00'48"W 560.18N01°00'48"W 560.55S00°58'00"E 2504.21S88°43'05"W55.24N88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38S46°08'51"E 141.09N89°25'33"E33.00N88°43'05"E 710.01EXCEPTIONEXCEPTIONEXCEPTION260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/41102.00 STST>>>>>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%57' - 24" CMP @ 1.24%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSSSS>>>>>SS>>SS>>>SS>>>SSSS>>>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 0.51%12' - 15" RCP @ 1.36%45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%42' - 18" CMP @ 1.19%16" WM (per city As-Builts)SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%45' - 15" RCP @ 0.36%5' - 15" RCP @ 3.40%STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10STRUCTURE - (9)INV: 954.40967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.6ft South of property corner963.0IP 1/2IN 15233961.2IP 1/2IN 15233964.2IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN2.3 ft South of property corner961.7PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM160.001003.00612.56 1001001001031008060 753375338075337533I I I I I I I II 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>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >> STS>>'28.0'60.0'28.0'R40.0'R20.0'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R3.67'R20' R20'R20'60' 28'60'44'60'28'80'46'80' 46'28'BtoB28'BtoB 28'BtoB28'5' 5'5'5'5'TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACBITUMINOUS SURFACE AND CURBINGDRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTWETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)20'WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)WETLAND BUFFER(TYP.)20'20'WETLANDWETLANDWETLANDWETLANDMH-119RIM: 967.91INL (S): 955.17INV: 955.0748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-132RIM: 967.40INV: 957.4048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-117RIM: 966.83INV: 952.9148" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-136RIM: 965.99INL (S): 952.40INL (N): 952.40INV: 952.3048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-127RIM: 965.80INL (S): 952.11INV: 952.0148" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-130RIM: 967.65INV: 959.3448" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-133RIM: 965.07INV: 955.0748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-121RIM: 964.57INL (N): 959.00INL (S): 959.00INV: 958.9048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-125RIM: 964.03INL (S): 949.62INV: 949.5248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-131RIM: 969.97INV: 959.6748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-129RIM: 963.66INV: 953.6948" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-115RIM: 963.52INL (W): 948.96INL (S): 948.96INV: 948.8648" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-122RIM: 967.09INL (W): 956.04INV: 955.9448" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-114RIM: 962.07INL (W): 945.52INL (S): 945.52INV: 945.4248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-124RIM: 961.94INL (W): 953.08INV: 952.9848" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XCONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLERIM: 951.82???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XCONNECT TO EXISTINGRIM: 944.21INL (W): 943.48???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-135RIM: 936.66INV: 934.57???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-134RIM: 937.83INL (N): 935.74???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/X194' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%290' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%290' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%126' - 8" PVC @ 0.40%232' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%286' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%400' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%233' - 8" PVC @ 1.31%130' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%337' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%286' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%85' - 8" PVC @ 0.40%60' - 8" PVC @ 1.12%232' - 8" PVC @ 0.96%232' - 8" PVC @ 1.27%148' - 21" PVC @ 0.79%EXISTING MH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV: 938.56INV: 938.56EXISTING 20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV: 951.38EXISTING MH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV: 937.84EXISTING MH 10-1RIM: 966.37INL (S): 946.69INV: 946.69EXISTING 20792RIM: 964.42INV: 951.13INV: 951.23EXISTING MH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV: 947.93EXISTING 20793RIM: 962.68INL (W): 950.10EXISTING MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV: 936.44INV: 936.44EXISTING MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV: 936.93EXISTING 20866RIM: 961.77INL (E): 949.72EXISTING MH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV: 936.03INV: 948.18EXISTING MH 12-3RIM: 959.42INL (S): 935.06INV: 934.35INV: 943.32INV: 934.35EXISTING MH 13-1RIM: 958.82INL (W): 934.02INV: 946.42EXISTING MH 12-2RIM: 958.61INL (S): 935.56INV: 935.56EXISTING STRUCTURE - (48)RIM: 952.76INL (E): 951.68184' - 12" PVC @ 0.27%400' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%318' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%253' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.43%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.36%162' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%214' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%288' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%354' - 24" PVC @ 0.09%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.80%28' - 21" PVC@ 0.79%28' - 12" PVC@ 0.50%20' - 12" PVC @ 0.20%14' - 6" PVC @ 17.24%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.75%29' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%SEE SHEETC4.1 & C4.3SEE SHEETS C4.2 & C4.412-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.5-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 6,013 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.25AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.00AREA = 14,400 S.F.PROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.5-UNIT LUXURY CONDOSFFE = 962.50AREA = 9,240 S.F.6-UNIT LUXU R Y C O N D O S FFE = 962.50 AREA = 11,08 0 S . F .POND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL= 957.94POND 102PNWL = 957.00BTM = 953.00100-YR HWL= 959.30POND 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 949.50100-YR HWL = 959.78POND 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 948.5100-YR HWL = 959.87FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50POND 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50100-YR HWL = 959.73SAN>SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SA N >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKFOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>BLOCK 10123456121110987BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 1512345BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 221BLOCK 23BLOCK 24 12345123456Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>GRADEBREAKSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>1059.45N90°00'00"ESTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>>> GRADE BREAK GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKSTS>>f the South e She2 of touth 612.6122 of the SW 1/4e SheNortthe W211961961OCCCKCCCCOC9960PONDPO960960OND 101PNWL = 957 5WWWEWEWEWWWEWEWWENNI 1IIIIIII16" DIPDIPI10.@ 0@@CPIIIII963SSSSSSSWESTSTSTWETTTETWWETWETWETETWEETWETWETTEETTWETda556010.00010sting BoundasBaa : 25560222WETETWETETWET9599916" V&B96096016"996010000960960100f tSouth line of tW st 1/2 of the SW 19696IPISoINP 1/2INPBTM BBBRADEEAKEAKGRBRERADEEAKRE9961961DEEKKADEAKKEEDEDEAKI " RC- 15" R5"STMRIM: 9NV: 9RIN757EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL23001W7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C401BDL001-NSANITARY SEWER & WATER INDEXC4.0XC4.1C4.2NORTH0 150 300Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 AWWA C111, Fittings AWWA C 153Water Service 1" Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Public Sanitary Sewer PVC ASTM D 3034, SDR 35DIP Class 50 ANSI A21.51DIP Class 350 ANSI A21.53/AWWA C153Sanitary Sewer Service PVC SDR 26 minimum pipe strengthContact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego standards.Contact Barb Williams at 763.235.3152 for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact Barb Williams, City of Otsego, MN Building Safety Department, at 763.235.3152 for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per 10 State Standards.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 6 feet deep.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail X on Sheet C7.X.Reserved.Coordinate with private utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services.See Site Lighting Plan for additional information.