Item 3.1 Costco3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 30 May 2024 60-DAY DATE: 5 July 2024 RE: Otsego – Costco; Conditional Use Permit/Site & Building Plans TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Costco Wholesale Corporation received approval of a Zoning Map amendment and preliminary plat to subdivide 25.41 acres located at the northwest corner of 60th Street (CR 137) and MacIver Avenue into three lots on 26 February 2024. The developer has submitted application for final plat approval for the Costco Addition in accordance with Section 10-5-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance, which is subject to City Council approval. Lot 1, Block 1, Costco Addition (Lot 1, Block 1) is proposed for development of a Costco retail store and accessory motor fuel facility. The proposed development plans require application for site and building plan review as well as conditional use permits for minor auto repair, motor fuel facilities, exterior building finish., exterior lighting, and wall signage. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 3 June 2024 at 7:00PM to consider these applications. Exhibits: Site Location Map Developer narrative dated May 6, 2024 (16 pages) Warehouse elevations dated May 6, 2024 (6 sheets) Civil Plans dated May 6, 2024 (28 sheets) Landscape Plan dated 5/06/2024 (7 sheets) Site Lighting Plan (not dated) Final Plat (2 sheets) Item 3.1 2 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2004 Otsego Comprehensive Plan established a West Sewer District as a second area within the City for development of urban land uses served by City sewer and water utilities. Prior to construction of the West Wastewater Treatment Facility (W-WTF) and water system, the area was limited to rural development. The land use plan implemented in 2004 for the West Sewer District reflects the concepts of growth management, economic development, growth management, land use compatibility and relation of development to transportation infrastructure illustrated by the graphic at right (2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, page 25). The Future Land Use Plan identifies commercial locations within the City that provide opportunities for convenient access to retail goods and services to be developed. The City’s goal is to promote a range of viable commercial development responsive to the retail and service needs of the community and surrounding market area. The specific businesses that choose to develop within a given commercial area guided by the Comprehensive Plan is a function of market economics and private business decisions. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan describes the planned land use of the subject property as follows: “The area east of I-94 on the north side of 60th Street (CR 137) is designated as commercial location with excellent visibility and access from I-94, as well as serving as a gateway for residential neighborhoods within the West Sewer District via MacIver Avenue. Development in this area must be coordinated with Wright County and the City of Albertville so as to ensure adequate access and traffic control as improvements are made to 60th Street (CR 137) east of I-94 to MacIver Avenue and beyond. 3 Given the location and size of the parcel that is under single ownership guided for commercial land uses, this area may be suitable for a large regional retail business with pad sites for smaller restaurant, retail, or service business, hotel or possibly a Mixed Use development. Like other commercial locations within the City, this area should be encouraged to develop with the highest levels of quality site and building design. Transition to the existing residential dwellings east of MacIver Avenue must also be considered as part of the development review process for this property.” (2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, page 62-63) The character of the proposed commercial development of the subject property with one lot for a large regional retail business and an accessory motor fuel facility, and two lots for other potential commercial retail or service business is well aligned with the recommendations of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The principal and accessory structures within the development are to be located in the west and south portions of the subject property and provide the basis for an appropriate transition to residential uses east of MacIver Avenue. The transition elements of the site plan will be further evaluated as part of the zoning applications required for development of Lot 1, Block 1 in subsequent paragraphs. Zoning. The subject site is zoned B-3, General Business District. The B-3 District allows for a wide range of retail, service, and office uses that corresponds to the commercial land use designation described by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The retail store with minor auto repair and a separate motor fuel facility proposed for Lot 1, Block 1 are allowed uses within the B-3 District. Several conditional use permits are also requested either as a Planned Unit Development – Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Section 11-36-4 of the Zoning Ordinance or other specific provisions of the Zoning Ordinance detailed in subsequent paragraphs. Future proposals for development of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 will also be required to be allowed uses of the B-3 District. Surrounding Uses. The subject property is surrounded by the existing and planned land uses summarized in the table below. The subject property is the east edge of an area of commercial and industrial development adjacent to I-94 with access served by an interchange at CSAH 37. MacIver Avenue functions as the east boundary of this commercial and industrial area transitioning to Medium-to-High Density Residential land uses to the east. Direction City Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use East Otsego MHD Residential R6 District B/B townhouses Row townhouses South Albertville Commercial Public-Semi Public PUD District P/I District Emma Krumbee’s Undeveloped Cemetery West Albertville Commercial Industrial B3 District I2 District Nassau Pools & Spa Stone Granite AWR Enterprises North Albertville Public-Semi Public P/I District City of Albertville 4 The townhouses within Zimmer Farms were developed adjacent to the collector street with a site plan that includes a residential buffer yard having an increased 65 foot setback from the right-of-way line and installation of plantings intended to provide screening. The proposed development of the property for commercial land uses will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. Final Plat: The following paragraphs address the application for final plat approval:  Lot Area. Section 11-77-7.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires that lots within the B-3 District have a minimum area of one acre. Each of the three lots within the preliminary plat have an area greater than one acre. The final plat complies with the minimum lot area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Area Lot 1, Block 1 22.14ac. Lot 2, Block 1 1.31ac. Lot 3, Block 1 1.75ac.  Lot Width. Section 11-77-7.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires that lots within the B-3 District have a minimum width of 200 feet, which is measured at the building setback at the front lot line. Lot Width Lot 1, Block 1 500ft. Lot 2, Block 1 160ft. Lot 3, Block 1 200ft. Lot 1 and Lot 3, Block 1 have a width of at least 200 feet as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. Lot 2, Block 1 is 160 feet in width as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. A Conditional Use Permit was approved with the preliminary plat allowing a width of less than 200 feet for Lot 2, Block 1 to encourage an efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets thereby lowering development costs and public investments resulting in a development pattern in harmony with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The final plat complies with the minimum width requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and preliminary plat approval.  Access. The subject property abuts 60th Street (CR 137), MacIver Avenue, and 63rd Street. The proposed development of the subject property is to utilize access to 60th Street (CR 137) via roundabouts at Lymon Avenue and right-in/right-out only access west of Lymon Avenue. One access is proposed to MacIver Avenue at Marlowe Avenue with the developer with the intersection to be reconstructed as a roundabout. No access is proposed to 63rd Street, which is a gravel rural section roadway entirely within the City of Albertville, due to the change in elevation between the roadway and the subject property. 5 The 2016 Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan identifies 60th Street (CR 137) as a Major Collector Road intended to carry traffic from Otsego, St. Michael and Albertville to and from I-94. Wright County, together with the Cities of Otsego and Albertville, is planning reconstruction of 60th Street (CR 137) from I-94 to Marx Avenue in 2025. This construction program is being undertaken in accordance with the Wright County 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and separate from any specific development, but the planning reflects the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plans adopted by Otsego, Albertville, and St. Michael for existing and future land uses and resulting traffic generation. The Wright County improvement project is funded as part of Wright County’s budget with local shares paid by Otsego and Albertville based on established Wright County policy for intersections with local streets, adjacent trails, stormwater management, and amenities such as street lighting or landscaping. Otsego’s 2023 Capital Improvement Plan includes funding for the City’s share of the Wright County 60th Street (CR 137) improvement project. The Otsego Transportation Plan designates MacIver Avenue as a Residential Collector Street that is constructed to Minnesota State Aid standards with a planned capacity of 12,000 to 15,000 average daily trips or a peak hour of 1,800 vehicles. MacIver Avenue currently is constructed a distance of 2.5 miles between 60th Street (CR 137) and 85th Street and is planned to be extended north in the future to 90th Street (CSAH 39) as residential development expands north of the existing West Sewer District in accordance with the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The roadway exists as an urban two- lane street with paved shoulders and a 10-foot wide trail on the east side. The most recent traffic surveys for MacIver Avenue in 2021 indicate volumes of 3,783 vehicles per day, which is well below the capacity of the street. The final plat, including proposed accesses to 60th Street (CR 137) is subject to review and approval of Wright County. Access to MacIver Avenue including preparation of plans by the developer for construction of a roundabout at MacIver Avenue and Marlowe Avenue at the developer’s cost are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Trails. The Future Parks and Trails Plan directs construction of a trail along the north side of 60th Street (CR 137) from the border with Albertville east to MacIver Avenue. The 60th Street (CR 137) improvement project will include construction of a 10-foot trail on the north side of 60th Street (CR 137) from the roundabout at the westbound I-94 ramps extending east to Marx Avenue, including the section of the roadway abutting the subject property. The trail will be constructed by Wright County as part of its improvement project with the cost being the responsibility of the City and developer through a Development Contract executed at the time of final plat approval. City staff does not recommend construction of a trail along the west side of MacIver Avenue abutting the subject property. 6 There will also be pedestrian crossings provided from the existing trail on the east side of MacIver Avenue to the subject property at Marlowe Avenue and from the trail on the south side of 60th Street (CR 137) at Lymon Avenue and MacIver Avenue.  Stormwater Management. City and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards establish that the volume of stormwater runoff discharged from the subject property after development cannot exceed pre-development conditions. There are also specific performance standards required for the proposed motor fuel facility within Lot 1, Block 1 that require additional storage and treatment of stormwater runoff from that area of the subject property to prevent contaminates from entering the stormwater system. The submitted plans include information regarding grading, drainage, and erosion control. The grading plan illustrates construction of stormwater basins at the southeast corner of the plat with graded drainage swales to the west adjacent to 60th Street (CR 137) channeling stormwater into these basins. All stormwater management, grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The proposed development requires payment of a stormwater impact fee for Otsego Creek at the time of final plat approval based on the gross area of the subject property and the Fee Schedule then in effect.  Utilities. The proposed final plat is within the West Sewer District established by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. Sewer and water utilities are available at the property and the developer has submitted plans for construction of sewer and water lines for service to the proposed lots. The utility plan will include upgrade of an existing 8-inch water pipe located within Marlowe Avenue east of MacIver Avenue to a 12-inch pipe to provide necessary waterflow for the proposed development. Construction of the water main upgrade will be timed to coincide with the Wright County (60th Street) CR 137 improvement project when this street would be closed to traffic already. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer is responsible for the cost of construction for sewer and water utilities necessary to serve the proposed development less credit for construction of facilities determined by the City Engineer to be trunk facilities. The developer will be required to pay Utility Availability Charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule in effect at that time, which fund the construction of the trunk portion of the sewer collection and water distribution utility systems. Utility Connection Charges for each lot will be required to be paid at the time a building permit is issued to fund construction of the operational facilities of the sewer and water systems, also in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule in effect at that time. 7  Easements. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires establishment of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of each lot, over public utility lines, and regional stormwater drainage facilities. The proposed final plat illustrates proposed easements, which are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Any existing drainage and utility easements within the subject property will be vacated concurrent with the approval of the final plat as they no longer serve a public purpose.  Park Dedication. Section 11-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes provisions for dedication of land for public park purposes as part of the development process. The Park System Master Plan does not identify acquisition of land for City parks within the area of the subject property. As such, park dedication requirements are to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land as provided for by Section 11-8-15.I of the Subdivision Ordinance. The park dedication fee is to be calculated and paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Fee Schedule. Lot 1, Block 1. The following paragraphs address the proposed development of Lot 1, Block 1:  Principal and Accessory Buildings. The proposed development includes a 163,474 square foot retail building and the accessory motor fuel facility includes a canopy and staff operations building. o Exterior Finish. Section 11-17-4 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes requirements for exterior finishes for structures within the B-3 District. Materials are classified into grades by Section 11-17-4.B.1 and percentages of each grade are either required or limited. For commercial buildings, Section 11- 17-4.D.1 requires a minimum of 65 percent Grade A materials consisting of windows, brick, brick façade, custom masonry units, or stone for the principal building. Sections 11-17-4.B.5 11-77-6.H.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the exterior materials of accessory structures be of a similar character and design. The principal building uses a mix of Grade A windows, smooth faced custom masonry units and textured metal panels on the south and east elevations with Grade B architectural metal panels and concrete panels on the balance of the building. The proposed use of the Grade A materials is less than the 65 percent required by the Zoning Ordinance, but the Grade A materials are used on elevations visible from 60th Street (CR 137) and MacIver Avenue. Section 11-17-4.F of the Zoning Ordinance allows exception to the exterior material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance provided that the proposed building design and materials are compatible and in harmony with other structures within the district. The developer’s narrative explains the basis of the requested exterior finish based on energy efficiency and use of recycled materials. The mix of materials, colors, and textures provides an attractive, contemporary appearance. 8 The motor fuel canopy uses metal panels consistent with those on the principal building for an integrated appearance within the lot. We recommend that the supports for the canopy be modified to include a custom masonry unit base up to 2/3rd thirds of the height to better coordinate with the principal building with additional materials and provide a more substantial appearance for the canopy. The building provided for employees staffed at the motor fuel facility is a prefabricated metal structure. Given its location north of the canopy and the fuel pumps interior to the subject property, the structure is appropriate. o Building Height. Principal and accessory structures within the B-3 District area allowed to be up to 35 feet in height in accordance with Section 11-77-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed 163,474 square foot principal building is 32.50 feet in height. The motor fuel facility canopy is 18.75 feet in height. Both structures comply with the height limits established by the Zoning Ordinance.  Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires commercial lots to be landscaped with plantings at the perimeter of the subject property, the immediate perimeter of principal and accessory structures, and the perimeter of parking and loading areas. A landscaping providing for installation of plantings has been submitted as required. The proposed landscape plan includes preservation of existing evergreen trees planted when MacIver Avenue was constructed that provide more mature screening effect. These trees are to be supplemented with additional evergreen and deciduous trees to enhance screening of Lot 1, Block 1 as viewed from the townhouses west of MacIver Avenue. The remainder of the perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 and interior areas including building foundation and interior yards are proposed to have extensive plantings. The type and quantities of proposed plantings are appropriate for the property. The size of proposed plantings comply with the provisions of Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance, although we recommend that proposed evergreen trees be increased in height to eight feet to provide the minimum screening as required by Section 11-19-3.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5-2-3.C.2 of the City Code requires installation of in-ground irrigation for the yards and planting areas within the property and boulevards abutting Lot 1, Block 1, which is indicated on the landscape plan. Additional plantings will be installed at such time as Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 are developed. 9  Setbacks. Section 11-77-7.C of the Zoning Ordinance requires the following minimum setbacks requirements for principal and accessory buildings within Lot 1, Block 1: Minimum Setback Front 30ft. Side 10ft. Rear 20ft. The applicable setback lines for principal and accessory buildings are illustrated on the site plan. There is no setback require for the interior lot lines between Lots 1-3, Block 1. The structures illustrated on the site plan for Lot 1, Block 1 all comply with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.  Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking areas for Lot 1, Block 1 are to be accessed from public streets via drive aisles shared with Lots 2 and 3, Block 1. An ingress/egress and cross parking easement will be required to be submitted that is subject to review and approval of City staff and recorded with the final plat. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires provision of a minimum number of off-street parking stalls for businesses based on studies completed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and other sources. The calculation of off-street parking required for the proposed uses within Lot 1, Block 1 is shown in the table below: Use Requirement Units Required Stalls Retail store 1 stall/200sf. 163,474sf. 736 Minor auto repair Motor Fuel Facility 4 stalls 1 4 Total 740 The number of off-street parking stalls required by the Zoning Ordinance is 740. The site plan provides for 879 parking stalls within Lot 1, Block 1. The number of proposed parking stalls exceeds the number of stalls required by 175 stalls. The number of off-street parking stalls within Lot 1, Block 1, equates to one parking stall for each 186 gross square feet of building area. For comparison, the Target store and attached in-line retail spaces within the Great River Centre of Otsego development has 1,010 parking stalls for 212,190 gross square feet of building area equal to 1 stall per 210 square feet. Costco has also indicated their intent to retain ownership of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 until their store is established and they are satisfied that there are an adequate number of parking stalls within Lot 1, Block 1 to meet demand. 10 Parking stalls shown on the site plan are designed as 10 feet wide by 20 feet deep accessed by drive aisles that are a minimum of 24 feet wide. The dimensions of the parking stalls and drive aisles comply with the provisions of Section 11-21-7.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-21-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires off-street parking stalls and drive aisles to be setback 15 feet from public rights-of-way and five feet from interior side or rear lot lines. No setback is required for off-street parking stalls from the interior lot lines of Lots 1-3, Block 1 based on a shared access and parking arrangement. The location of the proposed parking stalls and drive aisles complies with the Zoning Ordinance.  Loading. Chapter 22 of the Zoning Ordinance includes provisions requiring that loading areas be addressed through site design to avoid causing congestion on public streets. The developer has provided turning movements for semi-tractor/trailer vehicles delivering goods to the retail store and motor fuel facility within Lot 1, Block 1. All delivery and service vehicles will enter the subject property from the 60th Street (CR 137) and Lymon Avenue intersections. Semi/tractor trailers delivering to the retail store are to exit Lot 1, Block 1 to 60th Street (CR 137). Semi-tractor/trailers delivering fuel to the motor fuel facility will exit via a right turn onto MacIver Avenue and traveling south to 60th Street (CR 137). The proposed semi-tractor/trailer access for deliveries for the uses within Lot 1, Block 1 are functional and minimize use of MacIver Avenue to avoid conflicts with consumer and residential traffic on that street. The location and access to the proposed loading areas comply with the requirements of Section 11-22-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The loading areas are surfaced with asphalt or concrete as required by Section 11-22-3 of the Zoning Ordinance. And, the landscape plan provides for plantings to screen the view of the retail building area from view of public streets as required by Section 11-22-5 of the Zoning Ordinance.  Pedestrians. Pedestrian access to Lot 1 Block 1 is provided from the trails along MacIver Avenue and 60th Street (CR 137). The sidewalk from 60th Street (CR 137) also provides for a connection to the motor fuel facility, intended primarily for employee use.  Minor Auto Repair. The principal building includes five serve bays on the east elevation for an accessory minor auto repair use. Minor auto repair uses are subject to the provisions of Section 11-77-6.G of the Zoning Ordinance establishing performance standards intended to ensure that the operation of the proposed minor auto repair use within the principal building is compatible with surrounding uses. City staff recommends these operational standards be made as a condition of approval. 11 o Section 11-77-6.G.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the hours of operation for minor auto repair uses to 7:00AM to 10:00PM unless otherwise extended by the City Council. The developer indicates the hours of operation for the minor auto repair will coincide with the retail store and be:  Monday-Friday: 10:00AM – 8:30PM  Saturday: 9:30AM – 6:00PM  Sunday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM o Section 11-77-6.G.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that all repair activities be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. o Section 11-77-6.G.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that storage of all flammable materials, including liquids and rags conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota State Fire Code. o Section 11-77-6.G.5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired, and vehicle parts and accessory equipment be completely inside a principal or accessory building.  Motor Fuel Facility. A stand-alone motor fuel facility accessible only to members is proposed southeast of the principal building adjacent to 60th Street (CR 137). The proposed motor fuel facility consists of 16 pumps (32 dispensers) for gasoline only (no diesel). Section 11-77-6.H of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for development and operation of motor fuel facilities. The proposed accessory use does not include either vacuum or car wash facilities. o Section 11-77-6.H2 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the hours of operation for motor fuel facilities to the hours between 5:00AM to 12:00AM unless extended by the City Council. The developer is proposing that the motor fuel facility would operate under the following hours, which City staff recommends be added a a conditional of approval:  Monday-Friday: 6:00AM – 9:00PM  Saturday: 7:00AM – 7:00PM  Sunday: 7:00AM – 7:00PM o Section 11-77-6.H.6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that fuel pumps be:  Set back a minimum of 30 feet from any property line.  Have a minimum setback of 24 feet between the curb face of the pump islands.  Elevated on islands six inches above the drive aisle surface 12 The fuel islands comply with the perimeter and interior setback requirements. A detail must be added to the plans specifying the fuel pumps are raised a minimum of six feet above the drive aisle surface. o Section 11-77-H.10 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that any outdoor sales areas related within the area of the motor fuel facility be defined on the site plan. No outdoor sales are shown and, therefore, outdoor sales are prohibited within this area of Lot 1, Block 1. o Section 11-77-10.H13 limits use of a public address system for motor fuel facility requiring that the sound not be audible at property lines and prohibiting music or advertising being played. o Exterior trash receptacles are to be provided in accordance with Section 11-77- 6.H.14 for patron use.  Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for exterior lighting. All fixtures are required by Section 11-16-6.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance to have a 90-degree horizontal shield to cause light to be directed downward and light cast at property lines is to be limited to 0.4 foot candles The proposed exterior lighting plan complies with these fixture and intensity limits. Section 11-16-6.