2024.05.28 City Council Meeting MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order: Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7*00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmembers: Brittany Moores, Tina Goede, Jeff Dahl, and Ryan Dunlap. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Parks and Recreation Director Nick Jacobs, City Engineer Ron Wagner, City Planner Daniel Licht, City Attorney Dave Kendall, and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum: Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:01 PM. Tim Neut�ens, 1327185th Street NE asked about plans for resurfacing the trails and if park dedication fees or franchise fees collected can be used for parks and trails. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said the City Council currently has franchise fees dedicated for pavement management on streets and could consider extending that to fund trails in the future. Charles Hedi�er, 9539 Parl<in�ton Avenue NE asked about financing the fire station through the Economic Development Authority (EDA). Mayor Stockamp said cities can use an EDA to finance projects, noting Prairie Center and City Hall/Public Works Facilities were financed through EDA funding. Mr. Hediger is not in favor of a fire station at this time and would like the citizens to vote on the project. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:06 PM. 2 Consider Agenda Approval: CM Moores motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried S-0. 3 Consent Agenda. 3 1 Approve Claims List. 302 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. As May 13, 2024 Meeting. Bs May 13, 2024 Special MeetinE. Page 1 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 28, 2024 3.3 Approve the Renewal of the Citys Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage, 3.4 Accept Quotes and Authorize the 2024 Trail Maintenance Project, 3.5 Approve the Hiring for Street Maintenance I Position. 3.6 Approve the Hiring for Utility Billing Position. 3.7 Approve Liquor License Renewals for July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. 3.8 Adopt Resolution 2024-38 Authorizing a Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan Application, CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Parks and Recreation: 4.1 Carrick's Landing Park Improvements: A. Presentation by Parks and Recreation Director, B. Consider Adopting Resolution 2024-39 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract, C. Consider Accepting Quotes and Authorizing Purchase and Installation of Ramp and Dock. D. Consider Accepting Quotes and Authorizing Purchases and Installation of Park Signage. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs reviewed the staff report and presentation. Mayor Stockamp asked about the timelines for Ashwood Park and Carricl<'s Landing project going at the same time. Jacobs said it is a benefit to have the projects going on at the same time. Mayor Stockamp asked about the sign including the new offerings. Jacobs said the paddle port will be included on the signage. CM Dunlap asked about the paddle port costs and the balance of funds with the project being under budget. Jacobs said it is in the 2025 Capital Improvement Plan. Flaherty said the funds will remain in the Park Dedication Fund for other park projects. CM Dahl motioned to adopt 2024-39 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract to Vada Contracting, LLC of Cokato Minnesota for the Carricic's Landing Park Improvements Project, City Project 24-06 in the amount of $434,482,01, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. CM Dahl motioned to accept the quote from Marine Dock &Lift and to authorize the purchase and installation of the ramp and dock for Carrick's Landing Park in the amount of $86,268, seconded by CM Dunlap. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. CM Dahl motioned to accept the quote from Albrecht Sign Company and to authorize the purchase and installation of the park signage for Carrick's Landing Park in the amount of $27,830, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Page 2 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 2812024 5. Administration: 5.1 Consider Scheduling a Meeting of the Economic Development Authority: City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said the EDA meeting would be to elect officers, establish a newspaper, and discuss new business. CM Goede motioned to schedule a meeting of the Otsego Economic Development Authority on June 24, 2024, at 5:30 PM to be held at the Prairie Center, seconded by CM Dahl. CM Dunlap questioned the City Council scheduling an EDA meeting. He feels the EDA meeting is to fund the fire station; taking aways the citizens right and to avoid a petition. CM Dahl asked how much more the cost is to use the EDA to fund the Fire Station? Flaherty said there is currently an assumption that interest costs for borrowing would be more and that it is only an assumption and estimate. The true borrowing costs will not be known until a bond sale occurs. Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede and Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion carried 44. 6. City Council Reports and Updates: A. Heritage Preservation Commission CM Moores said the HPC did not meet this month. Mayor Stockamp said the cemetery sign has been repaired and is ready to be installed. B. Parks and Recreation Commission Liaison CM Moores said tonight is the last night to provide feedback for the Prairie Park Master Plan. Council thanked staff for a great turn out at the Touch -a -Truck event. C. Planning Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp said there was no recent meeting. D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Goede said Touch -a -Truck was busy and several in attendance asked about hiring for the fire department. 7. Staff Reports and Updates: City Planner Licht said the next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for June 3rd to discuss development applications and the flood plain ordinance. City Engineer Wagner provided an update on the road closure starting next week for the Meadows of Otsego Development. Deputy Atwood, Wright County Sheriff's Office provided updates regarding traffic complaints. Page 3 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 28, 2024 8. Adjourn, CM Goede motioned to adjourn at 7*25 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. City of Otsego: Jes ATTEST: " Audra Etzel, City Clerk �wacarn�, iviay�r