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.C4.3C4.4\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C401BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:17:11 PM, JOrtiz >>>>SSSSSS5281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31TXXXXXXXXXXEBX3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTN88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>>SSSS>>SS>>>SS>>>SS>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM60 7533753380I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I16" DIPCB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00950955960965970975951952953954956957958959961962962962963963963964966967968969971972973974976 955960965970956957958959961962963964966967968969960 960 960965961962963964960965970961962963 964966967968969971960958959961962 965 970962963 964 966 967968969966967968970960 95895996196210" WM (per city As-Builts)IHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETSSIIIIII12" DIP10" DIP12" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per cit960961961961962960960960960 960960960960960960960960960960960956957958959959959959959959959959959961961961961 961961961962962962962963 963963 963964 96496096961961962962 960960960960965970959959961961961961962962962963964966967968969960960957958958959959961961 962962963963 963965961 962963964965963964966 967968969955960960960953954956957958959 961961961962962 955954956957958959960956957958959961962963960959961962North line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the NW cornerof the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 ofSec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 249 962900WETWEETW959959959959956060960960960WETET(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29KITTREDGE PARKWKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEAPTTTKKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEENEARDGEK74TH STREET NESE963963969639674TH STREET NEH S59AVENUE A NEEUEAVENUE A NEENAVENUE B NEAVENUE B NEAVENUE C NEENEVENNAAENUE C NENNEAVAVVEVG NEAVENUE D NE DENUA999599599TE AVENUE EEEEUEEVATSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+70.99C: 1+60.02PT: 4+57.35EP: 10+70.99HP:964.550+26.64LP:963.072+36.84EVP:969.9510+70.71???964.49964.11963.17963.30963.80964.30964.80965.30966.26967.66969.07964964.51963.61963.08963.55964.05964.55965.05965.67966.96968.36969.7720+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0027+0027+32.49BP: 20+00.00PI: 25+87.49EP: 27+32.49HP:968.1322+71.43LP:965.9925+58.89963.83966.94967.08967.78968.06967.21966.29966.14965.82966.72967.43968.09967.67966.75966.00966.5530+0031+0032+0033+0034+0035+0035+57.05HP:965.8732+90.24964.57964.61964.72965.44965.87965.40964.87964.37965.08965.77965.67965.14964.6140+0041+0042+0043+0044+0045+0045+75.22HP:964.4743+01.39???963.15963.26963.96964.47964.06963.52962.91963.61964.31964.33963.79963.2551+97.14963.20963.17-0+73.050+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+008+84.31HP:962.591+24.48LP:962.481+66.74???960.87961.56962.50962.59963.09963.59964.09964.59965.09965.59961.09???962.04962.51962.84963.34963.84964.34964.84965.34965.8480+0081+0081+76.18963.00962.12962.62962.37962.8717+98966.94966.92226.1MH-119RIM: 967.91INL (S): 955.17INV: 955.0748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-132RIM: 967.40INV: 957.4048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-117RIM: 966.83INV: 952.9148" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-136RIM: 965.99INL (S): 952.40INL (N): 952.40INV: 952.3048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-127RIM: 965.80INL (S): 952.11INV: 952.0148" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-133RIM: 965.07INV: 955.0748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-125RIM: 964.03INL (S): 949.62INV: 949.5248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-129RIM: 963.66INV: 953.6948" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-115RIM: 963.52INL (W): 948.96INL (S): 948.96INV: 948.8648" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-114RIM: 962.07INL (W): 945.52INL (S): 945.52INV: 945.4248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XCONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLERIM: 951.82???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XCONNECT TO EXISTINGRIM: 944.21INL (W): 943.48???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-135RIM: 936.66INV: 934.57???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-134RIM: 937.83INL (N): 935.74???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/X194' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%290' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%290' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%126' - 8" PVC @ 0.40%232' - 8" PVC @ 1.15%400' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%233' - 8" PVC @ 1.31%130' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%337' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%232' - 8" PVC @ 0.96%232' - 8" PVC @ 1.27%148' - 21" PVC @ 0.79%EXISTING MH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV: 938.56INV: 938.56EXISTING 20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV: 951.38EXISTING MH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV: 937.84EXISTING 20792RIM: 964.42INV: 951.13INV: 951.23EXISTING MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV: 936.44INV: 936.44EXISTING MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV: 936.93EXISTING 20866RIM: 961.77INL (E): 949.72EXISTING MH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV: 936.03INV: 948.18EXISTING MH 12-3RIM: 959.42INL (S): 935.06INV: 934.35INV: 943.32INV: 934.35EXISTING MH 12-2RIM: 958.61INL (S): 935.56INV: 935.56184' - 12" PVC @ 0.27%400' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%318' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%162' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%214' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%288' - 8" PV354' - 24" PVC @ 0.09%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.80%28' - 21" PVC@ 0.79%28' - 12" PVC@ 0.50%20' - 12" PVC @ 0.20%14' - 6" PVC @ 17.24%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.75%29' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C401BDL001-NNORTH SANITARY SEWER &WATER INSET 1C4.1XNORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C4.2MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C401BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:17:17 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>TBXTBXSSTBXWWW972.7OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31UEUEUCTXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSTTS01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2ST>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSS>>>SS>>>>25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29FMFMFM80807533I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I 16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00960965970961962963 964966967968969971972973960965970958959961962963964966967968969960960960960958958958958958959959959959961961961961962 962963963 965 970962963 964 966 967968969965970963964966967968969961962960 95895996196216" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETIIII10" DIP10" WM (per city As-Builts)960965970961961961962962962963963963964966967 968969960960960960960960959959 961961961960958959961 962965961 962963964965965970970961962963963964964966966 967967968968969969971971972972960965961962963964966967968969960957 958958958958 958958958958958959 959959958958960958958959959960959961960959961962960965961962963964966967961962108' ROWNorth line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/46499IP962.8496962900WETWEETW95995995995996096060960WETTET(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29KITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEAPTTTKKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEENEARDGEKAVENUE A NEENAVENUE B NEAAENUE C NENNEAVAVEVPRIVATE AVENUE G NEEEPRIVATE STREET F NEENETTRR9666699PRIVATE AVENUE EEEEUEEVAAARIPPRTExisting BoundaryArea : 2556010.07SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >-1+000+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+70.99PC: 1+60.02PT: 4+57.35EP: 10+70.99BVP:963.82-1+00.00HP:964.550+26.64LP:963.072+36.84EVP:969.9510+70.71??????964.49964.11963.17963.30963.80964.30964.80965.30966.26967.66969.07???964.16964.51963.61963.08963.55964.05964.55965.05965.67966.96968.36969.7720+0021+0022+0023+00BP: 20+00.00HP:968.1322+71.43966.94967.08967.78968.06966.72967.43968.0930+0031+0032+0033+00HP:965.8732+90.24964.61964.72965.44965.87964.37965.08965.7740+0041+0042+0043+00HP:964.4743+01.39963.15963.26963.96964.47962.91963.61964.3150+0051+0051+97.14963.20965.86964.07964.96963.1760+0061+0062+0063+0064+0065+0065+71965.51968.99968.32967.66966.99966.33965.66968.66967.99967.33966.66966.00965.3315+0016+0017+0017+98966.94970.92969.32967.72970.12968.52966.9270.0INL (S): 955.17INV: 955.0748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-132RIM: 967.40INV: 957.4048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-130RIM: 967.65INV: 959.3448" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-133RIM: 965.07INV: 955.0748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-121RIM: 964.57INL (N): 959.00INL (S): 959.00INV: 958.9048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-125RIM: 964.03INL (S): 949.62INV: 949.5248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-131RIM: 969.97INV: 959.6748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-129RIM: 963.66INV: 953.6948" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-122RIM: 967.09INL (W): 956.04INV: 955.9448" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XMH-124RIM: 961.94INL (W): 953.08INV: 952.9848" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/XCONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLERIM: 951.82???" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.X/X286' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%130' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%337' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%286' - 8" PVC @ 1.00%85' - 8" PVC @ 0.40%60' - 8" PVC @ 1.12%232' - 8" PVC @ 0.96%232' - 8" PVC @ 1.27%EXISTING MH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV: 938.56INV: 938.56EXISTING 20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV: 951.38EXISTING MH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV: 937.84EXISTING MH 10-1RIM: 966.37INL (S): 946.69INV: 946.69EXISTING 20792RIM: 964.42INV: 951.13INV: 951.23EXISTING MH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV: 947.93EXISTING MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV: 936.44INV: 936.44EXISTING MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV: 936.93EXISTING MH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV: 936.03INV: 948.18EXISTING STRUCTURE - (48)RIM: 952.76INL (E): 951.68184' - 12" PVC @ 0.27%400' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%318' - 12" PVC @ 0.23%253' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.41%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.43%287' - 8" PVC @ 0.36%162' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%188' - 12" PVC @ 0.25%28' - 12" PVC@ 0.50%20' - 12" PVC @ 0.20%14' - 6" PVC @ 17.24%20' - 8" PVC @ 0.75%29' - 8" PVC @ 1.55%SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >1059.45N90°00'00"EIII963963SSSSWETWETSSTSTSTSWETTTEWWETWEWETEWEETWTWETda556010.0000sting Boundaa : 2556022WETWEWWET95995999EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C401BDL001-NNORTH SANITARY SEWER &WATER INSET 2C4.2XSEE SHEET C4.1MATCH LINENORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C4.3MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C401BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:17:22 PM, JOrtiz 5-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 6,013 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.25AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.00AREA = 14,400 S.F.POND 101PPOND 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 948.5100-YR HWL = 959.87FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50POND 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50100-YR HWL = 959.73SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>BLOCK 10123456121110987BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 1512345CK 1611121Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>ST>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSMH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV (N):947.93RCP @ 0.51% @ 0.36%I I I I I I I I I I I16" DIPSTMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09WETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WE T WETWETWETW ET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET SAN MH 4RIM: 963.43INL (S): 953.45INV: 953.3548" DIAR-1642SAN MH 3ARIM: 963.15INL (S): 955.80INV: 955.7048" DIAR-1642SAN MH 2RIM: 963.37INL (E): 950.13INL (S): 952.03INV: 950.0348" DIAR-1642SAN MH 3RIM: 963.40INL (S): 952.16INL (E): 952.16INV: 952.0648" DIAR-1642SAN MH 1RIM: 959.90INL (SE): 948.26INV: 948.1648" DIAR-1642SAN SERVICEINV: 956.30SAN SERVICEINV: 954.21SAN WYERIM: 964.00INL (E): 953.71INL (S): 953.71INV: 953.71SAN WYERIM: 963.99INL (E): 951.81INL (S): 951.81INV: 951.81SAN SERVICEINV: 952.31SAN SERVICEINV: 952.53SAN WYERIM: 963.99INL (E): 951.23INL (S): 951.23INV: 951.23SAN SERVICEINV: 951.73SAN WYERIM: 963.75INL (E): 950.64INL (S): 950.64INV: 950.64SAN SERVICEINV: 951.14SAN CONNECTIONINL (E): 948.0028282828C7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATION2828C7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATIONC7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATIONC7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATIONC7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATION56' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%34' - 8" PVC@ 0.45%265' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%394' - 8" P V C @ 0. 4 5 %95' - 8" PVC @ 2.10%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%74' - 8" PVC @ 2.10%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%130' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%130' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%114' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%428288" WATER8" WATER8" WATER28288" X 8" TEE8" 45° BENDS8" X 6" TEE8" 45° BENDS8" X 6" TEE8" X 8" TEE8" X 6" TEE4" LEAD8" X 4" TEECONNECT TO EXISTING16" WATERMAINWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICE8" X 6" TEE6" LEADWATER SERVICE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE4" 90° BENDWATER SERVICENORTH0 50 100Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Public Sanitary Sewer PVC SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Reserved.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 7 on Sheet C7.5.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer pad designis provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric and conduits shallbe installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C403BDL001-SNORTH SANITARY SEWER& WATER INSET 3C4.3\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C403BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:17:42 PM, JOrtiz 12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.PROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.5-UNIT LUXURY CONDOSFFE = 962.50AREA = 9,240 S.F.6-UNIT LUX U R Y C O N D O S FFE = 962.5 0 AREA = 11,0 8 0 S. F.POND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL= 957.94POND 102PNWL = 957.00BTM = 953.00100-YR HWL= 959.30POND 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 949.50100-YR HWL = 959.78SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50BTM = 952.50STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>NOPARKINGBLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 221BLOCK 23BLOCK 24 12345123456Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ITBXTBXTBXWWW965.7TBXOEOEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCST>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%4" CMP @ 1.24%- 15" RCP @ 0.51%.36%16" WM (per city As-Builts)STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.8616" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWET WET WET WET WET WET W E T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETLIFT STATIONINL (W): 946.17INV: 946.17SAN MH 5ARIM: 963.68INL (N): 956.35INL (S): 956.35INV: 956.2548" DIAR-1642SAN MH 6RIM: 963.50INL (E): 955.68INV: 955.5848" DIAR-1642SAN MH 11RIM: 963.00INL (SW): 946.71INV: 946.6148" DIAR-1642SAN MH 5RIM: 962.68INL (S): 954.51INL (E): 954.51INL (W): 954.51INV: 954.4148" DIAR-1642SAN MH 4RIM: 963.43INL (S): 953.45INV: 953.3548" DIAR-1642SAN MH 10RIM: 962.09INL (S): 952.00INL (W): 952.00INV: 950.0048" DIAR-1642SAN SERVICEINV: 957.26SAN SERVICEINV: 956.84SAN SERVICEINV: 956.49SAN SERVICEINV: 955.50SAN SERVICEINV: 955.25SAN WYERIM: 962.96INL (E): 954.75INL (N): 954.75INL (S): 954.75INV: 954.75SAN SERVICEINV: 955.25SAN WYERIM: 962.85INL (S): 954.55INL (W): 954.55INV: 954.55SAN SERVICEINV: 954.89SAN WYERIM: 962.81INL (S): 954.30INL (W): 954.30INV: 954.3028C7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATION10INSTALLATION228' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%25' - 8" PVC@ 0.45%137' - 8" PVC @ 1.10%75' - 4" PVC @ 2.10%23' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%7' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%22' - 8" PVC@ 1.10%24' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%7' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%10' - 8" PVC@ 0.45%45' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%189' - 8" PVC @ 0.45%45' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%299' - 6" PVC @ 1.10%40' - 6" PVC@ 1.10%45' - 6" PVC@ 18.39%C7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATIONC7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATIONC7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATIONC7.110HYDRANT & VALVEINSTALLATION4415' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%SAN SERVICEINV: 952.3215' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%SAN SERVICEINV: 952.3228282828282828282828288" WA8" WATER8" WATER 288" WATER28288" X 8" TEE8" X 8" TEE8" X 6" TEE4" LEAD8" 45° BEND8" X 8" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 6" TEE8" 90° BEND8" 45° BENDCONNECT TO EXISTING16" WATERMAIN8" X 6" TEECONNECT TO EXISTING16" WATERMAIN8" 11.25° BEND8" 45° BENDS8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEE8" X 4" TEEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICE8" X 4" TEEWATER SERVICEWATER SERVICE6" LEAD8" X 4" TEE4" 90° BENDWATER SERVICE8" X 4" TEEWATER SERVICENORTH0 50 100EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C403BDL001-SSOUTH SANITARY SEWER& WATER INSET 4C4.4Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Public Sanitary Sewer PVC SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Reserved.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 7 on Sheet C7.5.