Item 4.1 R + L Carriers Expansion3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 29 May 2024 60-DAY DATE: 12 July 2024 RE: Otsego – R+L Carriers; Expansion Site and Building Plan Review TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND R+L Carriers is developing a 29.54 acre lot located at the southeast quadrant of 70th Street (CSAH 38) and Queens Avenue with a 64,000 square foot distribution cross dock facility, a 11,000 square foot maintenance garage, and an accessory fuel island. The initial plans approved by the City Council on 22 November 2021 illustrated potential future expansion of the cross dock facility and maintenance building. R+L Carriers has determined to go forward with the buildout of the facility to the extent shown on the plans as part of the initial construction now underway increasing the area of the cross dock facility to 96,904 square feet and the maintenance building to 12,780 square feet. The proposed building expansions require consideration of site and building plan review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. No public hearing is required by the Zoning Ordinance for site and building plan review applications. Exhibits: Site Location Map Building Floorplans dated 4/25/2024 (6 sheets) Building Elevations dated 4/25/2024 (6 sheets) Site Plan dated 5/13/2024 (5 sheets) Grading Plan dated 5/13/2024 (7 sheets) Utility Plan dated 5/13/2024 (6 sheets) Landscape Plan dated 5/13/2024 (2 sheets) Item 4.1 2 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for industrial land uses within the East Sewer District. The decision by R+L Carriers to develop the facility to its full extent as part of the initial construction is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan to diversify the tax base lessening dependance of residential properties and to create employment opportunities within Otsego. The proposed site and building plans are consistent with the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District. The cross dock facility and accessory vehicle maintenance building are allowed as permitted uses within the I-1 District. Surrounding Uses. The table below summarizes existing and planned land uses in the area surrounding the subject property: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Medium-High Density Residential Low-Medium Density Residential R-7 District R-3 District A-1 District Wildflower Meadows Rural residential Rural residential East LD Residential A-1 District Midwest Station South Industrial A-1 District Rural residential West Commercial Industrial B-3 District I-2 District Anoka Equine Gateway North The development of the subject property is characteristic of the development west of Queens Avenue within the Gateway Industrial Park and future development planned to the south. The proposed development is separated from existing residential uses to the north by 70th Street (CSAH 38) with no access to that roadway. The site plan is also designed to locate the principal and accessory buildings on the south-central portion of the lot to maximize separation from the existing and planned residential uses to the north and east, with extensive landscaping and a wall to provide buffer screening. The site and building plans will be compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. Building Materials. Principal and accessory buildings within the I-1 District must have exterior finishes using materials required Section 11-17-4.E.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The submitted building elevations for the terminal building and maintenance garage indicate that the buildings use a combination of stucco, architectural panels with a natural finish, precast concrete, and concrete block. The percentages of the various material classes are shown on the plans and comply with the requirements for each type of the allowed materials. 3 Building Height. Section 11-85-9 of the Zoning Ordinance allows principal and accessory buildings within the I-1 District to have a maximum height of 48-feet measured to the mid-point of a pitched roof. The submitted architectural plans indicate that the height of the terminal building is to be 25-feet and the height of the maintenance garage is to be 24-feet. Both buildings comply with the allowed building height within the I-1 District. Landscaping. The approved plans for development of the subject site included a landscape plan with extensive plantings to comply with Section 11-19-2.B.2 and Section 11-19-3.A of the Zoning Ordinance, which are not altered as part of the expansion of the cross dock facility and vehicle maintenance building. The sizes of the proposed plantings included on the landscape plan comply with Section 20-19- 2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5-2-3.B.4.b of the City Code requires installation of an irrigation system within turf areas of the subject site to provide for maintenance of the plantings, which is indicated on the plan. Lot Requirements. Lots within the I-1 District are required to be a minimum of one acre in area and have a minimum width of 200-feet measured at the setback line from the front lot line in accordance with Section 11-85-7.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance. The subject property is 29.54 acres in area and 977.92 feet in width exceeding the lot requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. The cross dock facility is 405 feet closer to the east property line and the maintenance building is 55 feet closer to the south lot line. No other setbacks are changed from the approved plans and all of the proposed buildings and structures comply with the setback requirements of the I-1 District established by Section 11-85-7.C of the Zoning Ordinance. 