Item 5.1 Item 5.1 1 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: April 10, 2024 RE: Prairie Park Master Plan Background Information August 2023-September 2023 Park Planning Consultants HKGi and City staff met to discuss opportunities for Prairie Park Master Plan and set expectations. City staff present included the City Administrator, City Planner, City Engineer, and Parks and Recreation staff. A presentation led by HKGi showed precedent images from other community park master plans they had conducted. HKGi and staff also walked the entirety of Prairie Park to get a ground level view to create a vison for Prairie Park. Using feedback from the meeting, HKGi created materials for the website, social media, engagement board for the Prairie Festival, and a press release. The goal was to make as many residents as possible aware of the exciting opportunity to master plan Prairie Park. The goal was to offer a survey using Survey Monkey that asked more detailed in-depth questions to generate pointed feedback. The other method of engagement was using Social Pinpoint, an interactive map where residents could leave comments and other residents were able to like or dislike the comments. The City of Otsego advertised at the Prairie Festival and several posts on Facebook encouraging residents to leave feedback. October 2023-December 2023 Staff and HKGi recruited residents to form a new advisory committee to help guide HKGi and staff for the future of Prairie Park. The City of Otsego advertised for this committee using Item 5.1 2 Facebook. It was quickly filled by residents with diverse backgrounds. The committee consists of residents of Otsego who represent athletic associations (ROYBA, ROSA, Boreal), residents of the community, three Parks and Recreation Commissioners, and one City Council member. The newly formed Prairie Park Advisory Committee met in October to assess the status of Prairie Park and the potential for improvements. The Committee was led through the same presentation with precedent images and other community park master plans. The Prairie Park Advisory Committee set goals for the master plan and proceeded to conduct a strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. This analysis led to extensive discussion on the opportunities and vison for Prairie Park. The Prairie Park Advisory Committee was then asked to complete the survey and spread the word to all residents. The community surveyed closed December 31, 2023. January 2024 HKGi and staff met and reviewed the two forms of survey input. HKGi led a presentation that compiled all responses and organized it into core themes. Staff were led through an exercise of using the feedback to create a concept of what Prairie Park could look like in the future. Several concepts were created and vetted through this process. HKGi used this feedback to create a template for the Prairie Park Advisory Committee meeting conducted in March. A featured article was also published in the Otsego View informing residents about the Prairie Park Master Plan. Residents were invited to attend the public open house at the Otsego Touch-A-Truck event on May 14. March 2024 The Prairie Park Master Plan Advisory committee had their second meeting. At this meeting community survey results were presented. HKGi then lead an interactive exercise using printed maps with printed to scale amenities and were asked to place them on the map of Prairie Park where they felt each amenity should be placed. It was a creative session that led to extensive discussion on the future of Prairie Park. Realizations from the meeting were not all survey results could be accommodated for in Prairie Park as it exists today. Priority was given to the amenities with the highest requests from the community survey. April 2024 HKGi and staff will be presenting the three concepts that were created from all the meetings and input from the inception of the Prairie Park Master Plan. This will be the first time the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council have a chance to review community input and concepts. The Prairie Park Advisory Committee is also invited to the meeting to hear the input from the Commission and Council. The intent of this meeting is to vet out the three concepts and offer feedback, before the concepts are presented to the public at the open house hosted during the Otsego Touch-A-Truck event on May 14 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. *None of these concepts are in anyway binding or committing the City of Otsego to any future park enhancements of Prairie Park Item 5.1 3 Requested Commission Action Staff requests the Parks and Recreation Commission review the Prairie Park Master Plan slide deck and concepts and bring recommendations/comments to the meeting. Possible recommendation: • N/A Attachments: • Prairie Park Master Plan slide deck • Concepts (A, B, C) OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 1 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLAN Parks Commission Meeting TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2024 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 2 MEETING AGENDA 1. Project Schedule and Process 2. Prairie Park Existing Conditions & Site Analysis 3. Advisory Committee input 4. Community Input 5. Park Opportunities & Concept Development 6. DRAFT Concepts 7. Discussion and Feedback 8. Next Steps OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 3 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND PROCESS OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 4 PHASE 2 Prepare Draft Concepts PHASE 3 Prepare for Final Master Plan JUL ’24 DEC ‘23 4 AUG ‘23 NOV ’23 Public Open House to be held in the spring to review draft concepts City Council meeting to approve the plan in Summer 2024 PROJECT SCHEDULE PROJECT SCHEDULE PROJECT PURPOSE • Engage residents • Identify issues and opportunities • Explore ideas and concepts for the future of the park • Develop a preferred plan • Develop cost estimates • Identify priorities and phasing for park improvements Public survey open Sept-Dec Advisory Committee representation • City Council • Park and Rec Comm. Chair • Parks and Rec Comm. (2) • Rogers Otsego Youth Baseball Association (ROYBA) • Exec. Dir. Soccer • Rogers Otsego Softball Association (ROSA) • Residents (7) MAY ‘2 JUN ‘24 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 5 PRAIRIE PARK EXISTING CONDITIONS & SITE ANALYSIS OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 6 Community Context / Comprehensive Plan 2023Comprehensive Plan > www.ci.otsego.mn.us 456738456738 456742 456742 456742 456742 456736 456739 456739456739 456719 456719 §¨¦9 4 456737 456718 EF137 456738 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN00.5 10.25 Miles É K:\cad_eng\PROJECTS\GIS\TPC\Otsego\Comprensive Plan 2012\Future Land Use Map DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. LEGEND Planning Districts Rural Rural Residential LD Residential (Large Lot) LD Residential LMD Residential MHD Residential Mixed Use Commercial Office Industrial Light Industrial Public/Quasi Public COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2023 ADOPTED: AMENDED: Resolution 2023-52 on 14 August 2023 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 7 Social Profile 2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan 5 | Page SOCIAL PROFILE The purpose of the social profile chapter of the Comprehensive Plan is to document the current demographic conditions and trends to aid in the iden tification of issues to be addressed as part of the planning process. Population and Household Forecasts The City has developed projections of populat ion and household growth for Otsego. The estimated rate of growth is based on an assume 10-year average of 400 new home being constructed in Otsego each year consistent with growth management policies. The actual number of homes constructed in Otsego in the last 10 year period was 273 dwelling units per