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the height of free standing light fixtures to 25 feet. The developer is proposing that light fixtures installed along the east edge of the subject property be 25 feet in height. The remainder of the light fixtures would be installed to a height of 32 feet. The additional seven feet in height is proposed to reduce the number of overall light fixtures required for the large parking field by at least 50 percent according to the developer’s analysis. Section 11-6-6.C.4.c of the Zoning Ordinance allows for the height of the light fixtures to be increased on this basis as a conditional use. Section 11-77-6.H.11 of the Zoning Ordinance limits lighting related to the motor fuel facility to signs installed on the canopy and lighting fixtures flush mounted to the underside of the canopy. The lighting installed under the canopy cannot exceed 115 foot candles at ground level, which the lighting plan complies with.  Signs. Signs allowed within Lot 1, Block 1 are regulated by Section 11-37-5 of the Zoning Ordinance and by Section 11-37-6.F of the Zoning Ordinance as the subject property is within 2,640 feet of the right-of-way of I-94. The Zoning Ordinance allows the following signs: o Wall signs up to 15 percent of the area of the elevations facing two public streets with the area of individual signs limited to 200 square feet. 13 o Freestanding signs:  One freestanding sign 200 square feet in area up to a height of 50 feet.  One free standing sign 64 square feet in area up to a height of 15 feet. o Motor Fuel Facility (Section 11-37-6.B and 11-77-6.H.12):  Additional 32 square feet of freestanding sign area to display fuel prices.  Signs on the canopy facia in lieu of wall signs on the principal building. The proposed signs shown on the building elevations include a 175 square foot “Costco” sign above the building entry, a 280 square foot “Costco sign and 35 foot “Liquor Sales” sign on the south elevation, and a 280 square foot “Costco sign and 31 square foot “Tire Center” sign on the east elevation. There are no signs proposed on the north or west elevations. There is one 64 square foot sign one each elevation of the motor fuel canopy. The total area of all of the wall signs, including those on the motor fuel facility canopy, is 882 square feet. The site plan does not identify any freestanding signs adjacent to 60th Street (CR 137) or MacIver Avenue. Based on the area of the south and east elevations of the principal building, approximately 3,500 square feet of wall signs, as well as, 296 square feet of freestanding signs, would be allowed. In consideration of the total area of proposed signs being significantly less than allowed by the Zoning Ordinance, the scale of the proposed principal building, the remote location of the motor fuel facility, and no proposed freestanding signs, City staff supports allowance of the two wall signs larger than 200 square feet and signs on each side of the motor fuel facility canopy. Similar allowances were made for signs within the Great River Centre of Otsego and Otsego Waterfront East developments.  Waste Storage. The site plan does not show any locations for exterior waste storage containers. If exterior storage of waste containers is proposed, construction of an enclosure complying with requirements of Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance will be required.  CUP Criteria. The Planning Commission is to consider the submitted applications in context of the criteria established by Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance for the requested Zoning Map amendment and Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance for the requested Conditional Use Permit. The developer has provided their own response to these criteria as outlined in their narrative (Exhibit B). The recommendation of the Planning Commission to the City Council regarding the proposed Zoning Map amendment and preliminary plat is to be based upon, but not limited to, the following comments prepared by City staff: 14 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject property is guided for future Commercial land uses by the Future Land Use Plan (2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, p. 71). The 2023 Comprehensive Plan includes policies for development of Commercial land uses, including:  Encourage commercial development to provide needed goods and services, create employment opportunities, and expand the tax base within Otsego.  Promote commercial development in areas with accessibility to TH 101 corridor, I-94, and Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) as the primary focus for commercial uses within Otsego. (2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, page 59) The 2023 Comprehensive Plan specifically describes the subject property as suitable for a large regional retail business with pad sites for smaller restaurant, retail, or service business such as may be developed upon the lots proposed by the preliminary plat (2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, pages 62-63). The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the goals, policies, and plans of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject property is the west edge of an area of commercial and industrial development adjacent to I-94 with access served by an interchange at CSAH 37. MacIver Avenue functions as the east boundary of this commercial and industrial area transitioning to Medium-to-High Density Residential land uses to the east. The proposed subdivision of the property for commercial land uses is consistent with recommended land use concepts (2023 Comprehensive Plan, page 25) and compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 15 Comment: The subject property will be accessed via 60th Street (CR 137) designated as a Major Collector Road by the 2016 Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan (2016 Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan, Figure 5-2) and MacIver Avenue designated as a Residential Collector Street by the 2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan (Otsego Comprehensive Plan, page 87). Wright County will undertake an improvement project in 2025 for 60th Street (CR 137) that will provide capacity for regional traffic, including that generated by the proposed development. MacIver Avenue has existing capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development subject to the developer completing those improvements to the MacIver Avenue and Marlowe Avenue intersection as determined to be required by the City Engineer. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject property is within the West Sewer District established by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan (2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, p 39). The Sewer District is that area of Otsego where City sewer and water utilities and transportation infrastructure is to be constructed in support of the land uses guided by the Future Land Use Plan. There is sufficient capacity within existing public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed development. Development Contract. The City Attorney will prepare a Development Contract related to a final plat to provide for completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees in accordance with Section 10-10-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. Section 11-9-7 of the Zoning Ordinance further requires that the developer enter into a Site Improvement Performance Agreement with the City to provide for construction of the project improvements within the subject property. The City Attorney will draft the Development Contract addressing both the subdivision and site improvements for approval by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION The requested Zoning Map final plat for subdivision of the 25.41 acre property as the Costco Addition and development of a Costo retail store and related uses on Lot 1, Block 1, Costco Addition is consistent with the growth management, economic development, and land use policies of the 2023 Otsego Comprehensive Plan to provide for development of a commercial area serving regional and local markets served by infrastructure planned to accommodate such development. The proposed final plat and development plans further comply with the performance standards of the Subdivision Ordinance and the performance standards and Conditional Use Permit criteria of the Zoning Ordinance Our office recommends approval of the requested applications, subject to the stipulations outlined under possible actions, below. 16 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of the Costco Addition Final Plat and Conditional Use Permit and site and building plans for Lot 1, Block 1, Costo Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject property shall be developed in accordance with the site and building plans submitted to the City subject to the stipulations, limitations, and conditions as approved by the City Council in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Right-of-way dedication and access to 60th Street (CR 137) shall be subject to review of the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. 3. Right-of-way dedication and street and pedestrian improvements for MacIver Avenue shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. An ingress/egress and cross parking easement approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be recorded over Lots 1-3, Block 1 concurrent with recording of a final plat. 5. All stormwater management, grading, wetland impacts, and erosion control plans and issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Stormwater Impact Fees for Otsego Creek shall be paid at the time of final plat approval as required by the City Code and City Fee Schedule then in effect. 7. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. Utility Availability Charges shall be paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code and City Fee Schedule then in effect less any credits for trunk improvements as determined by the City Engineer. 9. Utility Connection Charges shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued for construction within each lot of the preliminary plat in accordance with the City Code and City Fee Schedule then in effect. 10. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. A cash fee shall be calculated and paid at the time of final plat approval in lieu of land dedication for City park purposes in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. 17 12. The plans for the fuel canopy shall be revised to provide a custom masonry unit consistent with the material used on the principal bulding for the lower 2/3rds of the canopy supports. 13. The landscape plan shall be revised to increase the size of proposed evergreen trees shall trees to eight feet as required by Section 11-19-3.A.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 14. An in-ground irrigation system shall be for the yards and planting areas within Lot 1, Block 1 and abutting boulevards as required by Section 5-2-3.C.2 of the City Code. 15. Minor Auto Repair: a. The hours of operation for minor auto repair uses shall be limited to: (1) Monday-Friday: 10:00AM – 8:30PM (2) Saturday: 9:30AM – 6:00PM (3) Sunday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM b. All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. c. Storage of all flammable materials, including liquids and rags shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota State Fire Code. d. Storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired, and vehicle parts and accessory equipment shall be stored completely inside the principal building. 16. Motor Fuel Facility: a. The hours of operation for minor auto repair uses shall be limited to: (1) Monday-Friday: 6:00AM – 9:00PM (2) Saturday: 7:00AM – 7:00PM (3) Sunday: 7:00AM – 7:00PM b. Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six inches above the drive aisle surface. 18 c. Outdoor sales areas within the area of the motor fuel facility shall be limited to those areas identified on the approved the site plan or shall otherwise be prohibited. d. Use of a public address system shall not audible at property lines and playing of music or advertisements via such system is prohibited. e. Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided for patron use. 17. Any exterior storage of waste containers, other than trash receptacles intended for patron use, shall require an enclosure in compliance with the requirements of Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance. 18. A Development Contract shall be executed by the developer and approved by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the final plat in accordance with Section 10-10-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Chad Hausmann, Wright County Engineer Sara Buermann, Assistant Wright County Engineer Site Location Map 921 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels Torrens EXHIBIT A  &267&2:+2/(6$/(&25325$7,21   $33/,&$7,21)25),1$/3/$7 &21',7,21$/86(3(50,76,7($1'%8,/',1* 3/$1$33529$/6     352326('&267&2:+2/(6$/( &,7<2)276(*20,11(627$                   0D\      7$%/(2)&217(176     1$55$7,9(   3URSHUW\2ZQHUDQG3URMHFW7HDP  (QWLWOHPHQWV • 5H]RQLQJ • 3UHOLPLQDU\3ODW &RQGLWLRQDO8VH3HUPLW • 5HTXHVWHG$SSURYDOV  'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ3URSRVDO • )LQDO3ODW • 7UDIILF5RDGZD\,PSURYHPHQWV • 6LWH3ODQ • 8WLOLW\DQG6WRUPZDWHU,PSURYHPHQWV • $UFKLWHFWXUH • )XHO)DFLOLW\ &RQGLWLRQDO8VH3HUPLWV 2SHUDWLRQVDQG(PSOR\HHV    352326('&267&2:+2/(6$/( &,7<2)276(*20,11(627$   3URSHUW\2ZQHUDQG3URMHFW7HDP 3URSHUW\2ZQHU  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PERMIT The proposed Costco development will require certain Conditional Use Permits to construct the Site Development Plans. Pursuant to the City of Otsego Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Administration-Conditional Use Permits, 11-4-2. A. 2. Applications shall be accompanied by detailed written and graphic materials fully explaining the proposed change, development, or use including site plan information required by section 11-9-6 of this title. We request the following Conditional Use Permits pursuant to Chapter 77; B-3 Zoning District; Section 11-77-6, Conditional Uses. The following are Conditional Uses in a B-3 Zoning District subject to the procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 4 of this title: A. Minor automobile repair. Costco provides a Tire Center inside the warehouse (principal) building for the convenience of its members. New tires can be purchased and installed at Costco’s tire center during normal warehouse business hours. Used tires are properly disposed of by third party vendors and are stored temporarily inside the tire center. The Tire Center will conform to the Conditional Use standards as described in Section 11-77-6 in the B-3 Zoning District and Chapter 4, Conditional Use Permits. This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. B. Motor Fuel Station. Costco provides regular and premium gas for its members as a convenience and in association with the overall Costco shopping experience. The fueling facility has 16 pumps or 32 fuel dispensers on a raised curb, under a covered metal canopy offering members protection from the weather. Please see Fuel Facility Elevations for more detail. A restroom will be provided for Costco gas attendant as required by plumbing code. The fuel pumps have been set back at a minimum of 30’ from the south property line. The fuel facility will meet applicable federal, state and local codes for fire access, pedestrian and vehicular movements, and gas operations. Costco will maintain the facilities appearance, provide state required maintenance and monitoring inspections, provide adequate lighting, and promote safe internal vehicular Ϯ  circulation. Vehicle access and traffic movements will conform to Site Development standards as described in the B-3 Zoning District, Section 11-77-6, and Chapter 4, Conditional Use Permits. This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. Chapter 16; General Performance Requirements; 11-16-6: Exterior Lighting; C. Performance Standards; 4. Height; a. The maximum height above the ground grade permitted for poles, fixtures and light sources mounted on a pole shall be: 1) Agricultural, residential, business, and institutional districts: Twenty-Five feet (25’). Conditional Use: Costco’s standard light pole height is 32’ from the top of the fixture to the bottom of the concrete base. The proposed lighting plan is carefully designed and integrated with the parking lot layout to provide amply uniform coverage for member security and safety while reducing unnecessary pole lights that would be required at a lower height. Costco’s lamps are LED’s, with a flat lens that directs light downward minimizing light pollution while creating a more sustainable lighting solution. Light pole heights located along the eastern edge of the parking along Maciver Avenue will be reduced to 25’ respecting the residential land uses located east of the property. This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. Chapter 17, General Yard, Lot Area, and Building Regulations; 11-17-4: Building Type and Construction; D. Commercial, Office, and Industrial Uses; 1. Business Districts Exterior Building Finishes (Except B-4 District); a. The exterior building finish shall be composed of at least sixty five percent (65%) grade A materials; not more than thirty five percent (35%) grade B materials and not more than ten percent (10%) grade C materials. Conditional Use: Costco’s proposed building elevations are comprised of the following materials: ϯ  South Elevation: Grade A -18% Smooth Face CMU and Glazing; Grade A & Grade B- 28% Textured Architectural Metal Panels; and Grade B -52.5% Ribbed Architectural panels East Elevation: Grade A -20% Smooth Face CMU and glazing; Grade A & B- 26% Textured Architectural Metal Panels; Grade B-53% Ribbed Architectural Panels See Warehouse Elevations for additional information and material descriptions. This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. Chapter 37, Signs; 11-37-5: Signs in Zoning Districts; C. Regulations for business and industrial zoning districts are as follows: 3. Wall, Canopy or Marquee: Wall, canopy or marquee signs shall be permitted on one façade fronting a public street, except in the case of a corner lot or through lot where wall signs may be installed on two(2) facades fronting a public street with the area of individual signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. Conditional Use: The warehouse building will have wall signs on the east and south facades that face 60th Street NE and Maciver Avenue. The fuel facility will have a canopy sign on all four sides. The size of each sign is below: East Elevation Sign Areas: (1) “COSTCO WHOLESALE”-280 square feet; (1) “TIRE CENTER”- 31 square feet South Elevation Sign Areas: (1) “COSTCO WHOLESALE”-280 square feet (1) “COSTCO WHOLESALE”-175 square feet (1) “LIQUOR SALES”-35 Square Feet Total Warehouse Building Sign Area: 801 square feet Fuel Facility Canopy Signage: (4) “COSTCO WHOLESALE” 21 square feet Total Fuel Facility Canopy Signage: 84 square feet ϰ  Total Proposed Signage for Lot 1, Block 1 is 881 square feet This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. Chapter 21, Off-Street Parking; 11-21-6: Street Access: A. Street Access Required: All off- street parking facilities shall be designed and constructed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a public street. Each lot shall have access directly abutting, improved and City accepted public street, except as may be allowed as a conditional use pursuant to Chapter 4 of this title. Conditional Use: The Costco development consists of 3 platted Lots. Lot 2 and Lot 3 located along 60th Street NE will be developed for commercial uses and served by a private perimeter road inside the Costco development. Parking facilities located on the aforementioned lots with vehicular access directly to a public street will not be possible given the limited number of curb cuts along 60th Street NE that are permissible by Wright County. This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. Chapter 22, Off Street Loading; 11-22-2: Location; E. Conditional Use Permit Required: A conditional use permit shall be required for new loading berths added to an existing structure and / or where the loading berth is located at the front or at the side of the building on a corner lot. Conditional Use: The proposed site plan locates the building at the northwest corner of the property to maximize parking efficiency and truck access. The truck loading and receiving berths will operate efficiently with direct access to 60th Street NE without conflicting with member vehicular traffic or utilizing Maciver Avenue. This Conditional Use Permit request meets all Conditional Use factors as described on page 5. ϱ  Conditional Use Factors Chapter 4-Conditional Use Permits; 11-4-2: Procedure; F. The Planning Commission and City Council shall consider possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional uses. Their judgement shall be based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. The proposed action’s consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the City Comprehensive Plan. Response: The Conditional Uses requested are commercial in nature and are normally associated with retail developments. The Costco development is consistent with many commercial goals, policies and recommendations as indicated in the Comprehensive plan. The requested Conditional Uses will advance and encourage high quality development through sound planning and design for the property while serving as the catalyst for future development in the area by providing an alternative shopping experience to the residents of Otsego and neighboring communities. 2. The proposed uses compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Response: The Future Land Use Plan designates the property as commercial land use. The requested Conditional Uses are commercial in nature and are compatible with existing and future commercial land uses. Costco is committed to developing the property into an attractive, retail experience for the City by carefully considering the building orientation, landscaping enhancements, driveway access, signage, lighting, and architectural design elements. The proposed commercial use for the Property serves as a transitional land use between I-94 and the multiple family residential located east of Maciver Avenue NE. Costco developments are commonly located between higher and medium land use intensities to serve as an effective orderly transition given the retail nature of Costco’s business. The proposed land use is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for this area and will be compatible with future commercial and industrial land uses in the nearby City of Albertville. ϲ  3. The proposed usess conformity with all performance standards contained within this title and other provisions of this Code. Response: The requested Conditional Uses will conform with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Code and other applicable sections of the City of Otsego’s municipal code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Response: The proposed Costco warehouse and fuel facility development will be adequately served by public and private streets designed in a safe, effective, and efficient manner. Wright County’s Long Range Transportation Plan identifies 60th Street as a major collector intended to carry traffic from Otsego and nearby communities to and from I-94. 60th Street will undergo an extensive reconstruction project to accommodate current and future growth patterns, retail included, in this area as identified in the City of Otsego’s Comprehensive Plan. Costco’s trip generations have been reviewed by the City of Otsego’s engineer and Wright County and have found no adverse impacts to the surrounding transportation systems. Roundabouts proposed by the County will provide safe and efficient Ingress and egress along 60th Street adequately serving the proposed development without impacting east-west traffic flow. Interior traffic movements are efficient and provide direct access to drive aisles and parking areas including the fuel facility. The intersection at Costco’s proposed entrance at Maciver Avenue and Marlowe Avenue will be reconstructed with a roundabout that will handle traffic from all directions while providing a safe means of ingress and egress from the Costco property. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Response: The property is within the West Sewer District established by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Costco development will be accommodated by ϳ  existing public services including water, sanitary, gas and electric and will not exceed current capacities. Watermain upgrades will be completed to provide necessary water flow to the property. The proposed Costco development will not have an adverse impact on public utilities. Adequate stormwater measures have been designed and put into place for the property that will not place an undue burden on the current storm infrastructure. MAY 6, 2024PROJECT# 23-6001-01PG:OTSEGO, MN1MPPOWAREHOUSE ELEVATIONS53124S28’-9”32’-0”S232 0S17’-4”26’-8”S3S429’-6”T.O COPING29’-6”T.O COPING26’-0”T.O COPING18’-0”T.O CMU26’-0”T.O COPINGVERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“TAUPE”VERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“TAUPE”VERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“TAUPE”VERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“SANDSTONE”VERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“SANDSTONE”VERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“SANDSTONE”TEXTURED ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL(TMP),“SANDSTONE”TEXTURED ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL (TMP),“SANDSTONE”TEXTURED ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL (TMP),“SANDSTONE”VERTICAL RIB ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL,“TAUPE”COPING“MEDIUM BRONZE”COPING“MEDIUM BRONZE”COPING“MEDIUM BRONZE”STRIPE“COSTCO RED”STRIPE“COSTCO RED”COPING“MEDIUM BRONZE”SMOOTH FACE CMU WITH SOLDIER COURSE “BUFF”SMOOTH FACE CMU WITH SOLDIER COURSE “BUFF”SMOOTH FACE CMU WITH SOLDIER COURSE “BUFF”SMOOTH FACECMU“BUFF”SMOOTH FACECMU“BUFF”CONCRETE SCREEN WALL,“NATURAL”3’-6” AFF28’-0”T.O COPING28’-0”T.O COPING32’-6”T.O COPING8’-0” AFF32’-6”T.O COPING29’-6”T.O COPING31’-6”T.O COPING29’-6”T.O COPING32’-0”T.O CORNICE32’-0”T.O CORNICE1SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1” = 40’2EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1” = 40’3ENTRY ELEVATION SCALE: 1” = 40’4NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1” = 40’5WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1” = 40’6SIGN PACKAGES2S1S1S1S3S232’-0”T.O CORNICE* CALCULATION DOES NOT INCLUDE EXTERIOR EGRESS DOORS** SKEWED ENTRY AREAS DIVIDED EVENLY BETWEEN SOUTH AND EAST ELEVATION AREASMATERIAL PERCENTAGESSMOOTH FACE CMU “BUFF”ABA / BBBA720 SF6.5%836 SF6%1,633 SF15%34 SF0.5%2,320 SF16%18% 20%580 SF4%2,604 SF23%10,812 SF76%6,941 SF61%2,564 SF18%5,325 SF49.5%6,739 SF46.5%WESTNORTHEASTSOUTHCONCRETE “NATURAL”VERTICAL RIBBED ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL“TAUPE”VERTICAL RIBBED ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL“SANDSTONE”1,137 SF10%2,763 SF26%4,055 SF28%319 SF2%319 SF3%TEXTURED ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL“SANDSTONE”551 SF5%258 SF2%GLAZINGMATERIALGRADEELEVATIONSOUTH / EASTTOTAL/28% 26%/52.5%53%/SIGN TABLEQUANTITY211S2S3S4COSTCO WHOLESALETIRE CENTERLIQUOR SALES6’-0” C17’-4” x 1’-9”18’-0” x 1’-9”280 SF31 SF35 SFTOTAL SIGN AREA:560 SF31 SF35 SF801 SF1S1COSTCO WHOLESALE 5’-0” C 175 SF175 SFIDENTITYSIGNSIZE AREA (EACH) TOTAL SF MAY 6, 2024PROJECT# 23-6001-01PG:OTSEGO, MN2MPPOENTRY CANOPY PERSPECTIVE MAY 6, 2024PROJECT# 23-6001-01PG:OTSEGO, MN3MPPONORTHEAST PERSPECTIVE MAY 6, 2024PROJECT# 23-6001-01PG:OTSEGO, MN4MPPOSOUTHWEST PERSPECTIVE MAY 6, 2024PROJECT# 23-6001-01PG:OTSEGO, MN5MPPOSOUTHEAST PERSPECTIVE MAY 6, 2024PROJECT# 23-6001-01PG:OTSEGO, MN6MPPOFUEL FACILITY ELEVATIONS1EAST / WEST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8” = 1’-0”2NORTH / SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8” = 1’-0”4WARMING HUT ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8” = 1’-0”3CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8” = 1’-0”TYPICAL STEEL FACEDINSULATED PANELS“STONE GREY”METAL PANEL“ STONE GREY”COPING AND TRIM“MEDIUM BRONZE”COPING AND TRIM“MEDIUM BRONZE”ARCHITECTURAL RIBBED METAL PANEL“TAUPE”METAL COLUMN“GALVANIZED, PAINTED”METAL COLUMN“GALVANIZED, PAINTED”WARMINGHUTSIGN LIGHT BAR, CENTEREDON ALL FOUR SIDESSIGN LIGHT BAR, CENTEREDON ALL FOUR SIDESARCHITECTURAL RIBBED METAL PANEL“TAUPE”ENTRANCEEXITSIGN TABLEQUANTITYTOTAL SIGN AREA:84 SF4S4 COSTCO WHOLESALE 2’-5” x 8’-6” 21 SF84 SFIDENTITYSIGNSIZE AREA (EACH) TOTAL SF2’-5”8’-6”S4VARIES MIN 14’-9”4’-0”VARIES MIN 14’-9”4’-0” OTSEGO, MNAREA LOCATION MAPSHEETS ISSUED BY DATECOMPOST/BIO LOG))))))))))))))))))))I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.TOM MEYER, P.E.LICENSE NUMBER:DATE:42016 MAY 6, 2024D Angle&And@At100 YR. 100 Year Flood ElevationA.B. Anchor BoltA.D. Area DrainA/C Air Conditioning UnitADD. AddendumADDL. AdditionalADJ. Adjacent / AdjustAHU Air Handling UnitALT. AlternateALUM. AluminumANOD. AnodizedAPPROX. ApproximateARCH Architect / ArchitecturalAUTO. AutomaticAVG. AverageB.C. Back of CurbB/W Bottom of WallBFE Basement Floor ElevationBIT Bituminous (Asphaltic)BLDG BuildingBM BenchmarkBSMT. BasementC.F. Cubic FeetC.F.S. Cubic Feet Per SecondC.G. Corner GuardC.J. Control JointC.L. CenterlineC.M.U. Concrete Masonry UnitC.O. CleanoutC.O.E. U.S. Army Corps Of EngineersC.Y. Cubic YardsCB Catch BasinCBMH Catch Basin ManholeCEM. CementCIP Cast Iron PipeCMP Corrugated Metal PipeCONC. Concrete (Portland)CONN. ConnectionCONST. ConstructionCONT. ContinuousCONTR. ContractorCOP. CopperCU. CubicD.S. Down SpoutDEG. DegreeDEMO. Demolition / DemolishDEPT. DepartmentDET. DetailDIA. DiameterDIAG. DiagonalDIM. DimensionDIP Ductile Iron PipeDN DownDWG. DrawingE. EastE.J. Expansion JointE.O. Emergency OverflowE.O.S. Emergency Overflow SwaleE.W. Each WayEA. Each EL. ElevationELEC. ElectricalELEV. ElevationEMER. EmergencyENGR. EngineerENTR. EntranceEQ. EqualEQUIP. EquipmentEQUIV. EquivalentEXIST. ExistingEXP. ExpansionF & I Furnish and InstallF.B.O. Furnished by OthersF.C. Face of CurbF.D. Floor DrainF.D.C. Fire Department ConnectionF.V. Field VerifyFB Full BasementFBWO Full Basement Walk OutFBLO Full Basement Look OutFDN. FoundationFES Flared End SectionFFE Finished Floor ElevationFLR. FloorFT. OR (') FootFUT. FutureG.B. Grade BreakG.C. General ContractorGAL. GallonGALV. GalvanizedGFE Garage Floor ElevationGL. GlassGR. GradeH. HeightH.P. High PointHDPEP High Density Polyethylene PipeHGT. HeightHORIZ. HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air ConditioningHYD HydrantI.D. Inside Dimension OR IdentificationI.E. or IE Invert ElevationIN. OR (") InchesINFO. InformationINL. Inlet ElevationINSUL. InsulationINV. Invert ElevationJT. JointL.F. Linear FeetL.P. Low Point / Liquid PetroleumLB. PoundLGU Local Government UnitLB. PoundLB.LongitudinalLT. Light / LightingMAINT. MaintenanceMAS. MasonryMATL. MaterialMAX. MaximumMECH MechanicalMED. MediumMFR. ManufacturerMH ManholeMIN. Minimum / MinuteMISC. MiscellaneousMNDOT Minnesota Department Of TransportationMOD. Module / ModularMUL. MullionN. NorthN.I.C. Not In ContractNO. OR # NumberNOM NominalNTS Not to ScaleNWE Normal Water ElevationNWL Normal Water LevelO.F. On CenterO.G. Outside DimensionO.H. Overhead ElectricOH. OverheadOHWL Ordinary High Water LevelOPNG. OpeningORIG. OriginalP.C. Point of CurvatureP.I. Point of IntersectionPIV Post Indicator ValveP.L. OR P/L Property LineP.O.B. Point of BeginningP.S.F. Pounds Per Square FootP.S.I. Pounds Per Square InchP.T. Point of TangencyP.V.C. Point of Vertical CurvatureP.V.I. Point of Vertical IntersectionP.V.T. Point of Vertical TangencyPE PolyethylenePED. Pedestal / PedestrianPERF. PerforatedPREP. PreparationPROJ. ProjectPROP. ProposedPVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride (Piping)PVMT. PavementQTR. QuarterQTY. QuantityRRadiusRAD. RadiusRE Rim Elevation (Casting)R.D. Roof DrainR.E. Remove ExistingR.O. Rough OpeningR.P. Radius PointRC Reinforced Concrete PipeR.S. Rough SlabRSD Roof Storm DrainRE. RegardingREINF. ReinforcedREQ'D RequiredREV. Revision / RevisedRGU Regulatory Government UnitROW OR R/W Right of WayS. SouthS.F. Square FeetSAN. Sanitary SewerSECT. SectionSE Split Entry /Side ExitSEWO Split Entry Walk Out /Side Exit Walk OutSHT. SheetSIM. SimilarSLNT. SealantSPEC. SpecificationSQ. SquareSSD Subsurface drainSTMH Storm Sewer ManholeSTD. StandardSTRUCT. StructuralSYM. SymmetricalTThicknessT/R Top of RimT/W Top of WallTEMP. TemporaryTHK. Thick / ThicknessT.J. Tooled JointTNH Top Nut HydrantTYP. TypicalU.N.O. Unless Noted OtherwiseV.B. Vapor BarrierV.C. Vertical CurveV.I.F. Verify In FieldVER. VerifyVER. VerticalVEST. VestibuleW WidthW.PT. Working PointW.W.F. Welded Wire FabricW/ WithW/O WithoutWO Walk OutVER. WetlandWP WaterproofWETL. WeightYD. YardYR. YearEROSION CONTROL BLANKETABBREVIATIONSSILT FENCESYMBOLDESCRIPTIONREVISED AREA (THIS ISSUE)REVISION - ADDENDUM, BULLETIN, ETC.NOTE REFERENCELARGE SHEET DETAILCOORDINATE POINTPARKING STALL COUNTDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLEROSION CONTROL SYMBOLSDRAWING SYMBOLS„„„LEGAL DESCRIPTIONBENCHMARKSINLET PROTECTIONC21C7.31122PROJECT BENCHMARK:MNDOT MONUMENT OREILLY. IN ST. MICHAEL, 0.05 MILE EAST ALONG TRUNK HIGHWAY 241 FROM THE JUNCTION OFTRUNK HIGHWAY 241 AND LINCOLN DRIVE IN ST. MICHAEL, AT TRUNK HIGHWAY 241 MILEPOINT 0.30, 41.3 FEET SOUTH OFEASTBOUND TRUNK HIGHWAY 241 (CENTRAL AVENUE EAST), 81.3 FEET EAST OF AN ENTRANCE TO A STRIP MALL, 2.3 FEETNORTH OF THE NORTH EDGE OF A SIDEWALK, 1.5 FEET NORTH OF A WITNESS POST.ELEVATION = 966.22 (NAVD 88)SITE BENCHMARKS:TOP NUT OF HYDRANT NORTHEAST OF SITE LOCATED IN OUTLOT F, ZIMMER FARMS, WRIGHT COUNTY.ELEVATION = 961.82 (NAVD 88) / 961.34 (NGVD 29)TOP NUT OF HYDRANT SOUTHEAST OF SITE LOCATED IN OUTLOT I, MARLOWE AVENUE TOWNHOMES.ELEVATION = 959.93 (NAVD 88) / 959.51 (NGVD 29)PARCEL A: OUTLOT J, ZIMMER FARMS, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA.PARCEL B: THE EAST 20 ACRES OF THE SOUTH 3/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 24, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THAT PART THEREOF TAKEN FORINTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 94.3COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100DESCRIPTIONSHEET NO.CIVIL TITLE SHEETEXISTING CONDITIONSDEMOLITIONPRELIMINARY PLATOVERALL SITE PLANWEST SITE PLANEAST SITE PLANOVERALL GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING& EROSION CONTROLWEST GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING& EROSION CONTROLEAST GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING& EROSION CONTROLENLARGED GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING& EROSION CONTROLENLARGED GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING& EROSION CONTROLSWPPP NOTESPOND CROSS-SECTIONSOVERALL UTILITIESWEST STORM & PRIVATE UTILITIESEAST STORM & PRIVATE UTILITIESWEST SANITARY & WATEREAST SANITARY & WATERUTILITY CROSSINGSSANITARY & WATER PROFILESSANITARY & WATER PROFILESSANITARY & WATER PROFILESSANITARY & WATER PROFILESCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSCERTIFICATIONSCIVIL SHEET INDEX & REVISION MATRIXOWNERC0.1C1.1C1.2C1.3C2.1C2.2C2.3C3.1C3.2C3.3C3.4C3.4AC3.5C3.6C4.1C4.2C4.3C4.4C4.5C4.6C6.1C6.2C6.3C6.4C7.1C7.2C7.3C7.4C7.5LANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: TOM MEYERPROJECT CONTACTSCIVIL ENGINEERMG21101 SECOND AVENUE, SUITE 100SEATTLE, WA 98101TEL 203-962-6500CONTACT: RISA YUKIARCHITECTLANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: LARRY HUHNSURVEYORLANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: JOSH POPEHNLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT01.08.2401.09.24XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX01.19.2401.26.24UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTICFOMODULAR RETAINING WALLFIELDSTONE RETAINING WALLNEWCATVUNDERGROUND CABLE/TVEXISTING DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONSTORM SEWER WATERMAINFORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER-WASTEROOF DRAIN SYSTEMGAS LINE-UNDERGROUNDFIRE LINE (IF SEPARATE) FIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONSOIL SUBDRAINTELEPHONE-UNDERGROUNDELECTRIC-UNDERGROUNDLAWN SPRINKLER SLEEVE>>>>RIPRAP>>FMSTSRDGATE VALVEWTRSANBLDG.FIREGASHYDTELEELECX"SSDLSSC.O.MAJOR CONTOURBUILDINGSPOT ELEVATION120CONCRETE SLOPE DIRECTIONCONCRETE CURBGUARD RAILFENCINGCONCRETE RETAINING WALLHEIGHT, TYPEPOWER POLELIGHT STANDARDEXIT LOCATIONUNDERGROUND STRUCTUREEDGE OF PAVEMENTBOLLARDCANOPY / OVERHANGBIT. EDGEFESCATCH BASINMANHOLESYMBOLSLANDSCAPINGGRAVELFLAG POLE>>>POWERPOLEGUARD POSTGAS METERTREESTRAFFIC SIGNWATER MAINSANITARY SEWER LINESTORM SEWER LINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICMAJOR CONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONCONCRETE BUILDINGCANOPY / OVERHANG12012"STS8"SANFENCINGCONCRETE CURBRETAINING WALL OESTORM MANHOLEWATER VALVEFIRE HYDRANTFLARED END SECTIONCATCH BASIN6"WTRXXHEIGHT, TYPE1NOTE NUMBERGUY WIREIRON MONUMENT FOUNDWATER SHUT-OFF VALVEllMEASURED DISTANCEDISTANCE PER RECORDED PLATUNDERGROUND TELEPHONEUTUNDERGROUND ELECTRICUEGAS LINEGPAVING BLOCKPAVING BLOCKSET 1/2" X 14" IRON PIPETRANSFORMERTREE LINEMAILBOXSURVEY DISK (BENCHMARK)WSOBITUMINOUSSOIL BORING123.45%1.00LIGHT POLEMINOR CONTOUR123MINOR CONTOUR123GMSTSSSANITARY MANHOLETNH MBB#OTSEGO, MINNESOTAWAREHOUSE94SITEMACIVER AVE NE60TH ST NE62ND ST NE63RD ST NE19SCHOOLLAKEMUDLAKEMCALLISTER AVE NE55TH ST NE65TH ST NENORTHNO SCALEPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC001CWC030CIVILTITLE SHEETC0.1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation05.06.24XXXXXXX137137 SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CIM CHK100HHHHHHSGN STOPHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32SGN JCT94INV CMP 15INV=953.01FES CMP 15INV=953.08SGN LANESFES 12 RCPINV=957.35STSTMHRE=959.57INV=955.95 (S)INV=955.95 (E)FES 12 RCPINV=955.69SGN SIGNAL AHEADSGN JCT CR37SGN 40 MPHSGN ALBERTAVILLESGN STREETSSTRIPESSTRIPESSSSSMHRE=962.09NV=949.82 (NW)INV=949.82 (S)0 MPHHYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHSSSSMHRE=958.67INV=950.57 (N)INV=950.66 (S)FES 15 RCPINV=954.01STSTMHRE=958.99INV=957.29 (W)INV=957.29 (N)INV=957.29 (SE)FES 12 RCP956.9INV HDPE 12INV=953.90INV HDPE 12INV=954.37CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)SGN TURN LANESSGN 40 MPHSGN NPSGN OTSEGOCBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)SGN STOPCBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)SGN STOP AHEADSGN STOPCBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)INV CMP 15INV=960.17INV CMP 15INV=960.48SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)HYD IP 1/2IN CAP BRKN, IP ON LINEIP 1/2IN OPENIP 1/2IN 7489IP 1/2IN ILLEGIP 1/2IN OPEN TIPPED S'LYLYIP 1/2IN 23021IP 1/2IN 23021IP 1/2IN 23021IP 1/2IN 23021GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG960957958959961962962963964960957958959961960 960958959961962960961962963960 960958958 959959 961961 962960 959959959960960959965961962963964966957957958959955953954956955954956957956 956957957958959958955 956957 955956956957958959960956957958 959961960959961960959960965965961961962962963963964964965962962962963964961961962964960958959955954956957958959955954956957958955 960 956957958959961962 963961 962 963 964960959961962960961 958963961 955954956957958955954956957958953952955956957958959958959957958959959958959960958959961INV HDPE 18INV=950.90FES 24 RCPW/ 18" HDPEINSERTED INTO PIPEINV=951.39IIWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTSE CORNER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP121, RANGE 24NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 3/4OF THE SE QUARTER OF THE SEQUARTER OF SECTION 36WEST LINE OF THE EAST 20ACRES OF THE SOUTH 3/4 OFTHE SE QUARTER OF THE SEQUARTER OF SECTION 36EAST LINE OF THE SE QUARTEROF THE SE QUARTER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 121,RANGE 24∆∆∆∆∆50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00CBBHRE=955.38SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XGGI 50.04170.04B.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93500364400TERPRISES, INCRD ST NEVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530101112001020ITE-TOPS LLC62ND ST NERTVILLE MN 55301500361403ROPERTY L.L.C.ND ST NEVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 1372ND ST NELYMON AVE NEWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUE3333PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH080160C101CWC030EXISTING CONDITIONSC1.1Background information shown is from survey by Landform, Minneapolis, MN, on November 29th, 2023, expressly for this project;City of Otsego, MN record drawings; and utility service providers. Landform offers no warranty, expressed or written, for informationprovided by others. Existing project conditions shall be verified prior to beginning construction. Errors, inconsistencies, or omissionsdiscovered shall be reported to the Engineer IMMEDIATELY.Geotechnical boring locations are approximate and are based on information provided in the Preliminary Boring Logs prepared byKleinfelder, on December, 04, 2023.Approximate wetland boundary as delineated by Terracon in November of 2023.1.2.EXISTING CONDITIONS3. SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHSGN STOPHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32SGN JCT94INV CMP 15INV=953.01FES CMP 15INV=953.08SGN LANESFES 12 RCPINV=957.35STSTMHRE=959.57INV=955.95 (S)INV=955.95 (E)FES 12 RCPINV=955.69SGN SIGNAL AHEADSGN JCT CR37SGN 40 MPHSGN ALBERTAVILLESGN STREETSSTRIPESSTRIPESSSSSMHRE=962.09NV=949.82 (NW)INV=949.82 (S)0 MPHHYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHSSSSMHRE=958.67INV=950.57 (N)INV=950.66 (S)FES 15 RCPINV=954.01STSTMHRE=958.99INV=957.29 (W)INV=957.29 (N)INV=957.29 (SE)FES 12 RCP956.9INV HDPE 12INV=953.90INV HDPE 12INV=954.37CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)SGN TURN LANESSGN 40 MPHSGN NPSGN OTSEGOCBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)SGN STOPCBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)SGN STOP AHEADSGN STOPCBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)INV CMP 15INV=960.17INV CMP 15INV=960.48SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)HYD GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG960957958959961962962963964960957958959961960 960958959961962960961962963960 960958958 959959 961961 962960 959959959960960959965961962963964966957957958959955953954956955954956957956 956957957958959958955 956957 955956956957958959960956957958 959961960959961960959960965965961961962962963963964964965962962962963964961961962964960958959955954956957958959955954956957958955 960 956957958959961962 963961 962 963 964960959961962960961 958963961 955954956957958955954956957958953952955956957958959958959957958959959958959960958959961INV HDPE 18INV=950.90FES 24 RCPW/ 18" HDPEINSERTED INTO PIPEINV=951.39IIWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTSE CORNER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP121, RANGE 24NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 3/4OF THE SE QUARTER OF THE SEQUARTER OF SECTION 36WEST LINE OF THE EAST 20ACRES OF THE SOUTH 3/4 OFTHE SE QUARTER OF THE SEQUARTER OF SECTION 36EAST LINE OF THE SE QUARTEROF THE SE QUARTER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 121,RANGE 2450'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00CBBHRE=955.38SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XGGIB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93500364400TERPRISES, INCRD ST NEVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530101112001020ITE-TOPS LLC62ND ST NERTVILLE MN 55301500361403ROPERTY L.L.C.ND ST NEVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 1372ND ST NELYMON AVE NEWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUEXXXXX10101017101010FENCE10FENCEUNDERGROUNDGASUNDERGROUNDGASSTORMSEWERSANITARYMANHOLESANITARYSEWER20XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX13GATEVALVEIIII107710FENCE1312" X 8"REDUCER21212121XPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH080160C102CWC030DEMOLITIONC1.2:Curb Removal:Tree Removal:Bituminous Removal:Tree Protection:Soil BoringSBXObtain permits for demolition, clearing, and disposal prior to beginning.Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning demolition and clearing.See Sheet C3.1 - C3.4 for erosion prevention and sediment control measures that must be in place prior to disturbances to site.Reserved.Dimensions shown for removal are approximate. Coordinate with new construction to ensure appropriate removal of existing facilities.Pavement sawcut. Remove concrete walks and curbing to the nearest existing joint beyond construction limits.Complete demolition with minimal disruption of traffic. Coordinate lane closures with the regulatory authority and provide advancenotification to affected emergency response providers.Provide barricades, lights, signs, traffic control, and other measures necessary for protection and safety of the public and maintainthroughout construction.Protect structures, utilities, trees, plant material, sod, and adjacent property from damage during construction unless noted forremoval. Damage shall be repaired to equal or better condition at no additional cost.Reserved.Remove trees noted, including root structures, from the site. Coordinate with owner to mark trees to be saved or transplanted prior toclearing. Protect trees indicated with tree protection fencing per Detail C7.3/11.Remove existing site features including, but not limited to, underground utilities, paving, curbing, walkways, fencing, aprons andsignage within the construction limits unless noted otherwise.Coordinate removal, relocation, termination, and re-use of existing private utility services and appurtenances with the utilitycompanies. Restore electric handholes, pullboxes, powerpoles, guylines, and structures disturbed by construction in accordance withutility owner requirements.Existing piping and conduits may be abandoned in-place if filled with sand and if not in location of proposed building or in conflict withproposed utilities or structures. Terminate existing services at the supply side in conformance with provider's standards.Haul demolition debris off-site to a facility approved by regulatory authorities for the handling of demolition debris, unless notedotherwise.Remove, salvage and relocate existing utility structures. Refer to Utility sheet for proposed location.Reserved.Reserved.Open cut and replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain. Refer to sheet C4.5 & C6.4.Demolition of curb, pavement, structures, and signage within right of way to be finalized after coordination with the county highwayroundabout improvements. NOTESLEGENDDEMOLITION AND CLEARING NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Utility Line RemovalXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX10.:Sawcut7. HHHHHHHHSTSSHYD SSHHSSSTSSSS∆∆∆∆∆50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00SSX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X 50.04170.04B.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93500364400TERPRISES, INCRD ST NEVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530101112001020ITE-TOPS LLC62ND ST NERTVILLE MN 55301500361403ROPERTY L.L.C.ND ST NEVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 1372ND ST NELYMON AVE NEUEUEUETNH = 961.81X XX X XX XX X XX HH∆100XX XXXXXX∆0∆ ∆HHHHHHHHSTSSHYD SSHHSSSTSSSS∆∆∆∆∆50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00SSX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X 50.04170.04B.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93500364400TERPRISES, INCRD ST NEVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530101112001020ITE-TOPS LLC62ND ST NERTVILLE MN 55301500361403ROPERTY L.L.C.ND ST NEVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 1372ND ST NEXXXX00100010110101010100 LYMON AVE NEUEUEUE 20' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDI N G S E T B A C K 5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK15' PARKING S ETBACK 15' PARKING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACKFOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 115' PARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT275.82N90°00'00"E38.51N68°47'56"E16.50N89°47'18"E199.04S00°00'00"E10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT326.90N90°00'00"E182.00S00°00'00"E10' BUILDING SETBACKEEAVAVIEIENZNZKEECKKEENNVEVEAVAAVERERVEVEACACAMAMA RRSTSTTHHTTTT0000T0T66REERRRRRERESTSTSSHH0T0T66AAIEIENZNZEE EEAVVA9955955999MMMM EEEEETTNNEEEEETTNNEE0000ACACACACACIVCIVCCVERERARAAVAV ENNENE MAMAARLARLRLORLOMAMAARARRLORLOMAMM YYYYY 5537370000∆∆EVVEEVVAVAVVV NNNN CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.2510' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTUT∆∆∆∆∆D SSD NDNDNDILILILILOODDONDND0000O000OOTVTVTT6226262TEETETE1111110'10'ILILILILTEEDDTERDRD000000TEEH HHHNENEEET NNNNNT NNNEEEEEREREREREREREEEEEEREREESTSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTH SHSH SH S0T0TTT60606060∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆OOOOOOO0' D0' C2.2WESTSITE PLANC2.3EASTSITE PLANGAGEME∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH080160C201CWC030OVERALLSITE PLANC2.1Total Parking Stalls Required163,474 s.f. / 200 s.f. = 818 StallsRequired Parking:163,474 s.f. TotalOne Stall per 200 s.f. of Building Public Sales & Service + One Stall per 500 s.f. of Storage1962879 ea.ea.ea.Accessible Stalls Standard Stalls Provided Parking:Total Parking Stalls Provided(8x20)(10x18)818 ea.798 ea.Standard Stalls (10x20)The Property is Zoned B-3 General Business DistrictBuilding Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard (Centerline) = 65 ft.Front Yard (ROW) = 30 ft.Rear = 20 ft.Rear (Residential) = 35 ft.Side = 10 ft.Side (Residential) = 35 ft.Parking Setback Information is as follows:ROW = 15 ft.Rear (interior) = 5 ft.Side (interior) = 5 ft.Lot Coverage Information is as follows:Lot Area Minimum = 43,560 s.f. = 1 ac.Lot Width Minimum = 200 ft.Total Site Area = 1,106,890 s.f. = 25.4 ac.ImperviousPerviousTotal 1,106,890718,362365,961s.fs.f.s.f.ImperviousProposed:TotalPerviousExisting:1,106,890511,106,839s.f.s.f.s.f.25.4116.498.4025.410.0025.41Obtain all necessary permits for construction within, or use of, public right-of-way.The digital file, which can be obtained from the Engineer, shall be used for staking. Discrepancies between the drawings and thedigital file shall be reported to the Engineer. The building footprint, as shown on these drawings, and the digital file, shall becompared to the structural drawings prior to staking.Building layout angles are parallel with or perpendicular to the property line at the location indicated.Dimensions shown are to face of curb and exterior face of building unless noted otherwise.Delineate parking stalls with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe. Delineate access aisles with 4-inch wide white painted stripes 18inches on center and at 45 degree angle to direction of travel.Trash / Recycling areas: See Architectural drawings.Future CSAH 137 and Maciver Ave improvements designed by others.Delineate lane with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe.1' wide white painted stop bar.Pavement arrow. Refer to Detail 6 on Sheet C7.3.4-inch wide white painted stripes per detail C7.1/9.Refer to Detail sheets for stall paint striping.Retaining wall designed by others. Refer to grading plan for additional information.Reserved.Delineate lane with a 4-inch wide yellow painted stripe.Paint new white 6' X 2' walk bars spaced 2' apart per MnDOT specifications.Street Light design and install to be provided by Wrigh-Hennepin Electric.Dedicated right of way extents are approximate. Finalized entrance designs and dedicated right of way extents are to be coordinatedwith the county roundabout improvements. NOTESPARKING SUMMARYAREA SUMMARYZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARYSITE PLAN NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.100.0%64.9%33.1%100.0%0.01%99.9%ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.LEGENDGreen Space (Landscape Area)Retail Sales and Service with Storage/WarehousingR/W Dedication 22,567 s.f. 0.52 2.0%ac.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 ElevationConcrete SSHYD SSHH∆∆50'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 170.04400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NEXX X X XX X X XX X XXX XX HH∆100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX SSHYD SSHH∆∆50'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 170.04400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NEXXXX XXXXXXXXX 020' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACKLOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 115' PARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' BUILDING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK5' PARKING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE &20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT275.82N90°00'00"E199.04S00°00'00"E10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT326.90N90°00'00"E182.00S00°00'00"E10' BUILDING SETBACK00445537370CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.25R20'R10'R3.5'R3.5'R35'R35'40'35'37'18'40'R3.5'R5'40'30'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'20'15251ac2ac4ac4ac6.5'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'20'8'30'6'6.5'30'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'30'639.6'4ac4ac31261828291312C7.25CARTSTORAGE(TYP.)C7.12WHEELSTOP (TYP.)C7.34MEMBER ONLY/ENTER HERE SIGNC7.34MEMBER ONLY/ENTER HERE SIGNC7.32ADA ACCESSIBLEPARKING SIGN (TYP.)10'(TYP.)4(TYP.)5.5'10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)55'61.5'35'8'8'8'8'8'20'10'(TYP.)8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'30'19.3'PROPOSED STOPSIGN & POSTPROPOSED STOPSIGN & POST20'24'1(TY10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)C7.25CARTSTORAGE(TYP.)C7.12WHEELSTOP (TYP.)C7.12WHEELSTOP (TYP.)C7.32ADA ACCESSIBLEPARKING SIGN (TYP.)67.7'467.5'361.6'320.6'78(TYP.)8169101010(TYP.)(TYP.)11121217AGAGEME00'1MATCH LINEC2.314141816142844PROPOSED STOPSIGN & POST161616407571585343171630'R35'R25'36'14'10'12'14'12'14'27'40'R3.5'R3.5'R5'R15'R3.5'R25'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'4R3.5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'911PROPOSED STOPSIGN & POST10R5'R3.5'R3.5'8'R20'12R20'R3.5'R32.24'R5'R5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R5'R8'R3.5'R8'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'20'26'10'(TYP.)R20'10'(TYP.)R3'R5'R33' R10'R54'R5'R3.5'R3.5'R5'R10'8'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'10'(TYP.)8'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R35'R5'R5'R3.5'58'R3.5'R3.5'191919PROPOSED STOPSIGN & POSTPROPOSED STOPSIGN & POST6(TYP.)6(TYP.)10NORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC201CWC030WEST SITE PLANC2.2Total Parking Stalls Required163,474 s.f. / 200 s.f. = 818 StallsRequired Parking:163,474 s.f. TotalOne Stall per 200 s.f. of Building Public Sales & Service + One Stall per 500 s.f. of Storage1962879 ea.ea.ea.Accessible Stalls Standard Stalls Provided Parking:Total Parking Stalls Provided(8x20)(10x18)818 ea.798 ea.Standard Stalls (10x20)The Property is Zoned B-3 General Business DistrictBuilding Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard (Centerline) = 65 ft.Front Yard (ROW) = 30 ft.Rear = 20 ft.Rear (Residential) = 35 ft.Side = 10 ft.Side (Residential) = 35 ft.Parking Setback Information is as follows:ROW = 15 ft.Rear (interior) = 5 ft.Side (interior) = 5 ft.Lot Coverage Information is as follows:Lot Area Minimum = 43,560 s.f. = 1 ac.Lot Width Minimum = 200 ft.Total Site Area = 1,106,890 s.f. = 25.4 ac.ImperviousPerviousTotal 1,106,890718,362365,961s.fs.f.s.f.ImperviousProposed:TotalPerviousExisting:1,106,890511,106,839s.f.s.f.s.f.25.4116.498.4025.410.0025.41Obtain all necessary permits for construction within, or use of, public right-of-way.The digital file, which can be obtained from the Engineer, shall be used for staking. Discrepancies between the drawings and thedigital file shall be reported to the Engineer. The building footprint, as shown on these drawings, and the digital file, shall becompared to the structural drawings prior to staking.Building layout angles are parallel with or perpendicular to the property line at the location indicated.Dimensions shown are to face of curb and exterior face of building unless noted otherwise.Delineate parking stalls with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe. Delineate access aisles with 4-inch wide white painted stripes 18inches on center and at 45 degree angle to direction of travel.Trash / Recycling areas: See Architectural drawings.Future CSAH 137 and Maciver Ave improvements designed by others.Delineate lane with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe.1' wide white painted stop bar.Pavement arrow. Refer to Detail 6 on Sheet C7.3.4-inch wide white painted stripes per detail C7.1/9.Refer to Detail sheets for stall paint striping.Retaining wall designed by others. Refer to grading plan for additional information.Reserved.Delineate lane with a 4-inch wide yellow painted stripe.Paint new white 6' X 2' walk bars spaced 2' apart per MnDOT specifications.Street Light design and install to be provided by Wrigh-Hennepin Electric.Dedicated right of way extents are approximate. Finalized entrance designs and dedicated right of way extents are to be coordinatedwith the county roundabout improvements. NOTESPARKING SUMMARYAREA SUMMARYZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARYSITE PLAN NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.100.0%64.9%33.1%100.0%0.01%99.9%ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.LEGENDGreen Space (Landscape Area)Retail Sales and Service with Storage/WarehousingR/W Dedication 22,567 s.f. 0.52 2.0%ac.