70th St. Queens Ave. East South Wetland Required 30ft. 30ft. 25ft. 20ft. 40ft. Proposed Cross dock building 595ft. 404ft. 200ft. 490ft. 245ft. Maintenance building -- -- -- 130ft. NA Fuel island -- -- -- 335ft. NA The off-street parking stalls, drive aisles, and loading areas are all setback a minimum of 15-feet from public rights of way and five-feet from side or rear lot lines as required by Section 11-21- 5.B of the Zoning Ordinance. 4 Site Coverage. Section 11-85-8 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes maximum site coverage limits for lots within the I-1 District. Buildings and structures may not occupy more than 50- percent and all impervious surfaces may not exceed 85-percent of the lot area. A lot coverage exhibit has been submitted that indicates the proposed impervious surface is 66.6 percent of and the building coverage is 8.24 percent of the area of the subject property plus the area of the stormwater basin and wetland outlot. Access. Access for the subject property is via one 35-foot wide driveway to Queens Avenue as shown on the site plan aligned with the north driveway to Lot 1, Block 1, Gateway North 3rd Addition (Ruan). The access is unchanged from the approved plans and complies with the provisions of Section 11-21-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Off-Street Parking. The table below summarizes off-street parking for the proposed use required by Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance: Use Requirement Area Required Stalls Office 1 stall/200sf. 4,325sf. 20 Cross dock 1 stall/1,000sf. 92,579sf. 84 Maintenance garage 1 stall/1,000sf. 11,000sf. 10 TOTAL 114 The site plan provides 195 off-street parking stalls, including seven disability accessible stalls, in an area west of the terminal building outside of the gated perimeter. The dimensions of the off-street parking stalls and drive aisles comply with the provisions of Section 11-21-7.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance There are also 154 trailer and 91 tractor parking stalls north, east, and southeast of the terminal building. These spaces are intended for storage of vehicles related to the distribution cross dock facility and are in addition to the 153 loading spaces on the north and south sides of the terminal building. The off-street drive aisles and parking areas are to be surfaced with asphalt and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.C.3 and D of the Zoning Ordinance. The construction of the off-street parking area is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Fuel Island. The site plan identifies a fuel island located south of the terminal building and east of the maintenance garage. This use would be considered to be an incidental accessory use to the proposed distribution cross dock facility. The fuel island is unchanged from the approved plans and Installation of the fuel tanks and ongoing maintenance of the fuel island remain subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshall. 5 Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for exterior lighting. All exterior light fixtures are to have a 90-degree horizontal cut-off and not cast more than 0.4 foot-candles of light at the property lines as required by Section 11-16-6.C of the Zoning Ordinance. An exterior lighting plan including photometric measurements of light intensity and indicating the type, location, and height of all exterior light fixtures has been submitted and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Fence. The site plan illustrates a fence at the perimeter of the site improvements from the front line of the terminal building to the east, but no details have been provided for the fence. Section 11-19-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance allows the height of the fence to be up to 8 feet. The fence is be setback at least 10-feet from the property line abutting 70th Street (CSAH 38) for City access to the required drainage and utility easement dedicated at the perimeter of the lot and to allow for snow storage. A fence permit is required to be approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to construction. Signs. The information regarding signs is limited to a wall sign shown on the west end of the terminal building. Section 11-37-5.C of the Zoning Ordinance allows one freestanding sign with an area not to exceed 100-square feet or height of 20-feet and wall signs not exceeding 100- square feet up to 15-percent of the area of the walls facing public streets. Installation of any signs upon the subject site will require issuance of a sign permit subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator in accordance with Section 11-37-7.A of the Zoning Ordinance. Waste Storage. The site plan indicates as trash compactor container on the south side of the terminal building. No other waste storage facilities are identified. Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance requires outdoor storage of waste and recycling containers to be enclosed within a solid wall with minimum height of six feet constructed of materials complementary of the terminal building. If any waste and recycling containers are to be stored outdoors, plans for the construction of the required enclosure must be submitted to verify compliance the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance at the time of application for a building permit and are subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Stormwater Management. The developer has submitted updated plans for grading, drainage, and erosion control, as well as calculations for stormwater management. All stormwater management plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The developer has submitted updated plans for connection to sewer and water utilities, which are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer is required to pay connection fees for the proposed expansions of the cross dock facility and maintenance building at the time a building permit is issued. 