year reflecting the continued effects of the Great Recession in the early part of the period. The more recent five year period indicates a return to the projected rate of residential development anticipated by the City. This information is to be used in infrastructure planning for transportation, utilities and services to accommodate future development demand and as the basis for implementation of growth management planning efforts. City of Otsego Population and Households 2000-2040 Actual Forecast 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Households 2,062 4,736 6,743 10,800 14,800 Population 6,389 13,571 19,966 30,780 41,440 Source: U.S. Census, TPC The US Census records the dramatic growth experienced in Otsego between 2000 and 2010 with more than a 100 percent increase in households and population. Growth between 2010 and 2020 slowed both in number and as a percentage due to the Great Recession, which generally caused a loss of 10 years of growth for communities. Recovery from the Great Recession has been followed by the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and a current environment of continued supply chain issues, higher community and goods prices, and inflation that reduced financing options. In spite of these economic challenges, the Otsego is anticipated to see continued growth over time based on available land supply, regional transportation access, utility infrastructure capacity, and saturation development of community closer into the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Community Context / Comprehensive Plan Social Profile 2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan Page | 6 Household Type The table below illustrates changes in household size in Otsego relative to population and household growth. The increase in household size from 2010 to 20202 can be attributed to construction of mostly single family dwellings during this time with few town house or multiple family units being added, which tend to have smaller household sizes. The national trend of people having fewer children and the dynamics of the modern family is continuing however, and more recent construction has seen an increase in availability of housing alternatives. City of Otsego Household Size 2000-2040 Year Population Households Persons Per Household 2000 6,389 2,062 3.08 Actual 2010 13,571 4,736 2.86 2020 19,486 6,743 2.96 Forecast 2030 30,780 10,800 2.85 2040 41,440 14,800 2.80 Source: U. S. Census, TPC The 2010 and 2020 Census provides a demographic profile of the households in Otsego as shown in the following table. Almost half of households in Otsego in 2020 included families with children, which is consistent with 2010 data. Otsego’s household characteristics are indicative of a growing community with families finding availa ble new housing that off-sets regional and national trends of smaller household sizes due to an aging population, people choosing to delay having children, and deciding to have smaller families. City of Otsego 2010 and 2020 Household Type Household Type Total Number of Households Households With Children Households Without Children 2010 2020 2010 2020 2010 2020 Family – Married Couple 2,978 3,847 1,640 2,146 1,338 1,701 Family – Male Household 230 306 138 162 92 144 Family – Female Household 352 249 235 194 117 55 Total Family HH 3,560 4,402 2,013 2,502 1,547 1,900 Non-Family Households 1,176 1,124 326 X 850 1,124 Total Households 4,736 5,526 2,339 2,502 2,397 3,024 Source: U.S. Census 2010, 2020 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 8 456738456738 456742 456742 456742 456742 456736 456739 456739456739 456719 456719§¨¦9 4 456737 456718 EF137 EF137 456738 ç|ÿl ç|ÿl FUTURE PARK AND TRAIL SYSTEM00.5 10.25 Miles É LEGEND Existing Trail Existing Sidewalk Regional Trail Future Bituminous Trail Future Greenway Corridor Future Neighborhood Park River Access Park Search Area Park K:\cad_eng\PROJECTS\GIS\TPC\Otsego\Comprehensive Plan 2012\Future Parks and Trail System DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2023 ADOPTED: AMENDED: Resolution 2023-52 on 14 August 2023 456738456738 456742 456742 456742 456742 456736 456739 456739456739 456719 456719§¨¦9 4 456737 456718 EF137 EF137 456738 ç|ÿl ç|ÿl FUTURE PARK AND TRAIL SYSTEM00.5 10.25 Miles É LEGEND Existing Trail Existing Sidewalk Regional Trail Future Bi tuminous Trail Future Greenway Corridor Future Neighborhood Park River Access Park Search A rea Park K:\cad_eng\PROJECTS\GIS\TPC\O tseg o\Co mprehensive Plan 2012\Futu re Parks a nd Tra il S ystem DISCLAIMER: This prod uct is for in formation al purpo ses and may n ot have been prepa red for, or be s uitable fo r lega l, eng in eering, or surveyin g purpo ses . Users of this information should review or cons ult the primary data an d informa tion s ources to a sce rtain the us ability of the information. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2023 ADOPTED: AME NDED: Resol utio n 20 23 -52 on 1 4 A ug ust 20 23 Future Park and Trail System OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 9 °500 1,000 Feet 2500 Park Boundary MAP KEY Play Area Skate Park RC Track Sledding Hill Soccer Parking Lot Picnic Shelter/Area Splash Pad Basketball Pickleball Baseball Archery Dog Park Hockey/Skating RinkNashua Ave NE90th St N E 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE OtsegoCity Hall Prairie Center 1 23 4 Restrooms (Portable) Picnic Grills Prairie Park 8899 Nashua Ave NE Park Hours: Sunrise to Sunset Park Location 94 101 38 Draft 12/04/18 Feet 2001000 OPtiOn A: PROPOSED PiCKLEBALL COURtS (4) WitH SHADE StRUCtURE(S) OPtiOn B: PiCKLEBALL REMOVE EXiStinG SAnD VOLLEYBALL COURt EXiStinG SEPtiC DRAin FiELD FOR PRAiRiE CEntER (COnFiRM EXtEntS) EXiStinG DOG PARK EXiStinG BASKEtBALL COURt PRAiRiE CEntER nashua ave ne90th st ne135’ 130’ 68’ 68’ EXiStinG SPLASH PAD City of Otsego - Prairie Park Improvements - (CONCEPT 1)DRAFT: 02.12.2020 POtEntiAL REStROOM/ SHELtER LOCAtiOnS R1 R2 R3 tEnniS COURt Map 9. Otsego Parks & Facilities Plan Future Parks Potential Acquisition Crow Rive r CO RD 39 LABEAUX AVE NEKADLER AVE NENASHUA AVE NEODEAN AVE NEPARISH AVE NE65TH ST NE 85TH ST NE 90TH ST NE 85TH ST NE 83RD ST NE £¤52 38 42 §¨¦94 ¬«101 ¬«101 19 M i s s i s sippi R i v e r North 0 0.5 1 Mile Future Parks Potential Acquisition Crow Rive r CO RD 39 LABEAUX AVE NEKADLER AVE NENASHUA AVE NEODEAN AVE NEPARISH AVE NE65TH ST NE 85TH ST NE 90TH ST NE 85TH ST NE 83RD ST NE £¤52 38 42 §¨¦94 ¬«101 ¬«101 19 M i s s i s sippi R i v e rNorth 0 0.5 1 MileCOST EST: $175K-700K COST EST: $50K-100K COST EST: $50K-100K COST EST: $305K-950KCOST EST.: $5K-15K + ONGOING STAFF TIME Non-location Specific Recommendations School Knoll Park‰‰Potential to partner with Otsego Elementary to provide additional recreation opportunities VFW Fields‰‰Maintain regular communication with field owner (VFW)in order to plan for future fields in the potential scenario that land ownership or use transitions Potential Dog Park‰‰City-owned land. Potential to build new off-leash dog park Otsego County Park‰‰Encourage Wright County Parks Dept. to improve facilities - ski trails, river access, boat launch Carrick’s Landing‰‰Walking bridge will be constructed across stormwater pond ‰‰Add non-motorized boat launch at north end of park ‰‰Add more native landscaping along the trail and stormwater pond ‰‰Encourage river views with formalized overlooks and selective clearing along the river’s edge ‰‰Add benches, picnic areas, and lighting along the trail Future Community / Recreation Center ‰‰Determine the need and desire of the community for a community center with fitness center, indoor track, meeting rooms, and potential indoor aquatic facility ‰‰Potentially partner with school district to build a joint-use facility ‰‰Ensure financial feasibility (potential referendum) Neighborhood Park Access‰‰Strive to provide a neighborhood park within 1/2 mile of every residence in Otsego Norin Landing (under construction)‰‰Encourage the park’s use with recreational programming, such as kayak/canoe events, fishing clinics, and summer concerts. ‰‰Add Paddle Port facility for kayak/canoe rental with drop-off at Carrick’s Landing (approx. 