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 ElevationConcrete HHHHHHHHSSSS∆∆∆∆TNH SSXXXXX50.04B.M.TNH = 961.8160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE∆∆ ∆HHHHHHHHSSSS∆∆∆∆TNH SSXXXXX50.04B.M.TNH = 961.8160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDI N G S E T B A C K 15' PARKING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBAC K 30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACKFOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT38.51N68°47'56"E16.50N89°47'18"EEENENENNEEVVAVAARARAERERVEVEIVIVCCAAMMA RERETRRTTTTTTTTTTTSTSSHHTT0T0T6060000066EERERETRRSTSSSSHH0T0T606066EEEEEEEEETTNNEEEEEEEETTNNNENEEACACAACCCC IVIVVEEERRRAAVAVVEVEE NN EE MMMAMAARARRLRLRLOLOMMMAMAARARRLRLLOLOUUUUEUEUEUEUUEUEEEEEEEEE0055CAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION 10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTR20'R10'R3.5'R3.5'R20'R8'R10'R10'R40'5'30'R5'R10'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'30'6'30'40'24'40'24'20'30'30'(TYP.)10'(TYP.) 24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'24'40'30'C7.33STOP/DO NOTENTER SIGNC7.33STOP/DO NOTENTER SIGNC7.34MEMBER ONLY/ENTER HERE SIGNC7.34MEMBER ONLY/ENTER HERE SIGN10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)27'13'146'319.7'PROPOSED STOPSIGN & POSTPT20'24'10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)18'C7.25CARTSTORAGE(TYP.)C7.25CARTSTORAGE(TYP.)(TYP.)8.(TYP.)816910AGAGEME00'1C2.2MATCH LINE142826282214121140181827'40'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R10'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'PROPOSED STOPSIGN & POST8'R10'R8'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'10'(TYP.)R3.5'R5'R5'R3.5'R5'R5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R5'R5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R7'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R10'R10'R3.5'R65'R35'R15'R15'R250'R280'10'(TYP.)R3.5'R15'R3.5'R8'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R8'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R8'R3.5'R3.5'R8'R3.5'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R8'R3.5'R3.5'R3.5'R7'R3.5'R5'R3.5'R30'R3.5'R3.5'R30'R3.5'30'30'30'18'R100'1814278'19196(TYP.)8C7.35PAINTEDDETAIL5'10'(TYP.)10'(TYP.)NORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC201CWC030EASTSITE PLANC2.3Total Parking Stalls Required163,474 s.f. / 200 s.f. = 818 StallsRequired Parking:163,474 s.f. TotalOne Stall per 200 s.f. of Building Public Sales & Service + One Stall per 500 s.f. of Storage1962879 ea.ea.ea.Accessible Stalls Standard Stalls Provided Parking:Total Parking Stalls Provided(8x20)(10x18)818 ea.798 ea.Standard Stalls (10x20)The Property is Zoned B-3 General Business DistrictBuilding Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard (Centerline) = 65 ft.Front Yard (ROW) = 30 ft.Rear = 20 ft.Rear (Residential) = 35 ft.Side = 10 ft.Side (Residential) = 35 ft.Parking Setback Information is as follows:ROW = 15 ft.Rear (interior) = 5 ft.Side (interior) = 5 ft.Lot Coverage Information is as follows:Lot Area Minimum = 43,560 s.f. = 1 ac.Lot Width Minimum = 200 ft.Total Site Area = 1,106,890 s.f. = 25.4 ac.ImperviousPerviousTotal 1,106,890718,362365,961s.fs.f.s.f.ImperviousProposed:TotalPerviousExisting:1,106,890511,106,839s.f.s.f.s.f.25.4116.498.4025.410.0025.41Obtain all necessary permits for construction within, or use of, public right-of-way.The digital file, which can be obtained from the Engineer, shall be used for staking. Discrepancies between the drawings and thedigital file shall be reported to the Engineer. The building footprint, as shown on these drawings, and the digital file, shall becompared to the structural drawings prior to staking.Building layout angles are parallel with or perpendicular to the property line at the location indicated.Dimensions shown are to face of curb and exterior face of building unless noted otherwise.Delineate parking stalls with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe. Delineate access aisles with 4-inch wide white painted stripes 18inches on center and at 45 degree angle to direction of travel.Trash / Recycling areas: See Architectural drawings.Future CSAH 137 and Maciver Ave improvements designed by others.Delineate lane with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe.1' wide white painted stop bar.Pavement arrow. Refer to Detail 6 on Sheet C7.3.4-inch wide white painted stripes per detail C7.1/9.Refer to Detail sheets for stall paint striping.Retaining wall designed by others. Refer to grading plan for additional information.Reserved.Delineate lane with a 4-inch wide yellow painted stripe.Paint new white 6' X 2' walk bars spaced 2' apart per MnDOT specifications.Street Light design and install to be provided by Wrigh-Hennepin Electric.Dedicated right of way extents are approximate. Finalized entrance designs and dedicated right of way extents are to be coordinatedwith the county roundabout improvements. NOTESPARKING SUMMARYAREA SUMMARYZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARYSITE PLAN NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.100.0%64.9%33.1%100.0%0.01%99.9%ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.LEGENDGreen Space (Landscape Area)Retail Sales and Service with Storage/WarehousingR/W Dedication 22,567 s.f. 0.52 2.0%ac.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 ElevationConcrete SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHSTSSHYD SSHHSSSTSSSS960957958959961962962963964960957958959961960 960958959961962960961962963960 960958958 959959 961961 962960 959959959960960959965961962963964966957957958959955953954956955954956957956 956957957958959958955 956957 955956956957958959960956957958 959961960959961960959960965965961961962962963963964964965962962962963964961961962960959961962963964960958959955954956957958959955954956957958955 960 956957958959961962 963961 962 963964960959961962960961 958963961 95595495695795895595495695795895395295595695795895995895995795895995995895996095895996150'100100TNH TNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00SSX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93PID: 101500364400AWR ENTERPRISES, INC11821 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301PID: 101112001020GRANITE-TOPS LLC11840 62ND ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500361403CIELO PROPERTY L.L.C.11850 62ND ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NELYMON AVE NEUEUEUE SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHSTSSHYD SSHHSSSTSSSS960957958959961962962963964960957958959961960 960958959961962960961962963960 960958958 959959 961961 962960 959959959960960959965961962963964966957957958959955953954956955954956957956 956957957958959958955 956957 955956956957958959960956957958 959961960959961960959960965965961961962962963963964964965962962962963964961961962960959961962963964960958959955954956957958959955954956957958955 960 956957958959961962 963961 962 963964960959961962960961 958963961 95595495695795895595495695795895395295595695795895995895995795895995995895996095895996150'100100TNH TNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00SSX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93PID: 101500364400AWR ENTERPRISES, INC11821 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301PID: 101112001020GRANITE-TOPS LLC11840 62ND ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500361403CIELO PROPERTY L.L.C.11850 62ND ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NEXX2262629696962XX9996999616100999999995558588 9999998 99999999911PIDPIDDDDD10001010101010100957957999999555555 LYMON AVE NEUEUEUE STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89962964STS >>LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>960961962963960959955952953954956957958951948949945950955955943943944946947948949951952953954954956956957957945950955960944946947948949951952953954956957958959960957958959961962960961962962962963962962963963960957958959961962963963960958959STS>>STS>>962962963STS>>STS>>STS >>960 961 962 963964962963STS>>STS>>STS>>10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT5959795959958958958958959959599599599569565555559595585885EEAVAVIEIENZNZKEECKKEENNVEVEAVAERRVEVEACACMAMA 595977959595895959595RRESTSTTHH0TT0T0T669595REREREERERESTSTSSHH0T0T66AAIEIENZNZEE EEAVVA9999949959995495495495495495495449994444 2225454454545454545454MMMM 95895899445555956956695795796969696296233999619661996060609962626262EEEEETTNNEEEEEEEEE959959595959959 60600 ACACACACACIVCIVCCVERERARAAVAV ENNENEN MAMAARLARLRLORLOMAMAARARRLORLO95895858999595 9598P888888888MAMM 961961YYYYY 5559999959595959958958589595955958583737999677995858669977999OOEVVEEVVOOO SSAVAVVV 9577958NNNN SBSBSSSSSSCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSTS>>>>>SWALEGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.25GRADEBREAK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GRADEBREAK>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>950955960 949951952953954956957958959961 962SWALEGRADEBREAKSWALESWALESWALESWALESWALESWALESWALESWALE96096096196296310' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>961961961969696969696995555ADADEAEAELELLELL99R9999RR99R9999G9999GRGGRBRBRE &ESTSSTSB TBBBBB995555999595959555595959592ND2ND2ND2ND6226262TVTVTVTPRR2NNP2N2N55RR55PRPREREREE0 6060 0NINININI001010TVTVTVTNTNT3RRN3R3R1515TT1515NTNTTNNTNNEEEENNNNNNETETETTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEETRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRTRRRSSSSTHHTHH60T600T066664444TSTSTSLOOLOLOLLOLO3632622962962629629629696962C3.2WEST GRADING, DRAINAGE,PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.3EAST GRADING, DRAINAGE,PAVING & EROSION CONTROL1A1A1A))PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH080160C301CWC030OVERALL GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.1Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Refer to specifications for soil compaction requirements.Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.5 for additional requirements.Excavate pond early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff arepermanently stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878Seed MNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N )Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575Reserved.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall designed by others. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect.Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance.Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, undergroundutilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall.32.33.34.Spot Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheet C4.2 - C4.3 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)b. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)c. Concrete Walkwaysd. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior SlabsReserved.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations.Transition from 6" concrete curb & gutter to Ribbon Curb. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESWET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY47 ea.3 ea.6,216 ft.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.Final grades in Right-of-Way to be coordinated with final design by Wright county for County Road 137 and Maciver Ave.1.1A.:Compost or Bio Log15 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket34,947 s.f.XXX.XX TWXXX.XX BW: Top of wall: Bottom of wallDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP SSHYD SSHH96095795895996196296296396496096960 960958959961962960961962963962965961962963964966959957956 956957957958959958955 956957 955956956957958959960956957958 95996196095996196095960959964 9609589599589596096150'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NESBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP SSHYD SSHH96095795895996196296296396496096960 960958959961962960961962963962965961962963964966959957956 956957957958959958955 956957 955956956957958959960956957958 95996196095996196095960959964 9609589599589596096150'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NE9609609699XXXX XXXXXXXXX 0STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>962964STS >> STS >>STS>>LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE &20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS960961960961962962962963962962963963960957958959961962963963STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>962962963STS>>STS>STS>>961 962 963964962963STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT6009669696969655537378959SSS33SSSS5758SB O 3BO33SBBBBCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION1.6%1.7%1.7%1.3%1.7%1.7%1.4%1.3%5.6%2.2%1.4%2.0%1.1%1.6%1.7%1.3%>>>>>SWALEGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADBREAGBGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.252.0%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.7% >>>>>SWALEGRADEBREAKSWALESWALESWALESWALESWALESWALE961962963STS>>STS>>62.0962.3762.4561.0061.0059.7861.5962.2361.3862.2962.5961.8861.6061.0159.5961.0461.1463.6561.3761.8960.2760.9661.5961.2459.7362.4562.0960.4761.6961.6961.7261.7561.7961.8761.7661.7261.6961.6262.5062.5962.4662.3962.1862.3162.4562.4562.5963.4663.3863.1663.6863.6163.6463.6863.6263.6563.5563.5463.4463.6363.6763.6963.7163.6963.6663.4763.4963.5863.5263.4163.5563.5863.7162.0161.9361.8961.7262.0662.1462.1862.1561.6761.5361.6062.0562.1462.0862.0762.0261.8761.4961.1461.1160.9861.0361.6361.8961.9962.2362.4462.4062.4062.2562.1562.0461.8962.2663.2763.1963.0763.0761.5661.2861.1761.2761.3561.9361.9061.8761.8560.0962.2361.8462.2661.1461.4461.1461.4961.8560.3360.3660.3860.4159.9459.7659.7659.8759.9059.8759.7161.2761.2261.2461.3062.7062.6662.6262.5762.3262.3862.4262.4762.0562.0261.9861.9561.7561.7761.8061.8262.0863.4563.5563.5863.6163.6063.5563.3063.2563.3363.6662.7760.2959.9459.8859.8759.9861.3761.3461.3361.3061.5361.5661.5761.6061.0861.0561.0461.0160.7860.8160.8260.8560.3860.4060.4260.4560.5960.5160.4660.3861.1161.0961.0661.0460.6760.7561.3161.3861.3561.3361.3061.1661.1961.2461.2161.9462.5963.7463.9263.9663.9463.8563.7863.7163.6863.6763.7163.5663.5363.5463.5663.6463.7163.7463.7363.7063.7263.7463.7563.7263.6563.5863.5563.5463.5763.5363.5063.5063.5363.6063.6763.7063.7163.6863.6663.6963.6963.6663.5963.5163.4963.5163.4864.0162.7362.8062.6463.2963.5262.5462.7562.9661.3061.2761.3161.3861.4061.3361.3061.2362.4361.8861.7562.5362.4063.3961.7259.1463.2462.1862.8561.7359.8959.8062.3461.6563.5363.6463.44AGAG960960960969696999EME22 1.261.161 1>>>0.30.9090999.94949.99MATCH LINEC3.3C3.4ENLARGED GRADING, DRAINAGE,PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC7.42ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEC7.43SILTFENCEC7.43SILTFENCEC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTER26b26b26b26b26b26c26a26a26a26a26a26a26a3282828283333C7.43SILTFENCE26a26a3333334444444444444PPPPPP449999STSTTTSSSTSTT444C3.4A1ENLARGEDVIEWC3.4A2ENLARGED VIEWC3.4A3ENLARGEDVIEWC3.4A4ENLARGVIEW)))C7.41BIOLOGC7.17CURB & GUTTER AT ISLAND WALKC7.112CAST IN PLACE CURBXX6963 63363633.53.53.53111114166366TS6STST 4SSTS6TT 64SS 664666333>6336663.666636663.6663S 33335STST 3333BB1311313BBBBSTST 111111163336363>63>>3...553.3.3.63663663SSS 3.777S 6SS 3.7S6SS 336333BB>>BBBB>3.7733663.66333.535556333.555B6B6>6666>>B 6B6>66TS 63SS 3363SS 3377377>>>>>>TSSTTSS9696999963363637763.633.3.643636644466665566388633663.63556363 599663116363 7535366358586377164646663AKAKGBRBREC7.112CAST IN PLACE CURBC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.42ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCETT66NORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC301CWC030WEST GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.2Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Refer to specifications for soil compaction requirements.Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.5 for additional requirements.Excavate pond early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff arepermanently stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878Seed MNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N )Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575Reserved.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall designed by others. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect.Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance.Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, undergroundutilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall.32.33.34.Spot Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheet C4.2 - C4.3 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)b. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)c. Concrete Walkwaysd. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior SlabsReserved.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations.Transition from 6" concrete curb & gutter to Ribbon Curb. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESWET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY47 ea.3 ea.6,216 ft.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.Final grades in Right-of-Way to be coordinated with final design by Wright county for County Road 137 and Maciver Ave.1.1A.:Compost or Bio Log15 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket34,947 s.f.XXX.XX TWXXX.XX BW: Top of wall: Bottom of wallDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHSSSS960957958959961960960 960958958 959959961961 962960 959959957957958959955953954956955954956957956 955954956957958959955954956957958955 960 956957958959961962 963961 962 963964960959961962960 961958963961 TNH SSXXXXXB.M.TNH = 961.8160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUESB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHSSSS960957958959961960960 960958958 959959961961 962960 959959957957958959955953954956955954956957956 955954956957958959955954956957958955 960 956957958959961962 963961 962 963964960959961962960 961958963961 TNH SSXXXXXB.M.TNH = 961.8160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NE9696966999999UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>960961962963960959955952953954956957958951948949945950955955943943944946947948949951952953954954956956957957945950955960944946947948949951952953954956957958959960957958959961962960958959STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>960 961 962 963STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>9579577EENENENNEEVVAVARARERRVEVEIVIVCCAAMMA RERETRRTTTTTTTTTTTSTSSHHTT0T0T606000006699EERERETRRSTSSSSHH0T0T606066EEEEEEEEETTNNEEEEEEEETTNNNENEE>>>>5959959959959600 ACACAACCCC IVIVVEEERRRAAVAVVEVEE NN EE MMMAMAARARRLRLRLOLOMMMAMAARARRLRLLOLO58585899UUUUEUEUEUEUUEUEEEEEEE959589599569569595CAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION STS>>1.6%1.7%1.7%2.0%1.1%1.5%1.3%1.4%1.7%1.7%1.7%1.9%33.3%24.0%33.3%25.0%33.3%16.4%1.1%33.3%24.6%1.7%1.8%1.5%1.3%1.6%GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK24.2%24.6%33.3%33.3%24.1%25.0%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GRADEBREAK>>>>>>950955960 949951952953954956957958959961 962SWALESWALESWALESWALESWALE96096096110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT56.50 EOF59.9459.8760.0559.2858.9559.1058.7458.851.0058.8959.7859.4560.472.2359.8161.3858.6558.8559.5959.5960.2459.1459.8160.2358.9759.9058.9659.3959.5360.2760.9660.3160.4160.5459.7659.7359.0160.101.1461.4961.8561.6661.3061.8863.5461.7861.4261.4260.8760.7760.7660.7360.6560.3360.3660.3860.4159.9459.7659.7659.8759.9059.8759.7161.7561.7761.8061.8260.4560.2159.5959.4459.3859.7659.7359.8959.9660.0560.2060.4560.6660.6860.6960.6660.2060.3759.3859.3559.2959.2859.3059.4559.3959.3859.3259.5859.6459.6559.7060.1160.0460.0359.9660.2060.1760.1960.2959.9459.8859.8759.98.0860.7860.8160.8260.8560.3860.4060.4260.4560.5960.5160.4660.3859.1459.1059.0559.0358.9558.9158.9459.1659.2759.3959.4559.5959.4059.2559.1159.2958.3159.6759.8059.9459.7459.7759.4658.7358.1358.4358.7359.5060.2560.2760.3460.3460.3160.2960.2660.3160.3460.3760.3960.3460.2360.1460.0360.0360.0059.9859.9560.2860.2060.1860.1560.1360.2760.3060.3260.3561.1161.0961.0661.0460.6760.7060.7360.7561.3161.3861.3561.3361.3061.1661.1961.2461.21.9460.2959.5058.7258.3758.9959.2059.2360.20(59.41)59.6859.96(59.77)58.7959.1458.8759.3559.4359.6159.8259.8959.8559.7760.4660.5060.4159.9759.8659.7959.7960.2760.4360.4259.8159.7759.7559.7559.3959.3259.3259.4459.4759.5459.7359.7259.6859.5559.6659.6959.7659.7259.6959.6959.7759.9259.9960.0160.0659.8859.9860.0760.1460.1960.2660.2960.0659.8859.8859.1759.4159.4759.7559.9460.2059.9859.8760.4659.7959.8759.9159.9959.9860.1359.7359.7059.6959.6459.7759.8259.8459.8759.9960.0559.7759.8359.5059.2159.1059.3059.3359.0959.1659.3259.6759.7559.6759.4759.4459.2059.0459.7459.5559.3059.0359.0659.3659.4359.5259.3859.1859.1058.9959.2459.6159.6959.8059.7359.8459.7259.6159.4962.5462.7562.9657.5057.86(59.37)(59.65)60.0759.4959.4259.6558.1360.0859.9760.2859.6859.7759.4759.4959.1460.5760.5659.3857.1457.14AGAG960960960960960969696999EME262 1.261.161 1>>>0.30.9090999.94949.99C3.2MATCH LINEC7.43SILTFENCEC7.43SILTFENCEC7.43SILTFENCEC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTER26b26b26c26a26a26a26b26b26b26a26a26a26d33333333333333326a26a303326a33C7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERSTSTTTSSSTSTT22223.4A3C3.4A4ENLARGED VIEWC3.4A5ENLARGED VIEW26a)))C7.41BIOLOGC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.112CAST IN PLACE CURB3C7.42ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCENORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC301CWC030EAST GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.3Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Refer to specifications for soil compaction requirements.Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.5 for additional requirements.Excavate pond early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff arepermanently stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878Seed MNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N )Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575Reserved.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall designed by others. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect.Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance.Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, undergroundutilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall.32.33.34.Spot Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheet C4.2 - C4.3 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)b. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)c. Concrete Walkwaysd. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior SlabsReserved.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations.Transition from 6" concrete curb & gutter to Ribbon Curb. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESWET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY47 ea.3 ea.6,216 ft.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.Final grades in Right-of-Way to be coordinated with final design by Wright county for County Road 137 and Maciver Ave.1.1A.:Compost or Bio Log15 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket34,947 s.f.XXX.XX TWXXX.XX BW: Top of wall: Bottom of wallDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SB B 6SB B 7SSB B 13SB B 21960957958959961962962963964 960958959961962960959961960X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SB B 6SB B 7SSB B 13SB B 21960957958959961962962963964 960958959961962960959961960X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >> STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>964STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >> STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>9629629639639649631.9%2.0%0.6%1.3%1.3%1.4%0.6%0.7%0.6%1.5%1.5%1.9%1.8%1.8%1.0%2.3%1.2%1.9%1.4%1.9%1.6%1.5%1.3%>>>>>>>>>SWALEGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.25>>>96363.2362.4862.3561.7161.9563.2963.2563.5463.5063.3063.1663.7163.7163.5863.7263.7363.5963.8363.7663.6962.7263.6861.8661.0463.71 TW63.02 BW63.31 BW63.31 TW61.54 BW61.54 TW61.29 BW64.17 BW64.17 TW63.89 TW60.08 BW64.2363.0863.0864.2364.2364.2464.2364.1563.9364.1564.2364.0564.0564.0563.9363.9363.9364.1364.2364.2364.2364.1563.9163.9464.0261.2961.1864.2563.7163.6764.2363.6764.2364.2363.6764.2363.6764.2363.6763.7964.1564.0564.1762.6863.4763.4763.4763.4763.4763.4764.2364.1361.08BC60.0063.0163.0862.8363.1162.9963.9763.5161.08BC64.2360.9660.5860.0860.0861.58BC60.58 BW62.9161.00 TW61.00 BW64.1762.38 TW64.0563.1763.1563.1863.2563.3263.4063.5763.5563.4863.4063.0264.0963.8663.8063.5863.7663.864.063.7962.8363.5863.3363.8763.44 TW60.35 BW63.54 TW60.00 BW60.54 TW60.54 BW2.0%64.2326b26d26d26c26c33326d26c26c29293226a26b26b333333326b334C7.14FLUSH CURBAT PAVEMENTC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTERC7.14FLUSH CURBAT PAVEMENT8'13'PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC301CWC030ENLARGED GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.4NORTH03060Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Refer to specifications for soil compaction requirements.Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.5 for additional requirements.Excavate pond early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff arepermanently stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878Seed MNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N )Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575Reserved.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall designed by others. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect.Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance.Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, undergroundutilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall.32.33.34.Spot Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheet C4.2 - C4.3 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)b. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)c. Concrete Walkwaysd. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior SlabsReserved.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations.Transition from 6" concrete curb & gutter to Ribbon Curb. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESWET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY47 ea.3 ea.6,216 ft.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.Final grades in Right-of-Way to be coordinated with final design by Wright county for County Road 137 and Maciver Ave.1.1A.:Compost or Bio Log15 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket34,947 s.f.XXX.XX TWXXX.XX BW: Top of wall: Bottom of wallDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS1.5%1.5%7.7%1.3%1.6%61.2661.2161.71BC61.28BC61.3761.4361.38BC61.3661.9661.92BC61.4826c2929C7.24RIBBONCURB31317'3'STS>>STS>>STS>>>>1.2%2.1%1.3%1.5%61.0661.8761.8261.7661.80BC61.8061.7862.2161.7161.92BC61.9061.9462.44BC60.2260.2560.2960.1660.1160.79BC60.27BC60.18BC60.61BC60.0760.4561.380.8%26c29329C7.24RIBBONCURBC7.24RIBBONCURB313131313'3'3'3'STS0.8%1.4%1.1%1.5%63.5563.4763.5063.3863.2863.5863.5563.5163.4863.6163.5263.5463.30BC63.40BC63.93BC63.4363.64BC63.6263.60BC64.02BC64.05BC63.3963.510.9%0.6%1.4%1.4%1.6%63.2463.74BC26c29293131C7.24RIBBONCURBC7.24RIBBONCURB313114.5'8'13'C7.112CAST IN PLACE CURB(W/ ISLAND WALKBEHIND)C7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTER3'GRADEBREAK0.6%1.3%0.7%2.0%59.4559.9660.0760.1559.4859.3859.8859.93BC59.90BC59.9160.1260.1060.14BC60.17BC60.66BC60.1660.60BC59.9260.42BC59.8360.33BC59.5159.4659.4759.4859.97BC59.50BC59.53BC59.96BC26c2926c2931313131293131C7.14RIBBONCURBC7.24RIBBONCURBC7.24RIBBONCURB3'3'3'3' 3'3'TS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS1.5%0.5%6.7%1.5%0.5%6.4%7.4%61.3061.4461.4961.426.9%0.5%0.9%1.4%0.9%1.2%0.5%1.3%0.3%61.7061.6362.0962.1062.1262.5562.00BC61.9862.46BC61.9661.9962.03BC62.0162.55BC62.0562.2661.7461.7162.1662.17BC61.65BC61.62BC62.07BC61.5761.6061.6361.6761.6162.11BC61.65BC61.72BC62.13BC61.6362.0761.9861.88BC26c292926c26c292929293131C7.24RIBBONCURBC7.24RIBBONCURB3131C7.24RIBBONCURB3131C7.17CURB & GUTTERAT ISLAND WALKC7.13CONCRETE CURB& GUTTER26c6.5'3'7'7'3'8.5'PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC301CWC030ENLARGED GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROLC3.4ANORTH01020Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder, for additional information on backfill material and groundwater conditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Refer to specifications for soil compaction requirements.Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Refer to SWPPP Notes on Sheet C3.5 for additional requirements.Excavate pond early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoff arepermanently stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days.Seed, Sod, Mulch, Erosion Control Blanket, and Fertilizer shall meet the following Specifications, as modified. Seeded areas withouterosion control blanket shall be disc mulched.ItemSpecification NumberEstimated QuantitiesSod MNDOT 3878Seed MNDOT 3876MN Type 21-111 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, May 1 - Jul 31MN Type 21-112 @ 100 lb./ac. - Temporary Erosion Control - Temporary Erosion Control, Aug 1 - Oct 31Mulch MNDOT 3882(MNDOT Type 1 @ 2 ton/ac., Disc Anchored)Erosion Control Blanket MNDOT 3885(MNDOT Type 3N )Fertilizer MNDOT 3881General Placement MNDOT 2575Reserved.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Cast Concrete Segmental Retaining Wall designed by others. Color to be determined by Owner or Architect.Submit design to City for approval prior to Building Permit issuance.Provide coordination and assurance that related work constructed within the reinforced earth zone; including fences, undergroundutilities, guard rails, etc.; is in accordance with approved design and does no damage to reinforcing elements of the retaining wall.32.33.34.Spot Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheet C4.2 - C4.3 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections (Refer to Geotechnical Report prepared by Kleinfelder)a. Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)b. Bituminous Paving (Heavy Duty)c. Concrete Walkwaysd. Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior SlabsReserved.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations.Transition from 6" concrete curb & gutter to Ribbon Curb. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESWET CAST/DRY CAST RETAINING WALL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curb:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY47 ea.3 ea.6,216 ft.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.Final grades in Right-of-Way to be coordinated with final design by Wright county for County Road 137 and Maciver Ave.1.1A.:Compost or Bio Log15 ft.)))))))))))))))))))):Erosion Control Blanket34,947 s.f.XXX.XX TWXXX.XX BW: Top of wall: Bottom of wallDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation10 SCALE110 SCALE345210 SCALE10 SCALE10 SCALE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURESEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLSITE EVALUATION / ASSESSMENT / PLANNINGOperator must develop pollution prevention management measures, implement good housekeeping BMPs, must follow allapplicable federal, state, and local building codes, Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and the general conditionsand general requirements of the construction contract.The Operator shall minimize the exposure to stormwater of any of the products, material, or wastes stored on site that may washdownstream or contaminate stormwater.Building products that have the potential to leach pollutants must be under cover.Chemicals and landscape materials shall be under cover to prevent the discharge of pollutants.Operator to track progress of the following items on site maps: portable toilets, material storage areas, vehicle and equipment fuelingand maintenance areas, concrete washouts, paint and stucco washouts, dumpsters or other trash and debris containers, spill kits,stockpiles, any other non-structural non-storm water management BMPs, any temporarily removed structural BMPs, any changes tothe structural BMPs.Solid waste: collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolitiondebris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements.Hazardous waste: oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored in sealed containers to prevent spills,leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal ofhazardous waste or materials must be in compliance with Minn. R. Ch. 7045 including secondary containment as applicable.Portable toilets must be positioned so that they are secure and will not be tipped or knocked over.Concrete and other washout waste: operator must provide effective containment for all liquid and solid wastes generated by washoutoperations. The liquid and solid wastes must not contact the ground, and the containment must be designed so that it does not resultin runoff from the washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of properly and in compliance with MPCArules. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility that requires site personnel to utilize the proper facilities for disposalof concrete and other washout wastes.External vehicle washing: external washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site.Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed on site.Operator shall take reasonable steps to prevent the discharge of spilled or leaked chemicals, including fuel, from any area wherethey will be loaded or unloaded as detailed in the Permit.INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE1. Grading, Drainage, Paving and Erosion Control sheets for the location and type of temporary erosion prevention and sedimentcontrol BMPs. See Grading and Drainage, Utility, and Landscape sheets for the location and type of permanent erosion preventionand sediment control BMPs.Minimize Disturbed Areas and Protect Natural Features and SoilAppropriate construction practices (e.g. construction phasing, vegetative buffer strips, horizontal slope grading) shall be used tominimize erosion.Areas not to be disturbed (buffers, infiltration basins, etc.) shall be protected with construction or silt fence before work begins.Operator shall develop methods to minimize soil compaction outside of building pads, pavement areas and utility trenches and shalluse tracked equipment wherever practicable.Topsoil shall be salvaged and reused to the extent practicable.Phase Construction ActivityOperator must not disturb more land than can be effectively inspected and maintained.Sediment control practices shall be established on all down gradient perimeters before any upgradient land disturbing activities begin.These practices shall remain in place until final stabilization has been established in accordance with the Permit.The timing of the installation of sediment control practices may be adjusted to accommodate short-term activities such as clearing orgrubbing, or passage of vehicles. Any short-term activity must be completed as quickly as possible and the sediment controlpractices shall be installed immediately after the activity is completed. However, sediment control practices shall be installed beforethe next precipitation event even if the activity is not complete.Control Stormwater Flowing onto and Through the ProjectThe normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or swale that drains water from any portion of theconstruction site, or diverts water around the site, shall be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge, or from the point ofdischarge into any surface water.Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet shall be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water.Stabilization of the remaining portions of any temporary or permanent ditches or swales shall be complete within 14 days afterconnecting to a surface water and construction in that portion of the ditch has temporarily or permanently ceased.Temporary or permanent ditches or swales that are being used as a sediment containment system (with properly designed rock ditchchecks, bio rolls, silt dikes etc.) do not need to be stabilized. These areas shall be stabilized within 24 hours after no longer beingused as a sediment containment system.Stabilize SoilsAll exposed soil areas, including stockpiles, must be stabilized.Stabilization must be started immediately to limit soil erosion when the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarilyor permanently ceased and will not resume for 14 calendar days. Stabilization must be complete within 14 days of cessation ofconstruction activity.Temporary soil stockpiles shall have silt fence or other effective sediment controls, and cannot be placed in surface waters, includingstorm water conveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches unless there is a bypass in place for the stormwater.Temporary stockpiles without significant silt, clay or organic components (e.g. clean aggregate stockpiles, demolition concretestockpiles, sand stockpiles) and the constructed base components of roads, parking lots and similar surfaces, are exempt from thisrequirement.Perimeter sediment control measures must be in place prior to the placement of any stockpiles.Any erosion control netting shall be "wildlife friendly" and of a natural type that can decompose and shall have non-welded moveablejoints.Any sediment control device made of soil must be stabilized within 24 hours.Protect SlopesOperator shall avoid work on slopes with a grade of 3:1 or greater when practicable. Grading on slopes with a grade of 3:1 or steeperwill require techniques such as phasing and stabilization practices designed for steep slopes(e.g. slope draining and terracing).Protect Storm Drain InletsAll storm drain inlets shall be protected by appropriate BMPs during construction until all sources with potential for discharging to theinlet have been stabilized. Inlet protection may be temporarily removed if a specific safety concern has been identified.Provide Energy Dissipation at all Pipe Outlets within 24 HoursAfter connection to a surface water or permanent stormwater treatment system.Establish Perimeter Controls and Sediment BarriersPrior to disturbing soils on a project site, establish sediment control BMPs on all down-gradient perimeters and where site dischargesto public waters.Retain Sediment On-site and Control Dewatering PracticesDischarge shall not cause nuisance conditions, erosion in receiving channels, adversely affect receiving water or impact wetlands, ordownstream properties. Discharge points shall be adequately protected from erosion and scour by accepted energy dissipationmeasures.Discharge water containing oil or grease shall be treated to remove oil or grease prior to discharge to surface waters.Refer to Permit requirements for temporary or permanent sediment basins.Discharge shall be photographed at the beginning of discharge and at least every 24 hours afterward, while discharge is occurring.If nuisance conditions result from dewatering, dewatering shall be stopped until nuisance condition can be remedied.Establish Stabilized Construction ExitsVehicle tracking pads shall be established as shown on the Grading, Drainage, Paving and Erosion Control sheets to minimizetracking of sediment from the construction site onto adjacent streets.Infiltration Basin ProtectionOperator must not excavate infiltration systems to final grade or within three (3) feet of final grade until the contributing drainage areahas been constructed and fully stabilized unless rigorous erosion prevention and sediment controls have been installed.When excavating an infiltration system to within three (3) feet of final grade, operator shall mark off and protect the area from heavyconstruction equipment to prevent compaction of soils.Dewatering and Basin DrainingPermittees must discharge turbid or sediment-laden waters related to dewatering or basin draining to a temporary or permanentsediment basin. Discharges must not cause erosion or scour near the discharge points.Remove Sediment from Surface WatersAll sediment deposits and deltas must be removed from surface waters, including drainage ways, catch basins, and other drainagesystems, and the removal areas restabilized within seven (7) days. must ensure that a trained person will inspect the entire construction site at least once every seven (7) days during activeconstruction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5-inches in 24 hours.Records of inspections shall include all maintenance activities and must be recorded within 24 hours of the inspection and retainedwith the SWPPP.Inspections shall include stabilized areas, erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs, and infiltration areas. Additionally, areasadjacent to the project shall be inspected.Surface waters on or adjacent to the site must be inspected for evidence of erosion or sediment deposition.Permittees must record all inspection and maintenance activities within 24 hours of being conducted as detailed in the Permit.Inspection Records content shall include:A. Date and time of inspections;B. Name of persons conduction inspections;C. Findings of inspections, including specific locations where corrective actions are needed;D. Corrective actions taken including dates, times, and the party taking the corrective action;E. Dates of all rainfall events greater than 1/2 inch in 24 hours (refer to Permit for measurement requirements);F. Any discovered discharge must be recorded, including photographs, descriptions of discharge (color, odor, settled orsuspended solids, oil sheen, or other obvious indicators of pollution), and specific location of discharge location;G. Any amendments to the Permit as a result of inspections must be documented within seven calendar days as described in thePermitH. All photographs of dewatering activities and documentation of nuisance conditions resulting from dewatering.BMP Maintenance:A. Nonfunctional BMPs must be repaired or replaced by the end of the next business day after discovery unless a different timeframe is indicated.B. Follow the designer's or manufacturer's recommended maintenance procedures for all BMPs.C. Remove sediment from BMPs when the depth of sediment has reached 1/2 the height of the BMP and properly dispose ofsediment into controlled areas to prevent soil from returning to the BMP during subsequent rain events.D. Remove sediment from paved roadways within one calendar day of discovery.E. Remove sediment from around BMPs protecting storm drain inlets.F. Surface waters with evidence of sediment deposition must be stabilized and sediment removed within seven calendar daysof discovery, or as stated by the Permit.G. Ensure that construction support activities, including borrow areas, waste areas, contractor work areas, and material storageareas and dedicated concrete and asphalt batch plants are cleaned and maintained.H. Replace damaged BMPs that no longer operate effectively.Add BMPs as needed during construction to minimize erosion and prevent sediment from leaving the site.Any basin that has the water quality volume reduced by half shall be drained and have the sediment removed within 72 hours ofdiscovery.Any temporaty or permanent sediment basin that has the water quality volume reduced by half shall be drained and have thesediment removed within 72 hours of discovery. KEEPING / RECORD RETENTIONThe SWPPP (original or copies), including all changes to it, and inspections and maintenance records, shall be kept at the site duringconstruction by the Owner / Operator who has operational control of that portion of the site. The SWPPP can be kept in either thefield office or in an on site vehicle during normal working hours.All Owners(s) must keep the SWPPP, along with the following additional records, on file for three (3) years after submittal of theNotice of Termination (NOT). This does not include any records after submittal of the NOT.The following is a list of records that shall be kept at the project site available for inspectors to review:xCopy of the SWPPP, with any modifications;xInspection and maintenance records;xPermanent operation and maintenance agreements;xCalculations for the design of temporary and permanent stormwater management systems;xAny other permits required for the project;xRecords of all inspection and maintenance conducted during construction; andxAll permanent operation and maintenance agreements that have been implemented, including all right-of-way, contracts,covenants and other binding requirements regarding perpetual maintenance1.2.3.LOG OF CHANGES TO THE SWPPP / AMENDMENTSThe Owner / Operator(s) must amend the SWPPP within seven (7) days to include additional requirements, such asadditional or modified BMPs, designs to correct problems identified during inspections, or address situations as detailedin the Permit.1.FINAL STABILIZATIONThe Owner / Operator(s) must ensure final stabilization of the site. Final stabilization includes:A. Ensuring all areas have permanent cover.B. Vegetative areas must have perennial cover with a density of 70% of expected final growth.1.POST CONSTRUCTION / PERMANENT BMPSSee Grading and Drainage, Utility, and Landscape sheets for post construction and permanent stormwater BMPs.1.TERMINATION OF COVERAGEOwner / Operator(s) wishing to terminate coverage under the Permit must submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) to theMPCA. Compliance with the Permit is required until a NOT is submitted. Refer to the Permit for details. Conditions forsubmitting a NOT include:A. Site must have achieved final stabilization (refer to section above).B. The permanent stormwater treatment and conveyance systems must be clean and all accumulated sediment removed.C. All temporary synthetic erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs must be removed from the site and disposed ofproperly.1.The Operator shall have primary responsibility and significant authority for the development, implementation, maintenance, inspectionand amendments to the approved SWPPP. Duties include but are not limited to:xEnsuring full compliance with the SWPPP and the PermitxImplementing all elements of the SWPPP, including but not limited to:xxImplementing prompt and effective erosion and sediment control measuresxxImplementing all non-storm water management, and good housekeeping BMPs ensuring that no materials other thanStorm water are discharged in quantities, which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or storm drain systems,etc.xConducting routine inspections and maintenancexEnsuring elimination of all unauthorized dischargesxCoordinating to ensure all of the necessary corrections / repairs are made immediately, and that the project complies with theSWPPP, the Permit, and approved plans at all times.1.SWPPP CONTACT AND TRAINING INFORMATIONOwner:Costco Wholesale999 Lake DriveIssaquah, WA 98027(425) 313-8100Operator:To Be Determined. Contact Owner until Contractor Is Selected.Long Term Maintenance And Operation:To Be Determined. Contact Owner until Contractor Is Selected.SWPPP Designer:Tom Meyer, P.E.Landform Professional Services105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401612-252-9070tmeyer@landform.netCertification: U of MN, Design of Construction SWPPP, Exp. May 31, 2025SWPPP Inspector / Manager:To Be Determined. Contact Owner until Contractor And SWPPP InspectorBMP Installation And Repair:To Be Determined. Contact Owner until BMP Installer And Maintainer is selected.Certification: , Exp. WITHIN ONE MILE OF SITE1 MILESCHEDULE OF BMP INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITYInstall perimeter sediment control BMPs prior to start of other site work. Refer to Grading, Drainage, Paving and Erosion Controlsheet(s) for initial locations of BMPs.Protect infiltration areas with construction fencing. Install fencing prior to site grading or within 24-hours of excavating an infiltrationbasin.Construct permanent sedimentation basins prior to upland disturbance. Install perimeter sediment control BMPs around normalwater levels within 48-hours of completion of basin grading.Stabilize outlets from permanent sedimentation basins within 24-hours of outlet construction.Perform work in phases to minimize disturbed area at any one time. Operator to develop phasing plan prior to start of work. Openwork areas should be limited to those that can be managed and inspected within required time frames.Strip topsoil from areas to be disturbed and stockpile with perimeter sediment control BMPs. Provide stabilization if stockpile is leftlonger than 14 days.Rough grade site.Install utilities.Install small utilities (gas, electric, communications).Final grade pavement areas and compact subgrade.Lay down pavement aggregate and compact.Install curb and gutter. Backfill after a minimum of three days and provide a minimum of two rolls of sod at the back of curb.Construct building / addition and site features.Construct site walks and patios.Provide final stabilization.Connect infiltration practices to storm sewer inlets.Remove temporary BMPs and dispose of properly. OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITYConstruction activity includes erosion and sediment control BMPs installation, clearing and grubbing, site grading, utility installation,building construction, paving, and landscaping.1.MN SPECIAL (PROHIBITED, RESTRICTED, OTHER) & IMPAIRED WATERS1.NPDES PERMIT AND SWPPP COMPONENTSThe current Minnesota Construction Stormwater General Permit (Permit) dated August 1, 2018 is referenced in thisdocument as the Permit.The SWPPP includes the following components:xConstruction Documents prepared by LandformxStormwater Management Plan prepared by LandformxMaintenance Plan for permanent stormwater BMPsxGeotechnical Report prepared by kleinfelderAll components must be kept onsite, or electronically available onsite, by the Operator during regular work hours. TheOperator shall contact Civil Engineer if they do not have all of the above documents.1.TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN(S)This project does have more than ten (10 ) disturbed acres draining to a common location and the site does not drain to an impairedor special water, therefore a temporary sediment basin is not required. Refer to sheets C3.1-C3.4 for further information.Temporary sediment basins shall provide treatment to runoff before it leaves the construction site or enters surface waters. Thecontractor shall comply with the following requirements:A. Sedimentation basins must provide live storage of runoff resulting from the 2-year 24-hour rainfall event from each acredrained to the basin, with a minimum of 1,800 c.f./acre live storage volume. (Where no calculation has been performed, eachbasin shall provide at least 3,600 c.f./acre live storage.) Sedimentation basins must include a stabilized emergency overflowto prevent basin integrity failure.B. Discharge from temporary sedimentation basins will be withdrawn from the surface in order to minimize the discharge ofpollutants.Discharge from basin draining shall not adversely affect the receiving water or downstream properties. Contractor will visually checkto ensure adequate treatment has been obtained and that nuisance conditions will not result from the discharge.Any discharge observed to be occurring during the inspection shall be recorded, described, and photographed.If any proposed temporary BMPs are not working as intended refer to the "Stormwater Compliance Assistance Toolkit for SmallConstruction Operators", MPCA, 2017 for additional information. Operator shall contact the SWPPP Designer for additionalrequirements and information. INFORMATIONSite location: Latitude: 45.239857, Longitude: -93.644897Disturbed area within boundary = 25.4 ac.Pre-construction impervious area within disturbed area = 0.00 ac.Post-construction impervious area within disturbed area = 16.51 ac.Net change in impervious area within disturbed area = 16.51 ac.Type of stormwater management:xWet sedimentationErosion prevention and sediment control quantities are on sheets C3.1 - C3.4.SURFACE WATER BUFFERS50 foot buffers from Surface Waters have not been maintained, therefore double silt fence has been included within 50' of the SurfaceWaters.1.A. Mud Lake is not impaired based on the current USEPA 303(d) clean water act list; is within 1 mile of this site; and stormwaterdoes not discharge to it.B. School Lake is not impaired based on the current USEPA 303(d) clean water act list; is within 1 mile of this site; andstormwater does not discharge to it.PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC305CWC030DWGMN SWPPP NOTESC3.5 SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 27SB P 8>>>>>>HHHHHHHH960 961 960 959959953954954955954956955 960 956957958 959961 962 963961 962 963 964757660TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>>>STS>>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>9599559529539549569579589519489499459509559559439439449469479489499519529539549549569569579579459509559609449469479489499519529539549569579589599609589594+61.870+00.001+00.002+00.003+00.004+00.000+50.001+50.002+50.003+50.004+50.00EENENEVAVAARREERVEIVCIACAM RERTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSHTTT0006RERERERRRTSSSHT06EEEETTNEEEEEEEEETTNNEE4+0 AAACACCIC VVEERR AAVV E NNN E 3+80.570+00.001+00.002+00.003+00.000+50.001+50.002+50.003+50.00GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAK>950955960 949951952953954956957958959961 96296010' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTAA BB937940945950955960937940945950955960-0+25954.9957.590+00954.9954.05955.0948.950+50954.8946.00955.1947.321+00955.1950.46954.3942.141+50954.0942.00953.9942.002+00954.0942.00954.0942.002+50954.0942.00954.1942.003+00954.4942.00954.3942.003+50954.3943.87954.0951.284+00953.6956.45953.4953.844+505+00 5+25EXISTING GRADEFINISHED GRADEBTM: 942.00BTM: 946.00FES 400INV: 952.88PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12OCS-501TOP RIM: 947.14BOTTOM RIM: 956.40INL (N): 952.00INV: 952.0048" DIASPLIT GRATE PER DETAIL C7.5/3PER DETAIL C7.5/7NWL: 952.0033' - 18" RCP@ 0.3%FES-500INV: 951.90PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12CBMH-301RIM: 957.33INL (N): 953.21INV: 953.0148" DIAW/ 4' SUMPR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/1025' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%DETENTION PONDFOREBAY40' - 18" RCP@ -8.7%FES-502INV: 948.50PER DETAIL C7.4/12935940945950955960965935940945950955960965-0+25953.1960.030+00952.9955.92952.9951.140+50953.0943.12953.0942.001+00953.1942.00953.0942.001+50953.2942.00953.4942.002+00953.7942.00954.1942.002+50954.5942.00955.1947.313+00956.4952.67958.7958.293+50962.14+00 4+25BTM: 942.00EXISTING GRADEFINISHED GRADENWL: 952.00DETENTION PONDPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH04080POND 1P - SECTION A-APOND 1P - SECTION B-BC306CWC030POND CROSS-SECTIONSC3.6 SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32FES CMP 15INV=953.08FES 12 RCPINV=957.35STSTMHRE=959.57INV=955.95 (S)INV=955.95 (E)FES 12 RCPINV=955.69SSSSMHRE=962.09NV=949.82 (NW)INV=949.82 (S)HYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHSSSSMHRE=958.67INV=950.57 (N)INV=950.66 (S)FES 15 RCPINV=954.01STSTMHRE=958.99INV=957.29 (W)INV=957.29 (N)INV=957.29 (SE)FES 12 RCP956.9CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFES 24 RCPW/ 18" HDPEINSERTED INTO PIPEINV=951.39WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00CBBHRE=955.38SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XGGB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93500364400TERPRISES, INCRD ST NEVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530101112001020ITE-TOPS LLC62ND ST NERTVILLE MN 55301500361403ROPERTY L.L.C.ND ST NEVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 1372ND ST NELYMON AVE NEWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUE99B TBFEIFIIII2NDN2NDND22VVRNRN5R5RRR66II00VVTTR5T5TGGGG44GUILTTTTENET EETRRSTTH0T6C4.2 &C4.4WEST STORM,SANITARY & WATERC4.3 &C4.5EAST STORM,SANITARY & WATERGGMATCH LINEC4.2MATCH LINEC4.3C4.4MATCH LINEMATCH LINEC4.5SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32FES CMP 15INV=953.08FES 12 RCPINV=957.35STSTMHRE=959.57INV=955.95 (S)INV=955.95 (E)FES 12 RCPINV=955.69SSSSMHRE=962.09NV=949.82 (NW)INV=949.82 (S)HYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHSSSSMHRE=958.67INV=950.57 (N)INV=950.66 (S)FES 15 RCPINV=954.01STSTMHRE=958.99INV=957.29 (W)INV=957.29 (N)INV=957.29 (SE)FES 12 RCP956.9CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFES 24 RCPW/ 18" HDPEINSERTED INTO PIPEINV=951.39WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00CBBHRE=955.38SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XGGB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93500364400TERPRISES, INCRD ST NEVILLE MN 55301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 5530101112001020ITE-TOPS LLC62ND ST NERTVILLE MN 55301500361403ROPERTY L.L.C.ND ST NEVILLE MN 5530160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 1372ND ST NELYMON AVE NEWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUESAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89STS >>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ELECELECELECCOMMCOMMGASGASCOMMELECGASCOMMSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTMH-2 (PUBLIC)MH-3 (PUBLIC)MH-5 (PUBLIC)MH-6 (PUBLIC)STUB-3BINV: 950.78(PLUG END)MH-7 (PUBLIC)MH-8CLEANOUT-9SSWR SERVICE CONN.