Item 4.1 Item 4.1 1 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: March 13, 2024 RE: Carrick’s Landing Construction Plans Background Information March 2024 Staff and Park Planning Consultants HKGi have worked to test and develop Carrick’s Landing to the construction document phase. In this phase elements from the Master Plan and concepts are tested, to ensure their feasibility on the site where the improvements at Carrick’s Landing Park are to be constructed. There were very minor changes from the master plan. The MN DNR and City planner have approved the construction plans are in the process of issuing the permits. When the City of Otsego was awarded the grant there were some core elements required to be in compliance with the Outdoor Recreation Grant. These core elements are a boardwalk, providing ADA accessible kayak and canoe river access, wayfinding, shelter, benches to view the river, shoreline fishing, restoring the native plants and vegetation, and linking Noring Landing Park to Carrick’s Landing Park with Paddle Port stations. The Carrick’s Landing Park project is a milestone project for Otsego. Park visitors will be able to do a variety of activities from launching their non-motorized watercraft to enjoying a view of the river. This project has activities for all abilities and ages. This project will also allow residents to be able to rent a kayak from Norin Landing Park and float over 7 miles of the Mississippi to see the best views in Otsego. All the requirements for the Outdoor Recreation Grant have been fulfilled through the construction documents phase. Ms. Grinde from HKGi will be presenting at the March meeting Item 4.1 2 to update the Parks and Recreation Commission on the construction plans and will be able to answer any questions about the project. The City of Otsego will construct the park using park dedication and has budgeted the project at $775,000 with the grant paying $350,000. Requested Commission Action Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the Carrick’s Landing Construction Plans slide deck and bring recommendations and comments to the meeting. Possible recommendation: • Approval of the Carrick’s Landing Construction Plans as presented and recommend City Council consider authorizing the competitive bidding process. Attachments: • Carrick’s Landing Park Construction Plans slide deck Carrick’s Landing Update PARK COMMISSION MEETING: CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL MARCH 19, 2024 CARRICK’S LANDING CONSTRUCTION PLANS –Project Status & Schedule Update –Project Goals & DNR Grant Requirements –Updated Plan Layout –Cost Estimate NEXT STEPS Agenda Project Status & Schedule Update COMPLETED TASKS –2021-2022: Concept Planning and Public Engagement –March 2023: DNR Outdoor Rec Grant Application Submitted –June 2023: Grant Awarded –September 2023: Archaeological Phase 1 Survey work –November 2023: DNR Grant Agreement Approved –Dec 2023 – Mar 2024: Prepare Construction Drawings REMAINING TASKS –April 8, 2024: City Council Approve CD set and Specifications, Authorization to Bid –April 2024: Bidding –May 2024: City Council award bid –Spring/Summer 2024: Construction Project Status & Schedule Update Project Goals & DNR Grant Requirements –Provide ADA accessible kayak and canoe access –Shelter and bench offer places to view the river –Shoreline fishing access –Restore and revegetate riverbank with native trees and shrubs –Project construction budget: $775K –Link site to Norin Landing with Paddle Port option and similar shelter Project Goals DNR Grant Requirements –Develop river access site with a kayak launch, river access, shore fishing, boardwalk, nature observation area, overlook, paved trails, signage, and picnic shelter –Restoration plantings must use MN native species and must provide habitat for pollinators –ADA accessible kayak and canoe access Updated Plan Layout Site Plan Parking Lot Access River Access Riverbank Cross Section Cost Estimate Construction Cost Estimate Next Steps –April 8, 2024 City Council Meeting: Approval to Bid –April 2024: Bidding –May 13, 2024: City Council award bid Next Steps Thank you GABRIELLE GRINDE