8 river miles or ~2 hours kayaking) Prairie Park improvements‰‰Add more features to splash pad ‰‰Indoor restroom near splash pad ‰‰Add on to Prairie Center with gym space ‰‰Expand and improve ballfields (add covered dugouts, concessions, more fields) ‰‰Potentially purchase additional land to the south, primarily for athletic fields City of Otsego project‰‰This type of project would be managed, implemented, and maintained by the City of Otsego parks department. City Policy or Development-related project‰‰This identifies a policy or a project that would be completed by the City, County, or a Developer as opportunities arise. Partnership project‰‰This type of project may be completed by supporting or encouraging another agency or organization. Key:1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 A-10JULY 2019 Summary of Community Input Community Engagement Process The process for gathering community input included reaching out with social media, email blasts, postings in parks and community buildings, and attending local events. There were three phases of engagement during the system planning process. Phase 1 Phase 1 engagement included general outreach to inform residents of the project and get general feedback on issues and opportunities. Activities included: ``July-September 2018: Online engagement •`Survey Monkey Questionnaire •`Social Pinpoint interactive mapping •`Project website information •`Parks and Rec Newsletter article ``August 23, 2018: Stakeholder meetings ``July 17, 2018: Park Commission meeting Phase 2 Phase 2 engagement presented the inventory and analysis of the system and gathered feedback on the key findings. Activities included: ``September 15, 2018: Pop up open house meeting at the Prairie Festival ``October 16, 2018: Joint City Council/Park Commission meeting ``November 20, 2018: Park Commission meeting Phase 3 Phase 3 engagement focused on reviewing the draft master plan recommendations and gathering feedback on priorities. Activities included online feedback methods and outreach with social media and email blasts. Online Survey Responses This online survey conducted during Phase 1 of the engagement process asked about how residents use current parks and recreation facilities and what improvements or new facilities they are interested in seeing in Otsego in the future. (Advertised on social media, website, and e-mailed) The survey received 570 responses. Compared to the City’s population of 16,019, this means approximately 3.6% of residents participated in the survey. Compared to other similar parks and recreation system plan surveys completed by the consultant, Otsego received high participation. Other communities’ online survey participation for reference: ``1.4% -- Elk River Parks and Recreation System Plan (2014) online survey: 300+ participants of 23,447 residents ``3.8% -- Chanhassen Parks and Recreation System Plan (2016) online survey: 935 participants of 24,432 residents ``1.4% -- Maple Grove Parks and Recreation System Plan (2017) online survey: 924 participants of 66,401 residents Detailed results of the survey can be found in the System Plan chapter or in Appendix D: Community Engagement 17 Otsego Parks + Recreation System Master Plan JULY 2019 Pop Up Community Open House at Prairie Festival Values, Trends, and Changing Needs 18JULY 2019 Online Community Engagement Summary Two different online engagement strategies were implemented to better understand how residents and visitors feel about Otsego’s Parks + Recreation System, as well as what they would like to see in the future. The first method was a questionnaire that captured feedback about the parks and recreation system, while the second was an online map that allowed users to leave spatially-based feedback about existing conditions and potential improvements. This graphic includes a summary of the significant data and comments gathered between these two engagement methods. Preferred Park Development StrategiesExcellent G o o d Fair Poor Who Participated? Prairie Park Splash Pad Prairie Park Baseball Any City Trails Prairie Park Soccer Prairie Park Dog Park Frankfort Park School Knoll Park Beaudry Meadows Park Zimmer Farm Park Northwood Park Respondent’s Favorite Facilities 82% 47% 41% 30% 24% 24% 23% 23% 20% 0%20%40%60%80% 34% Otsego Prairie Festival Entertainment in the Park Egg Hunt Touch-A-Truck Santa Day T-Ball Pumpkin Patch Theater in the Park Respondent’s Favorite Programs + Events 72% 61% 37% 37% 35% 35% 31% 22% 0%20%40%60%80% Support for Park System Improvements Overall Rating of Parks + Rec Quality Potentially Requiring Taxes or Fees Increasing amenities at a centralized community park 43% Other or combination of the previous two 36% Adding multiple neighborhood parks 22% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Acquire land for natural areas 31%43%26% Acquire land for new parks + trails 51%37%12% Upgrade existing facilities 49%42%9% 0%20%40%60%80%100% Great Support Marginal Support No Support 8 6 % Residents 14% Visitors + O th e rs Distribution of where residents’ live 9% NW 33% Central/NE32% SW 15% SE 68% female Average Age: 31-45 male 32% 19 Otsego Parks + Recreation System Master Plan JULY 2019 60% 92% play equipment 77% parking lot 76% lighting 67% paved loop trail 66% nature play areas 63% open field 54% basketball court Most Desired Neighborhood Park Amenities Top Desired Parks + Rec Facilities Popular Social Pinpoint Comments 0% 10% 20% 30% 50% Cross country ski trails + winter facilities Canoe + kayak equipment rental Canoe + kayak equipment rental Nature trails (natural surface trails through woods, prairie) Natural play equipment Greenway trails + connected corridors River access (canoe landing, fishing pier) 42% 30% 45% 55% 44% 44% 51% Other Mentioned Improvements We love the splash pad, but a permanent bathroom & changing house would be so helpful with little ones. Porta potties are not a toddlers friend. This new development [off of Ogden Ave NE + 75th St NE] needs a neighborhood park A community center would be wonderful! We love the paved trail along 70th, but the speed limit makes it hard to cross the street to it from the other side - needs a crosswalk or something Would love to see a better system of bike trails that allow this neighborhood [near Frankfort Park] to connect with other parts of the city. A nice fishing pier with a few places for boats to dock up to would be great. “More/bigger splash pads” “Indoor ice arena” “More baseball/softball fields” “A safer way to bike ride from Otsego to Elk River.” “Upgrade splash pad” “Connecting neighborhoods and parks with a trail system” “Better restroom facilities” “Restrooms or changing areas at Prairie Park” “Concessions at Prairie Park” “More trails and paths to connect us all” “Little league baseball fields” Values, Trends, and Changing Needs 20JULY 2019 Recommendations for Parks and Facilities Manage Growth and Development Otsego is growing rapidly. Residential neighborhoods are quickly occupying space that was once bucolic farmland. The City should regularly evaluate park dedication and park development standards in order to ensure its vision of parks and trails is realized. Provide Access to Neighborhood Parks Establish park service districts to ensure that neighborhood parks are approximately located to provide 1/2-mile service area from most residents. Continue to build Neighborhood Parks as new developments are added. Develop New Neighborhood Parks According to Framework Utilize a framework for new park development. (Neighborhood Park Development standards) ``Evaluate a new park location according to the Park System Master Plan. Is the park in the right location to serve new residents? Is it located near the existing or future trail network? ``Conduct a neighborhood