-10MH-6AMH-6CMH-5AMH-5BGGGGEEAVAVIEIENZNZKEECKKEENNVEVEAVAAVERERVEVEACACAMAMA GGGGGGRERERRRRSTSTTHH0TT00TTTT0T0T66RERERRRERESTSTSSHH0T0T66AAIEIENZNZEE EEAVVA9955955999MMMM FESFES2424RCRCILTILTILTILS-BUS-BURARAPPEEEEETTNNEEEEGGGEEEEEETTENNNNEEGGACACACACACIVCIVCCVERERARAAVAV ENNENE MAMAARLARLRLORLOMAMAARARRLORLOP8P8888GGGGGGGGMAMM IIV=VVVNN99RRESSHHV4949E=E=SSMHMHHHGGGGGGGGGYYYGGGGYY 553737OOEEWNN88WWTTEVVEEVV ))HH99)))))NEEWW.TTOOOSSECAVAVVV ELEEELEGG=95955757==MMREREMHMHHHMMNNNN MCCCSBSBSMMSSSSSSSMH-4 (PUBLIC)CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSTS>>163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.2510' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT45° BEND-203ASTS>>8" WATER12" WATER12" WATER12" WATER12" WATER12" WATER12" WATER8" WATERPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH080160C401CWC030OVERALL UTILITIESC4.1Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service (1") Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints. Refer to detail C7.5/8.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.2/2.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.2/2.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP >>>>>SSHYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 50'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NEMATCH LINEC4.32828282828282828282828282828(TYP.)3436(TYP.)3436(TYP.)3436(TYP.)3436(TYP.)3436(TYP.)35(TYP.)35(TYP.)35(TYP.)35.373737(TYP.)37(TYP.)37(TYP.)37(TYP.)37(TYP.)372323252525262626SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP >>>>>SSHYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 50'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NESAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SANSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE &SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STSELECELECCOMMGASGASCOMMELECGASCOMMSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSMH 102ARIM: 962.77INL (W): 953.41INL (N): 955.61INV: 953.4184" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10302' - 42@ 0.(DETENTIO10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTGGGG553737GSS33SSECLECE26GGGGGMMCCCSB O 3BO33SBBBBGGGGGGGGGCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONMH-103RIM: 963.76INL (W): 953.50INV: 953.5060" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9CB-140RIM: 961.23INV: 957.1948" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10RD-105AINV: 954.96RD-107BINV: 957.13TRENCH DRAIN CONNECTION-107CRIM: 959.83INV: 956.10MH-107RIM: 961.86INL (W): 955.55INL (N): 955.55INV: 955.5548" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9MH-160RIM: 963.66INL (N): 956.14INV: 956.1448" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9RD-161AINV: 956.90RD-162AINV: 957.24CB-133RIM: 959.59INL (W): 954.31INV: 954.3160" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-138BRIM: 961.43INV: 958.2248" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-138ARIM: 961.42INL (E): 958.04INL (W): 957.64INV: 957.2448" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-134BRIM: 960.83INL (W): 956.91INV: 956.9148" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-134ARIM: 960.83INL (W): 956.71INV: 956.7148" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10MH-165RIM: 963.74INL (W): 957.69INV: 957.6948" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9CBMH-407RIM: 963.30INL (W): 957.78INV: 957.7848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-412RIM: 963.30INV: 959.7848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-110RIM: 962.51INL (N): 956.98INL (E): 956.98INV: 956.9848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10RD-165AINV: 958.26RD-164AINV: 957.93RD-163AINV: 957.67RD-104BINV: 954.22RD-113AINV: 958.76WYE-161INV: 956.33INV: 956.33INV: 956.33WYE-162INV: 956.67INV: 956.67INV: 956.67WYE-163INV: 957.10INV: 957.10INV: 957.10WYE-164INV: 957.36INV: 957.36INV: 957.36RD-112AINV: 958.51RD-110AINV: 958.14RD-111AINV: 958.32RD-109AINV: 957.82CBMH-408RIM: 963.30INL (W): 958.18INV: 958.1848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-409RIM: 963.30INL (W): 958.58INV: 958.5848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-410RIM: 963.30INL (W): 958.98INV: 958.9848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-411RIM: 963.30INL (W): 959.38INV: 959.3848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10STUB-134CINV: 956.99(PLUG END)STUB-138CINV: 957.72(PLUG END)CB-139RIM: 961.14INL (N): 957.15INV: 957.1548" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10BEND-104AINV (W): 954.18INV: 954.18WYE-104INV (W): 953.68INV (N): 953.68INV: 953.68WYE-105INV (W): 954.64INV (N): 954.64INV: 954.64MH-106RIM: 963.86INL (W): 954.82INL (N): 959.32INV: 954.8248" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9MH-106ARIM: 964.09INL (E): 959.91INV: 959.6448" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9CB-108RIM: 961.01INL (N): 955.91INV: 955.9148" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10WYE-109INV (N): 956.66INV (E): 956.66INV: 956.66WYE-111INV (N): 957.16INV (E): 957.16INV: 957.16CB-113RIM: 963.34INL (E): 957.61INV: 957.6148" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10WYE-107AINV (N): 955.93INV (E): 955.93INV: 955.93CBMH-406RIM: 961.21INL (W): 956.72INV: 956.5248" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH 134RIM: 960.47INL (W): 954.71INL (S): 955.91INV: 954.7160" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-136RIM: 961.01INL (W): 955.80INV: 955.8060" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-132RIM: 959.42INL (W): 954.22INL (S): 955.62INV: 954.2260" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL CCRINL (WINL (INPER DETACB-132BRIM: 959.90INV: 955.9748" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-135RIM: 961.04INL (W): 955.48INV: 955.4860" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CRIPER DETACB-132ARIM: 959.55INL (S): 955.6INV: 955.6648" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL CB-137RIM: 960.98INL (S): 956.84INL (W): 956.44INV: 956.4460" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10WYE-112INV (N): 957.36INV (E): 957.36INV: 957.36163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.25TRENCH DRAIN-106BRIM: 964.13START INV: 963.13 (E)END INV: 962.86 (W)OUTLET: 960.11PER DETAIL C7.5/6134567910111213141516171819202227283334353637404142432185' - 42" HDPE @ 0.1%106' - 24" HDPE @ 0.5%36' - 24" HDPE@ 0.5%193' - 24" HDPE @ 0.5%35' - 24" HDPE@ 0.5%147' - 24" HDPE @ 0.5%7' - 15" HDPE@ 0.6%65' - 12" PVC @ 0.5%37' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%55' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%76' - 14" PVC @ 0.5%57' - 10" PVC @ 2.1%34' - 14" PVC@ 0.5%15' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%86' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%27' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%52' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%27' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%80' - 24" HDPE@ 0.5%36' - 15" HDPE@ 0.5%40' - 18" HDPE@ 0.5%161' - 18" HDPE @ 0.5%212' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%80' - 12" HDPE@ 0.5%55' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%55' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%55' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%64' - 24" PVC @ 0.5%27' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%27' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%27' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%24' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%80' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%80' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%80' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%80' - 12" HDPE @ 0.5%17' - 36" HDPE@ 0.5%15' - 18" HDPE@ 0.5%15' - 18" HDPE@ 0.5%142' - 18" HDPE @ 0.5%2' - 10" PVC@ 2.0%151' - 24" PVC @ 0.5%36' - 18" PVC@ 0.5%39' - 18" PVC@ 0.5%50' - 18" PVC@ 0.5%68' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%66' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%71' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%156' - 1564' - 30" HDPE @ 0.5%155' - 30" HDPE@ 0.5%145' - 36" HDPE @ 062' - 15" HDPE@ 0.5%7' - 15" HDPE@ 0.6%128' - 30" HDPE @ 0.5%80' - 36" HDPE @ 0.5%55' - 10" PVC@ 2.1%40' - 8" PVC@ 0.5%STS>>STS>>363636373622222222222222223736(TYP.)35.2322NORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC401CWC030WEST STORM& PRIVATE UTILITIESC4.2Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service (1") Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints. Refer to detail C7.5/8.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.2/2.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.2/2.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES CMP 15INV=953.08CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTTNH SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14XXXXXGGGGGB.M.TNH = 961.8160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEC4.2MATCH LINE(TYP.)3436TYP.)3436(TYP.)3436(TYP.)3436(TYP.)35(TYP.)35(TYP.)35(TYP.)35(TYP.)35(TYP.)SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES CMP 15INV=953.08CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTTNH SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14XXXXXGGGGGB.M.TNH = 961.8160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUESAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ELECCOMMSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>206' - 42" HDPE@ 0.1%(DETENTION PIPE)STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>302' - 42" HDPE@ 0.1%(DETENTION PIPE)GGGGEENENENNEEVVAVAARARAERERVEVEIVIVCCAAMMA GGGGGGRERETRRTTTTTTTTTTTSTSSHHTT0T0T6060000066EERERETRRSTSSSSHH0T0T606066EEEEEEEEETTNNEEEEEEEETTNNNENEE>>>>>ACACAACCCC IVIVVEEERRRAAVAVVEVEE NN EE MMMAMAARARRLRLRLOLOMMMAMAARARRLRLLOLOGGUUUUEUE>GGGGUEUEGGGGGGGUUEUEGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG>GGGGGCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION FES W/RIP RAP-200INV: 952.88PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12FES W/RIP RAP-100INV: 952.88PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12FES W/RIP RAP-300INV: 952.88PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12MH-160RIM: 963.66NL (N): 956.14NV: 956.148" DIAR-1642-BER DETAIL C7.4/9CBMH-405RIM: 958.93INL (W): 955.74INV: 955.5448" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-301RIM: 957.33INL (N): 953.21INV: 953.0148" DIAW/ 4' SUMPR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10MH-102RIM: 959.50INL (W): 953.11INV: 953.1160" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9CBMH-201RIM: 959.27INL (S): 953.85INV: 953.8548" DIAW/ 4' SUMPR-3067PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-133RIM: 959.59INL (W): 954.31INV: 954.3160" DIAR-3250-1ER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-134ARIM: 960.83INL (W): 956.71INV: 956.7148" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/1047.69L C7.4/ 959.14INL (NW): 953.98INV: 953.9848" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10WYE-202INV: 954.20INV: 954.20INV: 954.20OIL/WATER SEPARATOR OUTLET-202AINV: 954.32OIL/WATER SEPARATOR OUTLET-202BINV: 954.32CB CONNECTION-202CINV: 954.47CLEANOUT-207RIM: 956.94INV: 955.66PER DETAIL C7.3/12WYE-206INV: 955.48INV: 955.48INV: 955.48WYE-205INV: 955.14INV: 955.14INV: 955.14WYE-204INV: 954.80INV: 954.80INV: 954.80WYE-203INV: 954.46INV: 954.46INV: 954.46CLEANOUT-206BRIM: 957.46INV: 956.89PER DETAIL C7.3/12CLEANOUT-205BRIM: 957.12INV: 956.55PER DETAIL C7.3/12CLEANOUT-204BRIM: 956.78INV: 956.21PER DETAIL C7.3/12CLEANOUT-203BRIM: 956.46INV: 955.89PER DETAIL C7.3/12CB-130RIM: 958.72INL (W): 953.01INV: 953.0172" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-131RIM: 958.95INL (N): 955.09INL (W): 953.49INV: 953.4960" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-402RIM: 959.28INL (W): 954.53INL (N): 953.55INV: 953.5560" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-403RIM: 958.85INL (W): 954.79INL (N): 954.19INV: 954.1948" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-406RIM: 961.21INL (W): 956.72INV: 956.5248" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10FES-500INV: 951.90PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12CB-132RIM: 959.42INL (W): 954.22INL (S): 955.62INV: 954.2260" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-404RIM: 958.85INL (W): 955.43INL (N): 954.83INV: 954.8348" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-303RIM: 958.74INV: 954.7448" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-132BRIM: 959.90INV: 955.9748" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH-402ARIM: 959.38INV: 954.5648" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH 403ARIM: 958.97INV: 954.8248" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10CBMH 404ARIM: 958.96INV: 955.4648" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10CB-131ARIM: 959.01INV: 955.1348" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10FES 400INV: 952.88PER DETAILS C7.4/11 & 12CB-132ARIM: 959.55INL (S): 955.66INV: 955.6648" DIAR-3250-1PER DETAIL C7.4/10MH-101RIM: 959.11INL (W): 952.91INV: 952.9172" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9MH 130ARIM: 959.23INL (NW): 952.93INL (SW): 953.76INV: 952.9384" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/9STS>>CBMH-401RIM: 958.87INL (W): 953.13INV: 953.1360" DIAR-1792-FGPER DETAIL C7.4/10MH-400ARIM: 958.13INL (NW): 952.91INV: 952.9160" DIAR-1642-BPER DETAIL C7.4/928122324252629303132383910' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT45° BEND-203AINV: 955.83INV: 955.8345° BEND-204AINV: 956.15INV: 956.1545° BEND-205AINV: 956.49INV: 956.4945° BEND-206AINV: 956.83INV: 956.8325' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%37' - 24" PVC@ 0.5%PVCVC143' - 18" HDPE @ 0.5%152' - 15" HDPE @ 0.5%18' - 18" RCP@ 0.5%40' - 18" HDPE@ 0.5%154' - 15" HDPE @ 0.5%35' - 14" HDPE@ 1.0%12' - 12" PVC @ 1.0%15' - 12" PVC @ 1.0%135' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%135' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%135' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%135' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%17' - 14" PVC @ 1.0%34' - 14" PVC@ 1.0%34' - 14" PVC@ 1.0%34' - 14" PVC@ 1.0%26' - 14" PVC @ 1.0%81' - 48" HDPE@ 0.1%97' - 36" HDPE @ 0.5%17' - 36" HDPE@ 0.5%215' - 36" HDPE @ 0.1%(DETENTION PIPE)VCPVC156' - 15" HDPE @ 0.5%33' - 18" RCP@ 0.3%145' - 36" HDPE @ 0.5%7' - 15" HDPE@ 0.4%128' - 24" HDPE @ 0.5%62' - 15" HDPE@ 0.5%7' - 15" HDPE@ 0.4%7' - 15" HDPE@ 0.4%128' - 24" HDPE @ 0.5%7' - 12" HDPE@ 0.6%7' - 15" HDPE@ 0.6%80' - 36" HDPE @ 0.5%84' - 30" HDPE @ 0.5%20' - 36" RCP@ 0.1%25' - 42" RCP@ 0.1%6' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%6' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%6' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%6' - 6" PVC @ 1.0%30' - 48" RCP@ 0.2%OCS-501TOP RIM: 947.14BOTTOM RIM: 956.40INL (N): 952.00INV: 952.0048" DIASPLIT GRATE PER DETAIL C7.5/3PER DETAIL C7.5/7FES-502INV: 948.50PER DETAIL C7.4/1240' - 18" RCP@ -8.7%442326222236(TYP.)343634NORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC401CWC030EAST STORM& PRIVATE UTILITIESC4.3Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service (1") Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints. Refer to detail C7.5/8.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.2/2.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.2/2.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP >>>>>SSHYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 50'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NEMATCH LINEC4.5282828282828SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP >>>>>SSHYD SSSSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 50'100100X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X 400SES,D STLLE001020TE-TOPS62ND STRTVILLE301403YD STLLE63RD STREET NEC.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST NESAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SANSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE &12" WATERSAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT6" LEAD8" WATERGGGG553737GSS33SSGGGGGSB O 3BO33SBBBBGGGGGGGGG8" WATERCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONMH-5 (PUBLIC)RIM: 961.84INL (W): 948.20INL (N): 948.20INV: 948.10INV: 948.2048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8SSWR SERVICE CONN.-10INV: 956.25MH-7 (PUBLIC)RIM: 960.09INL (N): 950.57INV: 950.4748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8CLEANOUT-9RIM: 956.46INL (E): 955.92INV: 955.92PER DETAIL C7.3/12SSWR SERVICE CONN.-6BINV: 954.79MH-6ARIM: 963.80INL (N): 953.36INL (E): 953.36INV: 953.2648" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8MH-6 (PUBLIC)RIM: 962.23INL (N): 949.83INL (W): 949.83INV: 949.73INV: 949.8348" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8SSWR SERVICE CONN.-6DINV: 957.81MH-6CRIM: 963.58INL (N): 956.58INV: 956.4848" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8MH-5ARIM: 963.81INL (N): 952.11INV: 952.1148" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8STUB-3BINL (N): 950.78(PLUG END)STUB-5DINL (N): 949.07(PLUG END)MH-5BRIM: 964.01INL (W): 956.15INV: 956.15PER DETAIL C7.3/12SSWR SERVICE CONN.-5CINV: 956.25MH-8RIM: 961.71INL (N): 953.52INV: 953.4248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/812" 45°BENDS12" X 6" TEE12" X 6" TEE8" 45° BENDS12" X 6" TEE8" X 6" TEE8" X 6" TEE8" X 6" TEE8" X 6" TEEHYDRANT & GV6" STUB(PLUG END)8" X6" TEEHYDRANT & GVHYDRANT & GVHYDRANT & GV6" STUB(PLUG END)6" GV6" GVHYDRANT & GVHYDRANT & GV12" 45°BENDS12" X 4" TEE4" GV4" DOMESTIC SERVICE12" X 10" TEE10" GV10" FIRE SERVICE8" 45° BENDS8" GV12"X 8" REDUCER12" GVHYDRANT & GV12" X 6" TEE8" 45° BEND8" 45° BEND8" 90° BEND8" GV8" X 6" TEEHYDRANT & GV6" 90° BEND8" 22.5° BEND8" 45° BEND163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.25399' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%372' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%160' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%188' - 6" PVC @ 1.3%26' - 6" PVC@ 1.3%35' - 6" PVC@ 3.5%104' - 6" PVC @ 3.0%79' - 6" PVC@ 1.82%301' - 6" PVC @ 1.3%267' - 6" PVC @ 1.5%41' - 4" PVC@ 2.1%45' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%6' - 6" PVC@ 1.7%189' - 6" PVC @ 1.8%221' - 6" PVC @ 1.3%1345679101112131415161718192022272833343536374041424321STS>>STS>>12NORTH050100PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC401CWC030WEST SANITARY& WATERC4.4Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service (1") Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints. Refer to detail C7.5/8.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.2/2.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.2/2.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32FES CMP 15INV=953.08CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTTNH TNH SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14XXXXXGGGGGB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.9360TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEIWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEC4.4MATCH LINE322828SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32FES CMP 15INV=953.08CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTTNH TNH SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14XXXXXGGGGGB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.9360TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E MARLOWE AVE NEIWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUESAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>12" WATER20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>SSWR SERVICE CONN.-4AINL (N): 946.9912" WATERSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>8" WATER6" LEAD1" WATERGGGGEENENENNEEVVAVARARAERERVEVEIVIVCCAAMAMA GGGGGGRERETRRTTTTTTTTTTTSTSSHHTT0T0T6060000066EERERETRRSTSSSSHH0T0T606066EEEEEEEEETTNNEEEEEEEETTNNNENEE>>>>>ACACAACCCC IVIVVEEERRRAAVAVVEVEE NN EE MMMAMAARARRLRLRLOLOMMMAMAARARRLRLLOLOGGUUUUEUE>GGGGUEUEGGGGGGGUUEUEGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEGGGGGGGGGGGGG>GGGGG8" WATERCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION MH-3 (PUBLIC)RIM: 959.73INL (W): 946.25INV: 946.1548" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8.81952.11.11TAIL C7.4/8MH-2 (PUBLIC)RIM: 959.20INL (SW): 945.22INV: 945.1248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8MH-4 (PUBLIC)RIM: 959.38INL (W): 946.50INV: 946.40INV: 946.5048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8S" TEEEECONNECT TO EXISTING12" WATERMAINHYDRANT & GV12" 11.25° BENDHYDRANT & GVT & GVNT & GV1"DOMESTICSERVICECONNECT TO EXISTING8" WATERMAIN45° BENDS8" 22.5° BEND12" GATE VALVE& BOX12" X 8" TEE12" X 6"TEE8" 22.5° BEND8" 45° BEND8" 45° BEND8" 45° BEND5° BENDND12" X 6"TEE1" CORPORATIONSTOP8" 22.5° BEND° BEND8" GV12" GVSTS>>127' - 8" PVC @ 0.5%399' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%37' - 8" PVC@ 0.40%232' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%23' - 6" PVC@ 2.1%28122324252629303132383910' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT12" WATER441212333130PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNNORTH050100C401CWC030EAST SANITARY& WATERC4.5Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service (1") Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints. Refer to detail C7.5/8.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.2/2.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.2/2.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32FES CMP 15INV=953.08FES 12 RCPINV=957.35STSTMHRE=959.57INV=955.95 (S)INV=955.95 (E)FES 12 RCPINV=955.69SSSSMH62.09(NW)82 (S)SSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHSSSSMHRE=958.67INV=950.57 (N)INV=950.66 (S)FES 15 RCPINV=954.01STSTMHRE=958.99INV=957.29 (W)INV=957.29 (N)INV=957.29 (SE)FES 12 RCP956.9CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFES 24 RCPW/ 18" HDPEINSERTED INTO PIPEINV=951.39WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00CBBHRE=955.38SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XGGB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93INC301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301C55301L.C.30160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 137LYMON AVE NEWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUEGGMATCH LINEC4.2MATCH LINEC4.3C4.4MATCH LINEMATCH LINEC4.5SBSB B 18SB B 17SB TP 4SB TP 5SB B 1SB B 2SB P 1SB 06SB 04SB 05SB P 2SB B 3SB B 10SB B 16SB B 12SB B 19SB P 12SB TP 6SB D 2SB D 1SB O 1SB TP 9SB TP 1SB B 9SB B 15SB TP 3SB B 20SB B 14SB B 12SB B 8SB B 5SB B 4SBSB O 2SB O 3SB P 4SB B 6SB B 7SB TP 2SB B 13SB B 21SB P 10SB TP 8SB P 9SB P 6SB TP 7SB F 4SB D 4SB D 3SB D 1SB D 2SB F 3SB F 2SB F 1SB P 5SB TP 7SB P 7SB P 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHHHHFES 15 RCPINV=956.32FES CMP 15INV=953.08FES 12 RCPINV=957.35STSTMHRE=959.57INV=955.95 (S)INV=955.95 (E)FES 12 RCPINV=955.69SSSSMH62.09(NW)82 (S)SSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949.10 (SE)HHSSSSMHRE=958.67INV=950.57 (N)INV=950.66 (S)FES 15 RCPINV=954.01STSTMHRE=958.99INV=957.29 (W)INV=957.29 (N)INV=957.29 (SE)FES 12 RCP956.9CBMHRE=959.39INV=953.99 (SW)INV=953.99 (E)CBMHRE=959.51INV=955.96 (SE)INV=954.06 (W)CBMHRE=958.82INV=954.02 (SW)INV=953.92 (NW)CBRE=958.90INV=954.45 (NE)CBMHRE=956.81INV=953.05 (SE)INV=952.91 (SW)INV=952.91 (N)CBRE=956.87INV=953.52 (NE)SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFES 24 RCPW/ 18" HDPEINSERTED INTO PIPEINV=951.39WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT50'100100TNHTNH 5599SPK X2 171 955.43956.00CBBHRE=955.38SSSSMHRE=955.24CBMHRE=955.80CBMHRE=955.13CBMHRE=955.14X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XGGB.M.TNH = 961.81B.M.TNH = 959.93INC301PID: 101500364303CITY OF ALBERTVILLE11728 63RD ST NEALBERTVILLE MN 55301C55301L.C.30160TH STREET NEMACIVER AVE N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZIE AVE NE C.S.A.H. NO. 137LYMON AVE NEWATERMAINPER AS-BUILTUEUEUESAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.89STS >>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 1LOT 110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >20' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ELECELECELECCOMMCOMMGASGASCOMMELECGASCOMMSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTMH-2 (PUBLIC)MH-3 (PUBLIC)MH-5 (PUBLIC)MH-6 (PUBLIC)STUB-3BINV: 950.78(PLUG END)MH-7 (PUBLIC)MH-8CLEANOUT-9SSWR SERVICE CONN.