Item 2.1 04-15-24 Draft Planning MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER April 15, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order: Chair Alan Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman, Commissioners, Charles Foster, Pam Black, Vern Heidner, Tracy Kincanon, and Laurie Jones Absent: Vice Chair Aaron Stritesky Also Present: Mayor Stockamp and Councilmember Ryan Dunlap Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Deputy Clerk Katie Kalland 1.Announcements No announcements. 2.Consider the Following Minutes 2.1 March 6, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the March 6, 2024 minutes as written. Commissioner Kincanon seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. 3.Public Hearing Item: 3.1 Zachman Meadows City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Craig Dollansky, 9106 279th Ave, Zimmerman, applicant, was present. Mr. Dollansky voiced his excitement for this project in Otsego and agreed with the planning report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. Kim Hondel, 10206 Kittredge Parkway, asked if Kittredge Parkway will be extended through, had concerns about wetland impacts, and if the homes will be low income. City Planner Licht stated Kittredge Parkway will extend through the development to Kalder Avenue. City Planner Licht also stated there are no wetland impacts and the homes will be sold at market rate. Bill Hondel, 10206 Kittredge Parkway, voiced concern with the traffic and speed limits. City Planner Licht stated Kittredge Parkway was designed as a residential collector street. City Planner Licht stated speed limits will be enforced by the Wright County Sheriff as needed. Item 2.1 MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION April 15, 2024 Page 2 of 4 Barb Douglas, 10211 74th Street, asked about maintenance of the Kittredge Crossing monument sign at Kittredge Parkway and 70th Street. Chair Offerman stated that the property owner is responsible for maintenance. City Planner Licht noted a new property owner has taken over and the City will contact them about the maintenance issues. Kim Hondel, 10206 Kittredge Parkway, voiced concern with the property maintenance as well. Jill Riser, 10201 Kittredge Parkway, asked when construction would start. City Planner Licht answered construction will start this year. Ms. Riser asked about protection of the sandhill cranes that are nesting in the area. City Planner Licht stated there are no restrictions on construction relating to sandhill cranes other than prohibiting wetland impacts. Bill Hodel, 10206 Kittredge Parkway, asked which street the construction traffic will be directed. City Planner Licht answered construction traffic will be routed to use Kadler Avenue. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing 7:37 p.m. Commissioner Foster asked about the off-street overnight parking and how many vehicles could park overnight. City Planner Licht that approximately 23 guest parking stalls are required and there is sufficient parking available on the south side of Kittredge Parkway. Chair Offerman asked Mr. Dollansky if the units will be HOA maintained. Mr. Dollansky stated the units on the private drive are planned to be with the balance to be subject to the builder’s decision. Chair Offerman asked if there was an anti-monotony clause to blend in the adjacent neighborhoods. City Planner Licht stated no but it could be added to the conditions. Commissioner Kincannon asked about the enthusiasts’ garages and if overnight outdoor parking would be allowed. City Planner Licht stated there is no overnight outdoor parking, the intent is to keep vehicles inside the garages. Commissioner Kincanon asked about garbage services. Mr. Dollansky stated the garbage issue will be addressed as part of the ownership documents. Commissioner Jones asked about parking if you went to visit a business garage. Eric Luth, Landform Professional Services, stated there will be parking stalls for visitors explaining the layout of the building allows for short-term parking adjacent to the individual units without impacting circulation and access. Commissioner Jones asked about the future trails and would the developer be funding. City Planner Licht stated the developer would not be required to fund the trail due to unknown future connections of Kadler Avenue and 70th Street. MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION April 15, 2024 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Black motioned for approval of a Zoning Map amendment, PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat, and vacation of drainage and utility easements for Zachman Meadows subject to the 32 conditions listed on the April 11, 2024 planning report, and: 33. The builder of the single family lots shall define multiple color packages for the proposed dwellings; No one color package shall be used for more than 20 percent of the total number of buildings and that the same color package shall not be used for abutting buildings. Commissioner Heidner second. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. 3.2 Carrick’s Landing City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:56 p.m. No comment public comment heard. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:56 p.m. Chair Offerman asked when this project would start. City Planner Licht answered bid authorization is planned to go to the next City Council meeting. Commissioner Heidner motioned for approval of variance from the setback requirements of the WSRR District for improvements at Carrick’s Waterfront Park, subject to 1 condition listed on the April 11, 2024 planning report. Commissioner Jones seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. 4.1 Discuss Fence Standards City Planner Licht discussed the memo in the packet with the commission. The Planning Commission discussed that extending fences in the side or rear yard of corner lots creates a wall effect along the street and negatively effects adjacent lots when the rear yard of the lot with the fence abuts the side yard of an adjacent lot. The Planning Commission decided not to pursue amendment of the Zoning Ordinance at this time. 5. Updates 5.1 Updates on City Council actions Mayor Stockamp updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. MINUTES OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION April 15, 2024 Page 4 of 4 5.2 Updates on future Planning Commission Items City Planner Licht updated the Planning Commission on upcoming planning items. 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Kincanon. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. Adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Katie Kalland, Deputy Clerk