meeting to ask residents what they are looking for in their neighborhood park. ``Use a palette of elements from which to choose what goes into a new park (playground, tennis, basketball, multi-use field, shelter, parking lot, irrigation). Consider distribution of facilities when planning new facilities. Do we have enough of this facility in the City? ``Consider current trends in recreation when planning new facilities, such as nature play features. Will this facility continue to be used long into the future? Manage Park Assets Utilize an asset management system to plan for maintenance and replacement costs for existing and proposed facilities. Improve Prairie Park as the Primary Community Park ``Pickleball courts – 3 dedicated courts ``Identify land acquisition to expand Prairie Park ``Improvements to splash pad – above ground features, add supportive amenities, such as indoor restrooms/ changing room Improve Prairie Park Ballfields Complex The four ballfields at Prairie Park are in need of upgrades and additional amenities in order to function well for tournaments and multiple games. The following improvements should be made: ``Expand and formalize parking lots ``Add concessions ``Add permanent restrooms ``Add covered dugouts Partner with School District to Provide Athletic Fields Consider a Joint Use Agreement with the Elk River School District to increase the number of athletic fields available to associations for practices and games. Undertake a Feasibility Study for Prairie Center Improvements ``A Feasibility Study involves hiring an architect or building expert to study the existing Prairie Center building and systems, identify a set of potential improvements, and determine potential costs and impacts to the building by making those improvements. ``The goal of the study will be to understand the potential costs and impact to expanding the Prairie Center building by adding a gymnasium. Other potential improvements may be identified during the study process. ``When making the decision to either make additions to the Prairie Center or build a new facility, the City should be sure to consider a phasing plan that will allow for future building improvements as the City grows. $ $ $ $ $ 47 Otsego Parks + Recreation System Master Plan JULY 2019 Recommendations for Recreation Programming and Marketing Establish a Strong Community Identity The City encompasses a large geographical area within three school districts. Development has occurred at the edges of the City, while the center of the City remains undeveloped. Residents often feel more closely tied to an adjacent city than to Otsego. A community-wide process should be engaged to develop and promote an identity for Otsego. Ensure Awareness and Promotion of Parks and Recreation Offerings Continue to promote parks and recreation offerings through social media, physical signage, City’s website, print media, and press releases. Consider Additional Space for Programs In order to meet the high demand for youth recreation programs, consider options to increase space for indoor recreation programs. These could include: building a new facility, adding on to an existing facility, or partnering with other agencies/organizations to utilize space. Improve Field Scheduling Process Work with, local athletic organizations, and recreation staff to create a field scheduling process that better utilize the fields for practices and games. Consider Increasing Fees for Field Use In order to keep up with the high demand and maintenance required for athletic fields, increase fees for practice and game time. Utilize Partnerships Consider additional partnerships with private organizations, volunteers, School District/Community Education, and other cities to provide more programming options that are desired by community members. Support and Expand Senior Center Programming The Otsego Senior Center is popular for card games, bingo, a Prairie Park walking group and field trips to theater and sporting events. There is an opportunity to increase participation at the Senior Center with a wider array of programming, including fitness and outdoor activities. Evaluate Trends in Teenage Recreation Consider adding recreation programs for teens in line with changing trends. Some examples of programs that are growing around the Twin Cities and Minnesota include: ``Mountain biking ``Fishing ``Archery ``Trap shooting $ $ 71 Otsego Parks + Recreation System Master Plan JULY 2019 Future Parks Potential Acquisition Crow Rive r CO RD 39 LABEAUX AVE NEKADLER AVE NENASHUA AVE NEODEAN AVE NEPARISH AVE NE65TH ST NE 85TH ST NE 90TH ST NE 85TH ST NE 83RD ST NE £¤52 38 42 §¨¦94 ¬«101 ¬«101 19 M i s s i s sippi R i v e rNorth 0 0.5 1 Mile Improve marketing for recreation and events`‰Establish an online system for marketing recreation programming and events `‰Send out reminders about events and notifications for changes in real-time Add recreation programs `‰Survey recreation participants after each program to determine needs for new programs or changes to existing programs `‰Consider more adult programs and more flexible times for youth programs Figure 13. Otsego Recreation and Marketing Recommendations City of Otsego project`‰This type of project would be managed, implemented, and maintained by the City of Otsego parks department. City Policy or Development-related project`‰This identifies a policy or a project that would be completed by the City, County, or a Developer as opportunities arise. Partnership project`‰This type of project may be completed by supporting or encouraging another agency or organization. Key: ONGOING STAFF TIME ONGOING STAFF TIME 1 1 2 2 System-wide Recommendations 72JULY 2019 City Projects / Actions (Ten-Year Capital Funding Implementation Plan) The following projects have been identified to be incorporated into the City’s CIP for future parks and recreation development. The table identifies the project, a cost range, and the priority level. The priority levels are described below: ``Short term projects are highest priority, and ideally would be completed before the long term projects. ``Long term projects are important projects, but due to high cost, non-immediate needs, or more planning that needs to be done, these won’t be completed until after the short term projects are complete. If opportunities arise that make the long term projects more feasible in the short term, they will be completed earlier. ``Ongoing initiatives are projects that are ongoing and funded by general or operational funds. These projects may include general maintenance and replacement to existing facilities. Table 7. City Projects and Actions LOCATION/AREA CITY PROJECT/ACTION COST (LOW)COST (HIGH) Short Term Projects Prairie Park Pickleball Courts $25,000 $150,000 Prairie Park Splash Pad improvements and restroom building $50,000 $250,000 Prairie Park Land acquisition: Potentially purchase additional land to the south, primarily for athletic fields Cost will vary based on market and willing sellers Prairie Park Athletic field improvements: Expand and improve ballfields (add covered dugouts, concessions, more fields)$100,000 $350,000 Great River Regional Trail Master Plan Partner with Wright County to complete master plan $10,000 $10,000 Mississippi River (Norin Landing and Carrick’s Landing) Install Paddle Port facilities at two locations to facilitate a start and end point for kayaking $5,000 $15,000 Future Highlands of River Pointe natural area Complete a master plan and implement park improvements to potentially include: forest and shoreland restoration, soft surface hiking and mountain bike trails, connection to Crow River Regional Trail, kayak/ canoe launch $150,000 $500,000 Trail Connection to Elk River Complete the trail along Parish Ave to create a safe walking and biking connection to downtown Elk River business district.