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer pad designis provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric and conduits shallbe installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C403BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:17:47 PM, JOrtiz >>>>SSSSSS5281CB965.76CBMH965.8CBMH965.9OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31TXXXXXXXXXXEBX3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSCSCSCSCSEBXCSCS3" MAPLE2" MAPLETTN88°51'29"E 1060.29S01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>>SSSS>>SS>>>SS>>>SS>>>45' - 15" RCP @ 1.00%25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%967.4IP 1/2IN 15233957.6PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29Fence corner 10± ft south of lineFence corner fits lineFence fits lineFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM60 7533753380I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I16" DIPCB 407RIM: 968.12INV: 963.68CBMH 408RIM: 968.13INL (E): 963.23INV: 961.12FES 409INV: 959.13CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00950955960965970975951952953954956957958959961962962962963963963964966967968969971972973974976 955960965970956957958959961962963964966967968969960 960 960965961962963964960965970961962963 964966967968969971960958959961962 965 970962963 964 966 967968969966967968970960 95895996196210" WM (per city As-Builts)IHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETSSIIIIII12" DIP10" DIP12" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per cit960961961961962960960960960 960960960960960960960960960960960956957958959959959959959959959959959961961961961 961961961962962962962963 963963 963964 96496096961961962962 960960960960965970959959961961961961962962962963964966967968969960960957958958959959961961 962962963963 963965961 962963964965963964966 967968969955960960960953954956957958959 961961961962962 955954956957958959960956957958959961962963960959961962North line of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4Wright County CIM at the NW cornerof the West 1/2 of the SW 1/4 ofSec. 26, Twp. 121, R. 249 962900WETWEETW959959959959956060960960960WETET(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29KITTREDGE PARKWKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEAPTTTKKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEENEARDGEK74TH STREET NESE963963969639674TH STREET NEH S59AVENUE A NEEUEAVENUE A NEENAVENUE B NEAVENUE B NEAVENUE C NEENEVENNAAENUE C NENNEAVAVVEVG NEAVENUE D NE DENUA999599599TE AVENUE EEEEUEEVAT0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+70.99C: 1+60.02PT: 4+57.35EP: 10+70.99HP:964.550+26.64LP:963.072+36.84EVP:969.9510+70.71???964.49964.11963.17963.30963.80964.30964.80965.30966.26967.66969.07964964.51963.61963.08963.55964.05964.55965.05965.67966.96968.36969.7720+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0027+0027+32.49BP: 20+00.00PI: 25+87.49EP: 27+32.49HP:968.1322+71.43LP:965.9925+58.89963.83966.94967.08967.78968.06967.21966.29966.14965.82966.72967.43968.09967.67966.75966.00966.5530+0031+0032+0033+0034+0035+0035+57.05HP:965.8732+90.24964.57964.61964.72965.44965.87965.40964.87964.37965.08965.77965.67965.14964.6140+0041+0042+0043+0044+0045+0045+75.22HP:964.4743+01.39???963.15963.26963.96964.47964.06963.52962.91963.61964.31964.33963.79963.2551+97.14963.20963.17-0+73.050+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+008+84.31HP:962.591+24.48LP:962.481+66.74???960.87961.56962.50962.59963.09963.59964.09964.59965.09965.59961.09???962.04962.51962.84963.34963.84964.34964.84965.34965.8480+0081+0081+76.18963.00962.12962.62962.37962.8717+98966.94966.92STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ST STS>>226.1EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C401BDL001-NNORTH STORM SEWERINSET 1C4.5XNORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C4.6MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C401BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:18:15 PM, JOrtiz >>>>>>>TBXTBXSSTBXWWW972.7OCS LOWRE=960.51FESINV=958.31UEUEUCTXXXX XEBXEBXCS3" MAPLE3" MAPLE4" BIRCHCSCSTTS01°00'48"E 2406.38260.75West line of the East 260.75 ft of the West 1/2ST>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSSS>>>SS>>>>>>>SS>>>>>SS>>>>SSSS>>>SS>>>>25' - 15" RCP @ 8.00%SS45' - 12" RCP @ 1.52%PONDTop of IceElevation = 957.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29PONDTop of IceElevation = 958.4(12-14-2023) NGVD29FMFMFM80807533I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I 16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 404RIM: 963.67INV: 959.47CBMH 405RIM: 963.85INL (E): 959.25INV: 959.25FES 406INV: 959.48CBMH 102RIM: 969.83INV: 964.32CB 101RIM: 969.70INV (N): 965.00960965970961962963 964966967968969971972973960965970958959961962963964966967968969960960960960958958958958958959959959959961961961961962 962963963 965 970962963 964 966 967968969965970963964966967968969961962960 95895996196216" WM (per city As-Builts)10" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETW E T WET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETW E T WE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETIIII10" DIP10" WM (per city As-Builts)960965970961961961962962962963963963964966967 968969960960960960960960959959 961961961960958959961 962965961 962963964965965970970961962963963964964966966 967967968968969969971971972972960965961962963964966967968969960957 958958958958 958958958958958959 959959958958960958958959959960959961960959961962960965961962963964966967961962108' ROWNorth line of the South 1102.00 ft of the West 1/2 of the SW 1/46499IP962.8496962900WETWEETW95995995995996096060960WETTET(12-14-2023) NGVD294-2023) NGVD29KITTREDGE PARKWAY NEKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEAPTTTKKITTREDGE PARKWAY NEENEARDGEKAVENUE A NEENAVENUE B NEAAENUE C NENNEAVAVEVPRIVATE AVENUE G NEEEPRIVATE STREET F NEENETTRR9666699PRIVATE AVENUE EEEEUEEVAAARIPPRTExisting BoundaryArea : 2556010.07-1+000+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+70.99PC: 1+60.02PT: 4+57.35EP: 10+70.99BVP:963.82-1+00.00HP:964.550+26.64LP:963.072+36.84EVP:969.9510+70.71??????964.49964.11963.17963.30963.80964.30964.80965.30966.26967.66969.07???964.16964.51963.61963.08963.55964.05964.55965.05965.67966.96968.36969.7720+0021+0022+0023+00BP: 20+00.00HP:968.1322+71.43966.94967.08967.78968.06966.72967.43968.0930+0031+0032+0033+00HP:965.8732+90.24964.61964.72965.44965.87964.37965.08965.7740+0041+0042+0043+00HP:964.4743+01.39963.15963.26963.96964.47962.91963.61964.3150+0051+0051+97.14963.20965.86964.07964.96963.1760+0061+0062+0063+0064+0065+0065+71965.51968.99968.32967.66966.99966.33965.66968.66967.99967.33966.66966.00965.3315+0016+0017+0017+98966.94970.92969.32967.72970.12968.52966.92STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>70.0EXISTING MH 10-2RIM: 969.97INL (S): 945.56INL (NE): 953.79INV: 938.56INV: 938.56EXISTING 20298 (FM)RIM: 969.46INV: 951.38EXISTING MH 11-1RIM: 966.93INL (W): 937.84INV: 937.84EXISTING MH 10-1RIM: 966.37INL (S): 946.69INV: 946.69EXISTING 20792RIM: 964.42INV: 951.13INV: 951.23EXISTING MH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV: 947.93EXISTING MH 11-3RIM: 962.14INL (W): 936.44INV: 936.44INV: 936.44EXISTING MH 11-2RIM: 961.81INL (W): 936.93INV: 936.93EXISTING MH 12-1RIM: 961.18INL (S): 936.03INV: 936.03INV: 948.18EXISTING STRUCTURE - (48)RIM: 952.76INL (E): 951.68SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >1059.45N90°00'00"EIII963963SSSSWETWETSSTSTSTSWETTTEWWETWEWETEWEETWTWETda556010.0000sting Boundaa : 2556022WETWEWWET95995999EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C401BDL001-NNORTH STORM SEWERINSET 2C4.6XSEE SHEET C4.1MATCH LINENORTH0 50 100SEE SHEET C4.7MATCH LINE\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C401BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:18:22 PM, JOrtiz 5-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 6,013 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.25AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.00AREA = 14,400 S.F.POND 101PPOND 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 948.5100-YR HWL = 959.87FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50POND 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50100-YR HWL = 959.73SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>BLOCK 10123456121110987BLOCK 11123456121110987BLOCK 12123456121110987BLOCK 13123456121110987BLOCK 14123456121110987BLOCK 1512345CK 1611121Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>ST>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%ST>>>>>>>>>>>>413' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%SSMH 9-2RIM: 963.03INV (N):947.93RCP @ 0.51% @ 0.36%I I I I I I I I I I I16" DIPSTMH- 417RIM: 962.20INL (S): 957.17INV: 957.17STMH- 416RIM: 963.13INL (S): 958.99CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.86CB 424RIM: 961.35INV: 958.09WETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WE T WETWETWETW ET WET WET WE T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET 130' - 12" HDPE @ 0.4%19' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%18' - 18" RCP@ 0.4%18' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%142' - 18" HDPE @ 0.2%145' - 18" HDPE @ 0.3%27' - 18" RCP@ 0.8%47' - 12" RCP@ 1.5%142' - 18" HDPE @ 0.2%37' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%145' - 18" HDPE @ 0.3%85' - 12" RCP @ 0.0%58' - 12" RCP@ 0.9%131' - 12" RCP @ 0.0%130' - 15" HDPE@ 0.2%CB 502RIM: 962.80INV: 959.7248" DIAR-3067CB 101RIM: 963.01INL (W): 958.89INV: 958.8948" DIAR-3067FES 121RIM: 963.05INL (W): 958.99INV: 958.7948" DIAR-3067CB 501RIM: 962.55INL (E): 959.20INV: 958.8048" DIAR-3067FES 5001INV: 958.50FES 120INV: 958.70FES 500INV: 958.70FES 5000INV: 958.00CBMH 103RIM: 963.05INV: 959.6348" DIAR-3067CB 111RIM: 963.05INV: 958.7748" DIAR-3067CB 211RIM: 961.68INL (E): 958.26INV: 958.2648" DIAR-3067CB 102RIM: 963.05INL (W): 959.37INV: 959.1748" DIAR-3067CB 212RIM: 962.55INL (E): 959.09INV: 958.6948" DIAR-3067FES 131INV: 958.50FES 1001INV: 958.70FES 100INV: 958.70FES 110INV: 958.70FES 130INV: 958.50FES 1000INV: 958.00FES 221INV: 957.50FES 210INV: 958.06FES 220INV: 957.50CB 213RIM: 962.80INV: 959.6148" DIAR-3067CB 122RIM: 963.05INV: 959.3848" DIAR-3067130' - 15" HDPE @ 0.3%130' - 12" HDPE @ 0.4%NORTH0 50 100Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Public Sanitary Sewer PVC SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Reserved.