Item 4.1 04-09-24 OHPC Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Lily Pond Conference Room at City Hall Tuesday, April 9, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order. This meeting was called to order at 6:54 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek; Commissioners: Jim Penick, Kelly Kiffmeyer and Tami Stinski, and Chris Wilson (Alternate) City Council: CM Brittany Moores and City Planner Dan Licht. Brooke Nault – excused absence 1. Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner Stinski to approve the agenda as written, seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 March 12, 2024. Commissioner Stinski motioned to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Commissioner Kiffmeyer. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Review Organization of bins Commissioner Seroshek explained that bins #12 and #16 contained materials that were just transferred into the bins without any review. One has old, original HPC materials. The other has many items and photos from Jacquie Rognli. Toni invited any commissioner to feel free to review the materials in those bins and decide what to keep, etc. This might be more of a winter project. 4. Interview Agreement Forms 4.1 Carol James – nothing done yet per Toni 4.2. Swenson Farm – John Waldron and Chris Wilson took a lot of great photos from outside the buildings. Unfortunately, no one was home when they were there. Chris did leave an OHPC business card with her name and phone number to make future contact. Annotating the photos would be helpful as would obtaining a history of this farm. Tami is helping with this. 4.3 Teachers Cooley – CM Moores spoke with Ms. Cooley at an Otsego school and she is indeed related to Margaret Cooley who is thought to be the first teacher (European descent) in Otsego. Commissioner Penick and CM Moores will work together to get further information and perhaps write an article about it for the Otsego View. 4.4 Living History – Commissioner Kiffmeyer looked at Google Earth and past photos of Otsego. She is going to try focusing on County Road 39 and Parrish area as well as Kadler Avenue between 70th and 80th Streets. She thinks she can get renditions from 5-10 years ago, maybe further back. 5. Naming Ashwood Park City Planner Dan Licht handed out copies of plat maps from 1991 and 1901 to help identify who previously settled, farmed, or lived on the acreage that is now Ashwood Park. The goal is to come up with an appropriate, interesting, historical name for the park (other than Ashwood) and then present this recommendation to Parks and Recreation Commission. Walesch Development is nearby. Scherer Lumber at one time owned the land, purchasing it from Fredrichs. Walesch and Scherer would both be commercial names. “Vernon and Leona Fredrich” are on the 1991 map and “Wilfred Fredrich” is on the 1969 plat map (photo of 1969 map was on Toni’s cellphone). Property search showed that Vernon inherited the property from Rose Fredrich, widow. Google search gave a local phone number for Fredrichs that Toni will try calling tomorrow during the day. 6. Updates: 6.1 Updates on City Council actions. City Council CM Brittany updated OHPC on City Council Action Items. Les Schwab, Prairie Park master plan, street renewal, seasonal hires, fire department, Starbucks. 6.2 Updates on Heritage Preservation items. OHPC books appear to be available for sale on the city website and it appears to be easy to navigate. The Round Barn sign link is available in the OHPC section of the city website. CM Moores will try to get the other signs (farms, schools, Native Americans) also linked. 7. May Meeting May 14th. Commissioner Seroshek will not be present. Commissioner Stinski will assume the chair position. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Stinski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 PM, seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Seroshek.