$300,000 $1,000,000 Mississippi River state water trail Promote Mississippi River State Water Trail with signage and information on the City’s website; Develop summer recreation programs that encourage its use $5,000 $50,000 Nashua Ave Boat Launch Improve boat launch with added amenities, such as signage, parking area, and more formal non-motorized boat landing; Add accessibility; Add signage from Hwy 39 $50,000 $150,000 Carrick’s Landing Walking bridge will be constructed across stormwater pond $150,000 $200,000 Carrick’s Landing Add non-motorized boat launch at north end of park $30,000 $100,000 Carrick’s Landing Add more native landscaping along the trail and stormwater pond $50,000 $200,000 Carrick’s Landing Encourage river views with formalized overlooks and selective clearing along the river’s edge $50,000 $200,000 Carrick’s Landing Add benches, picnic areas, and lighting along the trail $25,000 $250,000 Future Community / Recreation Center Feasibility Study Determine the need and desire of the community for a community center with fitness center, indoor track, meeting rooms, and potential indoor aquatic facility; Potentially partner with school district to build a joint- use facility; Ensure financial feasibility (potential referendum) $50,000 $100,000 Add dog park near Northwood Park City-owned land. Potential to build new off-leash dog park $50,000 $100,000 Trail Connection to Albertville Complete the trail along Labeaux Ave to create a safe walking and biking connection to Albertville (Co Rd 39 to 70th St NE)$500,000 $750,000 79 Otsego Parks + Recreation System Master Plan JULY 2019 LOCATION/AREA CITY PROJECT/ACTION COST (LOW)COST (HIGH) Long Term Projects Prairie Park Community Center facility $500,000 $5,000,000 Davis Farm Park Nature trails through the park $25,000 $100,000 Davis Farm Park Consider area to the west of Davis Farm Park for future acquisition to provide more river access and expand potential program at Davis Farm Park Cost will vary based on market and willing sellersFuture Natural Areas Acquire wooded land for public natural area Potential natural areas near Otsego WMA Acquire land adjacent to DNR land to create larger natural area park for nature trails; Incorporate two neighborhood park facilities adjacent to natural area Ongoing Initiatives Norin Landing Encourage the park’s use with recreational programming, such as kayak/ canoe events, fishing clinics, and summer concerts Ongoing staff time Wilson Preserve Potential outdoor education program; Ongoing partnership with Wright County and Pheasants Forever to provide natural habitat Improve marketing for recreation and events Establish an online system for marketing recreation programming and events; Send out reminders about events and notifications for changes in real-time Add recreation programs Survey recreation participants after each program to determine needs for new programs or changes to existing programs; Consider more adult programs and more flexible times for youth programs Implementation 80JULY 2019 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 10 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 11 ADVISORY COMMITTEE INPUT OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 12 SWOT Results Internal strengths (location, size, natural features, existing facilities, etc.) Internal weaknesses (not enough space, poor access, facilities are old, etc.) External opportunities (obtain grants, rally local residents, build a new facility) External threats (long-term sustainability, overuse, etc.) Strengths Weaknesses Opportunties Threats SWOT STRENGTHS • Large park • Centrally located • Lots of facilities WEAKNESSES • Parking is difficult • Restrooms are needed • Accessibility is needed OPPORTUNITIES • Grants • Update facilities • Build a new community center • Pickleball court lights • More courts • Youth sporting events—bring in revenue • Tournaments—soccer, baseball, softball, pickleball THREATS • Cost/financial barriers • Maintenance of facilities • Over usage by residents and non-residents • Trends in recreation use—not being able to draw in enough people • Traffic/access RECAP OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING #1 (OCT.) OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 13 Goals for the Planning Process from Advisory CommitteeWHO• Engage as many residents as possible • Ensure that the final plan recommends something for everyone • The whole community should be able to enjoy the park, but it should also be affordable for the community • Provide activities for everyone • Ensure fiscal responsibility and communication »Put the information in the newspaper • We need to ensure we get lots of ideas from lots of people during this process • People were not happy about the city hall process, so make sure that we spread the word early for this process • More partnerships with schoolsHOW• Programming is important »Use what we have »There is so much here already »Think creatively about revenue • Maintain what we have—Otsego already has a lot of variety—we don’t need to provide everything • Use the facilities that we have more • Bring revenue in to the city more for baseball tournaments—we have not had tournaments here because the complex is not up to par with other complexes—Bathrooms and Concessions are needed »How do we fund the improvements needed to create a tournament experience? »Consider Multi-use facilities—restrooms that serve the ballfields and the play features »Evaluate Concessions (cheap for park users, expensive for the city to manage) vs. Food Trucks (the perception is that they are expensive for park users, convenient for the city, more variety, less infrastructure) • Consider revenue potential • The Identity factor for Otsego is tough—some residents say or think they live in Rogers, Albertville, or MonticelloWHAT• Include the arts in some way (bandshell, sculpture) • Consider a fitness walk • Include ADA bathrooms • Think about how other communities either compete with or complement what Otsego offers (e.g. non-residents use the pickleball courts at Prairie Park)—does Otsego really need a community center, or are there enough indoor facilities in the surrounding communities? • Basketball, hockey associations need indoor space • Gym space is needed for several activities • Accessibility is top priority • Food and toilets are top priorities • Include trails, walking, cross-country skiing • Promotion and awareness are important »Wayfinding »Archery »RC track »West trails • Connect the two sides of the park »Add signs and clean it up • Add a trail from the park to CR 39 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 14 Concept Ideas from Advisory Committee • Trails • Covered bandshell • Disc golf • Sauna • Hockey rink • Warming house • Combined basketball/hockey/pickleball arena • Toilets/concessions/warming house in one building • Provide information about existing programming—how to do this to reach a lot of people? • Address safety—trail/sidewalk is needed on Nashua up to CR 39 • Accessibility • Toilets • Space for rental events—centrally located and indoor • Park expansion—address traffic and access • Nature playground (e.g. Eastman Nature Center, White Bear Lake) • Inclusive playground (poured in place surface) • “If you build it, they will come” – baseball complex (similar to Elk River YAC) • Indoor courts • Move sledding and ice rinks closer together with a warming house • Amphitheater and the arts OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 15 COMMUNITY INPUT OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 16 Park Boundary MAP KEY Play Area Skate Park RC Track Sledding Hill Soccer Parking Lot Picnic Shelter/Area Splash Pad Basketball Pickleball Baseball Archery Dog Park Hockey/Skating Rink Restrooms (Portable) Picnic Grills Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapier Ave tNE Otsego City Hall Potential City Campus Improvements Prairie Center 1 23 4 0 100 200° SUMMARY OF PUBLIC INPUT Open from September to December 2023 • Social Pinpoint • Survey Monkey 676 Total Site Visits 12 Questions 393 Unique