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 7 on Sheet C7.5.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer pad designis provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric and conduits shallbe installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C403BDL001-SNORTH STORMSEWER INSET 3C4.7\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C403BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:18:41 PM, JOrtiz 12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.PROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.5-UNIT LUXURY CONDOSFFE = 962.50AREA = 9,240 S.F.6-UNIT LUX U R Y C O N D O S FFE = 962.5 0 AREA = 11,0 8 0 S. F.POND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL= 957.94POND 102PNWL = 957.00BTM = 953.00100-YR HWL= 959.30POND 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 949.50100-YR HWL = 959.78SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50BTM = 952.50STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>NOPARKINGBLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 19BLOCK 20BLOCK 21123456123456121110987123456123456123456121110987123456BLOCK 221BLOCK 23BLOCK 24 12345123456Outlot COutlot COutlot COutlot COutlot CSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ITBXTBXTBXWWW965.7TBXOEOEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCST>>>>>>>>414' - 18" HDPE @ 0.44%4" CMP @ 1.24%- 15" RCP @ 0.51%.36%16" WM (per city As-Builts)STRUCTURE - (8)INV: 955.10IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" V&B16" DIP16" DIP16" DIPSTMH- 418RIM: 961.15INV: 955.35CB 401RIM: 960.52INV: 956.8616" WM (per city As-Builts)HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWET WET WET WET WET WET W E T WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWET142' - 18" HDPE @ 0.2%145' - 18" HDPE @ 0.3%27' - 18" RCP@ 0.8%140' - 18" HDPE @ 0.3%104' - 24" RCP @ 0.3%140' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%46' - 12" RCP@ 1.1%142' - 18" HDPE @ 0.2%37' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%145' - 18" HDPE @ 0.3%43' - 15" RCP@ 0.8%61' - 12" RCP @ 0.5%131' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%40' - 15" RCP@ 0.5%38' - 12" RCP@ 1.3%48' - 12" RCP@ 1.0%131' - 12" RCP @ 0.0%130' - 15" HDPE@ 0.2%CBMH 302RIM: 962.13INV: 958.9548" DIAR-3067CBMH 202RIM: 962.08INV: 958.7948" DIAR-3067CB 101RIM: 963.01INL (W): 958.89INV: 958.8948" DIAR-3067CB 401RIM: 960.22INV: 957.1148" DIAR-3067FES 3001INV: 957.00FES 3000INV: 956.50FES 4001INV: 956.50FES 400INV: 956.90FES 4000INV: 956.00CMBH 301RIM: 962.12INL (E): 958.25INV: 958.0548" DIAR-3067CBMH 201RIM: 962.07INL (E): 958.37INV: 958.3748" DIAR-3067CB 312RIM: 962.12INV: 958.6748" DIAR-3067CB 311RIM: 960.74INL (E): 958.02INV: 958.0248" DIAR-3067CBMH 103RIM: 963.05INV: 959.6348" DIAR-306748" DIAR-3067()INV: 958.6948" DIAR-3067FES 100INV: 958.70FES 310INV: 957.71FES 221INV: 957.50FES 300INV: 957.71FES 200INV: 958.06FES 210INV: 958.06FES 2001INV: 957.50FES 2000INV: 957.00FES 220INV: 957.50327' - 12" HDPE @ 0.2%MH-224INV: 956.77MH-223INV: 957.42CB 213RIM: 962.80INV: 959.6148" DIAR-3067130' - 12" HDPE @ 0.4%FES 700INV: 955.8269' - 18" RCP @ 1.0%FES 701INV: 956.52FES 600INV: 959.0059' - 18" RCP@ 0.4%FES 601INV: 959.21FES 801INV: 955.5533' - 24" RCP@ 0.0%FES 800INV: 955.55NORTH0 50 100Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Public Sanitary Sewer PVC SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact City of Otsego Public Works for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Reserved.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 7 on Sheet C7.5.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer pad designis provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric and conduits shallbe installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C403BDL001-SSOUTH STORMSEWER INSET 4C4.8\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C403BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:18:47 PM, JOrtiz 950955960965970975950955960965970975-2+75-2+50963.2963.4-2+00963.6963.7-1+50963.8963.8-1+00964.2963.99964.6964.16-0+50964.5964.34962.4964.490+00961.7964.55961.8964.510+50962.3964.35962.9964.111+00962.6963.86962.5963.611+50961.9963.36961.9963.172+00961.8963.08961.5963.082+50961.2963.18960.9963.303+00960.5963.43960.0963.553+50959.1963.68958.6963.804+00958.1963.93958.2964.054+50958.4964.18958.8964.305+00959.2964.43959.8964.555+50960.6964.68961.3964.806+00961.8964.93962.2965.056+50962.6965.18962.9965.307+00963.3965.46964.5965.677+50963.4965.93963.1966.268+00963.2966.61963.7966.968+50964.4967.31964.9967.669+00965.1968.01965.4968.369+50965.7968.72966.3969.0710+00966.7969.42968.8969.7710+5011+0011+25PVI STA: 2+20.00PVI ELEV: 962.90K: 66.32LVC: 100.00AD: 1.51%BVCS: 1+70BVCE: 963.41EVCS: 2+70EVCE: 963.15LP STA: 2+36.84LP ELEV: 963.07PVI STA: 7+49.99PVI ELEV: 965.55K: 110.44LVC: 100.00AD: 0.91%BVCS: 6+99.99BVCE: 965.30EVCS: 7+99.99EVCE: 966.26PVI STA: 0+36.00PVI ELEV: 964.76K: 58.90LVC: 100.00AD: -1.70%BVCS: -0+14BVCE: 964.41EVCS: 0+86EVCE: 964.25HP STA: 0+26.64HP ELEV: 964.55GRADE BREAK STA = -1+00ELEV = 963.819GRADE BREAK STA = 10+66ELEV = 969.994GRADE BREAK STA = 10+70.71ELEV = 969.9460.69%-1.01%0.50%1.41%-1.01%KITTREDGE PARKWAY NE95095596096597097595095596096597097519+75963.7966.9420+00963.5966.55963.8966.7220+50963.9966.90963.7967.0821+00963.1967.25962.2967.4321+50961.5967.60961.0967.7822+00960.7967.96960.4968.0922+50960.2968.13960.1968.0623+00960.3967.90960.5967.6723+50960.7967.44960.8967.2124+00960.8966.98960.5966.7524+50960.1966.52959.7966.2925+00959.4966.09959.2966.0025+50959.1966.02959.0966.1426+00959.2966.35959.7966.5526+50960.8966.76962.4965.8227+00963.5964.2927+50 27+75PVI STA: 25+56.49PVI ELEV: 965.78K: 57.12LVC: 100.00AD: 1.75%BVCS: 25+06.49BVCE: 966.23EVCS: 26+06.49EVCE: 966.19LP STA: 25+58.89LP ELEV: 965.99PVI STA: 22+78.00PVI ELEV: 968.33K: 61.67LVC: 100.00AD: -1.62%BVCS: 22+28BVCE: 967.98EVCS: 23+28EVCE: 967.87HP STA: 22+71.43HP ELEV: 968.13GRADE BREAK STA = 20+00ELEV = 966.940GRADE BREAK STA = 20+21ELEV = 966.520GRADE BREAK STA = 26+83.51ELEV = 966.834GRADE BREAK STA = 27+32.49ELEV = 963.829-0.92%0.83%-6.14%-2.00%0.70%AVENUE A NEEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C501BDL001-NSTREET PROFILESINSET 1C6.1X\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C601BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:19:09 PM, JOrtiz 95095596096597097595095596096597097529+75960.2964.6130+00960.0964.19960.1964.3730+50960.0964.55959.9964.7231+00959.8964.90959.8965.0831+50959.8965.26959.8965.4432+00959.8965.61960.0965.7732+50960.2965.86960.1965.8733+00960.0965.80959.9965.6733+50960.0965.54960.0965.4034+00960.1965.27960.3965.1434+50960.6965.01960.8964.8735+00960.8964.74960.7964.6135+50 36+00 36+25PVI STA: 32+83.00PVI ELEV: 966.02K: 80.54LVC: 100.00AD: -1.24%BVCS: 32+33BVCE: 965.67EVCS: 33+33EVCE: 965.76HP STA: 32+90.24HP ELEV: 965.87GRADE BREAK STA = 30+00ELEV = 964.610GRADE BREAK STA = 30+22ELEV = 964.170GRADE BREAK STA = 35+57.05ELEV = 964.570-0.53%-2.00%0.71%AVENUE B NE95596096597097595596096597097549+75961.7965.8650+00962.4965.41962.6964.9650+50962.5964.52962.1964.0751+00961.6963.62961.3963.1751+50961.3962.7652+00 52+25GRADE BREAK STA = 50+00ELEV = 965.862GRADE BREAK STA = 51+74ELEV = 962.737GRADE BREAK STA = 51+97.14ELEV = 963.200-1.80%2.00%PRIVATE AVENUE G NE95095596096597095095596096597039+75961.3963.1540+00961.0962.74961.2962.9140+50961.4963.09961.3963.2641+00961.0963.44960.5963.6141+50960.1963.79959.8963.9642+00959.6964.14959.7964.3142+50959.9964.43959.9964.4743+00959.8964.44959.5964.3343+50959.0964.19958.6964.0644+00958.8963.92959.2963.7944+50959.7963.65960.2963.5245+00961.0963.38961.8963.2545+50962.4963.1146+00 46+25PVI STA: 42+95.00PVI ELEV: 964.62K: 80.60LVC: 100.00AD: -1.24%BVCS: 42+45BVCE: 964.28EVCS: 43+45EVCE: 964.35HP STA: 43+01.39HP ELEV: 964.47GRADE BREAK STA = 40+00ELEV = 963.150GRADE BREAK STA = 40+21.82ELEV = 962.714GRADE BREAK STA = 45+75ELEV = 963.110-0.54%-2.00%0.70%AVENUE C NE95596096597097598095596096597097598059+75971.7968.9960+00970.9968.82970.4968.6660+50970.3968.49970.2968.3261+00969.7968.16969.1967.9961+50968.1967.83967.4967.6662+00967.1967.49966.3967.3362+50965.8967.16965.4966.9963+00964.8966.83964.5966.6663+50963.8966.49963.0966.3364+00962.4966.16961.8966.0064+50961.6965.83961.7965.6665+00961.9965.50962.4965.3365+50 66+00 66+25GRADE BREAK STA = 60+00ELEV = 968.990GRADE BREAK STA = 65+59ELEV = 965.270GRADE BREAK STA = 65+71ELEV = 965.510-0.67%2.00%PRIVATE STREET F NEEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C601BDL001-NSTREET PROFILESINSET 2C6.2X\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C601BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:19:20 PM, JOrtiz 950955960965970975950955960965970975-1+25-1+00961.1961.09-0+50961.4961.33961.7961.560+00961.8961.80960.9962.040+50959.7962.28960.6962.501+00962.2962.59963.1962.511+50963.5962.49963.4962.592+00962.8962.71962.5962.842+50962.2962.96962.4963.093+00962.2963.21962.5963.343+50962.7963.46963.1963.594+00962.6963.71961.5963.844+50960.3963.96959.6964.095+00959.2964.21959.4964.345+50960.0964.46960.8964.596+00961.3964.71961.3964.846+50960.6964.96959.9965.097+00959.5965.21959.3965.347+50958.8965.46958.5965.598+00958.4965.71958.7965.848+50959.0965.969+009+25PVI STA: 1+66.74PVI ELEV: 962.42K: 50.00LVC: 50.00AD: 1.00%BVCS: 1+41.74BVCE: 962.55EVCS: 1+91.74EVCE: 962.55LP STA: 1+66.74LP ELEV: 962.48PVI STA: 1+16.74PVI ELEV: 962.67K: 34.52LVC: 50.00AD: -1.45%BVCS: 0+91.74BVCE: 962.43EVCS: 