-10MH-6AMH-6CMH-5AMH-5BGGGGEEAVAVIEIENZNZKEECKKEENNVEVEAVAAVERERVEVEVACACAMAMA GGGGGGRERESTSTTHH0TT0TTTT0T0T66RERERRRERESTSTSSHH0T0T66AAIEIENZNZEE EEAVVA9955955999MMMM FESFES2424RCRCILTILTS-BUS-BURARAPPEEEEETTNNEEEEGGGEEEEETTNNEEGGACACACACACIVCIVCCVERERARAAVAV ENNENE MAMAARLARLRLORLOMAMAARARRLORLOP8P8888GGGGGGGGGMAMM SSHHSSMHMHHHGGYYYGGYY 553737OOEEWWNN88WWTTEVVEEVV ))HHHH99)))))NNEEWW.TTOOOSSECAVAVVV ELEEEGG=95955757==MMREREMHMHHHMMNNNN MCCCSBSBSSMMSSSSSSSSMH-4 (PUBLIC)CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSTS>>163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.251234567891011121314151617181920222324252627282930313233343536373839404142432110' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT45° BEND-203ASTS>>44NORTH080160UTILITY CROSSINGSPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC401CWC030UTILITY CROSSINGSC4.6Crossing 1Sanitary Sewer Bottom = 956.06Watermain Top = 956.10Clearance = 0.29'CONFLICT - LOWER WATERMAIN PER DETAIL C7.5/8Crossing 2Watermain Bottom = 952.97Sanitary Sewer Top = 947.21Clearance = 5.76'Crossing 3Watermain Bottom = 953.99Sanitary Sewer Top = 948.68Clearance = 5.31'Crossing 4Watermain Bottom = 953.69Sanitary Sewer Top = 948.96Clearance = 4.73'Crossing 5Watermain Bottom = 953.33Sanitary Sewer Top = 950.36Clearance = 2.97'Crossing 6Watermain Bottom = 953.26Sanitary Sewer Top = 950.58Clearance = 2.68'Crossing 7Watermain Bottom = 953.14Sanitary Sewer Top = 948.89Clearance = 4.26'Crossing 8Watermain Bottom = 949.34Sanitary Sewer Top = 945.99Clearance = 3.35'Crossing 9Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.91Sanitary Sewer Top = 956.28Clearance = 0.63'Crossing 10Storm Sewer Bottom = 955.79Sanitary Sewer Top = 954.35Clearance = 1.44'Crossing 11Sanitary Sewer Bottom = 955.99Storm Sewer Top = 948.53Clearance = 7.46'Crossing 12Storm Sewer Bottom = 955.74Sanitary Sewer Top = 948.15Clearance = 7.60'Crossing 13Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.91Sanitary Sewer Top = 950.07Clearance = 6.84'Crossing 14Storm Sewer Bottom = 954.95Sanitary Sewer Top = 954.44Clearance = 0.52'Crossing 15Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.85Sanitary Sewer Top = 951.42Clearance = 5.43'Crossing 16Sanitary Sewer Bottom = 957.25Storm Sewer Top = 956.58Clearance = 0.68'Crossing 17Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.45Sanitary Sewer Top = 953.06Clearance = 3.39'Crossing 18Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.79Sanitary Sewer Top = 954.09Clearance = 2.70'Crossing 19Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.22Sanitary Sewer Top = 955.38Clearance = 1.84'Crossing 20Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.48Sanitary Sewer Top = 956.17Clearance = 1.31'Crossing 21Storm Sewer Bottom = 953.32Sanitary Sewer Top = 951.18Clearance = 2.14'Crossing 22Storm Sewer Bottom = 954.95Sanitary Sewer Top = 949.11Clearance = 5.83'1UTILITY CROSSINGSDatum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 ElevationCrossing 23Storm Sewer Bottom = 953.40Sanitary Sewer Top = 946.01Clearance = 7.40'Crossing 24Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.84Sanitary Sewer Top = 946.72Clearance = 6.12'Crossing 25Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.84Sanitary Sewer Top = 946.62Clearance = 6.22'Crossing 26Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.85Sanitary Sewer Top = 946.25Clearance = 6.59'Crossing 27Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.84Watermain Top = 953.73Clearance = 3.11'Crossing 28Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.37Watermain Top = 956.59Clearance = 1.78'Crossing 29Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.92Watermain Top = 951.96Clearance = 0.97'CONFLICT - LOWER WATERMAIN PER DETAIL C7.5/8Crossing 30Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.99Watermain Top = 952.06Clearance = 0.93'CONFLICT - LOWER WATERMAIN PER DETAIL C7.5/8Crossing 31Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.92Watermain Top = 952.35Clearance = 0.56'CONFLICT - LOWER WATERMAIN PER DETAIL C7.5/8Crossing 32Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.97Watermain Top = 952.67Clearance = 0.29'CONFLICT - LOWER WATERMAIN PER DETAIL C7.5/8Crossing 33Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.71Watermain Top = 956.20Clearance = 1.50'Crossing 34Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.71Watermain Top = 956.20Clearance = 1.50'Crossing 35Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.71Watermain Top = 956.20Clearance = 1.50'Crossing 36Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.75Watermain Top = 952.34Clearance = 4.40'Crossing 37Storm Sewer Bottom = 958.59Watermain Top = 956.03Clearance = 2.57'Crossing 38Storm Sewer Bottom = 953.42Watermain Top = 950.54Clearance = 2.89'Crossing 39Storm Sewer Bottom = 952.93Watermain Top = 951.43Clearance = 1.50'Crossing 40Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.21Watermain Top = 955.69Clearance = 1.52'Crossing 41Storm Sewer Bottom = 957.53Watermain Top = 956.49Clearance = 2.04'Crossing 42Storm Sewer Bottom = 955.72Watermain Top = 953.96Clearance = 1.76'Crossing 43Storm Sewer Bottom = 956.04Watermain Top = 953.82Clearance = 2.22'Crossing 44Storm Sewer Bottom = 951.73Watermain Top = 948.81Clearance = 2.92'232345678910111213141516171819202122242526272829303132333435363738394041424344 SSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949 10 (SE)SSX X N >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>FOREBAYNWL = 952.00BTM = 946.00DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN > STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ELECELCOMMGASCOMMELECGASCOMMSTS>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0013+31.32MH-2 (PUBLIC)MH-3 (PUBLIC)MH-5 (PUBLIC)MH-6 (PUBLIC)STUB-3BINV 950 78MH-7 (PUBLIC)MH-6AMH-6CMH-5A323232MH-4 (PUBLIC)0+001+002+00CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSTS>>45° BEND-203ASTS>>SSMHRE=962.15INV=949.10 (NW)INV=949 10 (SE)SSX X 935940945950955960965970935940945950955960965970-0+25955.1960.090+00954.9962.32954.7962.080+50954.8962.01955.3961.991+00956.0962.04956.9962.161+50957.4962.34958.0962.342+00958.4962.26958.7962.252+50958.8962.26958.7962.403+00958.3962.07958.1961.763+50958.4961.52958.5961.654+00958.1961.65957.4961.614+50956.7961.66956.2961.735+00956.0961.81955.8961.915+50956.3962.03956.6961.666+00956.7961.24956.9960.796+50957.0960.33956.5960.107+00956.2960.12955.7960.337+50955.3960.37955.2960.168+00955.0959.92954.8959.758+50954.3959.58954.0959.429+00953.9959.33953.7959.599+50953.5959.65953.7959.5210+00954.2959.39954.1959.6610+50954.1959.34954.4958.4511+00954.8958.10955.3958.2311+50956.1958.42956.8959.2012+00957.6959.49958.0959.3012+50958.6959.61959.0959.9413+00958.9959.7413+5013+75MH-2 (PUBLIC)RIM: 959.20INL (SW): 945.22INV: 945.1248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8127' - 8" PVC @ 0.5%232' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%MH-3 (PUBLIC)RIM: 959.73INL (W): 946.25INV: 946.1548" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/837' - 8" PVC@ 0.4%MH-4 (PUBLIC)RIM: 959.38INL (W): 946.50INV: 946.40INV: 946.5048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8399' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%MH-5 (PUBLIC)RIM: 961.84INL (W): 948.20INL (N): 948.20INV: 948.10INV: 948.2048" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8372' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%MH-6 (PUBLIC)RIM: 962.23INL (N): 949.83INL (W): 949.83INV: 949.73INV: 949.8348" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8160' - 8" PVC @ 0.4%MH-7 (PUBLIC)RIM: 960.09INL (N): 950.57INV: 950.4748" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/88" DIP CL52 WATER12" DIP CL52 WATERFINISHED GRADEEXISTING GRADEMAINTAIN MIN.7.5' OF COVER24" HDPESTORM SEWER15" HDPESTORM SEWER6" LEAD6" LEAD90° BEND6" LEAD6" LEAD8" GV6" LEAD18" HDPESTORM SEWER15" HDPESTORM SEWER1" WATER36" HDPESTORM SEWER42" HDPESTORM SEWER48" HDPESTORM SEWER11.25° BEND45° BENDEX. MH CONNECTION-1INL(SW): 944.546" LEADREFER TO SHEET C6.2FOR CONTINUATIONREFER TO SHEET C6.4FOR CONTINUATION>>HHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG757660TH STREET NEMA CIVER AVE NE WATERMAINPER AS-BUILTSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>DETENTION POND 1P100-YR HWL = 955.75NWL = 952.00BTM = 942.001" WQ VOL. = 67,446 CFWQ ELEVATION = 952.8910' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTSAN>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ELECELECCOMMCOMMGAS>>STS>>0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+64.82GGENVEAVAVERERVEVACMA GGGRESTTH0T0T0T6RERERESTSSH0T6ILTS-BURAPEEEEEEETNEEEGGEEETNEGACACACIVCVERRAAV ENNE 828.881GG2+00ECELEELEG00MCCC0010' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT>>HHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG757660TH STREET NEMA CIVER AVE NE WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT940945950955960965970940945950955960965970-0+25956.1962.310+00955.8962.03955.9962.280+50956.0962.54956.1962.241+00956.1961.83956.1961.411+50956.3961.22956.6960.072+00957.0958.68957.2957.162+50956.1956.51955.3956.483+00955.8957.14956.3957.653+50956.9957.98956.9958.314+00956.7958.50956.5958.414+50956.1958.31955.9958.315+00955.9958.43955.6958.275+50955.5958.04955.6957.816+00955.2957.56954.5956.976+50954.0955.59953.5955.287+00953.2955.19953.1955.097+50953.2955.00953.2954.908+00953.0954.81952.9954.718+50952.8954.65952.7954.639+00952.3954.80953.2954.909+50953.3954.58953.4954.5810+00954.2955.33956.910+50 11+0011+258" DIP CL52 WATERFINISHED GRADEEXISTING GRADE18" HDPESTORM SEWER18" RCPSTORM SEWERMAINTAIN MIN.7.5' OF COVER8" DIP CL52 WATER90° BEND4.40'2.92'REFER TO SHEET C6.4FOR CONTINUATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC601CWC030SANITARY & WATERPROFILESC6.1NORTH080160Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.5/5.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.5/5.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation 26X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SANSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>ELECGASCOMMGASSTS>>STS>>STS>>STSMH-5 (PUBLIC)MH-8CLEANOUT-9SSWR SERVICE CONN.-10MH-6AMH-6CMH-5AMH-5B0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0011+68.8CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION163,474 S.F.FFE - 964.25STS>>STS>>26X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X 945950955960965970945950955960965970-0+25955.0962.980+00955.1962.44955.3962.440+50955.8962.45956.4962.461+00956.9962.46957.7962.471+50958.7962.32959.9961.832+00961.3961.43960.8961.572+50959.5962.10958.4962.663+00958.3963.24957.9963.603+50957.7963.41957.7963.114+00957.5962.67957.7963.174+50958.2963.63958.7963.955+00959.5964.06960.2963.955+50960.5963.88960.4963.976+00960.2963.97959.7963.876+50959.5963.86959.6963.927+00959.7963.91959.8963.857+50959.9963.91960.4963.928+00960.4963.86960.4963.908+50960.5963.93960.7963.879+00960.8963.88961.3963.949+50961.9963.88961.9963.8710+00961.8963.93961.7963.8910+50962.5963.86962.8963.9311+00963.0963.84963.2963.4411+50 12+0012+25FINISHED GRADEEXISTING GRADE8" DIP CL52 WATER12" DIP CL52 WATERMH-8RIM: 961.71INL (N): 953.52INV: 953.4248" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8221' - 6" PVC @ 1.3%188' - 6" PVC @ 1.3%10" PVCSTORM SEWER10" PVCSTORM SEWER10" PVCSTORM SEWER10" PVCSTORM SEWER10" PVCSTORM SEWERMAINTAIN MIN.7.5' OF COVER24" PVCSTORM SEWER12" X 8" REDUCERCLEANOUT6" LEAD10" LEAD4" LEAD8" GV12" GV45° BEND45° BENDLOWER WATERMAINPER DETAIL C7.5/8*CONFLICT W/ SANITARY SERVICE2.07'1.50'1.50'1.50'2.07'REFER TO SHEET C6.3FOR CONTINUATIONREFER TO SHEET C6.1FOR CONTINUATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC601CWC030SANITARY & WATERPROFILESC6.2NORTH060120Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.5/5.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.5/5.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation >>>>7778780818283XXXXXXSANSAN >SAN >SAN >SAN > STS >>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>SAN>SAN>SAN>BLOCK 1LOT 1>SAN>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>COMMSTS>>STS>> STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSMH-5AMH-5B0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+009+80.97CAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION STS>>>>>>7778780818283XXXXXX940945950955960965970940945950955960965970-0+25963.2963.280+00962.6963.49962.1963.630+50961.4963.59961.4963.451+00961.5963.35961.7963.521+50961.9963.62961.6963.602+00960.9963.50960.3963.432+50959.8963.66958.5963.823+00958.0963.53957.7963.293+50957.5963.01957.4962.884+00957.6962.76957.9962.434+50957.6962.06957.2961.695+00956.9961.40956.9961.275+50957.2961.16957.5960.926+00957.4960.65956.8960.366+50956.5960.23956.4960.087+00956.8960.10957.2960.097+50956.8960.23955.6960.248+00954.8960.29955.1960.428+50955.5960.24955.7958.939+00956.0958.71956.3958.369+50956.7958.4310+0010+25FINISHED GRADEEXISTING GRADE12" DIP CL52 WATER12" DIP CL52 WATERMH-5BRIM: 964.01INL (W): 956.15INV: 956.1548" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8MH-5ARIM: 963.81INL (N): 952.11INV: 952.1148" DIAR-1642PER DETAIL C7.4/8267' - 6" PVC @ 1.5%301' - 6" PVC @ 1.3%MAINTAIN MIN.7.5' OF COVER36" HDPESTORM SEWER15" HDPESTORM SEWER8" PVCSANITARY SEWER6" LEAD45° BEND22.5° BEND11.25° BEND6" LEAD1" LEAD45° BEND2.89'1.50'3.35'REFER TO SHEET C6.2FOR CONTINUATIONREFER TO SHEET C6.1FOR CONTINUATIONPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC601CWC030SANITARY & WATERPROFILESC6.3NORTH060120Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.5/5.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.5/5.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 Elevation >>>>>>>>>>>>5424LP958.19SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT5690LP958.275730LP955.765745LP956.52SSSSMHRE=955.24GGGGGGGMARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE0+001+002+003+003+77.80>>MMAMAARRLRLOMMAMAARRLLOPP>>PPPLPUUE00UGUEGGUUEGGGG>>>>>>>>>>>>5424LP958.19SSSSMHRE=959.06INV=944.54 (NE)SSSSMHRE=957.70INV=943.85 (SW)INV=943.85 (NE)WATERMAINPER AS-BUILT5690LP958.275730LP955.765745LP956.52SSSSMHRE=955.24GGGGGGGMARLOWE AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE940945950955960965940945950955960965-0+25959.1959.820+00958.8958.80+50958.9958.21+001+502+002+503+003+504+00 4+2512" DIP CL52 WATERMAINTAIN MIN.7.5' OF COVERCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY12" WATERMAIN LOCATIONPRIOR TO CONNECTIONREFER TO SHEET C6.1FOR CONTINUATION945950955960965970945950955960965970-0+25956.50+00959.9960.00+50959.9960.71+001+502+002+503+00 3+258" DIP CL52 WATERMAINTAIN 7.5' OF COVERCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY8" WATERMAIN LOCATIONPRIOR TO CONNECTION45° BENDREFER TO SHEET C6.1FOR CONTINUATION>>>>> >HHHHHHHHG75I0+001+002+002+91.37GGG>>>>>>> >HHHHHHHHG75IPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC601CWC030SANITARY & WATERPROFILESC6.4NORTH04080Pipe MaterialsWatermain DIP Class 52 (ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151)Water Service Copper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Public Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 (ASTM: D3034, F477, & F891)Grease Trap Service PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)Storm Sewer PVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F891, F1488 & F1760)RCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)RCP 21" Class 4 (ASTM C76)RCP 24"-48" Class 3 (ASTM C76)HDPE - Corrugated, Smooth Interior, Water Tight (ASTM D3350, ASTM D4976, ASTMF2306, AASHTO M252)Drain Tile HDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F405 & F667),Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Connect to City utilities in accordance with City of Otsego Standards.Contact Otsego Public Works for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5 feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact Otsego Public Works Department for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Refer to Plumbing plans for grease interceptor detail. The tank and top slab must be designed to handle traffic and soil loads. Thetank must be protected from freezing and must comply with all local and state codes.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail 8 on Sheet C7.3.Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Wright-Hennepin Electric. The transformer paddesign is provided by the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric andconduits shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.CenterPoint Energy will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter and the meter. Gas service from themeter shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Reserved.Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Core drill existing structure for proposed pipe connection. All connections shall be water-tight.Reinstall salvaged hydrant.Replace 8" DIP watermain with 12" DIP watermain.All storm sewer catch basins shall include 10 LF of drain tile under the pavement. Refer to plan for layout. Refer to Detail C7.5/5.Install pavement drain tile as indicated on the plan per Detail C7.5/5.Drain tile inlets to catch basins shall be installed above the top of the highest sewer pipe in the structure.Foundation drain tile, refer to Architectural and Structural plans. Connect foundation drain tile to storm structure with solid wall PVC.Coordinate with plumbing and structural plans.Replace existing catch basin casting with solid cover R-1642-B. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.Datum Correction:Plan Elevation - 0.42' = NGVD29 ElevationMARLOWE AVE NE60TH ST PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC701CWC030CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.11/2" = 1'-0"2WHEEL STOP06151-1/2" = 1'-0"1ONSITE STORM DRAIN GRATE02131-1/2" = 1'-0"12CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE CURB02131-1/2" = 1'-0"8EDGE OF SIDEWALK AT PAVEMENT0213NOT TO SCALE5ON-SITE WALKS07141-1/2" = 1'-0"6CURB OPENING FOR DRAINAGE06131-1/2" = 1'-0"10TEMPORARY EDGEOF PAVEMENT02131-1/2" = 1'-0"3CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER03151-1/2" = 1'-0"7CURB AND GUTTER AT ISLAND WALK03151-1/2" = 1'-0"11CURB AND GUTTER AT ISLAND END03151-1/2" = 1'-0"4FLUSH CURB AT PAVEMENT04151/2" = 1'-0"9PAINTED STRIPE0515CURB AND GUTTERRADIUS CORNER, TYPICALCURB AND GUTTER PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC701CWC030CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.21-1/2" = 1'-0"2DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS AT INLETS02131-1/2" = 1'-0"1LANDSCAPING STORM DRAIN02131/2" = 1'-0"3CART STORAGE111312"8"6"NO SCALE12" CONCRETE RIBBON CURB4CONSTRUCT WITH REVERSE SLOPEGUTTER. GUTTER GRADE TO MATCHPAVEMENT GRADE.12" RAD.3" RAD.6"7-1/4"1/4"3" RAD.7"6" AGGREGATE BASEDIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURBON PLANS ARE TO THIS LINEBOTTOM OF CURBBOTTOM OF CURBSEE PLANSEE PLANNO SCALECONCRETE CURB TRANSITION7TOP OF CURBGUTTERTOP OF CURBGUTTERTYPE ATYPE BRIBBON CURBRIBBON CURBCONCRETECURB AND GUTTERCONCRETECURB AND GUTTER1/8" = 1'-0"5CART CORRAL ANDTYPICAL PARKING STALL03141/8" = 1'-0"6MIDDLE ISLAND AT CART CORRAL03191/8" = 1'-0"8ISLAND AT LIGHT POLE BASE10131/8" = 1'-0"9END ISLAND CURBS0613LIGHT POLE BASE PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC701CWC030CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.3BITUMINOUS TYP. SECTION24"3/8"CONCRETETYP. SECTIONSEALINGMATERIALTHICKENED BITUMINOUS EDGEAND CONCRETE SURFACEAGGREGATE BASEBITUMINOUS SURFACENON-EXTRUDINGFILLER1/8" RAD.FLOWFLOWAABB6"2"2'3'-6"3'-6"2"3'-6" CATCH BASIN CASTING SUMPAT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERCASTING3'-6"CASTINGCASTINGPAVEMENTPAVEMENTRIM ELEVATION SHOWN ON PLANGUTTER FLOW LINEPLAN VIEWSECTION B-BSECTION A-ACONCRETE CURB& GUTTERTAPER CURB AND GUTTEROVER THIS LENGTHNO SCALE8NO SCALE7PAVEMENT ARROW8'4'-4"3'-8"3'-8"1'-5"10"11'-0"2'2'-8"1'-8"8'-0"16"8'-2"1'-11"3'-4"13"4'-4" RAD.1'-5"1'-5"3'-1"1'-7"NO SCALE6NO SCALE2'4"6"100' MAX. (TYP)NOTE:RISER PIPE SHALL BE EXTENDED ABOVE GROUND LEVELINITIALLY & THEN CUT BACK TO MATCH FINAL GRADEFLOWCLEAN-OUT STRUCTURE12"6" PVC THREADEDCAP & PLUG6" PVC RISER6" PVC LONG SWEEP45d BEND8" X 6" PVC WYEENCASE IN CONCRETECONCRETE RINGIN LANDSCAPINGCONCRETE RINGIN PAVEMENTNEENAH CASTING TYPE R-1976CLEAN-OUT OR DOWNSTREAM MAIN LINE8" END CAP8" PVC12NO SCALE11INSTALL TREE PROTECTION DEVICES PRIOR TO START OF LAND DISTURBANCE.MAINTAIN UNTIL FINAL LANDSCAPE IS INSTALLED.ORANGE, POLYETHYLENE SAFETY NETTING. THREE TIES PER POST.5'2.5'6.5' STEEL T-POST, 1.25 lb/LF, POSITION AT DRIPLINE.214'O.C.12TREE PROTECTIONINSTALL AT DRIPLINE OF TREEWARP NEW TO MATCHEXISTING WITHIN 3 FEET.2'ASPHALT PAVEMENT TRANSITIONMILL EXISTING PAVEMENTTO MATCH NEW WEARCOURSE THICKNESS.APPLY TACKCOAT.NEW PAVEMENTSECTIONEXISTINGPAVEMENTSECTIONSAWCUTLOCATIONNO SCALE1031B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTERCONSTRUCT WITH REVERSE SLOPE GUTTERWHERE THE PAVEMENT SLOPES AWAY FROMCURB. GUTTER GRADE TO MATCH PAVEMENTGRADE (FORMS MAY BE TILTED).DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURBON PLANS ARE TO THIS LINE1/2" RAD.6" AGGREGATEBASE6"6"8"18"%6.03" RAD.3"RAD.13.5"6"NO SCALE93/8" = 1'-0"5PAINTED DETAIL11111/2" = 1'-0"3"STOP" AND "DO NOT ENTER" SIGNS09101/2" = 1'-0"4MEMBER ONLY / ENTER HERE SIGN05101/8" = 1'-0"1DIRECTIONAL ARROW (PRIVATE)0403VERIFYPOST CAPMINIMUM 1'-0"STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERSWHITE LETTERS AND SYMBOLON BLUE BACKGROUNDMETAL SIGN BOLT TO STEEL PIPE POSTPARKING ONLYADDITIONAL SIGN AT ALL ACCESSIBLEPARKING SPACESVAN ACCESSIBLE2-3/8" OUTER DIAMETER X 8'-0"GALVANIZED PIPE POSTSEALANT ALL AROUND POST6" PIPE - FILL WITH CONCRETE,EXTEND TO 4'-0" ABOVE PAVEMENTRED PLASTIC SLEEVE OVER 6" PIPEASPHALT PAVEMENTNOTE:1. SIGNAGE PER LOCALJURISDICTION, VERIFYREQUIREMENTS2. PROVIDE SIGN AT EACHACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL12" DIAMETER CONCRETEPOST FOOTING2ADA ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN12104'-0"PER LOCAL REQUIREMENT3"4'-0"5'-0" - 5'-6"VERIFYMINIMUM 1'-6"UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE3. SIGNAGE TO BEREFLECTORIZED PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC701CWC030CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.4NO SCALE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCECITY OF OTSEGO2NO SCALESILT FENCECITY OF OTSEGO3SLOPEVARIESMIN7"2"-3"MAX10"-11"MIN2"MAXMAINTAIN BY REMOVING SEDIMENT ANDREPLACING DAMAGED LOGS UNTILTURF IS ESTABLISHED. REMOVE AFTERPERMANENT STABILIZATION ISCOMPLETE.TEMPORARY COMPOST/BIO LOG45d COMPOST/BIO LOG8" MIN. DIAMETER1"X1" WOOD STAKES MAX. 4 FT. SPACINGNO SCALE1NO SCALE HYDRANT & GATE VALVECITY OF OTSEGO4NO SCALE GATE VALVECITY OF OTSEGO5NO SCALE FIRE HYDRANTCITY OF OTSEGO6NO SCALE THRUST BLOCKINGCITY OF OTSEGO7NO SCALE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLECITY OF OTSEGO8NO SCALE STORM SEWER MANHOLECITY OF OTSEGO9NO SCALE STORM SEWER CATCH BASINCITY OF OTSEGO10NO SCALE FLARED END SECTION RIP-RAPCITY OF OTSEGO11NO SCALE12ISOMETRIC27"-36"48"-54"21"24"78"-90"60"-72"42"18"15"1 1/4"Ø1 1/4"Ø1 1/4"Ø1"Ø1"Ø1"Ø3/4"Ø3/4"ØPIPE SIZE12"3/4"ØBARS1"6"7"8"1"1"4"5"6"4"3"3/4"3/4"3/4"5/8"5/8"2 1/2"`H'5/8"BOLTSANCHOR CLIPPROVIDE 3 ANCHOR CLIPS TO FASTEN TRASH GUARDTO FLARED END SECTION. HOT DIP GALVANIZE AFTERFABRICATION.TIE LAST 3 PIPE JOINTS. USE 2 TIE BOLTFASTENERS PER JOINT. INSTALL AT60d FROM TOP OR BOTTOM OF PIPE.FLARED END SECTION AND TRASH GUARDTRASH GUARD SIZING PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALGREEN INK SETGREEN INK SETREVISED PRELIMINARY PLATCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOMTOMTOMCNC08 JAN 202409 JAN 202419 JAN 202426 JAN 202406 MAY 2024/PROJECT NO.FILE NAMELANDFORMcIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLandformΠand Site to FinishΠare registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYMAY 6, 2024CWC230302024999 LAKE DRIVEISSAQUAH, WA 98027TEL (425) 313-8100OTSEGO, MNC701CWC030CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONDETAILSC7.5NO SCALERESERVEDSPLIT GRATE1" TO OUTSIDE OF MHFROM FLAT BAR (TYP.)5/8" SMOOTH BAR2" O.C. EACH WAY1/4" X 1-1/2" FLAT BAR1/4" X 1-1/2" FLAT BAR1/4" X 4" X 4" CLIPS WITH1/2" SS ANCHOR BOLTS3NO SCALE1PLASTIC PIPE BEDDINGCITY OF OTSEGONO SCALE26" MIN.GRANULAR FOUNDATIONCLASS C BEDDINGTHE PIPE IS BEDDED IN COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL, OR DENSELYCOMPACTED FILL MATERIAL UP TO A HEIGHT EQUAL TO ONE-SIXTH THE OUTSIDEDIAMETER OF THE PIPE. THE DEPTH (d) OF THE BEDDING MATERIAL BELOW THEPIPE IS A MINIMUM OF 3" FOR 27" AND SMALLER PIPE, 6" FOR 66" DIAMETER ANDLARGER PIPE, AND 4" FOR INTERMEDIATE SIZES. THE REMAINING SIDEFILL ANDBACKFILL MATERIAL IS COMPACTED NATIVE SOILS. CLASS C (DIP & RCP)1/8 H1/6 BcdBcCLASS C PIPE BEDDINGd = DEPTH OF BEDDING MATERIAL UNDER PIPEH = BACKFILL COVER ABOVE PIPEBc = OUTSIDE DIAMETERCOMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIALOR DENSELY COMPACTEDFILL MATERIALHAND TAMPEDNATIVE MATERIAL2120°D+2'2' FOR PIPE 4" OR LESS.MACHINE EXCAVATION LIMIT FOR RIGID PIPE.HAND SHAPE BOTTOM FOR SUPPORT OF RIGID PIPE.MACHINE EXCAVATION LIMIT FOR FLEXIBLE PIPE, GRANULAR FOUNDATION(IF REQUIRED), OR BEDDING REQUIRED FOR LOCAL CONDITIONS. DEPTHVARIES.PROVIDE LOCATING/MARKING TAPE MEETING LOCAL REQUIREMENTS.SEE DETAIL FOR BEDDING AND ENCASEMENT123453451D6"-12"66NO SCALEUTILITY TRENCHING4TRENCH WALLCONDITION VARIESNO SCALE5TRENCH DRAINNO SCALE6STRUCTURE # ELEVATION 1 ELEVATION 2 ELEVATION 3 ELEVATION 4 ELEVATION 5NWLOCS-501952.00(18" RCP)952.00(18" RCP)956.40 957.14 948.50 952.00NO SCALERATE CONTROL AND SKIMMING STRUCTURE7ELEVATION 1SKIMMING PIPE OUTLETELEVATION 2OUTLET PIPEELEVATION 3LOW OVERFLOW48" SPLIT GRATEELEVATION 4HIGH OVERFLOW8"6"ELEVATION 5SKIMMING PIPE INLETNWLVARIABLEGRADESEE PLANUSE MEGALUG THRUST RESTRAINTS ON ALL FITTINGS.ON NEW CONSTRUCTION: RESTRAIN A MINIMUM OF TWO PIPE JOINTS (40 LF) LEFT AND RIGHT OF THELOWERING.ANTI CORROSIVE COATING REQUIRED ON ALL BOLT AND RESTRAINT ASSEMBLIES.INSTALL POLYETHELENE FILM WRAP AROUND ALL PIPE INCLUDED IN THE LOWERING.INSULATION SHALL BE OF 1" OR 2" THICK BOARDS OF EXTRUDED OR EXPANDING POLYSTYRENE PLASTIC FOAMSPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR USE IN UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION AND HAVING A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 35 PSI. SPECIAL NOTE IS TO BE TAKEN THAT THIS TYPE IS DIFFERENT THAN THE TYPE USED INORDINARY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. THE INSULATION BOARD SHALL COMPLY WITH ATSM-D 1621.6"NO SCALEWATERMAIN LOWERING8OBSTRUCTION1. INSULATION2' MIN.45° BENDRESTRAIN BENDS WITH MEGALUGS OREQUAL (TYP.)HIGH DENSITY RIGIDINSULATION (TYP.)MECH. COMPACTEDGRANULAR BACKFILL45d BEND45° BENDSLEEVE AS NEEDEDWATERMAINSEE PLAN FOR SIZE48"6" MIN. ELECELECELECCOMMCOMMGASGASCOMMELECGASCOMMCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >> STS >> STS >>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGIIII X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X GGGGGIII 60TH STREET NEMACIVER AV E N E 63RD STREET NEMARLOWE AVE NEMACKENZ C.S.A.H. NO. 13762ND ST N E LYMON AVE NEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEHHHHHHHHST SSSSHHSSSTSSSSTNH SSNORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL1.0OVERALLLANDSCAPE PLANNORTHSEE SHEET L1.1SEE SHEET L1.2SEE SHEET L1.3SEE SHEET L1.4 ELECSAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN > SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >> STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SANSAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGX X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X63RD STREET NEROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.ROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.RETAINING WALL BY OTHERSELECCAUTIOAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN > SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >S SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >> STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>ANSAN >SAN >SANSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGX X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X63RD STREET NEROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.ROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.RETAINING WALL BY OTHERSNORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL1.1LANDSCAPE PLANNORTHMATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2 CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>> STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXGG GG UEUEUEUEUEUEUESSSSTNH TURF SOD TO ALLDISTURBED AREAS, TYP.EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP.LOCATION AND QUANTITYAPPROXIMATEEXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP.LOCATION AND QUANTITYAPPROXIMATEEXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP.LOCATION AND QUANTITYAPPROXIMATELANDSCAPE BED EDGE, TYP.TURF SOD TO ALLDISTURBED AREAS, TYP.ROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.ROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONSAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>> STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXXGG GGMAR UEUEUEUEUEUEUESSSSTNHNORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL1.2LANDSCAPE PLANNORTHMATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1 ELECCOMMCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG60TH STREET NEHHNATURALIZED POND PLANTINGS, TYP.EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP.LOCATION AND QUANTITYAPPROXIMATEROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.TURF SOD TO ALLDISTURBED AREAS, TYP.ELECCOMMCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION CAUTIONCAUTION>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SASAN>SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS >>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG G G60TH STREET NEHHNORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL1.3LANDSCAPE PLANNORTHMATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2 ELECCOMMGASGASCOMMELECGASCOMMCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN > SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN> SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG G G X X X C.S.A.H. NO. 137L SSHHROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.ROCK MULCH IN INTERIOR PLANTINGISLANDS LOCALLY SOURCED, 1"-2"SIZE, CLEAN WASHED STONE, TYP.NATURALIZED SEED MIX, TYP.NATURALIZED SEED MIX, TYP.ELECCOMMGASGASCOMMELECGASCOMMCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN >SAN >>SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>>> SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN> >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>ST>>>>>>GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG G G X X X X C.S.A.H. NO. 137SSHHNORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL1.4LANDSCAPE PLANNORTHMATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3 SYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMECONTCAL / INSTALL SIZEMATURE HT.MATURE SP.OTHER2.5 CALIPER INCH OVERSTORY TREESAG316ACER SACCHARUM 'GREEN MOUNTAIN' / GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLEB & B2.5" CAL. MIN40` - 60` HT.25` - 45` SP.AN2 12 ACER X FREEMANII 'AUTUMN BLAZE' / AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLEB & B2.5" CAL. MIN40` - 55` HT.30` - 40` SP.CO2 12 CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS / COMMON HACKBERRY B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN40` - 60` HT.40` - 60` SP.GA15GINKGO BILOBA 'AUTUMN GOLD' TM / AUTUMN GOLD MAIDENHAIR TREE B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN40` - 50` HT.25` - 30` SP.GC9GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS 'UMNSYNERGY' / TRUE NORTH™ KENTUCKY COFFEETREE B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN50` - 70` HT.25` - 35` SP.GS2 17 GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS 'SHADEMASTER' / SHADEMASTER HONEY LOCUST B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN60` - 80` HT.60` - 80` SP.LE9LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA `EMERALD CITY` TM / EMERALD CITY TULIP TREE B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN.55` HT.25` SP.QB216QUERCUS BICOLOR / SWAMP WHITE OAKB & B 2.5" CAL. MIN50` - 60` HT.50` - 60` SP.QD19QUERCUS ELLIPSOIDALIS 'BAILSKIES' / MAJESTIC SKIES™ NORTHERN PIN OAKB & B 2.5" CAL. MIN50` - 60` HT.45` SP.TM219TILIA AMERICANA `MCKSENTRY` / SENTRY LINDEN B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN40` - 45` HT.25` - 30` SP.UN217ULMUS 'MORTON' / ACCOLADE ELMB & B 2.5" CAL. MIN 50` HT. 40` SP.ZK215 ZELKOVA SERRATA `AUTUMN GLOW` / AUTUMN GLOW JAPANESE ZELKOVA B & B 2.5" CAL. MIN 35` HT. 25` - 30` SP.EVERGREEN TREESAC5ABIES CONCOLOR / WHITE FIRB & B 6` HT. MIN 40` - 50` HT.15` - 25` SP.PD10PICEA GLAUCA 'DENSATA' / BLACK HILLS WHITE SPRUCEB & B 