Stakeholders 394 Responses 59 Map Comments OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 17 SOCIAL PINPOINT RESULTS PERMANENT RESTROOMS DISC GOLF CONCESSIONS IMPROVED PLAYGROUND SHADE ICE RINK + WARMING HOUSE PAVED PARKING PUBLIC POOL Comments showed a strong desire for permanent restrooms. Currently, the park has port-a-potties that are used as the primary restroom. Comments indicated wanting restrooms at the playground and/or near the baseball fields. One of the top comments, with 56 likes, expressed a desire for a concession stand near the baseball fields. This comment wanted the concession stand, ballfield storage room, and restrooms in one building. Two comments mentioned adding a disc golf course - receiving a total of 21 likes. The comments were located north of the playground near the sledding hill and northwest of the RC track. Several comments mentioned a desire for an improved playground area. Ideas for this area included wanting an accessible playground, more playground equipment for little ones, swings, and nature playground components. Shade was mentioned in 7 comments. Commentors would like to see shade over the spectator seating at the ballfields, next to the RC track, and closer to the playground. Shade sails, shade structures, and trees were all mentioned. 5 comments mentioned wanting a more enhanced hockey rink experience, varying from add boards and a warming house to a indoor hockey arena. The comment mentioning a hockey arena received 14 likes and 14 dislikes. Two comments that received a lot of likes mentioned structured parking. These comments were located at the soccer fields and west of the baseball fields. Currently the parking lots in these area are gravel. There were 6 comments that indicated a desire for a public pool. All of the comments were located near the splash pad/playground area. MOST POPULAR COMMENTS Building with restrooms, concessions, storage for baseball and softball. Permanent restrooms at playground/ splashpad/pavillion Addition of batting cages and shade sails at ball fields. Replacing field dirt / aggregate on ball fields to fill in low spots and areas that are worn out. Upgraded dugouts with ADA compatibility Please include permanent restrooms & concession stands near ball fields. It will bring so many more people to our park! Like (57) | Dislike (1)Like (37) | Dislike (4) Like (41) | Dislike (0)Like (34) | Dislike (4) OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 18 SURVEY RESULTS Select the best description of how you use Prairie Park today. Select all that apply.1 Two One Play at the playground and splash pad 59%Two One 56%Two One Attend community events 43%Two One Walk the trails 30%Two One Sled at the sledding hill 19%Two One Play pickleball 18% Two One 16%Two One Visit the Prairie Center for meetings and activities 16%Two One Archtery range and RC track use 14%Two One Sk ate or scooter at the skatepark 13%Two One Other 5%Two One I don’t use the park today 2% OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 19 SURVEY RESULTS What features have you used at the park?Play EquipmentSplash PadPortable RestroomsBallfieldsPicnic ShelterTrailsPrairie CenterSoccer FieldsSledding HillDog ParkPickleball CourtsSkate ParkBasketball CourtHockey/Skating RinkRC TrackHockey RinkArchery RangePicnic GrillsNone of the AboveOther0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Votes 290 288 204 191 176 153 133 131 106 91 90 87 73 70 54 46 42 28 9 5 2 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 20 SURVEY RESULTS 3 Of the features [in question 2], which are your favorite facilities?OtherPicnic GrillsPortable RestroomsN/ASkate ParkArchery RangeBasketball CourtHockey RinkPrairie CenterRC TrackHockey/Skating RinkSledding HillDog ParkSoccer FieldsPicnic ShelterPickleball CourtsTrailsBallfieldsPlay EquipmentSplash Pad0 50 100 150 200 181 174 134 69 66 51 48 44 39 38 37 30 29 26 26 22 17 14 9 6 Votes OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 21 SURVEY RESULTS 4 Do you have any concerns with existing features in the park? 32% 27% 21%13% 13% 7% 6% 5% 4%4% I have no concerns Ballfields Portable RestroomsPlay Equipment Splash Pad Other Soccer Fields Hockey/Skating Rink Picnic Shelter Pickleball Courts Basketball Courts (4%) Dog Park (3%) Trails (3%) Skate Park (3%) RC Track (2%) Prairie Center (2%)Archery Range (2%) Sledding Hill (2%) Picnic Grills (2%) OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 22 SURVEY RESULTS 5 Please review the list of potential improvements to Prairie Park. Add permanent restrooms near the splash pad 50% 44% 42% 39% 17% 37%36% 62% 22% 20%14% 27% 20% 21% 21% 18%31%37% 36%31% 52%18% 32%34% 43%23% 40%34% 27%25% 27%20% 32%16% 36%10% Very Important Not at all ImportantSomewhat Important N/A Add permanent restrooms near the ballfields Upgrade the ballfields with new dugouts and ADA accessible pathways, and shade structures Add a concessions and restroom building at the ballfields Add shade and shelter near the playground and splash pad Add trees and shade around the playground and splash pad Improve or expand trail loops within the park Improve trail connections to the park from surrounding neighborhoods New playground equipment Add more winter recreation, such as cross country ski trails Add a pump track or off- road bicycle track Upgrade the skatepark OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 23 SURVEY RESULTS 6 Of the events listed below, select those that you have attended. Two One Otsego Prairie Festival 74%Two One Touch-a-Truck 37%Two One Pumpki n Patch 35%Two One Entert ainment in the Park 35%Two One Egg Hunt 31% Two One T-Ball 31%Two One Santa Day 29%Two One I have notattended any 14%Two One Theater inthe Park 14%Two One Ot her 5% OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 24 SURVEY RESULTS 7 TOP THEMES HEARD: Please describe any other features or improvements you think would help make Prairie Park a better community park. Upgrades at the ball fields to create an improved environment for hosting league games and local weekend tournaments. The 3 items already listed in the survey are great, new restrooms, concessions and upgraded dugouts (ADA). That said, the 4 ball fields are all in need of adding new field dirt / aggregate to reduce the amount powder and to fill in low spots. Additionally, batting cages would greatly increase the use of fields for practices and tournaments by local team. We ought to be investing in a community center that has outlets for various ages and interests but serves as a community gathering space. Permanent concessions for ball field tournaments Additional pickleball courts The soccer fields need to be improved. Please water and level. These are used for all ages and are so important. They are also a great place to picnic when not being used for ball. • Improve ballfields • Build a community center • Build permanent restrooms/changing rooms • Add more pickleball courts • Enhance accessibility at playground and around park • Create more programming • Build a concessions • Increase size of dog park • Enhance ice rink and add a warming house • Add lighting to trails, pickleball courts, basketball courts, and soccer fields • Plant native plantings • Pave all parking lots • Add a community pool • Add more shade at the playground and ballfields • Irrigate soccer fields OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 25 WHO WE HEARD FROM 80% of respondents were from Otsego. The remaining 20% of respondents were from towns such as: • Rogers • Elk River • Albertville • Monticello 26-35 19-25 (2%) (3%) 56-65 (4%) Over 65 46-55 36-45 Nearly every day A few times a month A few times a year Rarely I’ve never visited the park 2. How old are you?1. Are you a resident of Otesego? 3. How often do you visit Prairie Park? 56% 7% 54% 32% 5%1% 18% 17% OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 26 PARK OPPORTUNITIES & CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 27 X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th S t NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE 0 100 200° Prairie Center New City Hall Splash Pad Athletic Courts (Pickleball & Basketball) Parking Lot Otsego City Hall Parking Lot •Potential to expand to the west Drop-off •Potential to remove Pond Playground •Consolidate •Expand Skate Park •Potential removal/ relocation Woodlands •Trails •Dog Park Archery •Remove/relocate Future Road Athletic Fields •Reconfigured •Enhanced •Additional amenities (concessions, restrooms, storage) Parking •Paved •Expanded Park-Like Wooded Open Space •Festival •Amphitheater Dog Park •Potential relocation/ expansion Hockey Rink •Relocated Future Trail •Connect to County Rd 39 Future Road Improvement RC Track •Potential Relocation Otsego Prairie Park Soccer Fields Opportunities DiagramMarch 2024 PRAIRIE PARK OPPORTUNITIES DIAGRAM OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 28 PRECEDENT PHOTOS & CONCEPT IDEAS • New playground • Amphitheater/bandshell • Permanent restrooms and changing rooms • Trails • Park expansion • More pickleball • New skatepark • Ice skating • Winter activities • Events and programs OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 29 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 30 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 31 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 32 Playgro und Playgro und Dog P a r k Amphit h eater Other:Little League Ballfield220’ OutfieldBasketball Court Medium Ballfield270’ Outfield Small Community Center40,000 SFLarge Community Center80,000 SFParking Lot (40 Spaces)Large Ballfield320’ OutfieldHockey Rink Large Soccer Field(150 x 210 ft)Large Soccer Field(150 x 210 ft)Medium Soccer Field(120 x 180 ft)Medium Soccer Field(120 x 180 ft)Medium Soccer Field(120 x 180 ft)Youth Soccer Field(70 x 110 ft) Youth Soccer Field(70 x 110 ft) Youth Soccer Field(70 x 110 ft) Youth Soccer Field(70 x 110 ft)Youth Soccer Field(70 x 110 ft)Youth Soccer Field(70 x 110 ft)Warming House3,000 SF Concess.&Storage PickleballCourts Skate Park 8,000 SF RC TRACK Prairie Park Cutouts Prairie Park Concept Design Menu Warming House Program Precedent ImagesSizeSymbol Ballfields Soccer Fields Concessions + Equipment Building Community Center Amphitheater 200 People Capacity Play Equipment 3,000 SF 1,000 SF 10,000 SF Small - 40,000 SFLarge - 80,000 SF Little League - 220’ Medium - 270’ Large- 320’ Youth Soccer - 70x110’ Medium - 120‘x180’ Large- 150‘x210’ Other: Prairie Park Concept Design Menu Program Precedent ImagesSizeSymbol Dog Park -- -- Hockey Rink 200x85 FT RC Track 500 LF Skate Park Basketball Courts Pickleball Courts Other 85x50 FT 60x140 FT 8,000 SF Food trucks Pump track OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 33 SITE CONSTRAINTS & LIMITATIONS • More ideas than space allows • Opportunity to look at the city’s system and identify potential acquisition needs or moving facilities to other parks • Facilities that have significant space and parking demands: »Community Center »Athletic complex / tournament level facility »Amphitheater / performance space OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 34 DRAFT CONCEPTS OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 35 Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th St NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE Nature Trails Future Road Connection Paved Parking Lot Hockey Rink New Warming House/ Restroom Building / Concessions 4,000 SF Remove Sledding Hill/Add Parking Formalize and Pave Parking Lots Balleld Improvements New Adventure Playground Updated Basketball Court New Park Trail New 9-Hole Disc Golf Course New Pump Track Shelter/ Permanent Restrooms 4,000 SF Expanded Pickleball Courts Proposed Trail Connection Future Road Improvement Trail Connection to CR 39 400 ft 200 ft RC Track Pump Track Existing Soccer Fields Existing Parking Skate Park Playground Splash Pad New Parking New ParkingNew Parking Stormwater Pond Disc Golf Course Community Center (80,000 SF) Prairie Park Center Otsego City Hall & Public Works Existing ParkingArchery Dog Park 94 Spaces51 Spaces 30 Spaces30 Spaces30 Spaces152 Spaces 189 Spaces31 Spaces 130 SpacesFuture Public Works Expansion CONCEPT A: COMMUNITY CENTER FOCUS • New Community Center (80,000 SF footprint) to house indoor gym space, meeting rooms, fitness center, etc. »Parking lot to be expanded on both sides • Enhance ballfields for youth softball and baseball • Dog park relocated to western part of park • New pump track on western part of park • Hockey relocated to western part of park • Improve the existing picnic shelter as a restroom building • New warming house/restroom building/concessions to the west of the ballfields (4,000 SF) • New adventure playground and basketball court • Expand 4 pickleball courts to the east of existing courts • New 9-Hole disc golf course added to eastern part of park • Trail connections along Nashua Ave • Future Nashua Ave expansion to 4 lanes • Road connection to the south Facilities to be located outside of Prairie Park: • New City Hall • Sledding Hill 0 200 400 FT N OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 36 Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th St NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE Warming House/ Restrooms/ Concessions 4,000 SF Nature Trails New Sledding Hill Location Snow Shoeing / Winter Walking Trails Remove Sledding Hill Balleld Improvements Update to In-Ground Skate Park Remove Existing Balleld and Add Hockey Rinks Free Skate Area New Adventure Playground New Park Trail Relocated Basketball Court Expanded Pickleball Courts Future City Hall Dog Park for Small Dogs Shelter/ Permanent Restrooms 4,000 SF Proposed Trail Connection Trail Connection to CR 39 Future Road Improvement Future Road Connection Otsego City Hall & Public Works Future Public Works Expansion Septic Drain Field for Future City Hall Formalize and Pave Parking Lots Open Lawn/ Festival Space Stormwater Pond RC Track Existing Soccer Fields Archery Sledding Hill Existing Parking New Parking Prairie Dog Park Dog Park Playground Splash PadEvent Space Prairie Park Center 94 Spaces 180 Spaces 31 Spaces Existing Parking130 Spaces30 Spaces30 Spaces30 SpacesCONCEPT B: CITY HALL / WINTER RECREATION FOCUS • Future City Hall north of the Prairie Center • Update (3) ballfields for youth softball and baseball; upgrade southeastern field to grass infield • New dog park in western part of park; maintain existing dog park for small breeds • New hockey rinks (2) and free skate area southwest of ballfields • Relocate sledding hill south of archery range • New snowshoeing/winter walking trails in southwest part of park • Improve existing picnic shelter as restroom building and pavilion • New warming house/restroom building/concessions west of ballfields (4,000 SF) • New adventure playground • New basketball court • Expand pickleball courts-add (4) courts west of existing courts • Add trail connections along Nashua Ave to the north and south • Nashua Ave expanded to 4 lanes • New road connection to the south Facilities to be located outside of Prairie Park: • Athletic complex / tournament facility OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 37 Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th St NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE Hockey Rink Warming House/ Restrooms/ Concessions 4,000 SF Nature Trails Expand Balleld to Premier Balleld Balleld Improvements Update to In-Ground Skate Park New Adventure Playground Relocated and Expanded Basketball Court Remove Sledding Hill Expanded Pickleball Courts Remove Roundabout; Add Plaza with Shelter/ Permanent Restrooms 4,000 SF Proposed Trail Connection Future Road Improvement Otsego City Hall & Public Works Future Public Works Expansion Trail Connection to CR 39 Future Road Connection Formalize and Pave Parking Lots Veterans MemorialOpen Lawn/ Festival Space SplashPad Playground RC Track Existing Soccer Fields