6 Development Contact. The developer has entered into a performance agreement with the City as required by Section 11-9-7 of the Zoning Ordinance requires for the approved development to provide for construction of the project, completion of any public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. There is not a need to amend the development contract for expansion of the cross dock facility and vehicle maintenance building. RECOMMENDATION The proposed expansion of the cross dock facility and vehicle maintenance building for R+L Carriers is consistent with the land use and economic development policies of the 2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan. The proposed site and building plans also comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications subject to conditions as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of the site and building plans for Lot 1, Block 1, RLC Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions of the City Council approval of 22 November 2021 remain in full force and effect except as modified herein. 2. The subject site shall be developed in accordance with the site and building plans submitted to the City subject to the stipulations, limitations, and conditions as approved by the City Council in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. All stormwater management plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map 921 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Road Labels Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels 10' - 0"CONCRETE APRON65' - 0"CONCRETE APRON65' - 0"OUT-TO-OUT CONCRETE100' - 0"OUT-TO-OUT CONCRETE100' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"OUT-TO-OUT CONCRETE100' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OUT-TO-OUT CONCRETE100' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 206JCCOUT-TO-OUT-CONCRETE100' - 0"10' - 0"3' - 0"7' - 7 1/4"13' - 10 5/8"3' - 3"25' - 0"10' - 8"22' - 2"10' - 8"25' - 0"3' - 3"11' - 4 1/4"7' - 7 1/4"8' - 0"16' - 6"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"14' - 0 1/8"FFETYP.2' - 0"10' - 8 1/4"16' - 6"24' - 1 1/2"9' - 8 3/8"8' - 1 1/4"20' - 2"8' - 0"10' - 0"20' - 2"9' - 9"7' - 2"7' - 0"9' - 1 3/4"13' - 10"11' - 3 1/4"11 1/4"7' - 0 3/4"20' - 0"8' - 0"10' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OUT-TO-OUT CONCRETE100' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 10' - 0"OUT-TO-OUT-CONCRETE100' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"10' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 OUT-TO-OUT-CONCRETE100' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"OVERHANG10' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 OUT-TO-OUT CONCRETE90' - 0"45' - 0"45' - 0"SAFETY LANESAFETY LANESAFETY LANESAFETY LANE12' - 0"17' - 9 1/2"9' - 4 3/8"23' - 7 3/8"23' - 11 1/2"50 AMP50 AMPSERVICE LANESERVICE LANESERVICE LANESERVICE LANEAOUT-TO-OUT-CONCRETE90' - 0"3' - 0"7' - 4"AAA3' - 0 1/8"3' - 0"78' - 0"3' - 0"2' - 11 7/8"AAA3' - 9 5/8"20' - 3"20' - 3"20' - 3"20' - 3"3' - 9 3/8"20' - 0"6' - 4 1/2"EQEQ1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4//24 CD #2 5' - 0"SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"NATURAL FINISH14' - 4"5' - 0"SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"NATURAL FINISH14' - 4"5' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"NATURAL FINISH14' - 4"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 NATURAL FINISH11' - 11 1/2"SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"5' - 0"5' - 0"NATURAL FINISH11' - 11 1/2"SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"NATURAL FINISH11' - 11 1/2"SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"5' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 NATURAL FINISH11' - 11 1/2"SMOOTH FINISH13' - 2"5' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 5' - 0"6" / 12"6" / 12"1' - 0"2' - 0"1' - 0"6' - 0"5' - 7"8"4' - 1"1' - 0"4" / 12"4" / 12"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4/25/24 CD #2 SMOOTH FINISH6' - 0"NATURAL FINISH18' - 6"NATURAL FINISH18' - 6"SMOOTH FINISH6' - 0"SMOOTH FINISH6' - 0"NATURAL FINISH18' - 6"5' - 0"NATURAL FINISH15' - 11 1/4"SMOOTH FINISH6' - 0"5' - 0"1525 Raleigh St. Suite 320 Denver, CO 80204ArcWestArchitects.com303-455-7741SR C H I T E C TAARCWESTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSR&L -OTSEGO TERMINAL & MAINT16659 70TH ST NE OTSEGO, MN 55330No. Date Description1 4//24 CD #2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPLANT SCHEDULESITE RESTORATION SCHEDULE25760 C5 - RESTORATIONPROJECT NO.----LRWMRWMRW21-25760----C5-10RESTORATION ANDPLANTING PLANC5-10 RESTORATION AND PLANTING PLAN ---- 21-25760 C5-100SCALE IN FEET1" = 60'60 1205/13/2024 FULL BUILD-OUTPW.10LIC. NO.DATELIC. NO.DATE07/14/202353748FRONT VIEWSECTION VIEWSFENCE BRACKET96" O.C.91"2 1/4"5 3/4"3/8"3/8"72"18" TYP.73 5/8"74 1/4"60" MIN6' FENCE DETAILSCALE: NTS 25760 C5 - RESTORATIONPROJECT NO.C5-20RESTORATION ANDPLANTING DETAILSC5-20 RESTORATION AND PLANTING DETAILS ---- 21-25760 C5-20----LRWMRWMRW21-25760----ROOTBALL DIA2X ROOTBALL DIADEPTH OFROOTBALLDECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAILSCALE: 1" = 1'-0ROOTBALL DIA2X ROOTBALL DIADEPTH OFROOTBALLCONTAINER DIA2X CONTAINER DIASHRUB PLANTING DETAILSCALE: 1" = 1'-0LANDSCAPE EDGING DETAILSCALE: 1" = 1'-0LIC. NO.DATELIC. NO.DATE07/14/2023537485/13/2024 FULL BUILD-OUTPW