1+41.74EVCE: 962.55HP STA: 1+24.48HP ELEV: 962.59GRADE BREAK STA = -0+73.05ELEV = 960.872GRADE BREAK STA = 8+84ELEV = 966.0080.95%0.50%74TH STREET NE95095596096597095095596096597079+75959.7962.1280+00959.7962.24959.5962.3780+50959.0962.49958.5962.6281+00958.7962.74959.4962.8781+50960.6962.9982+00 82+25GRADE BREAK STA = 80+00ELEV = 962.120GRADE BREAK STA = 81+76.18ELEV = 963.0010.50%AVENUE D NE95596096597097598098595596096597097598098514+75962.2970.9215+00964.3970.52967.2970.1215+50969.8969.72970.8969.3216+00972.0968.92973.1968.5216+50974.1968.12971.3967.7217+00969.1967.32966.1966.9217+50964.7966.5218+00 18+25GRADE BREAK STA = 15+00ELEV = 970.916GRADE BREAK STA = 17+76ELEV = 966.500GRADE BREAK STA = 17+98ELEV = 966.940-1.60%2.00%PRIVATE AVENUE E NEEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C601BDL001-NSTREET PROFILESINSET 3C6.3X\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C601BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:19:29 PM, JOrtiz EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C701BDL001-NCIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.1XNO SCALEURBAN STREET SECTION1NO SCALEURBAN MAIL BOX LOCATION2NO SCALERESIDENTIAL CUL DE SAC URBAN SECTION3NO SCALETEMPORARY CUL DE SAC URBAN SECTION4NO SCALETYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTIONS5NO SCALELOCAL RESIDENTIAL PUD PRIVATE STREET-9 TON6NO SCALELOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION-9 TON7NO SCALEWATER SERVICE DETAIL8NO SCALEWATER SERVICE DETAIL9NO SCALENO SCALEPACER TRAFFIC FLANGE HYDRANT10NO SCALETYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALVE & BOX INSTALL11NO SCALEDEEP SANITARY MAIN SERVICE CONNECTION12\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C701BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:19:48 PM, JOrtiz EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C701BDL001-NCIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.2XNO SCALESANITARY SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE1NO SCALETYPICAL WATER TIGHT SEALS2NO SCALESANITARY MANHOLE FRAME AND CASTING3NO SCALEINTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL4NO SCALEMANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS5NO SCALEMANHOLE JOINT SEAL6NO SCALESTORM SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE7NO SCALETYPICAL TREATMENT BASIN8NO SCALE48 INCH DIAMETER SHALLOW DEPTH CATCH BASIN9NO SCALENO SCALESTANDARD STORM MANHOLE - CATCH BASINNO SCALE2' X 3' CATCH BASINNO SCALEPLATE STYLE GRATE FOR 48" DIA. OUTLET STRUCT.10 11 12\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C701BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:20:05 PM, JOrtiz EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C701BDL001-NCIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.3XNO SCALESILT FENCE1NO SCALEROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE2NO SCALECURB TRANSITION (B624) AT CATCH BASIN3NO SCALECURB TRANSITION (B618) AT CATCH BASIN4NO SCALE5NO SCALECONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER6NO SCALETEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC SIGN7PERMANENT BARRICADENO SCALE8NO SCALE9\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C701BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:20:22 PM, JOrtiz EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C701BDL001-NCIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.4XNO SCALEPEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS1NO SCALEPEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS2NO SCALEPEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS1NO SCALEPEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS2\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_North\C701BDL001-N.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:20:38 PM, JOrtiz EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563C705BDL001-SCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSC7.56.5"18"8"36"NO SCALECONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER312" RAD. (TYP)1/2" RAD. (TYP)12"8"6"NO SCALE12" CONCRETE RIBBON CURB2CONSTRUCT WITH REVERSE SLOPEGUTTER. GUTTER GRADE TO MATCHPAVEMENT GRADE.12" RAD.3" RAD.6"7-1/4"1/4"3" RAD.7"6" AGGREGATE BASEDIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURBON PLANS ARE TO THIS LINEPROVIDE PAINTED SYMBOL ATEACH DESIGNATED ACCESSIBLEPARKING STALL. CENTER SYMBOLIN STALL NEAR DRIVE AISLE.NO SCALEINTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESS467.5d2'2'2'10" DIAMETER5dALL LINES 5" WIDENO SCALEPAINTED 'NO PARKING'6NOPARKING12"12"NOTE: TEXT SHALL BE PAINTED WHITE6" CLEAR1"AS REQUIRED4' MIN12"NO SCALESTEEL SIGN POST W/ ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE - MN5NOTE:SINAGE SHALL MEET THEREQUIREMENTS OF MN MUTCDR7-8m AND R7-8P60" MIN. & 66" MAX.FROM PARKING SURFACETO BOTTOM OF SIGNAGEAT ACCESS AISLEPARKINGSIGN FACE ATPARKING STALLVEHICLE IDREQUIREDVANACCESSIBLENO PARKINGACCESS AISLE(WHERE APPLICABLE)FOOTING WITH1" CROWN IN GREEN SPACE2"x2" PERFORATEDSQUARE SIGN POSTACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE MOUNTWITH 1/4" STAINLESSSTEEL HARDWAREFOOTING FLUSHADJACENT TO WALKSCONCRETE WALKSTEEL SIGN EMBEDDED MINIMUM 2'-6" INTOCONCRETE FOOTINGPOURED CONCRETE FOOTINGUP TO $200 FINEFOR VIOLATIONSFLOWFLOWAABB6"2"2'3'-6"2"3'-6"NO SCALE CATCH BASIN CASTING SUMPAT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER7CASTING3'-6"CASTINGCASTINGPAVEMENTPAVEMENTRIM ELEVATION SHOWN ON PLANGUTTER FLOW LINEPLAN VIEWSECTION B-BSECTION A-ACONCRETE CURB& GUTTERTAPER CURB AND GUTTEROVER THIS LENGTH3'-6"ISOMETRIC27"-36"48"-54"21"24"78"-90"60"-72"42"18"15"1 1/4"Ø1 1/4"Ø1 1/4"Ø1"Ø1"Ø1"Ø3/4"Ø3/4"ØPIPE SIZE12"3/4"ØBARS1"6"7"8"1"1"4"5"6"4"3"3/4"3/4"3/4"5/8"5/8"2 1/2"`H'5/8"BOLTSANCHOR CLIPPROVIDE 3 ANCHOR CLIPS TO FASTEN TRASH GUARDTO FLARED END SECTION. HOT DIP GALVANIZE AFTERFABRICATION.TIE LAST 3 PIPE JOINTS. USE 2 TIE BOLTFASTENERS PER JOINT. INSTALL AT60d FROM TOP OR BOTTOM OF PIPE.NO SCALEFLARED END SECTION AND TRASH GUARD8TRASH GUARD SIZING2'4"7"100' MAX. (TYP)NOTE:RISER PIPE SHALL BE EXTENDED ABOVE GROUND LEVELINITIALLY & THEN CUT BACK TO MATCH FINAL GRADEFLOWNO SCALECLEAN-OUT STRUCTURE912"6" PVC THREADEDCAP & PLUG6" PVC RISER6" PVC LONG SWEEP45d BEND6" X 6" PVC WYEENCASE IN CONCRETECONCRETE RINGIN LANDSCAPINGCONCRETE RINGIN PAVEMENTNEENAH CASTING TYPE R-1976CLEAN-OUT OR DOWNSTREAM MAIN LINESLOPEVARIESMIN7"3"MAX10"MIN2"MAXMAINTAIN BY REMOVING SEDIMENT AND REPLACING DAMAGED LOGS UNTILTURF IS ESTABLISHED. REMOVE AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION ISCOMPLETE.NO SCALETEMPORARY COMPOST/BIO LOG145d COMPOST / BIO LOG8" MIN. DIAMETER1"X1" WOOD STAKES MAX. 4 FT. SPACING\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\C705BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:20:54 PM, JOrtiz ITBXTBXTBXTBXOEOEOEOEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUCUCSTST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>16" WM (per city As-Builts)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16" DIP 16" DIP16" DIP16" DIP16" DIP16" WM (per city As-Builts)16" WM HOUSEWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WETWET WET WET WET WE T W E T WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWETWE T WE T WET WETWETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWE T WETWETWETWETWETWET WETWETWETWETWETWET12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.12-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.6-UNIT CLASSIC CONDOSFFE = 963.50AREA = 7,200 S.F.5-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 6,013 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.50AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.25AREA = 14,400 S.F.12-UNIT TRADE CONDOSFFE = 964.00AREA = 14,400 S.F.PROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.5-UNIT LUXURY CONDOSFFE = 962.50AREA = 9,240 S.F.6-UNIT LUX U R Y C O N D O S FFE = 962.5 0 AREA = 11,0 8 0 S. F .POND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL= 957.94POND 102PNWL = 957.00BTM = 953.00100-YR HWL= 959.30POND 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 949.50100-YR HWL = 959.78POND 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 948.5100-YR HWL = 959.87FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 100PNWL = 958.50BTM = 952.50FOREBAY 104PNWL = 958.50BTM = 954.50STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>NOPARKINGSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>(5) PIDE(3) PIDE(3) PIDE(2) MALS(2) MALS(55) CAKF(55) CAKF(1) BEND(4) BEND(2) BENDL2.21ENLARGED PLANNORTHWESTL2.22ENLARGED PLANSOUTHWESTL2.21ENLARGED PLANCLUBHOUSEL7.11DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)L7.15STEEP SLOPEPLANTING (TYP)5(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)5(TYP)5(TYP)5(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)18(TYP)9(TYP)9(TYP)9(TYP)18(TYP)9(TYP)L7.12CONIFEROUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)17(TYP)17(TYP)SYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT CONDITIONDECIDUOUS TREESACRU 8Acer rubrum `Autumn Spire` / Autumn Spire Maple50`H x 25`W 2.5" Cal. B & BBEND 9Betula nigra `Dura Heat` / Dura Heat River Birch35`H x 18`W 2.5"Cal B & BEVERGREEN TREESPIDE 11Picea glauca `Densata` / Black Hills Spruce45`H x 20`W 8` HT B & BORNAMENTAL TREESMALS 24Malus x `Snowdrift` / Snowdrift Crab Apple15`H x 20`W 1.5"Cal B & BGRASSESCAKF 168Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster` / Feather Reed Grass4`H x 2`W 2 GAL. POTMISG 149Miscanthus graziella 'Graziella' / Gracillimus Maiden Grass5`H x 3`W 2 GAL. POTPERENNIALSALLI 13Allium giganteum 'Globemaster' / Globemaster Giant Allium4`H x 1`W 1 GAL. POTECHI 76Echinacea purpurea / Purple Coneflower3`H x 3`W 1 GAL. POTRFGO 114Rudbeckia fulgida `Goldstrum` / Black Eyed Susan3`H x 2`W 1 GAL. POTEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH0 60 120L201BDL001.DWGLANDSCAPE PLANL2.1GENERAL NOTESLEGENDSod areaSeed mix.MNDOT 25-131, Low Maintenance Turf.Seed at rate of 220 lbs/acreWith erosion control mat.Seed mix.MNDOT 33-261, Stormwater South and West.Seed at rate of 35 lbs/acre.With erosion control mat.Seed mix.BWSR Mid Diversity Mesic to Dry Buffer South and West.Seed at rate of 46.18 lbs/acre.With erosion control mat.LEGENDContact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work.Seed mixtures MNDOT 25-131 -Low Maintenance Turf and MNDOT 33-261-Stormwater South and West as defined in currentMNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association(MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Seed mixture BWSR-Mid Diversity Mesic to Dry Buffer South and West as defined in current BWSR Seeding Manual. Native Seedsshall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentationto the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease,infestation, damage, and disfiguration.All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape.Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard.Spread a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil and sod all turf areas disturbed by Construction.Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for requirederosion prevention and sediment control.Reserved.Edge planting beds with 5-inch, 18" thick, black, commercial grade steel edging (Sur-Loc or approved equal) except where adjacent tocurbing, walks or buildings.Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. Quantities shown on this plan are totals for entire design. Fordiscrepancy between the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern.See Details for depth of planting soil.Install 3-4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Planting Bed Areas.Reserved.Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed.Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise.Install 2 to 3 inch (nominal size) grey trap rock to a depth of 4 inches in all planting beds unless noted otherwise. Landscape fabricshall be installed under all areas of rock mulch. Secure all edges and seams of fabric with 6-inch landscape staples.Erosion control blanket (MNDOT 3885). Category 3N, straw 2S, erosion control mat.Irrigation is required. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawingsand system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicablecodes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction.All plant material shall have a 1-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the LandscapeArchitect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies duringthe warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species andsizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. NOTESFor construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\L201BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:21:19 PM, JOrtiz E141.09WETWETWETWETWETPOND 103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50100-YR HWL= 957.94FOREBAY103PNWL = 956.50BTM = 952.50STS>>STS>>(10) RFGO(6) ALLI(7) ECHI(11) RFGO(7) ALLI(1) MALS(12) ECHI(1) BEND(1) BEND(3) ACRU(13) MISG(7) ECHI(11) RFGO(1) MALS(19) MISG(2) MALS(2) MISGACTIVITYAREAL7.14PERENNIALPLANTING (TYP)L7.11DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)12(TYP)15(TYP)17(TYP)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>II I I I I I I I IWET FOREBAY 101PNWL = 957.50BTM = 953.50STS>>STS>>STS>>(7) ECHI(13) RFGO(10) RFGO(4) ECHI(8) RFGO(8) ECHI(38) MISG(3) MALS(23) MISG(2) MALSKADLER AVE NE12(TYP)15(TYP)L7.14PERENNIALPLANTING (TYP)L7.11DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)SYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT CONDITIONDECIDUOUS TREESACRU 3Acer rubrum `Autumn Spire` / Autumn Spire Maple50`H x 25`W 2.5" Cal. B & BBEND 2Betula nigra `Dura Heat` / Dura Heat River Birch35`H x 18`W 2.5"Cal B & BORNAMENTAL TREESMALS 4Malus x `Snowdrift` / Snowdrift Crab Apple15`H x 20`W 1.5"Cal B & BGRASSESMISG 34Miscanthus graziella 'Graziella' / Gracillimus Maiden Grass5`H x 3`W 2 GAL. POTPERENNIALSALLI 13Allium giganteum 'Globemaster' / Globemaster Giant Allium4`H x 1`W 1 GAL. POTECHI 26Echinacea purpurea / Purple Coneflower3`H x 3`W 1 GAL. POTRFGO 32Rudbeckia fulgida `Goldstrum` / Black Eyed Susan3`H x 2`W 1 GAL. POTSYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT CONDITIONORNAMENTAL TREESMALS5Malus x `Snowdrift` / Snowdrift Crab Apple15`H x 20`W1.5"CalB & BGRASSESMISG 61Miscanthus graziella 'Graziella' / Gracillimus Maiden Grass5`H x 3`W 2 GAL. POTPERENNIALSECHI19Echinacea purpurea / Purple Coneflower3`H x 3`W1 GAL. POTRFGO 31Rudbeckia fulgida `Goldstrum` / Black Eyed Susan3`H x 2`W 1 GAL. POTEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH02040L202BDL001.DWGENLARGED PLANL2.2ENLARGED PLAN - NORTHWEST1ENLARGED PLAN - SOUTHWEST2PLANT SCHEDULE - SOUTHWESTPLANT SCHEDULE - NORTHWESTGENERAL NOTESLEGENDSod areaSeed mix.MNDOT 25-131, Low Maintenance Turf.Seed at rate of 220 lbs/acreWith erosion control mat.Seed mix.MNDOT 33-261, Stormwater South and West.Seed at rate of 35 lbs/acre.With erosion control mat.Seed mix.BWSR Mid Diversity Mesic to Dry Buffer South and West.Seed at rate of 46.18 lbs/acre.With erosion control mat.Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work.Seed mixtures MNDOT 25-131 -Low Maintenance Turf and MNDOT 33-261-Stormwater South and West as defined in currentMNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association(MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Seed mixture BWSR-Mid Diversity Mesic to Dry Buffer South and West as defined in current BWSR Seeding Manual. Native Seedsshall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentationto the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease,infestation, damage, and disfiguration.All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape.Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard.Spread a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil and sod all turf areas disturbed by Construction.Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for requirederosion prevention and sediment control.Reserved.Edge planting beds with 5-inch, 18" thick, black, commercial grade steel edging (Sur-Loc or approved equal) except where adjacent tocurbing, walks or buildings.Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. Quantities shown on this plan are for this sheet only. For discrepancybetween the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern. See sheet L2.1 foroverall quantities for design.See Details for depth of planting soil.Install 3-4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Planting Bed Areas.Reserved.Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed.Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise.Install 2 to 3 inch (nominal size) grey trap rock to a depth of 4 inches in all planting beds unless noted otherwise. Landscape fabricshall be installed under all areas of rock mulch. Secure all edges and seams of fabric with 6-inch landscape staples.Erosion control blanket (MNDOT 3885). Category 3N, straw 2S, erosion control mat.Irrigation is required. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawingsand system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicablecodes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction.All plant material shall have a 1-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the LandscapeArchitect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies duringthe warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species andsizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. NOTESFor construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\L202BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:21:52 PM, JOrtiz GGGGGGGGGGGGGG16" WM (per city As-Builts)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPROPOSED CLUBHOUSEFFE = 964.00AREA = 4,470 S.F.102P957.00953.00R HWL9.30SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS> >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>NOPARKINGSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>(58) CAKF(6) RFGO(7) RFGO(1) MALS(6) ECHI(12) MISG(5) ECHI(1) MALS(3) ACRU(1) ACRU(10) MISG(10) RFGO(6) MISG(1) MALS(5) RFGO(14) RFGO(1) ACRU(8) MALS(5) ECHI(9) RFGO(8) ECHI(26) MISG(7) ECHIL7.14PERENNIALPLANTING (TYP)70TH STREET NEL7.11DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)17(TYP)12(TYP)12(TYP)15(TYP)15(TYP)12(TYP)12(TYP)15(TYP)L7.14PERENNIALPLANTING (TYP)17(TYP)SYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT CONDITIONDECIDUOUS TREESACRU 5Acer rubrum `Autumn Spire` / Autumn Spire Maple50`H x 25`W 2.5" Cal. B & BORNAMENTAL TREESMALS 11Malus x `Snowdrift` / Snowdrift Crab Apple15`H x 20`W 1.5"Cal B & BGRASSESCAKF 58Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster` / Feather Reed Grass4`H x 2`W 2 GAL. POTMISG 54Miscanthus graziella 'Graziella' / Gracillimus Maiden Grass5`H x 3`W 2 GAL. POTPERENNIALSECHI 31Echinacea purpurea / Purple Coneflower3`H x 3`W 1 GAL. POTRFGO51Rudbeckia fulgida `Goldstrum` / Black Eyed Susan3`H x 2`W1 GAL. POTEXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563NORTH02040L203BDL001.DWGENLARGED PLANCLUBHOUSEL2.3PLANT SCHEDULE - NORTHWESTLEGENDSod areaSeed mix.MNDOT 25-131, Low Maintenance Turf.Seed at rate of 220 lbs/acreSeed mix.MNDOT 33-261, Stormwater South and West.Seed at rate of 35 lbs/acreSeed mix.BWSR Mid Diversity Mesic to Dry Buffer South and West.Seed at rate of 46.18 lbs/acreContact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work.Seed mixtures MNDOT 25-131 -Low Maintenance Turf and MNDOT 33-261-Stormwater South and West as defined in currentMNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association(MCIA). Provide verifying documentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Seed mixture BWSR-Mid Diversity Mesic to Dry Buffer South and West as defined in current BWSR Seeding Manual. Native Seedsshall be of Minnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifying documentationto the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock, free from disease,infestation, damage, and disfiguration.All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniform shape.Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer added per cubic yard.Spread a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil and sod all turf areas disturbed by Construction.Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and provide coordination for requirederosion prevention and sediment control.Reserved.Edge planting beds with 5-inch, 18" thick, black, commercial grade steel edging (Sur-Loc or approved equal) except where adjacent tocurbing, walks or buildings.Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing. Quantities shown on this plan are for this sheet only. For discrepancybetween the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Drawing, the Drawing shall govern. See sheet L2.1for overall quantities for design.See Details for depth of planting soil.Install 3-4 inch depth of triple-shredded hardwood mulch in Planting Bed Areas.Reserved.Install a 4-foot diameter triple-shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or Perennial Planting Bed.Edging is not required, unless noted otherwise.Install 2 to 3 inch (nominal size) grey trap rock to a depth of 4 inches in all planting beds unless noted otherwise. Landscape fabricshall be installed under all areas of rock mulch. Secure all edges and seams of fabric with 6-inch landscape staples.Irrigation is required. Irrigation shall be designed by irrigation contractor. Contractor shall submit design plan and all shop drawingsand system components to Landscape Architect for review, prior to purchase and installation. Contractor shall follow all applicablecodes and obtain all necessary permits from local jurisdiction.All plant material shall have a 1-year warranty. The warranty shall begin after the last plant has been installed and the LandscapeArchitect has approved the installation. Landscape contractor is responsible for replacing any and all plant material that dies duringthe warranty period. Landscape contractor shall assume all costs to any replacements. All replacements shall be same species andsizes and equal or better vigor as original installation. NOTESLANDSCAPE NOTESFor construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.17.15.\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\L203BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:22:25 PM, JOrtiz EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISIONETL21 FEB 2024PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITY02/20/2024BDL230012024PRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONW7120 OAKDALE DRIVEBEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916TEL (612) 309-9563L701BDL001-S.DWGLANDSCAPE DETAILSL7.1SUBGRADEAREA DUG/TILLEDTO PROMOTE ROOT GROWTH3-5 x DIA. OF SOIL BALLAREA DUG FOR PLANTING2-3 x DIA. OF SOIL BALLSCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTINGCUT TOP OF WIRE BASKET 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL.CUT TWINE FROM AROUND TOP 1/3 (MIN.) OF ROOTBALL. CUTAND ROLL BACK BURLAP 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL.2" X 2" X 24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLEEXISTING SOIL LOOSENEDPLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) EDGE CONDITION VARIES1. INSPECT FOR ENCIRCLING ROOTS TO MITIGATEFUTURE STEM GIRDLING. REJECT ANY TREES THATARE SEVERELY AFFECTED.2. TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING AREILLUSTRATED AND TO BE UTILIZED ONLY IFNECESSARY.3. MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUTTHE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SEE SPECIFICATIONS.FLAGGING: ONE (1) FLAG PER WIREDOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE -3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALS (TYP.)TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITH ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH SOILLINE OR FIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOT ONE (1) INCH BELOWSOIL LINE. IF ROOT FLARE IS NOT APPARENT IT MAY BECOVERED BY BURLAP OR SOIL. ADJUST PLANT AS NEEDED TOMAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DEPTH.16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE(40 MIL, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.)TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH NOTES:8' STEEL STAKE.PLACE WITHINTWO (2) INCHESOF ROOT BALL.NO SCALEDECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINGVARIES PER SPECIES (SEE PLANS)24" MIN.FOUR (4") INCHES MAX. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH(SEE PLANS)1TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITH ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH SOIL LINE ORFIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOT ONE (1) INCH BELOW SOIL LINE. IFROOT FLARE IS NOT APPARENT IT MAY BE COVERED BY BURLAP ORSOIL. ADJUST PLANT AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DEPTH.VARIESSCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTING2" X 2" X 24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLEPLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) EDGE CONDITION VARIES (SEE PLANS)CUT TOP OF WIRE BASKET 1/3 (MIN) FROM TOP OF BALL. CUT TWINEFROM AROUND TOP 1/3 (MIN) OF ROOTBALL. CUT AND ROLL BACKBURLAP 1/3 (MIN) FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL.16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE(40 MIL, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.)FLAGGING: ONE (1) PER WIRE1. INSPECT FOR ENCIRCLING ROOTS TO MITIGATE FUTURE STEMGIRDLING. REJECT ANY TREES THAT ARE SEVERELYAFFECTED.2. TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING AREILLUSTRATED AND TO BE UTILIZED ONLY IF NECESSARY.3. MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THEGUARANTEE PERIOD AS DEFINED ON PLANS AND/ORSPECIFICATIONS.NOTES:NO SCALECONIFEROUS TREE PLANTINGEXISTING SUBGRADEAREA DUG/TILLEDTO PROMOTE ROOT GROWTH3-5x DIA. OF SOIL BALLEXISTING SOIL LOOSENEDFOUR (4") INCHES SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH.MAINTAIN A TWELVE (12") INCH DIAMETER RING AROUND BASE OFTRUNK, CLEAR OF MULCH.DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE.24"12" DIA.DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA.WIRE.8' STEEL STAKE. PLACETWO (2) INCHES FROMROOT BALL.2SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTING.PLACE PLANTWHERE SHOWN ONPLANEXISTING SUBGRADEREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN(S) FORGROUNDCOVER OUTSIDE SHRUB BED(S)FINISHED GRADE1. IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THE EDGES OFROOTBALL, UNCOIL OR CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLEWITHOUT DESTROYING SOIL MASS.2. DIG PLANTING PIT NO DEEPER THAN HEIGHT OF ROOTBALL.NOTES:TOP OF ROOT MASSSHALL BE LEVEL WITHFINISHED GRADEPLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS)NO SCALESHRUB PLANTINGDIG PLANTING PIT3X WIDEST DIMENSION OF ROOT BALLROOT BALL SITS ON EXISTING ORRECOMPACTED SUBGRADE.FOUR (4) INCH HIGH SOIL BERMCONSTRUCTED AROUND ENTIREROOT BALL. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOTBALL EDGE.MULCH (SEE PLANS)EDGING (SEE PLANS)312"6"MIN.MIN.SPACING VARIES(SEE PLANS)IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THEEDGES OF ROOTBALL, UNCOIL OR CUT ASMANY AS POSSIBLE WITHOUTDESTROYING SOIL MASS.NOTES:NO SCALEPERENNIAL PLANTING18" MIN.SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OFHOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING.EXISTING SUBGRADEBACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL THAT ISTHOROUGHLY TILLED AND LOOSENED.(SEE PLANS)REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN(S) FORGROUNDCOVER OUTSIDE PLANTING BEDEDGINGMULCHCREATE SAUCER AROUND PLANTWITH PLANTING SOILPERENNIALPLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOTBE PLACED CLOSER THAN ONE(1) FOOT FROM EDGE OFPLANTING BED4IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUNDTHE EDGES OF ROOTBALL, UNCOILOR CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLEWITHOUT DESTROYING SOIL MASS.NOTES:NO SCALESTEEP SLOPE PLANTINGSCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OFHOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING.EDGE CONDITION VARIES(SEE PLANS)EDGING (SEE PLANS)PLANTING SOIL(SEE PLANS)MULCH (SEE PLANS)ROUND-TOPPED SOIL BERM, 4" HIGH x 8" WIDE,ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE, CENTERED ONDOWNHILL SIDE FOR 240 DEGREES.FINISHED GRADEEXISTING SUBGRADEORIGINAL GRADE SHALL PASS THROUGH POINTWHERE TRUNK MEETS TOP OF ROOT BALL.DIG PLANTING PIT3X WIDTH OF ROOT BALLAPLANSECTION A-AROUND-TOPPED BERMROOT BALL EDGESLOPEA5\\MSPFSV02\DesignDepot\Workshop-RDS\BDL23001 - Dollansky Mixed Use in Otsego MN\_CAD\_South\L701BDL001-S.dwg, 2/21/2024 4:22:38 PM, JOrtiz