6` HT. MIN 25` - 35` HT.10` - 15` SP.PD3 10PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII / DOUGLAS FIRB & B 6` HT. MIN 40` - 60` HT.15` - 20` SP.PF25PINUS FLEXILIS 'VANDERWOLF'S PYRAMID' / VANDERWOLF'S PYRAMID LIMBER PINEB & B 6` HT. MIN 35` HT.20` SP.PS2 14 PINUS STROBUS / WHITE PINEB & B6` HT. MIN 70` HT.40` SP.ORNAMENTAL/UNDERSTORYAE2AESCULUS X ARNOLDIANA 'AUTUMN SPLENDOR' / AUTUMN SPLENDOR HORSECHESTNUT B & B 2" CAL. MIN 35` HT. 25` SP. SINGLE STEMAL 6 AMELANCHIER LAEVIS / ALLEGHENY SERVICEBERRY MULTI-TRUNK B & B 6` - 8` HT. MIN 20`-40` HT. 20`-40` HT.BB5BETULA NIGRA 'CULLY' / HERITAGE RIVER BIRCH MULTI-TRUNK B & B 6` - 8` HT. MIN 40` - 50` HT. 30` - 40` SP.CA 3CARPINUS CAROLINIANA / AMERICAN HORNBEAMB & B 6` - 8` HT. MIN 25` - 35` HT. 20` SP. SINGLE STEMCV 4 CRATAEGUS CRUS-GALLI INERMIS TM / THORNLESS COCKSPUR HAWTHORNB & B 6` - 8` HT. MIN 20` - 30` HT. 20` - 30` SP.SINGLE STEMSI8SYRINGA RETICULATA 'IVORY SILK' / IVORY SILK JAPANESE TREE LILACB & B 6` - 8` HT. MIN 20` - 25` HT.15` - 20` SP. SINGLE STEMSYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMECONTSPACINGINSTALL SIZEMATURE HT.MATURE SP.SHRUBSAL2145ARONIA MELANOCARPA 'UCONNAM165' TM / LOW SCAPE MOUND BLACK CHOKEBERRY 3 GAL SEE PLAN15" HT MIN 18" - 24" HT.18" - 24" SP.AM21ARONIA MELANOCARPA 'MORTON' TM / IROQUOIS BEAUTY BLACK CHOKEBERRY5 GAL SEE PLAN 18" HT MIN24" - 36" HT.36" - 48" SP.CF 73CORNUS SERICEA 'FARROW' TM / ARCTIC FIRE RED TWIG DOGWOOD3 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT. MIN. 36" - 48" HT. 36" - 48" SP.CH 60CORNUS ALBA `BAILHALO` TM / IVORY HALO DOGWOOD5 GAL 6` OC36" HT MIN 4` - 6` HT. 4` - 6` SP.CS 35CORNUS SERICEA 'SUMMER GOLD' / SUMMER GOLD KOREAN DOGWOOD7 GAL 48" OC24" HT MIN6` - 8` HT. 3` - 4` SPFM21FORSYTHIA X INTERMEDIA 'MINDOR' TM / SHOW OFF FORSYTHIA3 GAL 6` OC36" HT MIN 4` - 6` HT. 4` - 6` SP.HB 16HYDRANGEA PANICULATA `BULK` TM / QUICK FIRE PANICLE HYDRANGEA5 GAL SEE PLAN24" HT MIN6` - 8` HT. 4` - 6` SP.HL 25HYDRANGEA PANICULATA `JANE` TM / LITTLE LIME PANICLE HYDRANGEA3 GAL4` OC12" HT. MIN.36" - 48" HT. 36" - 48" SP.HV 50HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS 'NCHA3' TM / INVINCIBELLE RUBY SMOOTH HYDRANGEA3 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 24" - 36" HT. 3` - 4` SPJE 5JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS `FAIRVIEW` / FAIRVIEW JUNIPERB & BSEE PLAN6` HT. MIN. 15` - 20` HT4` - 6` SP.JF 68JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS 'SEA GREEN' / SEA GREEN JUNIPER5 GAL 6` OC24" HT MIN4` - 6` HT.6` - 8` SP.PB33POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA 'HACHLISS' TM / BELLA BELLISSIMA BUSH CINQUEFOIL3 GAL 36" OC12" HT MIN24" - 36" HT.24" - 36" SP.PL148PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS 'LITTLE DEVIL' TM / LITTLE DEVIL DWARF NINEBARK5 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 36" - 48" HT.36" - 48" SP.RF43ROSA RUGOSA `FRU DAGMAR HASTRUP` / FRU DAGMAR HASTRUP ROSE5 GAL SEE PLAN24" HT MIN36" - 48" HT.3` - 4` SPRG46RHUS AROMATICA 'GRO-LOW' / GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC5 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 36" - 48" HT.6` - 8` SP.SF110SPIRAEA JAPONICA 'NEON FLASH' / NEON FLASH JAPANESE SPIREA3 GAL SEE PLAN12" HT MIN24" - 36" HT.3` - 4` SPSM168SPIRAEA JAPONICA 'WALBUMA' / MAGIC CARPET JAPANESE SPIREA3 GAL SEE PLAN6" HT. MIN. 12" - 18" HT.24" - 36" SP.SM243SYRINGA MEYERI `PALIBIN` / DWARF KOREAN LILAC5 GAL SEE PLAN36" HT MIN 4` - 6` HT.6` - 8` SP.ST 72SPIRAEA BETULIFOLIA 'TOR GOLD' TM / GLOW GIRL BIRCHLEAF SPIREA3 GAL SEE PLAN12" HT MIN24" - 36" HT.24" - 36" SP.VM 22VIBURNUM DENTATUM 'BLUE MUFFIN' / BLUE MUFFIN ARROWWOOD VIBURNUM5 GAL SEE PLAN24" HT MIN4` - 6` HT.4` - 6` SP.VR 42DIERVILLA RIVULARIS `SMNDRSF` TM / KODIAK BLACK HONEYSUCKLE3 GAL 6` OC24" HT MIN36" - 48" HT.4` - 6` SP.WM200WEIGELA FLORIDA 'MINUET' / MINUET WEIGELA3 GAL SEE PLAN15" HT MIN 18" - 24" HT.24" - 36" SP.PLANT SCHEDULEGRASSESCK51CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER' / KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS 1 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 4` - 6` HT.24" - 36" SP.PA233PANICUM AMARUM 'DEWEY BLUE' / DEWEY BLUE BITTER PANICGRASS 1 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 3` - 4` HT.2` - 3` SP.PH104PANICUM VIRGATUM 'HEAVY METAL' / HEAVY METAL SWITCH GRASS 1 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 4` - 6` HT.18" - 24" SP.PN66PANICUM VIRGATUM 'NORTHWIND' / NORTHWIND SWITCH GRASS 1 GAL SEE PLAN18" HT MIN 6` - 8` HT.24" - 36" SP.ST2 149 SPOROBOLUS HETEROLEPIS 'TARA' / TARA PRAIRIE DROPSEED 1 GAL SEE PLAN12" HT MIN2` - 3` HT.2` - 3` SP.SYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMECONTSPACINGMATURE HT.GRASSES AND PERENNIALSAB102AMSONIA X 'BLUE ICE' / BLUE ICE BLUESTAR 1 GAL 24" OC12" - 18" HT.AH102ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM 'STRAWBERRY SEDUCTION' / STRAWBERRY SEDUCTION COMMON YARROW 1 GAL 30" OC18" - 24" HT.AS231ALLIUM X 'SUMMER BEAUTY' / SUMMER BEAUTY ORNAMENTAL ONION 1 GAL 24" OC12" - 18" HT.CC 72 COREOPSIS X 'MOONBEAM' / MOONBEAM TICKSEED 1 GAL 24" OC12" - 18" HT.EP 47 ECHINACEA 'RUBY STAR' / RUBY STAR CONEFLOWER 1 GAL 18" OC3` - 4` HT.GK42GERANIUM X CANTABRIGIENSE 'KARMINA' / BIOKOVO CRANESBILL 1 GAL 24" OC 8" - 12" HT.HH127HEMEROCALLIS X 'HAPPY RETURNS' / HAPPY RETURNS DAYLILY 1 GAL 24" OC 12" - 18" HT.SYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMEGROUND COVERSDB9,025 SFDETENTION BASIN SEED MIXNM66,277 SFNO-MOW SEED MIXNS109,091 SFNATURALIZED SEED MIXTD68,476 SFTURF SODNORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL2.0LANDSCAPE NOTESAND DETAILS NORTH ARROW AND SCALEAS INDICATEDDATEISSUED FORREV©CONSULTANTSEAL AND SIGNATURES1/08/2023CITY SUBMITTALCOSTCO WHOLESALEWAREHOUSE SITENWC OF 60TH STREET NE & MACIVER AVE NEOTSEGO, MN1/09/2023GREEN INK5/06/2024CITY SUBMITTALL2.1LANDSCAPE NOTESAND DETAILSNOTE: ALL INTERIOR ISLANDS AND FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE TO BE MULCHED WITH DECORATIVE STONE.3"6 OZ. NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRICWRAP AT ADJACENT SURFACESUBGRADEFGSTONE MULCH3" = 1'-0"12" STEEL EDGER SPIKE18" X 4" STEEL EDGERTOP FLUSH WITH GRADEADJACENT SURFACEVARIES, SEE PLANDECORATIVE STONEMULCH/STONE MULCH53"FGSTONE MULCH ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE3" = 1'-0"VARIES, SEE PLANDECORATIVE STONEMULCH/STONE MULCH6 OZ. NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE FABRICWRAP UPWARDS AGAINSTPAVING / CURBSUBGRADEADJACENT HARDSCAPE SURFACE61. INSPECT TREE FOR DAMAGED BRANCHES, APPLYCORRECTIVE PRUNING.2. SET ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL. TOPOF ROOTBALL SHALL BE TWO INCHES ABOVESURROUNDING GRADE WITH BURLAP AND WIRE BASKETINTACT.3. REMOVE WIRE BASKET AND BURLAP DOWN FOUR TO SIXINCHES BELOW TOP OF ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINEAND (IF USED), SYNTHETIC MATERIAL. REMOVE ORCORRECT GIRDLING ROOTS.4. TAMP EXCAVATED SOIL AROUND BASE OF ROOTBALL.5. BACKFILL REMAINDER EXCAVATED SOIL TAMPED LIGHTLY.HIGH CLAY OR POOR SOIL SHALL RECEIVE SOILAMENDMENT PER LANDSCAPE NOTES.6. WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN TWO HOURS USING 10 TO 15GALLONS OF WATER.7. APPLY MULCH IN EVEN LAYER, KEEPING AWAY FROMROOT FLARE.8. FINAL LOCATION OF TREE TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER.NOTES:2X ROOT BALL WIDTHSHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCHEXCAVATED BACKFILLSUBGRADETAMPED BACKFILLTREE PLANTINGNTS11. APPLY CORRECTIVE PRUNING.2. SET ROOT BALL OR CONTAINER ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL. TOP OFROOTBALL (CONTAINER) SHALL BE ONE INCH ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE.FOR LARGER SHRUBS WITHIN PLANTING BED DIG A DEEPER PIT ONLY FORTHOSE SHRUBS.3. REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP HALF THE LENGTH OF ROOTBALL. TWINE AND (IFUSED) SYNTHETIC MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PLANTING BED. FORCONTAINER GROWN SHRUBS, REMOVE CONTAINER AND LOOSEN ROOTSPRIOR TO INSTALLATION.4. REMOVE OR CORRECT GIRDLING ROOTS.5. PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH AMENDED SOIL PER LANDSCAPE NOTES. WATERTHOROUGHLY WITHIN TWO HOURS.6. APPLY MULCH IN EVEN LAYER, KEEPING AWAY FROM ROOT FLARE. MULCHLIMITS FOR SHRUBS EXTEND TO ALL LIMITS OF PLANTING BED, SEE PLANSFOR BED LAYOUTS.NOTES:SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCHAMENDED SOILSUBGRADEMINIMUM 6" BEYOND ROOT BALLSHRUB PLANTINGNTS31. INSPECT TREE FOR DAMAGED BRANCHES, APPLYCORRECTIVE PRUNING.2. SET ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL. TOPOF ROOTBALL SHALL BE TWO INCHES ABOVESURROUNDING GRADE WITH BURLAP AND WIRE BASKETINTACT.3. REMOVE WIRE BASKET AND BURLAP DOWN FOUR TO SIXINCHES BELOW TOP OF ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINEAND (IF USED), SYNTHETIC MATERIAL. REMOVE ORCORRECT GIRDLING ROOTS.4. TAMP EXCAVATED SOIL AROUND BASE OF ROOTBALL.5. BACKFILL REMAINDER EXCAVATED SOIL TAMPED LIGHTLY.HIGH CLAY OR POOR SOIL SHALL RECEIVE SOILAMENDMENT PER LANDSCAPE NOTES.6. WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN TWO HOURS USING 10 TO 15GALLONS OF WATER.7. APPLY MULCH IN EVEN LAYER, KEEPING AWAY FROMROOT FLARE.8. FINAL LOCATION OF TREE TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER.NOTES:SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCHEXCAVATED BACKFILLSUBGRADETAMPED BACKFILLEVERGREEN TREE PLANTINGNTS2X ROOT BALL WIDTH2SECTIONPLAN VIEWO.C. SPACING, SEE PLANS FOR DETAILSSHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCHAMENDED SOILSUBGRADESPADED BED EDGE1. EXCAVATE PLANTING BED.2. BED HEIGHT IS TO BE 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE AND WELL DRAINED.3. REMOVE CONTAINER, SCORE SOIL MASS TO REDIRECT AND PREVENT CIRCLINGROOTS. CORRECT GIRDLING ROOTS.2. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE LAID OUT BY FOLLOWING THE BED EDGE, WORKINGTOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE BED USING TRIANGULAR (STAGGERED) SPACINGAS PLAUSIBLE.3. PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH PLANTING MIX AS SPECIFIED IN LANDSCAPE NOTES.4. APPLY MULCH IN EVEN LAYER, KEEPING AWAY FROM ROOT FLARE. MULCH LIMITSFOR PERENNIALS/GROUNDCOVER EXTEND TO ALL LIMITS OF PLANTING BED, SEEPLANS FOR BED LAYOUTS.5. SPACING TO BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANT LIST. PERENNIALS SHALL BE PLACEDWITH THEIR CENTER 24" FROM EDGE OF BED.NOTES:PERENNIAL PLANTINGNTS41. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING MATERIALS AND PLANTS SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST TO REPAIR UTILITIES, ADJACENT LANDSCAPE, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY THAT IS DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR OR THEIR SUBCONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS DURINGINSTALLATION OR DURING THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE PERIOD. CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCY IN PLAN VS. FIELD CONDITIONS IMMEDIATELY TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO CONTINUING WITH THAT PORTION OF WORK. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS.3. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY OF THEIR TRENCHES OR EXCAVATIONS THAT SETTLE.5.CONFORM TO AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN'S SPECIFICATIONS TRUE TO NAME. PLANTS TO BE FIRST QUALITY, WELL FOLIATED WITH WELL-DEVELOPED ROOT SYSTEMS AND A NORMAL, WELL-SHAPED TRUNK AND LEADER, LIMBS, STEMS AND A HEAD. PLANTS DEEMED UNSUITABLE MAY BE REJECTED BEFORE OR AFTER DELIVERY. PLANT MATERIAL IS REQUIRED TO BE FREE OF EVIDENCEOF DISEASE, INSECTS, INSECT EGGS, AND LARVAE. OVERSIZE PLANTS MAY BE USED WITH APPROVAL, BUT AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE. BALLS THAT ARE CRACKED, BROKEN OR DRY TO THE CENTER WILL BE REJECTED.6. THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY REJECT ANY PLANT MATERIALS THAT ARE DISEASED, DEFORMED, OR OTHERWISE NOT EXHIBITING SUPERIOR QUALITY.7. GUARANTEE TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF ACCEPTANCE AGAINST DEFECTS INCLUDING DEATH AND UNSATISFACTORY GROWTH, EXCEPT FOR DEFECTS RESULTING FROM NEGLECT BY OWNER, ABUSE OR DAMAGE BY OTHERS, OR UNUSUAL PHENOMENA OR INCIDENTS WHICH ARE BEYOND LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S CONTROL.8. AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2014 OR MOST CURRENT VERSION) REQUIREMENTS FOR SIZE AND TYPE.9. PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER ANSI STANDARD PLANTING PRACTICES.10. PRIOR TO PLANTING, FIELD VERIFY THAT THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR IS LOCATED AT THE TOP OF THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE. IF THIS IS NOT THE CASE, SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED DOWN TO THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR. WHEN THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE IS PLANTED, THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR SHALL BE EVEN OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.11. OPEN TOP OF BURLAP ON BB MATERIALS; REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS.12. PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY - PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRANCHING OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED TREES.13. WRAP ALL SMOOTH-BARKED TREES - FASTEN TOP AND BOTTOM. REMOVE BY APRIL 1ST.14. STAKING OF TREES AS NEEDED; REPOSITION, PLUMB AND STAKE IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR.15. THE NEED FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS.16. TOPSOIL SHALL BE HIGH-QUALITY, AMENDED PER AGRONOMICAL SOIL REPORT AND BE AND GRADED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM DEPTHS BELOW FINISHED GRADE. REFER TO SOIL SPECIFICATION FOR MORE DETAIL.- PLANTING AREAS WITHIN 10 FEET OF BUILDINGS: 6 INCHES- OTHER PLANTING AREAS: 4 INCHES- LANDSCAPE ISLANDS: 6 INCHES- TURF AREAS: 4 INCHES17. SEED/SOD LIMIT LINES ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED/SOD ALL AREAS WHICH ARE DISTURBED BY GRADING WITH THE SPECIFIED SEED/SOD MIXES. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED OR SEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SOD/SEED SHALL BE LOCAL HARDY TURF GRASS MIX UNLESS, OTHERWISE NOTED.18. EDGING TO BE A SPADED EDGE UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V-SHAPED DEPTH AND WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN MULCH AND GRASS. A SPADED BED EDGE SHALL SEPARATE MULCH BEDS FROM TURF OR SEEDED AREAS. A SPADED EDGE IS NOT REQUIRED ALONG CURBED EDGES.19. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NATURAL BROWN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AT A 3" DEPTH TO ALL TREES, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS. TREES PLACED IN AREA COVERED BY TURF SHALL RECEIVE A 4 FT WIDE MAXIMUM TREE RING WITH 3" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. ALL FOUNDATION PLANTING AREAS AND INTERIOR PARKINGISLANDS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH DECORATIVE ROCK MULCH.20. INSTALLATION OF TREES WITHIN PARKWAYS SHALL BE COORDINATED IN THE FIELD WITH LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. TREES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED CLOSER THAN 5' FROM UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES AND NO CLOSER THAN 10' FROM UTILITY STRUCTURES.21. REPAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REQUIRED FOR ANY ROADWAY BOULEVARD AREAS ADJACENT TO THE SITE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION.22. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO OWNER.23. DO NOT DISTURB THE EXISTING PAVING, LIGHTING, OR LANDSCAPING THAT EXISTS ADJACENT TO THE SITE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLAN.24. PLANT QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE OWNER AND JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW AGENCIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL PLANT QUANTITIES AS DRAWN.25. SEE IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION AND IRRIGATION NOTES.26. SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR SITE LIGHTING.SPECIFICATIONS SHALL SUPERCEDE LANDSCAPE NOTES.LANDSCAPE NOTES 60TH ST NEMACIVER AVE NE PONDS2.15 ACRES62ND ST NEMARLOWE AVE NECITY OFALBERTVILLECITY OFALBERTVILLECITY OFOTSEGOCITY OFALBERTVILLELOT 31.75 ACRES(76,326 SF)LOT 21.31 ACRES(58,889 SF)CITY OFOTSEGOLYMON AVE NEFOREBAYDETENTION POND SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETSKNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: Costco Wholesale Corporation, a Washington Corporation fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit:Outlot J, ZIMMER FARMS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.AndThe East 20 acres of the South 3/4 of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, EXCEPT that part thereof taken for InterstateHighway No. 94.Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as COSTCO ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat.In witness whereof said Costco Wholesale Corporation, a Washington Corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this ______ day of _________________________________, 20____.COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION________________________________________________________(Signature)_____________________________, Its ________________________________(Print name) (Title)STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF _________________This instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of ________________________________, 20____ by ________________________________, it's ________________________________ ofCostco Wholesale Corporation, a Washington Corporation on behalf of the corporation._________________________________________________(Signature)_________________________________________________(Print name)Notary Public, _________________________ County, _____________.My Commission Expires _________________I, Lynn P. Caswell, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of theboundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries andwet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat.Dated this _______ day of _____________, 20___._______________________________________Lynn P. Caswell, Licensed Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 13057STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF _________________The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this ______ day of __________________, 20____ by Lynn P. Caswell, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 13057_________________________________________________(Signature)_________________________________________________(Print name)Notary Public, __________________________________ County, _____________.My Commission expires: __________________________CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTAThis plat of COSTCO ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this _________ day of __________________________, 20____,and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2._______________________________________, Mayor_______________________________________, City AdministratorWRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYORI hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _________ day of _________________________, 20____._______________________________________, Wright County SurveyorWRIGHT COUNTY LAND RECORDSPursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20____ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are nodelinquent taxes and transfer entered this _____________ day of __________________________, 20____._______________________________________, Wright County Land Records AdministratorWRIGHT COUNTY RECORDERI hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the Office of the County Recorder for record on this ______ day of __________________, 20____, at ______ o'clock ______. M., and wasduly recorded in Cabinet No. ___________, Sleeve ____________ as Document No. ___________________._______________________________________, Wright County Recorder 100100N90°00'00"E 441.12N25°51'21"E 61.43N51°09'54"E 64.94N33°56'24"E 15.8666.61S67°30'00"ES00°00'10"E 430.58N89°59'59"E 574.78N00°00'00"W 619.94S89°58'13"E 20.1520.00S90°00'00"W 279.99N00°00'00"W 599.95N89°59'59"E 534.78S00°00'10"E 423.9583.95S67°30'00"EN90°00'00"E 274.55S00°05'13"E 156.88S90°00'00"W 342.34N00°00'00"W 24.7624.78N89°24'57"WS00°35'03"W 12.02S90°00'00"W 219.92N00°00'46"W 170.4242.30N89°56'25"W20.00S00°00'46"E22.30S89°56'25"ES00°00'46"E 150.44N90°00'00"E 275.82N90°00'00"E 326.90S00°00'00"E 199.04S00°00'00"E 182.0010.0010.00S00°23'25"E 221.67N90°00'00"E 423.87344.3179.56N00°05'13"W 156.91S89°59'51"E 137.08S33°56'24"W 189.1020.00S90°00'00"W31.26∆ ∆∆∆50.04170.04BLOCK 1LOT 1LOT 2LOT 3L=41 9 .3 8 Δ =3 8 °0 8 '2 8 "L=49.72 Δ=3°57'25"16.50N89°47'18"E116.38N89°36'35"E82.87S88°11'58"E66.01 S26°45'5 8" E 85.20N90°00'00"E99.87N58°10'51"E86.80S88°11'58"EN89°56'03"E 76.54DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTDRAINAGEANDUTILITYEASEMENTEAST LINE OF THE SE QUARTEROF THE SE QUARTER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 121,RANGE 24WEST LINE OF THE EAST 20ACRES OF THE SOUTH 3/4 OFTHE SE QUARTER OF THE SEQUARTER OF SECTION 36NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 3/4OF THE SE QUARTER OF THE SEQUARTER OF SECTION 36SE CORNER OFSECTION 36, TOWNSHIP121, RANGE 24. A CASTIRON MONUMENT,WRIGHT COUNTY, MN(C.S.A.H. NO. 137) 60TH STREET NE100100152.14672.56MACIVER AVENUE NE482.6761.32N68°47'56"E38.51C.S.A.H. NO. 137 60TH STREET NE20202020202020202020202020202020L=364.82Δ=29°01'52"100.00INSET A36.0013.68120.00364.8137.0448.16INSET BMACIVER AVENUE NW∆N74°40'15"E 58.20S38°05'00"E 42.51S25°51'21"W 62.60L=48.40Δ=4°19'59"L=46.28Δ=4°12'31"L=45.81Δ=4°06'04"MACIVERAVENUE NE18.26S85°19'45"E31.86 N08°44'07"W 39.31S90°00'00"W27.85S08°15'32"W20.64 18.67(C.S.A.H. NO. 137)60TH STREET NE48.31S85°19'45"ES85°19'45"E 78.64SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETSNORTH0801601 INCH = 80 FEETSCALE IN FEETBeing 10 feet in width and adjoining lot lines,unless otherwise shown and 10 feet in width andadjoining right of way lines as shown on the plat.10101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARESHOWN THUS:Denotes iron pipe monument found.Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe setand marked by License No. 13057.Denotes Cast Iron MonumentINSET A1 INCH = 30 FEETINSET B1 INCH = 30 FEETNO SCALEVICINITY MAPSection 36 and 31, Township121, Range 24 Wright County,MNSE 1/4 SEC 36NE 1/4 SEC 36NW1/4 SEC 31SW1/4 SEC 313631MACIVER AVE NE 60TH ST NE62ND ST NE S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2024\OT2524.01 Costco\A-REVIEW PHASE\REVIEW NO. 3\OT2524.01 RVW3.docx Main Office: 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council CC: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Audra Etzel, City Clerk Daniel Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Stephen J. Cross, Costco Wholesale Corporation Tom Meyer, Landform FROM: Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Abdullah Alqwaizani, E.I.T. DATE: May 29, 2024 RE: Costco Wholesale We have reviewed the following information provided by Landform. Final Plat for Costco Addition, by Landform We would offer the following comments: Final Plat 1. Anything labeled CSAH No. 137 should be County Road No. 137 2. MACIVER AVE NW should be MACIVER AVE NE. 3. North ROW line for County Road No. 137 or the south plat line must follow a minimum 2’ north of trail. ROW for County Road No. 137 must be approved by Wright County. Cover Sheet C0.1 4. Need City Engineer approval signature and date block. Existing Conditions C1.1 5. Show location, name, width of existing streets, and building within 150’. 6. Adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land shall be identified by name and ownership within 150’ of the project boundary. 7. Show the existing zoning classification for land the property in. 8. The road south of the plat is County Road 137 not C.S.A.H. No. 37 January 25, 2024 Page 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2024\OT2524.01 Costco\A-REVIEW PHASE\REVIEW NO. 3\OT2524.01 RVW3.docx 9. Provide the total area of the proposed plat, lot areas, outlots, and Right- of-way (ROW) by jurisdiction. 10. ROW dedication requirements for County Road 137 shall be subject to approval of Wright County. Demolition C1.2 9. Demolition does not include items needed to be removed for the required RAB construction at Marlowe and Maciver Ave Overall Site Plan C2.1 10. Show the proposed trail 10’ wide by Co. Rd. 137. 11. Off site improvements – a shade darker – difficult to see and important. 12. County Road No. 137 not CSAH No. 137. West Site Plan C2.2 13. County Road. 137 not CSAH No. 137. 14. Off site improvements – a shade darker – difficult to see and important. East Site Plan C2.3 15. County Road. 137 not CSAH No. 137. 16. Off site improvements – a shade darker – difficult to see and important. 17. Add street light at Maciver Ave and Marlowe Ave RAB on west side. Overall Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control C3.1 18. County Road. 137 not CSAH No. 137. 19. Connection for a loop across the southeast the property for watermain is required. 20. Grading to match into County Road 137 without ditches. January 25, 2024 Page 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2024\OT2524.01 Costco\A-REVIEW PHASE\REVIEW NO. 3\OT2524.01 RVW3.docx West Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control C3.2 21. County Road. 137 not CSAH No. 137. 22. Grading to match into County Road 137 without ditches. East Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control C3.3 23. Outlet pipe for Detention Pond 1P shall connect directly to County culvert under County Road. 137. 24. Grading to match into County Road 137 without ditches. 25. Include the upgrade of the intersection of the Marlowe Ave/Maciver Ave to a RAB. The upgrade of the intersection shall be part of Costco’s overall project and coordinated with Wright County’s design of CR 137. Enlarged Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control C3.4 26. No comments. Enlarged Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control C3.4A 27. No comments. MN SWPPP Notes Enlarged Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control C3.5 28. No comments. Pond Cross-Sections C3.6 29. Outlet pipe for Detention Pond 1P shall connect directly to County culvert under County Road. 137. Overall Utilities C4.1 30. Watermain north of lot 2 and lot 3 must be 10” DIP due to commercial zoning. Extend 10” from 12” DIP on west side of main Costco building south to and across north side of Lot 2 and Lot 3 – then 8” to connect to loop line just north of County Road 137. 31. We recommend connection of north loop line and south loop line just east and north of Lot 3 for additional redundancy (less than 200’ of watermain and a valve) West Storm & Private Utilities C4.2 32. No comments. East Storm & Private Utilities C4.3 January 25, 2024 Page 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2024\OT2524.01 Costco\A-REVIEW PHASE\REVIEW NO. 3\OT2524.01 RVW3.docx 33. No comments West Sanitary Sewer & Water C4.4 34. Watermain bend in front of Costco entrance shall be 12” 45 and 22 ½ degree bends and one further to the west shall be a 12” 22 ½ degree bend. 35. 8” Watermain south of 12” DIP shall be 10” from west side of Costco main building to east lot line of Lot 3 36. Please provide FOG trap sizing information and details for review. 37. Water meters larger than 2” have lead times of months. Please consider sizing determination early in the process. 38. Verify, is the irrigation placed for Costco landscaper? (See irrigation comments in review & Standard Plate No. 210) East Sanitary Sewer & Water C4.5 39. No comments Utility Crossings C4.6 40. No comments Sanitary & Water Profiles C6.1 41. 8” Watermain shall be 10” north of lots 2 and 3 42. Service line to Gas Station building is allowed to be tapped into hydrant lead. Sanitary & Water Profiles C6.2 43. 8” Watermain shall be 10” north of lots 2 and 3 and west of Costco main building Sanitary & Water Profiles C6.3 44. No comments Sanitary & Water Profiles C6.4 45. No comments Civil Construction Details C7.1 January 25, 2024 Page 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\2024\OT2524.01 Costco\A-REVIEW PHASE\REVIEW NO. 3\OT2524.01 RVW3.docx 46. Detail 6 -Curb cuts for drainage are not allowed. Either catch basin or Rain guardian Civil Construction Details C7.2 47. No comments Civil Construction Details C7.3 48. No comments Civil Construction Details C7.4 49. No comments Civil Construction Details C7.5 50. Use Otsego Standard Plate 407 in place of detail 3 on this sheet. 51. Use Otsego Standard Irrigation Summary and/or Recommendation We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed.