2024.06.03 Planning Commission AgendaPLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, June 3, 2024 7:00 PM Otsego Prairie Center Members of the public are invited to attend in person at the Otsego Prairie Center (8899 Nashua Avenue NE) or may view the meeting on the internet via Zoom.com using the links or dial-in number below. Persons wishing to provide comments or ask questions for public hearing items must be physically present at the Otsego Prairie Center or submit written comments in advance of the Planning Commission meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Zoom (join) Meeting ID: 837 9980 9457 Passcode: 319870 Dial in: 1-312-626-6799 Call to Order: Roll Call: 1. Announcements: 2. Consider the following Minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission April 15, 2024 3. Public Hearing Item: 3.1 Costco; Planned Unit Development, Conditional Use Permit, and Final Plat 3.2 Mississippi Landing; Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary Plat 3.3 Zoning Ordinance Amendment; Floodplain Overlay District 4. Planning Items: 4.1 R + L Carriers Expansion Site and Building Plan Review 5. Updates: 5.1 Updates on City Council actions 5.2 Updates on future Planning Commission Items NOTES: Public Hearings: The City of Otsego expects respectful participation. Speakers are to be courteous in their language and deportment, and to confine their remarks to those facts that are germane and relevant to the question or matter under discussion. Please remember that this is a public business meeting, available for viewing on the internet by members of the public, including children. Consistent with FCC rules, obscenity, and profane or indecent language will not be tolerated by the Chair. Anyone wishing to address the Commission should raise their hand. Please make your comments from the podium and identify yourself by your first and last name and your address for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. Information: The Planning Commission has been provided background information for agenda items in advance by City staff. Decisions are based on this information, as well as the Comprehensive Plan, City Code, City policy and practices, input from the public and a Commissioner's personal judgment. City Council: There may be a quorum of the City Council in attendance at this meeting only for the purpose of observation and to receive information. Mobile Devices: Please silence all cell phones and mobile devices.