Archery Existing Parking New Parking PrairieDog Park Prairie Park Center 94 Spaces 180 Spaces 31 Spaces Existing Parking130 SpacesStormwater Pond30 Spaces30 Spaces30 SpacesCONCEPT C:BALLFIELDS/ ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT COMPLEX FOCUS • Update (4) ballfields for youth softball and baseball; upgrade southeastern field to grass infield • New warming house/restroom building/concessions to the west of the ballfields (4,000 SF) • New dog park with nearby picnic shelter in western part of park • New hockey rink • New large restroom building and picnic pavilion in place of roundabout and Veterans Memorial • New veterans memorial near Prairie Park Center • New adventure playground • (2) New basketball courts • Expand pickleball courts-add (4) courts west of existing courts • Add trail connections along Nashua Ave to the north and south • Nashua Ave expanded to 4 lanes • New road connection to the south Facilities to be located outside of Prairie Park: • New City Hall • Sledding Hill OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 38 SOCCER FIELDS LAYOUT 2020 • 0 U6 fields • 7 U10 fields • 0 U12 fields • 1 full-size field OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 39 SOCCER FIELDS LAYOUT 2021 • 10 U6 fields • 2 U10 fields • 3 U12 fields OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 40 SOCCER FIELDS LAYOUT 2023 • 7 U6 fields • 2 U10 fields • 2 U12 fields OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 41 DISCUSSION & FEEDBACK OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 42 NEXT STEPS OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLANPAGE 43 NEXT STEPS • May 14th -- Public Open House at Touch a Truck event to Present Draft Concepts and Seek Feedback • June/July 2024 -- Advisory Committee Meeting 3: Review Draft Master Plan • July/Aug 2024 -- City Council meeting: Review Draft Master Plan PHASE 2 Prepare Draft Concepts PHASE 3 Prepare for Final Master Plan MAY ‘24 JUL ’24 DEC ‘23 APR ’24 AUG ‘23 NOV ’23 Public Open House to be held in the spring to review draft concepts City Council meeting to approve the plan in Summer 2024 PROJECT SCHEDULE Public survey open Sept-Dec Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th St NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE Nature Trails Future Road Connection Paved Parking Lot Hockey Rink New Warming House/ Restroom Building / Concessions 4,000 SF Remove Sledding Hill/Add Parking Formalize and Pave Parking Lots Balleld Improvements New Adventure Playground Updated Basketball Court New Park Trail New 9-Hole Disc Golf Course New Pump Track Shelter/ Permanent Restrooms 4,000 SF Expanded Pickleball Courts Proposed Trail Connection Future Road Improvement Trail Connection to CR 39 400 ft 200 ft RC Track Pump Track Existing Soccer Fields Existing Parking Skate Park Playground Splash Pad New Parking New ParkingNew Parking Stormwater Pond Disc Golf Course Community Center (80,000 SF) Prairie Park Center Otsego City Hall & Public Works Existing ParkingArchery Dog Park 94 Spaces51 Spaces 30 Spaces30 Spaces30 Spaces152 Spaces 189 Spaces31 Spaces 130 SpacesFuture Public Works Expansion CONCEPT A: COMMUNITY CENTER FOCUS • New Community Center (80,000 SF footprint) to house indoor gym space, meeting rooms, fitness center, etc. »City Hall to be relocated to a new site »Parking lot to be expanded on both sides • Enhance ballfields for youth softball and baseball • Dog park relocated to western part of park • New pump track on western part of park • Hockey relocated to western part of park • Improve the existing picnic shelter as a restroom building • New warming house/restroom building/concessions to the west of the ballfields (4,000 SF) • New adventure playground and basketball court • Expand 4 pickleball courts to the east of existing courts • New 9-Hole disc golf course added to eastern part of park • Trail connections along Nashua Ave • Future Nashua Ave expansion to 4 lanes • Road connection to the south • Facilities to be located outside of Prairie Park: »New City Hall »Sledding Hill0200400 FT N OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT CONCEPTS APRIL 8, 2024PAGE 1 Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th St NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE Warming House/ Restrooms/ Concessions 4,000 SF Nature Trails New Sledding Hill Location Snow Shoeing / Winter Walking Trails Remove Sledding Hill Balleld Improvements Update to In-Ground Skate Park Remove Existing Balleld and Add Hockey Rinks Free Skate Area New Adventure Playground New Park Trail Relocated Basketball Court Expanded Pickleball Courts Future City Hall Dog Park for Small Dogs Shelter/ Permanent Restrooms 4,000 SF Proposed Trail Connection Trail Connection to CR 39 Future Road Improvement Future Road Connection Otsego City Hall & Public Works Future Public Works Expansion Septic Drain Field for Future City Hall Formalize and Pave Parking Lots Open Lawn/ Festival Space Stormwater Pond RC Track Existing Soccer Fields Archery Sledding Hill Existing Parking New Parking Prairie Dog Park Dog Park Playground Splash PadEvent Space Prairie Park Center 94 Spaces 180 Spaces 31 Spaces Existing Parking130 Spaces30 Spaces30 Spaces30 SpacesCONCEPT B: CITY HALL / WINTER RECREATION FOCUS • Future City Hall north of the Prairie Center • Update (3) ballfields for youth softball and baseball; upgrade southeastern field to grass infield • New dog park in western part of park; maintain existing dog park for small breeds • New hockey rinks (2) and free skate area southwest of ballfields • Relocate sledding hill south of archery range • New snowshoeing/winter walking trails in southwest part of park • Improve existing picnic shelter as restroom building and pavilion • New warming house/restroom building/concessions west of ballfields (4,000 SF) • New adventure playground • New basketball court • Expand pickleball courts-add (4) courts west of existing courts • Add trail connections along Nashua Ave to the north and south • Nashua Ave expanded to 4 lanes • New road connection to the south 0 200 400 FT N OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT CONCEPTS APRIL 8, 2024PAGE 2 Nashua Ave NENashua Ave NE90th St N E90th St NE 90th St NE 85th St NE 89th St NENapi e r Ave NE Hockey Rink Warming House/ Restrooms/ Concessions 4,000 SF Nature Trails Expand Balleld to Premier Balleld Balleld Improvements Update to In-Ground Skate Park New Adventure Playground Relocated and Expanded Basketball Court Remove Sledding Hill Expanded Pickleball Courts Remove Roundabout; Add Plaza with Shelter/ Permanent Restrooms 4,000 SF Proposed Trail Connection Future Road Improvement Otsego City Hall & Public Works Future Public Works Expansion Trail Connection to CR 39 Future Road Connection Formalize and Pave Parking Lots Veterans MemorialOpen Lawn/ Festival Space SplashPad Playground RC Track Existing Soccer Fields Archery Existing Parking New Parking PrairieDog Park Prairie Park Center 94 Spaces 180 Spaces 31 Spaces Existing Parking130 SpacesStormwater Pond30 Spaces30 Spaces30 SpacesCONCEPT C:BALLFIELDS/ ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT COMPLEX FOCUS • Update (4) ballfields for youth softball and baseball; upgrade southeastern field to grass infield • New warming house/restroom building/concessions to the west of the ballfields (4,000 SF) • New dog park with nearby picnic shelter in western part of park • New hockey rink • Relocate sledding hill to a different park • New large restroom building and picnic pavilion in place of roundabout and Veterans Memorial • New veterans memorial near Prairie Park Center • New adventure playground • (2) New basketball courts • Expand pickleball courts-add (4) courts west of existing courts • Add trail connections along Nashua Ave to the north and south • Nashua Ave expanded to 4 lanes • New road connection to the south 0 200 400 FT N OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT CONCEPTS APRIL 8, 2024PAGE 3